
Submissions from 1963

Phenotypic expression of isoantigens of the h-2 system in embryonic and newborn mice., G Moller

Studies on the effect of humoral isoantibodies on tumor growth., G Moller

Studies on the mechanism of immunological enhancement of tumor homo- grafts. II. Effect of isoantibodies on various tumor cells., G Moller

Studies on the mechanism of immunological enhancement of tumor homografts. Iii. Interaction between humoral isoantibodies and immune lymphoid cells., G Moller

Studies on the mechanism of immunological enhancement of tumor homografts. I. Specificity of immunological enhancement., G Moller

Survival of mouse erythrocytes in histoincompatible recipients., G Moller

Immunological properties of tumours., N Molomut, L Gross, and M Padnos

Effect of audiogenic stress upon methylcholanthrene-induced carcino- genesis in mice., N Molomut, F Lazere, and L W. Smith

The recovery of infectious nucleic acid from a virus-induced lymphoid neoplasm., J B. Moloney

Serum proteins and glycoproteins in two strains of mice differing in teratogenic potential., A Molteni and H Loevy

Effect of subcutaneous transplants of pituitary gland and hypo- thalamus on the estrous cycle of the mouse., D G. Montemurro and W U. Gardner

The effects of thyroxine on nucleic acid and protein metabolism in mouse thyrotropic pituitary tumors., F L. Moolten and J F. Scott

Mouse mammary tumour agent and mouse mammary tumours., D H. Moore

Electrophoretic separation of the mouse mammary tumor virus., D H. Moore and M J. Lyons

Importancia de los genes de histocompatibilidad en la sobrevida de ratones sometidos a irradiacion gamma total del cuerpo y protegidos con trasplantes de medula osea., F Morgado

Long-term microcinematographic studies of action of polyoma virus on organ cultures of mouse salivary gland rudiments., W D. Morgan and C J. Dawe

Biochemical changes in the skin of rhino mouse preceding the hereditary hair loss. Abstr., K Moriwaki

Interference with the uptake of guinea-pig agglutinins in mice due to fractions of papain hydrolyzed rabbitt gamma-globulin., I G. Morris

Transmission of anti-brucella abortus agglutinins across the gut in young mice., I G. Morris

Encephalopathy in mice following inoculation of scrapie sheep brain., J A. Morris and D C. Gajdusek

Action des extraits acellulaires de tumeurs ps sur les souris de la meme souche., C Mouriquand, J Mouriquand, J Terrier, and B Martinet

Genetic effects on melanosome fine structure and ontogeny in normal and malignant cells., F H. Moyer

Hormones in the genesis of cancer., O Muhlbock

Incidence of squamous cell carcinoma in mice fed 9,10-dimethylbenz(a)- anthracene., A S. Mulay

Genetic effects of chronic low-dose irradiation on mice., S Muramatsu, T Sugahara, and Y Okazawa

Histochemical studies on hydrolytic enzyme activities in spontaneous mammary cancer of c3h mouse., I Murata, Y Hayashi, Y Muraoka, T Miyaji, and M Mori

Sjl/j, a new inbred strain of mouse with a high, early incidence of reticulum-cell neoplasma. Abstr., E D. Murphy

Ovarian tumorigenesis following genic deletion of germ cells in hybrid mice., E D. Murphy and E S. Russell

Immunization of c58 mice to live ib leukemia., W H. Murphy, M L. Herlocher, and J Griep

Ma/my strain of the albino mouse., W S. Murray

Chromosomal patterns of irradiated leukemic and nonleukemic c57bl/6j mice., C F. Nadler

Observations on the passive transfer of transplantation immunity and delayed hypersensitivity with lymphoid cells in millipore chambers., J S. Najarian and J D. Feldman

Age changes in the thymus in two high-leukaemia strains of mice, sl and akr, and in their f1 hybrids., K Nakakuki and Y Nishizuka

Chromatographic analysis of coat coloring substance in mice. Abstr., A Nakamura

Genetical studies of post-axial polydactyly in the house mouse. Abstr., A Nakamura, H Sakamoto, and K Moriwaki

A characteristic chromosome found in the karotype analysis of the mouse. Abstr., A Nakamura and A Tonomura

A further study of the diabetic (kk) strain of the mouse. F1 and f2 offspring of the cross between kk and c57bl/6 mice., M Nakamura and K Yamada

(morphological And cytological studies on the process of growth in strains of inbred mice.) (jap. With eng. Summ.), T Nakamura and H Morita

A rapid method for the detection of the mouse mammary tumor virus (mtv). Abstr., S Nandi

New method for detection of mouse mammary tumor virus. II. Effect of administration of lactating mammary tissue extracts on incidence of hyperplastic mammary nodules in balb/ccrgl mice., S Nandi

New method for detection of mouse mammary tumor virus. I. Influence of foster nursing on incidence of hyperplastic mammary nodules in balb/ccrgl mice., S Nandi

Dihydrofolate reductase as a measure of leukemic growth in the brain during therapy. Abstr., M V. Narurkar, J A. Mead, N H. Greenberg, J M. Venditti, and A Goldin

Developmental effects of triethylenemelamine (tem) in mice. Abstr., D J. Nash

Heterosis in the response of mouse embryos to irradiation. Abstr., D J. Nash and J W. Gowen

Lifespans of mice exposed to embryonic x-irradiation. Abstr., D J. Nash and J W. Gowen

Experimental investigations in murine akm leukemia., E Nastac, B Anagnoste, and G Balmus

Experimental investigations in murine akm leukemia., E Nastac, B Anagnoste, and G Balmus

Experimental investigations in murine leukemia. VI. Experimental and histopathologic study of developing chick embryos inoculated with murine leukemia products of line c57., E Nastac, G Balmus, G Popescu, G Rutter, and M Lungu

Experimental investigations in murine leukemia. V. Isolation of a cytopathic agent from murine leukemic products line c57 in 'in vitro' human embryo cultures. (roum., Eng. Summ.), E Nastac, M Lungu, G Dona, and G Rutter

Ultrastructural features of the harding-passey melanoma. Abstr., E J. Nathaniel and N B. Friedman

An electron spin resonance study of neoplasms., D W. Nebert and H S. Mason

Recognition of foreign erythrocytes by the liver in mice., E L. Nelson and N S. Buras

Chronic respiratory disease in mice and rats., J B. Nelson

Rna and dna metabolism in liver cells of normal and cancer-bearing mice., R K. Neogy and S Bose

Studies of radioprotective and radiosensitizing chemicals. IV. Comparative study of the lethality of total-body irradiations on two strains of mice., S Neukomm

Cultivation of mouse embryos in vitro., D A. New and K F. Stein

Aspects electroencephalographiques de deux crises convulsives provoquees par les hydrazines chez la souris., M M. Niaussat

Erythroid homeostasis in normal and genetically anemic mice, reaction to induced polycythemia., R L. Niece, E C. Farland, and E S. Russell

The effect of estrogen on the histology of the uterine epithelium of mouse. Iii. Changes in the concentration of cytoplasmic solids., O Nilsson and K Norberg

The effect of estrogen on the histology of the uterine epithelium of the mouse. II. Changes of pas-reactive substances in the basement membrane and the glandular cell surface., O Nilsson and C Wirsen

The effect of estrogen on the histology of the uterine epithelium of the mouse vi. Changes in amount of acid phosphatase., O Nilsson and C Wirsen

Some observations on the distribution of catalase in mouse tissues by fluorescent antibody technique. Abstr., E T. Nishimura and T Y. Kobara

Depression of hepatic catalase in mice after subcutaneous injury., E T. Nishimura, S Rosenheim, and L Klein

Studies on plasma lactic dehydrogenase in mice with myeloid leukemia. I. Relation of enzyme level to course of disease., K Nishio, K B. Jacobson, V K. Jenkins, and A C. Upton

The effect of some transplantable tumors on the nucleic acid metabolism of the host tissues., J C. Nixon and S H. Zbarsky

Azo-dye carcinogenesis, ribonucleotides and ribonucleases., J T. Nodes and E Reid

Multiple enzyme changes in the plasma of normal and tumor-bearing mice following infection with the lactic dehydrogenase agent., A L. Notkins, R E. Greenfield, D Marshall, and L Bane

Disease of f1 hybrids after administration of parental lymphoid cells., K Nouza

Influence of tumor fractions on incidence of spontaneous mammary tumors in c3h/hej mice., L G. Nutini, J E. Prince, A G. Duarte, S Roderick, and E S. Cook

Polypeptide synthesis and amino acid coding in subcellular systems derived from human and l1210 mouse ascites leukemia. Abstr., M Ochoa and I B. Weinstein

Significance in mammalian oogenesis of the non-homologous association of bivalents., S Ohno, L C. Christian, and C Stenius

Leukaemia-inhibiting properties and l-asparagine activity of sera from certain south american rodents., L J. Old, E A. Boyse, H A. Campbell, and G M. Daria

Formation of cytoxic antibody against leukemias induced by friend virus., L J. Old, E A. Boyse, and F Lilly

Antigenic properties of experimental leukemias. I. Serological studies in vitro with spontaneous and radiation-induced leukemias., L J. Old, E A. Boyse, and E Stockert

The physiological disposition of methyl-glyoxal-bis-guanylhydrazone- -c14. Abstr., V T. Oliverio and R H. Adamson

Sulla morfologia dei tumori mammari da metilcolantrene in topi balb/c privi dell'agente., M Olivi, F Squartini, and G Rossi

A factor preventing the growth of malignant cells., K Olsen

Action of bacterial polysaccharide on tumors. Iii. Repeated response of sarcoma 37, in tolerant mice, to serratia marcescens endotoxin., W E. O'malley, B Achinstein, and M J. Shear

Action of biological polysaccharide on tumors. IV. Pertussis vaccine for repeated response of s37 to s marcescens polysaccharide. Abstr., W E. O'malley, B Achinstein, and M J. Shear

Pathologic and behavioral changes in mice after deuteron irradiation of the central nervous system., J M. Ordy, H W. Barnes, T Samorajski, H J. Curtis, L Wolin, and W Zeman

Long-term pathologic and behavioral changes in mice after focal deuteron irradiation of the brain., J M. Ordy, W Zeman, R L. Collins, and H J. Curtis

Cell localizing chick serum protein associated with heterologous tumor regression. Abstr., L G. Ortega, B K. Der, and R A. Prendergast

Evidence for a humoral thymus factor responsible for the maturation of immunological faculty., D Osoba and J F. Miller

The growth of human dystrophic skeletal muscle in diffusion chambers., W K. O'steen

Methods in mammalian immunogenetics. In w. J. Burdette (ed.), Methodology in mammalian genetics, holden-, R D. Owen

The production of wasting disease in mice with cyclophosphamide and allogenic cells. Abstr., A H. Owens and G W. Santos

Characteristics of the two neutral amino acid transport mediations of the ehrlich cell. Abstr., D L. Oxender

Evidence for two types of mediation of neutral amino-acid transport in ehrlich cells., D L. Oxender and H N. Christensen

Immunogenetic analysis of mouse microsomal lipoproteins. Abstr., J Palm

Starch electrophoresis of soluble tumour proteins., E M. Pantelouris

Biosintesi del colesterolo e degli acidi grassi nel topo portatore di un tumore cerebrale sperimentale trapiantabile., P Paoletti

(effect Of different doses of synestrol on blood formation and viability in irradiated black mice of the c57 strain.) (in Russian), E A. Pareishvili, E E. Ogandzhanyan, and Y B. Kheifets

Structure of the gross leukemia virus., D F. Parsons

Congenital abnormalities and competition in man and other mammals at different maternal ages., P A. Parsons

Weitere untersuchungen uber antigendifferenzen zwischen geweben virsunduzierter myeloischer und lymphatischer leukosen der maus., G Pasternac, K Horn, and A Graffi

Die unterschiedliche reaktionsfahigkeit zweier mauseinzuchtstamme gegen spezifische antigene isolog transplantabler-carcinogentumoren., G Pasternak

Induction of resistance against isotransplantation of virus-induced myeloid leukaemias., G Pasternak and A Graffi

Resistance to 6-mercaptopurine. Iii. Deletion of a 5'-nucleotidase in a 6-mercaptopurine-resistant subline of the ehrlich ascites carcinoma., A R. Paterson

An experimental study of the relationship between trichomonas vaginalis and dysplasia in the uterine cervix., S F. Patten, C P. Hughes, and J W. Reagan

Estrogens. V. Studies on the relationship of estrogenic activity and molecular structure., T L. Patton and L Dmochowski