
Submissions from 1963

Artificial respiration in mice during thoracic surgery, a simple, inexpensive technic., R Siegler and M A. Rich

Unilateral histogenesis of akr thymic lymphoma., R Siegler and M A. Rich

Unilateral thymic lymphoma in akr mice., R Siegler and M A. Rich

Unilateral thymic lymphoma in akr mice. Abstr., R Siegler and M A. Rich

Effect of total-body irradiation on the response of transplanted mouse tumors to fractionated local radiotherapy . I. Tumor response, longevity, and late changes., M R. Sikov, B B. Cook, and J E. Lofstrom

Some aspects of the relationship of rna metabolism to development in normal and mutant mouse embryos cultivated in vitro., S Silagi

Modifying action of estrogen on the evolution of osteoarthrosis in mice of different ages., M Silberberg and R Silberberg

Role of sex hormone in the pathogenesis of osteoarthrosis of mice., M Silberberg and R Silberberg

Effects of a cartilage-bone marrow extract on growing cartilage of mice., M Silberberg, R Silberberg, and J Ruttner

Age factor in the response of mice to the administration of radio- active iodine (i131) and propylthiouracil (ptu)., R Silberberg and M Silberberg

Occurrence of long-spacing (fls) collagen in the articular cartilage of the mouse., R Silberberg, M Silberberg, and D Feir

Incorporation of 14c and 3h from nucleotide sugars into a poly- saccharide in the presence of a cell-free preparation from mouse mast cell tumors., J E. Silbert

The immunologic problem of pregnancy., R L. Simmons and P S. Russell

Studies on the mechanism of action and intracellular localization of 2-chloro-4',4''-bis(2-imidazolin-2-yl)terephthalanilide (nsc 38280) in susceptible and resistant l-1210 leukemic ascites cells. Abstr., L Simpson and J Golden

Distribution of mast cells as a function of age and exposure to carcinogenic agents., W L. Simpson

Effect of hematopoietic chimerism on the course of rauscher's viral mouse leukemia. Abstr., J G. Sinkovics and C C. Shullenberger

Thymectomy in newborn and adult mice., K Sjodin, A P. Dalmasso, J M. Smith, and C Martinez

Resistance against isotransplantation of mouse tumors induced by rous sarcoma virus., H O. Sjogren and N Jonsson

Kinetics of epidermal cell population of the hairless mouse., O Skjaeggestad

Hair density in the mouse mutant ragged (ra)., J Slee

Possible tumor specific antigenicity in leukemia induced by gross virus., B Slettenmark

A cytological analysis of the s91 mouse melanoma in tissue culture., A E. Sloboda and M J. Kopac

The uptake of radioactive sulfur during teratogenic treatment in the pregnant mouse. Abstr., M Smithberg

Teratogenic effects of hypoglycemic treatments in inbred strains of mice., M Smithberg and M N. Runner

Effects of 5-aminouridine (aur) and 5-hydroxyuridine (hur) on nucleic acid synthesis. Abstr., D A. Smith, M Friedland, and D W. Visser

Fe59 incorporation by spleens of lethally irradiated mice injected with isologous bone marrow. Abstr., L H. Smith

Radiation sensitivity of mouse lymph node cells relative to their proliferative capacity in vivo., L H. Smith and O Vos

Effect of pretreatment with colchicine or a colchicine derivative on hemopoiesis in irradiated mice., W W. Smith, I M. Alderman, C A. Schneider, and J Cornfield

Radiation dose-response characteristics of leucocyte recovery in the mouse., W W. Smith, I M. Alderman, C A. Schneider, and J Cornfield

Sensitivity of irradiated mice to bacterial endotoxin., W W. Smith, I M. Alderman, C Schneider, and J Cornfield

Beta-mercaptoethylamine effect on early postirradiation leukocyte counts. Abstr., W W. Smith, C A. Schneider, and M Grenan

Cytological analysis of catecholamine synthesis on the ontogenesis of vertebrates and problems of melanogenesis., N A. Smitten

Effect of partial hepatectomy on nucleic acid metabolism of regenerating thymus., A O. Smoot and J L. Lancker

The immunology of tissue transplantation. (bertner Foundation lecture) in texas, univ. Of, m. D. Anderson hospital & tumor institute, 16th ann. Symp. On fundamental cancer res., Houston 1962. Hoeber,, G D. Snell

Induction of pulmonary adenomatosis in dba/2 mice by the oral administration of dibenz(a,h)anthracene., K C. Snell and H L. Stewart

Ovarian and uterine responses to gonadotrophin in immature mice as related to age. Abstr., E H. Soper

Electron microscopic observations of renal glomeruli in experimental amyloidosis. Abstr., G D. Sorenson

Activity changes of some enzyme systems interferring into the metabolism of folic acid in the livers of mice in the course of lahvufb leukaemia., J Soucek, J Sochman, and K Slavik

Tissue culture of the agent of reticulum cell sarcoma. Abstr., H D. Soule and P G. Stansly

Studies of the effect of leukocytes on tumor growth. Abstr., C M. Southam

Characteristics of offspring from ten generations of x-irradiated male mice., J F. Spalding, V G. Strang, and W L. Stourgeon

Chemotactic responses of eosinophils to antigen-containing cells. In texas, univ. Of, m. D. Anderson hospital and tumor institute, 16th ann. Symp. On fundamental cancer res., Houston 1962. Hoeber,, R S. Speirs

Cellular localization of radioactive antigen in immunized and non- immunized mice., R S. Speirs and E E. Speirs

Rapid intracerebral passage and recovery of moloney leukemia virus from mouse brain tissue., H J. Spencer

Effect of diphosphopyridine nucleotide on the formation of 35s-labeled substances in a particle-free supernatant of mouse mast-cell tumor., L Spolter, L I. Rice, and W Marx

Lymphoid proliferation and differentiation associated with a mouse pituitary thyrotropic tumor. Abstr., E E. Sproul and R Grinberg

Lymphoid hyperplasia and neoplasia associated with a mouse pituitary thyrotropic tumor., E E. Sproul, R Grinberg, and S C. Werner

Cancerogenesi mammaria da metilcolantrene. Parte seconda., F Squartini and M Olivi

Characters of mammary tumours in balb/c female mice foster-nursed by c3h and riii mothers., F Squartini, G Rossi, and I Paoletti

The effect of a carcinogen on the progeny of treated mice., B N. Sridharan, B K. Batra, and L D. Savkur

Biochemical changes in progressive muscular dystrophy. I. Nucleic acid metabolism in normal and dystrophic rabbit and mouse liver, brain and muscle., U Srivastava, A Devi, and N Sarkar

Behaviour studies on inbred mice, a selected bibliography, ii., J Staats

Influence of cobalt-60 continuing irradiation on fertilities and life spans of different strains of mice. Abstr., J Stadler and J W. Gowen

Measurement of the radiation sensitivity of mouse bone marrow cells by use of i131-labeled iododeoxyuridine (i131udr). Abstr., W B. Stallcup, G Cudkowicz, and W L. Hughes

Progress in virus research, oncogenic viruses causing neoplasms of reticular tissue in the mouse, a comparative study., P G. Stansly

Studies on virus-induced reticular neoplasms in balb/c mice., P G. Stansly and H D. Soule

Radiation mortality in the mouse, model of the kinetics of injury accumulation. I. Protracted doses in the 30-day lethal range., S P. Stearner and S A. Tyler

Radiation mortality in the mouse, model of the kinetics of injury accumulation for protracted doses. Abstr., S P. Stearner, S A. Tyler, and M H. Sanderson

The effect of incubation in phosphate buffer of different ph on the transplantability of the mouse ascites tumor of ehrlich., F Steckerl, A Ofodile, M L. Turner, and G D. Friedell

Contribution to the teratogenic effect of thalidomide in golden hamsters and mice. Abstr., H Stengel, K H. Degenhardt, and G Badtke

Isolation of leukaemia virus from the transplantable mammary carcinoma of c3ha mice (rsm strain) and its adsorption on red cells., V N. Stepina and L A. Zilber

Inhibition in vivo of reticulo-endothelial phagocytosis by synthetic polyamino acids., K Stern

Inhibition of r. E. Phagocytosis by polylysine. Abstr., K Stern

Phagocytosis of heterologous red cells in tumor-bearing mice. Abstr., K Stern

Inhibition of an ehrlich ascites tumor in vivo by partially neutralized solutions of sodium lactate., C D. Stevens, R Atchley, W Herzog, C J. Feldhake, and M E. Turner

The assay of the effect of chemical agents on tumour invasion using chick embryos., D A. Stevens, G C. Easty, and E J. Ambrose

Induction of pulmonary tumors in c57bl mice using strings impregnated with 20-methylcholanthrene., J L. Stevenson and E Von haam

The effect of x-irradiation on the conjugation of steroids by mouse liver and kidney., W Stevens and D L. Berliner

Viruses in cultures of human leukemia cells., S E. Stewart, J Landon, E Lovelace, and J M. Bride

Protection of mice against irradiation and tetanus by homologous bone marrow cells from hyperimmunized donors., I L. Stoloff and A J. Weiss

Antibody formation by transplanted bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes and thymus cells in irradiated recipients., R D. Stoner and V P. Bond

The use of elongate microbeams of x-rays for simulating the effects of cosmic rays on tissues, a study of wound healing and hair follicle regeneration., W E. Straile and H B. Chase

Parity and mendelian segregation. Abstr., L C. Strong and F N. Johnson

A biochemical basis for resistance of l1210 mouse leukemia to 6- -thioguanine., P Stutts and R W. Brockman

Nucleic acid changes in tumour cells following chemotherapeutics studies under the polarization and fluorescence microscope., J Sugar

Polarisationsoptische und fluorescenzmikroskopische untersuchung der nucleinsauren an degranol-resistenten ascitestumoren., J Sugar and E Gati

Experimental studies on growth-promoting and growth-inhibiting substances of malignant tumor. I. Growth-promoting and growth- -inhibiting substances extracted from subcutaneously transplanted ehrlich ascites tumor in mice., Y Sugihara and F Araki

Chemotherapy of harding-passey melanoma., K Sugiura

Response of spontaneous mammary carcinoma of the c3h mouse to x irradiation given under conditions of local tissue anoxia., H D. Suit and R J. Shalek

Response to anoxic c3h mouse mammary carcinoma isotransplants (1-25 mm3) to x irradiation., H D. Suit and R J. Shalek

Studies on the response on the tumor bed to irradiation. Abstr., W C. Summers and H Vermund

Increase in lysozyme activity in kidneys of irradiation chimeras., V Suu, C C. Congdon, and A L. Kretchmar

Method for study of osseous vascular system in mice., H K. Suzuki, W S. Jee, and K A. Sears

Reactivity to bacterial endotoxin and toxic action of myxoviruses in mice infected with bcg., T Suzuki

Transplantation of a murine chondrosarcoma in mice of different inbred strains., R L. Swarm

Transplantation of neoplastic cartilage. Abstr., R L. Swarm

The fate of plasma cells during an immune response. Abstr., D C. Swartzendruber

Election microscope observations on tingible body macrophages in mouse spleen., D C. Swartzendruber and C C. Congdon

Amylase activity in the submandibular gland of mice, evidence for estrogen stimulation. Abstr., R H. Swigart, F K. Hilton, B Foster, and M Dickie

Studies on chemical protection against ionizing radiation. I. Studies on the toxicity of sodium cysteinethiosulfonate for c57 black mice., T Szczepkowski, T Zebro, and J Stachura

Cancer therapy, a possible new approach., gyorgyi A. Szent, A Hegyeli, and J A. Laughlin

Carcinogenic effect of egg white, egg yolk and lipids in mice., J Szepsenwol

Cytotoxic effects of maleuric acid and the structurally related compounds on ehrlich ascites tumor cells., A O. Tadachi and E Roberts

Lymphoid leukaemia by whole-body x-irradiation in rf mice and plasma lactic dehydrogenase in leukaemic mice., Y Takamori, Y Hori, T Megumi, A Takeda, D K. Nishio, and S O. Of

Vaginal cornification in persistent-estrous mice., N Takasugi

(immunogenic Study on anti-tumour antibody production against trans- plantable tumours. II. Anti-tumour antibody in adsorbed immunized rabbit sera. Iii. Immunogenic study on tumour-bearing mice treated with anti-cancer drugs and on mice immunized with heavily irradiated tumour cells.) (in Japanese), K Takeda

Morphological characteristics of the epididymal adipose tissue in different types of hereditary obese mice., I B. Taljedal and B Hellman

Immunological relation of basement membrane and a serum beta globulin in the mouse., E M. Tan and M H. Kaplan

Colorimetric assay of eosin uptake by ehrlich ascites cells., Y Tateno, M Hozumi, T Sugimura, and H Kakehi

Selenium content of tissues from normal and dystrophic animals. Abstr., H H. Taussky, A Washington, E Zubillaga, and A T. Milhorat