
Submissions from 1963

Influence de la 2-beta-aminoethylisothiouree (aet) sur les lesions des noyaux des cryptes de l'intestin grele des souris irradiees., J R. Maisin, A Leonard, and M Lambiet

Action de la 2-beta-aminoethylisothiouree (aet) et de la 5-hydroxy- tryptamine (serotonine) sur l'intestin grele et le systeme hemato- poietique des souris irradiees., J R. Maisin, A Leonard, M Lambiet, and G Mattelin

Derivatives of fluorene s-35-labeled sulfonic acid in tumors of mice and hamsters., D Malejka, M F. Argus, and F E. Ray

Failure of inoculation with polyoma virus to influence chemical carcinogenesis in mice., R A. Malmgren and A S. Rabson

Identification of intranuclear inclusions in chrysoidine hepatoma by means of histochemical methods., J Malolepszy

Homograft antigens, isolation of fractions of normal cells which retain activity after freeze-drying., L T. Mann, J M. Corson, and G J. Dammin

Homotransplant antigens, isolation and some properties. Abstr., L T. Mann, J M. Corson, and G J. Dammin

The phenogenetics of hair mutants in the house mouse. Opossum and ragged., S J. Mann

An association of mouse transplantation antigens with the microsomal lipoproteins. Abstr., L A. Manson, G V. Foschi, I Dougherty, and I B. Young

An association of transplantation antigens with microsomal lipopro- teins of normal and malignant mouse tissues., L A. Manson, G V. Foschi, and J Palm

The influence of pseudopregnancy on breast tumour induction by methylcholanthrene in if or f1 hybrid (c57bl x if) mice., J Marchant

The influence of pseudopregnancy on breast tumour induction in c57bl mice by various chemical carcinogens., J Marchant

Occurrence of unusual salmonellae in laboratory mice., W L. Margard and J H. Litchfield

Salmonellosis in mice--diagnostic procedures., W L. Margard, A C. Peters, N Dorko, J H. Litchfield, and M S. Rheins

The incorporation of (14c)formate into ehrlich ascites tumor lipids., G V. Marinetti and E R. Kay

Anti-bovine serum albumin formation by transferred hyperimmune mouse spleen cells., R Mark and F J. Dixon

Controllo ormonale della ghiandola lacrimale extraorbitale nel topo con nanismo ipofisario., M Martinazzi and C Baroni

Controllo ormonico della ghiandola sottomascellare del topo con nanismo ereditario preipofisario., M Martinazzi and C Baroni

Osservazioni morfologiche sulla ghiandola sottomascellare del topo con nanismo ereditario preipofisario., M Martinazzi and C Baroni

Male skin isograft acceptance in female mice of the c57bl/1 strain after repeated injections of disrupted spleen cells., C Martinez, M Blaese, and R A. Good

Production of immunological tolerance in mice after repeated injec- tions of disrupted spleen cells., C Martinez, J M. Smith, M Blaese, and R A. Good

Transplantation acceptance in adult mice repeatedly injected with disrupted cells. Abstr., C Martinez, J M. Smith, M Blaese, and R A. Good

Studies of the lsa ascites lymphoma of c57bl mice. II. Radiosensiti- zation in vivo with 5-bromodeoxycytidine and combined 5-fluoro- deoxyuridine and 5-bromodeoxycytidine., Y Maruyama, G Silini, and H S. Kaplan

Anti-tumor-effects of essential oils on crocker sarcoma 180 in mice., J C. Maruzzella and D J. Brenner

A method of reducing the incidence of the secondary syndrome in allo- genic marrow transplantation., G Mathe, J Amiel, L Schwartzenberg, and A Mery

Electron microscope studies of rabies virus in mouse brain., S Matsumoto

Environmental factors determining the growth and development of whole bone transplants., R Mawdsley and G A. Harrison

Fate of transplanted bone., R Mawdsley and G A. Harrison

Radium and radon retention in mice., C W. Mays, T H. Cochran, and W S. Jee

Etudes sur l'immunite provoquee contre la tumeur d'ehrlich., C A. Mazurek

Etude des possibilites d'immunisation passive contre la tumeur solide d'ehrlich., C Mazurek and J Duplan

Influence de l'irradiation x et de la restauration par des cellules isologues de differentes origines sur l' mmunite provoquee contre la tumeur d'ehrlich., C Mazurek and J F. Duplan

Further study of haemocytoblastosis-reticulosis virus of mice., N P. Mazurenko

On the tentative role of infectious viruses in tumour etiology., N P. Mazurenko

Morfologia del grasso bruno nel topo con nanismo ipofisario. Effetto degli ormoni preipofisari., L Mazza, M Martinazzi, and U Magrini

Oxygen consumption in lethally irradiated mice given bone marrow intravenously. Abstr., W H. Mc arthur

Quantitative relationships between weight gain, food intake, and residual volume of ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei in goldthio- glucose-obese mice. Abstr., L P. Mc burney, J H. Perry, and R A. Liebelt

Intra-amniotic pressure of the mouse. Abstr., R E. Mc cafferty and M L. Wood

Enzyme studies of skeletal muscle in mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy., M W. Mc caman

Repression of colony-forming ability of c57bl hematopoietic cells transplanted into non-isologous hosts., E A. Mc culloch and J E. Till

Sexual behavior of the mouse after long-term and short-term post- ejaculatory recovery periods., T E. Mc gill

Effects of genotype on the recovery of sex drive in the male mouse., T E. Mc gill and W C. Blight

The sexual behaviour of hybrid male mice compared with the sexual behaviour of males of the inbred parent strains., T E. Mc gill and W C. Blight

Phosphorus metabolism in viral-induced neoplasia. I. Strains of mice susceptible to the mammary tumor virus., R F. Mc gregor and W E. Cornatzer

Fatty acid composition of milk phospholipids of mice with and without the mammary tumour virus., R F. Mc gregor, J Newland, and W E. Cornatzer

A multivariate analysis of some experiments in tumor immunity., R B. Mc hugh, J E. Faulkner, and H M. Hirsch

Studies on the melanoma kidney in balb/c mice bearing transplantable plasma cell neoplasms. Abstr., K R. Mc intire, M Potter, E L. Kuff, and W C. Hymer

Destruction of immune lymphoid cells in transplantation immunity., C F. Mc khann

In vivo destruction of immune lymphoid cells in transplantation immunity. Abstr., C F. Mc khann

The distribution of eggs and embryos between sides in the mouse., A Mc laren

Nature of the systemic effect of litter size on gestation period in mice., A Mc laren and D Michie

Induction of resistance to sarcoma 180 tumor in mice., T J. Mc nair, E Hoppe, and W H. Cole

A skeletal study of a new genetic condition in the mouse. Abstr., W Mc nutt

Sodium and potassium excretion in two strains of mice. Abstr., W Mc nutt and E Dill

Strain differences in mice on a high salt diet, genetic and physiological comparisons between two strains., W Mc nutt and R E. Dill

Reduction of pseudomonas aeruginosa and coliform bacteria in mouse drinking water following treatment with hydrochloric acid or chlorine., C W. Mc pherson

The effect of reduced derivatives of folic acid on toxicity and anti- leukemic effect of methotrexate in mice., J A. Mead, J M. Venditti, A W. Schrecker, A Goldin, and J C. Keresztesy

The use of antigenic tissue extracts to weaken the immunological reaction against skin homografts in mice., P B. Medawar

Nucleolar size and total ribonucleic acid in ascites tumour cells., E S. Meek

The uptake of as74-labeled arsonoazoproteins in tissues of tumor- -bearing mice., J L. Mego and J D. Queen

Study of mouse hemoglobins by starch-gel electrophoresis. Abstr., T N. Mehrotra and G Cardinali

Genetics, age and the variability of learning performances., G W. Meier and D P. Foshee

Genetic and behavioral aspects of pharmacologically induced arousal., G W. Meier, J L. Hatfield, and D P. Foshee

Separation and purification of clotting factors from inbred mice., H Meier, R C. Allen, and W G. Hoag

The activity of glucose-6-phosphatase, adenosine triphosphatase, succinic dehydrogenase, and acid phospharase after dextran or poly- vinylpyrrolidone uptake by liver in vivo., A E. Meijer and R G. Willighagen

The role of a secondary constriction of a tumour chromosome., Y Melander

Biochemical and morphologic heterogeneity and variability of mast cell neoplasms in vivo., C E. Mengel

Azione del calore e delle onde corte sulla cellula neoplastica., G Merli, A Gandini, and R D. Volpe

Studies on the adjuvant action of bacterial endotoxins on antibody formation. V. The influence of endotoxin and 5-fluoro-2-deoxyuridine on the primary antibody response of the balb mouse to a purified protein antigen., K Merritt and A G. Johnson

Studies on the structure of mouse antibodies., C Merryman and B Benacerraf

Induction of plasma cell tumors and sarcomas in mice by diffusion chambers placed in the peritoneal cavity., R M. Merwin and L W. Redmon

Induction of reticular tumours in mice by repeated antigenic stimulation., D Metcalf

Spleen graft growth in splenectomised mice., D Metcalf

The autonomous behaviour of normal thymus grafts., D Metcalf

The fate of parental preleukemic cells in leukemia-susceptible and leukemia-resistant f1 hybrid mice., D Metcalf

Sequelles de l'irradiation chez la souris c57bl, les hepatomes., D J. Mewissen and J H. Rust

Etude morphologique et cytochimique du developpement des membres chez la souris et chez la taupe., J Milaire

Sialic acid content of the erythrocyte and of an ascites tumor cell of the mouse., A Miller, J F. Sullivan, and J H. Katz

Coat color and behavior mutations in inbred mice under chronic low- level gamma-irradiation. Abstr., D S. Miller

Fractionation and characterization of sarcoma i ascites tumor fluid., E E. Miller

Immunity and the thymus., J F. Miller

Role of the thymus in recovery of the immune mechanism in the irradiated adult mouse., J F. Miller, S M. Doak, and A M. Cross

The role of the thymus in immunity., J F. Miller and K G. Moreman

Graft host interactions across strong and weak histocompatibility barriers. Abstr., J Miller and J C. Pierce

An assay of graft-host interactions across strong and weak histo- compatibility barriers in mice., J Miller, J C. Pierce, C Martinez, and R A. Good

Estimation of nonadditive hereditary variance in traits of mice., R H. Miller, J E. Legates, and C C. Cockerham

Growth in vitro of t12/t12 lethal mutant mouse eggs. Abstr., B Mintz

Inhibition of mouse tumor transplants by polyoma virus inoculation., E A. Mirand, J T. Grace, and T G. Hoffman

The inability of genetically anemic mice to respond to various erythropoietin preparations. Abstr., E A. Mirand and G Gutman

Molecular localization of genetically determined antigens in the immunoglobulins of mice. Abstr., R I. Mishell and J L. Fahey

Leukocyte agglutination in mice, detection of h-2 and non-h-2 isoantigens., R I. Mishell, L A. Herzenberg, and L A. Herzenberg

Effect of 'jawaharene' on mouse tumour., S Mitra and D K. Roy

An electron microscopic study on the particles resembling the mammary tumor virus in acini and hyperplastic nodules in mammary glands of mice., H Miyawaki and Y Nishizuka

Acceleration of the development of leukemia and induction of tumors in akr mice by neonatal injection of 20-methylcholanthrene., I Miyoshi

Structural changes in the ovaries of if mice due to age and various other states, demonstration of spontaneous pseudopregnancy in grouped virgins., Jer K. Mody

Studies on predisposing factor in experimental ovarian tumorigenesis., J K. Mody

Morphologie und submikroskopische struktur der spontanen mamma- carcinome bei nmri - und prag-mausen., H Mohr

Bone tumour production in mice by strontium-90, further experimental support for a two-event hypothesis., R H. Mole

Quantitative studies on the differentiation of isoantigens in newborn mice., E Moller

Quantitative studies of the sensitivity of various normal and neoplastic mouse cells to the cytotoxic action of isoantibodies., E Moller and G Moller