
Submissions from 1963

Protective effect of symphytum officiale on mice bearing spontaneous and transplant tumors., A Taylor and N C. Taylor

Immunological competence of thymus cells after transfer to thymec- tomized recipients., R B. Taylor

The effect of genetic and experimental factors upon emotional reactions in mice., A Tellegen

Serologic typing of f2 mice for homograft compatibility. Abstr., P I. Terasaki

Antibody response to homografts. Viii. Relation of mouse hemagglu- tinins and cytotoxins., P I. Terasaki and J D. Clelland

The biosynthesis of glycerides in homogenates of normal lactating mammary gland and of mammary tumor tissue of the mouse., C Terner and G Korsh

Zur erblichen netzhautdegeneration der maus., K Theiler and B Cagianut

Ovarian teratoma in the mouse., M Thiery

An enzymatic-histochemical study of the corpus uteri of the mouse., M Thiery and R G. Willighagen

Varying sensitivity of c57bl/crgl mice to grouping., D D. Thiessen

Zur morphologie der durch diathylnitrosamin erzeugten lebertumoren bei der maus und dem meerscheinchen., C Thomas and D Schmahl

Alcohol preference in two strains of inbred mice and derived generations., K B. Thomas

Transplantation of whole mammary glands in mice., J S. Thompson

Transplantation of mammary glands from two strains of mice to f1 hybrids of these strains. Abstr., J S. Thompson and F Richardson

Transplantation of whole mammary glands in mice. Abstr., J S. Thompson and F Richardson

Response of polycythemic ww(v) anemic mice to erythropoietin. Abstr., M W. Thompson, E S. Russell, and E C. Farland

Changes in the phospholipids of mouse skin after ultraviolet irradiation in vitro., A Tickner

Quantitative aspects of radiation lethality at the cellular level., J E. Till

Early repair processes in marrow cells irradiated and proliferating in vivo., J E. Till and E A. Culloch

Comparative studies on the anaphylactic reactivity of mice of the swiss, a/jax, and dba/2 strains., S Tokuda, R S. Weiser, J Munoz, and C Laxson

Relative mitochondrial volume in liver cells of a/jax mice under in- fluence of carbon tetrachloride., J N. Tone and L P. Johnson

In vivo anti-tumour activity of ethyl heptyloxyacetate against ehrlich ascites cells., G F. Townsend, W H. Brown, and E E. Felauer

Adrenal imbalance in mouse skin carcinogenesis., N Trainin

Neoplastic nature of liver 'blood cysts' induced by urethan in mice., N Trainin

The neoplastic nature of liver 'blood cysts' induced by urethan. Abstr., N Trainin

Role of the tongue in producing cleft palate in mice with spontaneous cleft lip., D G. Trasler and F C. Fraser

Glycerolkinase activity in white adipose tissue of obese-hyper- glycaemic mice., D H. Treble and J Mayer

Antibody production in tolerant rabbits to mouse lymphoma l-5178., C A. Trench, P S. Gardner, and C A. Green

Electron microscopic observations of lipid in mouse liver regenerating after partial hepatectomy. Abstr., N L. Trotter

Electron microscopic observations on cytoplasmic components of trans- plantable hepatomas in mice., N L. Trotter

Hereditary cerebral degeneration in the mouse. Abstr., G M. Truslove and M S. Deol

Differential effects of specific antisera on the rejection of allo- geneic and xenogeneic skin grafts by sublathally x-irradiated mice., M L. Tyan and L J. Cole

Differential radiosensitivity of first and second-set responses to allogeneic and xenogeneic skin grafts in lethally irradiated mice., M L. Tyan and L J. Cole

Differential radiosensitivity of first and second-set responses to allogeneic and xenogeneic skin grafts in sublethally irradiated mice., M L. Tyan and L J. Cole

Differential response to allogeneic and xenogenic skin grafts by sublethally irradiated (670 rad) and nonirradiated mice sensitized by various means., M L. Tyan and L J. Cole

Dissociation of homograft response to allogeneic versus xenogeneic skin grafts in irradiated mice., M L. Tyan and L J. Cole

Mouse fetal liver and thymus, potential sources of immunologically active cells., M L. Tyan and L J. Cole

Appraisal of differences in acute mortality in the mouse from x- or gamma radiation with changes in exposure configuration. Abstr., S Tyler, A, and S P. Stearner

Biochemistry of lipids of neoplastic tissue. Iii. Fatty acids in the liver of tumor-bearing mice., N Ueta, N Kawamura, and T Yamakawa

In vitro exploration of a circadian rhythm in adrenocorticotropic activity of c mouse hypophysis., F Ungar and F Halberg

Genetic factors influencing irradiation protection by bone marrow. IV. Midlethal irradiation of f1 hybrid mice., D E. Uphoff

Genetic factors infulencing irradiation protection by bone marrow. Iii. Midlethal irradiation of inbred mice., D E. Uphoff

Graft-host response in murine radiation chimeras., E M. Uyeki

Liver and spleen phosphatase activity in bone-marrow transplantation., E M. Uyeki

Determination of specific immunological tolerance in radiation chimeras., D W. Van bekkum

The radioprotective action of a number of cysteamine derivatives and related compounds., D W. Van bekkum and H T. Nieuwerkerk

Experiments on the radioprotective action of dimethyl sulphoxide., C Van der meer, P W. Valkenburg, and M Remmelts

An outbreak of pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in a colony previously free of this infection., D Van der waaij, W M. Zimmerman, and D W. Bekkum

Resultats de l'application intercerebrale de methylcholantrene chez les souris., U J. Van haelst and G J. Swaen

Sensitivity of normal and neoplastic cells to the damaging action of carcinogenic substances. A review., J M. Vasiliev and V I. Guelstein

Electrical charge density of spleen cells sensitized against l-strain fibroblasts., P S. Vassar, H E. Taylor, and C F. Culling

Sur la repartition de la 3,5,3'-triiodo-l-thyronine (t3) et de la l- -thyroxine (t4) dans le tissu de la souris porteuse de tumeur d'ascite (adenocarcinome d'ehrlich)., G Vecchio, V Macchia, G Salvatore, and J Roche

Changes in nucleic acids of nk/ly ascites lymphoma cells during autolysis., L Vekerdi and J Sugar

Effectiveness of 2-chloro-4',4''-di-2-imidazolin-2-ylterephthalanilide and methotrexate, in combination, against advanced leukemia l1210., J M. Venditti, A Goldin, and I Kline

Action preventive du phenylpropionate de norandrostenolone (p.p.n.a.) Dans la tumorisation experimentale., J Verne and P C. Roth

Polyploid cell formation of adult mouse liver following ovarectomy., H Vesela, J Vesely, and J Seifert

Action of vagotomy on the neoplastic lesions of glandular stomach produced in mice by 20 methyl-cholantrene., C A. Vilchez and J M. Llanos

Increase of induced skin tumors in the mouse by the lethal yellow gene (ay)., G Vlahakis and W E. Heston

Vascular surface area, length and volume/mm3 of tumor tissue. Sarcoma 180, 72j mammary adenocarcinoma. Abstr., A W. Vogel

Effect of a new anti-cancer agent, 1,4-dimethyl-1,4-diphenyl-2-tetra- zene, on a transplantable mammary adenocarcinoma (72j) and spontane- ous mouse breast tumours., A W. Vogel, A E. Sloboda, A S. Tomcufcik, and R G. Child

Studies on immunological tolerance to lcm virus. 2. Treatment of virus carrier mice by adoptive immunization., M Volkert

Metabolism of labeled l-3,5,3'-triiodothyronine by mouse pituitary tumors., E M. Volpert, J Tierney, and S C. Werner

Studies with mouse pituitary thyrotropic tumors. VI. Monodeiodina- tion of tetrac., E M. Volpert, J Tierney, and S C. Werner

Circulating small lymphocytes. Immunologically competent cells with limited reactivities., D L. Vredevoe and W H. Hildemann

Cytotoxic assays and other immunologic studies of leukemias induced by friend virus., B Wahren

Further studies on the fate of bacteria injected into irradiated mice. Abst., H E. Walburg and E I. Mynatt

The consistent occurrence of an extra and a marker chromosome in two passaged mouse granulocytic leukemias. Abst., N Wald, A C. Upton, and V K. Jenkins

Effect of thymectomy on mast cells in mice., B E. Walker

The origin of myoblasts and the problem of dedifferentiation., B E. Walker

Proliferation of mast cells in normal and dystrophic mice., B E. Walker and W K. O'steen

Tumour induction in c3h and swiss icr mice by tissue culture prepara- tions of polyoma virus., R Wallace, E L. Jungherr, and A W. Moyer

An immunochemical approach to the isolation of the plasma membranes of ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells. Abst., D F. Wallach and V B. Kamat

Effect of tumor transplant on diphosphopyridine nucleotidase (dpnase) activity of host liver. Abst., V S. Waravdekar and C C. Griffin

Comparative study of microcirculation in islets of langerhans in fat and lean litter-mates of obese-hyperglycemic strain of mice. Abst. (motion Picture demonstration), N E. Warner, S C. Bunnag, and S Bunnag

The role of neutralising antibody in immunity of the mouse to herpes simplex virus inoculated intracerebrally., J F. Watkins and M L. Lepow

The effect of cortisone on the penetrance of an eye mutant in the house mouse. Abstr., M J. Watney and J R. Miller

Effect of coenzyme qo on potassium transport in the ehrlich ascites tumor cell. Abst., S Weinstein and H G. Hempling

Blocking of pregnancy in mice as a function of stress., M W. Weir and J C. Fries

Acquired resistance to spontaneous mammary carcinomas in autochtho- nous and isologous mice. Abst., D W. Weiss, L F. Faulkin, and K B. Ome

An electron microscopic study of thymic reticular cells in akr and c3h mice and albino rats. Abst., L Weiss

Electron microscopic observations on the vascular barrier in the cortex of the thymus of the mouse., L Weiss

Development of the pancreas of the mouse embryo in vitro. Acini and islets., L J. Wells and E Borghese

The metabolism of alpha-glycerophosphate and pyruvate in ascites tumor cells., C E. Wenner and santalo R. Cereijo

Further evidence that selective uptake modifies cellular response to 4-amino-folate antagonists. Abst., W C. Werkheiser, L W. Law, R A. Roosa, and C A. Nichol

Presence of viral antigen in inclusion bodies formed in ehrlich ascites tumor cells infected with newcastle disease virus., R K. Wertz and W R. Adams

Release of free fatty acids from the isolated epididymal fat pad of obese-hyperglycemic mice., S Westman and B Hellman

Sequence of deposition of amyloid in strain a mice and relationship to renal disease. Abst., W T. West and E D. Murphy

Infiltration of intra-abdominal organs by ascites tumours., D N. Wheatley, E J. Ambrose, and G C. Easty

Use of spleen-slice homografts in the study of graft-versus-host re- actions., H B. Wheeler, J M. Corson, J A. Coyne, and G J. Dammin

The effect of age on the mitotic activity of the ear epithelium in the cba mouse., H J. Whiteley and D L. Horton

The effect of ph upon the antitumor activity and delayed lethal toxic- ity of nitrogen mustard., L P. White and E F. Claflin

Erythrocyte osmotic fragility in akr mice with lymphoid leukaemia., M Wiadrowski and D Metcalf

Studies of glioma growth in mice. II. Immunity after excision., R H. Wilkins and A S. Ketcham

The influence of thyroid hormone analogues on an isotransplanted spon- taneous mammary adenocarcinoma in mice., R H. Wilkins and D L. Morton

Influence of host's sex on the induction of tolerance of homologous tissues., D B. Wilson

The reaction of immunologically activated lymphoid cells against homo- logous target tissue cells in vitro., D B. Wilson

Effect of hypothyroidism, diet and litter size on superovulation in the mouse and rat., E D. Wilson, M N. Runner, and M X. Zarrow

A tumour tissue analogue of the implanting mouse embryo., I B. Wilson

Mitochondrial changes in the liver of essential fatty acid-deficient mice., J W. Wilson and E H. Leduc

Squamous cell carcinoma produced by ultraviolet light in hairless mice., R K. Winkelmann, P E. Zollman, and E J. Baldes