Submissions from 1963
Enhancement of homologous disease by cell free extracts of spleen. Abstr., M Fukse, R S. Schwartz, and W Dameshek
Genetic transmission of alcohol preference in mice. Abstr., J L. Fuller
Transplantation of cardiac tissue into the mouse ear. Abstr., R I. Fulmer, A T. Cramer, and A G. Leibelt
Effect of environmental temperatures on retention of cesium 137 by mice., J E. Furchner and C R. Richmond
Influence of host factors on the growth of neoplastic cells., J Furth
The effect of estrogen on the histology of the uterine epithelium of the mouse. V. Histochemistry of decomposing lipid granules., K Fuxe and O Nilsson
The mouse uterine surface epithelium during the estrous cycle., K Fuxe and O Nilsson
Physical changes, measured by interference microscopy, in fresh land- schutz ascites tumour cells after tragacanth and mannitol mustard treatments., W Galbraith, E Mayhew, J Sugar, and E M. Roe
Circadian adrenal cycle in c mice kept without food and water for a day and a half., J H. Galicich, F Halberg, and L A. French
Myobic mange in the mouse leading to skin ulceration and amyloidosis., M Galton
The role of combined effect of local and general etiological factors in the induction of carcinoma of uterine cervix, vagina and urethra in mice., Y Gang, G Zen, and C M. Line
Viable tumor cells in blood and lungs of mice with metastasizing and non-metastasizing transplantable tumors., H Garcia, G Gasic, and T Baydak
Studies on the incorporation of tritiated thymidine in desoxyribonu- cleic acid in mouse tissues and on its radiation effects., K H. Garder and F Devik
Positive coombs' tests following total body x-irradiation of mice. Abstr., O Garfein, A Treacy, and J G. Gorman
False positive direct coombs tests following total-body x-irradiation of mice., O Garfein, N Treacy, and J G. Gorman
Removal of pas positive surface sugars in tumor cells by glycosidases., G Gasic and T Gasic
The effect of a phthalanilide analog on lipid and protein synthesis in ascites tumor. Abstr., A Gellhorn, M Wagner, and W Benjamin
Uber ein die lactatdehydrogenase im serum aktivierendes virus aus geschwulten der maus., A Georgii, H Bayerle, D Brdiczka, and H Zobl
Die wirkung von nucleinsauren aus virushaltigen mausegeschwulten auf die lactatdehydrogenaseaktivitat im blutserum., A Georgii, P Goldbrunner, and D Brdiczka
Cytological investigation on the t-locus in mus musculus l. Abstr., duszynska I. Geyer
On the structure of the xy bivalent in mus musculus l., duszynska I. Geyer
Mechanisms invloved in the production of red fluorescence of human and experimental tumours., F N. Ghadially, W J. Neish, and H C. Dawkins
Local irradiation of the thymus, histologic changes with observations on circulating lymphocytes and serum protein fractions in adult mice., N A. Ghossein, H A. Azar, and J Williams
Effect on tumor homografts of treating hosts with antiproteolytic enzyme compounds., R W. Gillette, A Findley, and H Conway
Prolonged survival of homografts treated with eaca., R W. Gillette, A Findley, and H Conway
Causal mechanisms in audiogenic seizures., B E. Ginsburg
Genetic factors in audiogenic seizures., B E. Ginsburg and D S. Miller
Local inhibition and enhancement of growth of transplanted tumor cells in mice., G F. Gitlitz, A G. Ship, J L. Glick, and A H. Glick
Interferon production by mouse leukocytes in vitro and in vivo., L A. Glasgow and K Habel
Transfer of native and foreign serum antigens to oviducal mouse eggs., L E. Glass
Development of x-irradiated and non-irradiated mouse oocytes trans- planted to x-irradiated and non-irradiated recipient females., L E. Glass and T P. Lin
Genetic control of mammalian differentiation., waelsch S. Gluecksohn
Lethal genes and analysis of differentiation., waelsch S. Gluecksohn
Development in organ tissue culture of kidney rudiments from mutant mouse embryos., waelsch S. Gluecksohn and T R. Rota
Studies on induced resistance against isotransplants of virus-induced leukemia. Abstr., J P. Glynn
Effect of 'methotrexate' and 'melphalan' on survival of tumour and skin homografts., J P. Glynn, A R. Bianco, and A Goldin
Studies on immunity to leukemia l1210 in mice., J P. Glynn, S R. Humphreys, G Trivers, A R. Bianco, and A Goldin
Biological interrelationships in the chemotherapy of moloney virus leukemia., J P. Glynn, J B. Moloney, M A. Chirigos, S R. Humphreys, and A Goldin
A search for histocompatibility differences between irradiated sub- lines of inbred mice., J Godfrey and A G. Searle
Prevention of death in mice after lethal irradiation of the head., R A. Goepp and F Fitch
Radiosensitivity at the subcellular level., A Goldfeder
Radiosensitivity and biological properties of two tumour-types indi- genous to the host. VI. The effects of x-irradiation on sub-cellular units., A Goldfeder and L A. Miller
Studies at the subcellular level of two tumor types indigenous to the same host. Abstr., A Goldfeder and L A. Miller
The responses of cellular ultrastructures to ionizing irradiation. Abstr., A Goldfeder and L A. Miller
Induction of mouse ascites tumors by cells spontaneously separated from the tissue of abdominal tumor grafts. Abstr., H Goldie, M Walker, E Patrick, M Fussell, and C Walker
Genetically determined organ specific responses to the teratogenic action of 6-aminonicotinamide in the mouse., M Goldstein, M F. Pinsky, and F C. Fraser
Transplantation of peritoneal fluid cells., J W. Goodman
The histogenesis of gross's viral induced mouse leukemia., S B. Goodman and M H. Block
Decreased antibody-producing capacity in mice during the incubation period of passage a lymphatic leukemia. Abstr., R A. Good, R L. Vernier, and R D. Peterson
Analisi sperimentale degli effetti di alcuni lieviti sui tumori trapiantabili, nuove ricerche in vitro e in vivo., A Gori, G M. Merli, and G F. Pellegrini
The induction of new growths by application of the 2-acetylamino fluorene. (eng. Summary), T Gorski
Experimental studies on metaplasia of the uterine mucosa in mice. (eng. Summary), T Gorski and A Drzaszcz
Effects of nucleosides and nucleoside phosphates on the incorporation of amino acids into proteins of ascites carcinoma cells. Abstr., A M. Gotto, O Touster, M L. Belkhode, R Hester, and R Siler
Genetics of infectious diseases. In w. J. Burdette (ed.), Methodology in mammalian genetics, holden-, J W. Gowen
The efficacy of administering aurantine by mouth in the treatment of ehrlich's carcinoma. (eng. Summary), N P. Gracheva, S S. Akop'yants, and A M. Kharitonova
Untersuchungen zur frage der zuchtbarkeit des virus der myeloischen leukamie der maus in der gewebekultur., A Graffi, L Baumbach, T Schramm, and D Bierwolf
Mammalian radiation genetics. In w. J. Burdette (ed.), Methodology in mammalian genetics, holden-, D Grahn
A uniformity of life-shortening among genetically different mice under daily gamma radiation. Abstr., D Grahn, G A. Sacher, and K F. Hamilton
Pathogenesis of acute allogenic disease (aad) of mice. Abstr., G A. Granger, R S. Weiser, and B Holmes
The lipid composition of tumour cells., G M. Gray
An attempt at genetic extinction of a small hybrid mouse population by gonadal irradiation. Abstr., E L. Green
Uptake of particulate matter within the thymus of adult and new-born mice., I Green and K Bloch
Biosynthetic pathways in mastocytoma cells in culture and in vivo., J P. Green and M Day
The sulfomucopolysaccarides from a mast cell tumor of the mouse., J P. Green, M Roberts, and M Day
Linkage group xviii of the mouse., M C. Green, G D. Snell, and P W. Lane
In vivo deiodination of labeled l-thyroxine to l-3,5,3'-tri-iodothy- ronine in mouse and human pituitaries., R Grinberg, E M. Volpert, and S C. Werner
El virus de la leucemia del raton., L Gross
Oncogenic viruses., L Gross
Pathogenic potency and host range of the mouse leukemia virus., L Gross
Serial cell-free passage in rats of the mouse leukemia virus. Effect of thymectomy., L Gross
Effect of estrogens on mouse mammary alkaline phosphatase. Abstr., L L. Grosso
Action of tumour growth and tissue products on the zonal distribution of liver glycogen in rats and mice., J P. Guimaraes and M C. Motta
The influence of the host and the neoplastic cell population on the collagen content of a tumor mass., P M. Gullino and F H. Grantham
Immunological studies of lymphoid leukemia in the akr mouse., R K. Guthrie, N A. Ingebritsen, N Savage, D C. Hinkle, and W J. Farris
A germplasm-transmitted alteration of histocompatibility in the progeny of homograft tolerant mice., R D. Gutterman and J B. Aust
A specific alteration of histocompatibility expression in the progeny of a homograft tolerant male. Abstr., R D. Guttmann and J B. Aust
Mixed cell agglutination reactions during graft acceptance and rejec- tion. Abstr., R D. Guttmann and M Katz
Age at exposure and the acceleration of intercapillary glomerulo- sclerosis in mice., P H. Guttman and H I. Kohn
Partial-body x-ray exposure and the development of progressive inter- capillary glomerulosclerosis in the balb/c mouse., P H. Guttman and H I. Kohn
Myelinization of the optic nerve and its dependence on visual func- tion - a quantitative investigation in mice., L Gyllensten and T Malmfors
Immunological factors influencing polyoma virus oncogenesis., K Habel
Immunologically privileged sites in studies of polyoma tumor antigens., K Habel and J H. Belcher
Drugs and congenital abnormalities., E O. Hagen
The duration of the effect of isologous pituitary implants on the estrous cycle in the intact mouse., E O. Hagen and H E. Rawlinson
Presence de particules d'aspect viral dans les thymomes transplant- ables des souris dba/2. Etude ultra-morphologique de leur formation., F Haguenau and K Hollmann
On the regeneration of bone marrow cells in mice., S Hajdukovic, N Petrovic, V N. Al, U. Hema, and S A. Bleeding
Permeability of cultured sarcoma 180 cells (s-180) to amethopterin. Abstr., M T. Hakala
Adrenal corticosterone production and responsiveness to acth, in vitro in mice with ectopic pituitary isografts. Abstr., F Halberg, F Ungar, and E Hans
Effects of dose dilution on survival of ak leukemia in recipient swiss mice., J A. Halkett
Induced resistance to electroshock and audiogenic seizures in inbred strains of mice., M Hamburgh and W B. Essman
A sex difference in mouse survival under daily gamma irradiation and its modification by gonadectomy., K F. Hamilton, G A. Sacher, and D Grahn
Mouse leukemia resulting from the implantation of an acth-secreting pituitary tumor. Abstr., A H. Handler and C Wills
Comparison of the metabolism and biochemical effects of 6-azacytidine (azcr) and 6-azauridine (azur). Abstr., R E. Handschumacher, J Skoda, and F Sorm
Effect of specific anti-sera on c14 amino acid incorporation into cellular protein of mouse ascites tumor cells., H J. Hansen, E C. Hansen, J P. Vandervoorde, and S B. Nadler
Studies on the control of fat metabolism in two highly inbred strains of mice. Abstr., R W. Hanson
Influence de la cystamine et de la cystramine sur le rythme mitotique d'une tumeur d'ehlrich., J Haot