Submissions from 1963
A short term test for carcinogenicity, mouse embryo tissue homo- grafts in balb/c strain mice., P M. Peacock and E Dick
A histological study of muscle from the bar harbor strain of dystrophic mice., G W. Pearce and J N. Walton
Mass measurement of lymphocytes in nodes of high and low leukemic strains of mice. Abstr., B Pearson, S Albert, A Loud, and F Grose
Biochemistry of dystrophic muscle. 2. Some enzyme changes in dystrophic mouse muscle., R J. Pennington
Specificity of phagocytosis as it may relate to antibody formation., E H. Perkins and M R. Leonard
Cobamide binding by mouse ascitic fluid. Abstr., D Perlman, N A. Giuffre, and B J. Amrein
Effect of irradiation in infancy on the fertility of female mice., H Peters and E Levy
The role of ozone in radiation avoidance in the mouse., D C. Peterson and H L. Andrews
Reduced antibody forming capacity during the incubation period of passage a leukemia in c3h mice., R D. Peterson, R Hendrickson, and R A. Good
Genetic control of a serum esterase component in mus musculus., M L. Petras
(the Different antibody-producing ability of highly inbred lines of mice.) (russ. Text), R V. Petrov, V M. Manjko, and I K. Egorov
Experimental induction of splenomegaly and erythrocytopoiesis by a murine virus. Abstr., J R. Philip, W Weaver, T Fujikura, and B V. Siegel
Striated, a new sex-linked gene in the house mouse., R J. Phillips
Effects of the light mutation of mouse coat color on eye pigmentation., L J. Pierro
Pigment granule formation in slate, a coat color mutant in the mouse., L J. Pierro
Slate--a new coat color mutant in the mouse., L J. Pierro and H B. Chase
Precipitins and cytotoxins in antiurine sera. Abstr., M A. Pikovski, I P. Witz, and E Tenenbaum
Cytotoxic action of anti-urine sera on mouse tumour cells., M Pikovski, I Witz, and E Tenenbaum
An inexpensive method for rearing germfree mice. Abstr., H I. Pilgrim
A simplified system for rearing germfree mice. Abstr. (demonstration), H I. Pilgrim
Correcting for extraneous death in the evaluation of morbidity or mortality from tumor., H I. Pilgrim and J E. Dowd
Hormone synthesis by a transplantable thyroid tumor in mice., C S. Pittman, A Liu, and E E. Jones
Fatness of the total body as estimated from measurements on the eviscerated carcass., G C. Pitts and G Hollifield
Biological interactions between parasitic infections and tumoral growth. I. Effect of toxoplasma gondii infections on the early growth phase of an ascites tumor of mice., T Pizzi and M Diaz
Invasion de celulas de un tumor ascitico del raton, por formas evolutivas de toxoplasma gondii., T Pizzi and M Diaz
Plasma lactic dehydrogenase elevating agent of mice, distribution in tissues and effect of lactic dehydrogenase isozyme patterns., P Plagemann, K Gregory, H Swim, and K Chan
Studies of the plasma lactic dehydrogenase-elevating virus (pldev) of mice. Abstr., P G. Plagemann and H E. Swim
Beta glucuronidase-rich cytoplastic particles in androgen-stimulated mouse kidney, a cytobiochemical study., A G. Plant and W H. Fishman
Progesterone as a factor in metastasis. Abstr., W E. Poel and ghera N. Haran
Survival study of skin grafts using two strains of mice treated with reciprocal tissue antigen. Abstr., H C. Pomeroy and E S. Crelin
Hemoglobin loci, mice classified for their hb and sol alleles., R A. Popp
Regression of (c57bl x 101)f2 marrows in irradiated f1 mice. Abstr., R A. Popp
Amino acid analyses of tryptic peptides of the alpha-chain of mouse hemoglobin. Abstr., R A. Popp, D M. Popp, and B C. Webb
Sur la formation et l'ultrastructure des 'cellules de regeneration' dans les tubes renaux de souris intoxiquees par le nitrate d'uranyle., A Porte, Y Cussac, P Stoebner, and J P. Zahnd
The fasted mouse in the study of bone-marrow stem-cell kinetics., D D. Porteous, R Alexanian, and L G. Lajtha
Assessment of diets for mice. I. Comparative feeding trials., G Porter, petter W. Lane, and N Horne
Diets for mice, comparative feeding trials of three commercially produced feeds., G Porter, petter W. Lane, and N Horne
Assessment of diets for mice. 2. Diets in relation to reproduction., W L. Porter g and N Horne
The source of antigenic stimulation in the induction of maternal immunological tolerance to a transplantable tumor. Abstr., J B. Porter and E J. Breyere
In vitro growth of the landschutz ascites tumour with retention of high mouse virulence., R Postlethwaite and I A. Macpherson
Heritable variation in bence jones protein structure in balb/c mice, relation to gamma globulin. Abstr., M Potter, W J. Dreyer, E L. Kuff, and K R. Intire
The effects of 2-(2.6-xylyloxy)-ethylgaunidine On sarcoma cells and normal fibrocytes cultivated in vitro., A K. Powell
A multicomponent x-ray survival curve for mouse lymphosarcoma cells irradiated in vivo., W E. Powers and L J. Tolmach
Isolation of a murine leukaemogenic virus p-llv., A Precerutti and L W. Law
Function of depressed immunologic reactivity during carcinogenesis., R T. Prehn
Means of increasing the toleranted dose of streptomycin in mice. Steroids., B Prescott and H J. Stone
Myeloid chloroleukemia virus in transplantable mice tumours., E Prigogina
Etude experimentale des greffes de peau selon mowlem et jackson., M Prunieras, H Janvier, Y Chardonnet, and P Colson
The effect of 3'-amino-3'-deoxyadenosine against ascitic tumors of mice., L H. Pugh and N N. Gerber
Metabolism of pyridine nucleotides (pn) in ehrlich ascites carcinoma. Abstr., J Purko and H B. Stewart
Studies on radiation-induced tanning of skin., W C. Quevedo and J A. Smith
Failure of an anabolic steroid, oxymetholone, to influence the survival time of dystrophic mice., J L. Rabinowitz, G D. Chase, and R M. Myerson
Incorporation of dna into a mouse tumor in vivo and in vitro., G F. Rabotti
In vitro progression of a bdf1 ascites tumor., G F. Rabotti, J Geldner, and W Hoffner
Factors modifying the past-radiation effects of homologous spleen., G Rabotti and I Iossifides
Relative drug effectiveness against mouse leukemias p1534 and l1210. Abstr., C Radzikowski, J M. Venditti, and A Goldin
Mass selection for post-weaning growth in mice., G W. Rahnefeld, W J. Boylan, R E. Comstock, and M Singh
Biological studies on the new albino mouse inbred at the indian cancer research centre., K J. Ranadive and S A. Kanekar
Studies on 1,2.5,6-dibenzanthracene Induced mammary carcinogenesis in mice., K J. Ranadive and K A. Karande
Studies on a trnasplantable mastocytoma in mice. I. Origin and general morphology., nielsen R. Rask and H E. Christensen
Drastic morphological change without loss of viability in ehrlich ascites tumour cells after incubation with strongly diluted formalde- hyde., M Ratzenhofer and J Zangger
Influence of the d-locus on phenylalanine metabolism in mice. Abstr., H Rauch and M T. Yost
Phenylalanine metabolism in dilute-lethal mice., H Rauch and M T. Yost
Blastomogenic properties of certain metabolites of tryptophane., M O. Rauschenbach, E I. Jarova, and T G. Protasova
Growth curve of a murine leukemia virus in mice. Abstr., F J. Rauscher
Pathogenesis of a murine stem-cell leukemia induced by a newly isolated virus., F J. Rauscher
Effects of fostering on the behavior of two inbred mouse strains. Abstr., A J. Reading
Genetic differences in the liver catalase of c57bl mice. Abstr., M Rechcigl and W E. Heston
Tissue catalase activity in several c57bl substrains and in other strains of inbred mice., M Rechcigl and W E. Heston
Pharmacological investigations of haloethylpyridinium compounds as possible anticancer agents. Abstr., H M. Redetzki, F Alvarez, and L Tucker
Sex of parent and variation of recombination with age in the mouse., D H. Reid and P A. Parsons
Immune cytolysis of mouse thymic lymphocytes., A E. Reif
Specificity of isoantisera against leukaemic and thymic lymphocytes., A E. Reif and J M. Allen
Cytolysis of akr thymocytes by isoantisera. Abstr., A E. Reif and J M. Valzania
Specificity of antisera to mouse ascites tumor in rabbits immuno- logically depressed with mouse red cells., A E. Reif, L M. Vety, and E R. Klein
Participation of small bowel in runt disease. Abstr., R W. Reilly and J B. Kirsner
Growth of sarcoma 180 in anterior pituitary dwarf mice. Abstr., E G. Rennels, D M. Anigstein, and L Anigstein
Effect of magnetic fields on tissue respiration., V R. Reno and L G. Nutini
Genotype-correlated parental influences in two strains of mice., R H. Ressler
Intrinsic non-protein sulphydryl levels and cellular radio- sensitivity., L Revesz, H Bergstrand, and H Modig
Relationship between chromosome number and radiosensitivity of tumour cells., L Revesz, U Glas, and G Hilding
Serological changes in pri mice carrying ovarian tumour passages., J M. Rhodes and A Fjelde
Cancerogenesi polmonare da idrazide dell'acido isonicotinico in topi maschi balb/c, con e senza mtv., R Ribacchi, C Biancifiori, U Milia, F P. Leo, and E Bucciarelli
Mammary tumors, mammary gland development, and morphology of ovaries in virgin mice of strains c3h, cba, and their f1 hybrids., F L. Richardson and G Hall
Studies on murine leukemia--nucleic acids., M A. Rich, J Geldner, L W. Johns, M Kalocsky, A Meyers, E L. Rothstein, R Siegler, and cohen J. Gershon
Synthesis of glutathione in chrysoidine hepatoma in mice., R Richter
Experimental study of the relationship between vitamin b12 and two animal tumour systems., C C. Rigby and M Bodian
The amino acid composition of some mammalian hemoglobins, mouse, guinea pig, and elephant., A Riggs
Enzymatic determination of transmissible replicating factors associated with mouse tumors., V Riley
Transmissible agents and anemia of mouse cancer., V Riley
Inapparent transmissible agents in oncology and their influence on tumor and host., V Riley, E Huerto, J D. Loveless, D Bardell, M Fitzmaurice, and C Forman
Polysaccharides of neoplastic mast cells., N R. Ringertz
Durch rontgenstrahlen induzierte zahnverschmelzungen bei der maus. II. Histologische befunde., W Ritter
Clefts of the lips, jaws and palate induced in mice by means of x-rays., W Ritter and K H. Degenhardt
Hormonal requirements for survival and growth of mouse primary mammary ducts in organ culture., E M. Rivera
Tumors, with a comment on the occurrence of viral inclusion bodies., E M. Rivera, J J. Elias, H A. Bern, N P. Napalkov, D D. Pitelka, and E O. Mammary
A pattern of change in tumour-cell populations in vivo., D C. Roberts
Histopathogenesis of mousepox. Iii. Ectromelia virulence., J A. Roberts