
Submissions from 1963

Attempts to transfer the mammary tumour agent from infected male mice to susceptible new-born females., A Peacock

A short term test for carcinogenicity, mouse embryo tissue homo- grafts in balb/c strain mice., P M. Peacock and E Dick

A histological study of muscle from the bar harbor strain of dystrophic mice., G W. Pearce and J N. Walton

Mass measurement of lymphocytes in nodes of high and low leukemic strains of mice. Abstr., B Pearson, S Albert, A Loud, and F Grose

Biochemistry of dystrophic muscle. 2. Some enzyme changes in dystrophic mouse muscle., R J. Pennington

Specificity of phagocytosis as it may relate to antibody formation., E H. Perkins and M R. Leonard

Cobamide binding by mouse ascitic fluid. Abstr., D Perlman, N A. Giuffre, and B J. Amrein

Effect of irradiation in infancy on the fertility of female mice., H Peters and E Levy

The role of ozone in radiation avoidance in the mouse., D C. Peterson and H L. Andrews

Reduced antibody forming capacity during the incubation period of passage a leukemia in c3h mice., R D. Peterson, R Hendrickson, and R A. Good

Genetic control of a serum esterase component in mus musculus., M L. Petras

(the Different antibody-producing ability of highly inbred lines of mice.) (russ. Text), R V. Petrov, V M. Manjko, and I K. Egorov

Etude histochimique comparee du developpement de quelques activites enzymatiques d'oxydation dans les couches externes de la retine, chez la souris normale et chez des souris atteintes d'une degenerescence hereditaire du neuroepithelium retinien., C Pfersch and P Karli

Experimental induction of splenomegaly and erythrocytopoiesis by a murine virus. Abstr., J R. Philip, W Weaver, T Fujikura, and B V. Siegel

Striated, a new sex-linked gene in the house mouse., R J. Phillips

Effects of the light mutation of mouse coat color on eye pigmentation., L J. Pierro

Pigment granule formation in slate, a coat color mutant in the mouse., L J. Pierro

Slate--a new coat color mutant in the mouse., L J. Pierro and H B. Chase

Precipitins and cytotoxins in antiurine sera. Abstr., M A. Pikovski, I P. Witz, and E Tenenbaum

Cytotoxic action of anti-urine sera on mouse tumour cells., M Pikovski, I Witz, and E Tenenbaum

An inexpensive method for rearing germfree mice. Abstr., H I. Pilgrim

A simplified system for rearing germfree mice. Abstr. (demonstration), H I. Pilgrim

Correcting for extraneous death in the evaluation of morbidity or mortality from tumor., H I. Pilgrim and J E. Dowd

Hormone synthesis by a transplantable thyroid tumor in mice., C S. Pittman, A Liu, and E E. Jones

Fatness of the total body as estimated from measurements on the eviscerated carcass., G C. Pitts and G Hollifield

Biological interactions between parasitic infections and tumoral growth. I. Effect of toxoplasma gondii infections on the early growth phase of an ascites tumor of mice., T Pizzi and M Diaz

Invasion de celulas de un tumor ascitico del raton, por formas evolutivas de toxoplasma gondii., T Pizzi and M Diaz

Plasma lactic dehydrogenase elevating agent of mice, distribution in tissues and effect of lactic dehydrogenase isozyme patterns., P Plagemann, K Gregory, H Swim, and K Chan

Studies of the plasma lactic dehydrogenase-elevating virus (pldev) of mice. Abstr., P G. Plagemann and H E. Swim

Beta glucuronidase-rich cytoplastic particles in androgen-stimulated mouse kidney, a cytobiochemical study., A G. Plant and W H. Fishman

Progesterone as a factor in metastasis. Abstr., W E. Poel and ghera N. Haran

Survival study of skin grafts using two strains of mice treated with reciprocal tissue antigen. Abstr., H C. Pomeroy and E S. Crelin

Hemoglobin loci, mice classified for their hb and sol alleles., R A. Popp

Regression of (c57bl x 101)f2 marrows in irradiated f1 mice. Abstr., R A. Popp

Amino acid analyses of tryptic peptides of the alpha-chain of mouse hemoglobin. Abstr., R A. Popp, D M. Popp, and B C. Webb

Sur la formation et l'ultrastructure des 'cellules de regeneration' dans les tubes renaux de souris intoxiquees par le nitrate d'uranyle., A Porte, Y Cussac, P Stoebner, and J P. Zahnd

The fasted mouse in the study of bone-marrow stem-cell kinetics., D D. Porteous, R Alexanian, and L G. Lajtha

Assessment of diets for mice. I. Comparative feeding trials., G Porter, petter W. Lane, and N Horne

Diets for mice, comparative feeding trials of three commercially produced feeds., G Porter, petter W. Lane, and N Horne

Assessment of diets for mice. 2. Diets in relation to reproduction., W L. Porter g and N Horne

The source of antigenic stimulation in the induction of maternal immunological tolerance to a transplantable tumor. Abstr., J B. Porter and E J. Breyere

In vitro growth of the landschutz ascites tumour with retention of high mouse virulence., R Postlethwaite and I A. Macpherson

Heritable variation in bence jones protein structure in balb/c mice, relation to gamma globulin. Abstr., M Potter, W J. Dreyer, E L. Kuff, and K R. Intire

The effects of 2-(2.6-xylyloxy)-ethylgaunidine On sarcoma cells and normal fibrocytes cultivated in vitro., A K. Powell

A multicomponent x-ray survival curve for mouse lymphosarcoma cells irradiated in vivo., W E. Powers and L J. Tolmach

Isolation of a murine leukaemogenic virus p-llv., A Precerutti and L W. Law

Function of depressed immunologic reactivity during carcinogenesis., R T. Prehn

Means of increasing the toleranted dose of streptomycin in mice. Steroids., B Prescott and H J. Stone

Myeloid chloroleukemia virus in transplantable mice tumours., E Prigogina

Etude experimentale des greffes de peau selon mowlem et jackson., M Prunieras, H Janvier, Y Chardonnet, and P Colson

The effect of 3'-amino-3'-deoxyadenosine against ascitic tumors of mice., L H. Pugh and N N. Gerber

Metabolism of pyridine nucleotides (pn) in ehrlich ascites carcinoma. Abstr., J Purko and H B. Stewart

Studies on radiation-induced tanning of skin., W C. Quevedo and J A. Smith

Failure of an anabolic steroid, oxymetholone, to influence the survival time of dystrophic mice., J L. Rabinowitz, G D. Chase, and R M. Myerson

Incorporation of dna into a mouse tumor in vivo and in vitro., G F. Rabotti

In vitro progression of a bdf1 ascites tumor., G F. Rabotti, J Geldner, and W Hoffner

Factors modifying the past-radiation effects of homologous spleen., G Rabotti and I Iossifides

Relative drug effectiveness against mouse leukemias p1534 and l1210. Abstr., C Radzikowski, J M. Venditti, and A Goldin

Mass selection for post-weaning growth in mice., G W. Rahnefeld, W J. Boylan, R E. Comstock, and M Singh

Biological studies on the new albino mouse inbred at the indian cancer research centre., K J. Ranadive and S A. Kanekar

Studies on 1,2.5,6-dibenzanthracene Induced mammary carcinogenesis in mice., K J. Ranadive and K A. Karande

Studies on a trnasplantable mastocytoma in mice. I. Origin and general morphology., nielsen R. Rask and H E. Christensen

Drastic morphological change without loss of viability in ehrlich ascites tumour cells after incubation with strongly diluted formalde- hyde., M Ratzenhofer and J Zangger

Influence of the d-locus on phenylalanine metabolism in mice. Abstr., H Rauch and M T. Yost

Phenylalanine metabolism in dilute-lethal mice., H Rauch and M T. Yost

Blastomogenic properties of certain metabolites of tryptophane., M O. Rauschenbach, E I. Jarova, and T G. Protasova

Growth curve of a murine leukemia virus in mice. Abstr., F J. Rauscher

Pathogenesis of a murine stem-cell leukemia induced by a newly isolated virus., F J. Rauscher

Effects of fostering on the behavior of two inbred mouse strains. Abstr., A J. Reading

Genetic differences in the liver catalase of c57bl mice. Abstr., M Rechcigl and W E. Heston

Tissue catalase activity in several c57bl substrains and in other strains of inbred mice., M Rechcigl and W E. Heston

Pharmacological investigations of haloethylpyridinium compounds as possible anticancer agents. Abstr., H M. Redetzki, F Alvarez, and L Tucker

Sex of parent and variation of recombination with age in the mouse., D H. Reid and P A. Parsons

Immune cytolysis of mouse thymic lymphocytes., A E. Reif

Specificity of isoantisera against leukaemic and thymic lymphocytes., A E. Reif and J M. Allen

Cytolysis of akr thymocytes by isoantisera. Abstr., A E. Reif and J M. Valzania

Specificity of antisera to mouse ascites tumor in rabbits immuno- logically depressed with mouse red cells., A E. Reif, L M. Vety, and E R. Klein

Participation of small bowel in runt disease. Abstr., R W. Reilly and J B. Kirsner

Growth of sarcoma 180 in anterior pituitary dwarf mice. Abstr., E G. Rennels, D M. Anigstein, and L Anigstein

Effect of magnetic fields on tissue respiration., V R. Reno and L G. Nutini

Genotype-correlated parental influences in two strains of mice., R H. Ressler

Intrinsic non-protein sulphydryl levels and cellular radio- sensitivity., L Revesz, H Bergstrand, and H Modig

Relationship between chromosome number and radiosensitivity of tumour cells., L Revesz, U Glas, and G Hilding

Serological changes in pri mice carrying ovarian tumour passages., J M. Rhodes and A Fjelde

Cancerogenesi polmonare da idrazide dell'acido isonicotinico in topi maschi balb/c, con e senza mtv., R Ribacchi, C Biancifiori, U Milia, F P. Leo, and E Bucciarelli

Mammary tumors, mammary gland development, and morphology of ovaries in virgin mice of strains c3h, cba, and their f1 hybrids., F L. Richardson and G Hall

Studies on murine leukemia--nucleic acids., M A. Rich, J Geldner, L W. Johns, M Kalocsky, A Meyers, E L. Rothstein, R Siegler, and cohen J. Gershon

Synthesis of glutathione in chrysoidine hepatoma in mice., R Richter

Experimental study of the relationship between vitamin b12 and two animal tumour systems., C C. Rigby and M Bodian

The amino acid composition of some mammalian hemoglobins, mouse, guinea pig, and elephant., A Riggs

Enzymatic determination of transmissible replicating factors associated with mouse tumors., V Riley

Transmissible agents and anemia of mouse cancer., V Riley

Inapparent transmissible agents in oncology and their influence on tumor and host., V Riley, E Huerto, J D. Loveless, D Bardell, M Fitzmaurice, and C Forman

Polysaccharides of neoplastic mast cells., N R. Ringertz

Durch rontgenstrahlen induzierte zahnverschmelzungen bei der maus. II. Histologische befunde., W Ritter

Clefts of the lips, jaws and palate induced in mice by means of x-rays., W Ritter and K H. Degenhardt

Hormonal requirements for survival and growth of mouse primary mammary ducts in organ culture., E M. Rivera

Tumors, with a comment on the occurrence of viral inclusion bodies., E M. Rivera, J J. Elias, H A. Bern, N P. Napalkov, D D. Pitelka, and E O. Mammary

A pattern of change in tumour-cell populations in vivo., D C. Roberts

Histopathogenesis of mousepox. Iii. Ectromelia virulence., J A. Roberts