Submissions from 1960
The variation of heterohemagglutinins in normal mouse sera., J H. Stimpfling
Vertebrate radiobiology: late effects., J B. Storer and D Drahn
The development of rib fusions, a mutation in the house mouse., K Theiler and L C. Stevens
A manipulandum for use with dogs., M B. Waller
A water maze for use in studies of drive and learning., M B. Waller, P F. Waller, and L A. Brewster
Growth in tissue culture., C Waymouth
Histopathology of hereditary, progressive kmuscular dystrophy in inbred strain 129 mice., W T. West and E D. Murphy
Salmonella binza and Salmonella bredeney from laboratory mice., P W. Wetmore and W G. Hoag
Commercialization of scientific findings., P R. White
Grants and scientific freedom., P R. White
The immune response and the homograft reaction., H J. Winn
The immune response and the homograft reaction., H J. Winn