Submissions from 1963
The mechanism of carcinogenesis in breast tumour development in mice., ghera N. Haran
Hormonal response of the pubic symphysis in adult mice gonadectomized at different times before puberty. Abstr., M E. Harkey and E S. Crelin
Induced hereditary change in drosophila by injected extracts of neo- plastic flies, mice, or humans., M H. Harnly
Effect of cytidine on purine nucleotide formation in ascites tumor cells in vitro., H Harrington
The role of the thymus, migration of cells from thymic grafts to lymph-nodes in mice., J E. Harris and C E. Ford
Temperature adaptation as evidenced by growth of mice., G A. Harrison
Further observations on the blood content of the ehrlich ascites car- cinoma., F Hartveit
Sex differences in the intraperitoneal growth of ehrlich's carcinoma., F Hartveit
The effect of tumour dosage on the blood content of ehrlich's car- cinoma., F Hartveit
The in vitro demonstration of a cytotoxic factor in ehrlich's ascites carcinoma., F Hartveit
The significance of the protein content of ehrlich's ascites carci- noma., F Hartveit
The viability of pyknotic ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., F Hartveit
Immunological tolerance and the cancer problem., M Hasek, J Svoboda, and P Koldovsky
Studies on antitumor substances. I. Antitumor effect of quinone de- rivatives containing an alkylating group., S Hayashi, H Ueki, and Y Ueki
Development of leukemia in lethally irradiated mice protected with cells from mice of a high incidence leukemia strain. Abstr., E F. Hays and E White
Preparation of retine from human urine., A Hegyeli, J A. Laughlin, and gyorgyi A. Szent
Experimental and clinical use of fluorinated pyrimidines in cancer chemotherapy., C Heidelberger and F J. Ansfield
Das blutbild der maus (eine ubersicht). Iii. Thrombozyten-normal- werte., H Heinecke
Das differentialblutbild der maus nach mehrmaliger applikation des ehrlich-aszites-karzinoma., H Heinecke and W Gutsche
Quantitative studies on isolated pancreatic islets of mammals. I. Peptidase activity in normal and obese-hyperglycaemic mice., C Hellerstrom and B Hellman
The islets of langerhans in yellow obese mice., C Hellerstrom and B Hellman
Moss med hereditar obesitas och hyperglykemi som objekt for diabetesforskning. (eng. Summ.), C Hellerstrom, B Hellman, S Westman, S Larsson, and I Taljedal
Quantitative analyses of sulfur in isolated pancreatic islets of mice., B Hellman and C Hellerstrom
Endocrine activity of the testis in obese-hyperglycaemic mice., B Hellman, L Jacobsson, and I Taljedal
Mast cell content and fatty acid metabolism in the epididymal fat pad of obese mice., B Hellman, S Larsson, and S Westman
Postnatal growth of the epididymal adipose tissue in yellow obese mice., B Hellman, L Thelander, and I Taljedal
Resistance levels of polyoma tumors and tumors of other origin to the cytopathogenic effect of polyoma virus., I Hellstrom
Correlation between the sensitivity of polyoma-induced mouse tumors to polyoma and vaccinia in vitro., I Hellstrom and K E. Hellstrom
Differential behavior of transplanted mouse lymphoma lines in genetically compatible homozygous and f1 hybrid mice., K E. Hellstrom
Further studies on karyotypes of a variety primary and transplanted mouse polyoma tumors., K E. Hellstrom, I Hellstrom, and H O. Sjogren
Renal disease associated with positive lupus erythematosus tests in a crossbred strain of mice., B J. Helyer and J B. Howie
Spontaneous auto-immune disease in nzb/bl mice., B J. Helyer and J B. Howie
The thymus and autoimmune disease., B J. Helyer and J B. Howie
Einfluss des dopa-decarboxylase-hemmers alpha-methyl-dopa auf die umwandlung von dopa in melanin und brenzcatechinamine. In vitro untersuchungen an melanom/mausen mit tritiertem dopa., K Hempel and M Deimel
Inhibition of purine metabolism in ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells by phenanthridinium compounds related to ethidium bromide., J F. Henderson
Effect of prior runway experience on avoidance learning., N D. Henderson
Age variation of the blood pressure of male cba mice. Abstr., J P. Henry, J P. Meehan, G Santisteban, and P Stephens
Hybrid molecules formed by reaction between haemoglobins from distantly related animals., A E. Herner and A Riggs
Hormonal effects of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase of mouse mammary gland., F B. Hershey, C Lewis, G Johnston, and S Mason
Phosphopyridine nucleotide linked dehydrogenases, aldolase and fumarase in mouse breast., F B. Hershey, C Lewis, G Johnston, and J Murphy
Gamma-globulin isoantigens (allotypes) in the house mouse. Abstr., L A. Herzenberg, R I. Mishell, and L A. Herzenberg
Gamma globulin isoantigens (allotypes) in the mouse. Abstr., L A. Herzenberg, P Rosenberg, and L A. Herzenberg
A gene locus concerned with hemolytic complement in mus musculus., L A. Herzenberg, D K. Tachibana, L A. Herzenberg, and L T. Rosenberg
Effects of specific genes of the mouse on normal growth and on the occurrence of tumors., W E. Heston
Genetics of neoplasia. In w. J. Burdette (ed.) Methodology in mammalian genetics, holden-, W E. Heston
Isolierung von ascitestumor-zellkernen in glycerinmedium., E J. Hidvegi, P Lonai, and F Antoni
Immunological properties of small circulating lymphocytes in mice. Abstr., W H. Hildemann
The effect of progressive sarcoma 180 growth upon the uterotrophic response to estrogen in mice., R Hilf, L J. Lerner, E Lang, and A Borman
Parabiotic intoxication in f1 hybrid mice after immunological depression of the parent strain., H R. Hilgard, A P. Dalmasso, C Martinez, and R A. Good
Studies on the mechanism of parabiotic intoxication. Abstr., H R. Hilgard, A P. Dalmasso, C Martinez, and R A. Good
Changes in the hydroxyproline and hexosamine content of grafts after transplantation., Hilgert
Effect of blood group substances on immunological reactions in mice., I Hilgert
Lactic dehydrogenase from ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Abstr., B R. Hill
The amount of antibody needed to lyse gardner lymphosarcoma cells. Abstr., J Hillman
Glands of mice of different strains. Abstr., F Hilton, R Swigart, M Dickie, M S. Fiser, D A. Robbins, and F O. Adrenal
Development of subcutaneous sarcomas in swiss mice given repeated injections of benzene in olive oil., K Hiraki, S Irino, and I Miyoshi
Electronmicroscopic demonstration of virus-like particles in the 20-methylcholenthrene-induced rf mouse leukaemia and its cell-free transmission. (in Japanese), K Hiraki, S Irino, Z Ota, and T Sezaki
Studies on experimental leukemia induced by x-rays, especially the anti-leukemic effect of acth. (in Japanese), K Hiraki and I Iwasaki
An enzymatic and electron microscopic characterization of a variant of the cloudman s-91 melanoma (foley). Abstr., H M. Hirsch and A S. Zelickson
Spontaneous cancer in mice., W G. Hoag
Developmental genetics of h-2 antigens of the mouse. Abstr., G Hoecker, O Pizarro, and P Rubinstein
Intramitochondrial bodies of the mouse uterine epithelium., T Hokfelt and O Nilsson
Experimental production of intramandibular carcinoma in mice by mechanical damage., C F. Hollander and T G. Rijssel
The heart of the dystrophic mouse. Abstr., M B. Hollinshead and N J. Carnevale
The influence of splenectomy in nzb mice., M C. Holmes and F M. Burnet
The natural history of autoimmune disease in nxb mice, a comparison with the pattern of human autoimmune manifestations., M C. Holmes and F M. Burnet
Effect of normal sera of several related rodents on 6c3hed lymphoma in vivo., N D. Holmquist
Induction and progression of 3,4,9,10-dibenzpyrene-induced subcutan- eous sarcomas as affected by chemotherapy and caloric restriction. Abstr., F Homburger and A Tregier
Host factors influencing the behavior of subcutaneous sarcomas induced by 3,4,9,10-dibenzpyrene in c57bl/6 mice., F Homburger, A Tregier, and J R. Baker
Mouse-skin painting with smoke condensates from cigarettes made of pipe, cigar, and cigarette tobaccos., F Homburger, A Tregier, and J R. Baker
Die wirkung von intratumoral gegebener isotonischer suprastinlosung auf die impftumoren der maus., G Honti and G Putnoky
Untersuchungen uber die persistenz tumorspezifischer antigene bei methylcholanthren-induzierten sarkomen der maus nach verschiedenen transplantationspassagen in isologen wirten und f1-hybriden., K Horn, G Pasternak, and A Graffi
Experimental carcinogenesis of the lung. Inhalation of gaseous formaldehyde or an aerosol of coal tar by c3h mice., A W. Horton, R Tye, and K L. Stemmer
Regeneration of transplanted uterine tissues in mice. Abstr., K Hoshino
Specific and non-specific aspects of neonatal vaccination against graft-versus-host reaction., J G. Howard and D Michie
Complementary rna in nucleus and cytoplasm of mouse liver cells., B H. Hoyer, B J. Carthy, and E T. Bolton
Quantitative studies on the fractionation of carcinostatic liver factor., M Hozumi, T Sugimura, F Fukuoka, and W Nakahara
Modification de l'index mitotique du sarcome j au cours de son evolution chez les animaux greffes., C Hublet
Etude d'un sarcome spontane de la souris au microscope electronique. Presence de particules virales., C Hublet and H Firket
Studies on ehrlich ascites cell nuclei. IV. Determination of nicotin- amide adenosine dinucleatide pyrophosphorylase activity in nuclei isolated by an improved technique., E D. Hudack, D E. Eros, and D O. Brummond
Tumor virus study systems., R J. Huebner
Carcinogenic effects of adsorbates of raw and finished water supplies., W C. Hueper and W W. Payne
Modifications ultrastructurales precoces des cellules des cryptes duodenales de la souris apres irradiation par rayons x., J Hugon, J R. Maisin, and M Borgers
The acute toxic effects of cysteamine and their modification by x-irradiation., E V. Hulse
Comparative virulence of the mammary tumor agent from different sources, qualitative and quantitative differences., K P. Hummel and C C. Little
Tumor growth in postassium-deficient mice., E W. Humphrey
Partial purification of a mouse leukemogenic agent. Abstr., G B. Humphrey
Suppression of the homograft response by pretreatment with antitumor agents., S R. Humphreys, J P. Glynn, and A Goldin
Effects of vincaleukoblastine sulfate on metabolism of thioguanine- -resistant l1210 leukemia cells., J C. Hunter
Aberrant thyroid tissue in the mouse., R D. Hunt
Radioautographic study of vaginal epithelium in estrogen treated mice. Abstr., M Husbands
Vaginal epithelium. Abstr. (demonstration), M E. Husbands, F O. Migration, and D I. Mouse
Differentiation of vaginal epithelium in mice given estrogen and thymidine-h3., M E. Husbands and B E. Walker
Effect of a small dose of x radiation on local recurrence of tumors in rats and mice., W R. Inch and J A. Credie
Effect of wound irrigation with nitrogen mustard or clorpactin xcb on local recurrence of rat and mouse tumors., W R. Inch and J A. Credie