
Submissions from 1963

The phagocytosis of tumor cells in vitro. Abstr., B Bennett, L J. Old, and E A. Boyse

Studies on the immune responses of continuously irradiated mice., J P. Bensted

Prolongation of homograft survival in mice with single doses of cyclophosphamide., M C. Berenbaum and I N. Brown

The lack of effect of urethan (ethyl carbamate) on sarcoma induction by the subcutaneous injection of 3,4-benzpyrene., I Berenblum and N Trainin

Hearing in mice via gsr audiometry., C I. Berlin

Relation between sensitivity to lactogenic hormones and tumori- genesis in hyperplastic mammary nodules in c3h/crgl mice., H A. Bern

Analysis of gene action and characterization of a new hematological abnormality, hemolytic anemia. Abstr., S E. Bernstein

Modification of radiosensitivity of genetically anemic mice by implantation of blood-forming tissue., S E. Bernstein

Problems and potentialities of hematopoietic tissue transplants., S E. Bernstein

Quantitative studies of relationships between tumor cell ploidy and dose response to ionizing radiation in vivo., R J. Berry

The effect of radiation ionization density (let) upon the reproductive capacity of mammalian tumour cells irradiated and assayed in vivo., R J. Berry and J R. Andrews

Epigenetic polymorphism of the rodent skeleton., R J. Berry and A G. Searle

Mitotic rate of spontaneous mammary gland adenocarcinoma in c3h/hej mice., F D. Bertalanffy

Reductase by the folic acid antagonists. Abstr., J R. Bertino, B A. Booth, A C. Al, E E. Inhibition, and B O. Dihydrofolate

Phenomenes d'immunisation par une tumeur isologue chez la souris., E H. Betz

Modification de la croissance du sarcome j apres transplantations successives sur des souris immunisees., E H. Betz and V Smoliar

The effect of olfactory lobectomy and induced pseudopregnancy on the incidence of methylcholanthrene-induced mammary and ovarian tumours in c3hb mice., C Biancifiori and F Caschera

Variations in therapeutic response of transplantable moloney virus- -induced leukemias. Abstr., A R. Bianco

Metabolism of 6-thioguanine in purine analog-sensitive and -reststant sublines of sarcoma 180. Abstr., A L. Bieber and A C. Sartorelli

Further observations on the control of dihydrofolic reductase in l1210 mouse leukemia. Abstr., J L. Biedler and A M. Albrecht

Selection of chromosomal variant in amethopterin-resistant sublines of leukemia l1210 with increased levels of dihydrofolate reductase., J L. Biedler, A W. Schrecker, and D J. Hutchison

Stoffwechsel virusinduzierter leukamischer leukocyten. IV. Crabtree- -effekt., H Bielka

Stoffwechsel virusinduzierter leukamischer leukocyten. 1. Glykolyse in ganzen zellen in ringerlosung und serum., H Bielka and I Schneiders

Stoffwechsel virusinduzierter leukamischer leukocyten. II. Glykolyse in homogenisation., H Bielka and L Venker

Stoffwechsel virusinduzierter leukamischer leukocyten. Iii. Uber einige oxydative stoffwechselprozesse., H Bielka and L Venker

Observations on murine leukemia treated with deuterium and x-ray., M W. Biggs, J E. Eiselein, and G Wilcox

Sensitivity to homografts of normal tissues and cells., R E. Billingham and W K. Silvers

Further studies on adoptive transfer of sensitivity to skin homo- grafts., R E. Billingham, W K. Silvers, and D B. Wilson

Solid state carcinogenesis. Abstr., F Bischoff and G Bryson

The ultrastructure of the islets of langerhans in normal and obese- -hyperglycemic mice., N Bjorkman, C Hellerstrom, and B Hellman

Radiation damage to growing bone. The effect of x-ray doses of 100 to 1,000 r on mouse tibia and knee-joint., J Blackburn and A B. Wells

Neutralization of the mouse mammary tumor virus by rabbit antisera against c3hf tissue., P B. Blair

Electron microscopy of neoplastic mast cells. A study of the mouse mastocytoma mast cell., G D. Bloom

Die wachstumshemmung des mausesarkoms s37 durch den birkenschwamm (polyporus betulinus)., F W. Blumenberg and F Kesler

Histopathologic changes in the reproductive organs of mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy. Abstr., A Boccabella and E Alger

Comparison of the uptake and retention of carcinogen by breast and fat (after feeding) and skin (after topical application)., F G. Bock

Tumor-promoting properties of anthralin (1,8,9-anthratriol)., F G. Bock and R Burns

Modifications des aminoacides plasmatiques libres chez la souris c3h apres irradiation., C Bohuon, J Delarue, and M Tubiana

Tumour inhibitory effects of a new class of cytotoxic agents. Methylhydrazine derivatives., W Bollag and E Grunberg

Azione del pretrattamento con cellule criolizzate e successivamente coniugate con acido diazoarsanilico sullo sviluppo del cancro ascite di ehrlich., E Bonmassar and F D. Roberto

Immunizzazione verso il cancro ascite di ehrlich mediante cellule tumorali criolizzate., E Bonmassar and F D. Roberto

Growth inhibition of a spectrum of transplanted mouse tumors by combinations of inhibitors of nucleic acid biosynthesis and alky- lating agents., B A. Booth and A C. Sartorelli

The mechanism of combined action of penicillin and streptoymcin on antibiotic resistant staphylococci. II. In vivo studies., D Borecka, A Kunicka, and D Ruszczyk

Antibiotic resistant staphylococci. Iii. Effect of strepyomycin and penicillin on the course of staphylococcus cs infection in mice. (eng. Transl.), D Borecka, B Narbutowicz, A K. Al, E M. Penicillin, and S On

Increased survival-time in dystrophic mice treated with methylandro- stenediol dienanthoylacetate., R F. Borgman

Quantitative studies on the development of friend's disease in two inbred strains of mice. Abstr., W L. Bostick and F C. Ludwig

Mechanisms of radiation reduction in host resistance to tumor implants. Abstr., B M. Boulos and T C. Evans

The effects of 600 roentgens of x-irradiation on the nuclei of mouse liver cells., L Bowldhaupt

Mouse tissue cell antigens, some properties of cell-bound components., W Boyle, D A. Davies, and G Haughton

Immune responses to experimental tumours., E A. Boyse

Antigenic properties of experimental leukemias. II. Immunological studies in vivo with c57bl/6 radiation-induced leukemias., E A. Boyse, L J. Old, and S Luell

Inhibitory effect of guinea pig serum on a number of new leukaemias in mice., E A. Boyse, L J. Old, and E Stockert

Immune response by the mouse to orally administered actinophage., S G. Bradley, Y B. Kim, and D W. Watson

Production of neutralizing antibody by mice injected with actinophage., S G. Bradley and D W. Watson

Radioautographic studies with tritiated thymidine of cell migration in the mouse adrenal after a carbon tetrachloride stress., R M. Brenner

Recent progress in tissue transplantation immunity., L Brent

Immunological competence of newborn mice., L Brent and G Gowland

The nature of the 'partial' tolerance induced by parity., E J. Breyere and S O. Burhoe

Evidence for a chromosomal basis of strain differences in leukemia susceptibility in mice. Abstr., D K. Briggs

Inhibition of ascites tumor cells by spongoadenosine. Abstr., J J. Brink and G A. Lepage

Density, subordination and social timidity in peromyscus and c57bl/10j mice., F H. Bronson

Adrenal responses to crowding in peromyscus and c57bl/10j mice., F H. Bronson and B E. Eleftheriou

Effects of intra- and inter-specific social stimulation on implant- ation in deermice. Abstr., F H. Bronson and B E. Eleftheriou

Influence of strange males on implantation in the deermouse., F H. Bronson and B E. Eleftheriou

Mouse strain difference in response to antihistomine drugs., A M. Brown

Skin grafting of mice using the waldemar type punch., A M. Brown

Lactogenic action of pituitary and ovarian isografts. Abstr., H C. Browning

Reponse of intraocular ovarian isografts to administration of luteinizing hormone. Abstr., H C. Browning

Cyclic luteotropic action of fractional and multiple pituitary iso- grafts in the mouse. Abstr., H C. Browning and W D. White

Luteotropic action of fractional and multiple pituitary isografts in the mouse., H C. Browning and W D. White

Lactogenic action of ovarian and fractional or multiple pituitary isografts in the mouse., H C. Browning, W D. White, and W E. Gibbs

Olfactory block to pregnancy among grouped mice., H M. Bruce

A quantitative assay for the number of murine lymphoma cells capable of proliferation in vivo., W R. Bruce and H V. Gaag

Additive inheritance of serum cholesterol level in mice., J H. Bruell

Activity of glycolytic enzymes in intrasplenic ovarian grafts in c57bl mice. Abstr., S Bruzzone and A Brancatelli

In vivo reutilization of the dna thymidine of necrotized liver cells by cells of testis and intestine., B J. Bryant

Carcinogenesis in marsh mice by testicular injection of cholesterol alpha oxide. Abstr., G Bryson and F Bischoff

Use of inbred strains of mice for feeding trials., C Buckley and N Horne

Properties of a lymphoid leukemia agent isolated from ha/icr swiss mice. Abstr., R F. Buffett, J T. Grace, and E A. Mirand

Microcirculation in the islets of langerhans of the mouse., S C. Bunnag, S Bunnag, and N E. Warner

Lactic dehydrogenase activity in plasma and interstitial fluid during growth of mouse tumors., E A. Burgess and B Sylven

Hydrogen peroxide, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, quinones, nordi- hydroguaiaretic acid, and phosphopyridine nucleotides in relation to x-ray action on cancer cells., D Burk and M Woods

Two forms of tyrosinase from each of two different mouse melanomas. Abstr., J B. Burnett and G F. Wilgram

Transplantation of friend virus-induced mouse leukemic cells to the hamster brain. Abstr., T Burnstein and M Stromberg

The radiosensitivity of murine lymphoma cells in vivo as determined by a splenic colony method. Abstr., R S. Bush and W R. Bruce

The mammary glands in mice on a diet supplemented with egg yolk. Abstr., aboy C. Buso and J Szepsenwol

Tumorigenesis inhibition in c3h mice. Abstr., E H. Byers and R H. Wilson

Protective effects of in vitro cultures of mouse lymphatic leukemia l4946 against lethal doses of mouse grown cells., R Cailleau and G S. Amand

Tumour sulphydryl levels and sensitivity to the nitrogen mustard merophan., G Calcutt and T A. Connors

Palate morphogenesis in mouse embryos after x-irradiation., G Callas and B E. Walker

Organismal regulation of mitotic activity in mice., I L. Cameron

In w. J. Burdette (ed.), Methodology in mammalian genetics, holden-, U O. Cancer research genetics laboratory, R A. Into, and F M. Mice

In vitro studies of mammalian somatic cell variation. I. Detection of h-2 phenotype in cultured mouse cell lines., H M. Cann and L A. Herzenberg

In vitro studies of mammalian somatic cell variation. II. Isoimmune cytotoxicity with a cultured mouse lymphoma and selection of resistant variants., H M. Cann and L A. Herzenberg

Morphological alterations occurring in ehrlich ascites cells treated with a new sarcomycin derivative., A Caputo, M Brunori, and R Giuliano

The rhodopsin cycle in the developing vertebrate retina. II. Correla- tive study in normal mice and in mice with hereditary retinal degeneration., L L. Caravaggio and S L. Bonting

Comparative studies on the stathmokinetic effect of vincristine (vcr) vinblastine (vlb) and colchicine. Abstr., G Cardinali, G Cardinali, and T N. Mehrota

Effect of some glycosidase inhibitors on experimental tumours in the mouse., A J. Carr

Molybdenum, copper and zinc contents of mouse liver and sarcoma 180 treated with molybdenum compounds., C Carruthers and W Regelson

Induction of hepatomas by thiouracil in inbred strains of mice., C B. Casas