Submissions from 1963
Analysis of marker genes in inbred strains of albino mice. Abstr., Y Kurita and K Sakakibara
Cytological study of a transplantable ascites plasma-cell neoplasm in mice. Abstr., Y Kurita and T H. Yosida
Cytochemistry of the nk/ly lymphoma., A Kurnatowski and R G. Willighagen
Carbon dioxide incorporation into the uracil of mouse liver and ehrlich ascites tumor cells., K Kusama and E Roberts
The effect of anaerobiosis on glutamine utilization by ehrlich ascites tumor cells., E Kvamme and G Svenneby
Particular carcinogenic activity of f-nor-steranthrene., A Lacassagne, E Buchta, D Kiessling, F Zajdela, and hoi N. Buu
Activite cancerogene d'hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques a noyau fluoranthene., A Lacassagne, hoi N. Buu, F Zajdela, lamy D. Lavit, and O Chalvet
Inhibition of induced ovulation in immature mice by n-acetyl neu- raminic acid. Abstr., A J. Ladman and E H. Soper
Determination of the biological life of exogenous gonadotrophin in immature mice. Abstr., A J. Ladman and K W. Stellwagen
Transamination in muscular dystrophy and the effect of exogenous glutamate, a study on vitamin e deficient rabbits, and mice with hereditary dystrophy., R O. Laferte, H Rosenkrantz, and L Berlinguet
Skeletal muscle regeneration in dystrophic suckling mice studied by radioautography. Abstr., J L. Laird
Effect of steroids and fluoropyrimidines on lymphomas iii. Infectious nucleic acids, proteins and immunological studies. Abstr., hibbard J. Lampkin
Effect of steroids and fluoropyrimidines on lymphomas. II. In vivo studies on tumor resistance and collateral sensitivity., hibbard J. Lampkin, K L. Mukherjee, and C H. Berger
Compound mouse diets., petter W. Lane and G Porter
Whirler mice, a recessive behavior mutation in linkage group viii., P W. Lane
Respiratory enzyme activities in different regions of the mouse heart., C A. Lang, R A. Swigart, and D J. Jefferson
Uber die einfuhrung von bromuracil in die desoxyribonucleinsaure tumortragender mause durch gabe von bromuracil und desoxyguanosin., P Langen and P Venker
An electron microscope study of nk lymphoma cells and the changes produced by two cytostatic drugs., K Lapis and E H. Mercer
Hormonal and physiological background in the production of b particles by the mouse mammary epithelium in organ cultures., E Y. Lasfargues and D G. Feldman
Antitoxidant activity in ascites tumor cells. Abstr., E D. Lash
Studies on histones. 5. The histomes of the crocker sarcoma and spontaneous mammary tumours of mice., D J. Laurence, P Simson, and J A. Butler
Reversal of the thymus-dependent influence in radiation leukemogenesis of c57bl mice., L W. Law, T R. Bradley, and S Rose
Inhibition by urethan (ethyl carbamate of virus induction of leukae- mia in c3h mice., L W. Law and A Precerutti
Modification of oncogenic effects of s-polyoma virus by 'attenuated' m-polyoma virus., L W. Law and A S. Rabson
The effect of washing procedures on the phosphate metabolism of ehrlich ascites-tumour cells., J O. Laws and L H. Stickland
Tissue reaction to heterografts sterilized with beta-propiolactone., J O. Laws and K Zinnemann
A contribution to the problem of leukaemogenesis in lah leukaemia of the c57-black mice., M Laznicka and J Jirasek
Acceleration de l'evolution de la leucemie lymphogene induite par les rayons x chez des souris c57 black au moyen d'extraits tissulaires leucemiques depourvus de cellules., M Laznicka and R Smetanova
Effects of legumes on reproduction in mice., W W. Leavitt and P A. Wright
Successful grafts of testicular tissue in tolerant mice. Abstr., E Leckband
Production of transplantable hepatomas by intrasplenic implantation of normal liver in the mouse., E H. Leduc and J W. Wilson
Cellular transfer of allergic encephalomyelitis in bsvs mice. Abstr., J M. Lee, L C. Scheinberg, and H A. Schneider
A study of the audiogenic seizure. In r. G. Busnel (ed.) Acoustic behaviour of animals. Elsevier,, A Lehmann and R G. Busnel
Quantitative study on interactions of cellular grafts in mouse radiation chimaeras., A Lengerova
A genetic approach to the mechanism of partial immunological toler- ance. Abstr., A Lengerova, V Matousek, and M Vojtiskova
The requirements for tolerance induction in cell-grafts from adult donors., A Lengerova and M Polackova
Prolonged survival of syngeneic male skin grafts in parous c57bl mice., A Lengerova and M Vojtiskova
Effect of aet against the dominant lethality induced by x-rays in male mice. Abstr., A Leonard and J R. Maisin
Effet de l'aet sur les cellules de la lignee spermatogenique de souris irradiees localement sur les testicules., A Leonard and J R. Maisin
Studies on parabiolic union of normal and tolerant dba/2 and balb/c mice., L Leonard and E Albright
Basic biochemical effects and mechanism of action of 6-thioguanine., G A. Le page
Chemotherapy studies of mammary tumors of c3h mice., G A. Le page and N Howard
Anti-leukemia and anti-tumor activities of hydroxyurea in the experi- mental animal. Abstr., L J. Lerner, A Bianchi, M Dzelzkalns, and M D. Phillipo
Evidence for function of thymic tissue in diffusion chambers implanted in neonatally thymectomized mice. Preliminary report., R H. Levey, N Trainin, and L W. Law
The preparation in immunologically tolerant rabbits of antisera against the ehrlich ascites tumor., E Levi and A M. Schechtman
Factors affecting mating competition in mice. Abstr., L Levine
Fighting and mating in mice. Abstr., L Levine
The distribution of polyoma viral antigen as detected by immuno- fluorescence in the tissues of infected mice., B T. Levinthal j d and M D. Eaton
Cortisone and thymic extract in mouse viral leukemia. Abstr., J D. Levinthal and M D. Eaton
Response of adipose tissue in experimental obesity as influenced by genetic, hormonal, and neurogenic factors., R A. Liebelt
Leukemia in cba mice after transplantation of a methylcholanthrene (mc)-induced hepatoma. Abstr., R Liebelt, A Liebelt, L Dmochowski, and J Sykes
Early developmental stress and later behavior., M W. Lieberman
Viral oncolysis with host survival., J Lindenmann
The resistance of a2g mice to myxoviruses., J Lindenmann, C A. Lane, and D Hobson
Cytochemical effects of antimetabolites and steroids on ascites tumors, a histochemical study. Abstr., A Lindner and T Kutham
Cytochemical effects of 9-a-fluorohydrocortisone (9-afh) on p1798 lymphoma as compared with amethopterin (mtx) and 5-fluorouracil (5-fu). Abstr., A Lindner, T Kutham, H Toliver, B Rucker, and J Arradondo
Early experience, genotype, and temperament in mus musculus., G Lindzey, H D. Winston, and M Manosevitz
Effect of an exogenous interferon on experimental influenza virus infection and interferon production in white mice., F Link, D Blaskovic, and J Raus
Protein synthesis in the irradiated intestine of the mouse., M Lipkin, H Quastler, and F Muggia
Experimentelle ovarialtumoren., A Lipschutz
Further studies on the recovery of fertility in mice after protracted steroid-induced sterility., A Lipschutz, R Iglesias, and S Salinas
Acceleration of growth of sarcoma 180 with pyridoxamine and retar- dation with penicillamine., M L. Littman, T Taguchi, and Y Shimizu
Lipase and glycerokinose activities in the adipose tissue of obese- -hyperglycaemic mice., S Lochaya, J C. Hamilton, and J Mayer
Infusion of marrow in the mouse and dog after thio-tepa., H L. Lochte, S Kasakura, M Karetzky, J W. Ferrebee, and E D. Thomas
Studies on cancer anemia, organ weights, blood values and iron metabolism in normal and tumour-bearing mice., D Lockner, K Sletten, and G D. Hevesy
Genetic influences on induced cleft palate in different strains of mice., H Loevy
Transplantation von mit glycerin behandelten lettre-ehrlich-ascites- tumorzellen., P Lonai, F Antoni, and E J. Hidvegi
Autoantibodies produced against mouse erythrocytes in nzb mice., G Long, M C. Holmes, and F M. Burnet
Evaluation of radioactive compounds for the external detection of cerebral tumors., R G. Long, J G. Afee, and J Winkelman
Tanoid-a new agouti mutant in the mouse., R Loosli
Effects of insulin and of dl-aldosterone on protein synthesis by mouse uteri in organ culture., A J. Lostroh
Studies of the cytochemistry of nucleoproteins. Iii. Demonstration of deoxyribonucleic-ribonucleic acid complexes in mammalian cells., R Love and G Rabotti
Growth of the vegetatively propagated strain of larval echinococcus multilocularis in c57l/j, b6af1, and a/j mice., G Lubinsky and S Desser
Vegetatively propagated strain of echinococcus multilocularis and malignant tumors., G Lubinsky and S Desser
Genetic effects of strontium-90 on immature germ-cells in mice., K Luning, H Frolen, A Nelson, and C Ronnback
Studies of irradiated mouse populations. II. Dominant effects on productivity in the 4th-6th generation., K G. Luning
Genetic effects of strontium-90 injected into male mice., K G. Luning, H Frolen, A Nelson, and C Ronnback
Complete change of circulating erythrocytes in wwv genetically anemic mice receiving w+w+ normal bloodforming tissue. Abstr., C C. Lushbaugh and E S. Russell
The relation of phosphorylase to glycogenlysis in skeletal muscle and heart of mice., J B. Lyon and J Porter
Attempts to test the inactive-x theory of dosage compensation in mammals., M F. Lyon
Evidence from some unusual mutants concerning the nature of t-alleles in the mouse. Abstr., M F. Lyon
Mutant mice and their use in research., M F. Lyon
Neurochemical differences between two strains of mice., J W. Maas
Influence of corticosteroids on ribonuclease activity and protein biosynthesis in lymphosarcoma p1798. Abstr., R M. Mac leod and V P. Hollander
Effect of corticosteroids on ribonuclease and nucleic acid content in lymphosarcoma p1798., R M. Mac leod, C E. King, and V P. Hollander
Studies of the biological activity of purified staphylococcal alpha- -toxin, ii. The effect of alpha-toxin on ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., M A. Madoff, M S. Artenstein, and L Weinstein
Untersuchungen der katalaseaktivitat der leber verschiedener mause- stamme., E Magdon and R Mampel
Response of sarcoma 37 cells to three chemotherapeutic agents., M E. Mahood and B Johnston
Un esperimento sulla parte attiva svolta dalla femmina nella selezione sessuale in mus musculus., D Mainardi
Essais d'immunoprophylaxie du cancer experimental., J Maisin
Etude biochemique de la radiosensibilite de l'intestin grele aux rayons x. I. Absorption des lipides., J R. Maisin, J Dulcino, W Verly, J Deroo, and M Lambiet
Etude autoradiographique de la localisation de l'aet dans les tissus de la souris., J R. Maisin and A Leonard
Localisation de la 2-beta-aminoethylisothiouree dans les tissus cancereux de la souris et influence de ce radioprotecteur sur le traitement radiologique des cancers., J R. Maisin and A Leonard