Content Posted in 2012
Igd is present on the cell surface of murine lymphocytes in two forms: delta 2l2 and delta l., L Eidels
Igd-secreting murine plasmacytomas: identification and partial characterization of two igd myeloma proteins., F D. Finkelman, S W. Kessler, J F. Mushinski, and M Potter
Ige antibody formation and aging. I. Age-related changes in ige antobody formation and avidity for the dnp-determinant in mice., M Fujiwara and S Kishimoto
Ige antibody formation in balb/c mice without adjuvant: induction of responses to grass pollen extract and to a hapten-carrier conjugate., W A. Taylor, D Sheldon, and D H. Francis
Ige antibody responses induced by repeated administration of antigens without adjuvant., J K. Manning and prochniak M. Drewes
Ige antibody-specific abrogation of an established immune response in mice by modified antigens., M K. Bach and J R. Brashler
Ige-binding factors from mouse t lymphocytes. I. Formation of ige-binding factors by stimulation with homologous ige and interferon., T Uede, K Sandberg, B R. Bloom, and K Ishizaka
Ige class-restricted tolerance induced by neonatal administra- tion of soluble or cell-bound ige., S Chen and D H. Katz
Ige isotype suppression in anti-epsilon-treated mice., B E. Bozelka, M L. Mccants, J E. Salvaggio, and S B. Lehrer
Ige-mediated release of leukotriene c4, chondroitin sulfate e proteoglycan, beta-hexosaminidase, and histamine from cultured bone marrow-derived mouse mast cells., E Razin, huerta J. Mencia, R L. Stevens, R A. Lewis, F Liu, E J. Corey, and K F. Austen
Ige on mast cells of nude mice. Abstr., D A. Levy, danon A. Prouvost, R Binaghi, A Abadie, and M Widra
Ige-producing hybridomas. Abstr., E L. Barsumian, E Berenstein, L Basciano, and R P. Siraganian
Ige production and suppression in mice. Carl prausnitz memorial lecture., Z Ovary
Ige responses to synthetic polypeptide antigens. I. Simultan- eous ir gene and isotype-specific regulation of ige responses to l-glutamic acid60-l-alanine30-l-tryosine10(gat)., A Dessein, R N. Germain, M E. Dorf, and B Benacerraf
Ige-selective and antigen-specific unresponsiveness in mice. I. Induction of the unresponsiveness by administration of ovalbumin-pullulan conjugate., M Usui and T Matuhasi
IGF-1:tetanus toxin fragment C fusion protein improves delivery of IGF-1 to spinal cord but fails to prolong survival of ALS mice., R J. Chian, J Li, I Ay, S A. Celia, B B. Kashi, E Tamrazian, J C. Matthews, R T. Bronson, A Rossomando, R B. Pepinsky, P S. Fishman, R H. Brown, and J W. Francis
Igf-I and postnatal growth of weaver mutant mice., W Yao, J Zhong, C J. Rosen, J M. Hock, and W H. Lee
IGF-I regulates osteoprotegerin (OPG) and receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand in vitro and OPG in vivo., J Rubin, Bicknell C. Ackert, L Zhu, X Fan, T C. Murphy, M S. Nanes, R Marcus, L Holloway, W G. Beamer, and C J. Rosen
IGF-I secretion by prostate carcinoma cells does not alter tumor-bone cell interactions in vitro or in vivo., J Rubin, X Fan, J Rahnert, B Sen, C L. Hsieh, T C. Murphy, M S. Nanes, L G. Horton, W G. Beamer, and C J. Rosen
Igg2a monoclonal antibodies inhibit human tumor growth through interaction with effector cells., D Herlyn and H Koprowski
Igg2a, myeloma proteins and normal serum of balb/c mice. Abstr., R Lieberman, M P. Humphrey, and G O. With
Igg2a-producing variants of an igg2b-producing mouse myeloma cell line., T Francus, R Campbell, and B K. Birshtein
Igg-binding sites on macrophage cell membrane. I. Identification of two distincct fc receptors on mouse peritoneal macrophages., A Sulica, M Gherman, C Medesan, J Sjoquist, and V Ghetie
Igg-binding sites on macrophage cell membrane. II. Mobility of fc receptors induced by the interaction with their corresponding igg ligands., A Sulica, M Gherman, C Medesan, V Ghetie, and J Sjoquist
Igg b memory cell subpopulations: differences in suscept- ibility to stimulation by ti-1 and ti-2 antigens., T V. Tittle and M B. Rittenberg
Igg, hypergammaglobulinaemia in chronic parasitic infections in mice: evidence that the response reflects chronicity of antigen exposure., C B. Chapman, P M. Knopf, R F, and E A. Mitchell
Igg, hypergammaglobulinaemia in chronic parasitic infections in mice: magnitude of the response in mice infected with various parasites., C B. Chapman, P M. Knopf, J D. Hicks, and G F. Mitchell
Igg immune deposits in glomerular lesions of young new zealand black mice., S Ishida, T Sasaki, S Onodera, and K Ysohinaga
Igg on mouse erythrocytes augments activation of the human alternative complement pathway by enhancing deposition of c3b., F D. Moore, D T. Fearon, and K F. Austen
Igg or igm monoclonal antibodies reactive with different determinants on the molecular complex bearing lyt 2 antigen block t cell-mediated cytolysis in the absence of complement., M Sarmiento, A L. Glasebrook, and F W. Fitch
Igg recruiting component (grc): b cell-derived signal for igg antibody synthesis., S M. Hinchman and J R. Battisto
Igg response in vitro. I. The requirement for an inter- mediate responsive cell type., J R. North and B A. Askonas
Igg subclass distribution of anti-sheep red blood cell plaque-forming cells in mice with the cba/n defect., N E. Phillips and P A. Campbell
Igg subclass, ige, and iga anti-trinitrophenyl antibody production within trinitrophenyl-ficoll-responsive b cell clones. Evidence in support of three distinct switching pathways., P K. Mongini, W E. Paul, and E S. Metcalf
Igg synthesis in hybrid cells from an antibody-producing mouse myeloma and an l cell substrain., P Periman
Igh-v or closely linked gene(s) control immunological memory to a thymus-independent antigen., J Colle, I Motta, B Shidani, and bachi P. Truffa
Igm and its partial purification., R Laskov, E Simon, D R. Al, U O. Mouse, and H A. As
Igm antibodies induce the production of antibodies of the same specificity., L Forni, A Coutinho, G Kohler, and N K. Jerne
Igm antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity in the moloney sarcoma virus system. The involvement of t and b lymphocytes as effector cells., E W. Lamon, H D. Whitten, H M. Skurzak, and E A. Lidin
Igm antibody with rabbit immunochemical characteristics in mice injected with rabbit splenic (rna-r). Abstr., V Yakulis, J Eipe, and N Costea
Igm-igg1,2,3 relationship during pregnancy., P Ralph, I Nakoinz, and M Cohn
Igm in bone marrow-derived lymphocytes. Changes in synthesis turnover and secretion, and in numbers of molecules on the surface of b cells after mitogenic stimulation., F Melchers and J Andersson
Igm in bone marrow-derived lymphocytes. Synthesis, surface deposition, turnover and carbohydrate composition in unstimulated mouse b cells., J Andersson, L Lafleur, and F Melchers
Igm-induced tumor cell cytotoxicity mediated by normal thymocytes., E W. Lamon, H D. Whitten, B Lidin, and H H. Fudenberg
Igm-mediated, t cell-independent suppression of humoral immunity., J Ordal, S Smith, D Ness, R K. Gershon, and F C. Grumet
Igm-producing tumors in the balb/c mouse. A model for b-cell maturation., J Andersson, J Buxbaum, R Citronbaum, S Douglas, L Forni, F Melchers, B Pernis, and D Stott
Igm rheumatoid factor as a source of non-specificity in murine anti-allotype sera., K D. Keeler, J M. Phillips, and D W. Dresser
Igm rheumatoid factors in mice injected with bacterial lipopolysaccharides., S Izui, R A. Eisenberg, and F J. Dixon
Iibeta-hydroxy dehydrogenase system activity in thymi of mice follow- ing prolonged cortisol treatment., T F. Dougherty, M L. Berliner, and D L. Berliner
II. Characteristics of primary cell-mediated cytotoxic response., C Ting, D Rodrigues, G S. Bushar, D R. Herberman, and E I. Leukemia
Iii. Dissemination of metastases from a strontium-90-induced trans- planted osteosarcoma investigated by whole-body autoradiography., A Nilsson and S Ullberg
II. Induction of in vitro ige antibody response in murine spleen cells and demonstration of a possible involvement of distinct t-helper cells in ige and igg antibody responses., M Kimoto, T Kishimoto, S Noguchi, T Watanabe, D Y. Yamamura, and T O. Classes
II. Inhibition of the erythropoietin effect by interferon., K A. Smith, T N. Fredrickson, E Mobraaten, D E. Demaeyer, and T O. Cells
Iii. The three h-2 linked rmv genes are immune response genes con- trolling the antiviral antibody response., P Debre, B Boyer, S Gisselbrecht, A Bismuth, D J. Levy, and C C. Mice
I. Immunosurveillance and tumorigenesis in balb/c mice--1. Early reactive state in mesenteric granulomas., V A. Toma and J D. Anderson
I. Immunosurveillance and tumorigenesis in balb/c mice--1. Early reactive state in peyer's patches., V A. Toma and F P. Retief
I. Immunosurveillance and tumorigenesis in balb/c mice. 1. Early reactive state in the caecal lymphoid tissue aggregate., V A. Toma and J D. Anderson
I. Immunosurveillance and tumorigenesis in balb/c mice. 1. Early reactive state in the spleen and spleen-attached granulomatous tissue., V A. Toma and J D. Anderson
II. Rabbit anti-el4 serum. A reagent which discriminates between murine cytotoxic and suppressor cells., sakkaf L. Al, A Cooke, L Heppel, P Hutchings, and B Jones
II. Ultrastructural differences in attachment patterns of indicator cells to target cells in the rosette-forming process., E Mandache, I Moraru, J Sjoquist, and V Ghetie
I-j-restricted interactions in the generation of azobenzenear- sonate-specific suppressor t cells., M Takaoki, M S. Sy, A Tominaga, A Lowy, M Tsurufuji, O Finberg, B Benacerraf, and M I. Greene
I-j restrictions on the activation and interaction of parental and f1-derived ts3 suppressor cells., M Minami, S Furusawa, and M E. Dorf
IL-15 mediates anti-tumor effects after cyclophosphamide injection of tumor-bearing mice and enhances adoptive immunotherapy: the potential role of NK cell subpopulations., R Evans, J A. Fuller, G Christianson, D M. Krupke, and A B. Troutt
Il-1 production by peritoneal macrophages of tumor- bearing mice., Lorna R. Blanco
IL-21 and SLE., Shauna Bennett
IL-2 expression in tumor bearing mice and after combination therapy., Mary Crosby
IL-5 and eosinophils are essential for the development of airway hyperresponsiveness following acute respiratory syncytial virus infection., J Schwarze, G Cieslewicz, E Hamelmann, A Joetham, L D. Shultz, M C. Lamers, and E W. Gelfand
Ileal lipid-binding protein (Illbp) gene maps to mouse chromosome 11., E H. Birkenmeier, L B. Rowe, M W. Crossman, and J I. Gordon
Il quadro istologico ed enzimatico del fegato nella sindrome dell 'obesita iperglicemica., M Cairella and L Leofreddi
Imaging axonal transport of mitochondria in vivo., T Misgeld, M Kerschensteiner, F M. Bareyre, R W. Burgess, and J W. Lichtman
Imaging label-free intracellular structures by localisation microscopy., Rainer Kaufmann, Patrick Müller, Michael Hausmann, and Christoph Cremer
Imaging of human melanoma xenografts in nude mice with a radiolabeled monoclonal antibody., T Ghose, S Ferrone, K Imai, S T. Norvell Jr., S J. Luner, R H. Martin, and A H. Blair
Imcreased susceptibility of newborn mice to infection with polio and lcm viruses after pretreatment with adult mouse lymphoid tissue. Abstr., A Paraf, R E. Billingham, and H Koprowski
Immature b cells as the target for in vivo tolerance induction., N R. Klinman, A F. Schrater, and D H. Katz
Immature megakaryocytes in the mouse: in vitro relationship to megakaryocyte progenitor cells and mature megakaryocytes., M W. Long, N Williams, and T P. Mcdonald
Immature thymocytes isolated using a sialic acid-specific lectin are unresponsive to conanavalin a., L R. Herron, C A. Abel, J Vanderwall, and P A. Campbell
Immature t lineage lymphocytes in athymic mice. Presence of tl, lifespan and homeostatic regulation., G E. Roelants, K S. Mayor, L Hagg, and F Loor
Immediate adaptation of mouse hepatitis virus to growth in a geneti- cally resistant strain of mice. Abstr., I Shif and F B. Bang
Immediate effects of protons on the mammalian brain., S H. Nystrom
Immersion interferometry in studies of the functional morphology and cytogenetics of mouse ascites tumors., A C. Longwell
Immobilite du fer mammaire chez la souris anemiee. Aspects histo- chimique et ultrastructural., J Girardie
Immobilization of membrane h-2 antigens by paraformaldehyde fixation., E L. Parr and J S. Oei
Immobilizing and hyperglycemic effects of benzyl alcohol, a common preservative., N Baker and R J. Huebotter
Immune activation by t-independent antigens: lack of effect of macrophage depletion on the immune response to tnp-lps, pvp and dextran., D M. Wong and H B. Herscowitz
Immune and mitogenic responses by balb/c, c3h/hej, and nude mice to brucella abortus bacterin and lipopolysac- charide., J M. Spellman and N D. Reed
Immune and natural antibodies to syngeneic murine plasma cell tumors., R B. Herberman and T Aoki
Immune capacity and response to antigenic tumors., R J. Risdall, J C. Aust, and C F. Khann
Immune capacity of mice tolerating a weakly incompatible skin allograft. I. Tolerance induction by neonatal skin graft in adult recipient or by neonatal inoculation of adult cells., V Viklicky, M Polackova, and B Wabik
Immune cell demographics in lipodystrophic adipose tissue., Alison Dempsey
Immune competence and diabetes mellitus. II. Experimental mouse studies., M A. Mandel
Immune competence and immunosuppressive factors in splenectomized tumor-bearing mice., R B. Whitney, B L. Pope, and J G. Levy
Immune competence of hereditarily asplenic mice., B Lozzio and L B. Wargon
Immune competence of lymphoid cells from mice given anti-lymphoid serum. Abstr., B A. Van der werf, A P. Monaco, and P S. Russell
Immune competence of obese (ob/ob) mice. Abstr., J W. Dewille, P J. Fraker, and D R. Romsos
Immune competence of splenic lymphocytes following graft-vs-host disease in mouse allogeneic radiation chimeras., P Urso and N Gengozian
Immune competency of nude mice bred from homozygous and heterozygous mothers., M H. Kramer and M E. Gershwin
Immune complex disease in murine systemic lupus erythematosus and serum sickness. Abstr., J M. Cruse, R E. Lewis, A J. Ainsworth, M C. Yarbrough, V G. Lockard, and C Skinner
Immune complexes in cancer. Demonstration of complexes in mice bearing neuroblastomas., M B. Oldstone
Immune complexes in mice infected neonatally with moloney leukaemo- genic and murine sarcoma viruses., M S. Hirsch, A C. Allison, and J J. Harvey
Immune complexes in skin of nzb/nzw mice., V M. Sommer, U H. Rudofsky, and A E. Gabrielsen
Immune complexes in the skin of nzb mice. Abstr., R H. Van meter, U H. Rudofsky, and A E. Gabrielsen
Immune complexes in the skin of nzb/nzw (b/w) mice. Abstr., V Sommer and A E. Gabrielsen
Immune complexes localized in the renal glomeruli of akr mice, the presence of mulv gs-i and c-type rna tumor virus gs-3 determinants., R V. Markham, J C. Sutherland, E F. Cimino, W P. Drake, and M R. Mardiney
Immune complex glomerulonephritis in old c57bl/6 mice. Abstr., H G. Porter and D D. Porter
Immune complex in glomeruli of normal pregnancy. Abstr., K S. Tung
Immune complex vasculitis in beige mice. Abstr., K J. Johnson and J Varani
Immune conservation. A possible consequence of the mechanism of interferon-induced antibody suppression., R J. Booth, J M. Booth, and J Marbrook
Immune control of SV40-induced tumors in mice., S Pan, J Abramczuk, and B B. Knowles
Immune cytolysis by automatic determination of cell volume distribution. Abstr., A E. Reif and C M. Robinson
Immune cytolysis of mouse macrophages in vitro., R Gallily and ishay Z. Ben
Immune cytolysis of mouse thymic lymphocytes., A E. Reif
Immune cytolysis of murine tumor cells mediated by xenogeneic 'immune' rna., D H. Kern and Y H. Pilch
Immune cytolysis of three mouse ascites tumors., A E. Reif
Immune deficiency and graft vs host reaction (gvhr) in mouse radi- ation chimeras. Abstr., P Urso, T A. Gilman, N Gengozian, and E H. Perkins
Immune deficiency induced in mice exposed in utero to 2'- -deoxycoformycin. Abstr., L Currao, O Bagasra, and I Damjanov
Immune depression in trypanosome-infected mice. II. Characteri- zation of the spleen cell types involved., G E. Roelants, T W. Pearson, H W. Tyrer, and L B. Lundin
Immune depression in trypanosome-infected mice. Iii. Supp- ressor cells., T W. Pearson and G E. Roelants
Immune depression in trypanosome-infected mice. IV. Kinetics of suppression and alleviation by the trypanocidal drug berenil., G E. Roelants, T W. Pearson, W I. Morrison, and L B. Lundin
Immune-depressive effect of urethan on the homograft response in mice., G Parmiani
Immune electron microscopy of mouse mammary tumor virus. Abstr., H Tanaka and D H. Moore
Immune elimination and immune retention: the relationship between antigen retained in the foot and the elicitation of footpad swelling., J G. Tew, T E. Mandel, and P L. Rice
Immune enhancement in mice by ara-a., J Hinrichs, D Kitz, G Kobayashi, and J R. Little
Immune exclusion is a function of iga., C R. Stokes, J F. Soothill, and M W. Turner
Immune function in aged mice. II. B-cell function., R E. Callard, A Basten, and L K. Waters
Immune function in aged mice. I. T-cell responsiveness using phytohaemagglutinin as a functional probe., R E. Callard and A Basten
Immune function in aged mice. IV. Loss of t cell and b cell function in thymus-dependent antibody responses., R E. Callard and A Basten
Immune function in lines of mice selected for high or low degrees of behavioral asymmetry., E Fride, R L. Collins, P Skolnick, and P K. Arora
Immune functions., H J. Winn
Immune functions characteristic of sjl/j mice and their association with age and spontaneous reticulum cell sarcoma., M H. Owens and B Bonavida
Immune functions in methyl and ethyl carbamate treated mice., M I. Luster, J H. Dean, G A. Boorman, M P. Dieter, and H T. Hayes
Immune (gamma) interferon and lymphotoxin production by t cell lines and hybrids. Abstr., B S. Conta and N H. Ruddle
Immune inhibition of allogeneic lymphoma cells in the peritoneal cavity of mice., M C. Fioretti, M Liberati, E Bonmassar, and G Cudkowicz
Immune interferon. II. Different cellular site for the production of murine macrophage migration inhibitory factor and interferon., C Neumann and C Sorg
Immune interferon induced by phytohemagglutinin in nude mouse spleen cells., J Wietzerbin, S Stefanos, R Falcoff, M Lucero, L Catinot, and E Falcoff
Immune interferon induction by t-cell mitogens involves different t-cell subpopulations., D L. Archer, B G. Smith, J T. Ulrich, and H M. Johnson
Immune interferon. I. Production by lymphokine-activated murine macrophages., C Neumann and C Sorg
Immune interferon secretion as an expression of immunological memory to transplantation antigens: in vivo generation of long- -lived, recirculating memory cells., J Virelizier and grand D. Guy
Immune lymph node rna as a protective malarial immunogen against plasmodium berghei. Abstr., M L. Barr, E J. Cabrera, and J E. Heidrich
Immune lysis of thymus and spleen cells of embryonic and neonatal mice., M Schlesinger
Immune macrophage functions in high and low cancer incidence strains of mice. A comparative study. Abstr., R Gallily and ghera N. Haran
Immune manipulation by bcg administered before or after cyclophosph- amide for chemo-immunotherapy of l1210 leukaemia., G Mathe, pannenko O. Halle, and C Bourut
Immune manipulations and brain-reactive antibody formation in aging mice., K Nandy and M Bennett
Immune mechanisms in ehrlich ascites tumor growth in mice., M Marusic
Immune mechanisms in leukemia. Evaluation of immunocompetent cell populations., O A. Lukasewycz, D Martinez, and W H. Murphy
Immune mechanisms in leukemia. Protective capacity of the major lymphoid cell compartments., O A. Lukasewycz, P S. Duffey, and W H. Murphy
Immune mechanisms in leukemia. Role of the ia antigens., O A. Lukasewycz and J A. Frelinger
Immune mechanisms in leukemia. Suppression of cellular immunity by drugs and x-irradiation., D Martinez, O A. Lukasewycz, and W H. Murphy
Immune mechanisms in leukemia. Suppression of cellular immunity by starvation., D Martinez, S Cox, O A. Lukasewycz, and W H. Murphy
Immune mechanisms in parabiosis intoxication., H R. Hilgard, E A. Cornelius, A P. Dalmasso, and R A. Good
Immune mechanisms that stimulate mouse leukocyte migration in response to schistosomula of schistosoma mansoni., S L. James and A Sher
Immune-mediated arrest and reversal of established visceral metastases in athymic mice., R H. Wiltrout, P Frost, M K. Morrison, and R S. Kerbel
Immune modulation by thymosin fraction 5 (tf-5): demonstration of suppression and enhancement of cellular immune response in experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (eat). Abstr., V Tomazic and P B. Chretien
Immune modulation in tumor-bearing mice by low phenylalanine diet. Abstr., M J. Pine
Immune precipitation of immunoglobulin producing polysomes from mouse myeloma cells., R Laskov and S Mitelman
Immune reaction of tumor-bearing mice to propionibacterium acnes and the antitumor effect of the bacteria., V Silobrcic, G Fredrickson, R Sedlacek, H D. Suit, and G Wolberg
Immunereactions in recent jul@@@venile diabetes (rjd) and vi induced diabetes of mice. Abstr., H Muntefering, J Biener, J Bertrans, and F A. Gries
Immune reactions of multiparous female mice to fetal H-2 alloantigens., N Kaliss
Immune reactions to a murine leukemia virus. I. Induction of immunity to infection with virus in the natural host., M A. Fink and F J. Rauscher
Immune reactions to the tumor in progeny of mice that survived a syngeneic tumor application., Anthony D. Owen
Immune reactivity during ageing. II. Analysis of the cellular mechanisms involved in the deficient antibody response in old mice., D Friedman and A Globerson
Immune reactivity during aging. I. T-helper dependent and independent antibody responses to different antigens, in vivo and in vitro., D Friedman and A Globerson
Immune reactivity following poly i-poly c treatment in mice., D Collavo, B Finco, and bianchi L. Chieco
Immune reactivity in bxsb (nzb x bxsb) f1 hybrids and mrl/mp lpr/lpr mice. Abstr., A J. Ainsworth and J M. Cruse
Immune reactivity in mice thymectomized soon after birth, normal response after pregnancy., D Osoba
Immune reactivity in the moloney strain of murine sarcoma virus oncogenesis. Requirement of thymus-derived lymphocytes for in vivo protection., D Collavo, A Colombatti, G Biasi, and A J. Davies
Immune reactivity of progeny of tetraparental male mice., A Mclaren, P Chandler, M Buehr, W Fierz, and E Simpson
Immune reactivity prior to development of thymic lymphoma in c57bl mice., R G. Doell, C D. Cyr, and P Grabar
Immune recognition of tumor cells in vivo. I. Role of h-2-gene products in t lymphocyte activation against minor histocompatibility antigens displayed by adenocarcinoma cells., G Forni, S Landolfo, M Giovarelli, W, and R B. Herberman
Immune recovery and repair after 60 co exposure in normal and tumorous mice. Abstr., J B. Dubois, B Serrou, H Pourquier, T Reme, and B Delor
Immune regression of visceral metastases in athymic mice. Correlation of "low-level" in vitro cell-mediated cytotoxic reactions with allograft rejection in vivo., R H. Wiltrout, P Frost, and M K. Morrison
Immune regulation in murine schistosomiasis japonica: inhibition of in vitro antigen- and mitogen-induced cellular responses by splenocyte culture supernatants and by purified fractions from serum of chronically infected mice., K S. Garb, A B. Stavitsky, G R. Olds, J W. Tracy, and A A. Mahmound
Immune rejection of allotransplanted akr cells by cdf1 mice. Abstr., R Ducos
Immune repair capacity of zinc deficient young adult and neonatal mice. Abstr., P Fraker and C Zwickl
Immune response. Abstr., A Schwartz, arbouys S. Orbach, P W. Askenase, D R. Gershon, and H S. The
Immune response against apparently host-compatible transplantable tumors., L A. Manson, L Goldstein, R Thorn, and J Palmer
Immune response against the beta-galactosidase enzyme of e. Coli at precursor cell level. I. Analysis of the secondary repertoire in balb/c mice., R S. Accolla and F Celada
Immune response against two epitopes on the same thymus- -independent polysaccharide carrier. I. Role of epitope density in carrier-dependent immunity and tolerance., C Fernandez and G Moller
Immune response-associated antigens on mouse leukemia cells. I. Detection of ia antigens on grsl cells., K Okuda, S E. Cullen, J Hilgers, and C David
Immune response-associated antigens on mouse leukemia cells. II. Anti-ia sera inhibit the mlr reaction between normal gr spleen cells and syngeneic spleen cells of grsl tumor-bearing mice., K Okuda, B C. Neely, J Hilgers, and C S. David
Immune response by cultured bone marrow and thymus cells. Abstr., S K. Schmiege and H C. Miller
Immune response by the mouse to orally administered actinophage., S G. Bradley, Y B. Kim, and D W. Watson
[Immune response deficiency in (M523 X CBA)F1 mouse lymphocytes cultivated in vivo in semisyngeneic recipients], L N. Fontalin, T K. Novikova, I K. Egorov, Z K. Blandova, and I A. Kondrat'eva
Immune response deficiency of bsvs mice. I. Identification of ir gene differences between a/j and bsvs mice in the antistreptococcal group a carbohydrate response., D E. Briles, R M. Krause, and J M. Davie
Immune response deficiency of bsvs mice. II. Generalized deficiency to thymuc-dependent antigens., D E. Briles, R M. Perlmutter, D Hansburg, S Little, and J M. Davie
Immune response engendered in mice by multiparity., N Kaliss and M K. Dagg
Immune response engendered in mice by multiparity., N Kaliss and M K. Dagg
Immune response engendered in mice by multiparity. Abstr., N Kaliss
Immune-response gene control of cytotoxic t-cell responses to h-y., R D. Gordon and E Simpson
Immune response gene regulation of accessorry cell function of non-t, non-b spleen adherent cells. Abstr., H B. Dickler, A Singer, C Cowing, K S. Hathcock, and R J. Hodes
Immune response genes. (editorial), B Benacerraf
Immune response genes have a variable influence on the selection of antigenic foreign and self determinants of insulin., I R. Cohen, J Talmon, ram V. Lev, and nun A. Ben
Immune response in aged mice. Change of cell-mediated immunity with aging., S Kishimoto, S Shigemoto, and Y Yamamura
Immune response in diabetic mice: influence of in vivo metabolic environment. Abstr., B S. Handwerger, G Fernandes, and D M. Brown
Immune response in irradiated mice with peyer's patch shielding., L O. Jacobson, E K. Marks, E L. Simmons, and E O. Gaston
Immune response in irradiated mice with peyer's patch shielding. Abstr., L Jacobson, E Simmons, E Marks, E Gaston, and J Kolar
Immune response in malnutrition. Differential effect of dietary protein restriction on the igm and igg response to alloantigens., I Malave and M Layrisse
Immune response in mice to hapten conjugated sepharose., S Koskimies
Immune response in preleukemic mice., wettstein M. Frey and E F. Hays
Immune response in the mutant diabetic c57bl/ks-db+ mouse. Discrepancies between in vitro and in vivo immunological assays., G Fernandes, B S. Handwerger, E J. Yunis, and D M. Brown
Immune response in tumor-bearing mice., I Kamo and N Ishida
Immune response in tumor-bearing patients and animals. I. Production of tetanus antitoxin., M Sekiguchi, K Ashikawa, K Motoya, and Y Ishibashi
Immune response in tumor-bearing patients and animals. IV. Immunolo- gical competence in lymphoid cells of tumor-bearing mice., M Sekiguchi, T Odaka, G Fujii, and Y Ishibashi
Immune response in vitro, independence of 'activated' lymphoid cells., C W. Pierce and B Benacerraf
Immune response (ir) genes expressed at macrophage-b lymphocyte interactions., S Howie and M Feldmann
Immune response mediated by liposome-associated protein antigens. II. Comparison of the effectiveness of vesicle-entrapped and surface- -associated antigen in immunopotentiation., P N. Shek and B H. Sabiston
Immune response of aged mice. Abstr., E A. Goidl, J Innes, and M E. Weksler
Immune response of anti-igd treated mice. Abstr., Y Chen, Y Baine, P Tonda, B Pernis, G W. Siskind, and E B. Jacobson
Immune response of athymic nude mice to papovavirus sv40 tumor-associated antigens., S S. Tevethia, G Waneck, and M J. Tevethia
Immune response of balb/c mice to phthalate: characterization of a new and useful model for studying immune regulation., R B. Bankert and G L. Mayers
Immune response of balb/c x dba/2f1 mice to a tumor allograft during pyran copolymer-induced tumor enhancement., R M. Schultz, W A. Woods, S J. Mohr, and M A. Chirigos
Immune response of congenitally thymusless mice to heterologous erythrocytes., N D. Reed and J W. Jutila
Immune response of inbred strains of mice to dnp-bgg. Abstr., R C. Newton and C M. Warner
Immune response of mice in immunotherapy of tumors with syngeneic antitumor serum plus lipopolysaccharide., M Saito, M Yamazaki, and D Mizuno
Immune response of mice to ingested toxoplasma gondii: a model of toxoplasma infection acquired by ingestion., R Mcleod, R G. Estes, D G. Mack, and H Cohen
Immune response of mice to nucleic acids, strain-dependent differ- ences in magnitude and class of antibody production., B D. Stollar, S Fuchs, and E Mozes
Immune response of mice to the O-AKR alloantigen., Mary Louise Markert
Immune response of mice to the thy-1.1 Antigen. Effect of the ir-5 alleles studied in 129/j and b10.129(6m) Mice., M B. Zaleski
Immune response of mice to the thy-1.1 Antigen. Intra- -h-2 mapping of the complementary ir-thy-1 loci., M B. Zaleski and J Klein
Immune response of mice to thy-1.1 Antigen, genetic control by alleles at the ir-5 locus loosely linked to the h-2 complex., M Zaleski and J Klein
Immune response of mice to thy-1.1 Antigen. Studies on congenic lines., M B. Zaleski
Immune response of new zealand mice to trinitrophenylated syngeneic mouse red cells., D Naor, B Bonavida, R A. Robinson, I N. Shibata, D E. Percy, and E V. Barnett
Immune response of nzb mice following x-irradiation. Abstr., J I. Morton, M Stampfer, D Suher, and B V. Siegel
Immune response of the mouse to gram-negative bacterial outer membrane extracts as assessed with monoclonal antibodies., E B. Mackie, B M. Longenecker, H R. Rabin, V L. Ninno, and L E. Bryan
Immune response of the mouse to the major core protein (p30) of ecotropic leukemia viruses., R C. Nowinski and A Watson
Immune response restoration with macrophage culture supernatants., M Hoffmann and R W. Dutton
Immune responses against native and chemically modified albumins in mice. I. Analysis of non-thymus-processed (b) and thymus-processed (t) cell responses against methylated bovine serum albumin., V Schirrmacher and H Wigzell
Immune responses against native and chemically modified albumins in mice. II. Effect of alteration of electric charge and conformation on the humoral antibody response and on helper t cell responses., V Schirrmacher and H Wigzell
Immune responses and lymphocyte mitogenic activation in mice under oral contraceptive treatment., J M. Rojo and A Portoles
Immune responses during administration of adriamcin and c. Parvum. Abstr., N V. Dimitrov and T M. Denny
Immune responses in aged mice., S Kishimoto, I Tsuyuguchi, and Y Yamamura
Immune responses in aged mice, changes of antibody-forming cell precursors and antigen-reactive cells with ageing., S Kishimoto and Y Yamamura
Immune responses in congenitally thymus-less mice. I. Absence of response to oxazolone., H Pritchard and H Micklem
Immune responses in congenitally thymus-less mice. II. Quantitative studies of serum immunoglobulins, the antibody response to sheep erythrocytes, and the effect of thymus allografting., H Pritchard, J Riddaway, and H S. Micklem
Immune responses in experimental leishmaniasis. Abstr., rodriguez B. Arredondo and H Perez
Immune responses in mice against herpes simplex virus: mechanisms of protection against facial and ganglionic infections., H J. Zweerink, D Martinez, R J. Lynch, and L W. Stanton
Immune responses in mice infected with lactic dehydrogenase virus. I. Antibody response to dnp-bgg and hyperglobulinaemia in balb/c mice., M C. Michaelides and E Simms
Immune responses in mice infected with lactic dehydrogenase virus. II. Contact sensitization to dnfb and characterization of lymphoid cells during acute ldv infection., M C. Michaelides and E S. Simms
Immune responses in mice infected with lactic dehydrogenase virus. Iii. Antibody response to a t-dependent and a t- -independent antigen during acute and chronic ldv infection., M C. Michaelides and E S. Simms
Immune responses in mice infected with lactic dehydrogenase virus. IV. Functional status of the macrophage during acute ldv infection., M C. Michaelides and E S. Simms
Immune responses in mice to tumour challenge after immunization with newcastle disease virus-infected or x-irradiated tumour cells or cell fractions., P C. Beverley, R M. Lowenthal, and D A. Tyrrell
Immune responses in nonhaired mice., S M. Smith, P D. Forbes, and T J. Linna
Immune responses in preleukaemic and leukaemic akr mice., D Metcalf and R Moulds
Immune responses in spleen colonies. I. Clonal distribution of haemolytic plaque-forming cells., F Celada and H Wigzell
Immune responses in spleen colonies. II. Clonal assortment of 19s- and 7s-producting cells in mice reacting against two antigens., F Celada and H Wigzell
Immune responses in two strains of house mice with a large difference in leukocyte levels., N Kaliss and C K. Chai
Immune responses in two strains of house mice with a large difference in leukocyte levels., N Kaliss and C K. Chai
Immune responses in vitro. I. Culture conditions for antibody synthesis., R E. Click, L Benck, and B J. Alter
Immune responses in vitro. Iii. Development of primary gamma m, gamma g, and gamma a plaque-forming cell responses in mouse spleen cell cultures stimulated with heterologous erythrocytes., C W. Pierce, B M. Johnson, H E. Gershon, and R Asofsky
Immune responses in vitro. II. Suppression of the immune response in vitro by specific antibody., C W. Pierce
Immune responses in vitro. IV. Suppression of primary gamma m, gamma g, and gamma a plaque-forming cell responses in mouse spleen cell cultures by class-specific antibody to mouse immunoglobulins., C W. Pierce, S M. Solliday, and R Asofsky
Immune responses in vitro. VI. Genetic control of the in vivo-in vitro discrepancies in 19s antibody synthesis., R E. Click, L Benck, B J. Alter, and J C. Lovchik
Immune responses in vitro. Vii. Differentiation of h-2 and non-h-2 alloantigens of the mouse by a dual mixed leukocyte culture., A B. Peck and R E. Click
Immune responses in vitro. Viii. Analysis of cell clusters., J A. Mc intyre and C W. Pierce
Immune responses in vitro. Viii. Mixed leukocyte culture reactivity induced by theta antigen., A B. Peck and R E. Click
Immune responses in vitro. V. Rold of mercaptoethanol in the mixed- -leukocyte reaction., katz E. Heber and R E. Click
Immune responses in vitro. V. Suppression of gamma m, gamma g, and gamma a plaque-forming cell responses in cultures of primed mouse spleen cells by class-specific antibody to mouse immunoglobulins., C W. Pierce, S M. Solliday, and R Asofsky
Immune responses in vitro. XI. Suppression of primary igm and igg plaque-forming cell responses in vitro by alloantisera against leukocyte alloantigens., C W. Pierce, J A. Kapp, S M. Solliday, M E. Dorf, and B Benacerraf
Immune responses of diabetic animals. Comparison of genetically obese and streptozotocin-diabetic mice., W K. Nichols, J B. Spellmann, and R A. Daynes
Immune responses of diabetic animals. Direct immunosuppressant effects of streptozotocin in mice., W K. Nichols, J B. Spellman, L L. Vann, and R A. Daynes
Immune responses of inbred mice to repeated low doses of antigen, relationship to histocompatibility (h-2) type., N M. Vaz and B B. Levine
Immune responses of mice against poly(glu lys ala) terpolymers and linkage with h-2., P H. Maurer and C F. Merryman
Immune responses of mice to gla40 measured by plaque forming and t cell proliferative assays. Abstr., U M. Babu, C H. Lai, P H. Maurer, and C F. Merryman
Immune responses of mice to iodoacetate-treated ehrlich ascites tumour cells., M Wang and W J. Halliday
Immune responses of mice to poly(l-tyr-l-glu-l-ala-gly) and its oligomers., C Lai and P H. Maurer
Immune responses to 4-isothiocyano-4'-nitrodiphenylamine (cgp-4540) in mice and guinea pigs. Abstr., D A. Levy, B Feigen, P Gearhart, and E Bueding
Immune responses to candida albicans in genetically distinct mice., R F. Hector, J E. Domer, and E W. Carrow
Immune responses to complex protein antigens. I. Mhc control of immune responses to bovine albumin., R L. Riley, L D. Wilson, R N. Germain, and D C. Benjamin
Immune responses to experimental tumours., E A. Boyse
Immune responses to hapten-lipopolysaccharide conjugates. I. Modulation of in vivo antibody responses to the polysaccharide., R R. Skelly, P Munkenbeck, and D C. Morrison
Immune responses to influenza virus in the mouse, and their role in control of the infection., J L. Virelizier, A C. Allison, and G C. Schild
Immune responses to labial infection of balb/c mice with herpes simplex virus type 1., P S. Morahan, T A. Thomson, S Kohl, and B K. Murray
Immune responses to vaginal or systemic infection of balb/c mice with herpes simplex virus type 2., P S. Morahan, M C. Breinig, and M B. Mcgeorge
Immune responses to virus-induced tumours., A C. Allison
Immune responses to weakly immunogenic murine-leukemia-virus- -induced tumors. Viii. Characterization of suppressor cells., O Duetsch, B Devens, and D Naor
Immune responses to weakly immunogenic murine-leukemia-virus- -induced tumors. Vii. Kinetic studies on various parameters of effects induced with suppressor cells., O Deutsch, B Devens, and D Naor
Immune responses to weakly immunogenic virally induced tumors. Iii. Genetically unrestricted cytolysis of allogeneic tumor target cells., B Devens and D Naor
Immune responses to weakly immunogenic virally induced tumors. II. Suppressive effects of the in vivo carried tumor yac., B Devens, N Galili, O Deutsch, D Naor, and E Klein
Immune responses to weakly immunogenic virally induced tumors. I. Overcomming low responsiveness by priming mice with a syngeneic in vitro tumor line or allogeneic cross-reactive tumor., N Galili, B Devens, D Naor, S Becker, and E Klein
Immune responses to weakly immunogenic virally induced tumors. V. Short in vitro cultivation of yac changes its antigenic properties., B Devens, L Schochot, and D Naor
Immune response suppression by an inhibitor in normal and immune mouse serum., B Veit and J Michael
Immune response to adenovirus 12-induced tumour antigens, as measured in vitro by the macrophage migration inhibition test., R C. Rees and C W. Potter
Immune response to a hapten coupled to a nonimmunogenic carrier. Influence of lipopolysaccharide., J R. Schmidtke and F J. Dixon
Immune response to alloantigens in vitro, amplifi- cation of the development of cytotoxic t lymphocytes by lipopolysaccharide and polyadenylic:polyuridylic acid., P R. Narayanan, D B. Kloehn, and G Sundharadas
Immune response to alloantigens of thymus studies in mice with plaque assay., H Fuji, M Zaleski, and F Milgrom
Immune response to an allogeneic progressively growing solid tumor., A E. Eggers
Immune response to a soluble protein antigen in nzb mice., D M. Weir and W Mcbride
Immune response to a transplantable malignant melanoma in mice., W N. Bartholomaeus, A E. Bray, J M. Papadimitriou, and D Keast
Immune response to atypical mycobacteria: immunocompetence of heavily infected mice measured in vivo fails to substantiate immunosuppression data obtained in vitro., I M. Orme and F M. Collins
Immune response to calf collagen type i in mice a combined control of ir-1a and no n h-2 linked genes., H Nowack, E Hahn, C S. David, R Timpl, and D Gotze
Immune response to dextran isomaltosyl oligosaccharide-protein conjugates in cba/n mice. Abstr., K E. Stein, D A. Zopf, and W E. Paul
Immune response to glutaraldehyde-treated cells. I. Dissociation of immunological memory and antibody production., A Ramos, F Zavala, and G Hoecker
Immune response to gross virus-induced lymphoma. II. Kinetics of the cellular immune response., M E. Oren, R B. Herberman, and T G. Canty
Immune response to gross virus-induced lymphoma. I. Kinetics of cytotoxic antibody response., R B. Herberman and M E. Oren
Immune response to hemocyanin in normal thymus-deprived and recon- stituted mice., J Kruger and R K. Gershon
Immune response to inactivated syngeneic mammary adenocarcinoma cells. II. Parameters of immunogenicity in dba/2 mice., F Delustro and J S. Haskill
Immune response to inactivated syngeneic mammary adenocarcinoma cells. I. Role and regulation of antibody synthesis in dba/2 mice., F Delustro and J S. Haskill
Immune response to intracellular parasites, suppression by antibody., F G. Araujo and J S. Remington
Immune response to lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus: isolation of infectious virus-immunoglobulin g complexes and quantitation of specific antiviral immunoglobulin g response in wild-type and nude mice., W A. Cafruny and P G. Plagemann
Immune response to lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus: serologically specific rabbit neutralizing antibody to the virus., W A. Cafruny and P G. Plagemann
Immune response to laminin, a noncollagenous glycoprotein of basement membrane, in a syngeneic murine system., A M. Mackel, F Delustro, and E C. Leroy
Immune response to levan. Iii. The capacity to produce anti- -inulin antibodies and cross-reactive idiotypes appears late in ontogeny., C Bona, J J. Mond, K E. Stein, S House, R Lieberman, and W E. Paul
Immune response to levan. II. T independence of suppression of cross-reactive idiotypes by anti-idiotype antibodies., C Bona, R Lieberman, S House, I Green, and W E. Paul
Immune response to phosphorylcholine. I. Characterization of the epitope-specific antibody., L Kluskens, W Lee, and H Kohler
Immune response to phosphorylcholine ii, natural 'auto'-anti-receptor antibody in neonatal balb/c mice., D S. Strayer and H Kohler
Immune response to phosphorylcholine. Viii. The response of cba/n mice to pc-lps., H Kohler, S Smyk, and J Fung
Immune response to phosphorylcholine. VI. Restricted heterogeneity in inhibition of plaque formation by anti- -idiotypic antibody., H Kohler and S Smyk
Immune response to polyoma tumor cells in mice. II. Antibody- -dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity with embryonic and polyoma specificity., A S. Walia, B A. Cox, and E W. Lamon
Immune response to polyoma tumor cells in mice. Iii. Stimulation of tumor cell growth in vitro by spleen cells from immunized animals., A S. Walia and E W. Lamon
Immune response to polyoma tumor cells in mice. I. Magnitude and specificity of the in vitro cellular cytotoxicity elicited by immunization with graded numbers of tumor cells., A S. Walia and E W. Lamon
Immune response to rauscher virus-induced leukemia in dba mice. II. Correlation between antigenic expression and pathogenesis., F D. Toth and L Vaczi
Immune response to rauscher virus-induced leukemia in dba mice. I. Role of cellular and humoral immunity in spon- taneous regression., F D. Toth, S Gomba, L Vaczi, M Kasa, and J Jako
Immune response to rauscher virus-induced leukemia in dba mice. I. Role of cellular and humoral immunity in spontaneous regression., F D. Toth, S Gomba, L Vaczi, M Kasa, and J Jako
Immune response to sheep red cells in akr mouse leukemia., M D. Ram, R R. Kohn, and D Novak
Immune response to sheep red cells in akr mouse leukemia. Abstr., M D. Ram and R R. Kohn
Immune response to soluble h-2 antigen, humoral unresponsiveness in the presence of cellular immunity. Abstr., D Gotze and R A. Reisfeld
Immune response to spontaneous reticulum cell sarcoma (rcs) in sjl/j mice. Abstr., M Hescox and B Bonavida
Immune response to substituted arsanil-azo-human gamma globulin con- jugates in mice tolerant to human gamma globulin., F M. Dietrich
Immune response to syngeneic or autologous testicular cells in mice. 1. Augmented delayed footpad reaction in cyclo- phosphamide-treated mice., S Yoshida, K Nomoto, K Himeno, and K Takeya
Immune response to the p-azobenzenearsonate (aba)-gat conjugate. II. Hapten-specific t cells induced with aba-gat in gat responder x nonresponder f1 hybrids are restricted to the nonresponder haplotype., D Regnier and M Seman
Immune response to the p-azobenzenearsonate (aba)-gat conjugate: role of i region genes in the selective activation of aba-specific or gat-specific t helper cells., M Seman, D Regnier, B Hermier, and J Dubert
Immune response to the slp alloantigen in the mouse. H-2-linked qualitative and quantitative control., A A. Luderer and H C. Passmore
Immune response to the src gene product in mice bearing tumors induced by injection of avain sarcoma virus-transformed mouse cells., S J. Parsons, S C. Riley, E E. Mullen, E J. Brock, A C. Benjamin, W M. Kuehl, and J T. Parsons
Immune response to trichomonas vaginalis. I. Genetic regulation of ige antibody response to t. Vaginalis in mice., A Yano, R Kaji, S Kojima, and Z Ovary
Immune response to weakly immunogenic virally induced tumors. IV. Dissociated recognition of h-2 and tumor-associated antigens., B Devens, D Naor, and E Kedar
Immune responsiveness against the human placenta. I. Generation of cellular and humoral activity in experimental animals., M Davies, M E. Mclaughlin, and R G. Sutcliffe
Immune responsiveness against the human placenta. II. Response with xenogeneic lymphocytes in culture., M Davies, M E. Mclaughlin, and R G. Sutcliffe
Immune responsiveness and incidence of reticulum cell sarcoma in long-term syngeneic radiation chimeras., L Adorini, G Gorini, V Covelli, E Ballardin, A D. Michele, B Bassani, P Metalli, and G Doria
Immune responsiveness in stretozotocin(sz)-induced diabetic mice. Abstr., K Nakano, K Koyama, and M Kondo
Immune responsiveness of HRS/J mice to syngeneic lymphoma cells., D A. Johnson and H Meier
Immune retention: immunological requirements for maintaining an easily degradable antigen in vivo., J G. Tew, T E. Mandel, and G A. Miller
Immune rna as an effective adjuvant immunotherapy after surgery: an animal model. Abstr., S Aarons, E C. Krishnan, and W R. Jewell
Immune sera directed against prostaglandin-e inhibit cell-mediated immune responses., J Mertin and A Stackpoole
Immune serum implements either accelerated rejection or prolonged survival of murine skin grafts., W M. Baldwin, I )ii, and N Cohen
Immune status of allogeneic radiation chimeras., N Gengozian, C Congdon, E Allen, and R Toya
Immune status of autochthonous and adoptively protected mice toward spontaneous and chemically induced tumors., M A. Basombrio and R T. Prehn
Immune status of irradiated mice treated with adult bone marrow and fetal hematopoietic tissue., N Gengozian, I S. Urso, R R. Carter, and T Makinodan
Immune status of late homologous radiation chimeras. Abstr., R M. Graver, L J. Cole, and W E. Davis
Immune status of mice tolerant of living cells. II. Continuous presence and nature of facilitation-enhancing antibodies in tolerant animals., G Voisin, R Kinsky, and H Duc
Immune status of mice tolerant of living cells. Iii. Presence and evolution of cells cytotoxic to the tolerated strain., E S. Oppenheim, R Kinsky, and G A. Voisin
Immune status of sjl/j mice in relation to age and spontaneous tumor development., ghera N. Haran, yaakov M. Ben, A Peled, and Z Bentwich
Immune status of the primary host toward its own methylcholanthrene- -induced sarcomas., J Stjernsward
Immune-stimulation and/or inhibition of tumor cells growth in-vitro. Abstr., I J. Fidler
Immune suppression in balb/c mice bearing the plasmacytoma tepc-183: evidence for normal lymphocyte but defective macro- phage function., D E. Joshua, G Brown, and I C. Maclennan
Immune suppression induced by acetoacetylated antigen., O Strannegard and L Lindholm
Immune suppression in vivo with antigen-modified syngeneic cells iii. Distinctions between t cell tolerance and t cell mediated suppression., D H. Sherr, K M. Heghinian, B Benacerraf, and M E. Dorf
Immune suppression in vivo with antigen-modified syngeneic cells. II. T cell-mediated nonresponsiveness to fowl gamma-globulin., D H. Sherr, N V. Cheung, K M. Heghinian, and M E. Dorf
Immune suppression in vivo with antigen-modified syn- geneic cells. I. T-cell-mediated suppression to the terpolymer poly-(glu, lys, phe)n., N Cheung, D H. Sherr, K M. Heghinian, B Benacerraf, and M E. Dorf
Immune suppression in vivo with antigen-modified syngeneic cells. IV. Requirement for ia+ adherent cells for induction., D H. Sherr, K M. Heghinian, B Benacerraf, and M E. Dorf
Immune suppression to nucleoside in several strains of mice, including nzb and nzw. Abstr., Y Borel
Immune surveillance directed against derepressed cellular and viral alloantigens., W J. Martin
Immune surveillance system: its failure and activation., W T. Shearer and M P. Fink
Immune t lymphocyte to tumor cell adhesion. Magnesium sufficient, calcium insufficient., E Martz
Immune-type interferon-induced transfer of viral resistance., J E. Blalock, J Georgiades, and H M. Johnson
Immune unresponsiveness of spleen cells from lipopoly- saccharide-sensitized mice to particulate thymus-dependent antigens. II. Evidence for an abortive cooperation between t lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells., D Portnoi, I Motta, and bachi P. Truffa
Immune unresponsiveness of spleen cells from lipopolysaccharide- -treated mice to particulate thymus-dependent antigen. I. Evi- dence for differentiation signal defect., D Portnoi, I Motta, and bachi P. Truffa
Immune (y) interferon production by murine t cell lymphomas., S Landolfo, B Arnold, and M Suzan
Immunglobulins on the surface of lymphocytes. V. Quantitative studies on the question of whether immunoglobulins are associated with t cells in the mouse., H M. Grey, S Colon, P Campbell, and E Rabellino
Immunisation contre des greffes de cellules hematopoietiques allo- geniques par des transfusions de sang anterieures., J L. Da costa h and G Mathe
Immunisation de la souris "nude" contre le virus de l'hepatite murine par transfert de lymphocytes sensibilises., K Fujiwara, T Tamura, F Taguchi, K Machii, and K Suzuki
Immunisation de souris akr par des cellules de leucemies induites par le virus de gross, absence de tolerance., J Dore, E Ajuria, and G Mathe
Immunisation of mice against ehrlich ascites carcinoma with formal- inised tumour cells grown in tissue culture., J E. Bismanis
Immunite a mediation cellulaire dans les plasmocytomes de la souris, G Lespinats and M Poupon
Immunite cellulaire et facteurs seriques dans les plasmocytomes de la souris. (eng. Summ.), G Lespinats, M Poupon, and J Kolb
Immunite et cancer. Effet suppresseur sur l'activite cytotoxique des cellules lymphoides d'animaux porteurs de tumeurs syngeneiques., lafontaine N. Schaaf and H Firket
Immunite et vaccination anticancereuses experimentales et chez l'homme., R Fischer
Immunity against cancerogen-induced tumours., J Bubenik
Immunity against isotransplants of rauscher virus-induced leukemia. Abstr., A R. Bianco, J P. Glynn, and A Goldin
Immunity against moloney sarcoma virus in h-2db mutant bm14 mice. Unimpaired tumor immunity despite absence of a virus- -specific cytotoxic t-cell response., M J. Stukart, J Boes, and C J. Melief
Immunity against mopc 104e plasmacytoma. Effects of tumor size and time post therapy on in vivo tumor immunity., R A. Lubet and D E. Carlson
Immunity against skin isografts from mice with a virus-induced leukemia. Abstr., E J. Breyere and L B. Williams
Immunity against tularemia. Passive protection of mice by transfer of immune tissues., W P. Allen
Immunity and asparaginase suppression of tumor growth., W L. Ryan and G L. Curtis
Immunity and cross-immunity in mice bearing sarcoma 180-crocker and the solid form of ehrlich-ascites cured by antibioticum bulgaricum., I Bogdanov, P Popchristov, and L Marinov
Immunity and drug resistance in a mouse glioma. Abstr., E E. Miller
Immunity and paralysis in mice. Serological and biological properties of two distinct antibodies to type iii pneumococcal polysaccharide., R Kearney and W J. Halliday
Immunity and susceptibility toward cheek pouch transplants of a mouse leukemia., R A. Adams
Immunity and the thymus., J F. Miller
Immunity and tolerance, a unified concept., G A. Voisin
Immunity and tolerance to a hapten (nip) coupled to an isologous carrier (mouse gamma globulin)., C S. Walters, J W. Moorhead, and H N. Claman
Immunity and tolerance to nucleic acids in nzb/nzw (b/w) mice. Abstr., A D. Steinberg, T M. Chused, and N Talal
Immunity and viral carcinogenesis. Effect of thymectomy on polyoma virus carcinogenesis in mice., R A. Malmgren, A S. Rabson, and P G. Carney
Immunity as the predominant factor determining metastasis by murine lymphomas., G C. Davey, G A. Currie, and P Alexander
Immunity in experimental murine filariasis: roles of T and B cells revisited., S Babu, L D. Shultz, T R. Klei, and T V. Rajan
Immunity in mice bearing transplantable syngeneic tumors., J K. Youn, D L. Francois, M Santillana, G Hue, D G. Barski, and mediated O. Cell
Immunity of c3h mice to the asparaginase susceptible 6c3hed ascites lymphosarcoma. Abstr., M D. Prager and N Bachynsky
Immunity of mice surviving systemic leukaemia (l1210) to antifolic re- sistant variants of the disease., A Goldin, S R. Humphreys, G O. Chapman, M A. Chirigos, and J M. Venditti
Immunity of mice to plasma cell tumours., T A. Connors, M E. Whisson, and A Roost
Immunity of the autochthonous host to viable tumor cells shed from pulmonary metastases. Abstr., E V. Sugarbaker, A M. Cohen, and A S. Ketcham
Immunity to a 3-methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma in the c57bl/6 mouse: in vivo analysis by the adoptive tumor neutralization test., M F. Poupon, G Lespinats, J P. Kolb, and B Payelle
Immunity to a ta3 tumor subline that grows in allogeneic hosts elicited by strain-specific ta3 tumor cells., M M. Lippman, J M. Venditti, I Kline, and D L. Elam
Immunity to c-type rna viruses. Antibody formation after natural or deliberate infection., R S. Schwartz, J Donnelly, C J. Melief, and S Louie
Immunity to experimental salmonella infection: studies on the protective capacity and immunogenicity of lipopolysaccharide, acetone-killed cells, and ribsome-rich extracts of salmonella typhimurium in c3h/hej and cd-1 mice., T K. Eisenstein and C R. Angerman
Immunity to infection, allograft immunity and tumour immunity, parallels and contrasts., D Nelson
Immunity to larval cestodes. Characterization of the protective immune response. Abstr., L C. Gasbarre, J F. Finerty, and A J. Haley
Immunity to lymphoid tumors induced in syngeneic mice by immunization with mitomycin c-treated cells., E Benjamini, S Fong, C Erickson, C Y. Leung, D Rennick, and R J. Scibienski
Immunity to murine cytomegalovirus., R J. Howard, D M. Balfour, and F O. Humoral
Immunity to murine sarcoma virus induced tumours. Iii. Analysis of the cell populations involved in protection from lethal tumour progression of sublethally irradiated, msv inoculated, mice., R M. Gorczynski and C Norbury
Immunity to murine sarcoma virus induced tumours. IV. Direct cellular cytolysis of 51cr labelled target cells in vitro and analysis of blocking factors which modulate cytotoxicity., R M. Gorczynski and R A. Knight
Immunity to murine sarcoma virus (msv)-induced tumors demonstrated by 'in vivo' elimination of 51chromium labeled tumor cells., N A. Burstein
Immunity to plasmodium berghei yoelii in mice. II. Specific and nonspecific cellular and humoral responses during the course of infection., F I. Weinbaum, J Weintraub, F K. Nkrumah, C B. Evans, R E. Tigelaar, and Y J. Rosenberg
Immunity to plasmodium berghei yoelii in mice. I. The course of infection in t cell and b cell deficient mice., F I. Weinbaum, C B. Evans, and R E. Tigelaar
Immunity to plasmodium chabaudi adami in the b-cell-deficient mouse., J L. Grun and W P. Weidanz
Immunity to rickettsia tsutsugamushi infection induced by nonspecific macrophage activating agents. Abstr., C A. Nacy, M S. Meltzer, P K. Russell, and J V. Osterman
Immunity to spontaneous and methylcholanthrene-induced tumors in inbred mice., R S. Riggins and Y H. Pilch
Immunity to spontaneous mammary carcinomas in isologous mice. Abst., D W. Weiss and M Attia
Immunity to sporozoite-induced malaria infection in mice. I. The effect of immunization of t and b cell-deficient mice., D H. Chen, R E. Tigelaar, and F I. Weinbaum
Immunity to syngeneic lymphoma cells raised by immunization with allogeneic lymphoma cells. Abstr., R W. Gillette and D A. Wunderlich
Immunity to the 6c3hed ascites tumor following treatment of tumor- -bearing mice with escherichia coli l-asparaginase., M D. Prager, J Roberts, and N Bachynsky
Immunity to the t1699 murine mammary tumor. II. Thymic influence on the in situ inflammatory response, metastatic growth and invasiveness., E Parthenais and S Haskill
Immunity to the t1699 murine mammary tumor. I. Thymic influence and long-term effect of irradiation on the humoral response., E Parthenais and S Haskill
Immunity to toxoplasma gondii induced in vitro in non-immune mouse macrophages with specifically immune lymphocytes., K K. Sethi, B Pelster, N Suzuki, and H Brandis
Immunity to tumor antigens. Potential implications in human neuroblastoma., I Bernstein, I Hellstrom, K E. Hellstrom, and P W. Wright
Immunity to tumours of the murine leukaemia-sarcoma virus complex., J Owen and R Seeger
Immunity to virus-free syngeneic tumor cell transplantation in the balb/c mouse after immunization with homologous tumor cells infected with type c virus., ghazzouli I. Al, R M. Donahoe, K Huang, B Sass, O L. Peters, and G J. Kelloff
Immunization against abolition of transplantation tolerance., H Ramseier
Immunization against a transplantable mouse glioma. Abstr., K Suzuki, L Scheinberg, and L M. Davidoff
Immunization against ehrlich ascites carcinoma with nitrogen mustard treated cells. Abstr., D M. Donaldson and J A. North
Immunization against gross leukemia in inbred mice. Abstr., T Mariani and G Landucci
Immunization against gross malignant lymphoma with mouse cell lines chronically infected with non-oncogenic murine c-type viruses., J K. Youn, M Blanchard, and G Barski
Immunization against intracerebral transplantation of a glioma in mice., L Scheinberg, K Suzuki, L M. Davidoff, and R L. Beilin
Immunization against mammary tumorigenesis in mice with formalin- -inactivated mtv. Abstr., J Charney, D H. Moore, J A. Holben, and C M. Cody
Immunization against mouse ascites tumors with nontumorigenic ascites tissue culture cells. Abstr., C P. Eng, L P. Kleine, and J F. Morgan
Immunization against murine melanoma with b16 melanoma cells treated with vibrio-cholerae-neuraminidase (n'ase). Abstr., M Shafir, P Mann, J F. Holland, and J G. Bekesi
Immunization against primary, transplanted and spontaneous murine leukaemia using a live moloney sarcoma virus vaccine., A M. Mayer, M A. Basombrio, and C D. Pasqualini
Immunization against rauscher mouse leukemia with tissue culture material., G Barski and J K. Youn
Immunization against sarcoma-180 potentiated by res stimulation., G Lemperle
Immunization against spontaneous and autografted mouse mammary car- cinomas in the autochthonous c3h/crgl mouse., J Vaage and D W. Weiss
Immunization against the ehrlich ascites carcinoma with a water soluble antigen. Abstr., P A. Klein
Immunization against the polyoma virus-induced tumor-specific transplantation antigen by early region mutants of the virus., T Dalianis, G Magnusson, Y Ito, and G Klein
Immunization against transplantable leukemia impaired in copper-deficient mice., O A. Lukasewycz and J R. Prohaska
Immunization and complement interaction in host defense against murine cryptococcosis., J R. Graybill and J Ahrens
Immunization by the intestinal route of c3h-mice against c3h-l-ascites tumor cells., M L. Laursen and K Laursen
Immunization of bsvs mice with heterologous and homologous adrenal gland., O Werdelin and D H. Boehme
Immunization of c3h/hej mice to the lymphosarcoma 6c3hed with 6c3hed--dinitrophenylated rabbit gamma globulin conjugates. Abstr., W N. Palmer, T L. Swanson, and G E. Moore
Immunization of c58 mice to line ib leukemia., J S. Lin, N Huber, and W H. Murphy
Immunization of c58 mice to live ib leukemia., W H. Murphy, M L. Herlocher, and J Griep
Immunization of dissociated spleen cell cultures from normal mice., R I. Mishell and R W. Dutton
Immunization of hamsters and histoisogenic mice against trans- plantation of tumors induced by human adenovirus type 12. Abstr., J J. Trentin and E Bryan
Immunization of mice against african trypanosomiasis using anti-idiotypic antibodies., D L. Sacks, K M. Esser, and A Sher
Immunization of mice against african trypanosomiasis using anti-idiotypic antibodies. Abstr., D L. Sacks, K M. Esser, and A Sher
Immunization of mice against ehrlich ascites tumour using a hamster/ ehrlich ascites tumour hybrid cell line., J F. Watkins and L Chen
Immunization of mice against ehrlich tumour., D G. Zatula
Immunization of mice against encephalomyocarditis virus. II. Intraperitoneal and respiratory immunization with ultraviolet- -inactivated vaccine. Effect of bordetella pertussis extract on the immune response., W J. Bogaerts and B J. Oord
Immunization of mice against murine mammary tumor virus infection and mammary tumor development., N H. Sarkar and D H. Moore
Immunization of mice against transplantable tumor., E Kay
Immunization of mice to sarcoma 180 and ehrlich carcinoma with ultra- violet-killed tumor vaccine., M L. Littman, Y C. Kim, and D Suk
Immunization of normal mouse spleen cell suspensions in vitro., R I. Mishell and R W. Dutton
Immunization of the a/jax mouse with irradiated cells of its indigen- ous tumour, sarcoma i., J W. Jutila, R S. Weiser, and C A. Evans
Immunization schedules for potent rabbit antisera to leukemia l1210., C H. Kim and A E. Reif
Immunization studies with living vaccine of salmonella typhimurium., L S. Baron and S B. Formal
Immunization studies with mammary tumor virus., J Charney and D H. Moore
Immunization with chemically modified cancer cells. Abstr., M D. Prager, I Derr, A Swann, and J Cotropia
Immunization with chemically modified lymphoma cells., M D. Prager, I Derr, A Swann, and J Cotropia
Immunization with one alphavirus cross-primes cellular and humoral immune responses to a second alphavirus., J A. Wolcott, C J. Wust, and A Brown
Immunization with pseudomonas aeruginosa high-molecular-weight polysaccharides prevents death from pseudomonas burn infections in mice., M Pollack, G B. Pier, and R K. Prescott
Immunization with skin isografts from allogeneic mouse radiation chimeras. Abstr., D Steinmuller
Immunization with skin isografts taken from tolerant mice., D Steinmuller
Immunization with sulfhydryl-alkylated tumor material. Abstr., C A. Apffel and B G. Arnason
Immunized parental thymus cells., donati L. Fiore, bianchi L. Chieco, G D. Benedictis, D G. Tridente, and V. Pre
Immunized with "masked" bw 5147 lymphoma cells. Abstr., M M. Albala, W Renehan, J D. Simon, A Esparza, R J. Kelley, D S. Chester, and E O. Mice
Immunizzazione verso il cancro ascite di ehrlich mediante cellule tumorali criolizzate., E Bonmassar and F D. Roberto
Immunoadherence and complement in cancer-bearing mice., C Porta, M L. Villa, and E Clerici
Immunoadjuvant activity of pyran copolymer. I. Evidence for direct stimulation of t-lymphocytes and macrophages., L G. Baird and A M. Kaplan
Immunoadjuvant effects of blastomyces dermatitidis against el 4 lymphoma in c57bl/6j mice., L S. Mcdaniel and G C. Cozad
Immunoadjuvant treatment of primary grafted and spontan- eous akr-leukemia. II. In vitro cytotoxicity of lymphoid cells against normal and malignant syngeneic cells and against normal allogeneic cells., L Olsson and P Ebbesen
Immunoadjuvant treatment of primary grafted and spontaneous akr-leukemia. I. Treatment efficiency correlated to autoimmune reactivity., L Olsson and P Ebbesen
Immunoadsorbent removal of antibodies produced during in vitro culture relieves inhibition of the response., L Adorini, E F. Eipert, and J Couderc
Immunoallogeneic shock in adult mice injected with allotransplantation immune sera., J Voisin, R Kinsky, and G A. Voisin
Immunoassay for bovine serum thymopoietin: discrimination from splenin by monoclonal antibodies., A Fuccello, T Audhya, M A. Talle, and G Goldstein
Immunobiological aspects of the nude mouse model relative to human cancer chemosensitivity tests., P Rivosecchi merletti, R Bianchi, B Nardelli, A M. Iorio, F Campanile, Migliorati, and E Bonmassar
Immunobiological properties of a concanavalin a derivative., S Horowitz, J M. Mansfield, D L. Thomasson, and R J. Doyle
Immunobiological studies of tumors induced by murine sarcoma virus (kirsten)., J Mc coy, A Fefer, N M. Coy, and W Kirsten
Immunobiologic assessment of two cultured murine colon lines. Abstr., N Sato, M C. Michaelides, and M K. Wallack
Immunobiologic studies in hepatoma-bearing mice passively immunized to alpha-fetoprotein., G J. Mizejewski and W R. Dillon
Immunobiology and therapeutic manipulation of hetero- transplanted nb rat prostate adenocarcinoma into congenitally athymic (nude) mice. I. Hormone depen- dency and histopathology., J R. Drago, M E. Gershwin, R E. Maurer, R M. Ikeda, and D D. Eckels
Immunobiology and therapeutic manipulation of heterotransplanted nb rat prostatic adenocarcinoma. Chemotherapy of autonomous tumor, 102 pr, heterotransplanted into congenitally athymic (nude) mice and syngeneic nb rats., J R. Drago, R E. Maurer, L B. Goldman, and M E. Gershwin
Immunobiology of a spontaneous murine b cell leukemia (bcl1)., S Strober, E S. Gronowicz, M R. Knapp, S Slavin, E S. Vitetta, R A. Warnke, B Kotzin, and J Schroder
Immunobiology of congenitally athymic-asplenic mice., M E. Gershwin, A Ahmed, R M. Ikeda, M Shifrine, and F Wilson
Immunobiology of heterotransplanted human tumors in nude mice., M E. Gershwin, R M. Ikeda, T G. Kawakami, and R B. Owens
Immunobiology of mammalian reproduction., A E. Beer and R Billingham
Immunobiology of the autoantibody response. I. Circulating analogues of erythrocyte autoantigens and heterogeneity of the autoimmune response of nzb mice., E Linder and T S. Edgington
Immunobiology of the autoantibody response. II. The lipoprotein- -associated soluble hb erythrocyte autoantigen of nzb mice., E Linder and T S. Edgington
Immunobiology of the graft-versus-host reaction. II. The role of proliferation in the development of specific-antihost immune responsiveness., E A. Wolters and R Benner
Immunobiology of the graft-versus-host reaction. I. Symptoms of graft-versus-host disease in mice are preceded by delayed- -type hypersensitivity to host histocompatibility antigens., E A. Wolters and R Benner
Immunobiology of the mouse mutant 'nude', preliminary investigations., J Rygaard
Immunochemical analysis of fibronectin using monoclonal antibodies., C J. Kavinsky, W A. Clark, J, and B B. Garber
Immunochemical analysis of the cross-reacting idiotypes of mouse myeloma proteins with anti-dextran activity and normal anti-dextran antibody., D Carson and M Weigert
Immunochemical and genetic studies of two distinct gamma-g-immuno- globulins in balb/c mice., S Dray, M Potter, and R Lieberman
Immunochemical characterization of binding sites of hybridoma antibodies specific for alpha(1-6) linked dextran., J Sharon, E A. Kabat, and S L. Morrison
Immunochemical characterization of gastrin in pancreatic islets of normal and genetically obese mice., G J. Dockray, L Best, and I L. Taylor
Immunochemical characterization of i-a region associated antigen on murine adenocarcinoma lt-85. Abstr., M A. Giedlin and G N. Callahan
Immunochemical characterization of mouse brain-associated theta (thy-1) antigen., Y Inokuchi and Y Nagai
Immunochemical characterization of murine h-2 controlled ss (serum substance) protein through identification of its human homologue as the fourth component of complement., T Meo, T Krasteff, and D C. Shreffler
Immunochemical characterization of surface antigens of terc, a teratocarcinoma-derived cell line., V Larraga and M Edidin
Immunochemical characterization of the auto antibodies produced by mouse peritoneal cells in culture., A E. Bussard, M Vinit, and J M. Pages
Immunochemical characterization of the ly-5 alloantigens on thymocytes., S J. Ewald and I F. Mckenzie
Immunochemical characterization of tumor associated surface antigens (tasa) on a moloney murine leukemia virus induced lymphoma, mbl-2. Abstr., A Ng, K R. Mcintire, and R B. Herberman
Immunochemical detection of a human species--specific esterase in interspecies hybrid cells., W R. Bartholomew, E M. Bartholomew, B B. Knowles, and N R. Rose
Immunochemical determination of hemopoietic graft success in parental hybrid combinations. A sensitive, nonsacrificing method., G Mouchiroud and J P. Blanchet
Immunochemical evidence for an additional h-2 region closely linked to h-2d., T H. Hansen, S E. Cullen, and D H. Sachs
Immunochemical evidence in two haplotypes for at least three d region-encoded molecules, d, l, and r., T H. Hansen, K Ozato, M R. Melino, J E. Coligan, T J. Kindt, J J. Jandinski, and D H. Sachs
Immunochemical evidence of a tumor-specific surface antigen obtained by detergent solubilization of the membranes of a chemically induced sarcoma, meth-a., T Natori, L W. Law, and E Appella
Immunochemical heterogeneity of human plasma apolipoprotein b. I. Apolipoprotein b binding of mouse hybridoma antibodies., L K. Curtiss and T S. Edgington
Immunochemical identification of viral and nonviral proteins of the respiratory syncytial virus virion., B F. Fernie and J L. Gerin
Immunochemical localization and quantitation of cyclic nucleotides during murine limb chondrogenesis., W C. Ho, R M. Greene, J L. Shanfeld, and Z Davidovitch
Immunochemical localization of ribonucleoprotein complexes in mouse ascites cells. Abstr., R E. Jones, C S. Okamura, and T E. Martin
Immunochemical pattern of aspartate aminotransferase isozymes in several rodents and in ehrlich ascites cells., L Kopelovich
Immunochemical properties of a monoclonal anti-pc antibody with a novel vh region. Abstr., J Wolfe, S Hudak, and J L. Clafin
Immunochemical properties of h-2 antigens of sl2 lymphoma cells. Abstr., R Robinson and V Schirrmacher
Immunochemical properties of tobacco smoke and leaf components. Abstr., S B. Lehrer, M R. Wilson, and J E. Salvaggio
Immunochemical purification and chemical properties. Expression in normal state and in malignant and non-malignant liver disease., E Ruoslahti, H Pihko, and M Seppala
Immunochemical quantification of in vitro neutrophilic granulocyte differentiation., J M. Kinkade, K L. Kellar, and E F. Winton
Immunochemical specificity of the combining site of murine myeloma protein cal20 tepc1035 reactive with dextrans., S Sugii, E A. Kabat, M Shapiro, and M Potter
Immunochemical studies of the reaction between a mouse myeloma macroglobulin and dextrans., M A. Leon, N M. Young, and K R. Intire
Immunochemical studies on a mouse myeloma protein with specific binding affinity for n-acetyl-d-mannosamine. Abstr., L Rovis, E A. Kabat, and M Potter
Immunochemical studies on a mouse myeloma protein with specificity for certain beta-linked terminal residues of n-acetyl-d-glucosamine., G Vicari, A Sher, M Cohn, and E A. Kabat
Immunochemical studies on gains and losses on k36. Abstr., W Schmidt and H Festenstein
Immunochemical studies on inter-species molecular hybrids of hemo- globin., M Reichlin, M Hay, and L Levine
Immunochemical studies on the repressed synthesis of hepatic catalase in mice. Abstr., E T. Nishimura, T Y. Kobara, and J P. Kaltenbach
Immunochemical study of an immunoglobulin-like molecule of murine thymocytes., U Hammerling, H G. Pickel, C Mack, and D Masters
Immunochemistry of monoclonal antibodies, G L. Mayers and R B. Bankert
Immunochemotherapy of l1210 murine leukemia. Abstr., D G. Miller, A M. Kaplan, and G Moldovanu
Immunochemotherapy of transplantable moloney leukemia with cyclophos- phamide and allogeneic spleen lymphocytes and reversal of graft- -versus-host disease with alloantisurem., M Kende, L D. Keys, M Gaston, and A Goldin
Immunochemotherapy of transplantable murine leukemia with amphotericin b (amb) and bcnu. Abstr., F Valeriote, G Medoff, S Tolen, and J Ryan
Immunocompentence of murine placental lymphocytes. Abstr., C S. Pavia and D P. Stites
Immunocompetence, disease incidence, and mean life-span. II. Cell-mediated immune activity., W J. Peterson, E H. Perkins, S A. Goodman, Y Hori, M K. Halsall, D T. Makinodan, and T E. On
Immunocompetence in hair and skin mutants of the mouse., Cynthia L. Sammis
Immunocompetence of donor spleen cells during the graft-versus-host response. Abstr., M Van winkle
Immunocompetence of embryonic hemopoietic cells after traffic to thymus., O Stutman and R A. Good
Immunocompetence of spleen cells from neonatally thymectomized mice conferred in vitro by a syngeneic thymus extract., N Trainin, M Small, and A Globerson
Immunocompetence of splenocytes from mice bearing different- -aged tumors assessed in lymphocyte-induced angiogenesis assay., M J. Kaminski, P Janik, and G Kaminska
Immunocompetence of transferred thymus-marrow cell combinations., H N. Claman, E A. Chaperon, and R F. Triplett
Immunocompetence over the lifespan of mice exposed in utero to carbofuran or diazinon. I. Changes in serum immunoglobulin concentrations., J B. Barnett, cranmer J. Spyker, D L. Avery, and A M. Hoberman
Immunocompetent cell functions in mice infected with friend leukemia virus., M Bennett and R A. Steeves
Immunocompetent cells among mouse thymocytes, a minor population., E Leckband and E A. Boyse
Immunocompetent cells in graft rejection., G Moller
Immunocompetent t cells are derived from immunoincompetent post- -thymic cells. Abstr., O Stutman
Immunocyte stimulation in vitro by nontoxic bacterial lipopolysaccharide derivatives., S Frank, S Specter, A Nowotny, and H Friedman
Immunocytochemical detection of the nonfibrillary stage of amyloid formation in the mouse myocardium., V N. Baranov, L N. Kapinus, and V S. Rukosuev
Immunocytochemical distribution of mouse mammary tumor virus antigens in balb/cfc3h mammary epithelium., J A. St George, R D. Cardiff, and L J. Faulkin
Immunocytochemical identification and quantitation of the mononuclear cells in the cerebrospinal fluid, meninges, and brain during acute viral meningoencephalitis., T R. Moench and D E. Griffin
Immunocytochemical localization of calmodulin and a heat- -labile calmodulin-binding protein (cam-bp80) in basel ganglia of mouse brain., J G. Wood, R W. Wallace, J N. Whitaker, and W Y. Cheung
Immunocytochemical localization of calmodulin and its heat-labile binding protein in mouse brain. Abstr., J G. Wood, R Wallace, J Whitaker, and W Y. Cheung
Immunocytochemical localization of mouse placental lactogen in the mouse placenta., J Hall and F Talamantes
Immunocytochemical localization of nerve growth factor (ngf) in the submandibular gland of adult mice by light and electron microscopy., M E. Schwab, K Stockel, and H Thoenen
Immunocytochemical localization of progesterone in the mouse adrenocortical adenoma cells (y-1)., A Kawaoi, T Uchida, T Okano, K Matsumoto, and T Shikata
Immunocytochemical localization of renin in kidneys and submandibular glands of swr/j and c57bl/6j mice., T Tanaka, E W. Gresik, A M. Michelakis, and T Barka
Immunocytochemical localization of the glycoprotein hormone alpha subunit in the median eminence of the mouse hypothalamus., toshav N. Schorr, N S. Halmi, J M. Wurzel, and I A. Kourides
Immunocytochemical localization of tumor necrosis factor- in the lungs of viable motheaten mutant mice., Philip Schaner
Immunocytological and biochemical characterization of a new neuronal cell surface component (l1 antigen) which is involved in cell adhesion., F G. Rathjen and M Schachner
Immunocytological studies of the ia determinants. Abstr., M Dorf, C David, E Unanue, and B Benacerraf
Immunocytology of carbonic anhydrase ii in the central nervous system of jimpy mutant mice., E Borrelli, O K. Langley, M S. Ghandour, J Delaunoy, and G Gombos
Immunocytology of cultured igm-forming cells of mouse. II. Purifica- tion of phagocytic cell factor and its role in antibody formation., Y Namba and M Hanaoka
Immunocytology of cultured igm-forming cells of mouse. I. Requirement of phagocytic cell factor for the growth of igm-forming tumor cells in tissue culture., Y Namba and M Hanaoka
Immunodeficiency after transplantation of alloantigen-matched bone marrow from an immunoregulatory mutant., R D. Allen, J D. Marshall, J B. Roths, and C L. Sidman
Immunodeficiency and reticulum cell sarcoma in mice segregating for HRS/J and SJL/J genes., D A. Johnson, L D. Shultz, and H G. Bedigian
Immunodeficiency of the thymus-dependent system of the ames dwarf mouse., R J. Duquesnoy
Immunodeficient cba/n mice., C J. Paige, P W. Kincade, M A. Moore, D G. Lee, and T O. Into
Immunodepressiom in mouse strains resistant to friend virus., N Wedderburn
Immunodepression, a noncontributor to radiation-induced leukemogenesis of the rfm mouse., E H. Perkins and L H. Cacheiro
Immunodepression as a factor during 3-methylcholanthrene carcinogenesis and subsequent tumor growth in mice., J A. Rees and M O. Symes
Immunodepression by rowson-parr virus in mice. I. Growth curves of rowson-parr virus and immunological relationships with friend virus., M Bendinelli and L Nardini
Immunodepression by rowson-parr virus in mice. II. Effect of rowson- -parr virus infection on the antibody response to sheep red cells in vivo and in vitro., M Bendinelli and L Nardini
Immunodepression during urethane and n-nitrosomethylurea leukaemo- genesis in mice., G Parmiani, M I. Colnaghi, and G D. Porta
Immunodepression, high igm levels and evasion of the immune response in murine trypanosomiasis., K M. Hudson, C Byner, J Freeman, and R J. Terry
Immunodepression in trypanosome-infected mice. VI. Comparison of immune responses of different lymphoid organs., S K. Kar, G E. Roelants, withey K. Mayor, and T W. Pearson
Immunodepression of thymus-independent response to dextran in mouse malaria., J S. Mcbride and H S. Micklem
Immunodepressive and leukemogenic effects of urethan in c3hf and swr mice., G Parmiani, M I. Colnaghi, and G D. Porta
Immunodepressive effect of rauscher leukemia virus on antinuclear antibody formation in new zealand black mice., B V. Siegel, M K. Brown, and J I. Morton
Immunodiagnosis and immunotherapy of a murine b cell lymphoma with a xenogeneic anti-idiotype antiserum. Abstr., L L. Lanier, M A. Lynes, and G F. Babcock
Immunodiagnostic detection of Giardia antigen in faeces by a rapid visual enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay., E L. Green, M A. Miles, and D C. Warhurst
Immunodiffusion, detection of a murine leukemia virus (rauscher)., M A. Fink and C A. Cowles
Immunodominance in the immune response to "multiple" histocompatibility antigens., P J. Wettstein and D W. Bailey
Immunodominance in the immune response to "multiple" histocompatibility antigens., P J. Wettstein and D W. Bailey
Immunodominance of H60 is caused by an abnormally high precursor T cell pool directed against its unique minor histocompatibility antigen peptide., E Y. Choi, G J. Christianson, Y Yoshimura, T J. Sproule, N Jung, S Joyce, and D C. Roopenian
Immunoelectron microscopic studies of antibodies in mouse sera directed against mouse mammary tumor virus., M F. Miller, L Dmochowski, and J M. Bowen
Immunoelectron microscopic studies with sera from patients with prostatic neoplasia and type c virus producing mouse prostate culture cells. Abstr., Y Ohtsuki, L Dmochowski, G Seman, J M. Bowen, and D E. Johnson
Immunoelectron microscopy of the glomerular mesangial uptake and transport of aggregated human albumin in the mouse., S Lee and R L. Vernier
Immuno-electrophoretical investigations of mouse serum protein fractions obtained by ammonium sulphate fractionation., J Clausen and J Heremans
Immunoelectrophoretic analysis of b-16 and s-91 melanomas. Abstr., W J. Fimian, P M. Smith, and R M. Coleman
Immunoelectrophoretic changes in mouse gamma-globulin after intra- peritoneal injection of bayol f, immunization and preplasmacytoma stage., N Talal, G Hermann, C D. Cyr, and P Grabar
Immuno-electrophoretic characterization of myeloma globulins from 20 different balb/c plasma-cell neoplasms, abstr., M Potter and E L. Kuff
Immunoelectrophoretic study on the antigen composition of a mouse sarcoma., G Kruger
Immuno-endocrine components in the growth and regression of p1798 murine lymphoma. Abstr., P H. Naylor and A L. Goldstein
Immunoenhancement of cellular cytotoxicity by adriamycin and daunorubicin. Abstr., F R. Orsini and E Mihich
Immunoenhancing agents used in combination with chemotherapeutic drugs in three murine tumor systems. Abstr., G Wampler and W Regelson
Immunoferritin studies on naturally occurring antibodies in mouse sera against the mouse mammary tumor virus (mmtv), p. 344-345. In g. W. Bailey [ed.] 33rd Ann. Proc. Electron microscopy, M F. Miller, L Dmochowski, J M. Bowen, M Scanlon, J Chesner, and R Kenny
Immunoflourescent studies on lymphoid tissue in mice., Clair Francomano
Immunofluorescence analysis of ig determinants of mouse thymocytes and t cells., U Hammerling, C Mack, and H G. Pickel
Immunofluorescence analysis of reexpression and activation: the origin of phenotypic diversity of rat hepatoma-mouse fibroblast hybrid colonies., ninio M. Mevel
Immunofluorescence and histologic studies of virus-induced murine lymphocytic leukemias., P J. Dawson, S L. Dresler, and A H. Fieldsteel
Immunofluorescence assay for antigen and antibody in lactic dehydro- genase virus infection of mice., D D. Porter, H G. Porter, and B B. Deerhake
Immunofluorescence imaging of DNA damage response proteins: optimizing protocols for super-resolution microscopy., B T. Bennett, J Bewersdorf, and K L. Knight
Immunofluorescence in mtv-infected organs. Abstr., J Daams
Immunofluorescence localization of proteins of high molecular weight along intracellular microtubules., P Sherline and K Schiavone
Immunofluorescence localization of tumor-enhancing igg2 alloantibody in macrophage-fibrosarcoma cell interactions. Abstr., J M. Cruse, R E. Lewis, and J C. Gilmore
Immunofluorescence study of t cell differentiation in allogeneic thymus-grafted nudes., F Loor and B Kindred
Immunofluorescent analysis of expression of the rna tumor virus major glycoprotein, gp71, on surfaces of virus- -producing murine and other mammalian species cell lines., M W. Cloyd, D P. Bolognesi, and D D. Bigner
Immunofluorescent analysis of expression of the rna tumor virus major glycoprotein, gp71, on the surfaces of normal murine cells., M W. Cloyd, D P. Bolognesi, and D D. Bigner
Immunofluorescent analysis of murine leukemia virus-infected cells by flow microfluorometry., R E. Hand, R W. Tennant, W Yang, and G C. Lavelle
Immunofluorescent demonstration of kidney-specific antigen in the straight segment of promixal renal tubules. Abstr., E Espinosa, naggar M. El, and S Caple
Immunofluorescent detection of erythrocyte sialoglycoprotein antigens on murine erythroid cells., A H. Sarris and G E. Palade
Immunofluorescent localization of a fetal protein in the mouse yolk sac., E Linder, A Lahti, and L Saxen
Immunofluorescent localization of mammary tumor virus antigens in mammary tumor cells in culture., C M. Mc grath and P B. Blair
Immunofluorescent localization of type v collagen in the chick embryo with monoclonal antibodies., K Von der mark and M Ocalan
Immunofluorescent studies of mouse and hamster cell surface antigens induced by polyoma virus., R A. Malmgren, K K. Takemoto, and P G. Carney
Immunofluorescent study of alpha-foetoprotein (alpha fp) in liver and liver tumours. I. Technique of alpha fp localization in tissue sections., N V. Engelhardt, A I. Goussev, L J. Shipova, and G I. Abelev
Immunofluorescent study of the group-specific antigen of murine leukemia viruses., O M. Lejneva and G I. Abelev
Immunogenesis from cultured marrow and thymus cells. I. Thymocyte differentiation and collaboration with bone marrow-derived cells., S K. Schmiege and H C. Miller
Immunogenesis of murine bone marrow cells and spleen cells against transplantation antigens. Abstr., M M. Bortin, A A. Rimm, and E C. Saltzstein
Immunogenetic analysis of h-2 mutations. II. Cellular immunity to the h-2da mutation., J Forman and J Klein
Immunogenetic analysis of h-2 mutations. Iii. Genetic mapping and involvement in immune reactions of the h-2ka mutation., J Klein, J Forman, V Hauptfeld, and I K. Egorov
Immunogenetic analysis of H-2 mutations. III. Genetic mapping and involvement in immune reactions of the H-2ka mutation., J Klein, J Forman, V Hauptfeld, and I K. Egorov
Immunogenetic analysis of h-2 mutations. IV. Mapping of and immune reactions to the h-2fa mutation., J Klein, I K. Egorov, Y A. Mnatsakanyan, and V Hauptfeld
Immunogenetic analysis of H-2 mutations. IV. Mapping of and immune reactions to the H-2fa mutation., J Klein, I K. Egorov, Y A. Mnatsakanyan, and V Hauptfeld
Immunogenetic analysis of h-2 mutations. Vii. Cells responding to h-2kk gene products give rise to an allogeneic supernatant., J Kettman, J Klein, and J Forman
Immunogenetic analysis of h-2 mutations. Vii. H-2 associated recognition of minor histocompatibility antigens in h-2kb mutants., C Chiang and J Klein
Immunogenetic analysis of h-2 mutations. V. Serological analysis of mutations h-2da, h-2fa, and h-2ka., J Klein, M Hauptfeld, R Geib, and C Hammerberg
Immunogenetic analysis of microsomal and non-microsomal lipoproteins from normal and malignant mouse tissues for histocompatibility-2 (h-2) antigens., J Palm and L A. Manson
Immunogenetic analysis of mouse microsomal lipoproteins. Abstr., J Palm
Immunogenetic analysis of "natural killer" activity in the mouse., H Cantor, M Kasai, F W. Shen, J C. Leclerc, and L Glimcher
Immunogenetic analysis of soluble derivatives of mouse microcomal lipoproteins. Abstr., J Palm and L A. Manson
Immunogenetic analysis of the mechanism of induction of friend virus leukemia., R J. Eckner, V Kumar, and M Bennett
Immunogenetic analysis of y-factor localization in the mouse genome. I. A study of f1 hybrids., M I. Baskevich and Y S. Demin
Immunogenetic and immunochemical studies of h-2 antigens of foreign haplotypes on tumour cells., H Festenstein, W Schmidt, C Testorelli, L D. Giorgi, O Morelli, rogers Matossian, and G Atfield
Immunogenetic approach to neoplasia., J R. Tennant
Immunogenetic aspects of abnormal sexual differentiation., S S. Wachtel
Immunogenetic aspects of antigenic strength., H Festenstein and P Demant
Immunogenetic components of weaker histoincompatibility systems in mice., W H. Hildemann, M Morgan, and L Frautnick
Immunogenetic control of metastasis formation by a methylcholan- threne-induced tumor (t10) in mice: differential expression of h-2 gene products., S Katzav, P D. Baetselier, E Gorelik, M Feldman, and S Segal
Immunogenetic control of the response of female mice to male tissue grafts., J S. Schultz, friberg R. Demott, and T F. Beals
Immunogenetic destruction of the adult thymus by transplantation of marrow preincubated with allogeneic erythrocytes., D E. Uphoff
Immunogenetic factors in the survival of ovarian transplants., M B. Goldman
Immunogenetic identification of functional t-cell subsets., H Shiku, P Kisielow, E A. Boyse, and H F. Oettgen
Immunogenetic problems of tissue transplantation., P C. Koller
Immunogenetics of a thymus antigen in lymphoma-prone and lymphoma- -resistant colonies of wild mice., E P. Blankenhorn, M B. Gardner, and J D. Estes
Immunogenetics of mouse b-cell alloantigen systems defined by monoclonal antibodies and gene-cluster formation of these loci., N Tada, S Kimura, and U Hammerling
Immunogenetics of the Mouse: Perspective and Analytical Technique.
Immunogenetics of the qa-2 locus of the mouse. Abstr., L Flaherty
Immunogenetics: retrospect or prospect., G D. Snell
Immunogenetic studies on meth-a-vaccinia tumour cells in vivo and in vitro., F Garrido, W Schmidt, and H Festenstein
Immunogenetique du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilite (h-2) chez la souris., J Colombani
Immunogenic activity of tumor antigens retained by liver reticulo- endothelial cells. Abstr., J Vaage
Immunogenic and immunosuppressive components in soluble preparations from moloney murine leukemia virus-induced tumor cells., P B. Brandchaft, T Aoki, and T N. Silverman
Immunogenic capacity of mouse alloantigens from ischaemic liver., I Hilgert, J Kolc, and P Malek
Immunogenic changes of murine lymphoma cells following in vitro treatment with aryl-triazene derivatives., B Nardelli, A R. Contessa, L Romani, G Sava, C Nisi, and M C. Fioretti
Immunogenic effect of mouse liver cell free antigen (cfa). Abstr., D Franco and A P. Monaco
Immunogenic efficacy of various syngeneic tumor cell preparations., N Natale, J Reiner, and C M. Southam
Immunogenic function of macrophages, in vitro production of anti- bodies to a hapten-carrier conjugate., S Kunin, G M. Shearer, A Globerson, and M Feldman
Immunogenicita' farmaco-indotta nella leucemia l1210, transfer di linfociti immuni. (eng. Summ.)., A Bini, P Franco, and A Nicolin
Immunogenicity and amplifier cell production by tumor vaccines enhanced by concanavalin a., T Kataoka, hashi F. Oh, and Y Sakurai
Immunogenicity and antigenicity of lymphoid cells treated with neuraminidase., R L. Simmons, A Rios, and P K. Ray
Immunogenicity and antigenic specificity of the loop fragment of lysozyme., B Geiger and R Arnon
Immunogenicity and concanavalin a agglutinability in transplantable mouse lymphosarcoma and human leukemia., L A. Smets and C Homburg
Immunogenicity and enhancement for the private specificities H-2.12,16,20, and 21., I F. McKenzie and G D. Snell
Immunogenicity and enhancement of normal and tumor tissue in the mouse., I F. McKenzie and G D. Snell
Immunogenicity and enhancement of normal and tumor tissue in the mouse., I F. Mc kenzie and G D. Snell
Immunogenicity and immunosensitivity of urethane-induced murine lung adenomata, in relation to the immunological impairment of the primary tumour host., S Menard, M I. Colnaghi, and G Cornalba
Immunogenicity and mechanisms of tumor rejection of mineral-oil- -induced plasmacytomas in syngeneic balb/c mice., J Mc coy, J Dean, L Law, J Williams, N M. Coy, and B Holiman
Immunogenicity and paralytogenicity of antigens solubilized from line ib malignant lymphocytes., R E. Morris and W H. Murphy
Immunogenicity induced in vivo by dic in relatively non-immunogenic leukemias., A Nicolin, M Cavalli, A Missiroli, and A Goldin
Immunogenicity, macrophage sensitivity, and therapeutic response to c. Parvum of fibrosarcomas induced in c. Parvum- -treated and untreated mice., M Woodruff, G Forbes, and J Gordon
Immunogenicity of an aerogenic bcg vaccine in t-cell-depleted and normal mice., N E. Morrison and F M. Collins
Immunogenicity of antigen-containing ribonucleic acid preparations from macrophages., B A. Askonas and J M. Rhodes
Immunogenicity of bacteroides isolated from mice: relation- ship between immunogenicity and cell wall antigens., H Yasui, N Yasutake, and M Ohwaki
Immunogenicity of bovine serum albumin and its oligopolymers in cba mice., J Stark and J Spitznagel
Immunogenicity of cellular and acellular antigen preparations from a methylcholanthrene-induced mouse sarcoma., K Hoffken, U Steih, and C G. Schmidt
Immunogenicity of chemically induced murine colon cancers., L P. Belnap, P H. Cleveland, M E. Colmerauer, O M. Barone, and Y H. Pilch
Immunogenicity of fab fragment of protein-315 for balb/c mice., R Tungkanak and S Sirisinha
Immunogenicity of haptenated schistosomula in vitro., A K. Abbas, S L. James, and A Sher
Immunogenicity of human serum albumin, decay in the normal mouse., S Britton and F Celada
Immunogenicity of isolated foetal mouse proislets., C J. Simeonovic and K J. Lafferty
Immunogenicity of leukemia l1210 cells after neuraminidase treatment., J G. Bekesi, G S. Arneault, L Walter, and J F. Holland
Immunogenicity of lipid-conjugated anatigens. II. Anti-comple- mentary activity and antigen trapping in the spleen., J M. Stark, N Matthews, and J Locke
Immunogenicity of lipid-conjugated antigens. I. The influence of chain length and degree of conjugation on induction of antibody in mice., J M. Stark, J Locke, and R V. Heatley
Immunogenicity of liposomal model membranes in mice. Dependence on phospholipid composition., T Yasuda, G F. Dancey, and S C. Kinsky
Immunogenicity of liposomal model membranes sensitized with dinitrophenylated phosphatidylethanolamine deriv- atives containing different length spacers., G F. Dancey, P C. Isakson, and S C. Kinsky
Immunogenicity of MCA-induced lung adenomas., Samdra E. Wakefield
Immunogenicity of mouse trophoblast and embryonic sac., R F. Searle, E J. Jenkinson, and M H. Johnson
Immunogenicity of murine major histocompatibility products in serum. Abstr., L S. Miller, G N. Callahan, S Ferrone, and R A. Reisfeld
Immunogenicity of neuraminidase treated 6c3hed lymphoma in c3h/hej and c3hf mice. Abstr., J G. Bekesi, L Walter, and J F. Holland
Immunogenicity of preneoplastic and neoplastic mammary lesions. Relationship to the presence of chemical car- cinogens. Abstr., W Wei, D Medina, and G H. Heppner
Immunogenicity of solubilized tumor antigen extracted from p1798 murine lymphoma cells or isolated from tumor-bearer ascites fluid and reactivity with anti-thy-1.2 Antiserum., W C. Gordon, F S. Baechtel, G Goetz, and M D. Prager
Immunogenicity of soluble extracts from a uv light-induced mouse sarcoma., L Pasternak, G Pasternak, and U Karsten
Immunogenicity of soluble murine histocompatibility antigens., S Sagi, F H. Turianskyj, and L Gyenes
Immunogenicity of soluble murine histocompatibility antigens. Abstr., L Gyenes and J M. Young
Immunogenicity of spontaneous c3h mammary tumors in c3h and c3hf mice. Abstr., J Vaage and D W. Weiss
Immunogenicity of subcellular fractions and molecular species of mulv-induced tumors. Iii. Stimulation of syngeneic antitumor responses by subcellular fractions and molecular species of moloney virus-induced tumors in cba and a mice., A Ahituv, D Naor, R Sharon, N Tarcic, and B Y. Klein
Immunogenicity of subcellular fractions and molecular species of mulv-induced tumors. II. Stimulation of syngeneic anti-tumor cell-mediated immune responses by subcellular fractions and mole- cular species of the rauscher-virus-induced rbl5 tumor., B J. Kobrin, D Naor, and B Y. Klein
Immunogenicity of subcellular fractions and molecular species of mulv-induced tumors. I. Screening of immunogenic components by isopycnic ultracentrifugation and polyacrylamide electrophoresis of a tumor homogenate., B Y. Klein, S Frenkel, A Ahituv, and D Naor
Immunogenicity of the lymphatic leukemia bw5147 elicited by alkylation with an alpha-beta-unsaturated compound. Abstr., W N. Palmer and P M. Hyde
Immunogenicity of tumor cells inactivated by heat., H D. Suit, R S. Sedlacek, and S Wiggins
Immunogenicity of tumor clones with varying malignant potential. Abstr., E J. Lovett, J Varani, S Elgebaly, and J Lundy
Immunogenicity of various forms of h-2 antigens as detected by the growth rate of an allogeneic tumour., I Hilgert, H Kristofova, and S Stoyanov
Immunogenicity versus immunosuppression and preliminary characterization of the suppressive factors., C Ting, D Rodrigues, R C. Ting, N Wivel, N M. Collins, and R O. Cells:
Immunogenic potency of human gamma-globulin in mice., A Sassen, E H. Perkins, and R A. Brown
Immunogenic properties of a nonproducer malignant tumor induced by murine sarcoma virus., L W. Law, K S. Chang, and R C. Ting
Immunogenic properties of a solubilized tumor antigen from an rna virus-transformed neoplasm. Abstr., E Appella, T Fischetti, and L W. Law
Immunogenic properties of a soluble tumor rejection antigen (tsta) from a simian virus 40-induced sarcoma., M J. Rogers and L W. Law
Immunogenic properties of cell-free tissue extracts in mice., I Hilgert and H Kristofova
Immunogenic properties of haptenated liposomes. Abstr., H Snippe and A J. Houte
Immunogenic properties of liposomal model membranes in mice., T Yasuda, G F. Dancey, and S C. Kinsky
Immunogenic properties of modified antigen e. II. Ability of urea- -denatured antigen and alpha-polypeptide chain to prime t cells specific for antigen e., K Ishizaka, H Okudaira, and T P. King
Immunogenic properties of modified antigen e. Iii. Effect of repeated injections of modified antigen on immunocompetent cells specific for native antigen., K Takatsu, K Ishizaka, and T P. King
Immunogenic properties of oligosaccharides from the capsular polysaccharide of streptococcus pneumoniae type iii. Abstr., J Van dam, H Snippe, and B Merchant
Immunogenic properties of papain-solubilized alloantigen., R J. Graff and S G. Nathenson
Immunogenic properties of papain-solubilized h-2 alloantigens., R J. Graff, D L. Mann, and S G. Nathenson
Immunogenic properties of purified antigen preparations from a mouse sarcoma., R J. Graff and A A. Kandutsch
Immunogenic properties of purified antigen preparations from a mouse sarcoma., R J. Graff and A A. Kandutsch
Immunogenic properties of reticulum cell sarcomas of sjl/j mice., E A. Carswell, H J. Wanebo, L J. Old, and E A. Boyse
Immunogenic properties of solubilized tumour antigen from an rna virus-transformed neoplasm., L W. Law and E Appella
Immunogenic strength of sarcomas induced by methylcholanthrene in millipore filter diffusion chambers., G Parmiani, G Carbone, and R Lembo
Immunogenic synergy of haptenated liposomes and haptenated hemocyanin in b-cell defective cba/n mice. Abstr., H Snippe, A V. Houte, and B Merchant
Immunogenic variants obtained by mutagenesis of mouse lewis lung carcinoma. Recognition of variant-specific antigens by cytolytic t lymphocytes., F Vessiere, M Georlette, G Warnier, J Leclerc, L V. Pel, and T Boon
Immunogenic variants obtained by mutagenesis of mouse mastocytoma p815. I. Rejection by syngeneic mice., C Uyttenhove, J V. Snick, and T Boon
Immunogenic variants obtained by mutagenesis of mouse mastocytoma p815. IV. Analysis of variant-specific antigens by selection of antigen-loss variants with cytolytic t cell clones., J L. Maryanski and T Boon
Immunoglobulin abnormalities in Mott cell hybridomas., David W. Sehy
Immunoglobulin allotypes of the mouse., D W. Dresser, K D. Keeler, and J M. Phillips
Immunoglobulin and antibody production in germfree and conventional balb/c mice infected with plasmodium berghei. Abstr., J F. Finerty and C B. Evans
Immunoglobulin and complement demonstration in kidney following transport medium preservation., A R. Graham
Immunoglobulin and other surface antigens of cells of the immune system., T Takahashi, L J. Old, K R. Intire, and E A. Boyse
Immunoglobulin and theta-bearing murine leukemias and lymphomas., E M. Shevach, J D. Stobo, and I Green
Immunoglobulin assembly in a mouse myeloma., D Schubert
Immunoglobulin-bearing cells in bone marrow of mice after prolonged treatment with anti-igm antibodies., P E. Wherry, M Daeron, and J Gordon
Immunoglobulin binding by mouse intestinal epithelial cell receptors., R L. Guyer, M E. Koshland, and P M. Knopf
Immunoglobulin biosynthesis by the mopc 173 mouse myeloma tumor and a variant spleen clone., R Baumal and M D. Scharff
Immunoglobulin biosynthesis. I. A myeloma variant secreting light chain only., D Schubert, A Munro, and S Ohno
Immunoglobulin biosynthesis. II. Four independently isolated myeloma variants., D Schubert and K Horibata
Immunoglobulin biosynthesis. Iii. Blocks in defective synthesis., D Schubert and M Cohn
Immunoglobulin biosynthesis in mouse thymus cells. The expression of alpha and nu chains in balb/c, c57bl and intercrossed hybrid mice., N Lahat, C Moroz, and I Ashkenazi
Immunoglobulin biosynthesis in myeloma-associated and casein- and endotoxin-induced murine amyloidosis., R Baumal, A Ackermann, and B Wilson
Immunoglobulin biosynthesis. IV. Carbohydrate attachment to immuno- globulin subunits., D Schubert
Immunoglobulin c-gene expression. Iii. Possible induction of specific genetic events in activated b lymphocytes by the polyclonal stimuli driving clonal expansion., alonso C. Martinez and A Coutinho
Immunoglobulin c-gene expression. I. The commitment to igg subclass of secretory cells is determined by the quality of the nonspecific stimuli., alonso C. Martinez, A Coutinho, and A A. Augustin
Immunoglobulin class and subclass levels in the serum of cba mice throughout life., J J. Haaijman, P V. Berg, and J Brinkhof
Immunoglobulin class commitment exhibited by b lymphocytes separated according to surface isotype., J M. Teale, D Lafrenz, N R. Klinman, and S Strober
Immunoglobulin classes and subclasses in alloantisera to mouse thymocyte surface antigens., S L. Epstein and P D. Gottlieb
Immunoglobulin classes in antibody responses in mice. I. Analysis by biological properties., N L. Warner, N M. Vaz, and Z Ovary
Immunoglobulin classes of antibody-forming cells in mice. I. Localized hemolysis-in-agar plaque-forming cells belonging to five immuno- globulin classes. Classes., S Sell, A B. Park, and A A. Nordin
Immunoglobulin class suppression in mice-comparative effects of treatment with anti-igg1 and anti-igm. Abstr., A Lawton, R Asofsky, R Tigelaar, M Hylton, and M Cooper
Immunoglobulin cnu rna in t lymphoma cells is not translated., I D. Walker and A W. Harris
Immunoglobulin-containing cells in different lymphoid organs of the cba mouse during its life-span., J J. Haaijman, H R. Schuit, and W Hijmans
Immunoglobulin determinants on lymphoid cells in culture., G Jones and I Roitt
Immunoglobulin determinants on mouse lymphocytes., G Jones, G Torrigiani, and I M. Roitt
Immunoglobulin determinants on the surface of mouse lymphoid cells., M C. Raff, M Sternberg, and R B. Taylor
Immunoglobulin fragments, f(ab')2 are cytotoxic to enzyme- -altered normal cells. Abstr., E Holtgrewe and J Killion
Immunoglobulin g and free kappa-chain synthesis in different clones of a hybrid cell line., B Mohit
Immunoglobulin gene expression and dna methylation in murine pre-b cell lines., S Akira, H Sugiyama, N Sakaguchi, and T Kishimoto
Immunoglobulin gene rearrangement in immature b cells., R Maki, J Kearney, C Paige, and S Tonegawa
Immunoglobulin gene rearrangements in normal mouse b cells., P Early, C Nottenburg, I Weissman, and L Hood
Immunoglobulin heavy chain class switch from igm to igg in a hybridoma., P Thammana and M D. Scharff
Immunoglobulin heavy chain gene organization in mice: analysis of a myeloma genomic clone containing variable and alpha constant regions., P W. Early, M M. Davis, D B. Kaback, N Davidson, and L Hood
Immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangement and transcription in murine t cell hybrids and t lymphomas., M C. Zuniga, P D'eustachio, and N H. Ruddle
Immunoglobulin heavy chain. I. Frequency of two or more m-components in ascitic fluids from 788 primary plasmacytomas., H C. Morse, I )ii, J G. Pumphrey, M Potter, D R. Asofsky, and P C. Of
Immunoglobulin heavy chain mrna in mitogen-stimulated b cells., R H. Stevens, B A. Askonas, and J L. Welstead
Immunoglobulin idiotopes expressed by t cells. I. Expression of distinct idiotopes detected by monoclonal antibodies on antigen- -specific suppressor t cells., J Cerny, C Heusser, R Wallich, G J, M, and D D. Eardley
Immunoglobulin idiotype and anti-anti-idiotype utilize the same variable region genes irrespective of antigen specificity., M N. Margolies, L J. Wysocki, and V L. Sato
Immunoglobulin (ig) bearing lymphocytes in neonatal mice. Abstr., M C. Gelfand, R Asofsky, and A R. Lawton
Immunoglobulin isoantigens (allotypes) in the mouse. I. Genetics and cross-reactions of the 7s gamma-2a-isoantigens controlled by alleles at the ig-1 locus., L A. Herzenberg, N L. Warner, and L A. Herzenberg
Immunoglobulin isoantigens (allotypes) in the mouse. II. Allotypic analysis of three gamma g2-myeloma proteins from (nzb x balb/c)f1 hy- brids and of normal gamma g2-globulins., N L. Warner, L A. Herzenberg, and G Goldstein
Immunoglobulin isoantigens (allotypes) in the mouse. Iii. Detection of allotypic antigens with heterologous antisera., N L. Warner and L A. Herzenberg
Immunoglobulin isoantigens (allotypes) in the mouse. IV. Allotypic specificities common to two distinct immunoglobulin classes., N L. Warner and L A. Herzenberg
Immunoglobulin isoantigens (allotypes) in the mouse. V. Characterization of igm allotypes., S J. Black, J W. Goding, G A. Gutman, L A. Herzenberg, I R. Loken, B A. Osborne, N D. Loo, and N L. Warner
Immunoglobulin isotopes in plasma cells of normal and athymic mice., carrington P. Weisz, A F. Schrater, M E. Lamm, and G J. Thorbecke
Immunoglobulin levels in inbred mice., Carol J. Roberts
Immunoglobulin-levels in mice undergoing graft-versus-host reaction., M Koltay, R G. Kinsky, and B G. Arnason
Immunoglobulin levels of sera of genetically thymusless (nude) mice., J Bloemmen and H Eyssen
Immunoglobulin-like messenger rna in a mouse t cell lymphoma., T H. Rabbitts, A Forster, M Smith, and S Gillam
Immunoglobulin m biosynthesis. Production of intermediates and excess of light-chain in mouse myeloma mopc 104e., R Parkhouse
Immunoglobulin messenger rnas of t lymphocytes., U Storb, R Near, D Putnam, and J Clagett
Immunoglobulin m receptors on memory cells of immunoglobulin g antibody-forming cell clones., E R. Abney, K D. Keeler, R M. Parkhouse, and H N. Wilcox
Immunoglobulin nascent chains on membrane-bound ribosomes of myeloma cells., D Cioli and E S. Lennox
Immunoglobulin of t lymphoma cells. Biosynthesis, surface represent- ation, and partial characterization., D Haustein, J J. Marchalonis, and A W. Harris
Immunoglobulin-producing tumors and myeloma proteins of mice., M Potter
Immunoglobulin production and secretion by variant clones of the mopc 315 mouse myeloma cell line., L Winberry, A Marks, and R Baumal
Immunoglobulin production by a human-mouse somatic cell hybrid., J Schwaber
Immunoglobulin production by embryonic tissues, thymus independent., M L. Tyan and L A. Herzenberg
Immunoglobulin production by lymphocyte hybridomas., G Kohler, H Hengartner, and M J. Shulman
Immunoglobulin receptors on a mouse mast cell tumor., M J. Cline and N L. Warner
Immunoglobulin receptors on mouse mast cells., R E. Tigelaar, N M. Vaz, and Z Ovary
Immunoglobulin receptors on mouse mast cells. Abstr., Z Ovary and R Tigelaar
Immunoglobulin receptors on mouse mast cells. II. Mast cells of different strains and mastocytomas., Z Ovary
Immunoglobulin receptors on two mouse mastocytomas. Abstr., Z Ovary and N Warner
Immunoglobulins and antibody formation in mice during the graft versus host reaction., M Koltay, R G. Kinsky, B G. Arnason, and J B. Schaffner
Immunoglobulins detected in cell populations involved in graft rejection., D Gabison, Y Bergman, J Haimovich, and G Berke
Immunoglobulins in intact, immunized, and contaminated axenic mice, study of serum iga., J Benveniste, G Lespinats, C Adam, and J Salomon
Immunoglobulins in the cerebrospinal fluid: changes during acute viral encephalitis in mice., D E. Griffin
Immunoglobulins on the surface of lymphocytes. I. Distribution and quantitation., E Rabellino, S Colon, H M. Grey, and E R. Unanue
Immunoglobulins on the surface of thymus-derived cells engaged in the initiation of a humoral immune response., J Lesley, J Kettman, and R Dutton
Immunoglobulin structure, amino terminal sequences of kappa chains from genetically similar mice (balb/c)., L E. Hood, M Potter, and D J. Kean
Immunoglobulin subclass-specific immunodeficiency in mice with an x-linked b-lymphocyte defect., R M. Perlmutter, M Nahm, K E. Stein, J Slack, I Zitron, W E. Paul, and J M. Davie
Immunoglobulin subclass specific immunodeficiency in mice with an x-linked b-lymphocyte defect. Abstr., M Nahm, R Perlmutter, K Stein, J Slack, I Zitron, W Paul, and J Davie
Immunoglobulins, virsuses, and speculation on their interrelationship in certain human and animal disease states., R C. Williams, A J. Kenyon, and C C. Huntley
Immunoglobulins with different specificities have similar idiotypes., E Enghofer, C P. Glaudemans, and M J. Bosma
Immunoglobulin synthesis and its induction in b-lymphoid cells., B A. Askonas
Immunoglobulin synthesis and secretion by cells in the mouse thymus that do not bear theta antigen., E S. Vitetta, J W. Uhr, and E A. Boyse
Immunoglobulin synthesis and secretion, iii. Incorporation of glucosamine into immunoglobulin on polyribosomes., C J. Sherr and J W. Uhr
Immunoglobulin synthesis and secretion, iv. Sites of incorporation of sugars as determined by subcellular fractionation., J W. Uhr and I Schenkein
Immunoglobulin synthesis by cultured mouse myeloma cells., Y Namba and M Hanaoka
Immunoglobulin synthesis by lymphoid cells transformed in vitro by abelson murine leukemia virus., E J. Siden, D Baltimore, D Clark, and N E. Rosenberg
Immunoglobulin synthesis by t cells: quantitative and qualitative aspects., D Putnam, J Clagett, and U Storb
Immunoglobulin synthesis in mixed cultures of syngeneic cells of different lymphoid tissues., A A. Mikhailova, R V. Petrov, and L A. Zakharova
Immunoglobulin synthesis in nude (nu/nu), nu/+ and reconstituted nu/nu mice infected with a demyelinating strain of semliki forest virus., A J. Suckling, S Jagelman, and H E. Webb
Immunoglobulin turnover in b lymphocyte subpopulations., F Melchers, R E. Cone, H Von boehmer, and J Sprent
Immunoglobulin variable region. I. Characterization of anti- bodies directed against the variable region of mouse myeloma immunoglobulins 315 and 460., R W. Rosenstein, J B. Zeldis, W H. Konigsberg, D F. Richards, and C A. The
Immunoglobulin variable region. II. Chain location of variable region determinants., J B. Zeldis, W H. Konigsberg, F F. Richards, D R. Rosenstein, and C A. The
Immunoglobulin vh determinants defined by monoclonal antibodies., H Kubagawa, M Mayumi, J F. Kearney, and M D. Cooper
Immunoglobulin v region variants in hybridoma cells. I. Isolation of a variant with altered idiotypic and antigen binding specificity., M Bruggemann, A Radbruch, and K Rajewsky
Immunohemopoietic stem cell lines: effects of aging and transplantation., D E. Harrison
Immunohemopoietic stem cell lines: effects of aging and transplantation., D E. Harrison
Immunohistochemical and biochemical studies of SN-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase development in the central and peripheral nervous systems of normal and mutant mice., Mark Stephen Kindy
Immunohistochemical characterization of the developing mouse mammary gland., Meggan Hovick
Immunohistochemical detection of a cross-reacting virus antigen in mouse mammary tumors and human breast carcinomas., tejada R. Mesa, I Keydar, M Ramanarayanan, T Ohno, C Fenoglio, and S Spiegelman
Immunohistochemical identification of cholinergic cells in non- -cloned tumor cells., D Sutoo, S Sawaguchi, Y Suganuma, and K Iimura
Immunohistochemical identification of t- and b-lymphocytes delineated by the unlabeled antibody enzyme method. I. Anatomical distribution of theta-positive and ig-positive cells in lymphoid organs of mice., fezer G. Hoffmann, H Rodt, M Eulitz, and S Thierfelder
Immunohistochemical identification of tissue culture cells., R Hiramoto, J Jurandowski, J Bernecky, and D Pressman
Immunohistochemical localization of alpha1-antitrypsin in normal mouse liver and pancreas., J Gauldie, L Lamontagne, P Horsewood, and E Jenkins
Immunohistochemical localization of mouse testis-specific phosphoglycerate kinase (pgk-2) by monoclonal antibodies., H Bluthmann, L Cicurel, G W. Kuntz, G Haedenkamp, and K Illmensee
Immunohistochemical localization of murine stage-specific embryonic antigens in human testicular germ cell tumors., I Damjanov, N Fox, B B. Knowles, D Solter, P H. Lange, and E E. Fraley
Immunohistochemical localization of sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in Bergmann glia and oligodendroglia in the mouse cerebellum., M Fisher, D A. Gapp, and L P. Kozak
Immunohistochemical localization of the early embryonic antigen (SSEA-1) in postimplantation mouse embryos and fetal and adult tissues., N Fox, I Damjanov, Hernandez A. Martinez, B B. Knowles, and D Solter
Immunohistochemical localization of the epidermal growth factor receptor in normal human tissues., I Damjanov, B Mildner, and B B. Knowles
Immunohistochemical localization of the mouse stage-specific embryonic antigen 1 in human tissues and tumors., N Fox, I Damjanov, B B. Knowles, and D Solter
Immunohistochemical localization of two monoclonal antibody- -defined carbohydrate antigens during early murine enbry0- genesis., B A. Fenderson, A C. Hahnel, and E M. Eddy
Immunohistochemical observations on lymphoid tissues from conventional and germ-free mice., P A. Crabbe, D R. Nash, H Bazin, H Eyssen, and J F. Heremans
Immunohistochemical screen for new cell-type specific marker proteins in the murine retina., Kevin Conway
Immunohistochemical staining for thyrotropin releasing hormone in mouse hypothalamus., Christine A. Lisciotto
Immunohistochemical studies of wolfgram proteins in central nervous system of neurological mutant mice., J P. Delaunoy, G Roussel, J L. Nussbaum, and P Mandel
Immunohistochemical study of ehrlich ascites tumor., F W. Fitch
Immunohistochemical study of ehrlich ascites tumor. Abstr., F W. Fitch, L Anagnostopoulos, and R W. Wissler
Immunohistochemical study of iga transepithelial transfer into diges- tive tract secretions in the mouse., P M. Comoglio and R Guglielmone
Immunohistochemistry on semi-thin sections of hydroxypropyl methacrylate embedded tissues., R M. Franklin
Immuno-histological observations upon the development of reticulum cell sarcoma in the mouse., C R. Taylor
Immunohistological studies of ALMS1 in the mouse: differential expression in obesity mutants., Sarah Eichenberger
Immunohistological study of the anatomic relationship of toxoplasma antigens to the inflammatory response in the brains of mice chronically infected with toxoplasma gondii., F K. Conley and K A. Jenkins
Immunohistological study of the anterior pituitary gland - pars distalis and pars intermedia - in dwarf mice., M Roux, A Bartke, F Dumont, and M P. Dubois
Immunoisolation and the structural analysis of the sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase isozymes in mouse brain., L P. Kozak and D Burkart
Immunolgenicity of l1210 murine leukaemia cells after treatment with neuraminidase., K D. Bagshawe and G A. Currie
Immunolgical tolerance and lymphoid chimerism following injection of homologous spleen cells into newborn mice. In mechanism of immunological tolerance, czech. Acad. Sci., Prague,, J J. Trentin and J Session
Immunolocalization of AE2 anion exchanger in rat and mouse epididymis., L J. Jensen, Tilley A. Stuart, L L. Peters, S E. Lux, S L. Alper, and S Breton
Immunolocalization of enzymes, binding proteins, and receptors sufficient for retinoic acid synthesis and signaling during the hair cycle., H B. Everts, J P. Sundberg, L E. King, and D E. Ong
Immunolocalization of retinoic acid biosynthesis systems in selected sites in rat., H B. Everts, J P. Sundberg, and D E. Ong
Immunologic abnormalities in hrs/j mice. I. Specific deficit in t lymphocyte helper function in a mutant mouse., P J. Morrissey, D R. Parkinson, R S. Schwartz, and S D. Waksal
Immunologic abnormalities in obese diabetic mice. Abstr., D M. Brown, G Fernandes, S M. Mauer, and E J. Yunis
Immunologic abnormalities of the autoimmune mouse, palmerston north., W F. Davidson
Immunologic acceleration of death in animals with transplanted tumors., H Castellanos, M M. Ketchel, and S H. Sturgis
Immunologic activation of murine leukemia viruses., C J. Melief, S Datta, S Louie, and R S. Schwartz
Immunological activities of purified preparations of entero- bacterial common antigen., P J. Gannon, D M. Jacobs, A Marx, H Mayer, E Romanowska, and E Neter
Immunological activity of a t hybrid line. I. Production of an h-2-related suppressor factor with specificity for sheep red blood cells., M J. Taussig, J R. Corvalan, R M. Binns, B Roser, and A Holliman
Immunological activity of regional lymph nodes in tumor-bearing mice., B P. Barna and S D. Deodhar
Immunological activity of thymus and thoracic-duct lymphocytes., G F. Mitchell and J F. Miller
Immunological adjuvants and the mechanism of cell cooperation., J Maillard and B R. Bloom
Immunological agnosis: a state that derives from t suppressor cell inhibition of antigen-presenting cells., W Ptak and R K. Gershon
Immunological alteration of leukemic cells in vivo after treatment with an antitumor drug., E Bonmassar, A Bonmassar, S Vadlamudi, and A Goldin
Immunological alterations in mice exposed to diethylstilbestrol. Abstr., M I. Luster, G A. Boorman, and J H. Dean
Immunological analysis of acidic proteins in the chromatin of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., N Kono
Immunological analysis of a strain mice bearing the a-10 mammary adenocarcimoma., A Tax and L A. Manson
Immunological analysis of mice bearing long-term h-2-incompatible kidney transplants without immunosuppression., P S. Russell, C M. Chase, and H J. Winn
Immunological analysis of the structural molecules of erythrocyte membrane in mice. 2. Staining of erythroid cells with labelled anti- body., M Furusawa and H Adachi
Immunological analysis of the structural molecules of erythrocyte membrane in mice. I. Analysis of the aqueous phase molecules obtained by butanol fractionation of erythrocyte membrane., H Adachi and M Furusawa
Immunological and genetic requirements for the parental hemo- poietic takeover reaction in adult, h-2-incompatible parent-f1 hybrid parabiosis., D W. Drell and T G. Wegmann
Immunological and pathological manifestations of murine sarcoma virus (moloney) infections., J Schlom, J B. Moloney, and V Groupe
Immunological and structural relatedness of isozymes and genetic variants of 3-phosphoglycerate kinase from the mouse., C Lee, D Niesel, B Pegoraro, and R P. Erickson
Immunological and trophic functions of lymphocytes., J F. Loutit
Immunological anti-tumor activity of the physiological peptide hormone, tuftsin. Abstr., K Nishioka
Immunological approaches of leukaemia treatment., G Mathe
Immunological approaches to the study of membrane receptors. A monoclonal antibody that inhibits the binding of asialoglycoproteins to the rat liver receptor., J Harford, M Lowe, H Tsunoo, and G Ashwell
Immunological aspects of cancer. (d) Splenomegaly in tumour-bearing mice., W D. Mackay
Immunological aspects of carcinogenesis., L W. Law
Immunological aspects of chemical carcinogenesis., H C. Outzen
Immunological aspects of host resistance to the development and growth of cancer., G Currie
Immunological aspects of regression of autochthonous moloney sarcoma virus-induced tumors in mice. Abstr., A Fefer, J L. Coy, and J P. Glynn
Immunological assessment of mice with chronic jaundice and runting induced by reovirus 3., M Walters, N Stanley, R Dawkins, and M Alpers
Immunological basis for deficient growth of c57bl/10 parental marrow in f1 hybrid mice. Abstr., G Cudkowicz and J H. Stimpfling
Immunological block to synthetic alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone: melanocyte interaction by antibodies isolated from cell-column immunoadsorbents., J L. Winkelhake, B M. Elcombe, and A Hodach
Immunological b memory in thymus deprived mice., G E. Roelants and B A. Askonas
Immunological changes in mice with syngeneic lymphoma, changes in the weight and morphology of lymphoid organs., B Plavsic and M Jurin
Immunological characteristics of mice homozygous for severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) and beige (bg) nutations., Gillian L. Beamer
Immunological characterization of a graffi virus-infected gross leu- kaemia and its cell clones., G Pasternak and L Pasternak
Immunological characterization of a low molecular weight polypeptide of murine leukemia virus., S R. Tronick, J R. Stephenson, and S A. Aaronson
Immunological characterization of diethyl nitrosamine (den) induced murine forestomach squamous cell carcinomas. Abstr., R J. Jamasbi and E H. Perkins
Immunological characterization of fcr bearing and nonbearing b cells: functional modulation of immune complexes., Y Park, inaba M. Miyama, T Suzuki, T Masuda, Y Yoshida, and H Uchino
Immunological characterization of metallothioneins in mouse lmtk cells and in a variant resistant to cadmium., I Maiti, M Mbikay, C Marengo, and J Thirion
Immunological characterization of mouse mammary tumor virus p10 and its presence in mammary tumors and sera of tumor-bearing mice., L O. Arthur and D L. Fine
Immunological characterization of new mouse mutants., Emily Miyashita
Immunological characterization of the low-molecular- -weight dna binding protein of mouse mammary tumor virus., L O. Arthur, C W. Long, G H. Smith, and D L. Fine
Immunological circuits: cellular composition., H Cantor and R K. Gershon
Immunological clearance of 75se-labelled trypanosoma brucei in mice. II. Mechanisms in immune animals., J A. Macaskill, P H. Holmes, D D. Whitelaw, I Mcconnell, and G M. Urquhart
Immunological comparison of mouse hemoglobins., A A. Ansari, L M. Bahuguna, M Jenison, and H V. Malling
Immunological competence following experimental thermal injury. Abstr., L Browne, S Ball, R Bachvaroff, and F Rapaport
Immunological competence in snell-bagg pituitary dwarf mice. Response to the contact-sensitizing agent oxazolone., G B. Schneider
Immunological competence of newborn mice., L Brent and G Gowland
Immunological competence of placenta., J Dancis, B D. Samuels, and G W. Douglas
Immunological competence of thymus cells after transfer to thymec- tomized recipients., R B. Taylor
Immunological components of carcinogenesis., M Feldman
Immunological consequences of mother's milk in the perinate. Abstr., J R. Head, A E. Beer, and R E. Billingham
Immunological control of fertility in female mice., A Mc laren
Immunological control of polyoma virus oncogenesis in mice., J M. Gaugas, A C. Allison, F C. Chesterman, R J. Rees, and M S. Hirsch
Immunological cross reaction between sera from patients with breast cancer and mouse marry tumor virus., M Imai, C Yamada, S Saga, S Nagayoshi, and M Hoshino
Immunological cross-reactions between salk 'altered' monkey heart cells and ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., R M. Johnstone and S I. Vas
Immunological cross-reactivity between plasma membrane and endoplasmic reticulum of ehrlich ascites carcinoma., D F. Wallach and V Vlahovic
Immunological depression of tumor growth in f1 hybrid/parental strain systems., H Wigzell
Immunological depression produced in vitro by the action of normal rna on mice spleen cells., N Amerio, S Degaetano, J Morini, and M Londner
Immunological destruction of herpes simplex virus i infected cells., zisman B. Rager and B R. Bloom
Immunological detection of cell surface galactosyltransferase in preimplantation mouse embryos., M Sato, T Muramatsu, and E G. Berger
Immunological detection of new molecular species of type ii camp-dependent protein kinase regulatory subunit in the nuclei of regressing mcf-7 tumor (human breast cancer) in nude mice upon estrogen-withdrawal. Abstr., C L. Kapoor and chung Y. Cho
Immunological determinants of polyoma virus oncogenesis., K Habel
Immunological distinction of akr thymocytes., A E. Reif and J M. Allen
Immunological effects of igt synthesized by theta-positive cell lines., M Feldmann, A Boylston, and N M. Hogg
Immunological effects of native and polyethylene glycol- -modified asparaginases from vibrio succinogenes and escherichia coli in normal and tumour-bearing mice., A Bendich, D Kafkewitz, A Abuchowski, and F F. Davis
Immunological effects of neonatal infection with mouse thymic virus, a herpesvirus of mice. Abstr., P Cohen, S S. Cross, and D E. Mosier
Immunological enhancement., N Kaliss
Immunological enhancement., N Kaliss
Immunological enhancement as a possible element in the etiology of cancer., N Kaliss
Immunological enhancement by mouse isoantibodies, the importance of complement fixation., T Chard
Immunological enhancement can be mediated by anti-ia and anti-k,d antibodies., W C. Davis and I F. Mckenzie
Immunological enhancement induced by gastrointestinal immunization of mice pretreated with cyclophosphamide., M L. Laursen
Immunological enhancement of a leukemia., E A. Boyse, L J. Old, and E Stockert
Immunological enhancement of a murine allogeneic lymphoma., C D. Pasqualini and M E. Colmerauer
Immunological enhancement of a murine allogeneic tumor in absence of the spleen., M E. Colmerauer and C D. Pasqualini
Immunological enhancement of a murine tumor allograft by passive alloantibody igg and f(ab')2., N Kaliss, N R. Sinclair, and J L. Cantrell
Immunological enhancement of antitumor activity of gamma-rays., A Montagnani marelli, A Nicolin, P Morvillo, and A Prada
Immunological enhancement of leukemia l1210 by corynebacterium parvum in allogeneic mice., D A. Berd and M S. Mitchell
Immunological enhancement of murine tumor isografts mediated by rna from lymphoid organs of xenogeneic immunized animals., Y H. Pilch and K P. Ramming
Immunological enhancement of primarily vascularized rat heart xenotransplants in mice., R J. Corry and S E. Kelley
Immunological enhancement of sarcoma 180 growth in c57bl/6j mice. Abstr., W T. Bradner and M H. Pindell
Immunological enhancement of sarcoma i by antibody to fetal antigens in syngeneic mice., E H. Goldberg and S Tokuda
Immunological enhancement of skin grafts in the mouse., J J. Jeekel, I F. Kenzie, and H J. Winn
Immunological enhancement of tumor growth by syngeneic thymus-derived lymphocytes., T Umiel and N Trainin
Immunological enhancement of tumor homografts in mice: a review., N Kaliss
Immunological enhancement of tumor homografts in the offspring of immunized mothers. Abstr., M K. Dagg and N Kaliss
Immunological enhancement-the immunologically induced prolongation of tumor homograft survival., N Kaliss
Immunological enhancement [workshop summary]., N Kaliss and F W. Fitch
Immunological evidence of repressed catalase synthesis in livers of tumor-bearing mice., E T. Nishimura, T Y. Kobara, J P. Kaltenbach, and W B. Wartman
Immunological factors influencing polyoma virus oncogenesis., K Habel
Immunological focusing by the mouse major histocompatibility complex: mouse strains confronted with distantly related lysozymes confine their attention to very few epitopes., M E. Katz, R M. Maizels, L Wicker, L, and E E. Sercarz
Immunological function in obese, diabetic c57bl/ks-db+/db+ (db/db) mice and streptozotocin-induced muirne diabetes mellitus: further characterization of the defects in plaque forming cells (pfc) and cytotoxic cell reponses. Abstr., B S. Handwerger, J Toseth, T Riehm, G Fernandes, and D M. Brown
Immunological function of alveolar macrophages: interaction with a soluble protein antigen and the immunogenicity of alveolar macrophage-associated antigen., S E. Ullrich and H B. Herscowitz
Immunological function of the thymus., J F. Miller
Immunological functions of homologous spleen cells in viral mouse leukemia., J G. Sinkovics, C C. Shullenberger, and C D. Howe
Immunological heterogeneity of carcinoembryonic antigen: antigenic determinants on carcinoembryonic antigen distinguished by monoclonal antibodies., F J. Primus, K D. Newell, A Blue, and D M. Goldenberg
Immunological homograft enhancement. Interactions of antiserum and skin and tumor homografts., B H. Berne
Immunological induction of dna synthesis in mouse peritoneal macrophages. An expression of cell-mediated-immunity., D More, J M. Penrose, R Kearney, and D Nelson
Immunologically active nonapeptide fragment of a proline-rich polypeptide from ovine colostrum: amino acid sequence and immunoregulatory properties., K Staroscik, M Janusz, M Zimecki, E, and J Lisowski
Immunologically competent cells in adult mouse liver. Studies with parent-to-hybrid radiation chimeras., G Cudkowicz and G E. Cosgrove
Immunologically competent passenger cells in mouse skin., C F. Barker and R Billingham
Immunologically competent thymus cells of bone marrow origin., G Doria and G Agarossi
Immunologically determined and competent cells are affected differ- entially by actinomycin d., E Weiler
Immunologically mediated macrophage aggregation in monolayers of peritoneal cells from bcg-sensitized mice., P M. Preston, P D. Hart, and I N. Brown
Immunologically nonspecific enhancement of artificial lung metastases in tumor-bearing mice., K Ando, N Hunter, and L J. Peters
Immunologically privileged sites in studies of polyoma tumor antigens., K Habel and J H. Belcher
Immunologically specific activation of macrophages armed with the specific macrophage arming factor (SMAF)., R Evans, H Cox, and P Alexander
Immunologically specific activation of macrophages armed with the specific macrophage arming factor (smaf)., R Evans, H Cox, and P Alexander
Immunologically specific cytolytic activity induced in longterm mixed leukocyte culture cells by concanavalin a., D Tartof and F W. Fitch
Immunologically specific retention of long-lived lymphoid cells in antigenically stimulated lymph nodes., E E. Emeson and D R. Thursh
Immunological mechanism in the pathogenesis of virus-induced murine leukemia. I. Autoreactivity., M R. Proffitt, M S. Hirsch, B Gheridian, and P H. Black
Immunological mechanisms in the pathogenesis of virus-induced murine leukemia. II. Characterization of autoreactive thymocytes., M R. Proffitt, M S. Hirsch, I F. Kenzie, and P H. Black
Immunological memory after priming with a thymus independent antigen, nip-ficoll., M Hurme
Immunological memory function of the t and b cell types. Distribution over mouse spleen and lymph nodes., T J. Romano, J J. Mond, and G J. Thorbecke
Immunological memory in mice. II. Cell interactions in the secondary immune response studied by means of immunglobulin allotype markers., E B. Jacobson, stehr J. L'age, and L A. Herzenberg
Immunological memory in mice. Iii. Memory to heterologous erythro- cytes in both t cell and b cell populations and requirement for t cells in expression of b cell memory. Evidence using immunoglobulin allotype and mouse alloantigen theta markers with congenic mice., G Mitchell, E L. Chan, M S. Noble, I Weissman, and L Herzenberg
Immunological memory in mice. I. Physical separation and partial characterization of memory cells for different immunoglobulin classes from each other and from antibody-producing cells., stehr J. L'age and L A. Herzenberg
Immunological memory in radiation chimeras., N Gengozian and C C. Congdon
Immunological memory in vitro., G N. Radcliffe and M A. Axelrad
Immunological mutants of the mouse., L D. Shultz
Immunological paralysis induced by an idiotypic antigen., G M. Iverson and D W. Dresser
Immunological paralysis induced by brief exposure of cells to pro- tein antigens., N A. Mitchison
Immunological paralysis in mice exposed to sublethal irradiation or treated with 6-mercaptopurine., M S. Brooke
Immunological properties of a homogenous sjl/j reticulum cell sarcoma. Abstr., M H. Owens
Immunological properties of chemically induced sarcomas., M Feldman, A Globerson, and D Yaffe
Immunological properties of conjugates of ragweed pollen antigen e with methoxypolyethylene glycol or a copolymer of d-glutamic acid and d-lysine., T P. King, L Kochoumian, and N Chiorazzi
Immunological properties of fc receptor on lymphocytes. 2. Differentiation from fcr- to fcr+ cells and their functional differences in in vitro antibody response., J Yodoi, M Miyama, and T Masuda
Immunological properties of fc receptor on lymphocytes. 3. Stimulating activities of fc receptor-bearing and -nonbearing cells in mixed-lymphocyte reaction., K Kuribayashi and T Masuda
Immunological properties of fc receptor on lymphocytes. 6. Characterization of suppressive b-cell factor (sbf) released from fc receptor-bearing b cells., M Miyama, J Yamada, and T Masuda
Immunological properties of fc receptor on lymphocytes. 7. Suppression of mixed lymphocyte reaction by fc receptor- -bearing splenic lymphocytes., K Kuribayashi, A Takabayashi, M Miyama, J Yamada, and T Masuda
Immunological properties of fc receptor on lymphocytes. IV. Fc receptor of con a induced suppressor and helper t cells., J Yodoi, A Takabayashi, and T Masuda
Immunological properties of fc receptor on lymphocytes. Viii. The behavior of fcr+ and fcr- t cells in cell- -mediated immune responses., A Takabayashi, T Masuda, S Suzuki, and M Hanaoka
Immunological properties of fc receptor on lymphocytes. V. Suppressive regulation of humoral immune response by fc receptor bearing b lymphocytes., T Masuda, M Miyama, K Kuribayashi, J Yodoi, A Takabayashi, and S Kyoizumi
Immunological properties of in vitro passaged carcinomas and propagated clones from different cell lines. Abstr., R J. Jamasbi and E H. Perkins
Immunological properties of murine thymus-dependent lymphocyte surface glycoproteins., I S. Trowbridge and C Mazauskas
Immunological properties of peptic fragments of bovine serum albumin., S Dosa, A J. Pesce, D J. Ford, A Muckerheide, and J G. Michael
Immunological properties of photodynamically inactivated tumour cells., J S. Bellin
Immunological properties of small blood lymphocytes in the graft- -versus-host reaction in mice., W H. Hildemann
Immunological properties of small circulating lymphocytes in mice. Abstr., W H. Hildemann
Immunological properties of tumours., N Molomut, L Gross, and M Padnos
Immunological protection against spontaneous mammary tumors in riii mice. Abstr., J H. Check, T C. Childs, A R. Derasse, and L W. Brady
Immunological quantitation of glutamic acid decarboxylase in developing mouse brain., R A. Hadjian and J A. Stewart
Immunological reactivity during pregnancy in the mouse., N Fabris
Immunological reactivity of balb/c mice during moloney sarcoma virus infection., G D. Marshall and B G. Foster
Immunological reactivity of b mice reconstituted with various numbers of syngeneic bone marrow cells., M Taylor and E Simpson
Immunological reactivity of lymphocytes in multiparous females after strain specific matings., L Soren
Immunological reactivity of lymphoid cells after treatment with anti- -lymphocytic serum., L Brent, T Courtenay, and G Gowland
Immunological reactivity to sheep red blood cells in three congenic resistant strains of mice., D Sabolovic, D Oth, and C Burg
Immunological reconstitution of t-cell-deprived mice. I. Inability of thymosin to restore spleen cell mitogen and tumor allograft response., F J. Primus, L D. Martino, R Macdonald, and H J. Hansen
Immunological reconstitution of thymectomized mice by injections of isolated thymocytes., E J. Yunis, H Hilgard, K Sjodin, C Martinez, and R A. Good
Immunological recovery in neonatally thymectomized 'swiss-albino' mice., G Rogister
Immunological regulation of experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis. I. Immunogenetic aspects of susceptibility to leishmania tropica in mice., J G. Howard, C Hale, and liew W. Chan
Immunological regulation of experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis. IV. Prophylactic effect of sublethal irradiation as a result of abrogation of suppressor t cell generation in mice genetically susceptible to leishmania tropica., J G. Howard, C Hale, and F Y. Liew
Immunological regulation of spontaneous antibodies to dna and rna. Iii. Early effects of neonatal thymectomy and splenectomy., J R. Roubinian, R Papoian, R Pillarisetty, S Sawada, and N Talal
Immunological regulation of spontaneous antibodies to dna and rna. II. Sequential switch from igm to igg in nzb/nzw f1 mice., R Papoian, R Pillarisetty, and N Talal
Immunological relation of basement membrane and a serum beta globulin in the mouse., E M. Tan and M H. Kaplan
Immunological resistance to growth of tumours in syngeneic multiparous mice., K D. Chandradasa and R M. Barnes
Immunological response of cancer patients to inoculation with trans- plantable heterotumors. Abstr., M C. Li
Immunological response of three mouse strains to typhoid vaccine and vi antigen., V M. Esposito, J C. Feeley, W D. Leeder, and M Pittman
Immunological response restricts number of cells in sensory ganglia infected with herpes simplex virus., M A. Walz, H Yamamoto, and A L. Notkins
Immunological responses in strains of mice with high and low sensitivity to androgen. Abstr., D A. Cohn
Immunological responses of mice to lipopolysaccharide. Lack of secondary responsiveness by c3h/hej mice., J A. Rudbach and N D. Reed
Immunological responses of mice to native protoplasmic polysaccharide and lipopolysaccharide. Functional separation of the two signals required to stimulate a secondary antibody response., K B. Von eschen and J A. Rudbach
Immunological responses of 'nude' mice., H H. Wortis
Immunological responses to fed protein antigens in mice. IV. Effects of stimulating the reticuloendothelial system on oral tolerance and intestinal immunity to ovalbumin., A M. Mowat and D M. Parrot
Immunological response to implanted adult dwarf tapeworms., R M. Coleman and L M. Desa
Immunological response to tumor ischemia in a murine renal cell carcinoma model., J E. Pontes, M Goldrosen, and G P. Murphy
Immunological responsiveness in cba/ph and c57bl/6 mice and in their first backcross generation., M Polackova and skarova B. Rihova
Immunological responsiveness of murine strains with single-locus mutations inducing lymphoproliferation and autoimmunity., Amy Mortensen
Immunological restoration of both thymectomised and athymic nude mice by a thymus factor., S Ikehara, Y Hamashima, and T Masuda
Immunological selection of tumour cells which have lost sv40 antigen expression., P T. Mora, C Chang, L Couvillion, J M. Kuster, and V W. Mcfarland
Immunological senescence. Abstr., G B. Price
Immunological senescence. II. Normal in vitro colony formation by b cells from old mice., A K. Duwe, J C. Roder, and S K. Singhal
Immunological senescence. I. The role of suppressor cells., J C. Roder, A K. Duwe, D A. Bell, and S K. Singhal
Immunological sequelae of prenatal exposure to diphenylhydantoin. Abstr., J R. Chapman and D W. Roberts
Immunological significance of the thymus of the adult mouse., J F. Miller
Immunological status of leukemia-prone BXH-2 mice., Amy J. Newell
Immunological studies in balb/c mice with an experimentally induced tumor. Abstr., R M. Bhatnager, A R. Rausen, and J B. Zabriskie
Immunological studies in murine osteosarcoma. Immunogenicity, growth kinetics, and immunotherapy., C W. Miller, R F. Blasi, and S J. Fisher
Immunological studies of aging. II. Loss of igg and high avidity plaque-forming cells and increased suppressor cell activity in aging mice., E A. Goidl, J B. Innes, and M E. Weksler
Immunological studies of aging. IV. The contribution of thymic involution to the immune deficiencies of aging mice and reversal with thymopoietin32-36., M E. Weksler, J B. Innes, and G Goldstein
Immunological studies of hsv-infection of resistant and susceptible inbred strains of mice., H Kirchner, M Kochen, H M. Hirt, and K Munk
Immunological studies of lymphoid leukemia in the akr mouse., R K. Guthrie, N A. Ingebritsen, N Savage, D C. Hinkle, and W J. Farris
Immunological studies of membrane mutants of a highly metastatic murine tumor., R S. Kerbel
Immunological studies of mouse decidual cells. I. Membrane markers of decidual cells in the days after implantation., O Bernard, M P. Scheid, M Ripoche, and D Bennett
Immunological studies of mouse radiation chimaeras., D W. Barnes
Immunological studies of the lymphomas induced by radiation in mice and by radiation leukemia virus (rlv) in mice and rats. Abstr., J F. Ferrer and H S. Kaplan
Immunological studies of the snell-bagg pituitary dwarf mouse., R J. Duquesnoy, P K. Kalpaktsoglou, and R A. Good
Immunological studies on alkaline phosphatases of 6-thiopurine- -sensitive and -resistant sublins of sarcoma 180., M H. Lee, Y Haung, and A C. Sartorelli
Immunological studies on human breast carcinoma and mouse mammary tumors., E S. Priori, D E. Anderson, W C. Williams, and L Dmochowski
Immunological studies on induction of diabetes by streptozotocin. Abstr., Y T. Kim
Immunological studies on leukemia and solid tumors of animals and man. P. 727-747. In l. Severi (ed.) Immunity and tolerance in oncogenesis. (iv Perugia quadren. International conf. Cancer 1969) div., L Dmochowski and K Maruyama
Immunological studies on mouse mammary tumors and leukemia., L Dmochowski, W C. Williams, G R. Swearingen, B Myers, and S Fujinaga
Immunological studies on mouse mammary tumors. II. Characterization of tumor-specific antibodies against mouse mammary tumors., S Takeuchi, R F. Irie, M Inoue, K Irie, R Izumi, and K Nishioka
Immunological studies on mouse mammary tumors. Iii. Surface antigens reacting with tumor-specific antibodies in immune adherence., K Nishioka, R F. Irie, T Kawana, and S Takeuchi
Immunological studies on mouse mammary tumors. IV. Extraction and solubilization of transplantation antigen of mouse mammary tumor., R F. Irie, K Nishioka, T Tachibana, and S Takeuchi
Immunological studies on mouse mammary tumors. V. Chemical analysis of further purified tumor-specific antigen of mouse mammary tumor., R F. Irie, T Kataoka, and H Mitsui
Immunological studies on mouse mammary tumors. VI. Further charac- terization of a mammary tumor antigen and its distribution in lymph- atic cells of allogeneic mice., S Chang, R C. Nowinski, K Nishioka, and R F. Irie
Immunological studies on the development of experimental hepatitis in thymectomized mice., F Scheiffarth, H Warnatz, and H J. Schmidt
Immunological studies on the leukemia agent of swiss mice., C Friend
Immunological studies on the purkinje cells from rat and mouse cerebella. I. Evidence for antibodies characteristic of the purkinje cells., J Mallet, R Christen, and J Changeux
Immunological studies on the radiation leukaemia virus in c57bl mice., A Peled and ghera N. Haran
Immunological studies on the sex-dependent prealbumin in mouse urine and on its occurrence in the serum., P Rumke and P J. Thung
Immunological studies on urinary bladder tumors of rats and mice., L Taranger, W Chapman, I Hellstrom, and K Hellstrom
Immunological studies with normal and malignant mammary tissue anti- gens in an inbred strain of mice., N M. Contractor and S S. Rao
Immunological studies with polyoma-induced tumors in hamsters., V Defendi
Immunological studies with the use of nutritional variants of sarcoma 180., J S. Evans and G D. Mengel
Immunological study of leukemias in balb mice., R Rabinovich de pirosky
Immunological study of lung development in the mouse embryo. Appearance of a lung-specific antigen, localized in the great alveolar cell., opbroek A. Ten have
Immunological study of lung development in the mouse embryo. II. First appearance of the great alveolar cell, as shown by immunofluorescence microscopy., opbroek A. Ten have
Immunological study of two stocks of moloney sarcoma virus producing regressor and progressor tumors in c57bl/6 mice., N Takeichi, C W. Boone, H T. Holden, and R B. Herberman
Immunological suppression of idiotypic specificities., A Nisonoff and S A. Bangasser
Immunological suppression of the occurrence of spontaneous mammary tumours in c3h/he mice., K Irie and R F. Irie
Immunological surveillance against altered self components by sensitised t lymphocytes in lymphocytic choriomeningitis., R M. Zinkernagel and P C. Doherty
Immunological surveillance of tumors in the context of major histocompatibility complex restriction of T cell function., P C. Doherty, B B. Knowles, and P J. Wettstein
Immunological tolerance affects only a subpopulation of the antigen-specific b lymphocytes: evidence against clonal deletion as the mechanism of tolerance induction., C Fernandez, L Hammarstrom, G Moller, D Primi, and C J. Smith
Immunological tolerance and the cancer problem., M Hasek, J Svoboda, and P Koldovsky
Immunological tolerance and the significance of cell-mediated immunity in virus infections., J H. Larsen
Immunological tolerance, 'forbidden clones' allowed in tetraparental mice., T G. Wegmann, I Hellstrom, and K E. Hellstrom
Immunological tolerance: high-dose antigen-induced suppressor cells from tolerant animals inactivate antigen-presenting macrophages., S Segal, E Tzehoval, and M Feldman
Immunological tolerance in bone marrow-derived lymphocytes. I. Evi- dence for an intracellular mechanism of inactivation of hapten- -specific precursors of antibody-forming cells., D H. Katz, T Hamaoka, and B Benacerraf
Immunological tolerance in bone marrow-derived lymphocytes. Iii. Tolerance induction in primed b cells by hapten conjugates of unre- lated immunogenic or 'nonimmunogenic' carriers., D H. Katz, T Hamaoka, and B Benacerraf
Immunological tolerance induced by cyclophosphamide assayed by plaque spleen cell method., A C. Aisenberg and B Wilkes
Immunological tolerance in homologous radiation chimeras., O Vos and W W. Weyzen
Immunological tolerance in parental strain mice induced by f1 hybrid spleen cells., V Silobrcic
Immunological tolerance in the absence of cellular chimerism., N W. Nisbet
Immunological tolerance in vitro, kinetic studies at the cellular level., E Diener and W D. Armstrong
Immunological tolerance. (nobel Lecture), P B. Medawar
Immunological tolerance of neonatally infected mice to the moloney leukaemia virus., E Klein and G Klein
Immunological tolerance, the modified self-recognition hypothesis., D E. Uphoff
Immunological tolerance to a hapten. I. Induction and maintenance of tolerance to trinitrophenyl with trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid., J M. Fidler and E S. Golub
Immunological tolerance to hapten-igg conjugates. In vitro breakdown and nonspecific effect of the carrier., D Erard, P Galanaud, M T. Auffredou, and J Dormont
Immunological tolerance to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus in neonatally infected virus carrier mice. Evidence supporting a clonal inactivation mechanism., J Cihak and grube F. Lehmann
Immunological tolerance to rna tumor virus genome expres- sions, significance of tolerance and prenatal expressions in embryogenesis and tumorigenesis., R J. Huebner, P S. Sarma, G J. Kelloff, R V. Gilden, A Meier, D D. Myers, and R L. Peters
Immunological tolerance to RNA tumor virus genome expressions: significance of tolerance and prenatal expressions in embryogenesis and tumorigenesis., R J. Huebner, P S. Sarma, G J. Kelloff, R V. Gilden, H Meier, D D. Myers, and R L. Peters
Immunological tolerance to spontaneous mammary adencarcinomas (smc). Abstr., D L. Morton, L Goldman, and D A. Wood
Immunological tolerance to transplanted tumours. Abstr., M E. Whisson
Immunological tolerance. Transmission from mother to offspring., R Auerbach and S Clark
Immunological transmission of glomerulosclerotic changes in kk-mice with spontaneous diabetes. I. Transplantation of spleen cells., H Wehner and I Konig
Immunological unresponsiveness against the 4-hydroxy-3,5-dinitro- -phenacetyl (nnp) hapten in different lymphoid cell populations., E Moller, O Sjoberg, and O Makela
Immunological unresponsiveness associated with erythropoiesis in genetic low responder mice., A J. Macario, E C. Macario, and R Miller
Immunological unresponsiveness induced in adult mice to synthetic polypeptides built on multichain polyproline and multichain polyalanine., B Bonavida, E Mozes, G Shearer, and M Sela
Immunological unresponsiveness in inbred mice. Abstr., G W. Siskind and G J. Thorhecke
Immunological unresponsiveness in mice. II. Cellular basis of immunological unresponsiveness induced in foetal and neonatal mice by transfer of human gamma-globulin by the maternal route., S Shinka, T Komatsu, Y Dohi, and T Amano
Immunological unresponsiveness of genetically thymusless (nude) mice., B Kindred
Immunological unresponsiveness of nude mice to lcm virus infection., P J. Christoffersen, M Volkert, and J Rygaard
Immunological unresponsiveness of self-recognizing b lymphocytes to the pba property of a soluble t cell factor., D Primi, L Hammarstrom, C I. Edvard, and G Muller
Immunological unresponsiveness to heterologous serum albumins in adult mice, effect of antigen quality on tolerogenicity., F M. Dietrich
Immunological unresponsiveness to native dextran b512 in young animals of dextran high responder strains is due to lack of ig receptor expression. Evidence for a nonrandom expression of v-genes., C Fernandez and G Moller
Immunological unresponsiveness to sheep red blood cells in mice. Abstr., P J. Stambrook and B F. Argyris
Immunologic analysis of mouse cystathionase in normal and leukemic cells., I Bikel, D Faibes, J R. Uren, and D M. Livingston
Immunologic and genetic characterization of defective immunopoiesis in the akr mouse. Abstr., C Gottlieb and E Perkins
Immunologic and viral factors in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus., N Talal
Immunologic and virologic properties of chemically and gamma-irradia- tion-induced thymic lymphomas in mice., P L. Chan and N R. Sinclair
Immunologic and virologic studies of f1 antiparental (f1p) runt disease; comparison with pf1 runt disease. Abstr., E Cornelius
Immunologic aspects of the nonobese diabetic (nod) mouse. Abnormalities of cellular immunity., S Kataoka, J Satoh, H Fujiya, T Toyota, R Suzuki, K Itoh, and K Kumagai
Immunologic aspects of the sjl/j mouse lymphoma. Abstr., R F. Bakemeier and H A. Farquharson
Immunologic aspects of tumor induction by mammary tumor virus., P B. Blair
Immunologic basis of tumor dormancy. Abstr., E F. Wheelock
Immunologic basis of tumor dormancy in mice. Abstr., K J. Weinhold, E Genovesi, P A. Marx, and E F. Wheelock
Immunologic characteristics in relation to high and low leukemogenic activity of radiation leukemia virus. II. Analysis of the immune response., ghera N. Haran and N Rubio
Immunologic characteristics in relation to high and low leukemogenic activity of radiation leukemia virus variants. I. Cellular analysis of immunosuppression., ghera N. Haran, yaakov M. Ben, and A Peled
Immunologic characteristics of a murine renal adenocarcinoma. Abstr., B P. Barna, S D. Deodhar, T Chiang, J E. Montie, D Roberts, and B Jacobs
Immunologic characterization of tumor-associated transplantation antigens on mm102 mammary tumor eliciting preferentially helper t cell activity., H Fujiwara, H Aoki, T Tsuchida, and T Hamaoka
Immunologic clearance of experimental rabies virus infection in mice. Abstr., A E. Miller, H C. Morse, I )ii, J Winkelstein, and N Nathanson
Immunologic competence after thymectomy., R S. Basch
Immunologic competence and induction of neoplasms by polyoma virus., L W. Law
Immunologic competence of bone marrow of different genotypes., D E. Uphoff
Immunologic competence of gross passage a preleukemic c3h/bi inbred mice. Abstr., T Mariani
Immunologic competence of mouse placental cells in irradiated hosts., J Dancis, G W. Douglas, and J Fierer
Immunologic complementation between thymus and marrow cells--a model for the two-cell theory of immunocompetence., H N. Claman and E A. Chaperon
Immunologic complementation between thymus and marrow cells--a model for the two-cell theory of immunocompetence., H N. Claman and E A. Chaperon
Immunologic control of aging, a possible primary event., L Greenberg and E Yunis
Immunologic cross-reactions between the specifically localizing cells (slc) generated in response to sheep rbc and the red cells of other species., D R. Thursh and K S. Chan
Immunologic cross-reactivity between antigen of unfertilized mouse eggs and mouse cells transformed by simian virus 409, H Koprowski, W Sawicki, and P Koldovsky
Immunologic cross-reactivity of antigen(s) induced by drug treatment in two leukemic sublines., A Nicolin, A Bini, F D. Padova, and A Goldin
Immunologic deficiencies in senescence. I. Characterization of intrinsic deficiencies., G Price and T Makinodan
Immunologic deficiencies in senescence. II. Characterization of extrinsic deficiencies., G Price and T Makinodan
Immunologic dysfunction in adjuvant-induced autoimmune disease in new zealand mice. Abstr., J F. Fields, J M. Cruse, and D H. Sprunt
Immunologic dysfunction in motheaten mice. Immunodeficiency, autoimmunity, and hyperimmunoglobulinemia in a short-lived mutant, p. 260-269. In m. Eric gershwin and e. L. Cooper [eds.] Animal models of comparative and developmental aspects of immunity and disease., L D. Shultz, C L. Sidman, and E R. Unanue
Immunologic effects of a liophilic adjuvant. Abstr., W C. Gordon and M D. Prager
Immunologic effects of b-tropic virus and non-b-tropic virus producing tumor cells. Abstr., A Dennis and A Barker
Immunologic effects of endogenous virus-producing tumors in thymectomized or splenectomized balb/c mice. Abstr., A D. Barker, A J. Dennis, and V S. Moore
Immunologic effects of neonatal infection with mouse thymic virus., P L. Cohen, S S. Cross, and D E. Mosier
Immunologic effects of whole-body ultraviolet irradiation: selective defect in splenic adherent cell function in vitro., N L. Letvin, M I. Greene, B Benacerraf, and R N. Germain
Immunologic enhancement., G D. Snell
Immunologic enhancement of allogeneic tumor growth with soluble histocompatibility-2 antigens., L W. Law, E Appella, P W. Wright, and S Strober
Immunologic enhancement of leukemia l1210 by corynebacterium parvum. Abstr., D Berd, M S. Mitchell, and J C. Marsh
Immunologic enhancement of sarcoma i by mouse gamma-globulin fractions., S Tokuda and P F. Mcentee
Immunologic events during listeria monocytogenes infection in mice, adjuvanticity and immunogenicity of macrophage-bound antigens., F C. Lane and E R. Unanue
Immunologic evidence for horizontal transmission of mtv., P B. Blair and M Lane
Immunologic factors influencing the intratumor localization of adcc effector cells., S Haskill and E Parthenais
Immunologic functions of akr allogeneic chimeras following total body irradiation and bone marrow transplantation. Abstr., K Onoe, G Fernandes, T Tanaka, M Nair, and R A. Good
Immunologic heterogeneity of tumor cell subpopulations from a single mouse mammary tumor., F R. Miller and G H. Heppner
Immunologic homogeneity and electrophoretic heterogeneity of mouse melanoma tyrosinases., N Ohtaki and K Miyazaki
Immunologic impairment of bdf1 mice bearing the h@@@lewis carcinoma. Abstr., P Klykken and A Munson
Immunologic incompetence of immunologically runted animals., R M. Blaese, C Martinez, and R A. Good
Immunologic incompetence of mouse perinatal liver hematopoietic cells against transplantation antigens., M M. Bortin and E C. Saltzstein
Immunologic incompetence of mouse perinatal liver hematopoietic cells against transplantation antigens. Abstr., M M. Bortin and E C. Saltzstein
Immunologic induction of malignant lymphoma, genetic factors in the graft-versus-host model., E Gleichmann, H Gleichmann, and R S. Schwartz
Immunologic induction of malignant lymphoma. Identification of donor and host tumors in the graft-versus-host model., E Gleichmann, H Gleichmann, R S. Schwartz, and M Y. Armstrong
Immunologic induction of reticulum cell sarcoma. Donor-type lymphomas in the graft-versus-host model., E Gleichmann, K Peters, E Lattmann, and H Gleichmann
Immunologic inhibition of cellular proliferation in tumor allografts. Abstr., J W. Kreider and J W. Combs
Immunologic mechanisms in the pathogenesis of virus- -induced murine leukemia. Iii. Target cell specificity of autoreactive thymocytes., M R. Proffitt, M S. Hirsch, D A. Ellis, and P H. Black
Immunologic mechanisms involved in the establishment and maintenance of the tumor dormant state. Abstr., K J. Weinhold and E F. Wheelock
Immunologic mechanisms of acquired resistance to coxiella burnetii infections in the mouse. Abstr., R C. Humphres and D J. Hinrichs
Immunologic mechanisms of tumor regression in the t1699 murine mammary adenocarcinoma model. Abstr., M E. Key and J S. Haskill
Immunologic memory cells of bone marrow origin. Increased burst size of specific immunocyte precursors., H C. Miller and G Cudkowicz
Immunologic memory in antigen-specific bone marrow cells. Abstr., H C. Miller and G Cudkowicz
Immunologic memory to phosphocholine. IV. Hybridomas represen- tative of group i (t15-like) and group ii (non-t15-like) antibodies utilize distinct vh genes., S P. Chang, R M. Perlmutter, M Brown, C H. Heusser, E Hood, and M B. Rittenberg
Immunologic memory to phosphocholine. V. Hybridomas repre- sentative of group ii antibodies vk1-3 gene(s)., I Todd, S P. Chang, R M. Perlmutter, R Aebersold, H H. Heusser, L Hood, and M B. Rittenberg
Immunologic memory to phosphorylcholine. Iii. Igm includes a fine specificity population distinct from tepc 15., S P. Chang, M Brown, and M B. Rittenberg
Immunologic memory to phosphorylcholine in vitro. I. Asymmetric expression of clonal dominance., S P. Chang and M B. Rittenberg
Immunologic methods for the identification of cell types. II. Expression of normal mouse mammary epithelial cell antigens in mammary neoplasia., R L. Ceriani, J A. Peterson, and S Abraham
Immunologic methods for the identification of cell types. I. Specific antibodies that distinguish between mammary gland epithelial cells and fibroblasts., K Thompson, R L. Ceriani, D Wong, and S Abraham
Immunologic paralysis induced by alloantiserum. Abstr., C S. Mccullough and P H. Sugarbaker
Immunologic parameters of resistance to isologous adenovirus 12 induced mouse tumors. Abstr., L D. Berman
Immunologic parameters of ultraviolet carcinogenesis., M L. Kripke and M S. Fisher
Immunologic profiles of first transplant akr leukemias. Abstr., A Barker and S Waksal
Immunologic properties of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (lps). Iii. Genetic linkage between the in vitro mitogenic and in vivo adjuvant properties of lps., B J. Skidmore, J M. Chiller, W O. Weigle, and J Watson
Immunologic properties of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (lps). II. The unresponsiveness of c3h/hej mouse spleen cells to lps-induced mitogenesis is dependent on the method used to extract lps., B J. Skidmore, D C. Morrison, J M. Chiller, and W O. Weigle
Immunologic properties of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (lps). IV. Cellular basis of the unresponsiveness of c3h/hej mouse spleen cells to lps-induced mitogenesis., B J. Skidmore, J M. Chiller, and W O. Weigle
Immunologic properties of methylcholanthrene-induced sarcomas of neonatally thymectomized mice., K Nomoto and K Takeya
Immunologic properties of mouse thymus cells. Identification of t cell functions within a minor, low-density subpopulation., S Konda, Y Nakao, and R T. Smith
Immunologic properties of mouse thymus cells. Membrane antigen patterns associated with various cell subpopulations., S Konda, E Stockert, and R T. Smith
Immunologic properties of protein-lipopolysaccharide complexes. I. Antibody response of normal, thymectomized, and nude mice to a lysozyme-lipopolysaccharide complex., R J. Scibienski and M E. Gershwin
Immunologic properties of protein-lipopolysaccharide complexes. Iii. Role of carbohydrate in the lps adjuvant effect., R J. Scibienski
Immunologic properties of protein-lipopolysaccharide complexes. IV. Circumventing suppression in immunol- ogically tolerant animals., R J. Scibienski
Immunologic properties of purified sendai virus glycoproteins., C Orvell and E Norrby
Immunologic properties of weak histocompatibility genes., C F. Mc khann and J H. Berrian
Immunologic prophylaxis and therapy of spontaneous mammary tumors. Abstr., J Vaage, R Bonhag, and D W. Weiss
Immunologic protection against murine hodgkin's like reticulum cell sarcoma. Abstr., J H. Check, P L. Leipold, and L W. Brady
Immunologic reactions to haptens on autologous carriers. Iii. Cell selection at the antigen-specific in vitro dna synthetic response level., C S. Walters, J W. Moorhead, and H N. Claman
Immunologic reactions to haptens on autologous carriers. II. Induction of hapten-specific tolerance and correlations between anti- body response and antigen-driven cell proliferation in vitro., C S. Walters and H N. Claman
Immunologic reactions to haptens on autologous carriers. I. Partici- pation of both thymus-derived and bone marrow-derived cells in the secondary in vitro response., J W. Moorhead, C S. Walters, and H N. Claman
Immunologic recognition of transplantation antigens. Abstr., J H. Berrian and C F. Mckhann
Immunologic regulation of virally-induced leukemo- genesis by the thymus. Abstr., C L. Reinisch and S Kurtz
Immunologic rejection of mammary adenocarcinoma (ta3-st) in c57bl/6 mice. Participation of neutrophils and activated macrophages with fibrin formation., A M. Dvorak, A B. Connell, K Proppe, and H F. Dvorak
Immunologic response of akr mice in different phases of development of transplanted gross leukemia. II. Comparative investigation of cellular and humoral antibody formation., B Golubska, H Szalaty, A Stelmachowska, and Z Skurska
Immunologic response of mice bearing leukemia l1210., E Bonmassar, A Bonmassar, S Vadlamudi, and A Goldin
Immunologic response restored by macrophages in mice with immuno- suppression due to normal rna., M Londner, J Morini, N Amerio, M T. Font, and S Rabasa
Immunologic responses to a murine mammary adenocarcinoma. I. Passive transfer of immunity by sera from tumor-bearing mice., Y Yamamura, G Virella, and J S. Haskill
Immunologic responses to candida albicans. Iii. Effects of passive transfer of lymphoid cells or serum on murine candi- diasis., N N. Pearsall, B L. Adams, and R Bunni
Immunologic response to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus in lethally irradiated mice treated with bone marrow., D E. Uphoff and V H. Haas
Immunologic responsiveness and the induction of experimental neoplasms., L W. Law
Immunologic responsiveness of the c3h/hej mouse. Differential ability of butanol-extracted lipopolysaccharide (lps) to evoke lps-mediated effects., M G. Goodman, D E. Parks, and W O. Weigle
Immunologic responsiveness of young akr mice to iodoacetate and to iodoacetate-treated tumor cells., A D. Barker, M S. Rheins, G W. Davis, and H E. Wilson
Immunologic restoration of thymectomized mice by thymus cell suspen- sions and the duration of their effect., B Mayhew, M H. Macgillivray, and N R. Rose
Immunologic role of the thymus in radiation chimeras., J F. Miller, E Leuchars, A M. Cross, and P Dukor
Immunologic sex differences and the female predominance in systemic lupus erythematosus., R D. Inman
Immunologic significance of nonspecific suppressor cells in spleens of tumor-bearing mice., N Hanna and M L. Kripke
Immunologic specificity and reactivity of goat anti-guinea pig and goat anti-mouse macrophage sera., D E. Peterson, C D. Bucana, and I J. Fidler
Immunologic status, age and 3-mc tumorigenesis in nzb mice. Abstr., J I. Morton, B V. Siegel, and R D. Moore
Immunologic status of balb/c mice during the course of a non-lethal malaria infection. Abstr., F I. Weinbaum, C B. Evans, P J. Baker, and R E. Tigelaar
Immunologic status of bdf1 mice bearing the lewis lung carcinoma. Abstr., P Klykken, V Sanders, and A Munson
Immunologic status of host and response of a methylcholanthrene- -induced sarcoma to local x-irradiation., H D. Suit and A Kastelan
Immunologic stimulation of early murine hematopoiesis and its abrogation by cyclosporin a., S A. Burstein, S K. Erb, J W. Adamson, and L A. Harker
Immunologic stimuli in relation to leukemogenesis. II. Effect of phytohemagglutinin on rauscher viral leukemogenesis., B V. Siegel and J I. Morton
Immunologic stimuli in relation to leukemogenesis. I. Potentiation of rauscher viral leukemia by freund's adjuvants., B V. Siegel and J I. Morton
Immunologic studies of a methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma trans- planted in the mouse strain of origin. Abstr., J T. Duhig and L W. Mcdonald
Immunologic studies of a spontaneous syngeneic tumor-host system. II. Specific immune tolerance and adoptive tolerance by thymic grafts., N I. Abdou and J M. Kenna
Immunologic studies of a spontaneous syngeneic tumor-host system. I. The role of immune mechanism in tumor transplants in the syngeneic host., N I. Abdou and J M. Kenna
Immunologic studies of autoimmune disease in nzb/nzw f1 mice. I. Binding of fluorescein-labeled antinucleoside antibodies in lesions of lupus-like nephritis., B C. Seegal, L Accinni, G A. Andres, S M. Beiser, C Christian, B F. Erlanger, and K C. Hsu
Immunologic studies on graffi-virus-infected spontaneous gross leukemia of akr mice., B Micheel and G Pasternak
Immunologic suppression of dna synthesis in mopc 104e plasmacytoma cells., C W. Barnhill, V K. Ghanta, R N. Hiramoto, and K L. Yielding
Immunologic surveillance revisited., G Moller and E Moller
Immunologic theory of aging, current status., R L. Walford
Immunologic tolerance and adoptively transferred immunity in polyoma virus tumor repression., L W. Law
Immunologic tolerance to allergenic protein determinants: pro- perties of tolerance induced in mice treated with conjugates of protein and a synthetic copolymer of d-glutamic acid and d-lysine (d-gl)., F Liu, C A. Bogowitz, R F. Bargatze, M Zinnecker, E R. Katz, and D H. Katz
Immunologic tolerance to a protein antigen in adult mice, challenge with an aggregated fraction. Abstr., Y M. Kong and J K. Cheng
Immunologic tolerance to dinitrophenylated human gamma globulin induced via colostrum., M Colwell, R R. Meyer, T L. Pazdernik, and J F. Halsey
Immunologic tolerance to hgg in mice. I. Suppression of the hgg response in normal mice with spleen cells or a spleen cell lysate from tolerant mice., T B. Jones and A M. Kaplan
Immunologic unresponsiveness after gastric administration of human gamma-globulin: antigen requirements and cellular parameters., J Vives, D E. Parks, and W O. Weigle
Immunologic unresponsiveness of mouse spleen sensitized to allogeneic tumors., B F. Argyris and F D. Lustro
Immunologic unresponsiveness to heterologous serum proteins induced in adult mice and transfer of the unresponsive state., F M. Dietrich and W O. Weigle
Immunologic vasculitis in beige mice with deficiency of leukocytic neutral protease., K J. Johnson, J Varani, J Oliver, and P A. Ward
Immunologic, virologic, and genetic aspects of mammary tumor virus- -induced cell-surface antigens. Presence of these antigens and the thy 1.2 Antigen on murine mammary gland and tumor cells., J Hilgers, J Haverman, R Nusse, W J. Blitterswijk, F J. Cleton, H C. Hageman, R V. Nie, and J Calafat
Immunologie du cancer mammaire de la souris., K Hollmann
Immunologische charakterisierung von pyruvatkinase aus ehrlich- -aszites-tumorzellen., G Grundmann, J Schulz, and E Hofmann
Immunologische crossversuche wit methylchslanthrentumoren eines mauseinzuchtstammes., G Pasternak, H Horn, and A Graffi
Immunologische untersuchungen an virusinduzierten mause- und ratten- leukamien. II. Nachweis eines membrangebundenen, gruppenspezifischen leukamieantigens in graff-und gross-leukamien der maus., B Micheel, G Pasternak, and D Bierwolf
Immunologische untersuchungen an virusinduzierten maus- und ratten- leukamien. I. Nachweis identischer antigene in graffi-virus-induzier- ten maus- und rattenleukamien., B Micheel and G Pasternak
Immunologische untersuchungen mit nukleoproteiden aus subzellularen fraktionen des ehrlich-carcinoms der maus., G Pasternak
Immunology and aging. (philip Levine award)., R L. Walford
Immunology of h-y antigen and its role in sex determination., E Simpson
Immunology of nqo-induced mouse sarcomas. Abstr., S Johnson
Immunology of spontaneous mammary carcinomas in mice. Iii. Immuno- genicity of c3h preneoplastic hyperplastic alveolar nodules in c3hf hosts., D H. Lavrin, P B. Blair, and D W. Weiss
Immunology of spontaneous mammary carcinomas in mice. II. Resistance to a rapidly and a slowly developing tumor., M A. Attia, K B. Deome, and D W. Weiss
Immunology of spontaneous mammary carcinomas in mice. IV. Association of the mammary tumor virus with the immunogenicity of c3h nodules and tumors., D H. Lavrin, P B. Blair, and D W. Weiss
Immunology of spontaneous mammary carcinomas in mice. V. Acquired tumor resistance and enhancement in strain a mice infected with mammary tumor virus., M A. Attia and D W. Weiss
Immunology of spontaneous mammary tumors in mice. Further studies on the mode of action of a tumor-protective fraction of tubercle bacilli. Abstr., D W. Weiss, C Steinkuller, and L Greetham
Immunology of the mouse mammary tumor. Abstr., G J. Vosika and J B. Aust
Immunology of the mouse mammary tumor virus. Comparison of mammary tumor virus with the agent found in c3hf/crgl mice., P B. Blair and D W. Weiss
Immunology of the mouse mammary tumor virus. Correlation of the immunodiffusion precipitate line with type-b virus particles., P B. Blair, D W. Weiss, and D R. Pitelka
Immunology of the mouse mammary tumor virus (mtv). Analysis of the antigenic components of the virion. Abstr., P B. Blair, C Smoller, and D W. Weiss
Immunology of the mouse mammary tumor virus (mtv). Neutralization of mtv by mouse antiserum., P B. Blair
Immunology of the mouse mammary tumour virus (mtv). A qualitative in vitro assay for mtv., P B. Blair
Immunology; the purpose of the experiment was to discover the rate of antibody production in mice of genetically pure strains., Bonnie Gay Wood
Immunomodulating effects of 13-cis retinoic acid on the igg and igm response of balb/c mice., J B. Barnett
Immunomodulating effects of levamisole in normal and plasmacytoma-bearing mice following chemotherapy. Abstr., M L. Padarathsingh, J H. Dean, J L. Mccoy, J W. Northing, and L Keys
Immunomodulating effects of thiabendazole on murine spleen cells. Abstr., E J. Lovett and J Lundy
Immunomodulation by corynebacterium parvum. I. Variable effects on anti-sheep erythrocyte antibody responses., A Ghaffar and M M. Sigel
Immunomodulation of antibody responses., Ellen Weinstein
Immunomodulation of delayed hypersensitivity to methylated bovine serum albumin (mbsa) in mice. Abstr., A J. Lewis, J Parker, J Diluigi, L Datko, and R P. Carlson
Immunomodulation of low-dose streptozotocin-induced diabetes in mice. Abstr., B Greulich, U Kiesel, F A. Gries, and H Kolb
Immunomodulation of murine b16 melanoma metastasis: thymosin, thymectomy and irradiation., P H. Naylor, H S. Bhakoo, N S. Paolini, A L, L, and F Rosen
Immunomodulation of tumor growth., R T. Prehn
Immunomodulatory effect of various molecular-weight maleic anhydride-divinyl ethers and other agents in vivo., M A. Chirigos and W A. Stylos
Immuno-modulcation by culture fluids of lewis fibrosarcoma t241. Abstr., S C. Gautam
Immunomorphologic classification of spontaneous lymphoid cell neoplasma occurring in female balb/c mice., P K. Pattengale and C H. Frith
Immunopathogenesis of acute central nervous system disease produced by lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. I. Cyclophosphamide-mediated induction of the virus-carrier state in adult mice., D H. Gilden, G A. Cole, A A. Monjan, and N Nathanson
Immunopathogenesis of acute central nervous system disease produced by lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. II. Adoptive immunization of virus carriers., D H. Gilden, G A. Cole, and N Nathanson
Immunopathogenicity and oncogencity of murine leukaemia virus. IV. Antinuclear antibody response and tumour induction in b10.a Recombinant mice., B P. Croker, M Bourdon, P J. Mcconahey, and F J. Dixon
Immunopathogenicity and oncogenicity of murine leukemia viruses. II. Infection of mice and rats with scripps leukemia virus., B C. Del villano, B P. Croker, P J. Conahey, and F J. Dixon
Immunopathogenicity and oncogenicity of murine leukemia viruses. I. Induction of immunologic disease and lymphoma in (balb/c x nzb)f1 mice by scripps leukemia virus., B P. Croker, B C. Villano, F C. Jensen, R A. Lerner, and F J. Dixon
Immunopathogenicity and oncogenicity of murine leukemia virus. Iii. Quantitation of spontaneous virus expression., B P. Croker, P J. Conahey, E D. Murphy, and F J. Dixon
Immunopathogenicity and oncogenicity of murine leukemia virus. III. Quantitation of spontaneous virus expression., B P. Croker, P J. McConahey, E D. Murphy, and F J. Dixon
Immunopathological aspects of plasmodium berghei infection in five strains of mice. II. Immunopathology of cerebral and other tissue lesions during the infection., L J. Mackey, A Hochmann, C H. June, C E. Contreras, and P Lambert
Immunopathological studies of parabiosis in adult mice., K Ashikawa, K Inoue, and Y Yoshida
Immunopathologic alterations of lymphatic tissues of mice infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. II. Pathogenetic mechanism., grube F. Lehmann and J Lohler
Immunopathology and neoplasms in new zealand black (nzb) and sjl/j mice., J East
Immunopathology of adoptive immunization in mice chronically infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus., P E. Hoffsten, M B. Oldstone, and F J. Dixon
Immunopathology of aging., E J. Yunis and L J. Greenberg
Immunopathology of b-cell lymphomas induced in c57bl/6 mice by dualtropic murine leukemia virus (mulv)., P K. Pattengale, C R. Taylor, P Twomey, S Hill, O Jonassaon, T Beardsley, and M Haas
Immunopathology of bcg infection in genetically resistant and susceptible mouse strains., M Pelletier, A Forget, D Bourassa, O, and E Skamene
Immunopathology of experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis., Z A. Andrade, S G. Reed, S B. Roters, and M Sadigursky
Immunopathology of mouse hepatitis virus type 3 infection. II. Effect of immunosuppression in resistant mice., J M. Dupuy, leblond E. Levey, and C L. Prevost
Immunopathology of mouse hepatitis virus type 3 infection. Iii. Clinical and virologic observation of a persistent viral infection., C Le prevost, J L. Virelizier, and J M. Dupuy
Immunopathology of mouse hepatitis virus type 3 infection. I. Role of humoral and cell-mediated immunity in resistance mechanisms., C Le prevost, leblond E. Levy, J L. Virelizier, and J M. Dupuy
Immunopathology of new zealand black mice treated with anti- lymphocyte globulin., A Denman, A Russell, G Loewi, and E J. Denman
Immunopathology of new zealand black (nzb) mice., J East, M A. Sousa, and D M. Parrott
Immunopathology of nzb/b1 mice. VI. Virus separable from spleen and pathogenic for swiss mice., R C. Mellors and C Y. Huang
Immunopathology of nzb/bl mice. V. Viruslike (filtrable) agent separable from lymphoma cells and identifiable by electron microscopy., R C. Mellors and C Y. Huang
Immunopathology of schistosomiasis in athymic mice., C Hsu, S H. Hsu, R A. Whitney, and C T. Hansen
Immunopathology of sjogren-like disease in nzb/nzw mice., G G. Keyes, R A. Vickers, and J H. Kersey
Immunopathology of streaker mice. A remutation to nude in the akr/j strain, p. 211-222. In m. Eric gershwin and e. L. Cooper [eds.] Animal models of comparative and developmental aspects of immunity and disease., L D. Shultz, H Heiniger, and E M. Eicher
Immunoperoxidase detection of ophidian paramyxovirus in snake lung using a polyclonal antibody., B L. Homer, J P. Sundberg, J M. Gaskin, J Schumacher, and E R. Jacobson
Immunoperoxidase localization of papillomaviruses in hyperplastic and neoplastic epithelial lesions of animals., J P. Sundberg, R E. Junge, and W D. Lancaster
Immunopharmacology studies on dimethyltriazeno-imidazole- -carboxamide (dtic). Abstr., P Puccetti, A Giampietri, M C. Fioretti, A Circolo, A Goldin, and E Bonmassar
Immunophenotypic and ultrastructural differentiation and maturation of nonlymphoid dendritic cells in osteopetrotic (op) mice with the total absence of macrophage colony stimulating factor activity., K Takahashi, M Naito, Y Morioka, and L D. Schultz
Immuno-physiological mechanisms by which neoplasms avoid destruction by the immune systems. Action of bacillus calmette guerin (bcg). Abstr., A A. Hakim and N G. Grand
Immunopoietic stem cell lines., D E. Harrison
Immunopoietic stem cell lines: effects of aging and transplantation., D E. Harrison
Immunopotentiating effects of amphotericin b. I. Enhanced contact sensitivity in mice., S F. Shirley and J R. Little
Immunopotentiating effects of amphotericin b. II. Enhanced in vitro proliferative responses of murine lymphocytes., S F. Shirley and J R. Little
Immunopotentiation and anabolism induced by sodium diethyldithiocarbamate., G Renoux and M Renoux
Immunopotentiation by pyrimethamine in the mouse., Y H. Thong and A Ferrante
Immunopotentiation with bcg. Dimensions of a specific antitumor response., E Hawrylko
Immunoprecipitation and radioimmunological studies of a lymph node activating factor released during contact of h-2- or hla-different lymphocytes., E Paluska, L Korcakova, V Haskova, T Marik, and J Svobodova
Immunoprecipitation of insulin receptors by antibodies against class 1 antigens of the murine h-2 major histocompatibility complex., Y Chvatchko, E V. Obberghen, N Kiger, and M Fehlmann
Immunoprecipitation of specific polysomes using staphylococcus aureus: purification of the immunoglobulin kappa chain messenger rna from the mouse myeloma mpc11., N M. Gough and J M. Adams
Immunoprevention of naturally occurring endogenous murine type-c rna viruses., M Kende, J R. Stephenson, G J. Kelloff, I K, , and M Dinowitz
Immunoprevention of x-ray-induced leukemias in the c57bl mouse., R L. Peters, B Sass, J R. Stephenson, ghazzouli I. Al, H Hino, R M. Donahoe, M Kende, A, and G J. Kelloff
Immunoprophylactic and immunotherapeutic effects of iodoacetate and of neuramidase-treated p388 leukemia cells. Abstr., A D. Barker and R M. Folk
Immunoprophylactic and immunotherapeutic response by concanavalin a-bound tumor vaccine enhanced by chemotherapeutic agents elimin- ating possible suppressors., T Kataoka, K Ogihara, and Y Sakurai
Immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy for a murine fibrosarcoma with c. Granulosum and c. Parvum., L Milas, J U. Gutterman, I Basic, N Hunter, G M. Mavligit, V M. Hersh, and H R. Withers
Immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy of el4 lymphoma., T Ghose, A Guclu, J Tai, M Mammen, and S T. Norvell
Immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy of transplantable mammary tumor with solubilized membrane antigens. Abstr., D Beringer and E M. Edynak
Immunoprophylaxis of methylcholanthrene-induced tumors in mice with bacillus calmette-guerin and methanol-extracted residue., D H. Lavrin, S A. Rosenberg, R J. Connor, and W D. Terry
Immunoprophylaxis of syngeneic methylcholanthrene-induced murine sarcomas with bacillus calmette-guerin and tumor cells., B Zbar, G Canti, H J. Rapp, M P. Ashley, S Sukumar, and R C. Jr
Immunoprophylaxis with attenuated ehrlich ascites tumor cells in admixture with bcg., R Turcotte
Immunoprotection by embryonal carcinoma cells for methyl- cholanthrene-induced murine sarcomas., K Sikora, P Stern, and E Lennox
Immunoprotection by fractions of tumor cell cultures. The immuno- genicity of exhausted culture medium. Abstr., N R. Pellis and B D. Kahan
Immunoprotection with soluble tumor antigen from cultured cells. Abstr., N R. Pellis and B D. Kahan
Immunoprotective and tumor potentiating fractions in 3m kc1 extracts of murine fibrosarcomas. Abstr., N R. Pellis, D J. Shulan, F C. Wiseman, and B D. Kahan
Immunopurification and insertion into liposomes of native and mutant h-2kb: quantification by solid phase radiommunoassay., F Albert, C Boyer, L D. Leserman, and verhulst A. Schmitt
Immunoreactive acth in nude mouse tumors derived from human small cell carcinoma of the lung cell lines. Abstr., C C. Cate, O S. Pettengill, and G D. Sorenson
Immunoreactive glucagon levels in obese-hyperglycemic (ob/ob) mice., P U. Dubuc, P W. Mobley, R J. Mahler, and J W. Ensinck
Immunoreactive glucagon levels in ob/ob mice. Abstr., P U. Dubuc, P W. Mobley, and R J. Mahler
Immunoreactive growth hormone levels in mice with the obese-hypergly- cemic syndrome (genotype obob)., P Roos, J M. Martin, naeser S. Westman, and C Hellerstrom
Immunoreactive myelin basic proteins are not detected when shiverer mutant schwann cells and fibroblasts are co-cultured with normal neurons., H D. Shine and R L. Sidman
Immunoreactive neurotensin in the pancreas of genetically obese and diabetic mice. A longitudinal study., M Berelowitz and L A. Frohman
Immunoreactivity in a cellular immune reaction of lymphocytes preabsorbed on cell monolayers., W Clark and A Kimura
Immunoreactivity of long lived h-2 incompatible irradiation chimeras (h-2d-h-2b)., G J. Maestroni, W Pierpaoli, and R M. Zinkernagel
Immunoreactivity of monoclonal antibodies to human prostate and bladder tumor-associated antigens. Abstr., G L. Wright Jr., J J. Starling, S M. Sieg, and P F. Schellhammer
Immunoregulation by covalent antigen-antibody complexes. II. Suppression of a t-cell independent anti-hapten response., J P. Tite and R B. Taylor
Immunoregulation by macrophages in autoimmune bxsb mice. Abstr., R E. Lewis and J M. Cruse
Immunoregulation by monoclonal sheep erythrocyte-specific igg antibodies: suppression is correlated to level of antigen binding and not to isotype., B Heyman and H Wigzell
Immunoregulation by spleen-seeking thymocytes. II. Role in the response to sheep erythrocytes., C Wu and E M. Lance
Immunoregulation in experimental disseminated histoplasmosis: flow microfluorometry (fmf) studies of the thy and lyt phenotypes of t lymphocytes from infected mice., S R. Watson, T B. Miller, T J. Redington, and W E. Bullock
Immunoregulation in experimental schistosomiasis: in vitro induction and assay of spleen cell suppressor activity., S G. Kayes and D G. Colley
Immunoregulation in mrl/mp-lpr/lpr mice: evidence for decreased helper-t-cell and increased suppressor-t-cell function with age., D A. Wilson and mullen H. Braley
Immunoregulation in senescence: increased inducibility of antigen-specific suppressor t cells and loss of cell sensitivity to immunosuppression in aging mice., G Doria, C Mancini, and L Adorini
Immunoregulation mediated by the sympathetic nervous system., H O. Besedovsky, A D. Rey, E Sorkin, M D. Prada, and H H. Keller
Immunoregulation of genetically controlled acquired responses to leishmania donovani infection in mice: demonstration and characterization of suppressor t cells in noncure mice., J M. Blackwell and O M. Ulczak
Immunoregulation of localized and disseminated murine myeloma: antigen-specific regulation of mopc-315 stem cell proliferation and secretory cell differentiation., J W. Rohrer and R G. Lynch
Immunoregulation of murine myeloma cell growth and different- iation: a monoclonal model of b cell differentiation., R G. Lynch, J W. Rohrer, B Odermatt, H M. Gebel, O R. Autry, and R G. Hoover
Immunoregulation of murine myeloma: isologous immunization with m315 induced idiotype-specific t cells that suppress iga secretion by mopc-315 cells in vivo., J W. Rohrer, B Odermatt, and R G. Lynch
Immunoregulation of murine responses to sequential polymer (tyr-glu-ala-gly)n. Abstr., B Lin and P H. Maurer
Immunoregulation of the anti-bovine serum albumin response by polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies., N J. Kreiger, A Pesce, and J G. Michael
Immunoregulatory alpha-globulin, failure to inhibit antibody response when administered after antigen exposure., A H. Glasgow, J O. Menzoian, S R. Cooperband, R B. Nimberg, K Schmid, and J A. Mannick
Immunoregulatory cells in aging mice. I. Concanavalin a-induced and naturally occurring suppressor cells., A Globerson, L Abel, M Barzilay, and bar I. Zan
Immunoregulatory circuit among macrophage subsets for t cell- -mediated cytotoxic response to tumor cells., C Ting and D Rodrigues
Immunoregulatory circuits among t cell sets: effect of mode of immunization on determining which ly1 t cell sets will be activated., D D. Eardley, J Kemp, F W. Shen, H Cantor, and R K. Gershon
Immunoregulatory circuits among t-cell sets. I. T-helper cells induce other t-cell sets to exert feedback inhibition., D D. Eardley, J Hugenberger, boudreau L. Mcvay, F W. Shen, R K. Gershon, and H Cantor
Immunoregulatory circuits among t-cells sets. Identification of a subpopulation of t-helper cells that induces feedback inhibition., H Cantor, J Hugenberger, boudreau L. Mcvay, D D. Eardley, J Kemp, F W. Shen, and R K. Gershon
Immunoregulatory circuits which modulate responsiveness to suppressor cell signals: characterization of an effector cell in the contrasuppressor circuit., D R. Green, D D. Eardley, A Kimura, D B. Murphy, K Yamauchi, and R K. Gershon
Immunoregulatory effects of a convalent antigen-antibody complex., R B. Taylor, J P. Tite, and C Manzo
Immunoregulatory effects of covalent antigen-antibody complexes. Iii. Enhancement or suppression depending on the time of admin- istration of complex relative to a t-independent antigen., J P. Tite, C A. Morrison, and R B. Taylor
Immunoregulatory factor associated with a spontaneously regressing subline of the lymphoma l1210. Abstr., P H. Koo and C S. Laufer
Immunoregulatory responses in experimental disseminated histo- plasmosis: depression of t-cell-dependent and t-effector responses by activation of splenic suppressor cells., R P. Artz and W E. Bullock
Immunoregulatory responses in experimental disseminated histo- plasmosis: lymphoid organ histopathology and serological studies., R P. Artz and W E. Bullock
Immunoscanning electron microscopy of antigenic determinants of t/t-complex (tw18) mouse embryos., shaul Y. Ben, K Artzt, and D Bennett
Immunoselection in mice and rats., T Hauschka, L Weiss, B Holdridge, T Cudney, M Zumpft, D J. Planinsek, and Y A. During
Immunoselection in vitro of a non-metastatic variant from a highly metastatic tumor., P Frost and R S. Kerbel
Immunoselection of tumor cell variants by mice suppressed with ultraviolet radiation., J L. Urban, J M. Holland, M L. Kripke, and H Schreiber
Immunoselective loss of parental h antigens by somatic reduction in an h-2a/h-2b hybrid mouse leukemia., T S. Hauschka, S A. Hitt, M Zumpft, T B. Shows, and E A. Boyse
Immunosenescence: loss of natural killer cell function, responses to syngeneic tumor cells, and hybrid resistance in vivo and in vitro. Abstr., P A. Fitzgerald and M Bennett
Immunosensitivity and histocompatibility antigens in drug- -altered leukemic cells., A Nicolin, P Franco, C Testorelli, and A Goldin
Immunospecific depletion of graft-versus-host-reactive lymphocytes using sensitized syngeneic initiator t lymphocytes., A Belldegrun and I R. Cohen
Immunospecificity and localization of radiolabeled human growth hormone in the mouse., G J. Mizejewski
Immunospecific labeling of moue lymphocytes in the scanning electron microscope., D P. Carter and L Wofsy
Immunospecific regression of various syngeneic mouse tumors in response to neuraminidase-treated tumor cells., A Rios and R L. Simmons
Immunostimulation and regulation of peritoneal cytolytic t-lymphocyte (ctl) activity during the l5178y tumor dormant state. Abstr., M A. Marsili, M K. Robinson, G A. Truitt, and E F. Wheelock
Immunostimulation by legionella pneumophila antigen preparations in vivo and in vitro., H Friedman, R Widen, T Klein, and W Johnson
Immunostimulation circumvents diabetes in NOD/Lt mice., David V. Serreze, K Hamaguchi, and E H. Leiter
Immunostimulation of chemical oncogenesis in the mouse., R T. Prehn
Immunostimulation of highly immunogenic target tumor cells by lymphoid cells in vitro., L M. Prehn
Immunostimulation of the lymphodependent phase of neoplastic growth., R T. Prehn
Immunostimulation with muramyl dipeptide and its desmethyl analogue: studies of non-specific resistance to pulmonary blastomycosis in inbred mouse strains., P A. Morozumi, E Brummer, and D A. Stevens
Immunostimulatory and friend virus leukemosuppressive effects of mycophage double stranded rna. Abstr., E F. Wheelock and P A. Marx
Immunostimulatory and immunosuppressive factors in human cancer ascites fluids. Effect on the primary plaque-forming response in vitro., A M. Badger, V J. Merluzzi, and S R. Cooperband
Immunostimulatory mouse granuloma protein., E Fontan, R M. Fauve, B Hevin, and H Jusforgues
Immunosuppressant activity of delta8 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta8thc) and congeners. Abstr., S H. Smith, V M. Sanders, and A E. Munson
Immunosuppression and heightened cyclic amp induced by tobacco smoke products. Abstr., R M. Meyers, G T. Stelzer, C V. Jacob, and J H. Wallace
Immunosuppression and malignant lymphomas in graft-versus-host reac- tions., C Solnik, H Gleichmann, M Kavanah, and R S. Schwartz
Immunosuppression and oncogenesis., J Cerilli and D Hattan
Immunosuppression and oncogenic virus infections., M S. Hirsch, P H. Black, and M R. Proffitt
Immunosuppression and tolerance after total lymphoid irradiation (tli)., S Strober, M Gottlieb, S Slavin, D P. King, R T. Hoppe, Z Fuks, C P. Bieber, and H S. Kaplan
Immunosuppression and tumor stimulation in mice with 5-fluorouracil. Abstr., L G. Suhrland, J W. Benson, and E Labelle
Immunosuppression by 334c murine leukemia virus: viral specificity and the activation of immunosuppressive effects during cloned viral leukemogenesis., M K. Robinson, K F. Manly, and M J. Evans
Immunosuppression by adriamycin (am) and daunorubicin (dm). Abstr., F R. Orsini and E Mihich
Immunosuppression by a mouse tumor resembles antigenic competit- ion., C G. Cocito, B Michot, J Radovich, and D W. Talmage
Immunosuppression by antibody, localization of site of action., R J. Ryder and R S. Schwartz
Immunosuppression by antilymphocyte serum and its effect on tumors induced by 3-methylcholanthrene in mice., J L. Wagner and G Haughton
Immunosuppression by cobra factor. Distribution, antigen- -induced blast transformation and trapping of lymphocytes during in vivo complement depletion., M B. Pepys, D D. Mirjah, A C. Dash, and jones M. Wansbrough
Immunosuppression by cyclophosphamide in nzb x nzw mice with lupus nephritis., T P. Casey
Immunosuppression by embryonic liver cells., A Globerson, R M. Zinkernagel, and T Umiel
Immunosuppression by friend leukemia virus is h-2 restricted by alloreactive t lymphocytes., V Kumar and M Bennett
Immunosuppression by l-asparaginase., M C. Berenbaum
Immunosuppression by l-asparaginase., R S. Schwartz
Immunosuppression by leukemia viruses. I. Effect of friend disease virus on cellular and humoral hemolysin responses of mice to a primary immunization with sheep erythrocytes., W S. Ceglowski and H Friedman
Immunosuppression by leukemia viruses. II. Cytokinetics of appearance of hemolysin-forming cells in infected mice during the anamnestic response to sheep erythrocytes., W S. Ceglowski and H Friedman
Immunosuppression by leukemia viruses. Iii. Adoptive transfer of antibody-forming cells to friend disease virus-infected mice., W S. Ceglowski and H Friedman
Immunosuppression by leukemia viruses. IV. Effect of friend leukemia virus on antibody-precursors as assessed by cell transfer studies., W S. Ceglowski and H Friedman
Immunosuppression by leukemia viruses. Vii. Stimulatory effects of friend leukemia virus on pre-existing antibody-forming cells to sheep erythrocytes and escherichia coli in non-immunized mice., S Hirano, H Friedman, and W S. Ceglowski
Immunosuppression by leukemia viruses. VI. Ultastructure of indivi- dual antibody-forming cells in the spleens of friend leukemia virus- infected mice., G C. Koo, W S. Ceglowski, M Higgins, and H Friedman
Immunosuppression by leukemia viruses. V. Ultrastructural studies of antibody-forming spleens of mice infected with friend leukemia virus., G C. Koo, W S. Ceglowski, and H Friedman
Immunosuppression by leukemia viruses. XI. Effect of friend leukemia virus on humoral immune competence of leukemia-resistant c57bl/6 mice., W S. Ceglowski, B P. Campbell, and H Friedman
Immunosuppression by lymphomas in aging mice. Abstr., B Jaroslow, K Suhrbier, R Fry, and S Tyler
Immunosuppression by moloney leukemia virus. Lack of correlation between virus replication and the immunosuppressive effect., J Cerny, M R. Proffitt, and M Essex
Immunosuppression by mouse sialylated alpha-foetoprotein., E F. Zimmerman, hawking M. Voorting, and J G. Michael
Immunosuppression by murine lyz@@@mphoma fbl-3 cells. An abso requirement for cell to cell contact. Abstr., R Cimprich, S Specter, and H Friedman
Immunosuppression by murine sarcoma virus (moloney)., S P. Chan, W A. Hook, W Turner, and M A. Chirigos
Immunosuppression by platinum diamines., M C. Berenbaum
Immunosuppression by respiration inhibitors, an in vitro study. Abstr., T Y. Sabet
Immunosuppression by spleen cells from moloney leukemia. Comparison of the suppressive effect on antibody response and on mitogen-induced response., J Cerny and R A. Stiller
Immunosuppression by spleen cells from moloney leukemia. Iii. Evidence for a suppressor cell that is not the leukemic, virus-producing cells., J Cerny, K D. Grinwich, and R A. Stiller
Immunosuppression by spleen cells from moloney leukemia. II. Studies on the mechanism of suppression and failure to detect an extracellular suppressive product., R A. Stiller and J Cerny
Immunosuppression by the radiation leukemia virus and its relation to lymphatic leukemia development., A Peled and ghera N. Haran
Immunosuppression caused by antigen feeding. I. Evidence for the activation of a feedback suppressor pathway in the spleens of antigen-fed mice., T T. Macdonald
Immunosuppression effected by macrophage surfaces., W Ptak and R K. Gershon
Immunosuppression in allogeneic mouse tumor system. Effects of pregnancy and associated hormones., S D. Deodhar, G Crile, and T Chiang
Immunosuppression in allogeneic murine tumor system, a new model for the study of antilymphocyte serum (als). Abstr., S D. Deodhar, G Crile, and P F. Schofield
Immunosuppression in allogeneic murine tumour system, a model for the study of antilymphocyte serum., S D. Deodhar, G Crile, and P F. Schofield
Immunosuppression in a murine b cell leukemia (bcl1): role of an adherent cell in the suppression of primary in vitro antibody res- ponses., S A. Anderson, P C. Isakson, E Pure, M Muirhead, J W. Uhr, and E S. Vitetta
Immunosuppression in cancer therapeutics., E Mihich
Immunosuppression induced by anti-lymphocyte sera in mice. Abstr., J M. Cruse
Immunosuppression induced by staphylococcal enterotoxin b., R P. Donnelly and T J. Rogers
Immunosuppression induced by the murine lymphoma, fbl-2. Abstr., S Specter, R Cimprich, P Farber, and H Friedman
Immunosuppression induced in vitro by cell-free extracts of friend leukemia virus-infected splenocytes., S Specter, C Patel, and H Friedman
Immunosuppression induced in vitro by mastocytoma tumor cells and cell-free extracts., I Kamo, C Patel, J Kateley, and H Friedman
Immunosuppression induced with cell-free fluid of ehrlich carcinoma ascites and its fractions., H Yamazaki, K Nitta, and H Umezawa
Immunosuppression in experimental african trypanosomiasis. Abstr., S R. Wellhausen and J M. Mansfield
Immunosuppression in mice after inoculation with 334c, a murine lymphatic leukemia-inducing virus., P J. Schenk and R F. Buffett
Immunosuppression in mice bearing primary tumors., R B. Whitney, B S. Kelly, and J G. Levy
Immunosuppression in mice injected with heterologous anti- -immunoglobulin antisera., D D. Manning and J W. Jutila
Immunosuppression in murine malaria. I. General characteristics., B M. Greenwood, J H. Playfair, and G Torrigiani
Immunosuppression in murine malaria. Iii. Induction of tolerance and immunological memory by soluble bovine serum albumin., mcbride J. Strambachova and H S. Micklem
Immunosuppression in murine malaria. II. The effect on reticulo- -endothelial and germinal centre function., B M. Greenwood, J C. Brown, D G. Jesus, and E J. Holborow
Immunosuppression in murine malaria. I. Response to type iii pneumococcal polysaccharide., J S. Mc bride, H S. Micklem, and J M. Ure
Immunosuppression, interferon inducers, and leukemia in mice., M S. Hirsch, P H. Black, M L. Wood, and A P. Monaco
Immunosuppression in the mouse b cell leukemia (bcl1). Abstr., A Van der hoven, S A. Anderson, J W. Uhr, and E S. Vitetta
Immunosuppression in viral murine diabetes. Abstr., D Dafoe, A Naji, and C F. Barker
Immunosuppression in vitro induced by leukemia virus-infected splen- ocytes., I Kamo, J R. Kateley, G Kaplan, and H Friedman
Immunosuppression of congenitally athymic (nude) mice with hetero- logous anti-immunoglobulin heavy-chain antisera., D D. Manning and J W. Jutila
Immunosuppression of mice injected with heterologous anti-immuno- globulin heavy chain antisera., D D. Manning and J W. Jutila
Immunosuppression of normal lymphoid cells by serum from mice undergoing chronic graft-vs-host disease., R Mc master and J G. Levy
Immunosuppression of the primary and secondary immune response by an igm plasmacytoma (tepc-183)., H F. Havas, G D. Schiffman, M Fenton, A Goodis, and S Braverman
Immunosuppression of t lymphocyte function by fractionated serum from tumor-bearing mice., R Mc master, K Buhler, R Whitney, and J G. Levy
Immunosuppression studies in foreign body tumorigenesis. No evidence for tumor-specific antigenicity., V J. Michelich, L C. Buoen, and K G. Brand
Immunosuppression, virus and oncogenesis in mice., S Nehlsen
Immunosuppression with friend virus in allogeneic murine tumor system. Abstr., S D. Deodhar and T Chiang
Immunosuppressive action of ribonuclease complexes. Abstr., R C. Davis, S R. Cooperband, and J A. Mannick
Immunosuppressive activity associated with a reticulum cell sarcoma of aged mice., J W. Albright and J F. Albright
Immunosuppressive activity of antibody directed against endogenous c-type virus interferes with early events of the immune response., G Schumann and C Moroni
Immunosuppressive activity of antilymphocyte sera prepared against soluble extracts of mouse thymus cells. Abstr., O Singla, R Barth, and H Jeejeebhoy
Immunosuppressive activity of a plasmacytoma subcellular fraction. Abstr., J Katzmann, S Chandra, and D Giacomoni
Immunosuppressive activity of carrageenan for cell-mediated responses in the mouse., V M. Rumjanek and L Brent
Immunosuppressive activity of chromatin fraction derived from nuclei of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., H Masaki, K Takatsu, T Hamaoka, and M Kitagawa
Immunosuppressive activity of human chorionic gonadotrophin prepara- tions in vivo: evidence for gonadal dependence., A Bartocci, R D. Welker, E Schlick, M A. Chirigos, and B C. Nisula
Immunosuppressive activity of human seminal plasma. I. Inhibition of in vitro lymphocyte activation., E M. Lord, G F. Sensabaugh, and D P. Stites
Immunosuppressive activity of l-asparaginase in mice., S D. Nelson, M B. Lee, and J M. Bridges
Immunosuppressive activity of mouse alloantibodies., I P. Witz, N P. Chiampi, and N Kaliss
Immunosuppressive activity of mouse alloantibodies. Abstr., I P. Witz, N P. Chiampi, and N Kaliss
Immunosuppressive activity of murine newborn spleen cells. I. Selective inhibition of in vitro lymphocyte activation., C S. Pavia and D P. Stites
Immunosuppressive activity of rabbit antisera directed against mouse lymphocytic leukemia l1210., I Witz, Y Yagi, and D Pressman
Immunosuppressive activity of some new cytostatic agents., D Gericke and P Chandra
Immunosuppressive activity of submaxillary gland extracts of the mouse. I. Effect on antibody formation in response to sheep red blood cells., J H. Koch and J Rowe
Immunosuppressive activity or ira on the plaque-forming response to srbc in vitro. Reversal with educated t cells., A M. Badger, V J. Merluzzi, J A. Mannick, and S R. Cooperband
Immunosuppressive agents., R A. Daynes, C C. Harris, R J. Connor, D E. Eichwald, and A D. To
Immunosuppressive alpha globulin from bovine thymus and serum. Mode of action upon afferent and efferent arcs of the mouse immune re- sponse., S M. Phillips, C B. Carpenter, and P Lane
Immunosuppressive and antitumor activities of n-methyl-bis-(3-mesyl- oxypropyl)amine hydrochloride and bis(3-mesyloxypropyl)amine hydrochloride., K Ootsu and T Matsumoto
Immunosuppressive and antitumor activity of periodate oxidation product of beta-D-ribosyl-6-methylthiopurine., J P Bell, M L Faures, G A LePage, and A P Kimball
Immunosuppressive and graft-rejecting antibodies in heterologous anti-lymphocytic serum., B Cinader, H F. Jeejeebhoy, S W. Koh, and A G. Rabbat
Immunosuppressive and immunostimulatory factors produced by malignant cells in vitro., A Wong, R Mankovitz, and J C. Kennedy
Immunosuppressive, antiviral and antitumor activities of cytarabine derivatives., G D. Gray, F R. Nichol, M Mickelson, G Camiener, D T. Gish, O C. Kelly, W Wechter, T E. Moxley, and G L. Neil
Immunosuppressive ats. V. Analysis of the effect of anti- -thymocyte serum on t lymphocyte subsets., B Zimmerman, S L. Swain, and R W. Dutton
Immunosuppressive drugs combined with heterologous antilymphocyte serum for allograft prolongation., R J. Hoehn and R L. Simmons
Immunosuppressive effect of a mouse placenta fraction on h-2 incompatible split heart allografts., S Svehag and W Schilling
Immunosuppressive effect of an antiandrogenic steroid (cyproterone acetate) in mice., V Viklicky, M Polackova, M Vojtiskova, P Draber, and M E. Khoda
Immunosuppressive effect of an anti-interferon serum., S Skurkovich, E Klinova, E Eremkina, and N Levina
Immunosuppressive effect of a protein a-binding fraction of nzb/nzw mouse serum. Abstr., W Cafruny, E Freimer, and D Senitzer
Immunosuppressive effect of a trichothecene mycoto- xin, fusarenon-x in mice., E Masuda, T Takemoto, T Tatsuno, and T Obara
Immunosuppressive effect of a trichothecene mycotoxin, fusarenon-x in mice. Abstr., E Masuda, T Takemoto, T Tatsuno, and T Obara
Immunosuppressive effect of cell-free extracts from escherichia coli., I D. Kirpatovski and E S. Stanislavski
Immunosuppressive effect of graft-versus-host reaction., M Zaleski and F Milgrom
Immunosuppressive effect of human pregnancy zone protein on h-2 incompatible mouse heart allografts., P Svendsen, T Stigbrand, B Teisner, J Folkersen, M G. Damber, B Von schoultz, E Kemp, and S E. Svehag
Immunosuppressive effect of male mouse submandibular gland extracts on plaque-forming cells in mice, abolition by orchiectomy., P A. Kongshavn and W Lapp
Immunosuppressive effect of mouse serum lipoproteins. II. In vivo studies., K L. Hsu, R N. Hiramoto, and V K. Ghanta
Immunosuppressive effect of mouse serum lipoproteins. I. In vitro studies., K L. Hsu, V K. Ghanta, and R N. Hiramoto
Immunosuppressive effect of murine alloantibody giving only partial h-2 cover., J D. Milton
Immunosuppressive effect of murine cytomegalovirus., L Loh and J B. Hudson
Immunosuppressive effect of serum from cba mice made tolerant by the supernatant from ultracentrifuged bovine gamma globulin., J L. Tong and D Boose
Immunosuppressive effect of serum from cba mice made tolerant to bovine gamma globulin, abstr., J L. Tong and D Boose
Immunosuppressive effect of staphylococcal extracellular enzymes on antibody response in mice. Abstr., C Abramson, R Dziarski, and G Higenell
Immunosuppressive effects of adamantoyl cytarabine--i. Inhibition of hemagglutinin formation and graft versus host reactions in mice., G D. Gray, M M. Mickelson, and J A. Crim
Immunosuppressive effects of adherent cells from mice bearing chemically-induced tumors. Abstr., ciha C. Milligan and K Mcivor
Immunosuppressive effects of antilymphocyte serum in complement- -deficient mice, evidence that immune cytolysis is not essential for als activity., R F. Barth and G F. Carroll
Immunosuppressive effects of antisera prepared with subcellular fractions of thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes., H Nagaya, W N. Kenzie, K H. Kilburn, and H O. Sieker
Immunosuppressive effects of a synthetic polymer poly n-(2- -hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (duxon)., E Paluska, J Cinatl, L Korcakova, O Sterba, J Kopecek, A Hruba, J Nezvalova, and R Stanek
Immunosuppressive effects of bacterial asparaginase on antibody formation and allograft immunity., H Friedman and A Chakrabarty
Immunosuppressive effects of barbituric acid derivatives. II. Effect of 1.3-bis(piperidinomethyl)-5-ethyl-5-phenyl-barbituric Acid on humoral and cell-mediated immunity in mice., J Guttner, H Heinecke, W Kuchler, and W Werner
Immunosuppressive effects of cytostatic diatereomeric dibromhexitols., G Petranyi, K Nouza, J Szollar, and L Institoris
Immunosuppressive effects of heterologous antilymphocyte sera on the primary cellular and serologic response of mice to sheep erythrocytes. Abstr., R F. Barth, J Southworth, and G Burger
Immunosuppressive effects of lymphocyte (type ii) and leucocyte (type i) interferon on primary antibody responses in vivo and in vitro., J L. Virelizier, E L. Chan, and A C. Allison
Immunosuppressive effects of lymphoid cell proliferation in mice receiving anti-lymphocyte globulin., A M. Denman, E J. Denman, and E J. Holborow
Immunosuppressive effects of methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) on mouse bone marrow and spleen cells and their antagonism by spermidine., J Bennett, J Ehrke, P Fadale, C Dave, and E Mihich
Immunosuppressive effects of selected metabolic inhibitors in vivo and in vitro., N R. Rose, J A. Haber, and P Calabresi
Immunosuppressive effects of streptozotocin in mice. Abstr., W K. Nichols, L L. Vann, and J B. Spellman
Immunosuppressive effects of the lewis lung carcinoma., P C. Klykken and A E. Munson
Immunosuppressive factor(s) extracted from lymphoid cells of nonresponder mice primed with l-glutamic acid60-l- -alanine30-l-tyrosine10 (gat). I. Activity and antigenic specificity., J A. Kapp, C W. Pierce, F D. Croix, and B Benacerraf
Immunosuppressive factor(s) extracted from lymphoid cells of nonresponder mice primed with l-glutamic acid60-l-alanine30- -l-tyrosine10 (gat). II. Cellular source and effector on responder and nonresponder mice., J A. Kapp, C W. Pierce, and B Benacerraf
Immunosuppressive factor(s) extracted from lymphoid cells of nonresponder mice primed with l-glutamic acid60-l-alanine30- -l-tyrosine 10 (gat). Iii. Immunochemical properties of the gat-specific suppressive factor., J Theze, J A. Kapp, and B Benacerraf
Immunosuppressive factor(s) from lymphoid cells of nonresponder mice primed with l-glutamic acid60-l-alanine30-l-tyrosine10 (gat). V. Inhibition of t cell proliferative responses., B A. Araneo and J A. Kapp
Immunosuppressive factors from mastocytoma cells cultured in serum-free medium., M Nakamura, N Ishida, and I Kamo
Immunosuppressive factor(s) specific for l-glutamic acid50-l- -tyrosine50 (gt). Iii. Generation of suppressor t cells by a suppressive extract derived from gt-primed lymphoid cells., C Waltenbaugh, J Theze, J A. Kapp, and B Benacerraf
Immunosuppressive factor(s) specific for l-glutamic acid50-l- tyrosine50 (gt). II. Presence of i-j determinants on the gt- -suppressive factor., J Theze, C Waltenbaugh, M E. Dorf, and B Benacerraf
Immunosuppressive factor(s) specific for l-glutamic acid50-l- -tyrosine50 (gt). I. Production, characterization, and lack of h-2 restriction for activity in recipient strain., C Waltenbaugh, P Debre, J Theze, and B Benacerraf
Immunosuppressive factor(s) specific for l-glutamic acid50- -l-tyrosine50. IV. In vitro activity and immunochemical properties., J Theze, C Waltenbaugh, R N. Germain, and B Benacerraf
Immunosuppressive lipoprotein of plasmacytoma (tepc-183) bearing mice. Abstr., L Wolfe, W Treadway, A Goodis, and H F. Havas
Immunosuppressive potency of antiserum to thymus glands prepared with ribosomal fraction., H Nagaya, W N. Kenzie, K H. Kilburn, and H O. Sieker
Immunosuppressive powers of the antibacterial agent trimethoprim., M W. Ghilchik, A S. Morris, and D S. Reeves
Immunosuppressive properties of a peptic fragment of bsa., A Muckerheide, A J. Pesce, and J G. Michael
Immunosuppressive properties of heterologous antilymphocytic sera against thymocyte soluble fraction., O Singla, R F. Barth, and H F. Jeejeebhoy
Immunosuppressive properties of mouse amniotic fluid., M L. Tyan
Immunosuppressive properties of murine trophoblast., P Van vlasselaer and M Vandeputte
Immunosuppressive properties of purified immune t-interferon., M A. Lucero, J Wietzerbin, S Stefanos, C Billardon, R Falcoff, and W H. Fridman
Immunosuppressive properties of the antibiotics cytostipin and vermiculine., L Horakova, K Nouza, M Pospisil, E Konopaskova, A, and J Fuska
Immunosuppressive properties of the lymphocyte chalone., J C. Houck, A M. Attallah, and J R. Lilly
Immunosuppressive studies of alpha-fetoprotein in mouse l1210 leukemias. Abstr., G J. Mizejewski, C Bauguess, and R P. Allen
Immunosuppressive wirkung von l-asparaginase in der graft-versus-host- -reaktion., H P. Hobik
Immunosuppressor cells from newborn mouse spleen are macrophages differentiating in vitro from monoblastic precursors., P Piguet, C Irie, and P Vassalli
Immunosurgery of mouse blastocyst., D Solter and B B. Knowles
Immunosurgery of mouse blastocyst., D Solter and B B. Knowles
Immunosurveillance and immunostimulation of primary murine rous sarcoma. Abstr., G Haughton, R Banks, G Babcock, and A C. Whitmore
Immunosurveillance of spontaneous lung adenomagenesis in mice., M I. Colnaghi
Immunotherapeutical effects of azimexon in two murine tumor types. Abstr., L Olsson, U Bicker, and G Mathe
Immunotherapeutic and immunoprophylactic effects of bcg on 3-methyl- cholanthrene-induced autochthonous tumors in swiss mice., T Tokunaga, S Yamamoto, R M. Nakamura, and T Kataoka
Immunotherapeutic effect of sensitized leukocytes and antiserum on mouse leukemia., G J Hill, R C Atkins, S Parks, K Littlejohn, and B Eiseman
Immunotherapeutic effect of syngeneic tumor cells sequentially treated with concanavalin a (cona) and vibrio cholera neuraminidase (vcn) in mouse. Abstr., A Brugarolas, H Takita, T Han, and K Shimaoka
Immunotherapeutic effect of tumor antigens extracted from a murine sarcoma. Abstr., S Inaba, N R. Pellis, and B D. Kahan
Immunotherapeutic effects of partially purified tumor-specific transplantation antigens on pulmonary metastases of a 3-methyl- cholanthrene-induced sarcoma in mice: a preliminary report., T Tanaka, N R. Pellis, and B D. Kahan
Immunotherapeutic effects of tumor-specific transplantation antigens released by 1-butanol., B D. Kahan, N R. Pellis, S J. Legrue, and T Tanaka
Immunotherapeutic efficacy of lymphocytes from mice bearing lethal friend leukemia (fbl-3). Abstr., A Fefer and L Fass
Immunotherapeutic experiments with tissues against spontaneous mammary carcinomas in mice. Abstr., J Vaage
Immunotherapeutic response of concanavalin a-bound l1210 vaccine enhanced by a streptococcal immunopotentiator, ok-432., T Kataoka, hashi F. Oh, and Y Sakurai
Immunotherapeutic suppression in transplantable solid tumours., G J. Mizejewski and R P. Allen
Immunotheraphy of methylcholanthrene fibrosarcoma using neuraminidase. Abstr., R L. Simmons, A Rios, G Lundgren, and P K. Ray
Immunotherapie active de la leucemie l 1210 appliquee apres la greffe tumorale., G Mathe
Immunotherapie adoptive locale de la leucemie l1210 ascitique. Analyse des facteurs de son efficacite., G Mathe and L Schwarzenberg
Immunotherapy and chemoimmunotherapy of fanft bladder tumor. Abstr., J De kernion, K Ramming, and K Fraser
Immunotherapy and chemotherapy of moloney sarcoma virus-induced tumors in mice., A Fefer
Immunotherapy in nude mice of human hepatoma using monoclonal antibodies against hepatitis b virus., D Shouval, D A. Shafritz, V R. Zurawski Jr., K J. Isselbacher, and J R. Wands
Immunotherapy of a murine colon cancer with syngeneic spleen cells, immune rna and tumor antigen., M Fukushima, M E. Colmerauer, S K. Nayak, J A. Koziol, and Y H. Pilch
Immunotherapy of a murine leukemia virus-infected, chemically induced murine sarcoma with antiviral antibodies., E C. Ward, J D. Iglehart, K J. Weinhold, and D P. Bolognesi
Immunotherapy of a murine ovarian carcinoma with corynebacterium parvum and specific heteroantiserum. I. Activation of periton- eal cells to mediate antibody-dependent cytotoxicity., R C. Bast, R C. Knapp, A K. Mitchell, J G. Thurston, O W. Tucker, and S F. Schlossman
Immunotherapy of cancer, immunospecific rejection of tumors in recipients of neuraminidase-treated tumor cells plus bcg., R L. Simmons and A Rios
Immunotherapy of cancer. Induction of tumor immunity with a mixture of tumor cell-bcg, and the effect of intratumor injection of bcg and of nonliving bcg preparation., T Tanaka and T Saito
Immunotherapy of el4 lymphoma with reovirus., G M. Kollmorgen, D C. Cox, J J. Killion, J L. Cantrell, and W A. Sansing
Immunotherapy of l1210 leukemia with antisera of 'directed' specificity. Increase of effectiveness with increase in cell antigenicity. Abstr., A E. Reif, R W. Li, and C Robinson
Immunotherapy of l1210 leukemia with isolated, antigenic subpopula- tions of l1210 cells. Abstr., J J. Killion, A L. Fever, J L. Cantrell, K Bierig, and G M. Kollmorgen
Immunotherapy of l1210 murine leukemia by concanavalin a-bound vaccine and immunopotentiators. Abstr., T Kataoka, hashi F. Oh, and Y Sakurai
Immunotherapy of lethal metastases by lymphocytes sensitized against tumor cells in vitro., A J. Treves, I R. Cohen, and M Feldman
Immunotherapy of madison 109 lung carcinoma and other murine tumors using lentinan., W C. Rose, F C. Iii, P Siminoff, and W T. Bradner
Immunotherapy of metastases of human neoplastic cells grown in immunodeficient mice., B B. Lozzio, E A. Machado, C B. Lozzio, T, and C J. Wust
Immunotherapy of mice with tumor deposits in the lungs using mycobacterial components alone or combined with irradiated tumor cells. Abstr., S Sukumar, J T. Hunter, and H J. Rapp
Immunotherapy of murine leukemia. II. Effect of passive serum therapy on friend murine leukemia virus-induced hematologic and coagulation parameters., F Sanfilippo, K Kao, S V. Pizzo, and J J. Collins
Immunotherapy of murine tumor with hyaluronidase and immunostimulants. Abstr., C Abramson and R Dziarski
Immunotherapy of primary moloney sarcoma-virus-induced tumors., A Fefer
Immunotherapy of primary moloney sarcoma virus (msv)-induced tumors. Abstr., A Fefer
Immunotherapy of transplanted murine leukemias by monoclonal antibody (mcab). Abstr., M E. Kirch, J Abbott, T Lee, and U Hammerling
Immunotherapy of tumor metastases by in vitro sensitized lymphocytes., A J. Treves, I R. Cohen, and M Feldman
Immunotherapy with allogeneic hyperimmune peritoneal cells in a murine lymphoma system., H F. Dullens, F J. Kingma, and W D. Otter
Immunotherapy with allogeneic immune peritoneal cells activated by bcg and pyran copolymer. Abstr., R M. Schultz, J D. Papamatheakis, and M A. Chirigos
Immunotherapy with an intralesionally administered synthetic cord factor analogue., E Yarkoni, H J. Rapp, J Polonsky, and E Lederer
Immunotherapy with neuraminidase-treated tumor cells after radiotherapy., C W. Song and S H. Levitt
Immunotherapy with tumor cell subpopulations. I. Active specific immunotherapy of l1210 leukemia., J J. Killion
Immunotherapy with tumor cell subpopulations. Iii. Interaction between specific and nonspecific immuno- stimulants., J J. Killion
Immunotherapy with tumor cell subpopulations. II. Therapy of drug-resistant l1210 leukemia and el4 lymphoma., J J. Killion
Immunotherapy with tumor cell vaccines 'antigenically- -matched' to residual tumor. Abstr., J J. Killion and A V. Fever
Immunotherapy with tumor vaccine, bcg, and normal plasma during radiation-reduced tumor immunity., J Vaage
Immunotoxic effects of diethylstilbestrol on host resistance: comparison with cyclophosphamide., P S. Morahan, S G. Bradley, A E. Munson, S Duke, R A. Fromtling, and cabral F. Marciano
Immunotoxic effects of subcutaneously administered dimethylbenzanthracene on b6c3f1 mice. Abstr., E C. Ward, M J. Murray, L D. Lauer, and J H. Dean
Immunotoxicology studies of sodium arsenate-effects of exposure on tumor growth and cell-mediated tumor immunity., N I. Kerkvliet, L B. Steppan, L D. Koller, and J H. Exon
Immunotoxins: hybrid molecules combining high specificity and potent cytotoxicity., F K. Jansen, H E. Blythman, D Carriere, P Casellas, L Gros, P Gros, J C. Laurent, F Paolucci, E Pau, P Poncelet, G Richer, D, and G A. Voisin
Immunotoxins: hybrid molecules of monoclonal antibodies and a toxin subunit specifically kill tumour cells., H E. Blythman, P Casellas, O Gros, P Gros, F K. Jansen, F Paolucci, B Pau, and H Vidal
Impact of fractionation procedures on lymphocyte activities in vitro and in vivo. Separation of cells with high concentrations of surface immunoglobin., H Wigzell, P Golstein, E A. Svedmyr, and M Jondahl
Impact of seafood and fruit consumption on bone mineral density., P A. Zalloua, Y H. Hsu, H Terwedow, T Zang, D Wu, G Tang, Z Li, X Hong, S T. Azar, B Wang, M L. Bouxsein, J Brain, S R. Cummings, C J. Rosen, and X Xu
Impact of substrate glycoside linkage and elemental sulfur on bioenergetics of and hydrogen production by the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus., C J. Chou, K R. Shockley, S B. Conners, D L. Lewis, D A. Comfort, M W. Adams, and R M. Kelly
Impact of trisomy on fertility and meiosis in male mice., M Davisson, E Akeson, C Schmidt, B Harris, J Farley, and M A. Handel
Impaired allograft rejection during the incubation period of a thymus- -dependent leukemia in c3h mice. Abstr., P B. Dent, R D. Peterson, and R A. Good
Impaired antibody response against t-dependent antigens in rhino mice., M Takaoki and H Kawaji
Impaired antibody response in folate deficient mice persisting after folate repletion., S P. Rothenberg, M D. Costa, and F Siy
Impaired bone anabolic response to parathyroid hormone in Fgf2-/- and Fgf2+/- mice., M M. Hurley, Y Okada, L Xiao, Y Tanaka, M Ito, N Okimoto, T Nakamura, C J. Rosen, T Doetschman, and J D. Coffin
Impaired cellular response of inbred mice to immunization with nemato- spiroides dubius. Abstr., D C. Lueker and D I. Hepler
Impaired clearance of enzymes in mice infected with the lactic dehydrogenase agent., A L. Notkins and C Scheele
Impaired cooper homeostasis in neonatal male and adult female brindled (mobr) mice., G W. Evans and B L. Reis
Impaired copper homeostasis in neonatal male and adult female brindled (mobr) mice. Abstr., G W. Evans and B L. Reis
Impaired development of lens fibers in genetic microphthalmia, eye lens obsolescence, elo, of the mouse., S Oda, K Watanabe, H Fujisawa, and Y Kameyama
Impaired elkind recovery in hematopoietic colony-forming cells of aged mice., M G. Chen
Impaired embryonic haematopoiesis yet normal arterial development in the absence of the Notch ligand Jagged1., Moreno A. Robert, J Guiu, Herguido C. Ruiz, M E. Lopez, Esteve J. Ingles, L Riera, A Tipping, T Enver, E Dzierzak, T Gridley, L Espinosa, and A Bigas
Impaired fertility in mice deficient for the testicular germ-cell protease PC4., M Mbikay, H Tadros, N Ishida, C P. Lerner, Lamirande E. De, A Chen, Alfy M. El, Y Clermont, N G. Seidah, M Chretien, C Gagnon, and E M. Simpson
Impaired gene activity of 18s and 28s rrna in early embryonic development of mouse parthenogenones., I Hansmann, J Gebauer, and T Grimm
Impaired growth of a radiation-induced lymphoma in intact or lethally irradiated allogeneic athymic (nude) mice., E Bonmassar, F Campanile, D Houchens, L Crino, and A Goldin
Impaired induction of type ii interferon in tumor-bearing mice., S Matsubara, M Suzuki, and N Ishida
Impaired liver carbohydrate metabolism in obese rodents. Abstr., G Van de werve and B Jeanrenaud
Impaired lung defenses against staphylococcus aureus in mice with hereditary deficiency of the fifth component of complement., M C. Cerquetti, D O. Sordelli, R A. Ortegon, and J A. Bellanti
Impaired macrophage function in friend virus leukemia. Restoration by statolon., M H. Levy and E F. Wheelock
Impaired microtubule function correctable by cyclic gmp and cholinergic agonists in the chediak-higashi syndrome., J M. Oliver
Impaired peripheral motor nerve function in the 'lethargic' mouse. Abstr., J M. Herring and H C. Dung
Impaired preparturitional rise of plasma estradiol in aging c57bl/6j mice., C F. Holinka, Y Tseng, and C E. Finch
Impaired processing of precursor polypeptides of temperature- sensitive mutants of rauscher murine leukemia virus., W J. Van de ven, D V. Zaane, C Onnekink, and H P. Bloemers
Impaired radioprotective capacity and reduced proliferative rate of bone marrow from neonatally thymectomized mice., D Zipori and N Trainin
Impaired recovery of plaque-forming cells in new zealand mice given cyclophosphamide., P J. Staples and N Talal
Impaired regulation of erythrocyte autoantibody production after splenectomy., K O. Cox and jones J. Finlay
Impaired repopulation of irradiated bone marrow in mice bearing extramedullary tumor. Abstr., R L. Degowin, S A. Knapp, and D P. Gibson
Impaired responsiveness to folinic acid protection in methotrexate-resistant l5178y cells., J H. Goldie, S I. Harrison, L A. Price, and B T. Hill
Impaired substrate utilization in mitochondria from strain 129 dystrophic mice., M E. Martens, L Jankulovska, M A. Neymark, and C P. Lee
Impaired suppression of sympathetic activity during fasting in gold thioglucose-treated mouse., J B. Young and L Landsberg
Impaired synaptic plasticity and learning in mice lacking beta-adducin, an actin-regulating protein., R L. Rabenstein, N A. Addy, B J. Caldarone, Y Asaka, L M. Gruenbaum, L L. Peters, D M. Gilligan, R M. Fitzsimonds, and M R. Picciotto
Impaired t-cell function after allogeneic blood transfusion in mice., T Maki and A P. Monaco
Impaired thymic regeneration in lethally irradiated mice given bone marrow from aged donors., M L. Tyan
Impaired thymic regeneration in lethally irradiated mice given bone marrow from aged donors. Abstr., M L. Tyan
Impairment of antigen-presenting cell function by ultraviolet radia- tion., M I. Greene, M S. Sy, M Kripke, and B Benacerraf
Impairment of antigen-presenting cell function by ultraviolet radiation. II. Effect of in vitro ultraviolet irradiation on antigen-presenting cells., I J. Fox, M Sy, B Benacerraf, and M I. Greene
Impairment of avoidance learning by prolonged ethanol consumption in mice., G Freund and D W. Walker
Impairment of cell-mediated immunity functions by dietary zinc deficiency in mice., G Fernandes, M Nair, K Onoe, T Tanaka, R Floyd, and R A. Good
Impairment of cell-mediated immunity in mutation diabetic mice (db/db)., M A. Mandel and A A. Mahmoud
Impairment of differentiation and proliferation of immunocompetent and spleen colony-forming cells in mice of a high leukemic strain. Abstr., E Perkins, T Makinodan, and A Upton
Impairment of glucose tolerance in yellow (avy/a) (balb/c x vy) f-1 hybrid mice by hyperglycemic peptide(s) from human pituitary glands., L G. Frigeri, G L. Wolff, and G Robel
Impairment of graft versus host reactivity in pregnant mice., S Nicklin and W D. Billington
Impairment of host-versus-graft reaction in pregnant mice. II. Selective suppression of cytotoxic t-cell generation correlates with soluble suppressor activity and with successful allogeneic pregnancy., D A. Clark, M R. Mcdermott, and M R. Szewczuk
Impairment of host vs graft reaction in pregnant mice. I. Suppression of cytotoxic t cell generation in lymph nodes draining the uterus., D A. Clark and M R. Mcdermott
Impairment of inflammatory reactions in tumor- -bearing mice as measured by evans blue extravasation., J Amice, L Dazord, and L Toujas
Impairment of insulin binding to the fat cell plasma membrane in the obese hyperglycemic mouse., P Freychet, M H. Laudat, P Laudat, G Rosselin, R. Kahn, P Gorden, and J Roth
Impairment of lymphocyte mobilization by granulomatous infection of lymphoid organs. Abstr., W E. Bullock and S Vergamini
Impairment of lymphocyte mobilization from lymphoid organs by granulomatous infection., W E. Bullock and M S. Vergamini
Impairment of macrophage migration inhibitory factor synthesis and macrophage migration in protein-malnourished mice., J E. Hambor, L Fleck, and J R. Stevenson
Impairment of phytohaemagglutinin-induced blastic transformation in lymphnodes from thymectomized mice., P Dukor and F M. Dietrich
Impairment of primary in vitro response of new zealand mouse spleen cells to a thymic-dependent antigen., S S. Kassan and T M. Chused
Impairment of red blood cell deformability by tumor growth., M H. Cohen
Impairment of reovirus mrna methylation in extracts of interferon-treated ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Further characteristics of the phenomenon., G C. Sen, S Shaila, B Lebleu, G E. Brown, R C. Desrosiers, and P Lengyel
Impairment of shock avoidance learning after long-term alcohol ingestion in mice., G Freund
Impairment of splenic natural killer cell activity of mice infected with the polycythemic strain of friend leukemia virus., G Migliorati, T Jezzi, C Favalli, E Garaci, I B. Rossi, and E Bonmassar
Impairment of t-cell regulation of the humoral response to type iii pneumococcal polysaccharide in diabetic mice., B E. Busby and H M. Rodman
Impairment of the bactericidal activity of murine macrophages follow- ing x-irradiation., R Gallily and D Zylberlicht
Impairment of the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis of the athymic "nude" mouse., Y Weinstein
Impairment of the thymus-dependent humoral immune response by syngeneic or allogeneic pregnancy., M G. Baines and H F. Pross
Impairment of t lymphocyte functions in mice with motor end- -plate disease., M Papiernik, F Rieger, S Ezine, and raymond M. Pincon
Impenetrability of the mouse placenta to maternal leukaemia cells., D Loewenstein, W L. Hughes, K G. Hofer, and M M. Ketchel
Imperforate vagina and mucometra in inbred laboratory mice., J P. Sundberg and K S. Brown
Implantacao intracerebral experimental de sarcomas. (eng. Summ.), A Alencar
Implantation and development of mouse eggs transferred to the uteri of non-progestational mice., T P. Cowell
Implantation and invasiveness of mouse blastocysts on uterine monolayers., D S. Salomon and M I. Sherman
Implantation and lethality in the yellow mouse. Abstr., G J. Eaton and M M. Green
Implantation and lethality of the yellow mouse., G Eaton and M M. Green
Implantation-associated proteinase in mouse uterine fluid., M C. Pinsker, A G. Sacco, and B Mintz
Implantation metastases, chemotherapeutic prophyloxis and tumor growth in an infected milieu., A Zwaveling
Implantation of allogeneic heart grafts in inbred mice., R W. Huff, A G. Liebelt, and R A. Liebelt
Implantation of ascitic tumor cells and of metastatic emboli from body fluids into tissues, its inhibition by chemicals and radioiso- topes., H Goldie and M Walker
Implantation of normal blood-forming tissue in genetically anemic mice, without x-irradiation of host., S E. Bernstein and E S. Russell
Implantation of normal blood-forming tissue in radiated genetically anemic hosts., E S. Russell, L J. Smith, and F A. Lawson
Implantation of tissue transplants in the uteri of pseudopregnant mice., I B. Wilson
Implantation of transitional tumor cells on the cauterized murine urothelial surface. Abstr., M S. Soloway and S Masters
Implanted tumour growth in mice exposed to continuous centrifugation., L O. Lutherer, C C. Wunder, W J. Moressi, and C H. Dodge
Implant-induced immunosuppression in mice. Abstr., W M. Baldwin, I )ii, N Cohen, and J A. Latorre
Implementing large-scale ENU mutagenesis screens in North America., A T. Clark, D Goldowitz, J S. Takahashi, M H. Vitaterna, S M. Siepka, L L. Peters, W N. Frankel, G A. Carlson, J Rossant, J H. Nadeau, and M J. Justice
Implications for the insulin signaling pathway in Snell dwarf mouse longevity: a similarity with the C. elegans longevity paradigm., C C. Hsieh, J H. DeFord, K Flurkey, D E. Harrison, and J Papaconstantinou
Implications of antigenic commonalities between murine tumor cells and the m-p virus. Abstr., M Padnos, V Schirone, and N Molomut
Implications of genetic variation in mouse brain structure for electrode placement by stereotaxic surgery., D Wahlsten, W J. Hudspeth, and K Bernhardt
Implications of humoral antibody in mice and humans to breast tumor and mouse mammary tumor virus-associated antigens., J M. Bowen, L Dmochowski, M F. Miller, E S. Priori, G Seman, M L. Dodson, and K Maruyama
Implications of infra-human social behavior for problems of human relations., J P. Scott
Implications of pheromones on pregnancy and estrous cycles in female mice., Jay A. Seitz
Implications of the effects of ionizing radiation on lymphocyte activity during cancer growth. Abstr., B Serrou, J Dubois, H Pourquier, T Reme, and B Delor
Implications of the fetal antigen theory for fetal transplantation., J Castro, R Hunt, E Lance, and P Medawar
Implications of tl phenotype changes in an h-2-loss variant of a transplanted h-2b/h-2a leukemia., E A. Boyse, E Stockert, C A. Iritani, and L J. Old
Importance de la connaissance des caracteristiques biochimiques des animaux de laboratoire et de leur variation en experimentation animale et pharmacologique., P Bechtel, Y Bechtel, and P Magnin
Importance de l'immunite specifique et non specifique dans la defense antitumorale., G Biozzi, C Stiffel, D Mouton, Y Bouthillier, and C Decreusefond
Importance of age of host in detecting tumor-associated transplanta- tion antigens., W Rose and A J. Girardi
Importance of age of human fetal pancreas for transplantation in nu/nu mice. Abstr., K H. Usadel, U Schwedes, G Bastert, H P. Fortmeyer, L Obert, and K Schoffling
Importance of a smooth surface in carcinogenesis by plastic film., R R. Bates and M Klein
Importance of biochemical marker genes in inbred strains of mice. Some problems on checking genetic purity of inbred strains. (jap., Eng. Summ.), M Mizuno, K Suzuki, T Tomita, and K Kondo
Importance of helper t cells in conferring successful anti- tumor immunity. Abstr., F H. Lee
Importance of immunologically competent cells in contact-induced cytotoxicity., C G. Mitchell
Importance of microtubules for ia antigen present- ation. Abstr., J P. Ting and D F. Ranney
Importance of oxidative metabolism in t cell cytotoxicity: a comparison of cloned t cells and spleen cells., K J. Thorne
Importance of phosphate in freund adjuvant., A J. Crowle and K Jarrett
Importance of progesterone in dna synthesis of pregnancy- -dependent mammary tumors in mice., R Yanai and H Nagasawa
Importance of randomization in microarray experimental designs with Illumina platforms., R A. Verdugo, C F. Deschepper, G Munoz, D Pomp, and G A. Churchill
Importance of regional lymph nodes in transplantation-type immunity to murine leukemia l5178y. Abstr., G J. Goldenberg and F Wilt
Importance of schedule in adriamycin/cyclophosphamide combination therapy., D W. Yesair, S Mcnitt, J Tobias, and I Wodinsky
Importance of short-lived lymphocytes in the immune response., V Hooghe, vansanten G. Urbain, C Richard, and J Urbain
Importance of the spleen for the immuno-inhibitory action of linoleic acid in mice., J Mertin, C J. Meade, R Hunt, and J Sheena
Importance of thymus-derived lymphocytes in cell-mediated immunity to infection., R J. North
Importance of timing of cyclophosphamide (cy) therapy for curing mopc-315 tumor-bearing mice. Abstr., J C. Hengst, M B. Mokyr, and S Dray
Importance of trophoblast genotype for survival of interspecific murine chimaeras., J Rossant, V M. Mauro, and B A. Croy
Important mechanism of resistance to tumors in vivo?, G Cavallo, M Giovarelli, G Forni, D S. Landolfo, and I C. An
Imprinting., D Solter
Imprinting of the mouse x-chromosome and the xce locus. Abstr., S Rastan and B M. Cattanach
Imprinting today: end of the beginning or beginning of the end?, D Solter
Imprinting to light-dark cycles or rearing in constant light affect circadian locomotor rhythm of mice., W Malorni and A Oliverio
Improved basal medium for y-1 mouse adrenal cortex tumor cells in culture. I. Dependence of growth and steroid response on calcium ion concentration., L J. Cuprak, C J. Lammi, and J I. Crane
Improved breeding of genetically dwarf mice by means of pituitary transplantation., P H. Van der kroon and A J. Buis
Improved conditions for murine epidermal cell culture., S M. Fischer, A Viaje, K L. Harris, D R. Miller, J S. Bohrman, and T J. Slaga
Improved detection of immune complexes in human and mouse serum using a microassay adaptation of the c1q binding test., C H. June, C E. Contreras, L H. Perrin, and P H. Lambert
Improved electrophoretic resolution of some hemoglobin variants in mus musculus., M L. Petras and J E. Martin
Improved engraftment of human cord blood stem cells in NOD/LtSz-scid/scid mice after irradiation or multiple-day injections into unirradiated recipients., P A. Lowry, L D. Shultz, D L. Greiner, R M. Hesselton, E L. Kittler, C Y. Tiarks, S S. Rao, J Reilly, J H. Leif, H Ramshaw, F M. Stewart, and P J. Quesenberry
Improved engraftment of human spleen cells in NOD/LtSz-scid/scid mice as compared with C.B-17-scid/scid mice., D L. Greiner, L D. Shultz, J Yates, M C. Appel, G Perdrizet, R M. Hesselton, I Schweitzer, W G. Beamer, K L. Shultz, S C. Pelsue, Jean H. Leif, and Thiruchandurai V. Rajan
Improved fusion technique. I. Human umbilical cord serum, a new and potent growth promoter, compared with other b cell and hybridoma activators., R J. Westerwoudt, J Blom, A M. Naipal, and J J. Rood
Improved graft survival after treatment with bordetella and anti- -lymphocyte serum., W Ptak, H Festenstein, G L. Asherson, and A M. Denman
Improved immune-suppression techniques for the xenografting of human tumours., G G. Steel, V D. Courtenay, and A Y. Rostom
Improved insulin-sensitivity in mice heterozygous for PPAR-gamma deficiency., P D. Miles, Y Barak, W He, R M. Evans, and J M. Olefsky
Improved in vitro survival of normal, functional spleen cells., B Mohit and G H. Sato
Improved method for treating glass to produce surfaces suitable for the growth of certain mammalian cells in synthetic medium., C Rappaport and C B. Bishop
Improved methods for reducing calcium and magnesium concentrations in tissue culture medium. Application to studies of lymphoblast proliferation in vitro., J K. Brennan, J Mansky, G Roberts, and M A. Lichtman
Improved microcirculation in irradiated tumours., H Reinhold
Improved murine model of malaria using Plasmodium falciparum competent strains and non-myelodepleted NOD-scid IL2Rgammanull mice engrafted with human erythrocytes., Diaz M. Jimenez, T Mulet, S Viera, V Gomez, H Garuti, J Ibanez, Doval A. Alvarez, L D. Shultz, A Martinez, Viola D. Gargallo, and Barturen I. Angulo
Improved murine tolerance to vincristine by circadian timing. Abstr., S Huq, S Rahman, H Fink, D Dubey, L Wallach, A Nesbit, F Halberg, and A Theologides
Improved myelination in nerve grafts from the leucodystrophic twitcher into trembler mice: evidence for enzyme replacement., F Scaravilli and J M. Jacobs
Improved oligonucleotide labeling and hybridization assay for endogenous nonecotropic murine leukemia proviruses., K R. Johnson
Improved plasma culture system for production of erythrocytic colonies in vitro. Quantitative assay method for cfu-e., D L. Mc leod, M M. Shreeve, and A A. Axelrad
Improved position-dependent sequence motif characterization and automated transfer for gene prediction., Justin Gardin
Improved procedure for hypophysectomy of the mouse. (jap. Eng. Summ.)., Y Nakanishi and H Nagasawa
Improved procedures for the fractionation and in vitro stimulation of hapten-specific b lymphocytes., G J. Nossal and B L. Pike
Improved purification of tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase from l 1210 leukemia by affinity chromatography., P L. Chello, A R. Cashmore, S A. Jacobs, and J R. Bertino
Improved sensitivity of a microassay for allo- and xenoantibodies to mouse erythrocytes., C Tsai, E S. Canellakis, and M S. Mitchell
Improved sister-chromatid differentiation using paraffin-coated promodeoxyuridine tablets in mice., A F. Mcfee, K W. Lowe, and J R. Sebastian
Improved statistical tests for differential gene expression by shrinking variance components estimates., X Cui, J T. Hwang, J Qiu, N J. Blades, and G A. Churchill
Improved therapeutic index of cis-diammine dichloro platinum (ddp) by diethyldithiocarbamate (dtc) in rodents. Abstr., K O. Oommen, H Miller, and J D. Khandekar
Improved therapeutic index with sequential n-phosphonacetyl-l-aspar- tate plus high-dose methotrexate plus high-dose 5-fluorouracil and appropriate rescue., D S. Martin, R L. Stolfi, R C. Sawyer, S Spiegelman, and C W. Young
Improved therapy of sarcoma 180 with a 5-arylpyrimidine antifolate and leucovorin. Abstr., F M. Sirotnak and D M. Dorick
Improved transfection of CV-1 and COS 1 cells using reduced serum medium., J D. Saffer and D L. Hughes
Improved transformation of c3h/10t1/2cl8 cells by direct-and indirect-acting carcinogens. Abstr., S Nesnow, H Garland, and G Curtis
Improvement in the therapeutic, immunological, and clearance properties of escherichia coli and erwinia carotovora l-aspar- aginases by attachment of poly-dl-alanyl peptides., J R. Uren and R C. Ragin
Improvement of abnormal chediak-higashi host defense with lithium. Abstr., S S. Kaplan, U E. Zdiarski, S S. Boggs, R E. Basford, and M A. Petro
Improvement of lung tumor radiotherapy through differential chemo- protection of normal and tumor tissue., J M. Yuhas
Improvement of tumor immunity by rna and cyclic amp. Abstr., P G. Rigby
Improvements on the Evans Blue Dye-Dilution method of blood volume determination for mice., Robert M. Pyle
Imputation of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in inbred mice using local phylogeny., Jeremy R Wang, Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Villena, Heather A Lawson, James M Cheverud, Gary A Churchill, and Leonard McMillan
Impy and its beta-ribosyl metabolite show differential in vitro effects. Abstr., J Neidhart and A Sagone
Imuran-induced regression of plasma cell tumor mopc-315., M Schlossberg and V P. Hollander
Inability of anticoagulants to prevent pulmonary metastases in murine breast cancer. Abstr., R C. Williamson, P J. Lyndon, and T Lai
Inability of choleragenoid-sensitized cells to induce t cell- -mediated cytolysis., J Forman and R A. Finkelstein
Inability of edta to prevent damage mediated by cytolytic t- -lymphocytes., E Martz
Inability of fetal mouse thymic pre-t cells to exhibit natural killer (nk) activity. Abstr., S C. Miller
Inability of lymphokine to activate macrophages to kill a mucocutaneous strain of leishmania. Abstr., P A. Scott, D L. Sacks, C A. Nacy, and A Sher
Inability of methionine to affect lethality in mice and rats exposed to x-rays., Z M. Bacq and M L. Beaumariage
Inability of mice to generate cytotoxic t lymphocytes to vesicular stomatitis virus restricted to h-2kk or h-2dk., K L. Rosenthal and R M. Zinkernagel
Inability of mouse blastomere nuclei transferred to enucleated zygotes to support development in vitro., J McGrath and D Solter
Inability of normal and activated thymus-derived cells to act as cytotoxic effector cells against antibody-coated targets., J Forman, S Britton, and G Moller
Inability of the c3a anaphylatoxin to promote cellular lysis., M G. Goodman, W O. Weigle, and T E. Hugli
Inability of the nzb/nzw f1 thymus to transfer cyclophosphamide- -induced tolerance to sheep erythrocytes., M E. Jacobs, J K. Gordon, and N Talal
Inability of thymus cells from newborn donors to restore transplantation immunity in athymic mice., W Pierpaoli
Inability to demonstrate hydroxylation of tyrosine by murine melanoma "tyrosinase" (l-dopa oxidase), using the tritiated water assay technique., H C. Shapiro, L M. Edelstein, R P. Patel, M R. Okun, A Blackburn, M Snyder, T Brennan, and G Wilgram
Inability to detect the presence of cyclic 3',5'-cmp (ccmp) in mouse leukemia l-1210 cells employing a highly specific and sensitive radioimmunoassay (ria) abstr., G Krishna, N Kim, and T Hundley
Inability to elicit rapid cytocidal effects on l1210 cells derived from prophyrin-injected mice following in vitro photoirradiation., D A. Musser and gupta N. Datta
Inability to induce tolerance in nzb and b/w mice. Abstr., P J. Staples and N Talal
Inability to induce tolerance to bovine gamma globulin in mice infected at birth with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus., T Pincus, W P. Rowe, P J. Staples, and N Talal
Inability to predict mammary tumorigenesis in strain a mice from presence of mammary tumor virus or antigen in the milk., W E. Heston, W T. Hall, G Vlahakis, J Charney, and D H. Moore
In achondroplastic (cn/cn) mice., E Bonucci, G Gheradi, A D. Marco, B Nicoletti, D P. Petrinelli, and C M. Bone
Inactication of thymus and marrow-derived lymphocytes by heterologous antilymphocyte serum (als)., H Jeejeebhoy
Inactivation and reactivation of living tumor cells. Abstr., C A. Apffel
Inactivation by electron radiation of the capacity of goldenrod polysaccharide to induce vacuolization in ascites tumor cells., J W. Preiss, M Belkin, and W G. Hardy
Inactivation du virus leucemogene de gross par les radiations uv, x et gamma., R Latarjet
[Inactivation of allogeneic stem cells by lymphocytes identical as regards the H2 system of tissue compatibility], R V. Petrov, I K. Egorov, L S. Seslavina, E I. Panteleev, and O S. Egorova
Inactivation of amino acid transport systems in ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells by cobalt-60 gamma radiation., E G. Archer
Inactivation of antigen-responsive clones with antisera specific for igm or igd., F S. Ligler, J C. Cambier, E S. Vitetta, J R. Kettman, and J W. Uhr
Inactivation of c3 and inhibition of arthus reactions in mice by flufenamate na. Abstr., P F. Kohler and J S. Martinez
Inactivation of cells involved in adoptive transfer., N R. Sinclair, R K. Lees, S Abrahams, P L. Chan, G Fagan, D C. Stiller, and T O. Complex
Inactivation of conditional Rb by Villin-Cre leads to aggressive tumors outside the gastrointestinal tract., M H. Kucherlapati, A A. Nguyen, R T. Bronson, and R S. Kucherlapati
Inactivation of cultured human cells and control of c3h mouse mammary tumors with accelerated nitrogen ions., D Q. Brown, H G. Seydel, and P Todd
Inactivation of mammalian cells after disintegrations of 3h or 125i in cell dna at -196degree c., H J. Burki, R Roots, L Feinendegen, and V Bond
Inactivation of murine sarcoma amd leukemia viruses by ultra-violet irradiation., G Kelloff, S A. Aaronson, and R V. Gilden
Inactivation of murine xenotropic oncornavirus by normal mouse sera is not immunoglobulin-mediated., P J. Fischinger, J N. Ihle, D P. Bolognesi, and W Schafer
Inactivation of progesterone by fetal mouse tissues in vitro., T R. Forbes, A J. Coulombre, and J L. Coulombre
Inactivation of stem cells after transplantation of mixtures of haemopoietic or lymphoid cells of different genotypes., R V. Petrov, V M. Manyko, E I. Panteleyev, and L S. Seslavina
Inactivation of stem cells by lymphocytes nonlinked to the h-2 histocompatibility system., R V. Petrov, L S. Seslavina, E I. Pantelejev, and O S. Yegorova
Inactivation of the UNC5C Netrin-1 receptor is associated with tumor progression in colorectal malignancies., A Bernet, L Mazelin, M M. Coissieux, N Gadot, S L. Ackerman, J Y. Scoazec, and P Mehlen
Inactivation of tumour cells by spermatozoa. Abstr., M E. Whisson and R J. Goldacre
Inactivation or elimination of potentially trypanolytic complement-activating immune complexes by pathogenic trypan- osomes., A E. Balber, J D. Bangs, S M. Jones, and R L. Proia
Inactive 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase in broken cell preparations of various mammalian tissues and cell cultures., S E. Saucier and A A. Kandutsch
Inactive enzyme molecules in aging mice, liver aldolase., H Gershon and D Gershon
In adult h-2 incompatible parabiont chimeras. Abstr., D W. Drell, G A. Carlson, T G. Wegmann, T E. Stimulatory, and A A. Unresponsiveness
In advanced l1210 leukaemia., J S. Tobias, L M. Parker, and M H. Frei
In a fully h-2 incompatible chimera, t cells of donor origin can respond to minor histocompatibility antigens in association with either donor or host h-2 type., P Matzinger and G Mirkwood
I-n. A newly described h-2 i subregion between k and i-a., C E. Hayes and F H. Bach
In antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy-1968, american soc., P W. Muggleton, C H. O'callaghan, R D. Foord, S M. Kirby, D D. Ryan, and T A. Cephalexin
Inapparent transmissible agents in oncology and their influence on tumor and host., V Riley, E Huerto, J D. Loveless, D Bardell, M Fitzmaurice, and C Forman
Inappropriate alloantigen-like specificities detected on reticulum cell sarcoma of sjl/j mice. Abstr., B Bonavida and J M. Roman
Inappropriate alloantigen-like specificities detected on reticulum cell sarcomas of sjl/j mice. Characterization and biological role. Abstr., B Bonavida, J Roman, and I V. Hutchinson
Inappropriate alloantigen-like specificities detected on reticulum cell sarcomas of sjl/j mice: characterization and biologic role., B Bonavida, J M. Roman, and I V. Hutchinson
Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone in nude mice bearing a human bronchogenic oat cell carcinoma., Y Kondo, Y Mizumoto, S Katayama, T Murase, T Yamaji, N Ohsawa, and K Kosaka
In a radiation chimaera, host h-2 antigens determine immune responsiveness of donor cytotoxic cells., M J. Bevan
In association with morphological differentiation., Y Kawasaki, N Wakayama, T Koike, M Kawai, D T. Amano, and G I. Cell
Inaugural address of the President of the University of Michigan., C C. Little
In autoimmune mrl-lpr/lpr mice. Abstr., T J. Santoro, W Benjamin, J J. Oppenheim, D A. Steinberg, and A B. Production
In balb/cfc3h mammary tissues. Abstr., J A. St george, R D. Cardiff, L J. Young, D L. Faulkin, and S O. Antigens
Inborn resistance of mice to myxoviruses. Macrophages express phenotype in vitro., J Lindenmann, E Deuel, S Fanconi, and O Haller
Inbred c3h mouse substrain differences demonstrated in experimental murine leprosy., M Lovik, F M. Collins, and O Closs
Inbred mice and their hybrids as an animal model for atherosclerosis research, p. 313-327., A Roberts and J S. Thompson
Inbred mice in research., M F. Festing
Inbred mice in teaching elementary genetics., E B. Barnawell
Inbred mouse strain resistance to mycobacterium lepraemurium follows the ity/lsh pattern., I N. Brown, A A. Glynn, and J Plant
Inbred strains of mice. Abstr., murad C. Abu, L Pekkanen, D Parks, B Bradford, E Glassman, D R. Thurman, and S O. Three
Inbreeding and copulatory behavior in house mice: a further consideration., D A. Dewsbury, J M. Oglesby, S L. Shea, and J L. Connor
Inbreeding depression and heterosis of litter size in mice., J C. Bowman and D S. Falconer
Inbreeding, fertility, and viability., N Medvedev
Inbreeding: Is it important in natural populations?, T H. Roderick
In c3h/10t1/2 cells. Abstr., A B. Okey, M E. Mason, E B. Gehly, C Heidelberger, J Muncan, N M. Dufresne, and T B. Receptor
Incapacity of hematopoietic stem cell-deprived mice to produce tumor colonies induced by friend virus-infected cells., F Wendling, P Tambourin, and gachelin F. Moreau
In childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, blasts at different stages of immunophenotypic maturation have stem cell properties., C le Viseur, M Hotfilder, S Bomken, K Wilson, S Rottgers, A Schrauder, A Rosemann, J Irving, R W. Stam, L D. Shultz, J Harbott, H Jurgens, M Schrappe, R Pieters, and J Vormoor
Incidence and metastatic pattern of lymphoreticular neoplasms in untreated nzo/bl mice., C Goodall, M Bielschowsky, and D Forster
Incidence and morphology of equine and murine chondrocytic cilia., N J. Wilsman, C E. Farnum, and aksamit D. Reed
Incidence and pathological features of spontaneous tumors in athymic nude mice., F E. Sharkey and J Fogh
Incidence and specificities of iga and igm anti-igg auto- antibodies in various mouse strains and colonies., J L. Van snick and P L. Masson
Incidence and type of tumours induced by oral dmba in nk- -deficient c57bl bg/bg mice, +/bg littermates and h-2 congenic strains of b10 of varying nk activity. Abstr., A J. Cochran, S Argov, K Karre, G O. Klein, and G Klein
Incidence des injections du virus polyome sur la leucemogenese de la souris akr., R Favre, H Bonneau, and Y Carcassonne
Incidence des leucemies lymphoides apres irradiation de souriceaux., G Rudali and J Reverdy
Incidence of cardiac and other soft tissue mineralized lesions in dba/2 mice., R W. Rings and J E. Wagner
Incidence of cells simultaneously secreting igm and igg antibody to sheep erythrocytes., G Nossal, N Warner, and H Lewis
Incidence of delayed mortality (secondary disease) in allogeneic radiation chimeras receiving bone marrow from aged mice., M G. Chen, G B. Price, and T Makinodan
Incidence of delayed mortality (secondary disease) in allogeneic radiation chimeras receiving bone marrow from aged mice., M G. Chen, G B. Price, and T Makinodan
Incidence of endogenous bacterial infection in murine radiation chimeras with secondary disease., J R. Watson and C W. Hammond
Incidence of friend virus-induced polycythemia in splenectomized mice., M P. Mcgarry and E A. Mirand
Incidence of group-specific (gs) antigens of type c tumor viruses in spontaneous neoplasms of balb/ccr mice., R L. Peters, G J. Spahn, L S. Rabstein, and R J. Huebner
Incidence of homografted tumor cells in draining lymph nodes of mice with enhancing antiserum., N Kaliss
Incidence of homografted tumor cells in draining lymph nodes of mice with enhancing antiserum., N Kaliss
Incidence of inherited enzyme activity variants in feral mouse populations., G Bulfield, J M. Hall, and S Tsakas
Incidence of leukemia and nonlymphatic tumors in mice with glomerulosclerosis and allied disorders., J M. Yuhas and N K. Clapp
Incidence of leukemia and other tumors in thymectomized irradiated mice bearing thymic transplants., R W. O'gara and J Ards
Incidence of lung tumours induced by urethane in mice exposed to reduced atmospheric pressure., H A. Ellis, J A. Styles, and A G. Heppleston
Incidence of lymphatic leukemia and methylcholanthrene-induced cancer in laboratory mice subjected to stress., N Kaliss and J L. Fuller
Incidence of lymphatic leukemia and methylcholanthrene-induced cancer in laboratory mice subjected to stress., N Kaliss and J L. Fuller
Incidence of lymphatic leukemia and methylcholanthrene-induced cancer in laboratory mice subjected to stress., N Kaliss and J L. Fuller
Incidence of mammary and pituitary tumors in hybrid mice treated with stilbestrol for varying periods., F L. Richardson
Incidence of mouse ascites induced by adjuvant and/or staphylococcal- -adjuvant mixtures in 17 different strains of mice. Abstr., R Lieberman and N Mantel
Incidence of nondisjunction in mouse oocytes., I Hansmann and nahass E. El
Incidence of polyspermy in mouse eggs fertilized in vivo and in vitro after administration of progesterone and oestradiol., L R. Fraser and I Maudlin
Incidence of pulmonary metastases for various neoplasms in balb/cstcrifc3h/nctr female mice fed n-2-fluorenylacetamide., C H. Frith, N A. Littlefield, and R Umholtz
Incidence of spontaneous hepatomas in hepatectomized c3h/mza male mice., J M. Echave llanos and I E. Saffe
Incidence of spontaneous mammary carcinoma in the new strain of indian laboratory mouse., K J. Ranadive, K A. Kamal, T G. Coutinho, and V R. Khanolkar
Incidence of spontaneous neoplasms in breeding and retired breeder balb/ccr mice throughout the natural life span., R L. Peters, L S. Rabstein, G J. Spahn, and R J. Huebner
Incidence of spontaneous tumors in CD (R) -1 HaM-ICR mice., D H. Percy and A M. Jonas
Incidence of squamous cell carcinoma in mice fed 9,10-dimethylbenz(a)- anthracene., A S. Mulay
Incidence of supernumerary and deficient mammae in various inbred strains of mice., Catherine Brown
Incidence of tumours in back cross mice., M A. Head
Incidence of xo mice after x-irradiation of spermatogonia., A Leonard and J H. Schroder
Incidence with urethan in c3h, c3hf and c3he male mice., W E. Heston, G V. Deringer, G I. Hepatomas, and T I. This
Inclusion bodies in denervated skeletal muscles of mice., N Nakashima
Inclusion group systems and cis-trans effects in responses controlled by the complementing ir-glo genes., M E. Dorf, P H. Maurer, C F. Merryman, and B Benacerraf
Inclusions in mitochondria of preputial glands from mice, a combined biochemical and morphologic study., G Sansone, D C. Swartzendruber, and F Snyder
In collaboration: the Jackson Laboratory Craniofacial Resource., J D. Bauschatz, M M. Curtain, M T. Davisson, P W. Lane, and L R. Donahue
In comparison to B6, is faster aging of hematopoietic stem cell function in BALB/cBy due to increased susceptibility to genomic instability?, Harmony B. Bell
Incompatibility and/or immunization against mls determinants delay gvhr-mortality and abrogate mlr via suppressor cells. Abstr., L Berumen and pannenko O. Halle
Incompatibility at irrelevant h-2 specificities augments in vivo stimulation of alloaggressive cells., P N. Jorgensen
Incompatibility for or pre-immunization against mls determinants decreases lethal graft-versus-host reaction developed across non-h-2 and/or h-2 barriers., pannenko O. Halle and H Festenstein
Incomplete adjustment caused by frustration of untrained fighting mice., J P. Scott
Incomplete expression of the mopc 460 idiotype in the sera of balb/c mice immunized either with dnp antigen or with anti-idio- typic antibodies., P Sanchez, C L. Guern, and P Cazenave
Incomplete glycosylation of asn 563 in mouse immunoglobulin m., D R. Anderson, P Samaraweera, and W J. Grimes
Incomplete inactivation of the tabby locus in the mouse x-chromosome. Abstr., B M. Cattanach
Incomplete restoration of t-cell reactivity in nude mice after neonatal allogeneic thymus grafting., F Loor, B Kindred, and L Hagg
Incomplete sedimentation of rauscher leukaemia virus particles during ultracentrifugation., S Offers and P Bentvelzen
Incomplete viral synthesis in friend leukemia virus- -induced reticulum cell sarcomas., D R. Black and A H. Fieldsteel
Inconsistency of experimental amyloidosis in mice., A Toivanen, P Toivanen, E Yunis, G Rodey, and R Good
Inconsistent response of b16 melanoma to bcg immunotherpay., J W. Kreider, G L. Bartlett, and D M. Purnell
Inconspicuous murine leukemia virus induced heterologous cell fusion in the interpretation of cellular and molec- ular interactions. Abstr., D H. Nichols, J D. Sheridan, and J R. Sheppard
Incorporation and degradation of 125i-insulin by mouse hepatoma cells. Abstr., N M. Fedynskyj, M L. Chandler, and L V. Beck
Incorporation and metabolic conversion of cyanocobalamin by ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo., K Peirce, T Abe, and B A. Cooper
Incorporation de [3h] noradrenaline dans les synaptosomes de cerveaux de souris non mutantes et quaking., Y Maurin, N Baumann, and S Pollet
Incorporation de l'acide (1-14c)-linoleique dans les microsomes des tumeurs ascitiques de krebs., J Lloveras, M Record, and blazy L. Douste
Incorporation into l1210 cells and selective modification of immunogenicity by chlorohydroxyacetonebenzoate, a potential immunotherapeutic agent. Abstr., W J. Burlingham, D J. Mccarthy, and T P. Fondy
Incorporation of [1-14c]oleic acid and [1-14c]arachidonic acid into lipids in the subcellular fractions of mouse brain., G Y. Sun and T M. Yau
Incorporation of (1-14c)-oleic acid into neutral glycerides and phosphoglycerides of mouse brain., T Yau and G Sun
Incorporation of 125i-iododeoxyuridine into target cells as an assay for cell immunity., F Fish, M Yaakubovicz, and I P. Witz
Incorporation of (14c)glucosamine and (14c)leucine into mouse kidney beta-glucuronidase induced by gonadotrophin., K Kato, H Ide, T Shirahama, and W H. Fishman
Incorporation of 32p into nucleic acids in mammary tissue of mice sus- ceptible and resistant to breast cancer., N A. Sheth, S V. Bhide, and K J. Ranadive
Incorporation of 35so4 into endogenous heparin by a microsomal fraction from mast cell tumors., J E. Silbert
Incorporation of [3h]leucine into three subfractions of myelin in murine myelin dysgenesis. The quaking mutant., D A. Figlewicz and M J. Druse
Incorporation of 3h-l-fucose into brain glycoproteins during environmental stimulation following intracranial, intravenous, or subcutaneous injections., T Damstra, D Entingh, J E. Wilson, and E Glassman
Incorporation of 3h-l-lysine into brain subcellular particles. Abstr., M Hershkowitz, E Glassman, and J E. Wilson
Incorporation of (3h)phenylalanine into corticotrophin by the poster- ior pituitary of the mouse in vitro., V F. Thornton and H Isherwood
Incorporation of 5-azacytidine into liver ribonucleic acids of leukemic mice sensitive and resistant to 5-azacytidine., A Cihak, J Vesely, and F Sorm
Incorporation of 5-flourouracil (fu) into murine bone marrow dna in vivo-formation of (fu)dna. Abstr., R C. Sawyer, R L. Stolfi, and D S. Martin
Incorporation of 5-fluorouracil-2-C14 by mouse embryos., C P. Dagg, A Doerr, and C Offutt
Incorporation of 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine-131i into nuclear and mitochondrial dna of normal and malignant mouse tissues., J G. Georgatsos, O Antonoglou, and C Gabrielides
Incorporation of 5-iododeozyuridine 131i in spontaneous c3h mouse mammary tumours., A D. Rotenberg, W R. Bruce, and R G. Baker
Incorporation of 5-trifluoromethyl-2'-deoxyuridine (f3tdr) into dna of l5178y cells and vaccinia virus. Abstr., T Oki, Y Fujiwara, and C Heidelberger
Incorporation of 6-thioguanine into nucleic acids., G A. Le page
Incorporation of [7-3h]cholesterol into chromatin fractions of ehrlich ascites tumour cells., Z Balint, L Holczinger, and K Szikla
Incorporation of a potent antileukemic agent, 5-aza-2'- -deoxycytidine, into dna of cells from leukemic mice., J Vesely and A Cihak
Incorporation of dna by cells of the ehrlich-lettre ascites carcinoma., L Gibb and E R. Kay
Incorporation of dna into a mouse tumor in vivo and in vitro., G F. Rabotti
Incorporation of donor muscle precursor cells into an area of muscle regeneration in the host mouse., D J. Watt, K Lambert, J E. Morgan, T A. Partridge, and J C. Sloper
Incorporation of formate-c14 in normal and leukemic mice during extended treatment with amethopterin and 3',5'-dichloroamethopterin., A W. Schrecker, J A. Mead, and A Goldin
Incorporation of glucosamine into the gamma globulin fraction of ehrlich ascites tumor fluid. Abstr., D W. Kaspar and J P. Kaltenbach
Incorporation of glycine-1-C14 into nucleic acids and proteins of mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy., D L. Coleman and M E. Ashworth
Incorporation of gmp into specific trna molecules by extracts of ehrlich ascites tumour cells., T Itoh, I Haruna, and I Watanabe
Incorporation of host nuclear materials into transplanted tumour cells in surgical wounds., A E. Dumont, J H. Ayvazian, and R T. Mccluskey
Incorporation of ia antigens into lipid vesicles. Abstr., D R. Littman, S E. Cullen, and B D. Schwartz
Incorporation of intact heterologous dna into strain l fibroblasts. Abstr., D W. King and K G. Bensch
Incorporation of iododeoxyuridine-125i into the dna of l1210 leukemia cells during tumor development., K G. Hofer and W L. Hughes
Incorporation of iododeoxyuridine into the deoxyribonucleic acid of mouse ehrlich-ascites-tumor cells in vivo., W H. Prusoff
Incorporation of isologous donor dna into the nuclei of l1210 cells. Abstr., A Majumdar and J L. Glick
Incorporation of labeled amino acids into serum and tissue proteins from normal and x-irradiated mice., A M. Reuther, A Sassen, and F Kennes
Incorporation of labelled amino acids into protein fractions of the cell nuclei of liver and ehrlich ascitic carcinoma., O P. Samarina
Incorporation of linoleic acid into cellular lipids of differentiating neuroblastoma cells. Abstr., L Matthews, D Kelley, and P B. Smith
Incorporation of lipids into subcellular fractions of brain of quaking mutant., jackson B. Albers, S Greenfield, S W. Brostoff, and E L. Hogan
Incorporation of metabolites of 2'-fluoro-5-iodo-1-betad-arabino- furanosylcytosine into deoxyribonucleic acid of neoplastic and normal mammalian tissues., A J. Grant, A Feinberg, T Chou, K A. Watanabe, A J. Fox, and F S. Philips
Incorporation of murine mhc antigens into liposomes and their effect in the secondary mixed lymphocyte reaction., B Curman, L Ostberg, and P A. Peterson
Incorporation of nucleic acid and protein precursors by developing mouse eggs. Abstr., B Mintz
Incorporation of nucleic acid and protein precursors into ascites tumor cells. Abstr., E R. Kay
Incorporation of p32 into phosphatidopeptide fraction of normal and neoplastic mouse epidermis., V E. Scholes
Incorporation of palmitic acid or oleic acid into macrophage membrane lipids exerts differential effects on the function of normal mouse peritoneal macrophages., B R. Lokesh and M Wrann
Incorporation of proline and conversion to hydroxyproline in new- born-mouse skin., J Mc lennan and M Karasek
Incorporation of pyrimidines and boron analogues into brain tumour and brain tissue of mice. An approach to boron-neutron capture therapy., H Hatanaka, A H. Soloway, and H Sweet
Incorporation of radioactive dna into ehrlich ascites cells. Abstr., M R. Chorazy, H H. Baldwin, and R K. Boutwell
Incorporation of radioactivity following administration of testosterone-3h in the androgen dependent mouse tumor, shionogi carcinoma 115., T Minesita, K Yamaguchi, I Yahara, and K Matsumoto
Incorporation of radioactivity into phospholipid fractions of l5178y lymphoblasts after treatment with hydrolyzed nitrogen-14c mustard., G J. Goldenberg and A Naimark
Incorporation of teratocarcinoma stem cells into blastocysts by aggregation with cleavage-stage embryos., J T. Fujii and G R. Martin
Incorporation of three methionine labels, radioautographic comparison of the sites of c14, s35 and h3., I Karpishka and J Carneiro
Incorporation of thymidine and iodeoxyuridine in mammalian cells in vitro., D K. Myers and L E. Feinendegan
Incorporation of thymidine into dna of mouse organs., H R. Hinrichs, R O. Petersen, and R Baserga
Incorporation of tritiated thymidine of high specific activity into dna of the mouse oocyte., P R. Hurst
Incorporation of tritiated uridine into dna of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., B K. Yost, M J. Rosenberg, and D J. Nishioka
Incorporation of uridine-3h into mouse brain rna during stress. Abstr, R N. Bryan, E L. Bliss, and E C. Beck
Incorporation of uridine into polysomes of mouse brain during extinction., M S. Coleman, J E. Wilson, and E Glassman
Incorporation rates of [1-14c]glycerol into the molecular species of alkyl ether phospholipids of ehrlich ascites tumor cells in vivo., K Waku and Y Nakazawa
Increased [3h] leucine incorporation into proinsulin of diabetic mice islets: result of changed intracellular specific radioactivity. Abstr., S Schmidt and B Wilke
Increased 5-fluorodeoxyuridylate-thymidylate synthetase complex does not predict cytotoxicity for cells pretreated with metho- trexate before fluoropyrimidines. Abstr., E Cadman, R Dreyer, R Heimer, M G. Chen, and C Benz
Increased 7s antibody response to sheep erythrocytes in the 2-month- -old nzb mouse., J Baum
Increased accumulation of methotrexate by murine tumor cells in vitro in the presence of probenecid which is mediated by a pre- ferential inhibition of efflux., F M. Sirotnak, D M. Moccio, and C W. Young
Increased accumulation of vincristine and adriamycin in drug-resistant p388 tumor cells following incubation with calcium antagonists and calmodulin inhibitors., T Tsuruo, H Iida, S Tsukagoshi, and Y Sakurai
Increased activation of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine by hydroxyurea in l1210 cells., C T. Walsh, R W. Craig, and R P. Agarwal
Increased activation of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine by hydroxyurea in l1210 cells. Abstr., C T. Walsh, R W. Craig, and R P. Agarwal
Increased activity of antithymus serum after absorption with splenic lymphocytes., D C. Lueker and J L. Tribble
Increased alkaline phosphatase specific activity in reeler cerebella., B D. Shur, G R. Long, and S Roth
Increased antibacterial resistance and immunodepression during graft-versus-host reactions in mice., R V. Blanden
Increased anticonvulsant effect of phenytoin in aging bdf1 mice., K Kitani, Y Masuda, Y Sato, S Kanai, T, and M Nokubo
Increased antitumor activity of escherichia coli l-asparaginase by modification with monomethyoxypolyethylene glycol., Y Kamisaki, H Wada, T Yagura, H Nishimura, Y Matsushima, and Y Inada
Increased antitumor effects of methotrexate in mice by prebenecid- -mediated pharmacologic modulation at the level of membrane trans- port. Abstr., C H. Hancock, F M. Sirotnak, D M. Moccio, C W. Young, and D W. Molander
Increased araatp levels and inhibition of dna synthesis in leukemia cells treated with a combination of 9-beta-d- -arabinosyladenine (araa) and an adenosine deaminase inhibitor. Abstr., R W. Brockman, S C. Shaddix, L M. Rose, and J Carpenter
Increased attachment of nucleic acids to eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells induced by chemical and physical carcinogens and mutagens., H Kubinski, N R. Morin, and P E. Zeldin
Increased bactericidal activity by non-specific stimulation of lymphoid cells--experiments in vivo with concanavalin a., F Lane, J C. Petit, E Gordon, and E R. Unanue
Increased binding of alpha-bungarotoxin in dystrophic mouse muscle., P R. Howe, B G. Livett, and L Austin
Increased binding of concanavalin a to interferon-treated murine leukemia l 1210 cells., C Huet, I Gresser, M T. Bandu, and P Lindahl
Increased B lymphopoiesis in genetically sex steroid-deficient hypogonadal (hpg) mice., G Smithson, W G. Beamer, K L. Shultz, S W. Christianson, L D. Shultz, and P W. Kincade