Content Posted in 2012
The mechanism of action of cytotoxic cells. Abstr., C S. Henney
The mechanism of action of methotrexate in cultured l5178y leukemia cells., W M. Hryniuk
The mechanism of antitumor immunity studied by means of transfers of immunity., J Bubenik and P Koldovsky
The mechanism of asparaginase resistance of leukemic cells, correla- tions with alterations in asparaginyl-transfer rna. Abstr., R C. Gallo, J Longmore, and R H. Adamson
The mechanism of carcinogenesis in breast tumour development in mice., ghera N. Haran
The mechanism of cell fusion. I. Energy requirements for virus- -induced fusion of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., A Yanovsky and A Loyter
The mechanism of cell mediated cytotoxicity. Iii. Protease-spec- ific inhibitors preferentially block later events in cytotoxic t lymphocyte-mediated lysis than do inhibitors of methylation or thiol-reactive agents., D Redelman and D Hudig
The mechanism of cell-mediated cytotoxicity. I. Killing by murine cytotoxic t lymphocytes requires cell surface thiols and activated proteases., D Redelman and D Hudig
The mechanism of cholera toxin-induced suppression of natural killer cytotoxicity., S Fuyama, M Naiki, and F Sendo
The mechanism of combined action of penicillin and streptoymcin on antibiotic resistant staphylococci. II. In vivo studies., D Borecka, A Kunicka, and D Ruszczyk
The mechanism of cumulus cell-oocyte uncoupling: evidence for the participation of both cumulus cells and oocytes., J J. Eppig and Bailey P. Ward
The mechanism of cumulus cell-oocyte uncoupling: evidence for the participation of both cumulus cells and oocytes., J J. Eppig and bailey P. Ward
The mechanism of enhanced radioresistance by phenylhydrazine in mice., P Van caneghem
The mechanism of enhanced renal allograft survival by blood transfusions., D P. Singal, S Joseph, and P S. Nagarkatti
The mechanism of glucose inhibition of 45ca efflux from pancreatic islets. Abstr., P O. Berggren, A Buitrago, E Gylfe, K Hammerstrom, and B Hellman
The mechanism of immunological enhancment of h-2 incompatible skin grafts in mice., J Chutna
The mechanism of immunological unresponsiveness to picryl chloride and the possible role of antibody mediated depression., G Asherson, M Zembala, and R Barnes
The mechanism of immunoresistance of h(zl) mice to c57bl/6 tumors., P H. Chauvenet and D B. Amos
The mechanism of immunosuppression by in vivo ultraviolet irradiation. Abstr., E C. De fabo and F P. Noonan
The mechanism of increased sensitivity of neuraminidase treated cells to antibody induced cytolysis. Abstr., P K. Ray, H Gewurz, and R L. Simmons
The mechanism of induction of ovarian tumors in the mouse by 7, 12- dimethylbenz(a)anthracene. I. Effect of steroid hormones and carcinogen concentration in vivo., J W. Jull, D J. Streeter, and L Sutherland
The mechanism of inhibition by corynebacterium parvum of the growth of lung nodules from intravenously injected tumour cells., R Bomford and M Olivotto
The mechanism of inhibition of t-cell mediated lysis by cytochalasins a and b. Abstr., J E. Bubbers and C S. Henney
The mechanism of intercellular aggregation. I. The kinetics of the fc gamma receptor-mediated aggregation of p388d1 cells with antibody-coated lymphocytes at 4 c., D M. Segal and D A. Stephany
The mechanism of interferon induction in mouse spleen cells stimulated with hvj., Y Ito, Y Nishiyama, K Shimokata, I Nagata, H Takeyama, and A Kunii
The mechanism of internuclea transmission of SV40-induced complement fixation antigen in heterokaryocytes., Z Steplewski, B B. Knowles, and H Koprowski
The mechanism of k-cell (antibody-dependent) mediated cytotoxicity. Iii. The ultrastructure of k cell project- ions and their possible role in target cell killing., A M. Glauert and C J. Sanderson
The mechanism of leukemogenesis by the rauscher leukemia virus., D H. Pluznik, L Sachs, and P Resnitsky
The mechanism of radiation action in leukaemogenesis. Isolation of a leukaemogenic filtrable agent from tissues of irradiated and normal c57bl mice., ghera N. Haran and A Peled
The mechanism of radiation action in leukaemogenesis. The role of radiation in leukaemia development., ghera N. Haran
The mechanism of radiation action in leukemogenesis. Iii. Thymolytic effect induced by the leukemogenic agent., ghera N. Haran
The mechanism of radiation action in leukemogenesis. IV. Immune impairment as a coleukemogenic factor., ghera N. Haran and A Peled
The mechanism of reduction of cell-mediated cytotoxicity in neonatally thymectomized mice., H Kawauchi, K Taniguchi, C Kubo, Y Shimamoto, and K Nomoto
The mechanism of rejection of sarcoma i ascites tumor in the c57bl/6k mouse. Abstr., B Holmes and R S. Weiser
The mechanism of si02 (aerosil)-mediated enhancement of the proliferative response of mouse spleen lympho- cytes to antigen and mitogens in a serum-free system, M Burger, M W. Hess, and H Cottier
The mechanism of t cell mediated cytotoxicity. Iii. Changes in target cell susceptibility during the cell cycle., C J. Sanderson and J A. Thomas
The mechanism of t cell mediated cytotoxicity. IV. Studies on communicating junctions between cells in contact., C J. Sanderson, P J. Hall, and J A. Thomas
The mechanism of t-cell mediated cytotoxicity. Vii. Lysis of isolated cytoplasts and karyoplasts., C J. Sanderson and J A. Thomas
The mechanism of t cell mediated cytotoxicity. V. Morphological studies by electron microscopy., C J. Sanderson and A M. Glauert
The mechanism of the action of androgenic hormones on mouse-liver catalase., D H. Adams
The mechanism of the antitumour effect of glucans and fruc^@@@tosans. A comparison with c. Parvum. Abs, R Bomford and C Moreno
The mechanism of the initiating stage in the chemical carcinogenesis., N Melczer, M Hamar, and J Kiss
The mechanism of thymus-dependent antibody formation in bone marrow., G Koch, D G. Osmond, M H. Julius, and R Benner
The mechanisms of glutaraldehyde-fixed sarcoma 180 ascites cell aggregation., P Skehan
The mechanisms of the loss of tumor-promoting activity due to debromination of aplysiatoxin. Abstr., K Shimomura, H Ueyama, T Kakunaga, and T Sugimura
The mediastinal nodes of immunized mice with induced pulmonary carcinomas., R N. Baillif and E L. Jones
The melanocortin-1 receptor gene mediates female-specific mechanisms of analgesia in mice and humans., J S. Mogil, S G. Wilson, E J. Chesler, A L. Rankin, K V. Nemmani, W R. Lariviere, M K. Groce, M R. Wallace, and al et
The melanocytes of mammals., R E. Billingham and W K. Silvers
The melanocytotoxicity of gamma-l-glutaminyl-4-hydroxybenzene. A study of the pigmented cells in the mouse eye., E H. Koo, P C. Burger, and F S. Vogel
The melanosome, a distinctive subcellular particle of mammalian melanocytes and the site of melanogenesis., M Seiji, T B. Fitzpatrick, and M S. Birbeck
The membrane potential of ehrlich ascites tumor cells, microelectrode measurements and their critical evaluation., U Lassen, A Nielsen, L Pape, and L Simonsen
The merle or dapple pattern., E M. Dubuis
The metabolic effect of ciglitazone, a new oral hypoglycemic agent, in the insulin-resistant animal models. Abstr., A Y. Chang, B M. Wyse, and B J. Gilchrist
The metabolic fate of 14c-labeled peptidoglycan monomer in mice. I. Identification of the monomer and the corresponding pentapeptide in urine., J Tomasic, B Ladesic, Z Valinger, and I Hrsak
The metabolic fate of tritiated methotrexate. I. Absorption, excretion, and distribution in mice, rats, dogs and monkeys., E S. Henderson, R H. Adamson, C Denham, and V T. Oliverio
The metabolic pattern of (14c)formate incorporation in vivo and in vitro into the nucleic acids of normal mouse spleen and bone marrow., M Perretta, W Rudolph, G Aguirre, and G Hodgson
The metabolic treadmill: a screening tool to verify differences in mice with neuromuscular, metabolic, and cardiovascular disorders, Joseph Mercado
The metabolism and binding of testosterone in androgen-dependent and autonomous transplantable mouse mammary tumors., N Bruchovsky and J W. Meakin
The metabolism and binding to dna of benzo(a)pyrene (bp) in transformable and nontransformable c3h mouse fibroblasts. Abstr., E B. Gehly, A L. Shen, and C R. Jefcoate
The metabolism in vitro of (4-14c)cortisone by lymphosarcoma p1798., E Chang, A Mittelman, and F Rosen
The metabolism of (1-14c)arachidonic acid in the neutral glycerides and phosphoglycerides of mouse brain., T M. Yau and G Y. Sun
The metabolism of 2'-deoxycoformycin by l1210 cells in vitro., P M. Venner and R I. Glazer
The metabolism of 4-aminopyrazolo(3,4-d)pyrimidine in normal and neoplastic tissues., J F. Henderson and I G. Junga
The metabolism of 5-fluorouracil (fura) and 5-fluoro-2'-deoxy- -uridine (fdurd) in mouse t-lymphoma (s49) cells. Abstr., J L. Day, J Maybaum, B Ullman, and W Sadee
The metabolism of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene by homogenates of the stomach and small intestine of mice., A Gentil and P Sims
The metabolism of 7-ethyoxycoumarin and 7-hydroxycoumarin by rat and hairless mouse skin strips., S J. Moloney, J M. Fromson, and J W. Bridges
The metabolism of 9-arabinosyl-6-mercaptopurine in normal and neo- plastic tissues., A P. Kimball, G A. Page, and B Bowman
The metabolism of 9-butyl-6-thioguanine in normal and neoplastic tissues., A P. Kimball and G A. Page
The metabolism of alpha-2'-deoxythioguanosine in murine tumor cells., G A. Lepage
The metabolism of alpha-glycerophosphate and pyruvate in ascites tumor cells., C E. Wenner and santalo R. Cereijo
The metabolism of arachidonic acid in mouse brain in vivo. Abstr., T M. Yau and G Y. Sun
The metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene (bp) by cytochrome p450 in transformable and nontransformable c3h mouse fibro- blasts. Abstr., E B. Gehly, W E. Fahl, and C R. Jefcoate
The metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene by cytochrome p-450 in transformable and nontransformable c3h mouse fibroblasts., E B. Gehly, W E. Fahl, C R. Jefcoate, and C Heidelberger
The metabolism of creative-1-c14 by mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy., C D. Fitch, J D. Oates, and J S. Dinning
The metabolism of daunomycin by sensitive and resistant tumors growing in mice. Abstr., D W. Yesair and D Shuck
The metabolism of dibenz(a,h)anthracene (dba) by mouse hepatic microcomses and its relationship to dba-induced tumor formation. Abstr., R E. Kouri, G Connolly, D W. Nebert, and R A. Lubet
The metabolism of dibenz(a,h)anthracene (dba) by mouse hepatic microsomes and its relationship to dba induced tumor formation. Abstr., R A. Lubet, G Connolly, D W. Nebert, and R E. Kouri
The metabolism of different immunoglobulin classes in irradiated mice., H Bazin and F Malet
The metabolism of different immunoglobulin classes in irradiated mice. II. Role of the gut., H Bazin, P Maldague, and J F. Heremans
The metabolism of different immunoglobulin classes in irradiated mice. IV. Fate of circulating iga of tumour or transfusion origin., H Bazin, G Levi, and J F. Heremans
The metabolism of different immunoglobulin classes in irradiated mice. V. Contribution of the gut to serum iga levels in normal and irradiated mice., H Bazin, P Maldague, E Schonne, P A. Crabbe, H Bauldon, and J F. Heremans
The metabolism of ethidium bromide in normal and neoplastic tissues., T S. Kandaswamy and J F. Henderson
The metabolism of fatty acids by ascites hepatoma 98/15. Abstr., P G. Scholefield, S Sato, and S Weinhouse
The metabolism of formycin, an adenosine analogue., I C. Caldwell, J F. Henderson, and A R. Paterson
The metabolism of formycin by the ehrlich ascites carcinoma and a resistant subline. Abstr., I C. Caldwell, J F. Henderson, and A R. Paterson
The metabolism of hexobarbital in mice and methodology for isolation and quantitation of its metabolites in vivo and in vitro., N Gerber, R Lynn, R Holcomb, W L. Weller, and M T. Bush
The metabolism of ketones, triglyceride and monoglyceride in livers of obese hyperglycaemic mice., J M. Stein, P D. Bewsher, and J M. Stowers
The metabolism of L-glutamate and L-5-carboxy-pyrrolidone by mouse cells (NCTC clone 929) under conditions of defined nutrition., P A. Kitos and C Waymouth
The metabolism of lipids in mouse pancreatic islets. The oxidation of fatty acids and ketone bodies., C Berne
The metabolism of methadone by cultured mammalian cells., P C. Will and W D. Noteboom
The metabolism of nicotine into two optically-active stereo-isomers of nicotine-1-oxide by animal tissues in vitro and by cigarette smokers., J Booth and E Boyland
The metabolism of normal plasma proteins and gamma-myeloma protein in mice bearing plasma-cell tumors., J H. Humphrey and J L. Fahey
The metabolism of palmitic acid in the phospholipids, neutral glyce- rides and galactolipids of mouse brain., G Y. Sun and L A. Horrocks
The metabolism of pseudoisocytidine (pic) in p815 cells in vitro. Abstr., T Chou, C K. Chu, K A. Watanabe, M S. Zedeck, J J. Fox, and F S. Philips
The metabolism of purines by tumors., M E. Balis
The metabolism of radiophosphorus in mouse epidermis. Abstr., C G. Huggins, A A. Werder, and V E. Scholes
The metabolism of rhodium(ii) acetate in tumor-bearing mice., A Erck, E Sherwood, J L. Bear, and A P. Kimball
The metabolism of some [1-14c]glycyl dipepties in mice., B Sampson, B Barlow, and A Wilkinson
The metabolism of the phosphonium analogue of choline in cultured cells. A useful nuclear-magnetic-resonance probe for membrane phosphatidylcholine., E Sim and C A. Pasternak
The metabolism of the radiation protective agent aet in normal mice. Abstr., B Shapiro and E E. Schwartz
The metabolism of thioguanine in purine analog-resistant cells., A L. Bieber and A C. Sartorelli
The metabolism of variously labelled glucose in fatty livers from mice with congenital hyperglycaemia and obesitas., B Hellman, S Larsson, and S Westman
The metastatic behavior of a spleen-tropic reticulum cell sarcoma in splenectomized mice., H I. Pilgrim
The method of isolation of specific antigens of tumour and normal tissue., G I. Abelev and V S. Zvetkov
The MEV mouse linkage testing stock: mapping 30 novel proviral insertions and establishment of an improved stock., B A. Taylor, L Rowe, and D A. Grieco
The MHC class I-like Fc receptor promotes humorally mediated autoimmune disease., S Akilesh, S Petkova, T J. Sproule, D J. Shaffer, G J. Christianson, and D Roopenian
The MHC Class I-Like IgG Receptor Controls Perinatal IgG Transport, IgG Homeostasis, and Fate of IgG-Fc-Coupled Drugs., D C. Roopenian, G J. Christianson, T J. Sproule, A C. Brown, S Akilesh, N Jung, S Petkova, L Avanessian, E Y. Choi, D J. Shaffer, P A. Eden, and C L. Anderson
The MHC class I-related FcRn ameliorates murine Lyme arthritis., H Crowley, J Alroy, T J. Sproule, D Roopenian, and B T. Huber
The mhc regulates different specificity restrictions in the t cell proliferative response of mice to the lysozymes. Abstr., M E. Katz, R M. Maizels, B A. Araneo, A Miller, and E Sercarz
The micro-anatomy of the smallest biliary pathways in mouse liver tissue., W T. Daems
The microbiological and parasitological colonisation of specified- -pathogen-free mice maintained in a conventional animal house., R J. Taylor and T G. Doy
The microcirculatory events within full-thickness skin allografts (homografts) in mice., H A. Zarem
The micromorphology of a salivary-gland tumor of a mouse infected with polyoma virus., G A. Edwards, R F. Buffett, and J Furth
The micronucleus test as part of a short-term mutagenicity test program for the prediction of carcinogenicity evaluated by 143 agents tested., D Jenssen and C Ramel
The microscopic appearance of waved-2 mouse hairs., A Mc laren
The microscopic, three-dimensional viewing of mammalian chromosomes., L E. Schneider
The microsomal metabolism of some analogues of cyclophosphamide. 4-methylcyclophosphamide And 6-methylcyclophosphamide., P J. Cox, P B. Farmer, and M Jarman
The migration-inhibitory factor (mif). Effect of antilymphocytic serum on formation and performance of mif in murine in vitro experiments., P Ranlov and F Hardt
The migration of melanocytes in the skin of mice embryos., Danna Huthsteiner
The migratory behaviour of t blasts to contact sensitivity reactions in actively and passively sensitized mice., G G. Allwood
The migratory pathway of neural crest cells into the skin of mouse embryos., T C. Mayer
The milk-influence of breast tumors in mice., J J. Bittner
The minimal lenght of the differential segment in h-2 congenic lines., D Klein, S Tewarson, F Figueroa, and J Klein
The mitochondrial protease AFG3L2 is essential for axonal development., F Maltecca, A Aghaie, D G. Schroeder, L Cassina, B A. Taylor, S J. Phillips, M Malaguti, S Previtali, J L. Guenet, A Quattrini, G A. Cox, and G Casari
The mitochondrial uncoupling protein gene. Correlation of exon structure to transmembrane domains., L P. Kozak, J H. Britton, U C. Kozak, and J M. Wells
The mitochondrial uncoupling protein gene in brown fat: correlation between DNase I hypersensitivity and expression in transgenic mice., B B. Boyer and L P. Kozak
The mitogenic activity of a c57bl/10 mouse transplantable lymphoma., B G. Sanders, R L. Teplitz, and M Wilkie
The mitogenic activity of polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid complexes., I H. Han and A G. Johnson
The mitogenic effect of lipopolysaccharide. Metabolic processing of lipopolysaccharide by mouse lymphocytes., bachi P. Truffa, J G. Kaplan, and C Bona
The mitogenic effect of lipopolysaccharide on bone marrow-derived mouse lymphocytes. Lipid a as the mitogenic part of the molecule., J Andersson, F Melchers, C Galanos, and O Luderitz
The mitogenic effects of endotoxin and staphylococcal enterotoxin b on mouse spleen cells and human peripheral lymphocytes., D L. Peavy, W H. Adler, and R T. Smith
The mitogenic response of mouse lymphocytes to the lymphocytosis promoting factor (lpf) of bordetella pertussis. Abstr., A S. Kong and S I. Morse
The mitogenic response of spleen cells from mice of different ages. Abstr., goldman P. Sonnino and M E. Weksler
The mitotic activity of, and antibody production by, sensitized lymphocytes quantified after transfer into irradiated recipients., M J. Doenhoff, E Leuchars, and C T. Rees
The mitotic activity of regenerating liver of female mice in different stages of the estrous cycle., C Bordin and J M. Llanos
The mitotic cycle in the otocyst of the eleven day old mouse embryo. Abstr., R J. Ruben
The mitotic cycle of sarcoma 180., herren L. Simpson, J G. Blow, and P H. Brown
The mitotic index of megakaryocytes of mice after acute thrombocytopenia., T T. Odell and D A. Boran
The mitotic response of thymus-derived cells to a variety of different antigens. Lymphatic tissue and germinal center in immune response, plenum,, R Carter, A Davies, E Leuchars, V Wallis, and R Gershon
The mixed lymphocyte culture interaction, techniques and immuno- genetics., S F. Sorensen
The mixed lymphocyte reaction in h-2k, h-2d, and non-h-2 incompatibi- lity., M Rychlikova, P Demant, and P Ivanyi
The mixed lymphocyte reaction (mlr) with mouse peripheral lymphocytes. Abstr., P Hayry and V Defendi
The mixed lymphocyte response of senescent mice. Sensitivity to alloantigen and cell replication time., S Merhav and H Gershon
The mls system., H Festenstein
The mode of action of homocystein on mouse brain glutamic decarboxylase and gamma-aminobutyrate aminotransferase., G Tunnicliff and T T. Ngo
The mode of action of ovarian hormones in the induction of mammary cancer in mice., O Muhlbock and L M. Boot
The mode of action of the brachymorphic gene in the mouse., Jeanne Margoskee
The mode of action of thymic hormones and its relevance to t-cell differentiation., J Bach
The mode of interaction with macrophages of two ordered synthetic polypeptides which differ in their thymus dependency., M Schwartz, B Geiger, R Hooghe, eli M. Bar, R Gallily, E Mozes, and M Sela
The mode of timing of dna replication and of mitosis in cultured animal cells., H Moser
The mode of virus elaboration in c3h mouse mammary carcinoma as observed by electron microscopy in serial thin sections., T Imai, H Okano, A Matsumoto, and A Horie
The modification of teratogenic effects of excess vitamin a in mice by the oel gene. Abstr., K S. Brown, J Hassell, and A Amemiya
The modification of the growth characteristics of the landschutz ascites tumour by neuraminidase., J Brazil and H Mclaughlin
The modified 5'-terminal sequences in messenger rna of mouse myeloma cells., S Cory and J M. Adams
The modulation of lymphocyte functions by molecules secreted by macrophages. II. Conditions leading to increased secretion., E R. Unanue, J Kiely, and J Calderon
The modulation of microprojections on the lymphocyte membrane and the redistribution of membrane-bound ligands, a correlation., F Loor and L Hagg
The modulation of spontaneous and anti-ig-stimulated motility of lymphocytes by cyclic nucleotides and adrenergic and cholinergic agents., G F. Schreiner and E R. Unanue
The modulation of stem cells by doxorubicin (am) and vinblastine (vnbl): a comparison. Abstr., F Orsini, D Williams, and J Fitzpatrick
The molars of tabby chimaeras in the mouse., H Gruneberg, B Cattanach, A M. Laren, H Wolfe, and P Bowman
The molars on the tabby mouse, and a test of the 'single-active x- -chromosome' hypothesis., H Gruneberg
The molecular and functional characterization of a dominant minor H antigen, H60., S Malarkannan, P P. Shih, P A. Eden, T Horng, A R. Zuberi, G Christianson, D Roopenian, and N Shastri
The molecular and genetic analysis of mouse development., A Gossler and R Balling
The molecular bases of spontaneous immunological mutations in the mouse and their homologous human diseases., M J Joliat and Leonard D. Shultz
The molecular basis of codominant expression of the histocompat- ibility-2 genetic region., S E. Cullen, B D. Schwartz, S G. Nathenson, and M Cherry
The molecular basis of cross-reactivity of alloantigens and tumor antigens. Abstr., L Perry and M I. Greene
The molecular biology of polycystic kidney disease., N S. Murcia, R P. Woychik, and E D. Avner
The molecular characteristics associated with the adjuvant activity of poly (a-u). Abstr., J R. Schmidtke
The Molecular characterization of the cold-sensitivity of BALB/cByJ mice., Lauren K. Morges
The molecular classes of two homocytotropic antibodies in the mouse., H A. Schwartz and B B. Levine
The molecular genetic analysis of sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase development in mouse cerebellum., L P. Kozak and M Fisher
The molecular genetics of mammalian glucuronidase., K Paigen, R T. Swank, S Tomino, and R E. Ganschow
The molecular genetics of mammalian glucuronidase., K Paigen, R T. Swank, S Tomino, and R E. Ganschow
The molecular individuality of different mouse h-2 histocompatibility specificities determined by single genotypes., D A. Davies
The moloney agent. IN. Tumors induced by viruses, ed. By dalton and haguenau, n. Y.,, A J. Dalton
The monoclonal anti-phosphorylcholine antibody response in several murine strains. Genetic implications of a diverse repertoire., P J. Gearhart, N H. Sigal, and N R. Klinman
The mononuclear phagocyte system in experimental chronic marrow failure., R J. Gale and A A. Morley
The morphogenesis of the hippocampus in the normal and reeler mutant mouse. Abstr., B Stanfield
The morphological and histoenzymatic properties of experimental brain sarcomas cultured in vitro., K Renkawek and H Kroh
The morphology and growth of a pluripotent teratocarcinoma cell line and its derivatives in tissue culture., G R. Martin and M J. Evans
The morphology of antibody-forming cells in the mouse., A J. Cunningham
The morphology of fetal gonads of spontaneous mouse herma- phrodites., W K. Whitten, W G. Beamer, and A G. Byskov
The morphology of fetal gonads of spontaneous mouse hermaphrodites., W K. Whitten, W G. Beamer, and A G. Byskov
The morphology of immune reactions in normal, thymectomized and reconstituted mice. Iii. Response to bacterial antigens, salmonellar flagellar antigen and pneumococcal polysaccharide., A Davies, R Carter, E Leuchars, V Wallis, and F Dietrich
The morphology of immune reactions in normal, thymectomized and reconstituted mice. II. The response to oxazolone., A J. Davies, R L. Carter, E Leuchars, and V Wallis
The morphology of immune reactions in normal, thymectomized and recon- stituted mice. I. The response to sheep erythrocytes., A J. Davies, R L. Carter, E Leuchars, V Wallis, and P C. Koller
The morphology of induced tumors of the skin in mice. (russ.), V K. Kim
The morphology of murine foreign body multinucleate giant cells., J M. Papadimitriou and M Archer
The morphology of murine oncornaviruses following different methods of preparation for electron microscopy., N H. Sarkar, W J. Manthey, and J B. Sheffield
The morphology of the endocrine system in congenitally athymic (nude) mice., E J. Ruitenberg and J M. Berkvens
The morphology of the hippocampus and dentate gyrus in normal and reeler mice., B B. Stanfield and W M. Cowan
The mortality of lethally irradiated mice given marrow of varying degrees of histocompatibility., F Morgado, O Pizarro, and A Ramos
The Mos proto-oncogene maps near the centromere on mouse chromosome 4., F Propst, W o. Vande, N A. Jenkins, N G. Copeland, B K. Lee, P A. Hunt, and E M. Eicher
The motor development of rolling mouse nagoya (rma). Asbtr., Y Tamaki, S Oda, and Y Kameyama
The motor innervation of skeletal muscles in the "motor end-plate disease" mutant mouse (med and medj alleles)., raymond M. Pincon and F Rieger
The mouse adducin gene family: alternative splicing and chromosomal localization., S P. Suriyapperuma, L Lozovatsky, S L. Ciciotte, L L. Peters, and D M. Gilligan
The mouse A/HeJ Y chromosome: another good Y gone bad., P A. Hunt, J M. Jackson, S Horan, C A. Lawson, L Grindell, L L. Washburn, and E M. Eicher
The mouse Ames waltzer hearing-loss mutant is caused by mutation of Pcdh15, a novel protocadherin gene., K N. Alagramam, C L. Murcia, H Y. Kwon, K S. Pawlowski, C G. Wright, and R P. Woychik
The mouse anterior chamber angle and trabecular meshwork develop without cell death., R S. Smith, A Zabaleta, O V. Savinova, and S W. John
The mouse as a model for human biology: a resource guide for complex trait analysis., L L. Peters, R F. Robledo, C J. Bult, G A. Churchill, B J. Paigen, and K L. Svenson
The mouse as a model for human cardiovascular disease and hyperlipidemia., B Paigen, A S. Plump, and E M. Rubin
The mouse as a model for understanding chronic diseases of aging: the histopathologic basis of aging in inbred mice., John P. Sundberg, Annerose Berndt, Beth A. Sundberg, Kathleen A. Silva, Victoria Kennedy, Roderick T. Bronson, Rong Yuan, Beverly J. Paigen, David E E. Harrison, and Paul N. Schofield
The mouse brain transcriptome by SAGE: differences in gene expression between P30 brains of the partial trisomy 16 mouse model of Down syndrome (Ts65Dn) and normals., R Chrast, H S. Scott, M P. Papasavvas, C Rossier, E S. Antonarakis, C Barras, M T. Davisson, C Schmidt, X Estivill, M Dierssen, M Pritchard, and S E. Antonarakis
The mouse c-abl locus: molecular cloning and characterization., J Y. Wang, F Ledley, S Goff, R Lee, Y Groner, and D Baltimore
The mouse chromosome map., O J. Miller and D A. Miller
The mouse congenital polycystic kidney (cpk) locus maps within 1.3 cM of the chromosome 12 marker D12Nyu2., E A. Simon, S Cook, M T. Davisson, P D'Eustachio, and Woodford L. Guay
The mouse cornichon gene family., S Y. Hwang, B Oh, Z Zhang, W Miller, D Solter, and B B. Knowles
The mouse Enhancer trap locus 1 (Etl-1): a novel mammalian gene related to Drosophila and yeast transcriptional regulator genes., R Soininen, M Schoor, U Henseling, C Tepe, Woike B. Kisters, J Rossant, and A Gossler
The mouse fidgetin gene defines a new role for AAA family proteins in mammalian development [In Process Citation], G A. Cox, C L. Mahaffey, A Nystuen, V A. Letts, and W N. Frankel
The mouse gcd2 mutation causes primordial germ cell depletion., L G. Reinholdt, R J. Munroe, S Kamdar, and J C. Schimenti
The Mouse Gene Expression Database (GXD)., M Ringwald, J T. Eppig, D A. Begley, J P. Corradi, I J. McCright, T F. Hayamizu, D P. Hill, J A. Kadin, and J E. Richardson
The mouse gene expression database GXD., M Ringwald, G L. Davis, A G. Smith, L E. Trepanier, D A. Begley, J E. Richardson, and J T. Eppig
The mouse Gene Expression Database (GXD): 2007 update., C M. Smith, J H. Finger, T F. Hayamizu, I J. McCright, J T. Eppig, J A. Kadin, J E. Richardson, and M Ringwald
The mouse Gene Expression Database (GXD): 2011 update., J H. Finger, C M. Smith, T F. Hayamizu, I J. McCright, J T. Eppig, J A. Kadin, J E. Richardson, and M Ringwald
The mouse Gene Expression Database (GXD): updates and enhancements., D P. Hill, D A. Begley, J H. Finger, C M. Smith, L E. Corbani, J A. Blake, J T. Eppig, J A. Kadin, J E. Richardson, and M Ringwald
The mouse genome: an overview., V M. Chapman and J H. Nadeau
The mouse genome database: a resource for today and tomorrow., J T. Eppig, J A. Blake, M T. Davisson, J A. Kadin, and J E. Richardson
The Mouse Genome Database: enhancements and updates., C J. Bult, J A. Kadin, J E. Richardson, J A. Blake, J T. Eppig, and Genome Database Mouse
The Mouse Genome Database genotypes::phenotypes., J A. Blake, C J. Bult, J T. Eppig, J A. Kadin, and J E. Richardson
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): a community resource. Status and enhancements. The Mouse Genome Informatics Group., J A. Blake, J T. Eppig, J E. Richardson, and M T. Davisson
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD). A comprehensive public resource of genetic, phenotypic and genomic data. The Mouse Genome Informatics Group., J A. Blake, J E. Richardson, M T. Davisson, and J T. Eppig
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): comprehensive resource for genetics and genomics of the laboratory mouse., Janan T Eppig, Judith A Blake, Carol J Bult, James A Kadin, and Joel E Richardson
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): expanding genetic and genomic resources for the laboratory mouse. The Mouse Genome Database Group., J A. Blake, J T. Eppig, J E. Richardson, and M T. Davisson
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): from genes to mice--a community resource for mouse biology., J T. Eppig, C J. Bult, J A. Kadin, J E. Richardson, and J A. Blake
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): genetic and genomic information about the laboratory mouse. The Mouse Genome Database Group., J A. Blake, J E. Richardson, M T. Davisson, and J T. Eppig
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): integrating biology with the genome., C J. Bult, J A. Blake, J E. Richardson, J A. Kadin, J T. Eppig, D W. Bradt, D L. Burkart, L E. Corbani, H Dene, H J. Drabkin, D M. Garippa, Pierce M. Lennon, C M. Lutz, L J. Maltais, C L. Smith, B Taylor, L Washburn, and Y Zhu
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): integration nexus for the laboratory mouse., J A. Blake, J T. Eppig, J E. Richardson, C J. Bult, and J A. Kadin
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): mouse biology and model systems., C J. Bult, J T. Eppig, J A. Kadin, J E. Richardson, and J A. Blake
The mouse genome database (MGD): new features facilitating a model system., J T. Eppig, J A. Blake, C J. Bult, J A. Kadin, and J E. Richardson
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): premier model organism resource for mammalian genomics and genetics., J A. Blake, C J. Bult, J A. Kadin, J E. Richardson, and J T. Eppig
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): the model organism database for the laboratory mouse., J A. Blake, J E. Richardson, C J. Bult, J A. Kadin, and J T. Eppig
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): updates and enhancements., J A. Blake, J T. Eppig, C J. Bult, J A. Kadin, and J E. Richardson
The mouse genomic instability mutation chaos1 is an allele of Polq that exhibits genetic interaction with Atm., N Shima, R J. Munroe, and J C. Schimenti
The mouse Gtl2 gene is differentially expressed during embryonic development, encodes multiple alternatively spliced transcripts, and may act as an RNA., Gossler K. Schuster, P Bilinski, T Sado, Smith A. Ferguson, and A Gossler
The mouse gut t lymphocyte, a noval type of t cell. Nature, origin, and traffic in mice in normal and graft- -versus-host conditions., grand D. Guy, C Griscelli, and P Vassalli
The mouse hairy ears mutation exhibits an extended growth (anagen) phase in hair follicles and altered Hoxc gene expression in the ears., S E. Mentzer, J P. Sundberg, A Awgulewitsch, H H. Chao, D A. Carpenter, W D. Zhang, E M. Rinchik, and Y You
The mouse homolog of the Drosophila discs large tumor suppressor gene maps to chromosome 16., L L. Peters, S L. Ciciotte, L Lin, and A H. Chishti
The mouse Hoxd13(spdh) mutation, a polyalanine expansion similar to human type II synpolydactyly (SPD), disrupts the function but not the expression of other Hoxd genes., S Bruneau, Kenneth R. Johnson, M Yamamoto, A Kuroiwa, and D Duboule
The mouse-human anatomy ontology mapping project., Terry F Hayamizu, Sherri de Coronado, Gilberto Fragoso, Nicholas Sioutos, James A Kadin, and Martin Ringwald
The mouse immune response to the double stranded polyribo- nucleotide complex poly(g)poly(c)., G Gaffiero, P Robin, and E Nahon
The mouse in biomedical research., A M. Jonas
The mouse karyotype in somatic cells cultured in vitro., M Crippa
The mouse keratin 19-encoding gene: sequence, structure and chromosomal assignment., M Lussier, M Filion, J G. Compton, J H. Nadeau, L Lapointe, and A Royal
The mouse kidney and erythropoietin production. Abstr., J Kateley
The mouse linkage map. A computer program., J T. Eppig and E M. Eicher
The mouse liver aldehyde oxidase locus (aox)., J Watson, T Higgins, P Collins, and S Chaykin
The mouse Ly-12.1 specificity: genetic and biochemical relationship to Ly-1., P M. Hogarth, B A. Houlden, S E. Latham, M Cherry, B A. Taylor, and I F. McKenzie
The mouse mammary tumor virus., K B. Deome
The mouse mammary tumor virus envelope gene product is required for superantigen presentation to T cells., T V. Golovkina, A Chervonsky, J A. Prescott, C A. Janeway, and S R. Ross
The mouse meiotic mutation mei1 disrupts chromosome synapsis with sexually dimorphic consequences for meiotic progression., B J. Libby, La Fuente De, M J. O'Brien, K Wigglesworth, J Cobb, A Inselman, S Eaker, M A. Handel, J J. Eppig, and J C. Schimenti
The mouse model of Down syndrome Ts65Dn presents visual deficits as assessed by pattern visual evoked potentials., McKean J. Scott, B Chang, R E. Hurd, S Nusinowitz, C Schmidt, M T. Davisson, and A C. Costa
The mouse mutant "motheaten". I. Development of lymphocyte populations., C L. Sidman, L D. Shultz, and E R. Unanue
The mouse mutant "motheaten". I. Development of lymphocyte populations., C L. Sidman, L D. Shultz, and E R. Unanue
The mouse mutant "motheaten". II. Functional studies of the immune system., C L. Sidman, L D. Shultz, and E R. Unanue
The mouse mutant "motheaten". II. Functional studies of the immune system., C L. Sidman, L D. Shultz, and E R. Unanue
The mouse mutant nude does not develop spontaneous tumours. An argu- ment against immunological surveillance., J Rygaard and C O. Povlsen
The mouse mutant nude in germfree conditions. Abstr., J Rygaard, C Povlsen, and C Friis
The mouse mutant "wasted": an animal model for ataxia-telangiectasia., T Inoue, H Tezuka, T Kada, K Aikawa, and L D. Shultz
The mouse mutation claw paw: forelimb deformity and delayed myelination throughout the peripheral nervous system., E W. Henry, E M. Eicher, and R L. Sidman
The mouse mutation severe combined immune deficiency (scid) is on chromosome 16., G C. Bosma, M T. Davisson, N R. Ruetsch, H O. Sweet, L D. Shultz, and M J. Bosma
The mouse mutation "thrombocytopenia and cardiomyopathy" (trac) disrupts Abcg5: a spontaneous single gene model for human hereditary phytosterolemia/sitosterolemia., T H. Chase, B L. Lyons, R T. Bronson, O Foreman, L R. Donahue, L M. Burzenski, B Gott, P Lane, B Harris, K R. Johnson, and L D. Shultz
The mouse mutation ulnaless on chromosome 2., M T. Davisson and B M. Cattanach
The mouse myeloma system. A model for studying the effect of malignant transformation on immunoglobulin production., R Baumal and M Percy
The mouse pale ear pigment mutant as a possible animal model for human platelet storage pool deficiency., E K. Novak, S Hui, and R T. Swank
The Mouse Phenome Project., M A. Bogue and S C. Grubb
The mouse phenome project: acoustic startle response and prepulse inhibition., Matthew Reid
The mouse pink-eyed unstable mutation: a DNA duplication revealed by genome scanning., M H. Brilliant, Y Gondo, and E M. Eicher
The mouse polycystic kidney disease mutation (cpk) is located on proximal chromosome 12., M T. Davisson, Woodford L. Guay, H W. Harris, and P D'Eustachio
The mouse polyubiquitin gene Ubb is essential for meiotic progression., K Y. Ryu, S A. Sinnar, L G. Reinholdt, S Vaccari, S Hall, M A. Garcia, T S. Zaitseva, D M. Bouley, K Boekelheide, M A. Handel, M Conti, and R R. Kopito
The mouse primed lymphocyte typing (mplt) test. I. Definition of the sd and ia molecules as h-2-associated lymphocyte-stimulating (ls) determinants., A B. Peck and H Wigzell
The mouse-primed lymphocyte typing test. Iii. Dissociation of t lymphocyte-stimulating determinants and antibody-defined specific- ities of the i region-associated ia antigens., A B. Peck, J Klein, and H Wigzell
The mouse pudgy mutation disrupts Delta homologue Dll3 and initiation of early somite boundaries., K Kusumi, E S. Sun, A W. Kerrebrock, R T. Bronson, D C. Chi, M S. Bulotsky, J B. Spencer, B W. Birren, W N. Frankel, and E S. Lander
The mouse QTL map helps interpret human genome-wide association studies for HDL cholesterol., M S. Leduc, M Lyons, K Darvishi, K Walsh, S Sheehan, S Amend, A Cox, Melander M. Orho, S Kathiresan, B Paigen, and R Korstanje
The mouse rib-vertebrae mutation disrupts anterior-posterior somite patterning and genetically interacts with a delta1 null allele [In Process Citation], J Beckers, N Schlautmann, and A Gossler
The mouse rn locus: s allele of the renin regulatory gene results from a single structural gene duplication., J Panthier, I Holm, and F Rougeon
The mouse rostral cerebellar malformation gene encodes an UNC-5-like protein., S L. Ackerman, L P. Kozak, S A. Przyborski, L A. Rund, B B. Boyer, and B B. Knowles
The mouse snail gene encodes a key regulator of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition., E A. Carver, R Jiang, Y Lan, K F. Oram, and T Gridley
The mouse spleen null cell compartment. Abstr., N Kouttab, R R. Ford, and J Twomey
The mouse stargazer gene encodes a neuronal Ca2+-channel gamma subunit [see comments], V A. Letts, R Felix, G H. Biddlecome, J Arikkath, C L. Mahaffey, A Valenzuela, F S. Bartlett, Y Mori, K P. Campbell, and W N. Frankel
The Mouse Tumor Biology database., D M. Krupke, D A. Begley, J P. Sundberg, C J. Bult, and J T. Eppig
The Mouse Tumor Biology Database: a public resource for cancer genetics and pathology of the mouse., D Naf, D M. Krupke, J P. Sundberg, J T. Eppig, and C J. Bult
The Mouse Tumor Biology Database: integrated access to mouse cancer biology data., D Krupke, D Naf, M Vincent, T Allio, I Mikaelian, J Sundberg, C Bult, and J Eppig
The mouse tumour biology database: an online resource for mouse models of human cancer., C J. Bult, D M. Krupke, M M. Vincent, T Allio, J P. Sundberg, I Mikaelian, and J T. Eppig
The mouse uterine surface epithelium during the estrous cycle., K Fuxe and O Nilsson
The mouse Y chromosome: enrichment, sizing, and cloning by bivariate flow cytometry., D E. Bergstrom, D A. Grieco, M M. Sonti, J J. Fawcett, Prince C. Bell, L S. Cram, S Narayanswami, and E M. Simpson
The mouse Y* chromosome involves a complex rearrangement, including interstitial positioning of the pseudoautosomal region., E M. Eicher, D W. Hale, P A. Hunt, B K. Lee, P K. Tucker, T R. King, J T. Eppig, and L L. Washburn
The multicellular spheroid as a model tumor allograft. II. Characterization of spheroid-infiltrating cytotoxic cells., H R. Macdonald, R L. Howell, and D L. Mcfarlane
The multicellular spheroid as a model tumor allograft. Iii. Morphological and kinetic analysis of spheroid infiltration and destruction., B Sordat, H R. Macdonald, and R K. Lees
The multicellular spheroid as a model tumor allograft. I. Quantitative assessment of spheroid destruction in allo- immune mice., H R. Macdonald and R L. Howell
The multicellular tumor spheroid model. II. Characterization of the primary allograft response in unsensitized mice., E M. Lord and G Nardella
The multicomponent nature of teratoma cell adhesion factor., J T. Meyer and S B. Oppenheimer
The multiple electrophoretic bands of mouse haemoglobins., J R. Morton
The multiple molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase in "motor end-plate disease" in the mouse (medj and med allelic forms): sensitivity of the 10 s form to partial or total loss of muscle activity., F Rieger, M L. Shelanski, and R L. Sidman
The multipotential carcinogenic action of n-ethyl-n- -nitrosourea administered neonatally to mice., C E. Searle and E L. Jones
The murine Ah locus: a new allele and mapping to chromosome 12., A Poland, E Glover, and B A. Taylor
The murine ah locus: genetic differences in toxic and tumorigenic response to transplacental exposure to 3-methylcholanthrene (3-mc)., R G. York and J M. Manson
The murine ah locus: in utero toxicity and teratogenesis associated with genetic differences in benzo[a]pyrene metabolism., S Shum, N M. Jensen, and D W. Nebert
The murine b cell response to tnp-polyacrylamide beads: the relationship between the epitope density of the antigen and the requirements for t cell help and surface igd., E Pure and E S. Vitetta
The murine b cell responsive to human b cell activating factor (baf) is not the same cell as that which responds to t-independent antigens. Abstr., P M. Cameron and D D. Wood
The murine disposition and pharmacokinetics of the antineoplastic agent, diaziquone (nsc 182986)., J F. Spiegel, M J. Egorin, J M. Collins, B D, R, and N R. Bachur
The murine gamma-chain of the T cell receptor is closely linked to a spermatocyte specific histone gene and the beige coat color locus on chromosome 13., F L. Owen, B A. Taylor, A Zweidler, and J G. Seidman
The murine ia alpha chains, ealpha and aalpha, show a surprising degree of sequence homology., C O. Benoist, D J. Mathis, M R. Kanter, V E. Ii, and H O. Mcdevitt
The murine kappa light chain shift., G Haughton, L L. Lanier, and G F. Babcock
The murine kupffer cell. I. Characterization of the cell serving accessory function in antigen-specific t cell proliferation., L K. Richman, R J. Klingenstein, J A. Richman, W Strober, and J A. Berzofsky
The murine leukemias., J B. Moloney
The murine male antigen. Iii. Variable expression of h-y by murine tumors., C J. Wikstrand and G Haughton
The murine mutation jaundiced is caused by replacement of an arginine with a stop codon in the mRNA encoding the ninth repeat of beta-spectrin., M L. Bloom, T M. Kaysser, C S. Birkenmeier, and J E. Barker
The murine mutation osteopetrosis is in the coding region of the macrophage colony stimulating factor gene., H Yoshida, S Hayashi, T Kunisada, M Ogawa, S Nishikawa, H Okamura, T Sudo, L D. Shultz, and S Nishikawa
The murine mutation trembler-j: proof of semidominant expression by use of the linked vestigial tail marker., E W. Henry and R L. Sidman
The murine pallid mutation is a platelet storage pool disease associated with the protein 4.2 (pallidin) gene., R A. White, L L. Peters, L R. Adkison, C Korsgren, C M. Cohen, and S E. Lux
The murine retinoblastoma homolog maps to chromosome 14 near Es-10., J C. Stone, J L. Crosby, C A. Kozak, A R. Schievella, R Bernards, and J H. Nadeau
The murine sarcoma virus-induced tumor. Exception or general model in tumor immunology. (review)., J P. Levy and J C. Leclerc
The murine sex-limited protein (slp): reassessment of its sex limitation., A Ferreira, D Eichinger, and V Nussenzweig
The murine situs inversus viscerum (iv) gene responsible for visceral asymmetry is linked tightly to the Igh-C cluster on chromosome 12., A J. Hanzlik, M Binder, W M. Layton, L Rowe, M Layton, B A. Taylor, M M. Osemlak, J E. Richards, D M. Kurnit, and G D. Stewart
The murine thymic microenvironment: changes with age., Y Takeoka, S Y. Chen, H Yago, R Boyd, S Suehiro, L D. Shultz, A A. Ansari, and M E. Gershwin
The murine y chromosome as a marker., E J. Eichwald, N Davidson, and M Moore
The murine y chromosome as a marker., C E. Ford
The muscle spindle in mice with hereditary neuromuscular diseases., H Meier
The Muscular Dystrophy with Myositis (mdm) Mouse Mutation Disrupts a Skeletal Muscle-Specific Domain of Titin., S M. Garvey, C Rajan, A P. Lerner, W N. Frankel, and G A. Cox
The musculature of the aging mouse lung. A light and electron micro- scope study., A G. Heppleston
The mutagenic effectiveness of fast neutrons in male and female mice., A G. Searle and R J. Phillips
The mutagenic effect of repeated small radiation doses to mouse spermatogonia. Iii. Does repeated irradiation reduce translocation yield from a large radiation dose., M F. Lyon, R J. Phillips, and P Glenister
The mutagenic effect of thio-tepa in laboratory mice. Communication iii. Comparison of the effects of different doses in the germ and somatic cells of male mice., A M. Malashenko and N I. Surkova
The mutagenic effect of thio-tepa in laboratory mice. Communication v. Influence of the genotype of females on the realization of dominant lethal mutations induced in spermatids of males., A M. Malashenko and N I. Surkova
The mutagenic effect of thio-tepa on laboratory mice. IV. The effect of the genotype and sex on the rate of chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells. (russ. With eng. Summ.)., N I. Surkova and A M. Malashenko
The mutagenic effect of thio-tep in laboratory mice. Communication i. Chromosome abberrations in somatic and germ cells of male mice., A M. Malashenko and N I. Surkova
The mutagenic effect of thiotep in laboratory mice. Communication ii. Cytogenetic analysis of damages in bone marrow cells., N I. Surkova and A M. Malashenko
The mutagenic effect of thiram analysed by the mironucleus test and the anaphase-telophase test., F N. Dulout, O A. Olivero, and M C. Pastori
The mutagenicity of cyclamates and their metabolites. (review)., B M. Cattanach
The mutagenicity of dibenz[a,h]anthracene activated by pheno- barbital-inducible mouse-liver mono-oxygenase is potentiated by the presence of hydrophilic residues at the k-region of the molecule., K L. Platt, M Bucker, M Golan, and F Oesch
The mutation, diabetes, in the mouse., D L. Coleman and K P. Hummel
The mutation, diabetes, in the mouse, p. 813-820. Proc. Vith cong. Internat. Diabetes fed., Stockholm july 30-, D Coleman and K Hummel
The myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-halide system as effector of neutrophil-mediated tumor cell cytotoxicity., R A. Clark and S Szot
The myoneural junction in dystrophic and atrophic mouse muscle. Abstr., R L. Curtis, M T. Abrams, and P J. Harman
The na+ gradient hypothesis in cytoplasts derived from ehrlich ascites tumor cells., G V. Henius and P C. Laris
The (na+ + k+)-atpase activity in brain of quaking mice., P Mandel, V Stefanovic, J C. Hermetet, and A Ebel
The nasal capsule in a/jax mice with spontaneous cleft lip. Abstr., S Long
The natural abundance of lambda2-light chains in inbred mice., T Cotner and H N Eisen
The natural elimination of sporadically malformed mouse embryos., H Kalter
The natural history and immunopathology of outbred athymic (nude) mice., M E. Gershwin, B Merchant, M C. Gelfand, J Vickers, L D. Steinberg, and C T. Hansen
The natural history of autoimmune disease in nxb mice, a comparison with the pattern of human autoimmune manifestations., M C. Holmes and F M. Burnet
The natural history of mousepox., B A. Briody
The natural history of the nzb/nzw f1 hybrid mouse. A laboratory model of systemic lupus erythematosus., F M. Burnet and M C. Holmes
The "natural killer" cell in the mouse does not require h-2 homology and is not directed against type or group-specific antigens of murine c viral proteins., S Becker, E M. Fenyo, and E Klein
The natural resistance of radiation chimeras to s. Typhimurium c5., C E. Hormaeche
The nature and distribution of serologically detectable alloantigens on the preimplantation mouse embryo., harris A. Muggleton and M H. Johnson
The nature and function of t-cell antigens., M Schlesinger, E Israel, M Chaouat, and I Gery
The nature and identification of quantitative trait loci: a community's view., O Abiola, J M. Angel, P Avner, A A. Bachmanov, D A. Blizard, G A. Churchill, P Dermant, B Paigen, F Lammert, E J. Chesler, and Trait Consortium Complex
The nature and mechanism of stimulation of immune responsiveness by thymus extracts., N Trainin, A I. Kook, T Umiel, and M Albala
The nature of aging., D E. Harrison
The nature of alternative polyadenylation sites in yeast., Seema Bhopale
The nature of benzo[a]pyrene binding to dna in an epithelial cell culture system., C B. Wigley, M H. Thompson, and P Brookes
The nature of cellular alterations occurring in cultures of mouse tissue. Abstr., P Moorhead, J Palm, R Gwatkin, and E Ingenito
The nature of dna synthesized in nuclei from mouse l1210 cells., A Mullbacher and R K. Ralph
The nature of drug-induced b cell tolerance., J G. Howard and F L. Shand
The nature of hemopoietic stem cells from rauscher leukemia virus infected balb/c mice., L J. Van griensven, H J. Beek, and E V. Hull
The nature of murine immune response to nucleic acids., S Fuchs, E Mozes, and B D. Stollar
The nature of partial maternal tolerance to skin homografts., E J. Breyere and S O. Burhoe
The nature of partial rejection of isogeneic skin grafts from mice inoculated with a leukemia virus. Abstr., E J. Breyere and L B. Williams
The nature of preleukemic change in whole-body irradiated rfm/u mice. Abstr., F C. Ludwig, R M. Elashoff, and J S. Wellington
The nature of t-alleles in the mouse. Abstr., M F. Lyon
The nature of t-alleles in the mouse. Abstr., M F. Lyon
The nature of the amino acid pool used for protein synthesis in cultured, androgen-responsive tumour cells., J H. Robinson
The nature of the antigenic determinant in a genetic control of the antibody response., E Mozes, H O. Devitt, J Jaton, and M Sela
The nature of the association between the murine leukemia virus envelope proteins., A Pinter, hurwitz J. Lieman, and E Fleissner
The nature of the autoantibody response to thyroglobulin in murine strains with high or low susceptibility to the experimental induction of autoimmine thyroiditis., L C. De carvalho and I M. Roitt
The nature of the cytotoxic cells in lymph following primary antigenic challenge., S Denham, J G. Hall, A Wolf, and P Alexander
The nature of the deoxyribonucleosides involved in the binding of carcinogenic hydrocarbons to the dna of mouse embryo cells., P Brookes, P Jones, and J Amos
The nature of the effector cells mediating mitogen- -induced cellular cytotoxicity (micc) and antibody -dependent cellular cytotoxicity (adcc)., D L. Nelson, B M. Bundy, T D. West, and W Strober
The nature of the effector cells of cell-mediated immune responses to sendai and kunz virus infections in mice., M J. Anderson, J R. Pattison, and R B. Heath
The nature of the increased rate of dna synthesis in scrapie-affected mouse brain., R Kimberlin
The nature of the loss of meiotic products in males heterozygous for paracentric inversions., Domenica Carrier
The nature of the 'partial' tolerance induced by parity., E J. Breyere and S O. Burhoe
The nature of the protein-bound protective agent in the tissues of mice given protective doses of 2-mercaptoethylguanidine(meg) and bis(2-guanidoethyl) disulfide(ged). Abstr., G Kollmann, B Shapiro, and E E. Schwartz
The nature of the sexual dimorphism of the submandibular gland of the mouse., W B. Atkison, F Wilson, and S Coates
The nature of the suppressive effect of interferon and interferon inducers on the in vitro immune response. Abstr., H M. Johnson and S Baron
The near-naked hairless (Hr(N)) mutation disrupts hair formation but is not due to a mutation in the Hairless coding region., Y Liu, S Das, R E. Olszewski, D A. Carpenter, C T. Culiat, J P. Sundberg, P Soteropoulos, X Liu, M J. Doktycz, E J. Michaud, and B H. Voy
The neonatal and infant age periods as biologic factors which modify multicarcinogenesis by urethan., S D. Vesselinovitch and N Mihailovich
The neonatal FcR-mediated presentation of immune-complexed antigen is associated with endosomal and phagosomal pH and antigen stability in macrophages and dendritic cells., X Liu, L Lu, Z Yang, S Palaniyandi, R Zeng, L Y. Gao, D M. Mosser, D C. Roopenian, and X Zhu
The neoplastic nature of liver 'blood cysts' induced by urethan. Abstr., N Trainin
The neoplastic potential germ cells from eleven-day fetuses of the reciprical crosses of strains 129/Sv-S1JCP and A/He mice., Linda M. Sofranko
The neoplastic potentialities of mouse thyroid under extreme stimulation., M S. Israel and I R. Ellis
The netrin 1 receptors Unc5h3 and Dcc are necessary at multiple choice points for the guidance of corticospinal tract axons., J H. Finger, R T. Bronson, B Harris, K Johnson, S A. Przyborski, and S L. Ackerman
The neural cell cycle in the looptail (lp) mutant mouse., D B. Wilson and E M. Center
The neural crest and the acoustic ganglion., M S. Deol
The neurohypophyseal capillary bed. I. Anatomy and arterial supply., R B. Page and R M. Bergland
The neurological lesion in the dystrophic mouse., T Biscoe, K Caddy, D Pallot, U Pehrson, and C Stirling
The neurological mouse mutations jittery and hesitant are allelic and map to the region of mouse chromosome 10 homologous to 19p13.3., D Kapfhamer, H O. Sweet, D Sufalko, S Warren, K R. Johnson, and M Burmeister
The neuronal Golgi apparatus is fragmented in transgenic mice expressing a mutant human SOD1, but not in mice expressing the human NF-H gene., A Stieber, J O. Gonatas, J Collard, J Meier, J Julien, P Schweitzer, and N K. Gonatas
The neurons containing dense core vesicles in the mouse hypothalamic arcuate nucleus: distribution and influence of ovarian activity., M Nishizuka and S Kawashima
The neuropathology of ducky; a pathological and preliminary histochemical study., H Meier
The neuropathology of ducky; a pathological and preliminary histochemical study., H Meier
The neuropathology of globoid-cell leucodystrophy in the dog. A report of two cases., B S. Jortner and A M. Jonas
The neuropathology of 'reeler', a neuromuscular mutation in mice., H Meier and W G. Hoag
The neuropathy of teetering, a neurological mutation in the mouse., H Meier
The neuropathy of teetering, a neurological mutation in the mouse., H Meier
The new alleles of the H-3 locus., R J. Graff, D Brown, and G D. Snell
The N haplotype of the murine beta-glucuronidase gene is altered in both its systemic regulation and its response to androgen induction., L T. Bracey and K Paigen
The NLR gene family: a standard nomenclature., J P. Ting, R C. Lovering, E S. Alnemri, J Bertin, J M. Boss, A Godzik, J A. Harton, J P. Hugot, N Inohara, A Mackenzie, L J. Maltais, G Nunez, Y Ogura, J C. Reed, and V Steimle
The nob2 mouse, a null mutation in Cacna1f: anatomical and functional abnormalities in the outer retina and their consequences on ganglion cell visual responses., B Chang, J R. Heckenlively, P R. Bayley, N C. Brecha, M T. Davisson, N L. Hawes, A A. Hirano, R E. Hurd, A Ikeda, B A. Johnson, M A. McCall, C W. Morgans, S Nusinowitz, N S. Peachey, D S. Rice, K A. Vessey, and R G. Gregg
The nodes of ranvier in the nerves of mice with muscular dystrophy., W G. Bradley, E Jaros, and M Jenkison
The NOD mouse: a model for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus., E H. Leiter
The NOD mouse: a model for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus., E H. Leiter
The NOD mouse model of type 1 diabetes: as good as it gets?, M A Atkinson and E H Leiter
The non-H-2 histocompatibility loci and their antigens., R J. Graff and D W. Bailey
The nonhomologous end joining factor Artemis suppresses multi-tissue tumor formation and prevents loss of heterozygosity., Y Woo, S M. Wright, S A. Maas, T L. Alley, L B. Caddle, S Kamdar, J Affourtit, O Foreman, E C. Akeson, D Shaffer, R T. Bronson, H C. Morse, D Roopenian, and K D. Mills
The non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse., E H. Leiter, M Prochazka, and D L. Coleman
The nonobese diabetic scid mouse: model for spontaneous thymomagenesis associated with immunodeficiency., M Prochazka, H R. Gaskins, L D. Shultz, and E H. Leiter
The "non specific" effects of antigens on the total splenic pfc response in mice. Abstr., Y J. Rosenberg
The nonspecific helper effect of mixed lymphocyte reactions on the induction of t cell-mediated immunity in vitro., A Altman and I R. Cohen
The normal blood chemistry of rabbits as determined by clinical methods., K. Joyce Prestwidge
The normoblastis mutation in mice: investigation of neurological deficits in the nb/nb cerebellum., Jesse Sayers
The Notch ligand JAG1 is required for sensory progenitor development in the mammalian inner ear., A E. Kiernan, J Xu, and T Gridley
The Notch ligands DLL1 and JAG2 act synergistically to regulate hair cell development in the mammalian inner ear., A E. Kiernan, R Cordes, R Kopan, A Gossler, and T Gridley
The Notch-regulated ankyrin repeat protein is required for proper anterior-posterior somite patterning in mice., Luke T Krebs, Cara K Bradley, Christine R Norton, Jingxia Xu, Kathleen F Oram, Christa Starling, Michael L Deftos, Michael J Bevan, and Thomas Gridley
The nuclear-associated endoplasmic reticulum is an early target for the action of the tumor promoter 12-o-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate in c3h/10t1/2 fibroblasts., I F. Pryme, J R. Lillehaug, A Fjose, and K Kleppe
The nuclear periphery of embryonic stem cells is a transcriptionally permissive and repressive compartment., L Luo, K L. Gassman, L M. Petell, C L. Wilson, J Bewersdorf, and L S. Shopland
The nucleic acid metabolism of animal cells in vitro. Iii. Factors influencing nucleotide biosynthesis., R Y. Thomson, G Ricceri, and M Peretta
The nucleic acid of polyoma virus., J D. Smith, G Freeman, M Vogt, and R Dulbecco
The nucleic acid, phosphorprotein and phospholipid phosphorus metabolism of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., M F. Siyanitskaya and I F. Seyts
The nucleotide sequence and derived amino acid sequence of cdna coding for mouse carbonic anhydrase ii., P J. Curtis, E Withers, D Demuth, R Watt, P J. Venta, and R E. Tashian
The nude mouse. An in vivo model for demonstrating cross-species trophic nerve function., A A. Zalewski, G F. Creswell, H G. Goshgarian, and T H. Oh
The nude mouse skin phenotype: the role of Foxn1 in hair follicle development and cycling., L Mecklenburg, M Nakamura, J P. Sundberg, and R Paus
The nude mouse vs. The hypothesis of immunological surveillance., J Rygaard and C O. Povlsen
The nude mutant gene Foxn1 is a HOXC13 regulatory target during hair follicle and nail differentiation., C S. Potter, N D. Pruett, M J. Kern, M A. Baybo, A R. Godwin, K A. Potter, R L. Peterson, J P. Sundberg, and A Awgulewitsch
The number and size of motoneurons in the soleus motor nucleus of the normal and dystrophic (c57bl6j/dy2j/dy2j) mouse., D J. Parry, S Mchanwell, and N Haas
The number of erythrocytes in the progeny of mice exposed to low levels of radiation., Monica Minyard
The number of in vitro stem cells in akr leukemic mice., C Chevalier, N Gaillard, and E Frindel
The number of purkinje cells and olive neurones in the normal and lurcher mutant mouse., K W. Caddy and T J. Biscoe
The number of receptors for beta-melanocyte stimulating hormone in cloudman melanoma cells is increased by dibutyryl adenosine 3'.5'-cyclic Monophosphate or cholera toxin., A Di pasquale, J M. Guire, and J M. Varga
The nutrition of animal cells., C Waymouth
The NXSM recombinant inbred strains of mice: genetic profile for 58 loci including the Mtv proviral loci., E M. Eicher and B K. Lee
The nylon wood adherence marker of the b cell lineage appears at the resting pre-b cell stage., boisvert N. Deslauriers, G Mercier, and L Lafleur
The nzo mouse. Abstr., R G. Larkins, C A. Re, A M. Veroni, F O. On, and E T. In
The Oak Ridge Polycystic Kidney (orpk) disease gene is required for left-right axis determination., N S. Murcia, W G. Richards, B K. Yoder, M L. Mucenski, J R. Dunlap, and R P. Woychik
The obese hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mouse: an animal model with inappropriate hyperglucagonaemia and defective a cell function. Abstr., P R. Flatt, C J. Bailey, and K D. Buchanan
The obese-hyperglycaemic syndrome in young obob-mice. Abstr., naeser S. Westman
The obese hyperglycemic syndrome in mice, metabolism of isolated adipose tissue in vitro., A E. Renold, J Christophe, and B Jeanrenaud
The obese hyperglycemic syndrome of mice as an example of 'metabolic' obesity., J Mayer
The obscure parts of the X chromosome in Drosophila melanogaster., A B. Griffen
The occurrance of X-irradiation induced chromosomal abberration in the spermatocytic and splenic cells of irradiated male mice., Deborah Alper
The occurrence and distribution of h-2 antigens on mouse intestinal epithelial cells., W N. Kirby and E L. Parr
The occurrence and migration of pigment cells in the hind limb musculature of pet mice. Abstr., W M. Reams and T C. Mayer
The occurrence in whole blood of material influencing the incidence of mammary carcinoma in mice., G W. Woolley, L W. Law, and C C. Little
The occurrence of a bilateral mandibular mast cell neoplasm in a mouse with lymphocytic leukemia., B Sass
The occurrence of a dominant spotting mutation in the house mouse., C C. Little and A M. Cloudman
The occurrence of a serum fetal alpha1 protein in developing mice and murine hepatomas and teratomas., B Kahan and L Levine
The occurrence of biologic crystals in tumor and nontumor cultures of c3h/hej mice., A Richters and R P. Sherwin
The occurrence of chromosomal aberrations in pre-spermatocytic cells of irradiated male mice. Iii. Sterility and semisterility in the offspring of male mice irradiated in the pre-meiotic and post-meiotic stages of spermatogenesis., A B. Griffen and M C. Bunker
The occurrence of chromosomal aberrations in pre-spermatocytic cells of irradiated male mice. III. Sterility and semisterility in the offspring of male mice irradiated in the pre-meiotic and post-meiotic stages of spermatogenesis., A B. Griffen and M C. Bunker
The occurrence of crystalline deposits in the lungs of c57 mice, the influence of ambient atmosphere., R P. Sherwin, M B. Gardner, and V Richters
The occurrence of dna strand breaks after hyperthermic treatments of mammalian cells with and without radiation., J B. Jorritsma and A W. Konings
The occurrence of four inheritable morphological variations in mice and their possible relation to treatment with X-rays., C C. Little and H J. Bagg
The occurrence of insulin in the pancreas of foetuses of some rodents., T A. Grillo
The occurrence of melanin pigment in albino mice. Abstr., F H. Moyer and D H. Kohl
The occurrence of nerve fibre degeneration in brains of mice inoculated with scrapie., H Fraser
The occurrence of plaque forming cells in normal and immunized con- ventional and germfree mice., A A. Nordin
The occurrence of skin tumors in mice treated with urethan., G Della porta and L Parmi
The occurrence of three recognized color mutations in mice., C C. Little
The occurrence of tumours in f1, f2, and f3 descendants of pregnant mice injected with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene., L Tomatis and C M. Goodall
The occurrence of two heritable types of abnormality among the descendants of X-rayed mice., C C. Little and H J. Bagg
The occurrence of two types of cytotoxic lymphoid cells in mice immunised with allogeneic tumour cells., S Denham, C K. Grant, J G. Hall, and P Alexander
The oculomotor nucleus and muscles are present in mutant anophthalmic mice. Abstr., J A. Paterson and abramof I. Kaiserman
The okazaki fragments of mouse p-815 cells. Abstr., J R. Gautschi and J M. Clarkson
The olivocerebellar projection to the uvula in the mouse., L M. Eisenman, D D. Sieger, and G J. Blatt
The omental immune apparatus of athymic nude mice. Abstr., L Jaroskova, I Trebichavsky, L Tuckova, D Jankaskova, and M Holub
The oncological characteristics of a new line of laboratory mice dbr., A M. Diadkova and E A. Lotosh
The oncolytic viruses., A E. Moore
The onset and development of polycythaemia in the obese mouse (c57bl/6j-ob/ob)., L E. Wittmers, J, and E W. Haller
The ontogenic status of melanin granules., M Woods, D Burk, and J Hunter
The ontogeny and distribution of b cells in normal and mutant immune-defective cba/n mice: two-parameter analysis of surface igm and igd., I Scher, J A. Titus, and F D. Finkelman
The ontogeny of b lymphocyte activation by 2-mercaptoethanol. Abstr., M G. Goodman, J M. Fidler, and W O. Weigle
The ontogeny of b lymphocytes. IV. Induction signals mediating phenotypic conversion of pc.1- To pc.1+ B cells., U Hammerling and A F. Chin
The ontogeny of b lymphocytes. V. Lipopolysaccharide-induced changes of igd expression on murine b lymphocytes., R Sitia, J Abbott, and U Hammerling
The ontogeny of erhthropoiesis in the mouse detected by the erythroid colony-forming technique. II. Transition in eryth- ropoietin sensitivity during development., I N. Rich and B Kubanek
The ontogeny of erythropoiesis in the mouse detected by the erythroid colony-forming technique. I. Hepatic and material erythropoiesis., I N. Rich and B Kubanek
The ontogeny of murine b lymphocytes. I. Induction of phenotypic conversion of ia- to ia+ lymphocytes., U Hammerling, A F. Chin, J Abbott, and M P. Scheid
The ontogeny of t-cell sets specific for allo- antigens or modified self antigens., S J. Burakoff, R Finberg, L Glimcher, R Lemonnier, B Benacerraf, D H. Cantor, and O S. Alloreactivity
The ontogeny of thymic independent antibody responses in vitro in normal mice and mice with an x-linked b cell defect., D E. Mosier, J J. Mond, and E A. Goldings
The ontogeny of thymic macrophages: thymic macrophages express ia from 15 days gestation onwards in the mouse., J H. Robinson
The ontogeny of thymus-dependent lymphomas. Abstr., S E. Kurtz, E Morris, and C L. Reinisch
The operant control of vocalization in the dog., K Salzinger and M B. Waller
Theophylline disposition in residents living near a chemical waste site., M L. Cuddy, M J. Gardner, A Mangione, A M. Yurchak, B Paigen, and W J. Jusko
The ordered columnar structure of mouse filiform papillae., W J. Hume and C S. Potten
The order of synthesis of the interchain disulfide linkages of immuno- globulins, in vitro, abstr., E W. Sutherland, D H. Zimmerman, and M Kern
Theoretical models of sarcomagenesis. Abstr., R Siegler
The organization of brain stem auditory nuclei in cba/j and c57bl/6 mice. Abstr., G A. Alexander and A Zarranz
The organization of certain afferents to the hippocampus and dentate gyrous in normal and reeler mice., B B. Stanfield, V S. Caviness, and W M. Cowan
The organization of hemopoietic tissue as inferred from the effects of 5-fluorouracil., G S. Hodgson, T R. Bradley, and J M. Radley
The organization of the plasma membrane in mammalian cells., E L. Benedetti, I Dunia, and A Diawara
The original pink-eyed dilution mutation (p) arose in Asiatic mice: implications for the H4 minor histocompatibility antigen, Myod1 regulation and the origin of inbred strains., M H. Brilliant, A Ching, Y Nakatsu, and E M. Eicher
The original shaker-with-syndactylism mutation (sy) is a contiguous gene deletion syndrome., K R. Johnson, S A. Cook, and Q Y. Zheng
The origin and development of alopecia in mice homozygous for strong's luxoid gene., P F. Forsthoefel, M L. Fritts, and L J. Hatzenbeler
The origin and development of chromatophores of Xenopus laevis and other anurans., L C. Stevens
The origin and development of the tail in the frog, Rana pipiens., M Smithberg
The origin and mechanism of the allograft reaction., K J. Lafferty and J Woolnough
The origin of alveolar macrophages in mouse radiation chimeras., J J. Godleski and J D. Brain
The origin of cytotoxic t lymphocyte precursors (ctl-p): mhc-restricted and alloreactive ctl-p in the spleen during regeneration after a sublethal dose of cyclophosphamide (cy)., M Sihvola and M Hurme
The origin of endogenous protens mirabilis bacteriaemia in irradiated mice., F Wensinck
The origin of hemopoietic cells in ectopic implants of spleen and marrow., M Tavassoli and R Khademi
The origin of induced pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteriaemia in irradi- ated mice., F Wensinck
The origin of intrahepatic bile duct cells in the mouse., N Shiojiri
The origin of jerker, a new gene mutation of the house mouse, and linkage studies made with it., H Gruneberg, J B. Burnett, and G D. Snell
The origin of mast cells in the spleen of adult mice., V Viklicky
The origin of myoblasts and the problem of dedifferentiation., B E. Walker
The origin of myoblasts in normal and dystrophic mice. Abst., B E. Walker
The origin of osteroclasts in estrogen-stimulated bone resorption of the pubic symphysis of the mouse., J A. Corwin and J R. Morehead
The origin of some mouse peripheral blood lymphocytes. Abstr., A J. Davies, H Festenstein, E Leuchars, V J. Wallis, and M J. Doenhoff
The origin of the abnormalities of the inner ear in dreher mice., M S. Deol
The origin of the acoustic ganglion and effects of the gene dominant spotting (w(v)) in the mouse., M S. Deol
The origin of the hematopoietic microenvironment in continuous bone marrow culture., S A. Bentley, T Knutsen, and peng J. Whang
The origin of the pheromones causing pregnancy block in mice., C J. Dominic
The origins of alloreactivity: differentiation of prekiller cells to viral infection results in alloreactive cytolytic t lymphocytes., R Finberg, H Cantor, B Benacerraf, and S Burakoff
The origins of some hitherto undescribed inbred mouse strains., W H. Hall and L O. Simpson
The orphan G protein-coupled receptor, Gpr161, encodes the vacuolated lens locus and controls neurulation and lens development., P G. Matteson, J Desai, R Korstanje, G Lazar, T E. Borsuk, J Rollins, S Kadambi, J Joseph, T Rahman, J Wink, R Benayed, B Paigen, and J H. Millonig
The osteopetrotic rabbit: general and skeletal features of a new outbred stock., S C. Marks, M F. Seifert, and R R. Fox
The otocephalic syndrome in the dog., M W. Fox
The outcome of the effect of polyvinylpyrrolidone and chondroitin sulphate in the presence or absence of serum on con a induced activation in vitro and agglutination of mouse lymphocytes., P Draber, V Viklicky, and A Lengerova
The ovary, estrous cycle and fecundity of DBA x CE and reciprocal hybrid mice in relation to age and the hyperovarian syndrome., M M. Dickie, W B. Atkinson, and E Fekete
The overall rates of dominant and recessive lethal and visible mutation induced by spermatogonial x-irradiation of mice., R J. Lyon mary f and A G. Searle
The oviduct as a barrier to exogenous thymidine in the early develop- ment of the mouse embryo., A Dyban, N A. Samoshkina, and E B. Mystkowska
The oxidation of cyst(e)ine by mast-cell tumour p815 in culture., J F. Wheldrake and C A. Pasternak
The oxidation of DPNH by mouse liver mitochondria in the presence of beta-hydroxybutyrate., Robert D. Baker
The oxidation of various precursors in normal and tumour-bearing mice in vivo., J Kabara and G Okita
The oxidative burst and related phenomena in mouse macrophages elicited by different sterile inflammatory stimuli., Y Keisari, L Braun, and E Flescher
The oxygen bohr effect in mouse hemoglobin., D B. Smith, M Brunori, E Antonini, and J Wyman
The oxygen equilibria and aggregation behavior of polymerizing mouse hemoglobins., A Riggs and M Rona
The oxysterol receptor., F R. Taylor and A A. Kandutsch
The pancreatic beta-cell recognition of glucose and phlorizin. Abstr., I B. Taljedal, B Hellman, A Lernmark, and J Sehlin
The pancreatic beta-cell recognition of insulin secretagogoues. Does cyclic amp mediate the effect of glucose., B Hellman, L Idahl, and A Lernmark
The pancreatic beta-cell recognition of insulin secretagogues. Effects of calcium and sodium on glucose metabolism and insulin release., B Hellman, L Idahl, A Lernmark, J Sehlin, and I Taljedal
The pancreatic beta-cell recognition of insulin secretagogues ii. Site of action of tolbutamide., B Hellman, J Sehlin, and I Taljedal
The pancreatic beta-cell recognition of insulin secretagogues. Influence of neuraminidase treatment on the release of insulin and the islet content of insulin, sialic acid, and cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate., H Hahn, B Hellman, A Lernmark, J Sehlin, and I Taljedal
The pancreatic beta-cell recognition of insulin secretagogues. IV. Islet uptake of sulfonylureas., B Hellman, J Sehlin, and I Taljedal
The pancreatic beta-cell recognition of insulin secretagogues. V. Binding and stimulatory action of phlorizin., B Hellman, A Lernmark, J Sehlin, and I Taljedal
The pancreatic beta-cell recognition of insulin secretagogues. Vii. Binding and permeation of chloromercuribenzene-p-sulphonic acid in the plasma membrane of pancreatic beta-cells., B Hellman, A Lernmark, J Sehlin, M Soderberg, and I Taljedal
The pancreatic beta-cell recognition of insulin secretagogues. Xiii. Effects of sulphydryl reagents on cyclic amp., B Hellman, L Idahl, A Lernmark, and I Taljedal
The pancreatic islet tissue in mice with obesity induced by goldthio- glucose., B Petersson and B Hellman
The paradoxical effects of thioglycollate-induced macrophages on the growth of b16 melanoma cells in vivo and in vitro., M Miyasaka, T Takiguchi, and S Konda
The parallel nature of the interchain disulphide bonds of immuno- globulins. Studies on a mouse igg1 myeloma protein., J Svasti and C Milstein
The parasitic ecology of the rodent mite myobia musculi. II. Genetic factors., S Friedman and S H. Weisbroth
The partial amino-acid sequence of an h-2k molecule., E S. Vitetta, J D. Capra, D G. Klapper, and J W. Uhr
The partial protective effect of the hydroxyl radical scavenger dimethyl urea on streptozotocin-induced diabetes in the mouse in vivo and in vitro., S Sandler and A Anderson
The partial purification and properties of uridine kinase from ehrlich ascites tumor cells., G Krystal and P G. Scholefield
The partial reinforcement effect (pre) sustained through extinction and continuous reinforcement in two strains of inbred mice., P T. Wong, C T. Lee, and F H. Novier
The participation of complement in isoimmune reactions., H J. Winn
The participation of complement in isoimmune reactions., H J. Winn
The participation of spleen and bone marrow in mice erythropoiesis as a function of age., M Aggio, N Giusto, M T. Bruzzo, and M Montano
The participation of thymus-derived and of bone marrow-derived lympho- cytes of sensitized mice, in the proliferative response to specific antigen, in vitro., L Mugraby, I Gery, and D Sulitzeanu
The part of mammalian genetics in founding the Jackson Memorial Laboratory., W E. Castle
The pas reaction in the notochord of the sd mutant mouse. Abstr., L G. Paavola and D B. Wilson
The passage of abnormal spermatozoa through the uterotubal junction of the mouse., H Krzanowska
The passage of glucose across the free surface of seminal visicle epithelium., Rebecca Wasko
The passage of lymphatic leukemia l1210 cells injected into glass bead labyrinth: their flow and retention., K Lewandowska, J Doroszewski, and W Szlenk
The passage of macrophages across lymphatic walls by reverse diapedesis. An ultrastructural study., I Carr
The passive person as a reinforcer in isolated beagle puppies., W C. Stanley
The "patchy" immunodeficiency of cba/n mice., J Quintans
The path between genes and behavioral characters., J L. Fuller
The pathogenesis and evolution of experimental pyelonephritis in the mouse with special reference to comparable conditions in man., R H. Gorrill and S D. Navasquez
The pathogenesis of abelson virus lymphomas of the mouse., R Risser
The pathogenesis of acute allogeneic disease in mice studied by para- biosis., G A. Granger, R S. Weiser, and B Holmes
The pathogenesis of alopecia areata in rodent models., K J. McElwee, Paul P. Freyschmidt, J P. Sundberg, and R Hoffmann
The pathogenesis of autoimmunity in new zealand mice., D R. Milich and M E. Gershwin
The pathogenesis of autoimmunity in new zealand mice. II. Accelera- tion of glomerulonephritis by polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid., D F. Carpenter, A D. Steinberg, P H. Schur, and N Talal
The pathogenesis of autoimmunity in new zealand mice. Iii. Factors influencing the formation of anti-nucleic acid antibodies., A D. Steinberg, T Pincus, and N Talal
The pathogenesis of autoimmunity in new zealand mice. I. Induction of antinucleic acid antibodies by polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid., A D. Steinberg, S Baron, and N Talal
The pathogenesis of autoimmunity in new zealand mice. IV. Independent stimulation of antibodies to dna and rna., D E. Powell and A D. Steinberg
The pathogenesis of cancer metastasis. (review)., G Poste and I J. Fidler
The pathogenesis of cellular injury associated with persistent lcm viral infection. Abstr., M Oldstone, K Habel, and F Dixon
The pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus. Possible usefulness of spontaneous hyperglycemic syndromes in animals., A E. Renold and I Burr
The pathogenesis of globoid cell leucodystrophy in peripheral nerve of the mouse mutant twitcher., J M. Jacobs, F Scaravilli, and F T. Aranda
The pathogenesis of murine systemic lupus erythematosus., F J. Dixon
The pathogenesis of pneumonitis due to murine cytomegalovirus., J D. Shanley, E L. Pesanti, and K M. Nugent
The pathogenesis of sindbis virus infection in athymic nude mice., R L. Hirsch and D E. Griffin
The pathogenesis of uterine lesions in virgin mice and in gonadectomized mice bearing adrenal cortical and pituitary tumors., N P. Christy, M M. Dickie, W B. Atkinson, and G W. Woolley
The pathogenicity of the ehrlich ascites tumour., K D. Mayer
The pathological features of a spontaneously occurring 'lymphoma' in mice. Abstr., W B. Leach, M W. Hartley, and P C. Bailey
The pathological features of a spontaneously occurring plasma-cell tumor in a new inbred strain of mice. Abstr., W B. Leach and P C. Bailey
The pathology and homing of a transplantable murine b cell leukemia (bcl1)., R A. Warnke, S Slavin, R L. Coffman, E C. Butcher, I R. Knapp, S Strober, and I L. Weissman
The pathology of laser irradiation of the skin and body wall of the mouse., Y Laor, C L. Simpson, E Klein, and S Fine
The pathophysiological significance of nondesmoglein targets of pemphigus autoimmunity. Development of antibodies against keratinocyte cholinergic receptors in patients with pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus., T N. Vu, T X. Lee, A Ndoye, L D. Shultz, M R. Pittelkow, M V. Dahl, P J. Lynch, and S A. Grando
The pathophysiology and morphology of murine hydrocephalus in hy-3 and ch mutants., A J. Raimondi, O T. Bailey, D G. Lone, T Lawson, and A Echeverry
The pattern of action of blended chinese traditional medicines to glucose tolerance curves in genetically diabetic kk-cay mice., M Kimura and J Suzuki
The pattern of lymphopoiesis in the mouse thymus after cortisone administration or adrenalectomy., M Ishidate and D Metcalf
The pattern of sensorineural degeneration in the cochlea of the deaf shaker-1 mouse: ultrastructural observations., A Shnerson, M Lenoir, T R. Water, and R Pujol
The pattern of vascular leakage induced by monochromatic uv irradia- tion in rats, guinea pigs and hairless mice., R S. Cotran and M A. Pathak
The Pearse-Slee cryostat: improvement in the antiroll plate., W T. West
The peculiar inheritance of pink eyes among colored mice., W E. Castle and C C. Little
The pentose phosphate pathway of glucose metabolism, enzyme profiles and transient and steady-state content of intermediates of alternative pathways of glucose metabolism in krebs ascites cells., K A. Gumaa and P M. Lean
The performance of silylating reactions of nucleosides and nucleotides with gas chromatography on silicone columns., Carol Hilfer
The period of dna synthesis prior to meiosis in the mouse., de faria Lima and K Borum
The periodontal structures in diabetic mice., S S. Stahl
The periodontium of grey lethal strain mice. Abstr., L C. Schneider and M B. Hollinshead
The persistence of ak leukemia in non susceptible swiss mice pre- treated with ak leukemia and/or irradiation. Abstr., J A. Halkett
The persistence of donor-derived cells in thymus grafts, lymph nodes and spleens of recipient mice., D M. Parrott and M A. Desousa
The persistent absence of enterobacteriacease from the intestinal flora of mice following antibiotic. Treatment., D Van der waaij
The persistent pha-responsive population in the mouse thymus. I. Characterization of the population., E V. Elliott
The persistent pha-responsive population in the mouse thymus. II. Recirculatory characteristics and immunological properties., E V. Elliott
The persisting (p) cell: histamine content, regulation by a t cell-derived factor, origin from a bone marrow precursor, and relationship to mast cells., J W. Schrader, S J. Lewis, lewis I. Clark, and J G. Culvenor
The peyer's patches as thymus-independent lymphoid tissue., L R. Heim, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good
The phagocytic activity of the reticuloendothelial system of mice infected by rauscher leukemia virus., H J. Seidel and W Nothdurft
The phagocytosis of tumor cells in vitro., B Bennett, L J. Old, and E A. Boyse
The phagocytosis of tumor cells in vitro. Abstr., B Bennett, L J. Old, and E A. Boyse
The phamacodynamics of methyl mercury in the balb/c mouse and its hairless homolog, the hrs/j mouse., P M. Salvaterra and E J. Massaro
The pharmacokinetics of repetitive benzene exposures at 300 and 100 ppm in akr mice and sprague-dawley rats., C A. Snyder, M N. Erlichman, S Laskin, and R E. Albert
The pharmacological effects of some radioprotective agents in mice., V Di stefano, J J. Klahn, and D E. Leary
The pharmacology of guanazole in animals and man. Abstr., M Hahn, R Adamson, I Zarembok, and J Block
The ph-dependence of sugar transport and of glycolysis in cultured ehrlich ascites-tumour cells., E Kaminskas
The phenogenetics of hair mutants in the house mouse. Opossum and ragged., S J. Mann
The phenomenon of immunological enhancement, with special reference to immunological tolerance., L Brent
The phenomenon of secondary reinforcement as effected by learning condition variability., Susan L. Andrews
The phenotypes of variant clones of friend mouse erythroleukemic cells resistant to dimethyl sulfoxide., G Rovera and J Bonaiuto
The phenotypic expression of a t6/t6/t6 genotype., J Mcgrath and N Hillman
The phosphatides of some mouse ascites tumors and rat hepatomas., P H. Figard and D M. Greenberg
The phospholipid and glycoprotein composition of t and b cells., R E. Anderson, J C. Standefer, and J V. Scaletti
The phospholipides of ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells, composition and intracellular distribution., D F. Wallach, J Soderberg, and L Bricker
The phosphorylase kinase deficiency (phk) locus in the mouse. Evidence that the mutant allele codes for an enzyme with an abnormal structure., S R. Gross, M A. Longshore, and S Pangburn
The phosphorylation of an acidic protein of the large ribosomal subunit of krebs ii ascites cells., D P. Leader and A A. Coia
The phosphorylation of ascites cell ribosomes in vivo. Identifica- tion of a phosphorylated protein of the small ribosomal subunit by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis., A D. Rankine and D P. Leader
The phosphorylation of beta-glucuronidase oligosaccharides in mouse p388d1 cells., D E. Goldberg and S Kornfeld
The phosphorylation of glucose in pancreatic islets and acini as studied by measurements of the enzymatic activity., S E. Brolin, E Borglund, and A Ohlsson
The phosphorylation of high mobility group protein 17 in l1210 cells in vitro. Abstr., J D. Saffer and R I. Glazer
The phosphorylation of high mobility group proteins 14 and 17 and their distribution in chromatin., J D. Saffer and R I. Glazer
The phosphorylation of the ribosomal proteins of krebs ii ascites cells., A D. Rankine, D P. Leader, and A A. Coia
The phosphorylation of troponin b by phosphorylase b kinase in skeletal muscle of mice carrying the phosphorylase b kinase deficiency gene., S R. Gross and S E. Mayer
The phosphorylation potentials generated by respiring ehrlich ascites tumor mitochondira., A Villalobo and A L. Lehninger
The phylogeny of mammalian histocompatibility immunogenes., E A. Clark and R C. Harmon
The phylogeny of the ribonuclease-ribonuclease inhibitor system, its distribution in tissues and its response during leukaemogenesis and aging., N Kraft and K Shortman
The physical separation of three subpopulations of granulocyte/macrophage progenitor cells from mouse bone marrow., S Bol, J Visser, and G V. Engh
The physiochemical properties of erythrocyte derived activity which enhances murine bone marrow colony growth in agar culture., I Bertoncello and T R. Bradley
The physiochemical properties of the cytoplasmic androgen receptor in the kidneys of normal, carrier female (tfm/+) and androgen-insensitive (tfm/y) mice., L P. Bullock, W I. Mainwaring, and C W. Bardin
The physiological activity of epithelium and its response to tumor growth-promoting influences. Abstr., T S. Argyris and B F. Argyris
The physiological disposition of 14c-labeled 5-hydroxypyridine-2- -carboxaldehyde thiosemicarbazone (nsc-107,392) in mice., R Tomchick, E P. Weinstein, and J A. Mead
The physiological disposition of 5-fluorouracil in mice bearing solid l1210 lymphocytic leukemia., M Chadwick and W I. Rogers
The physiological disposition of methyl-glyoxal-bis-guanylhydrazone- -c14. Abstr., V T. Oliverio and R H. Adamson
The physiological disposition of the carcinostatic imidazole-4(or 5)- -carboxamide, 5(or 4)-(3,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-triazeno) (nsc 82196) (imidazole mustard) in mice and dogs., C L. Vogel, C Denham, T P. Waalkes, and V T. Vita
The physiological effects of linoleic acid in strain L mouse fibroblasts., William J. Bean
The physiology of obesity in three genotypes of yellow mice., Fritz Heinle
The Pim kinases control rapamycin-resistant T cell survival and activation., C J. Fox, P S. Hammerman, and C B. Thompson
The pineal and neoplasia., R S. Buswell
The pituitary-adrenal system of the genetically obese (ob/ob) mouse., J A. Edwardson and C A. Hough
The pituitary changes in mice undergoing thyroid hyperplasia., M S. Israel and I R. Ellis
The pituitary-gonad response of genetically obese mice in parabiosis with thin and obese siblings., P Lane
The placenta as a homotransplant., J W. Uhr and S G. Anderson
The plaque cytogram assay. II. Correlation between morphology and density of linear bovine serum albumin buoyant density gradient- -separated immunocompetent cells., J T. Thornthwaite and R C. Leif
The plaque cytogram assay. I. Light and scanning electron microscopy of immunocompetent cells., J T. Thronthwaite and R C. Leif
The plasma amino acids of c3heb/fej and c57bl/6j strain mice, and their f1 heterozygote. Abstr., H E. Hrubant
The plasma transferrins of homologous chimeras., B L. Cohen
The plate-implant as a bioassay for the neoplastic potential of cultured cells., K K. Sanford, C W. Boone, R M. Merwin, and C U. Garrison
The 'plating' of tumor components on the connective tissue expanses of young c mice. Abstr., J S. Henderson and P Rous
The plating of tumor components on the subcutaneous expanses of young mice, findings with benign and malignant epidermal growths and with mammary carcinomas., J S. Henderson and P Rous
The pleiotropic function of PPARgamma in the placenta., W T. Schaiff, Y Barak, and Y Sadovsky
The podosomal-adaptor protein SH3PXD2B is essential for normal postnatal development., M Mao, D R. Thedens, B Chang, B S. Harris, Q Y. Zheng, K R. Johnson, L R. Donahue, and M G. Anderson
The Polycomb-group gene eed is required for normal morphogenetic movements during gastrulation in the mouse embryo., C Faust, K A. Lawson, N J. Schork, B Thiel, and T Magnuson
The polycystic organ in senescent athymic nude mice and in euthymic mice., M Holub, R Vanecek, and P Rossmann
The polyoma virus, section a., S E. Stewart
The popliteal lymph node graft-versus-host (gvh) assay in mice. Abstr., E E. Emeson and D R. Thursh
The popliteal node assay for graft-versus-host interaction in mice. I. Location and proliferation of donor and host cells within the popliteal node., H J. Monie and N B. Everett
The population genetics of the h-2 polymorphism in european and north african populations of the house mouse (mus musculus l.)., J H. Nadeau, E K. Wakeland, D Gotze, and J Klein
The position of autosomal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase on linkage group 8 of the mouse., R L. Collins and J J. Hutton
The position of autosomal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase on linkage group viii of the mouse., R L. Collins and J J. Hutton
The position of luxoid in linkage group II of the mouse., M C. Green
The position of luxoid in linkage group ii of the mouse., M C. Green
The position of ru-2 and qv with respect to the flecked translocation in the mouse., E M. Eicher
The position of ru-2 and qv with respect to the flecked translocation in the mouse., E M. Eicher
The position of the gene for glyoxalase i on chromosome 17 of the mouse., T C. Douglas and P E. Dawson
The positions of the centromeres in linkage groups 2 and ix of the mouse., M F. Lyon, J M. Butler, and R Kemp
The possibility of antiidiotypic activity in multipareous mice., G Chaouat, R G. Kinsky, H Duc, and P Robert
The possibility of genetic transformation in mouse ascites tumors. Abstr., G H. Blumenthal, F M. Costa, and D M. Greenberg
The possible impact of spatial coincidence of colony-forming bone marrow cells on the dose-effect function, limitations of the cyto- logical evidence of clonal origin., L Parraguez m and V Zeleny
The possible influence of a single gene locus on life span and its relationship to radiation resistance and activity., J F. Spalding and M R. Brooks
The possible influence of temporal factors in androgenic responsiveness of urogenital tissue recombinants from wild- -type and androgen-insensitive (tfm) mice., G R. Cunha and B Lung
The possible inhibition of leukemias in mice pretreated with a lyophilized tissue extract., Rolf Frederick Barth
The possible mechanism of cell positioning in mouse morulae: an ultrastructural study., M S. Sotynska
The possible occurance of glucose metabolism abnormalities in the AXbubu rabbit., Richard W. Evans
The possible role of genetic factors in carcinogenesis., P C. Koller
The possible role of hemidesmosomes in neonatally estrogen- -induced selection of a permanently altered abnormal vaginal epithelium., G R. Cunha and A K. Lee
The possible role of laf as a physiological mediator in the immune response. Abstr., G T. Blyden and R E. Handschumacher
The possible role of murine mammary tumor virus in chemical transformation of whole mouse mammary gland in vitro., Q J. Tonelli, C A. Long, and A B. Vaidya
The possible role of the tongue in palate closure based on in vivo studies of mouse embryos. Abstr., L M. Ross
The possible roles of membrane organization in the activity of androgen biosynthetic enzymes associated with normal or tumorous mouse leydig cell microsomes., B Sato, R A. Huseby, and L T. Samuels
The postnatal accumulation of s-100 protein in mouse central nervous system. Modulation of protein synthesis and degradation., J A. Stewart and M I. Urban
The postnatal development of high-endothelial venules in lymph nodes of mice., B Van deurs and C Ropke
The postnatal development of the junctional complexes of the mouse sertoli cells as revealed by freeze-fracture., T Nagano and F Suzuki
The postnatal development of the mitochondrial contents in blood lymphocytes of normal and oxygen-exposed mice., U Ernstrom and B Larsson
The postnatal development of the ovary in the 'nude' mouse., H Alten and P Groscurth
The postnatal development of the retina in the normal and rodless cba mouse, a light and electron microscopic study., D W. Caley, C Johnson, and R A. Liebelt
The postnatal development of the sexually dimorphic duct system and of amylase activity in the submandibular glands of mice., E W. Gresik and E K. Rae
The potenial bone marrow toxicity of antilymphocyte serum in mice., T R. De meester and N D. Anderson
The potential for leukemia regression in balb/c mice., M A. Rich and M Dietz
The potentiality of antibody-producing cells. I. Bispeci- fic cell occurrence in double stimulated cultures of syngeneic or allogeneic spleen cells of the mouse., J Couderc, C Bleux, J L. Birrien, and P Liacopoulos
The potential of transplanted nuclei during mammalian differentiation., K Illmensee and P C. Hoppe
The potential of transplanted nuclei during mammalian differentiation., K Illmensee and P C. Hoppe
The potential role of the macrophage colony-stimulating factor, CSF-1, in inflammatory responses: characterization of macrophage cytokine gene expression., R Evans, S J. Kamdar, J A. Fuller, and D M. Krupke
The potential therapeutic utility of t-cell growth factor. Abstr., P E. Baker and K A. Smith
The potentiating effects of hyperbaric oxygen and actinomycin d on the irradiation of ehrlich ascites tumor cells in vivo., B T. Aftonomos, P M. Aubin, and J F. Foley
The potentiation of lymphosarcomas in the mouse by manganous chloride. Abstr., J A. Dipaolo
The potentiation of x-ray effects on normal mouse skin by actinomycin d. Abstr., G J. D'angio and B Brown
The preantral granulosa cell to cumulus cell transition in the mouse ovary: development of competence to undergo expansion., F J. Diaz, M J. O'Brien, K Wigglesworth, and J J. Eppig
The predictive value of skin allograft survival times during the development of urethan-induced lung adenomas in balb/c mice., M A. Lappe and R T. Prehn
The predominant role of the k-end of the h-2 locus in lymphocyte transformation in mixed cultures., M Rychlikova, P Demant, and P Ivanyi
The preferential ability of B lymphocytes to act as diabetogenic APC in NOD mice depends on expression of self-antigen-specific immunoglobulin receptors., P A. Silveira, E Johnson, H D. Chapman, T Bui, R M. Tisch, and D V. Serreze
The preferential accumulation of specifically immunized long-lived lymphoid cells in lymph nodes stimulated by xenogenic red cells. Abstr., D R. Thursh and E E. Emeson
The preliminary amino acid sequence of mouse testicular lactate dehydrogenase., Y E. Pan, S Huang, J P. Marciniszyn Jr., and S S. Li
The prenatal development of the organ of Zuckerkandl in rats., L L. Peters and B G. Wood
The prenatal exposure of mice to urethan and the consequent develop- ment of tumors in various tissues., S D. Vesselinovitch, N Mihailovich, and G Pietra
The preparation and characterization of a thymic independent antigen. Epislon-dinitrophenyl-l-lysine-ficoll., P R. Mc master, J D. Owens, and W E. Vannier
The preparation and efficacy of purified antilymphocyte antibody and the effect of labeling this material with 125i., H Anderson and D Dresser
The preparation and properties of cytoplasts from ehrlich ascites tumor cells., G V. Henius, P C. Laris, and J D. Woodburn
The preparation and properties of macrophage-l cell hybrids., S Gordon, C S. Ripps, and Z Cohn
The preparation and purification of beta-glucuronidase from mouse liver, kidney and urine., O S. Pettengill and W H. Fishman
The preparation in immunologically tolerant rabbits of antisera against the ehrlich ascites tumor., E Levi and A M. Schechtman
The preparation of, and studies on, free cell suspensions from mouse pancreatic islets., A Lernmark
The preparation of nile blue mustards., A K. Sen, T Okuda, C C. Price, and R Rutman
The preparation of stable phosphorylcholine-erythrocyte conjugates for use in plaque assays., T J. Lindsay, W Birmingham, A M. Munster, and R A. Winchurch
The preparation of xenoantiserum specific for a murine mastocytoma cell line., rammahy A. Al and J G. Levy
The preputial gland of the male mouse., G Rudali, R Roudier, and C Vives
The presence and expression of rna tumor virus genes in normal and infected cells, detection by molecular hybridization., J M. Bishop, N Jackson, W E. Levinson, E Medeiros, N Quintrell, and H E. Varmus
The presence and localization of masked lipids in mouse muscle. A histochemical study., V Maggi and R Allen
The presence in the regional lymph node of mice of spleen cells injected into the footpad., J Jedrzejczyk, P Czerski, A Kossakowski, and K Ostrowski
The presence of a common active subunit in low and high molecular weight murine dna polymerases., N B. Hecht and D Davidson
The presence of a common idiotype in anti-h-2 immune sera as detected by anti-idiotype to a monoclonal anti-h-2 antibody., K Ozato, S L. Epstein, J A. Bluestone, S O. Sharrow, T Hansen, and D H. Sachs
The presence of a heterogenetic antigen in crocker's sarcoma., T P. Konstantinova
The presence of an autoimmune response in rabbits with lymphosarcoma and hemolytic anemia/, Harry Dickerson
The presence of an estrogen receptor in the castrated mouse thymus., Y Imanishi, K Seiki, and Y Haruki
The presence of apical pits on the lower cheek teeth of the mouse., W A. Gaunt
The presence of arginyl residues and carboxylate groups in the phosphorylcholine-binding site of mouse myeloma protein, hopc 8., A L. Grossberg, L M. Krausz, L Rendina, and D Pressman
The presence of disulfide-linded gp70-p15(e) complexes in akr murine leukemia virus., A Pinter and E Fleissner
The presence of estrogen receptor in kidneys from normal and androgen-insensitive tfm/y mice., L P. Bullock and C W. Bardin
The presence of f9 antigen on the surface of mouse embryonic cells until day 8 of embryogenesis., caron M. Buc, H Condamine, and F Jacob
The presence of glycopeptide material in cultured mouse mast-cell tumours., D B. Thomas
The presence of i-region-associated antigens on b cells in molecules distinct from immunoglobulin and h-2k and h-2d., E R. Unanue, M E. Dorf, C S. David, and B Benacerraf
The presence of j-chains in the intracellular fluid of igm-secreting murine tumor cells., S V. Raam and F P. Inman
The presence of non-h-2 histocompatibility specificities in prepar- ations of mouse h-2 antigens., D A. Davies
The presence of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase in the n-methyl-n-nitrosourea induced leukaemia in bdf1 mice and its effect on the accuracy of the dna polymerases., R Saffhill and L Chaudhuri
The presence of two fc receptors on mouse macrophages. Evidence from a variant cell line and differential trypsin sensitivity., J C. Unkeless
The presence of two major hemoglobin components in an inbred strain of mice., D B. Rifkin, M R. Rifkin, and W Konigsberg
The presence of unique dna sequences after viral induction of leukemia in mice., R Sweet, N Goodman, J Cho, R Ruprecht, R Redfield, and S Spiegelman
The presence of virus-like bodies in transplantable tumors of the vagina in mice., W Bartoszewicz
The present status of our knowledge of heredity and cancer., C C. Little
The present status of the cancer problem., C C. Little
The preservation by freezing and drying in vacuo of the milk influence for the development of breast cancer in mice., J J. Bittner
The presynaptic CaV2.2 channel-transmitter release site core complex., R Khanna, Q Li, J Bewersdorf, and E F. Stanley
The prevalence of tumors in mice and the effects of radiation. Abstr., R J. Fry, E J. Ainsworth, J F. Thomson, F S. Williamson, E Staffeldt, and K Allen
The prevention of doxorubicin cardiac toxicity by n-acetyl- l-cysteine. Abstr., J H. Doroshow, G V. Locker, and C E. Myers
The primary antibody response to (t,g)-a--l in mice. Abstr., F C. Grumet
The primary immune response., M G. Hanna, R C. Changes, and P C. During
The primordial germ cells in early mouse embryos, light and electron microscopic studies., K W. Jeon and J R. Kennedy
The privilege of h-y incompatible neonatal skin grafts in mice. Abstr., A K. Dustira and W K. Silvers
The probable mode of gene action in the circling mutants of the mouse., M S. Deol
The problem of anemia in mice homozygous for strong's luxoid gene. Abstr., P F. Forsthoefel and A M. Kuharcik
The problem of cancer, C C. Little
The problem of distribution of a nerve growth factor specific for spinal and sympathetic ganglia., E D. Bueker, I Schenkein, and J L. Bane
The problems of experimental 6-azauridine oroturia as a irradiation test., J Grozdanovic and G Truxova
The procaine esterase activity of serum from different mammalian species., M M. Reidenberg
The processing of T-lymphocytes by the gut of the suckling neonate., P W. Slobodian, G A. Carlson, and T G. Wegmann
The processing of t-lymphocytes by the gut of the suckling neonate., P W. Slobodian, G A. Carlson, and T G. Wegmann
The production and transfer of immune reactions to bovine serum albumin in isogenic and allogeneic mice. II. Dermal reactivity., D L. Vredevoe
The production, morphology, karyotypes and transport of spermatozoa from tertiary trisomic mice and the consequences for egg fertilization., P De boer, F A. Hoeven, and J A. Chardon
The production of acidic polysaccharides by 5-bromodeoxyuridine- -treated b16 mouse melanoma cells., C Satoh, J W. Kreider, J Banks, S Garlick, and E A. Davidson
The production of adult chimeras by the use of monoclonal anti-host H-2K antibody., T G. Wegmann, G A. Carlson, and D W. Drell
The production of adult chimeras by the use of monoclonal anti-host h-2k antibody., T G. Wegmann, G A. Carlson, and D W. Drell
The production of allogeneic cell-mediated cytotoxic acti- vity in culture can be modulated by addition of low concentrations of thymidine. Abstr., M J. Ehrke, L Strzadala, and E Minich
The production of antibodies to allogeneic tumor cells by mouse spleen in vitro., G M. Jolley
The production of anti-idiotypic antibodies and of idiotype- -anti-idiotype immune complexes after polyclonal activation induced by bacterial lps., L M. Rose, M Goldman, and P Lambert
The production of anti-idiotypic antibodies to balb/c plasmacytoma globulins in balb/c mice., V N. Yakulis and P Heller
The production of anti-(t,g)-a--l anti-idiotypic antisera. Abstr., S Pincus, D H. Sachs, B H. Sanford, and H B. Dickler
The production of 'bacteria-free' mice. Relationship between fecal flora and bacterial population of the skin., D Van der waaij and C A. Sturm
The production of committed hemopoietic colony-forming cells from multipotential precursor cells in vitro., N A. Nicola and G R. Johnson
The production of contact sensitivity by the injection into the footpads of recipients of the lymph node cells from mice 1 day after painting the skin with contact sensitizing agent: requirement for matching at the major histocompatibility com- plex between donor and recipient mice., G L. Asherson, B Mayhew, and M A. Perera
The production of fibrinolysis inhibitors as a parameter of the activation state in murine macrophages., V Klimetzek and C Sorg
The production of intergeneric chimeras from two rodent species., Lora J. Hagemann
The production of interleukin-2., M Malkovsky, G L. Asherson, B Stockinger, D M. Watkins, and C I. Reduces
The production of lymphoid colonies on the spleens of lethally x-irradiated mice., Peter J. Wettstein
The production of megakaryocytic macrocytosis by systemic factors in sl/sld mice., S Ebbe, E Phalen, and M K. Ryan
The production of membrane or secretory forms of immunoglobulins is regulated by c-gene-specific signals., L Forni and A Coutinho
The production of monoclonal antibodies to human chorionic gonadotrophin and its subunits., M C. Stuart, P A. Underwood, D F. Harman, K L. Payne, D A. Rathjen, Razziudin, S R. Von sturmer, and K Vines
The production of non-h-2 histocompatibility alloantibodies in the mouse., G L. Zink and S Heyner
The production of pulmonary oedema in mice by cyclophosphamide and iodide., M Berenbaum
The production of sterility in male mice by irradiation with neutrons., G D. Snell and P C. Aebersold
The production of thyroid autoantibodies in mice., F J. Twarog and N R. Ros
The production of tumors by injection of a carcinogen into the amniotic fluid of mice., L W. Law
The production of vesicular stomatitis virus by antigen- or mitogen- -stimulated lymphocytes and continuous lymphoblastoid lines., M Nowakowski, J D. Feldman, S Kano, and B R. Bloom
The production of wasting disease in mice with cyclophosphamide and allogenic cells. Abstr., A H. Owens and G W. Santos
The production, testing, and utility of double congenic mouse strains. II. B10-h-2ah-7b/wts and b10-h-2dh-7b/wts., P J. Wettstein and G Haughton
The progression from obesity to type 2 diabetes in Alström syndrome., Vera Bettini, Pietro Maffei, Claudio Pagano, Sara Romano, Gabriella Milan, Francesca Favaretto, Jan D Marshall, Richard Paisey, Francesco Scolari, Nella A Greggio, Ilaria Tosetto, Jürgen K Naggert, Nicola Sicolo, and Roberto Vettor
The progression of herpes simplex virus to the central nervous system of the mouse., P Wildy
The projection of the supramammillary region upon the dentate gyrus in normal and reeler mice., B B. Stanfield, J M. Wyss, and W M. Cowan
The proliferation kinetics of l 1210 ascites tumour., P Dombernowsky
The proliferation of capillary endothelial cells., I F. Tannock and S Hayashi
The proliferation of plasma cells from mouse bone marrow in vitro. I. The role of thymus., K Nakamura
The proliferative and anamnestic antibody response of rabbit lymphoid cells in vitro. II. Requirement for adherent and nonadherent cells of the responses to particulate antigens in spleen cell cultures., G A. Theis and G J. Thorbecke
The proliferative capacity of antigen-sensitive precursors of hemoly- tic plaque-forming cells., J C. Kennedy, J E. Till, L Siminovitch, and E A. Culloch
The proliferative response of epidermis of hairless mice to full thickness wounds., M Kurman and T S. Argyris
The proliferative response of the coagulating gland of the castrated mouse under continuous androgen stimulation. An experimental and computer simulation model., A R. Morley, D R. Appleton, N A. Wright, and M R. Alison
The proliferative state of antigen-sensitive precursors of hemolysin- -producing cells, determined by the use of the inhibitor, vinblastine., D Syeklocha, L Siminovitch, J E. Till, and E A. Culloch
The proliferative states of density subpopulations of granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells., P V. Byrne, W Heit, and B Kubanek
The proliferative states of mouse granulopoietic progenitor cells., N N. Iscove, J E. Till, and E A. Culloch
The properties of a tryptophan hydroxylase from neoplastic mouse cells. Abstr., T Sato, W Lovenberg, R Levine, and A Sjoerdsma
The properties of cell clones derived from a polyoma induced mouse tumour., E J. Walls and G Negroni
The properties of oligonucleotide fragments containing the triphosphorylated 5'termini of nuclear pre-mrna from ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., G Bajszar, O P. Samarina, and G P. Georgiev
The properties of plaque-forming cells from autoimmune and normal strains of mice with specificity for autologous erythrocyte antigens., E M. Lord and R W. Dutton
The property of 'strength' of histocompatibility antigens, and their ability to produce antigenic competition., J Lawrence walter and M Simonsen
The proportion of nonrepetitive dna represented in nuclear, cyto- plasmic, and polysomal rna of cultured mouse cells. Abstr., L J. Grady and W P. Campbell
The protection of mice against radiation by 2-mercaptoethylguanidine and its disulfide., E E. Schwartz and B Shapiro
The protective action of 1-mercapto-2 aminobutane on leukemic mice. Abstr., R J. Rutman, F S. Lewis, and C C. Price
The protective effect of cysteamine against genetic damages by x-rays in spermatozoa from mice., K G. Luning, H Frolen, and A Nelson
The protective effect of hypoxia against repeated irradiation of mice., A Vacek, D Rotkovska, and A Rakova
The protein nature of the thy-1.2 Alloantigen as expressed by the murine lymphoblastoid line s-49.1 TB.2.3., U N. Kucich, J C. Bennett, and B J. Johnson
The Protein Ontology: a structured representation of protein forms and complexes., D A. Natale, C N. Arighi, W C. Barker, J A. Blake, C J. Bult, M Caudy, H J. Drabkin, P D'Eustachio, A V. Evsikov, and al et
The protein products of the murine 17th chromosome. Genetics and structure., E S. Vitetta and J D. Capra
The protein profiles of primary tumors and their lung metastases., V Suntzeff and G R. Davenport
The proteins and carbohydrates of ascites tumor fluid., E E. Miller
The proton stoichiometry of electron transport in ehrlich ascites tumor mitochondria., A Villalobo and A L. Lehninger
The provocation of latent lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infec- tions in mice by treatment with antilymphocytic serum., M Volkert and C Lundstedt
The public and smoking; fear or calm deliberation?, C C. Little
The pulmonary response of c5 sufficient and deficient mice to immune complexes. Abstr., G L. Larsen, B C. Mitchell, and P M. Henson
The purification and characterization of an inhibitor of protein synthesis from the muscle of dystrophic mice and homozygous control mice., see M. Chin and D M. Nicholls
The purification and characterization of liver glyoxalase i from normal mice and from mice bearing a lymphosarcoma., R A. Strzinek, V E. Scholes, and S J. Norton
The purification and characterization of uridine-cytidine kinase from a murine neoplasm. Abstr., A S. Liacouras and E P. Anderson
The purification and chemical composition of a mouse histocompat- ibility antigen., D A. Davies
The purification and properties of two low-molecular-weight proteins required for the initiation of translation in ascites tumour cells., H M. Dahl, E Truelsen, and G E. Blair
The purification and quantitation of helper t cell- -replacing factors secreted by murine spleen cells activated by concanavalin a., J Watson, L A. Aarden, and I Lefkovits
The purification of a gs antigen of the murine mammary tumor virus and its quantitation by radioimmunoassay., E Ritzi, A Baldi, and S Spiegelman
The purification of murine histocompatibility antigens (h-2b) from rbl-5 tumor cells using detergents., M J. Rogers, E A. Robinson, and E Appella
The purification of specific anti-picryl t suppressor factor which depresses the passive transfer of contact sensitivity: affinity chromatography on antigen and con- canavalin a sepharose and specific elution with hapten and alpha-methylmannoside., G L. Asherson, M Zembala, and J Noworolski
The purified protein derivative of turberculin, a b-cell mitogen that distinguishes in its action resting, small b cells from activated b-cell blasts., J Andersson, W Lernhardt, and F Melchers
The purkinje cell dendritic tree in mutant mouse cerebellum. A quantitative golgi study of weaver and staggerer mice., P Bradley and M Berry
The putative oncogene Pim-1 in the mouse: its linkage and variation among t haplotypes., J H. Nadeau and S J. Phillips
The pygmy (pg) mutant of the mouse--a model of the human pygmy., D L. Rimoin and L Richmond
The pyridine mucleotide content of mitochondria isolated from ehrlich ascites tumor cells., P Borst and boonstra J. Colpa
The pyridine nucleotide content of mitochondria of ehrlich ascites tumour cells., P Borst and boonstra J. Colpa
The qa-1 alloantigens. II. Evidence for the expression of two qa-1 molecules by the qa-1d genotype and for cross-reactivity between qa-1 and h-2kf., R G. Cook, R N. Jenkins, L Flaherty, and R R. Rich
The qa-1 antigenic system. Relation of qa-1 phenotypes to lympho- cyte sets, mitogen responses, and immune functions., T H. Stanton, C E. Calkins, J Jandinski, D J. Schendel, O Stutman, Cantor, and E A. Boyse
The qa-2 antigen on lymphocyte subpopulations. Mixed lympho- cyte culture and cell-mediated lympholysis., K A. Sullivan and L Flaherty
The quantification of development of the twelve and thirteen day mouse (cba-j/cba-j) embryo inner ear 'in vitro'. Abstr., T Van de water and R Ruben
The quantitation of cell surface antigens by antibody-complement mediated cytotoxicity: application to murine leukemia virus- -infected mouse cells., J E. Moen, J Brouwer, and S O. Warnaar
The quantitation of tubulin in neuroblastoma cells by radioimmunoassay., L Van de water and J B. Olmsted
The quantitative bone marrow and spleen composition in male nmri and cba mice., M Beran and B Tribukait
The quantitative determination of metabolites of 6-mercaptopurine in biological materials. Iii. The determination of c-labeled 6- -thiopurines in l5178y cell extracts using high-pressure liquid cation-exchange chromatography., H Breter, A Maidhof, and R K. Zahn
The quantitative expression of glycerol 3-phosphate dehydro- genase correlates with the level of its translatable mrna. Abstr., L P. Kozak and P Ratner
The quantitative influence of chromosomal translocations on sperm morphology. Abstr., I T. Young, A J. Grover, B L. Gledhill, and S Lake
The quantitative retention of cholesterol in mouse liver prepared for electron microscopy by fixation in a digitonin containing aldehyde solution., T J. Scallen and S E. Dietert
The quantitiative production of interferon by mitogen-stimulated mouse lymphocytes as a function of age and its effect on the lymphocytes proliferative response., J W. Heine and W H. Adler
The question of derepression of h-2 specificities in virus- -infected cells. Failure to detect specific alloreactive t cells after systemic virus infection or alloantigens detectable by alloreactive t cells on virus-infected target cells., R M. Zinkernagel, B Adler, and A Althage
The question of genetic control of the mast cell incidence in the spleen and thymus., V Viklicky
The question of the universality of tumour antigen in isologous and homologous relationships., P Koldovsky
The R109H variant of fascin-2, a developmentally regulated actin crosslinker in hair-cell stereocilia, underlies early-onset hearing loss of DBA/2J mice., J B. Shin, Guess C. Longo, L H. Gagnon, K J. Spinelli, J M. Pagana, P A. Wilmarth, L L. David, P G. Gillespie, and K R. Johnson
The rabbit as a research subject., R R. Fox
The rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus., R R. Fox
The rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and research on aging., R R. Fox
The radiation enhancement factor (ref) of hyperthermia in combination with fast neutrons on local tumor response. Abstr., E W. Hahn, T R. Canada, A A. Alfieri, and J C. Donald
The radiation resistance of long-lived lymphocytes and plasma cells in mouse and rat lymph nodes., J J. Miller and L J. Cole
The radiation response of hypoxic cells in emt6 spheroids in suspension culture does model data from emt6 tumors., A J. Franko and C J. Koch
The radiation response of tumour cell subpopulations separated by unit gravity sedimentation. Abstr., R L. Howell and C J. Koch
The radiation responses of synchronous l5178y s/s cells and their significance for radiobiological theory., H Nagasawa, A B. Cox, and J T. Lett
The radiation sensitivity of a transplanted murine lymphoma as deter- mined by two different assay methods., R S. Bush and W R. Bruce
The radiation sensitivity of mitotically inactive mouse bone-marrow stem cells. Abstr., G E. Hanks
The radiation sensitivity of normal mouse bone marrow cells, deter- mined by quantitative marrow transplantation into irradiated mice., E A. Mc culloch and J E. Till
The radiation sensitivity of transplanted lymphoma cells as deter- mined by the spleen colony method., R S. Bush and W R. Bruce
The radio inductograph: a device for recording physiological activity in unrestrained animals., J L. Fuller and T M. Gordon
The radiolabeling of lymphocytes and tumor cells with 111indium., P Frost, J Smith, and H Frost
The radioprotective action of a number of cysteamine derivatives and related compounds., D W. Van bekkum and H T. Nieuwerkerk
The radioprotective action on bone marrow cfu during immunobilization of mice., H J. Keizer and L M. Putten
The radioprotective effects of combined hypoxia and aet in mice., L M. Zatz
The radio protective effects of steroid hormones in mice administered various times prior to whole-body radiation exposure. Abstr., G L. Brown, L K. Yielding, and M L. Davis
The radioprotective quality of glycylhistamine and the venom of apis mellifera (honeybee). Abstr., D A. Wright, R D. Neff, and R O'connor
The radiosensitive nature of homograft-rejecting and agglutinin- -forming capacities of isolated spleen cells., F Celada and R R. Carter
The radiosensitivity of a murine fibrosarcoma as measured by three cell survival assays., L Rice, M Urano, and H D. Suit
The radiosensitivity of murine leukaemia cells irradiated in vivo within infiltrated lymph nodes., H B. Hewitt
The radiosensitivity of murine lymphoma cells in vivo as determined by a splenic colony method. Abstr., R S. Bush and W R. Bruce
The radiosensitivity of offspring of an irradiated mouse population. II. The effects of acute or fractionated doses of x-rays on male off- spring., W Sheridan and C Ronnback
The radiosensitivity of t and b lymphocytes in mice., Y Kataoka and T Sado
The radiosensitizing effect of metronidazole and misonidazole (ro-07-0582) on a human malignant melanoma grown in the athymic mutant nude mouse., E K. Rofstad and T Brustad
The range of velocities of axoplasmic flow. A new approach, and its application to mice with genetically inherited spinal muscular atrophy., W Bradley, D Murchison, and M Day
Therapeutic activity of basic bis-epoxides in murine leukemia and other transplantable mouse neoplasms., I S. Johnson and H F. Wright
Therapeutic activity of narcissus alkaloid on rauscher leukemia and comparison with standard drugs., E Furusawa, S Furusawa, S Morimoto, and W Cutting
Therapeutic activity of pretazettine, a narcissus alkaloid on rauscher leukemia. Comparison with tazettine and streptonigrin., E Furusawa, S Furusawa, J Y. Lee, and S Patanavanich
Therapeutic activity of pretazettine, a narcissus alkaloid, on spontaneous akr leukemia., E Furusawa, R H. Lockwood, S Furusawa, M K. Lum, and J Y. Lee
Therapeutic activity of pretazettine and the related alkaloid on murine leukemia. Abstr., E Furusawa and W C. Wildman
Therapeutic and immunologic effect of iodoacetate in mature akr mice., M S. Rheins and A D. Barker
Therapeutic effect of intratumoral injection of bcg and other substances in rats and mice., D Chassoux and J Salomon
Therapeutic effects of 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyladenine and 2'- deoxycoformycin combinations on intracerebral leukemia., S H. Lee, N Caron, and A P. Kimball
Therapeutic effects of acivicin and n-(phosphonacetyl)-l- -aspartic acid in a biochemically designed trial against a n-(phosphonacetyl)-l-aspartic acid-resistant variant of the lewis lung carcinoma., T W. Kensler, L J. Reck, and D A. Cooney
Therapeutic effects of a graft-versus-host reaction on spontaneous thymic lymphomas in akr mice. Abstr., D E. Uphoff
Therapeutic effects of cysteine adducts of alpha, beta-unsaturated aldehydes on ehrlich ascites tumor in mice., H M. Tillian, E Schauenstein, A Ertl, and H Esterbauer
Therapeutic effects of cysteine adducts of alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes on ehrlich ascites tumor of mice. II., H M. Tillian, E Schauenstein, and H Esterbauer
Therapeutic effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its metabolites in obese-hyperglycemic mutant mice., D L. Coleman
Therapeutic effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in diabetic mice., D L. Coleman, E H. Leiter, and R W. Schwizer
Therapeutic effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (dhea) in diabetic mice., D L. Coleman, E H. Leiter, and R W. Schwizer
Therapeutic effects of dehydroepiandrosterone metabolites in diabetes mutant mice (C57BL/KsJ-db/db)., D L. Coleman, E H. Leiter, and N Applezweig
Therapeutic efficacy studies of 6-selenoguanosine against l1210 murine leukemia. Abstr., J E. Peters, L B. Townsend, and W Ensminger
Therapeutic efficiency of spleen or bone marrow cfu in x-irra- diated 89sr marrow-ablated mice., J F. Duplan, E Legrand, C Castaignos, and E D. Calignon
Therapeutic evidence for and implications of cell age cohort variation during tumor growth., Y Maruyama and T Lee
Therapeutic performance of carminomycin-cyclophosphamide against l1210 leukemia., T L. Avery and P G. Cruze
Therapeutic potentiation of antileukemic drugs. Abstr., F M. Schabel, W R. Laster, and M W. Trader
Therapeutic response of human tumor xenografts in thymic mice to doxorubicin., F C. Giuliani, K A. Zirvi, and N O. Kaplan
Therapeutic response of leukemic mice treated with fluorinated pyrimidines and inhibitors of deoxyuridylate synthesis., R G. Moran, P V. Danenberg, and C Heidelberger
Therapeutic studies in nzb/nzw f1 mice. V. Comparison of cyclophosphamide and chlorambucil., N L. Gerber, D Powell, and A D. Steinberg
Therapeutic studies in nzb/w mice. II. Relative efficacy of azathioprine, cyclophosphamide and methylprednisolone., M C. Gelfand and A D. Steinberg
Therapeutic synergism of 5-fu and 4'deoxydoxorubicin (deodx) com- bination chemotherapy in human colorectal tumors xenografted into athymic mice. Abstr., F C. Giuliani, K A. Zirvi, N O. Kaplan, and A Goldin
Therapeutic synergism (ts) of ara-c plus methotrexate (mtx) against murine leukemia l1210. Abstr., F M. Schabel Jr., M W. Trader, W R. Laster, and M H. Witt
Therapeutic synergism with cyclophosphamide (cp) plus 5-fluorouracil (fu) in mouse leukemia l1210. Abstr., D J. Fernandes and P Klubes
Therapeutic synergism with cyclophosphamide(cp) plus methotrexate (mtx) in mouse leukemia l1210. Abstr., P Klubes, H Harder, I Cerna, K Connelly, and E Silk
Therapeutic value of combination therapy with cytosine arabinoside (ara-c, nsc-63878) plus 5-(3,3-dimethyl-1-triazeno)-imidazole-4-carb- oxamide (dic, nsc-45388) and enhancement of the combination with sequential methotrexate (mtx, nsc-740) in advanced murine leukemia l1210. Abstr., I Kline, M Gang, and J M. Venditti
Therapeutic value of the organic phosphate trichlorfon against syphacia obvelata in inbred mice., M L. Simmons, H E. Williams, and E B. Wright
The rapid determination of binding constants for antiviral antibodies by a radioimmunoassay. An analysis of the inter- action between hybridoma proteins and influenza virus., M E. Frankel and W Gerhard
The rapid-flow cytofluorometric identification of tumor cells in exfoliated cell populations., C A. Rubio and B Thorell
The rapid onset of inhibition of antibody-forming cell proliferation upon an increase in density of cellular suspensions cultured in vitro., A E. Gurvich and O Grigoryeva
The rapid response of ovarian and uterine veins of mice to sex hormones., S E. Kapadia and T R. Forbes
Therapieversuche mit hydroxypentenal am ehrlich ascites-solidtumor der maus., E Schauenstein, B Wunschmann, and H Esterbauer
Therapieversuche mit hydroxypentenal -- ii. Hemmung des wachstums von sarkom 180., E Schauenstein, M Ernet, H Esterbauer, and H Zollner
Therapieversuche mit hydroxypentenal--ii. Hemmung des wachstums von sarkom 180., E Schauenstein, M Ernet, H Esterbauer, and H Zollner
Therapy in an intracerebral murine glioma model, using bacillus calmette-guerin, neuraminidase-treated tumor cells, and 1-(2- -chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea., L Albright, J C. Madigan, M R. Gaston, and D P. Houchens
Therapy of akr leukemia with antibody-dependent normal lymphocytes and cyclophosphamide., D L. Putman, P D. Kind, and M Kende
Therapy of experimental leukemias with combinations of l-asparaginase and glutamine antagonists. Abstr., S P. Jacobs, I Wodinsky, C J. Kensler, and J Venditti
Therapy of experimental tumors with corynebacterium parvum (cp) alone and in combination with adriamycin (adr). Abstr., D P. Houchens and M R. Gaston
Therapy of hereditary mouse muscular dystrophy with coenzyme q7., J Scholler, D Jones, G P. Littarru, and K Folkers
Therapy of leukemia by nonimmune syngeneic spleen cells., M A. Cheever, P D. Greenberg, and A Fefer
Therapy of leukemia l-1210 with the antibiotic neocarzinostatin in combination with standard drugs. Abstr., W T. Bradner and C A. Rossomano
Therapy of mouse leukemia l1210 with combinations of nebularine and nitrobenzylthioinosine 5'-monophosphate., T P. Lynch, J H. Paran, and A R. Paterson
Therapy of mouse lymphoma with monoclonal antibodies to glycolipid: selection of low antigenic variants in vivo., W W. Young and S Hakomori
Therapy of mouse tumors and human tumor xenografts by the antitumor antibiotic at-125 (nsc-163501). Abstr., D Houchens, A Ovejera, R Johnson, A Bogden, and G Neil
Therapy of spontaneous pulmonary metastases of a murine mammary carcinoma with anaerobic corynebacteria., L Milas, K Mason, and H R. Withers
Therapy of the murine plasmacytoma mopc 104e. Role of the immune response., R A. Lubet and D E. Carlson
Therapy of transplantable mouse leukaemias with antileukaemia sera., A E. Reif and C H. Kim
Therapy of transplanted lymphomas., D L. Vredevoe and E F. Hays
Therapy with antibody-coated immune and hyperimmune peritoneal cells in a murine lymphoma system., H F. Dullens, R A. Weger, R A. Woutersen, and W D. Otter
Therapy with corynebacterium parvum (cp) of spontaneous pulmonary metastases of a murine mammary carcinoma. Abstr., L Milas and H R. Withers
The rate of changes in inorganic phosphate content of ehrlich ascites- -tumour cells., J O. Laws and L H. Stickland
The rate of dominant lethals after low x-ray doses given to mouse spermatozoa., A Leonard and G Deknudt
The rate of extinction of a conditioned aversion to sodium saccharin in obese mice., James A. Hroncich
The rate of genetic divergence of sublines in the c57bl strain of mice., M S. Grewal
The rate of mutation of l5178y asparagine-dependent mouse leukemia cells to asparagine independence and its biological consequences., W P. Summers and R E. Handschumacher
The rate of translocations induced in spermatogonia of mice by two x-irradiation exposures separated by varying time intervals., A Leonard and G Deknudt
The rate of tumor growth in animals., J A. Mc credie, W R. Inch, J Kruuv, and T A. Watson
The ratio of cytochromes in radiation-induced leukemia cells of mice., S Irie, M Okumoto, and Y Takamori
The rauscher virus, a mixture of the friend virus and of the mouse leukemia virus (gross)., L Gross
The rbe of 14 mev neutrons. Observations on colony-forming units in mouse bone-marrow., W Duncan, D Greene, A Howard, and J B. Massey
The rbe of negative pions in 2-day-old ascites tumors., J M. Feola, M R. Raju, C Richman, and J H. Lawrence
The rbe of neutrons in vivo., K K. Fu, T L. Phillips, and J R. Rowe
The reaction mechanism of dihydrofolate reductase from l1210 cells. Abstr., J L. Mc cullough, P F. Nixon, and J R. Bertino
The reaction of antilymphocyte serum with lymphocytes. I. The blocking of surface-associated gamma-globulin., F Paraskevas and E A. Israels
The reaction of immunologically activated lymphoid cells against homo- logous target tissue cells in vitro., D B. Wilson
The reactivity and aversion threshold of diabetic, obese, and viable yellow mice to quinine in their drinking water., Mariana S. Markell
The reactivity of murine lymphocytes to epidermal cells., R W. Gillette, S Cooper, and E M. Lance
The real science., Kristopher Carlson
The receptor specificity of alloreactive t cells. Distinction between stimulator k, i, and d region products and degeneracy of third-party h-2 recognition by low-affinity t cells., Z A. Nagy and B E. Elliott
The recognition by monoclonal antibodies of various portions of a major antigenic site of human growth hormone., L A. Retegui, R W. Milne, C L. Cambiaso, and P L. Masson
The recombinational anatomy of a mouse chromosome., K Paigen, J P. Szatkiewicz, K Sawyer, N Leahy, E D. Parvanov, S H. Ng, J H. Graber, K W. Broman, and P M. Petkov
The reconstitution of lymphatic organs following exposure to graded doses of x-irradiation in cba mice. Abstr., G A. Santisteban
The recovery of a virus in experimental mouse lah leukemia., O Mach, K Motycka, J Soucek, and J Libansky
The recovery of haemopoietic progenitor cells in the mouse following cytotoxic agents. Abstr., R E. Millard and N M. Blackett
The recovery of infectious nucleic acid from a virus-induced lymphoid neoplasm., J B. Moloney
The recovery of mouse bladder epithelium after injury by 4-ethylsul- phonylnaphthalene-1-sulphonamide., E H. Cooper, D M. Cowen, and J C. Knowles
The recovery of spleen-seeking and lymph-node-seeking thymus sub- populations following cortisol administration., M Schlesinger and E Israel
The recovery of the b-cell population in adult thymectomized, lethally irradiated and bone marrow-reconstituted mice., W B. Muiswinkel, J J. Beek, and P L. Soest
The reduction of 3-keto-delta4,6 - cholestadienone by liver homogenate., Judith Ann Symons
The reeler mutant mouse., V S. Caviness, T O. Cell, and F D. Of
The refractoriness of the skin of hairless mice to chemical carcinogenesis., B C. Giovanella, J Liegel, and C Heidelberger
The regional lymph node in mice bearing transplanted syngeneic lymphoma cells., B Drewinko, M Jurin, and A Howes
The region of mouse mammary tumor virus dna containing the long terminal repeat includes a long coding sequence and signals for hormonally regulated transcription., N Fasel, K Pearson, E Buetti, and H Diggelmann
The regression of ehrlich's ascites tumour cells transplanted intra- peritoneally in rats., D Hardy
The regulation by fibroblast growth factor of early transport changes in quiescent 3t3 cells., D C. Quinlan and J Hochstadt
The regulation of alkaline phosphatase activity in the duodenum of the mouse from birth to maturity., F Moog
The regulation of expression of b cell clones. Abstr., N R. Klinman and J L. Press
The regulation of haemopoiesis in long-term bone marrow cultures. I. Role of l-cell csf., T M. Dexter and R K. Shadduck
The regulation of hapten-specific dth responses., O Shiho, M Takaoki, Y Nakagawa, M Arakawa, D M. Takeuchi, and R T. In
The regulation of heat shock factor 1 by Akt and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase., Terry Chen
The regulation of hemopoiesis in long-term bone marrow cultures. Iii. The role of burst forming activity., J F. Eliason, T M. Dexter, and N G. Testa
The regulation of hemopoiesis in long-term bone marrow cultures. II. Stimulation and inhibition of stem cell proliferation., D Toksoz, T M. Dexter, B I. Lord, E G. Wright, and L G. Lajtha
The regulation of hepatic stearoyl-coenzyme a desaturase in obese-hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mice by food intake and the fatty acid composition of the diet., M Enser and J L. Roberts
The regulation of luteinizing hormone and prolactin in c57bl/6j mice: effects of estradiol implant size, duration of ovariectomy, and aging., D M. Gee, K Flurkey, C V. Mobbs, Y N. Sinha, and C E. Finch
The regulation of lymphocyte functions by the macrophage., E R. Unanue
The regulation of macrophage activity in congenitally athymic mice., A K. Sharp and M J. Colston
The regulation of the immune response to t-independent antigens by prostaglandins and b cells., M Zimecki and D R. Webb
The regulation of the t-lymphocytes precursor pool by a humoral factor released by the thymus., G E. Roelants and withey K. Mayor
The regulation of transfer rna methylation in normal and neoplastic mammary cells., R W. Turkington
The regulatory component of adenylate cyclase from uncoupled s49 lymphoma cells differs in charge from the wild type protein. Abstr., L S. Schleifer, J C. Garrison, P C. Sternweis, J K. Northup, and A G. Gilman
The regulatory mechanism(s) of in vitro cell-mediated immunity in aged mice. Abstr., T Hirano and A A. Nordin
The regulatory role of glucose 1,6-diphosphate in muscle of dystrophic mice., R Beitner and J Nordenberg
The regulatory sequences of the Tcp-10 genes compared., Robin Ackerman
The rejoining of x-ray-induced dna strand breaks in nuclei isolated from ehrlich ascites tumor cells., H Matsudaira and I Furuno
The rejoining of x-ray induced strand breaks in the dna of a murine lymphoma cell (l5178y)., M G. Ormerod and U Stevens
The relation between cell proliferation and the vascular system in a transplanted mouse mammary tumour., I F. Tannock
The relation between chronological age and life shortening by continuous irradiation. Abstr., R H. Mole and A M. Thomas
The relation between cilia and mitoses in the mouse adenohypophysis., K P. Dingemans
The relation between erythropoiesis and plasma erythropoietin levels in normal and genetically anaemic mice during prolonged hypoxia or after whole-body irradiation., E S. Russell and G Keighley
The relation between erythropoiesis and plasma erythropoietin levels in normal and genetically anaemic mice during prolonged hypoxia or after whole-body irradiation., E S. Russell and G Keighley
The relation between locomotor activity and level of audiogenic seizures in c57bl/6j and dba/2j mice at ages of peak convulsion risk., R A. Schreiber
The relation between motor activity and risk of death in audiogenic seizure of dba mice., I Lieblich and R Guttman
The relation between pseudopregnancy and the chemical induction by four carcinogens of mammary and ovarian tumours in balb/c mice., C Biancifiori and F Caschera
The relation between the proliferative activity and the differentiation pattern of bone marrow cells from rauscher leukemia virus infected balb/c mice., L J. Van griensven, E V. Hull, H J. Beek, W A. Buurman, and M J. Vries
The relation between the sex-dependency of type i binding of ethylmorphine and the 1-butanol-induced spectral change in mouse liver microsomes., A P. Van den berg, J Noordhoek, and kool E. Koopman
The relation between the t cells responsible for cell-mediated cyto- toxic killing of mastocytoma cells and the helper-cell effect., T Igarashi, M Okada, S Kishimoto, and Y Yamamura
The relation of age to the incidence of cancer of certain sites., C C. Little
The relation of castration, androgen therapy and pre-test fighting experience to competitive aggression in male c57bl/10 mice., W Bevan, W F. Daves, and G W. Levy
The relation of coat color to the spontaneous incidence of mammary tumors in mice., C C. Little
The relation of deoxyribonuclease inhibitor levels to the occurrence of antinuclear antibodies in nzb/nzw mice., K Hadjiyannaki and P Lachmann
The relation of diffusible granulocytopoietic stimulator (dgs) to neutropenia and neutrophil releasing factor (nrf). Abstr., G Rothstein, R Christensen, E Hugl, and J Athens
The relation of folic acid reductase to aminopterin toxicity. Abst., W C. Werkheiser
The relation of genetics to the problems of cancer research., C C. Little
The relation of heredity to cancer in man and animals., C C. Little
The relation of idiotype expression to isotype and allotype in the anti-p-azobenzenearsonate response., C Henry and A Lucas
The relation of isoniazid (inh) and allied compounds to carcinogenesis in some species of small laboratory animals. A review., C Biancifiori and L Severi
The relation of linkage group ix to leukemogenesis in the mouse, p. 171-185. In p. Emmelot & p. Bentvelzen, [eds.], Rna viruses and the host genome in oncogenesis. Amsterdam, north holland publ., E A. Boyse, L J. Old, and E Stockert
The relation of mating, ovulation and the estrous smear in the house mouse to time of day., G D. Snell, E Fekete, K P. Hummel, and L W. Law
The relation of phosphorylase to glycogenlysis in skeletal muscle and heart of mice., J B. Lyon and J Porter
The relation of polycomb proteins with 3D structure in the nucleus., Sarah Castor
The relation of potentially lethal damage (pld) repair to chromosome aberration production, sister chromatid exchanges, and dna repair after x-irradiation. Abstr., H Nagasawa, A J. Fornace, and J B. Little
The relation of social position and wounding to exploratory behavior and organ weights in house mice., D D. Thiessen
The relation of the enhancement phenomenon to the physical association of h-2 alloantigens., W C. Davis
The relation of thymic chimerism to actively acquired tolerance., M Galton, P B. Reed, and S F. Holt
The relation of types of dietary fat to hepatic liposis and myocardial damage in mice., W L. Williams and R I. Oliver
The relation of yellow coat color and black-eyed white spotting of mice in inheritance., C C. Little
The relationship among transport, intracellular binding, and inhibition of rna synthesis by actinomycin d in ehrlich ascites tumor cells in vitro., D Bowen and I D. Goldman
The relationship betweeen the h-2 loss mutations of h-2da and h-2db in the mouse., G M. Morgan, I F. Mckenzie, and R W. Melvold
The relationship between abnormalities of pigmentation and of the inner ear., M S. Deol
The relationship between antibody formation and deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) synthesis in mouse spleen during primary and secondary response to sheep erythrocytes (src)., S R. Pelc, G Harris, and I Caldwell
The relationship between antigenic structure and the requirement for thymus-derived cells in the immune response., M Feldman and A Basten
The relationship between bacterial endotoxin and human b cell- -activating factor., D D. Wood and P M. Cameron
The relationship between cell killing, chromosome aberrations, spindle defects and mitotic delay in mouse lymphoma cells of differential sensitivity to x-rays., D Scott and bosseler F. Zampetti
The relationship between cfu kinetics and the thymus., E Frindel and H Croizat
The relationship between chromosomal aberrations, survival and dna repair in tumour cell lines of differential sensitivity to x-rays and sulphur mustard., D Scott, M Fox, and B W. Fox
The relationship between cleavage, dna replication, and gene expression in the mouse 2-cell embryo., V N. Bolton, P J. Oades, and M H. Johnson
The relationship between cumulus cell-oocyte coupling, oocyte meiotic maturation, and cumulus expansion., J J. Eppig
The relationship between delayed socialization and trainability in guide dogs., C J. Pfaffenberger and J P. Scott
The relationship between dna synthesis and incorporation of (14c)- lysine into different histone fractions in ehrlich ascites tumour cells., J Malec, L Kornacka, M Wojnarowska, and M Moscicka
The relationship between end-plate size and transmitter release in normal and dystrophic muscles of the mouse., J B. Harris and R R. Ribchester
The relationship between environmental temperature and behavior in neonatal puppies., E Fredericson, N Gurney, and E DuBuis
The relationship between erythropoietin-dependent cellular differentiation and colony-forming ability in prenatal haemop- oietic tissues., R J. Cole, T Regan, S L. White, and E M. Cheek
The relationship between gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (ggt) levels and cell survival and growth in vivo. Abstr., A Perantoni
The relationship between genotype and reproductive performance before parturition in mice., D P. Boshier
The relationship between glucose utilization, cyclic amp @@ge abstr., R G. Larkins and L Simeonova
The relationship between glycosylation and glycoprotein metabolism of mouse neuroblastoma n18 cells., A G. Milenkovic and T C. Johnson
The relationship between hemagglutinogens and histocompatibility antigens in the mouse., R S. Basch and C A. Stetson
The relationship between heredity, sex, and aggression in two inbred mouse strains., E Fredericson, A W. Story, N L. Gurney, and K Butterworth
The relationship between histocompatibility products and complement receptors. Abstr., villena A. Arnaiz, B Taylor, and H Festenstein
The relationship between humoral stimulating activity and colony stimulating factor., J E. Karp, R K. Shadduck, P J. Burke, and J H. Shaper
The relationship between hyperglycaemia and renal immune complex deposition in mice with inherited diabetes., C J. Meade, D R. Brandon, W Smith, R G. Simmonds, S Harris, and C Sowter
The relationship between ia antigens, lad h loci, and ir genes: studies of an i-a mutant., I Mckenzie, G Morgan, M Sandrin, M Michaelides, and R Melvold
The relationship between ionophore and b-cell mitogenic activity. Abstr., D L. Rosenstreich and R Blumenthal
The relationship between limb length and weight asymmetries and paw preference in inbred mice., David E. Honig
The relationship between morphogenetic cell death and the development of congenital anophthalmia., J Silver and A F. Hughes
The relationship between motility and the fitc-bsa binding properties of mouse epididymal spermatozoa., J D. Stanger and P Quinn
The relationship between mouse arterial partial pressure of oxygen (pao2) and the effectiveness of localized tumour irradiation. Abstr., D W. Siemann, M J. Bronskill, R P. Hill, and R S. Bush
The relationship between multipotential stem cells (cfu-s) and early b lymphocytes. Abstr., C J. Paige, M A. Moore, and P W. Kincade
The relationship between plasma membrane lipid composition and physical-chemical properties. I. Fluorescence polarization studies of fatty acid-altered el4 tumor cell membranes., E Mcvey, J Yguerabide, D C. Hanson, and W R. Clark
The relationship between plasma membrane lipid composition and physical-chemical properties. Iii. Detailed physical and biochemical analysis of fatty acid-substituted el4 plasma membranes., R Poon and W R. Clark
The relationship between pregnancy and water submersion in C57BL/6J mice., Camille E. Wagner
The relationship between protein turnover and energy balance in lean and genetically obese (ob/ob) mice., B G. Miller, W R. Otto, R F. Grimble, D A. York, and T G. Taylor
The relationship between serum interferon and an inhibitor of mouse haemopoietic colonies in vitro., T Mc neill and W Fleming
The relationship between somatotype and the plasma proteins., Samuel Morton Rosen
The relationship between sterol synthesis and the cell cycle in synchronized L cells., Edwin N. Hughes
The relationship between stimulus reactivity and heart rate in two inbred strains of mus musculus., G A. Harshfield and E C. Simmel
The relationship between surface immunoglobulin isotype and immune function of murine b lymphocytes. Iii. Expression of a single predominant isotype on primed and unprimed b cells., bar I. Zan, E S. Vitetta, F Assisi, and S Strober
The relationship between surface immunoglobulin isotype and immune function of murine b lymphocytes. II. Surface immunoglobulin isotopes on unprimed b cells in the spleen., bar I. Zan, E S. Vitetta, and S Strober
The relationship between surface immunoglobulin isotype and immune function of murine b lymphocytes. I. Surface immunoglobulin isotypes on primed b cells in the spleen., bar I. Zan, S Strober, and E S. Vitetta
The relationship between surface immunoglobulin isotype and immune function of murine b lymphocytes. IV. Role of igd- -bearing cells in the propagation of immunologic memory., bar I. Zan, S Strober, and E S. Vitetta
The relationship between surface immunoglobulin isotype and immune function of murine b lymphocytes. V. Igd-bearing cells in immunological tolerance., bar I. Zan and M Barzilay
The relationship between survival of colony-forming units and acute mortality response in mice. Abstr., E J. Ainsworth and R M. Larsen
The relationship between t and h-2 complexes in wild mice. I. The h-2 haplotypes of 20 t-bearing strains., S Sturm, F Figueroa, and J Klein
The relationship between the activity of dna-dependent rna polymerase i and the rate of synthesis of rrna in hepatoma cells in culture., E A. Thompson Jr., R H. Keith Jr., A H. Cavanaugh, and K M. Wood
The relationship between the 'cell loss factor' and the immediate response to radiation in animal tumours., J Denekamp
The relationship between the growth characteristics of somatic cell hybrids and their levels of camp and activities of adenylate cyclase and camp phosphodiesterase., M J. Tisdale and B J. Phillips
The relationship between the histology of spontaneous mouse tumors and the genetic constitution of the animals in which they arise., A M. Cloudman, J J. Bittner, and C C. Little
The relationship between the morphology and proliferation of pigment cells within the gastrocnemins muscle of pet/mcv mice. Abstr., W M. Reams and H R. Baird
The relationship between the number of implantations and the rate of intra-uterine death in mice., K G. Luning, W Sheridan, K H. Ytterborn, and U Gullberg
The relationship between the oxygen consumption of various tissues and the radiosensitivity in mice. I. Oxygen consumption of various tissues in the normal physiological state of mice. (jap.), T Tsuchiya and K Okamoto
The relationship between the time of fractionated and single doses of radiation and hyperthermia on the sensitization of an in vivo mouse tumor., A A. Alfieri, E W. Hahn, and J H. Kim
The relationship between the tissues of mother and foetus and tissue incompatibility., V Haskova
The relationship between transplantation immunity and enhancement. Abstr., V Haskova and J Svoboda
The relationship between tumor antigens and alloantigens: cross-reactivity due to differential context of t cell antigen recognition., L L. Perry and M I. Greene
The relationship between tumor immunogenicity and the appearance of splenic immunosuppressor cells in tumor bearing mice. Abstr., A Altman, B Bast, R C. Bast, and H J. Rapp
The relationship between underfeeding and tumor formation, transplant- ation and growth in rats and mice., F R. White
The relationship between variable region determinants and antigen specificity on mitogen reactive b cell subsets., D Primi, F Mami, C L. Guern, and P Cazenave
The relationship between viral reproduction and cytotoxicity of new- castle disease virus and influenza virus (pr8) in three cell strains., E J. Mason and N Kaufman
The relationship of alloreactivity ot syngeneic tumor immunity., M I. Greene and L L. Perry
The relationship of antibody-forming cells to rosette-forming cells., J Wilson
The relationship of bcg-induced suppressor cells (sc) to hematopoietic prercursor cells (hpc). Abstr., J A. Bennett and J C. Marsh
The relationship of blood pressure to organ weight in four inbred strains of mice., Jonathan Szanton
The relationship of blood vessel proximity and time after radiolabeled thymidine administration to tumor cell popula- tion kinetics in a transplanted mouse mammary tumor., Z P. Pavelic, L M. Allen, and E Mihich
The relationship of ca and p nutrition during adult life and osteoporosis in aged mice., B G. Shah, G V. Krishnarao, and H H. Draper
The relationship of cell division to the generation of cytotoxic activity in mixed lymphocyte culture., H Cantor and J Jandinski
The relationship of chronic ulceration of the ileocecal junction to the development of reticuloendothelial tumors in c3h mice., H I. Pilgrim
The relationship of drug dose levels and number of treatments to effective adjuvant chemotherapy. Abstr., S R. Humphreys and K Karrer
The relationship of embolic homogeneity, number, size and viability to the incidence of experimental metastasis., I J. Fidler
The relationship of gamma-aminobutyrate levels and its metabolism to age in brains of mice., M L. Fonda, D W. Acree, and S B. Auerbach
The relationship of genotype, sex, body weight, and growth parameters of lifespan in inbred and hybrid mice., D K. Ingram, M A. Reynolds, and E P. Les
The relationship of genotype, sex, body weight, and growth parameters to lifespan in inbred and hybrid mice., D K. Ingram, M A. Reynolds, and E P. Les
The relationship of host strain to susceptibility of leukemia l1210 in mice. Abstr., M L. Padarathsing, G L. Wright, Y M. Chu, and S Vadlamudi
The relationship of immune status to the efficacy of immunotherapy in preventing tumour recurrence in mice., J G. Levy, R B. Whitney, A G. Smith, and L Panno
The relationship of membrane antigens on 141 (nzb) and el4 (c57bl) lymphoma cells as demonstrated by antibody-induced resistance to complement-mediated cytotoxicity., M Ran, M Yaakubowicz, N Talal, and I P. Witz
The relationship of mitotic activity of primordial germ cells to testicular teratocarcinogenesis in strain 129 mice. Abstr., T Noguchi and L C. Stevens
The relationship of mouse embryo age to the subsequent pattern cell differentiation., Robert Kirk Seaton
The relationship of Pasteurella multocida to otitis media in the domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)., R R. Fox, R F. Norberg, and D D. Myers
The relationship of rem sleep with learning and memory in mice., J Pagel, V Pegram, S Vaughn, P Donaldson, and W Bridgers
The relationship of schwann cell migration in vitro to injury, using normal, wobbler, and dystrophic mice., S J. Lewkowicz
The relationship of strain, sex, and body weight to survival following sublethal whole-body x-irradiation., J M. Holland and T J. Mitchell
The relationship of stress and the level of corticosterone to learning., Joanne Prusiecki
The relationship of the b particle to the mammary tumor agent. Abstr., G Miroff and fairchild B. Magdoff
The relationship of tumor vessels, tumor cell clumps and pulmonary metastases. Abstr., L A. Liotta, J Kleinerman, and G Saidel
The relationships between age, numbers of oocytes and fertility in virgin and multiparous mice., E C. Jones and P L. Krohn
The relation to invasion of glycosidases in mouse tumours., A J. Carr
The relative64cu distribution following intestinal absorption in brindled and control mice. Abstr., T Griffith, L S. Argetsinger, and F A. Verley
The relative biological effectiveness of helium, neon and carbonions on mouse testes. Abstr., P P. Risius, E L. Alpen, G M. Connell, and M Mcdonald
The relative biological effect of various qualities of x-rays on growth of ascites tumor cells., N A. Baily and R A. Brother
The relative biological efficiency of fast neutrons and gamma-rays for life-shortening in chronically irradiated cba mice., G J. Neary, E V. Hulse, and R H. Mole
The relative contribution of drug concentration and duration of exposure to mouse bone marrow toxicity during continuous methotrexate infusion., H M. Pinedo, D S. Zaharko, J Bull, and B A. Chabner
The relative distribution of cytotoxic lymphocytes and of alloanti- body-forming cells in albumin density gradients., J Pelet, K Brunner, A Nordin, and J Cerottini
The relative distribution of foci forming antibodies to two different haptens in repopulated mouse spleens., S F. Sullman and A Feinstein
The relative effect of h-2 disparity between irradiated host and injected bone marrow cells on their total proliferative and erythropoietic activities in the host's spleen., V Zeleny, A Lengerova, and V Matousek
The relative ethylumbelliferone dealkylase activity characterizing the effect of different inducers on the hydroxylase system in the liver microsomes of female mice., G Mohn, P Niederlaender, and C Kessler
The relative growth of the mammary glands in normal ovariectomized and adrenalectomized female mice., F L. Richardson
The relative homozygosity of inbred lines and closed colonies., M E. Wallace
The relative levels of translin-associated factor X (TRAX) and testis brain RNA-binding protein determine their nucleocytoplasmic distribution in male germ cells., Y S. Cho, V M. Chennathukuzhi, M A. Handel, J Eppig, and N B. Hecht
The relative occurrence of macrophages in regressing and progressing moloney sarcomas. Abstr., S W. Russell, W F. Doe, and A Tozier
The relative roles of the spleen and bone marrow in platelet production in mice., S J. Layendecker and T P. Mcdonald
The relative spatial distributions of cfus and cfuc in the normal mouse femur., B I. Lord, N G. Testa, and J H. Hendry
The relative susceptibility of new zealand black and cba mice to infection with opportunistic fungal pathogens., M J. Corbel and S M. Eades
The relative thymolytic activities of corticoids using the ovariec- tomized-adrenalectomized mouse., R I. Dorfman and A S. Dorfman
The relative utilization of the acyl dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glycerol phosphate pathways for synthesis of glycerolipids in various tumors and normal tissues., R J. Pollock, A K. Hajra, and B W. Agranoff
The release of high molecular weight dna from a mammalian cell (l5178y). Attachment of the dna to the nuclear membrane., M G. Ormerod and A R. Lehmann
The release of insulin from pancreatic islets of lean and obese mice stimulated in vitro by pituitary glands from obese mice and by high glucose concentrations., chain A. Beloff and J Hawthorn
The relevance of the intervals between adriamycin (am) and x-ray (x-r) treatment of c3h mouse mammary tumors as measured by growth delay (gd) and local tumor control (tcd50/120). Abstr., L A. Dethlefsen and R M. Riley
The relevance of the murine neuroblastoma system to the childhood disease. Abstr., J Z. Finklestein, K Tittle, R Meshnik, and J Weiner
The reliability of preyer's ear reflex in the mouse (mus musculus)., P Denes and W Kocher
The reliable diagnosis for an early stage of hereditary muscular dystrophy of mice. (jap. Eng. Summ.), H Ozawa, H Akita, and T Miura
The removal of cell surface material by enzymes used to dissociate mammary-gland cells., R L. Ceriani, J A. Peterson, and S Abraham
The removal of cholesterol from aortic smooth muscle cells in culture and landschutz ascites cells by fractions of human high- -density apolipoprotein., Y Stein, M C. Glangeaud, M Fainaru, and O Stein
The renal lesions of host versus graft disease. Abstr., R C. Hard and W Still
The renal response to direct formalinazation. Abstr., S R. Greenberg
The renin system in mice. Effects of removal of kidneys or (and) submaxillary glands in different strains., J Bing and K Poulsen
The Reoccurring anemia following normal bone marrow transplantation in mice: is it an autoimmune response?, Chad Heinzelman
The reoxidation of cytoplasmic reducing equivalents in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., T Galeotti, A Azzi, and B Chance
The repair of methyl methanesulphonate-induced lesions in the dna of a murine lymphoma cell., P Karran
The repair of radiation induced double-strand breaks in the dna of exponentially growing l5178y cells. Abstr., C Lange, D Liberman, and L Sheck
The repair of sublethal damage by emt6 cells in the exponential and plateau phases of growth. Abstr., J M. Balogh and C J. Koch
The Replacement of hemopoietic cells in mice with a heritable stem cell defect., Jennifer M. Greer
The replicated diallel cross: a generalized method of analysis., W E. Crusio, J M. Kerbusch, and J H. Abeelen
The replication of dna in murine lymphoma cells (l5178y). II. Size of replicating units., A Lehmann and M Ormerod
The replication of dna in murine lymphoma cells (l5178y). I. Rate of replication., A R. Lehmann and M G. Ormerod
The replication of moloney leukemia virus by a transplantable cell line. Abstr., A L. Garretson and S A. Mayyasi
The repopulation of type A spermatogonia in the mouse testis after X-irradiation., Robert Cowan
The representation of heart development in the gene ontology., V K. Khodiyar, D P. Hill, D Howe, T Z. Berardini, S Tweedie, P J. Talmud, R Breckenridge, S Bhattarcharya, P Riley, P Scambler, and R C. Lovering
The representation of protein complexes in the Protein Ontology (PRO)., C J. Bult, H J. Drabkin, A Evsikov, D Natale, C Arighi, N Roberts, A Ruttenberg, P D'Eustachio, B Smith, J A. Blake, and C Wu
The reproductive impairment of the Hertwig's anemic mouse., Denise Faustman
The reproductive system of the adipose mouse., R A. Batt and G A. Harrison
The requirement for adherent cells in the fc fragment-induced proliferative response of murine spleen cells., E L. Morgan and W O. Weigle
The requirement for dna synthesis and gene expression in the generation of cytotoxicity in vitro., J Nedrud, M Touton, and W R. Clark
The requirement for esterase activation in the anti-immunoglobulin-triggered movement of b lymphocytes., E L. Becker and E R. Unanue
The requirement for h-2 compatible macrophages for the generation of migration inhibition factor by immune t cells in response to soluble tumor antigens. Abstr., S Landolfo and R B. Herberman
The requirement for macrophage-lymphocyte interaction in t lymphocyte proliferation induced by generation of aldehydes on cell membranes., D K. Greineder and A S. Rosenthal
The requirement for macrophages in the augmentation of natural killer cell activity by bcg., D E. Tracey
The requirement for macrophages in the in vitro immune response., K Shortman and J Palmer
The requirement for macrophages in the secondary immune response to antigens of small and large size in vitro., M Feldman and J Palmer
The requirement for tetravalency of soybean agglutinin for induction of mitogenic stimulation of lymphocytes., B Schechter, H Lis, R Lotan, A Novogrodsy, and N Sharon
The requirement for t lymphocyte-specific suppressor factors and corresponding antigen in the production of nonspecific suppressor monokines by macrophages., W Ptak, J Marcinkiewicz, M Rewicka, and D Rozycka
The requirement for two complementing ir-gl0 immune response genes in the t-lymphocyte proliferative response to poly-(glu53lys36phe11)., R H. Schwartz, M E. Dorf, B Benacerraf, and W E. Paul
The requirement of an adherent cell substratum for the growth of developing plasmactyoma cells in vivo., M Cancro and M Potter
The requirement of biotin and fatty acids in the cytotoxic t-cell response., J T. Kung, C G. Mackenzie, and D W. Talmage
The requirement of ia-positive accessory cells for the induct- ion of hapten-reactive cytotoxic t lymphocytes in vitro., U Yamashita and T Hamaoka
The requirements for tolerance induction in cell-grafts from adult donors., A Lengerova and M Polackova
The requirment for the expression of previously unexpressed genes in the generation of t and b antigen-binding cells and the changes in sig isotype following in vitro immunization., J E. Merrill and R F. Ashman
The research animal and the significance of a health monitoring program., A M. Jonas
The resistance of a2g mice to myxoviruses., J Lindenmann, C A. Lane, and D Hobson
The resistance of spontaneous mouse hepatocellular neoplasms to iron accumulation during rapid iron loading by parenteral administration and their transplantability., G M. Williams, N Hirota, and J M. Rice
The respiration of mouse epidermis after a single application of 3- -methylcholanthrene in benzene., O H. Iversen and O D. Laerum
The response of a human tumour xenograft to chemotherapy: intrinsic variation between tumours and its significance in planning experiments., H M. Warenius, L S. Freedman, and N M. Bleehen
The response of a transplantable tumor to fractionated irradiation. 1. X rays and the hypoxic cell radio- sensitizer ro-07-0582., J Denekamp and S R. Harris
The response of a transplantable tumor to fractionated irradiation. II. Fast neutrons., J Denekamp, S R. Harris, C Morris, and S B. Field
The response of a transplantable tumor to fractionated irradiation. Iii. Fast neutrons plus the radiosensitizer ro-07-0582., J Denekamp, C Morris, and S B. Field
The response of c3h mice to an l1210 tumor allograft., D E. Nevalainen
The response of C57BL/6J and BALB/cJ mice to increased housing density., A Nicholson, R D. Malcolm, P L. Russ, K Cough, C Touma, R Palme, and M V. Wiles
The response of dwarf mice to murine thyroid-stimulating hormone., A Bartke
The response of erthropoietic stem cells of mice to irradiation with fission neutrons., J S. Krebs
The response of fast-growing (s102f) and slow-growing (slow) c3h mouse mammary tumors to adriamycin (am) and x-irradiation (x-r). Abstr., L A. Dethlefsen and R M. Riley
The response of females to male grafts in inbred lines of rabbits., C K. Chai
The response of four strains of mice to increasing doses of estrogen., L. Stefan Levin
The response of goitrogen treated inbred and F1 hybrid mice to triiodothyronine., Elizabeth Bernhard
The response of haemopoietic colony-forming units to single and split doses of gamma-rays or d-t neutrons., J H. Hendry and A Howard
The response of histologically different tumor homografts to pretreatment with lyophilized tissue., Phebe May Hoff
The response of hypoxic b16 melanoma cells to in vivo treatment with chemotherapeutic agents., R P. Hill and J A. Stanley
The response of immunologically reconstituted mice to allogeneic skin or tumour grafts., B Weston, C Cheers, R Carter, E Leuchars, V Wallis, and A Davies
The response of lewis lung tumor cells to ara-c and hydroxyurea. A flow cytometric comparison. Abstr., J W. Gray and Y George
The response of mammalian tumor cells in vivo to radiations of differing ionization densities (let)., R J. Berry and J R. Andrews
The response of mice to type iii pneumococcal polysaccharide. Failure to detect thymus-derived suppressor cells., G W. Warr, A Ghaffar, and K James
The response of mouse adenocarcinoma cells to hyperthermia and irradiation., K R. Meyer, L E. Hopwood, and E L. Gillette
The response of mouse adrenal tumor cells (y-1) to acth. Possible role of microfilaments. Abstr., J J. Mrotek and P F. Hall
The response of mouse haemopoietic colony forming units to repeated whole body x-irradiation., N G. Testa, J H. Hendry, and L G. Lajtha
The response of mouse host tissues to transplanted hepatomas. Abstr., W Morgan
The response of mouse skin and mammary tumors to neutrons, influence of nonconventional fractionation schemes on rbe. Abstr., J S. Nelson and R E. Carpenter
The response of murine lymphoma cells - l5178y s & r - to heat at 44 degrees c., S Cresswell, J Lunec, J Ledda, and W A. Cramp
The response of murine splenic granulocyte-macrophage colony- -forming cells to lipid a in vivo., H Mergenthaler, F G. Staber, L Hultner, and P Dormer
The response of murine splenic lymphocytes to concanavalin a and to co-stimulator., R J. Sanderson, K Rulon, E G. Groeneboer, and D W. Talmage
The response of neoplasms to x-radiation in vivo at increased oxygen tension., A Goldfeder and G E. Clarke
The response of normal, thymectomized and reconstituted mice in contact sensitivity., D M. Parrott, M A. Sousa, J Fachet, V Wallis, L Leuchars, and A J. Davies
The response of nzw x nzb f1 hybrid mice to a murine sarcoma virus., A F. Gazdar
The response of 'obese' (ob/ob) and 'diabetic' (db/db) mice to treatments that influence body temperature., T T. Yen, R W. Fuller, and D V. Pearson
The response of peripheral lymphocytes of nude mice and leucopenic hybrids to antigen and lymphokine challenge. Abstr., L Korcakova and M Holub
The response of previously irradiated skin to combinations of x radiation and ultrasound-induced hyperthermia., D G. Baker, H Sager, W Constable, and N Goodchild
The response of protein-deficient mice to tetanus toxoid. Effects of antigen dose, adjuvants, period of deprivation and age on antibody production., P Price and R G. Bell
The response of recombinant inbred strains of mice to bacterial lipopolysaccharides., J Watson, R Riblet, and B A. Taylor
The response of recombinant inbred strains of mice to bacterial lipopolysaccharides., J Watson, R Riblet, and B A. Taylor
The response of six mouse tumours to combined heat and x rays: implications for therapy., S A. Hill and J Denekamp
The response of stromal progenitor cells in mouse marrow to graded repeated doses of x rays or neutrons., C X. Xu, J H. Hendry, and N G. Testa
The response of t cells to histocompatibility-2 antigens. Dose- -response kinetics., R K. Gershon and S A. Liebhaber
The response of the c3h mouse duodenum to combined treatment with adriamycin (am) and x-irradiation (x-r). Abstr., L A. Dethlefsen and R M. Riley
The response of the dunning leukemia in fischer line 344 rats to chemotherapeutic agents, comparison with l1210 leukemia, sarcoma 180, and carcinoma 755. Abstr., R J. Jones, M L. Stevens, and D Kirkpatrick
The response of the flexed-tailed and Hartwig's anemic mice to the erythropoietic stress of hypoxia., William L. Karp
The response of the murine lymphoid system to a chronic infection with trypansoma congolense. II. The lymph nodes, thymus and liver., W I. Morrison, M Murray, and C A. Hinson
The response of the submaxillary glands of mature mice to treatment with the hormones of the thyroid gland and the testis., C E. Luckman
The response of twenty-seven inbred strains of mice to daily doses of whole-body X-irradiation., T H. Roderick
The response of twenty-seven inbred strains of mice to daily doses of whole-body x-irradiation., T H. Roderick
The response of two genetically different types of dwarf mice to growth hormone. Abstr., A Bartke
The response of two types of dwarf mice to growth hormone(thyro- tropin, and thyroxine., A Bartke
The response of W-W v and Sl-Sl d anaemic mice to haemopoietic stimuli., D E. Harrison and E S. Russell
The response of w/w(v) and sl/sl(d) anaemic mice to haemopoietic stimuli., D Harrison and E Russell
The responses of cellular ultrastructures to ionizing irradiation. Abstr., A Goldfeder and L A. Miller
The responses of normal and athymic mice to infections by togaviruses: strain differentiation in active and adoptive immunization., C J. Bradish, R Fitzgeorge, and D Titmuss
The response to a single dose of estradiol in the uterus of ovariectomized c57bl/6j mice during aging., C F. Holinka, M D. Hetland, and C E. Finch
The response to continuous irradiation of the mouse lymphoma l5178y grown in vitro., V D. Courtenay
The response to lipopolysaccharide of mouse spleen lympho- cytes fractionated on the basis of surface immunoglobulin and complement receptor using fluorescence-activated cell sorting and rosetting techniques., D L. Brandon, A J. Edwards, and R M. Parkhouse
The response to oxazolone in snell-bagg pituitary dwarf mice. Abstr., G B. Schneider
The response to phosphorylcholine. Dissecting an immune response., H Kohler
The response to previously irradiated mouse skin to heat alone or combined with irradiation: influence of thermotolerance., J Wondergem and J Haveman
The response to salmonella typhimurium antigens by two different strains of mice., I Auzins and D Rowley
The response to selection for altered conduction velocity in mice., J P. Hegmann
The response to srbc by nude mice injected with lymphoid cells other than thymus cells., B Kindred and E Weiler
The resting membrane potential of fibres of fast and slow twitch muscles in mormal and dystrophic mice., J B. Harris
The restoration of immunological function by thymus grafting in thymectomized irradiated mice., E Leuchars, A M. Cross, and P Dukor
The restoration of suppressed t cell activities induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene with an anti-tumor immunomodulator, bcg-cell wall skeleton., U Yamashita, R Tkegami, and T Hamaoka
The restoration of the t-lymphoid system of nude mice. Lower efficiency of nonlymphoid, epithelial thymus grafts., F Loor and L Hagg
The restorative effect of erythropoietic stimulation upon the sub- lethally irradiated (sli) hematopoietic stem cell and/or its progeny., N S. Wolf and J J. Trentin
The results of a "functional test" in a strain of mice (C57 Black) with a low breast tumor incidence., C C. Little and J Pearsons
The results of prolonged administration of isoniazid to mice, rats and hamsters., A Peacock and P R. Peacock
The retention and distribution of 243,244cm in c57bl/do mice., J M. Smith, S S. Mcfarland, S E. Calder, and C W. Mays
The retention and distribution of 243cm-citrate in c57bl/do mice. Abstr., J M. Smith, S S. Mcfarland, S E. Calder, and C W. Mays
The retention or efflux of phthalanilide (nsc 60339)-lipid complexes by sensitive or resistant murine tumor cells and escherichia coli b., D W. Yesair and C Hofook
The reticuloendothelial system and the neoplastic process., L J. Old, D A. Clarke, B Benacerraf, and M Goldsmith
The reticuloendothelial system and tumour-bearing subjects. (japanese Text), Y Ishibashi, G Fujii, M Sekiguchi, and K Ashikawa
The reticuloendothelial system. I. Chemical methods of stimulation of the reticuloendothelial system., J F. Snell
The reticuloendothelial system in experimental malaria and trypano- somiasis., F C. Goble and I Singer
The retinal outer segment membrane protein-1 gene (Rom1) maps to the proximal end of mouse chromosome 19., B A. Taylor, S J. Phillips, R A. Bascom, and R R. McInnes
The reversal of cortisol-induced inhibition of alpha-lactalbumin production by prostaglandins in the mouse mammary gland in culture., N Terada, M Ono, Y Nagamatsu, and T Oka
The reversal of cytosine arabinoside activity in vivo by deoxycyti- dine., J S. Evans and G D. Mengel
The reversal of methotrexate cytotoxicity to mouse bone marrow cells by leucovorin and nucleosides., H M. Pinedo, D S. Zaharko, J M. Bull, and B A. Chabner
The reversal of the toxicity and antileukemic activity of amethopterin by reduced derivatives of folic acid. Abstr., J A. Mead, J M. Venditti, A W. Schrecker, and A Goldin
The reversal of tumor-induced immunosuppression by prostaglandin (pg) synthetase inhibitors. Abstr., A J. Lewis, R P. Carlson, and F J. Gregory
The reversed dose-rate effect with fast neutron irradiation of mouse spermatogonia., A L. Batchelor, R J. Phillips, and A G. Searle
The reversible binding of half-cystine residues to serum protein, and its bearing on the cystine requirement of cultured mammalian cells., H Eagle, V I. Oyama, and K A. Piez
The reversible expression of an adult isozyme locus, Gdc-1, in tumors of the mouse., L P. Kozak and E D. Murphy
The reversible expression of an adult isozyme locus, gdc-1, in tumors of the mouse., L P. Kozak and E D. Murphy
The reversible inhibition of catalase activity by nucleotides and its possible relationship to mouse liver catalase depression induced by biological substances., Y Hokama and E Yanagihara
The reversible thiol-disulphide exchange of trypsin and chymotry- psinogen with a tumour-derived inhibitor. Kinetic data obtained with fluorescein-labelled polymeric collagen fibrils and casein as substrates., F S. Steven and V Podrazky
The rhodopsin cycle in the developing vertebrate retina. II. Correla- tive study in normal mice and in mice with hereditary retinal degeneration., L L. Caravaggio and S L. Bonting
The RHOX5 homeodomain protein mediates transcriptional repression of the netrin-1 receptor gene Unc5c., Z Hu, S Shanker, J A. MacLean, S L. Ackerman, and M F. Wilkinson
The ribonucleases of mouse ascites tumors., J S. Colter, J Kuhn, and K A. Ellem
The ribonucleases of mouse ascites tumors. Abstr., J S. Colter and K A. Ellem
The rise and fall of antibody avidity at the level of single immunocytes., G Doria, G Shiaffini, M Garavini, and C Mancini
Thermal distributions in mouse tumors. Abstr., F W. Hetzel and S Frinak
(thermal Effects of focused laser beam on transplanted harding-passey melanoma.) (russ.), L A. Piruzian, V A. Dement'ev, and G S. Savchenko
Thermal enhanced drug uptake in l1210 cells. Abstr., J B. Block and A Peale
Thermal enhancement and oxygen enhancement ratios for emt6 carcinoma irradiated with gamma rays and neutrons. Abstr., T L. Phillips, L J. Kane, and J F. Utley
Thermal enhancement of bleomycin-induced growth delay in a squamous carcinoma of cba/ht mouse., M Hassanzadeh and I V. Chapman
Thermal resistance (thermotolerance) at 42.00c And 45.50c In a murine tumor. Abstr., M Urano, J Kahn, and V Montoya
Thermochemotherapy in vivo. Abstr., J B. Marmor and G M. Hahn
Thermodynamic and spectroscopic comparison of the binding sites of the mouse myeloma protein 315 and of its light chain dimer., A Licht, D Lancet, I Schechter, and I Pecht
Thermodynamic relationships between the mitochondrial oxidation- -reduction reactions and cellular atp levels in ascites tumor cells and perfused rat liver., D F. Wilson, M Stubbs, N Oshino, and M Erecinska
Thermogenesis in diabetes-obesity syndromes in mutant mice., D L. Coleman
Thermogenesis in diabetes-obesity syndromes in mutant mice., D L. Coleman
Thermogenesis in the brown adipose tissue of normal (Lean) and genetically obese (ob/ob) mice., Robert P. Hoyt
Thermogenic and anorectic effects of ephedrine and congeners in mice and rats., J R. Arch, A T. Ainsworth, and M A. Cawthorne
Thermogenic defect in pre-obese ob/ob mice., P Trayhurn, P L. Thurlby, and W P. James
Thermoregulation and non-shivering thermogenesis in the genetically obese (ob/ob) mouse., P Trayhurn and W P. James
Thermoregulation in group b arbovirus-resistant and group b arbovirus- -susceptible mice., K Y. Lagerspetz, H Koprowski, M Darnell, and H Tarkkonen
Thermoregulatory effects of intraventricular injection of noradrena- line in the mouse and the influence of ambient temperature., S L. Handley and P Spencer
Thermotolerance in the murine jejunum., K J. Henle
Thermotolerance (tt) in ta3ha tumor transplanted to mouse tails. Abstr., H N. Keer, M S. Murphy, J D. Khandekar, and E F. Scanlon
The roads from phenotypic variation to gene discovery: mutagenesis versus QTLs., J H. Nadeau and W N. Frankel
The role and effect of nucleoproteins of mammary gland carcinoma of strain AL mice on tumor transplants in C57 black mice., Bernard Strickland
The role claudin-3 in blood-testis barrier reorganization., Jing Fan
The role, in tumorigenesis, of antibodies directed against RNA tumor viruses., Deborah Deinzer
The role of a carrier-determinant and t cells in the induction of liver-specific autoantibodies in the mouse., G M. Iverson and J Lindenmann
The role of actin in temperature-dependent gel-sol transformation of extracts of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., M Ishiura and Y Okada
The role of activated macrophages in specific and nonspecific cytostasis of tumor cells., J L. Krahenbuhl and J S. Remington
The role of acyldihydroxyacetone phosphate, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate in the biosynthesis of o-alkyl glycerolipids by microsomal enzymes of ehrlich ascites tumor., R L. Wykle, C Piantadosi, and F Snyder
The role of a cytophilic factor from challenged immune peritoneal lymphocytes in specific macrophage cytotoxicity., E Pels and W D. Otter
The role of adenosine 3', 5'-cyclic monophosphate in the density-dependent regulation of growth and tyrosinase activity of b-16 melanoma cells., D R. Wade and M E. Burkart
The role of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate in the transformation of cloudman mouse melanoma cells., T M. Lincoln and G L. Vaughan
The role of adenosine triphosphate, chalones, and specific proteins in controlling tumor growth fraction., J W. Harris, Y P. Wong, C R. Kehe, and S S. Teng
The role of adherent cells in b and t lymphcoyte activation., U Persson, L Hammarstrom, E Moller, G Moller, and C I. Smith
The role of a dolichol-oligosaccharide as an intermediate in glyco- protein biosynthesis., A Hsu, J W. Baynes, and E C. Heath
The role of a host stimulator cell of bone marrov@@@w growth suckling mice. Abstr., R Chervenak and J W. Goodman
The role of alloantibodies on in vivo growth of allografted tumor., M Yutoku and M Kitagawa
The role of altered tissue norepinephrine concentration in the hereditary obese-hyperglycemic syndrome of mice., J M. Feldman and J A. Blalock
The role of ALT mechanism in telomerase-deficient (TERC-/-) mice., Gloria Kahamba
The role of alveolar bone in the noneruption of molar teeth in grey lethal mice., L C. Schneider and M B. Hollinshead
The role of antibody feedback inhibition in the regulation of the secondary antibody response after high and low dose priming., W G. Grantham and F W. Fitch
The role of antibody in recovery from experimental rabies. I. Effect of depletion of b and t cells., A Miller, H C. Iii, J Winkelstein, and N Nathanson
The role of antibody in the inhibition of the growth of meth.a Tumour in syngeneic experiments in vivo and in vitro., E Farram, H Festenstein, and L D. Giorgi
The role of antigen-driven selection in the expression and control of idiotypes., M L. Gefter, T Gridley, T Manser, R Near, and L Wysocki
The role of antigen in the immune response. Analysis by limiting dilution methods., J Kettman and R W. Dutton
The role of antigen-presenting cells in the ige antibody response. I. The induction of high titer ige antobidy responses in ige hig-responder and low-responder mice by the administration of antigen-pulsed macrophages in the absence of adjuvants., K Kudo, A H. Sehon, and R J. Schwenk
The role of anti-h-2k and h-2d alloantibodies in enhancement and acute antibody-mediated rejection of mouse skin allografts., R M. De waal, P J. Capel, and R A. Koene
The role of an x-linked gene in the regulation of secondary humoral response kinetics to sperm-specific ldh-c4 antigen., J A. Marsh, P O'hern, and E Goldberg
The role of Artemis in suppression of chromosome instability at common fragile sites., Laura C. Titus
The role of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase in 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)- anthracene skin tumorigenesis, on the mechanism of 7,8-benzoflavone inhibition of tumorigenesis., N Kinoshita and H V. Gelboin
The role of a secondary constriction of a tumour chromosome., Y Melander
The role of a thymus humoral factor in the proliferation of bone marrow cfu-s from thymectomized mice., D Zipori and N Trainin
The role of auto-anti-idiotype antibody in the regulation of the immune response., G W. Siskind, A F. Schrater, G J. Thorbecke, W, and E A. Goidl
The role of blocking antibodies in immunological enhancement., M Takasugi and E Klein
The role of B lymphocytes as key antigen-presenting cells in the development of T cell-mediated autoimmune type 1 diabetes., D V. Serreze and P A. Silveira
The role of bone marrow cells in the growth inhibition of transplanted methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma (mca)., P Scuderi and C Rosse
The role of B-vitamins in the cytotoxicity of irradiated media., Patrick Chasse
The role of c3 as an opsonin in the early stages of infection., J A. Winkelstein, M R. Smith, and H S. Shin
The role of ca2+ in the insulin secretory process as outlined by the ca2+ analogue ba2+. Abstr., P Berggren
The role of calcium complex formation in radioprotection by inorganic condensed phosphates and edta., J H. Barnes and J S. Philpot
The role of calcium in macrophage-mediated tumor cell cytotoxicity. Abstr., B S. Wright, R Greig, I Zeidman, and G Poste
The role of calcium ions in fertilization of mouse and rat eggs in vitro., H Miyamoto and T Ishibashi
The role of carbamoylation in nitrosourea toxicity and antitumor activity in mice. Abstr., L Panasci, P Schein, P Fox, and P V. Woolley
The role of cell configuration in the reversion of x-ray transformed c3h/10t1/2-cl8 cells to a parental untransformed phenotype. Abstr., boye D. Brouty
The role of cell differentiation as a determinant of susceptibility to viral carcinogenesis., H S. Kaplan
The role of cell division in the malignant transformation of mouse cells treated with 3-methylcholanthrene., T Kakunaga
The role of cell interactions in the control of lymphocyte traffic., A A. Freitas and M D. Sousa
The role of cell locomotion in lymphocyte migration., A A. Freitas and J Bognacki
The role of cell loss in the 'tumor bed effect.' Abstr., K H. Clifton
The role of cell number and source in adoptive immunity., O Makela and N A. Mitchison
The role of cell proliferation in the in vitro allogeneic and syngeneic cellular immune response to dba mastocytoma tumor cells. Abstr., R L. Lundak and D J. Raidt
The role of cell wall carbohydrates in binding of micro- organisms to mouse peritoneal exudate macrophages., N B. Freimer, H M. Ogmundsdottir, C C. Blackwell, I W. Sutherland, Graham, and D M. Weir
The role of cholesterol and its biosynthesis in lymphocyte proliferation and differentiation., H J. Heiniger, H W. Chen, G A. Boissonneault, M Hess, H Cottier, and R D. Stoner
The role of cholesterol in endocytosis of mammalian plasma membranes., Hillel R. Alpert
The role of cholesterol in malignancy., H W. Chen, A A. Kandutsch, and H J. Heiniger
The role of cholesterol in malignancy., H W. Chen, A A. Kandutsch, and H J. Heiniger
The role of circulating immune complexes in the glomerular disease of experimental hepatosplenic schistosomiasis., M Digeon, D Droz, L H. Noel, J Riza, C Rieumailhol, J F. Bach, F Santoro, and A Capron
The role of circulating interferon in the modifications of immune responsiveness by mouse hepatitis virus (mhv-3)., J Virelizier, A Virelizier, and A C. Allison
The role of colony stimulating activity in modulating murine diffusion chamber granulopoiesis., R Sullivan, K S. Zuckerman, and P J. Quesenberry
The role of combined effect of local and general etiological factors in the induction of carcinoma of uterine cervix, vagina and urethra in mice., Y Gang, G Zen, and C M. Line
The role of complement factors in acute antibody-mediated rejection of mouse skin allografts., J H. Berden, P J. Capel, and R A. Koene
The role of complement in resistance to endogenous and exogenous infection with a common mouse pathogen, corynebacterium kutscheri., L D. Caren and L T. Rosenberg
The role of complement in the induction of acute antibody- -mediated vasculitis of rat skin grafts in the mouse., M J. Bogman, J H. Berden, I M. Cornelissen, C N. Maass, and R A. Koene
The role of complement in the passive cutaneous reaction of mice., efraim S. Ben and B Cinader
The role of complement in the phagocytosis of candida albicans by mouse peripheral blood leukocytes., R Morelli and L T. Rosenberg
The role of complement in viral infections. II. The clearance of sindbis virus from the bloodstream and central nervous system of mice depleted of complement., R L. Hirsch, D E. Griffin, and J A. Winkelstein
The role of corticosterone in the loss in immune function in the zinc-deficient a/j mouse., jardieu P. Depasquale and P J. Fraker
The role of corticosterone in the loss in immune function in the zinc deficient a/j mouse. Abstr., jardieu P. Depasquale and P J. Fraker
The role of cortisone-sensitive thymocytes in dna synthetic responses to antigen., P Cohen and R K. Gershon
The role of cumulus cells and the zona pellucida in fertilization of mouse eggs in vitro., A Pavlok and A M. Laren
The role of cyclic amp in the cytolytic activity lf lymphocytes., C S. Henney and L M. Lichtenstein
The role of cyclic amp in the immunocompetent cell., H G. Watts
The role of cyclic amp in the specific cytolytic activity of lymphocytes. Abstr., C S. Henney, H R. Bourne, and L M. Lichtenstein
The role of cytophilic antibody in contact sensitivity of mice. Abstr., P W. Askenase
The role of cytophilic antibody in immune macrophage-target-cell interaction. Abstr., G A. Granger, J Rudin, and R S. Weiser
The role of cytophilic antibody in macrophage-mediated cytolysis of melanoma targets. Abstr., K L. Erickson and C J. Mcneill
The role of cytoplasmic proteins in the transport and synthesis of sterols., Lawrence Borish
The role of cytotoxic t lymphocyte projections in target cell lysis., D Rosen, Z Fishelson, and G Berke
The role of developmental processes in interstitial lung diseases., Krystal English
The role of dna lesions in the processes leading to ageing in mice., P Alexander
The role of dominance and olfaction in the social behavior of rabbits., Johnny Pomfret
The role of drug transport in resistance to nitrogen mustard and other alkylating agents in l5178y lymphoblasts., G J. Goldenberg
The Role of environmental factors in modulating insulin dependent diabetes., E H. Leiter
The role of epithelial growth factor in mammary gland development in vitro., R W. Turkington
The role of erythropoietin in prenatal erythropoiesis of congenitally anaemic flexed-tailed (f/f) mice., A E. Bateman, R J. Cole, T Regan, and R G. Tarbutt
The role of fetal calf serum in the primary immune response in vitro., H Opitz, U Opitz, H Lemke, G Hewlett, and H Flad
The role of GAD65 in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus causation in NOD/Lt mice., Tiffany N. Flaum
The role of gene "Deserts" in chromosome structure., Kelly R. Molloy
The role of gene products of non-h-2 loci and m locus in secondary mlc response., M Rychlikova and V Cukrova
The role of gene products of the i-j subregion in mixed lymphocyte reactions., K Okuda, C S. David, and D C. Shreffler
The role of genetical-physiological mother-offspring interrelationships in establishing viability and fertility in mammals. II. The weight of balb, cba, and dba mouse strain embryos developed from transplanted blastocysts., V I. Evsikov and L M. Morozova
The role of genetic background of kk strain in pathogenesis of diabetes. Polygenic inheritance of a sensitivity to a diabetogenic action of obesity in the mouse., H Iwatsuka, E Ishikawa, K Shimakawa, and A Shino
The role of genetic factors in the combined neoplastic effects of vaccinia virus and methylcholanthrene., reynals M. Duran and F Lilly
The role of genetic factors in the determination of self- -stimulation behaviour in the mosue. Backcross analysis., P Cazala and J L. Guenet
The role of genetic factors in the occurrence of tumors and their place in the theory of carcinogenesis., N N. Medvedev
The role of glucose in regulating quiescent cell subpopulations in emt6/ro spheroids. Abstr., J P. Freyer and R M. Sutherland
The role of glutamine in the oxidative metabolism of malignant cells., Z Kovacevic and H Morris
The role of glycolysis in the growth of tumor cells. I. Effects of oxamic acid on the metabolism of ehrlich ascites tumor cells in vitro., J Papaconstantinou and S P. Colowick
The role of gp70 in the target antigen recognized by murine leukemia virus immune cytotoxic t-lymphocytes., A Watson and F H. Bach
The role of growth hormone on aging., Bomopregha A. Julius
The role of growth hormone on development and maturation., Te-Ana Harris
The role of h-2 and h-2-like determinants in syngeneic and allogeneic cytostasis., L De giorgi, G Biasi, and H Festenstein
The role of h-2 and ia antigens in graft-versus-host reactions (gvhr). Presence of host alloantigens on donor cells after gvhr and suppression of gvhr with an anti-ia antiserum against host ia antigens., G J. Prud'homme, U Sohn, and T L. Delovitch
The role of h-2 antigens in co-operation between t and b cells. Abstr., B Kindred
The role of h-2-linked genes in helper t-cell function. Iii. Expression of immune response genes for trinitrophenyl conjugates of poly-l(tyr, glu)-poly-d,l-ala--poly-l-lys in b cells and macrophages., P Marrack and J W. Kappler
The role of h-2 linked genes in helper t-cell function. II. Isolation on antigen-pulsed macrophages of two separate popula- tions of f1 helper t cells each specific for antigen and one set of parental h-2 products., J E. Swierkosz, K Rock, P Marrack, and J W. Kappler
The role of h-2 linked genes in helper t-cell function. IV. Importance of t-cell genotype and host environment in i-region and ir gene expression., J W. Kappler and P Marrack
The role of h-2-linked genes in helper t-cell function. VI. Expression of ir genes by helper t cells., P Marrack and J W. Kappler
The role of h-2-linked genes in helper t cell function. Vii. Expression of i region and immune response genes by b cells in bystander help assays., P Marrack and J W. Kappler
The role of h-2-linked genes in helper t cell function. V. I-region control of helper t cell interaction with antigen- presenting macrophages., J E. Swierkosz, P Marrack, and J W. Kappler
The role of h-2 region encoded transplantation antigens in thyroid graft rejection: possible tissue-associated poly- morphism of mhc-determined transplantation antigens., N Isakov and S Segal
The role of h-2 region incompatibilities in graft-versus-host reactions raised by thymus cells., J Kralova, G Zacharova, and P Demant
The role of h-2 regions in overcoming tissue incompatibility., V Holan and M Hasek
The role of heat shock factor 1 and heat shock protein 72 in Jun N-terminal kinase-mediated cell death., Aiyang Jiang
The role of helper cells in the generation of anti-qa-1 cytotoxic t cells. Abstr., J Keene and J Forman
The role of heredity in determining the incidence and growth of cancer., C C. Little
The role of Hexamita muris in intestinal disease in mice., Alice S. Thomsen
The role of histocompatibility gene products in lymphocyte triggering and differentiation., D H. Katz and D Armerding
The role of histocompatibility in cultured islet allograft survival. Abstr., S T. Bartlett, A Naji, W K. Silvers, and C F. Barker
The role of hormonal factors in the development of tumours induced by 2-aminoflourene and related compounds., F Bielschowsky
The role of hormones in mammary tumor development., ghera N. Haran
The role of host anti-tumor immunity in cyclophosphamide induced rejection of nonpalpable mopc-315 tumors. Abstr., M B. Mokyr and S Dray
The role of host factors in mouse trophoblastic tissue growth., Z Koren, G Abrams, and S J. Behrman
The role of host genetics in the pathogenesis of coxsackievirus infection in the pancreas of mice., S R. Webb and G E. Madge
The role of humoral factors in the initiation of in vitro primary immune responses. I. Effects of deficient fetal bovine serum., J Watson and R Epstein
The role of humoral factors in the initiation of in vitro primary immune responses. II. Effects of lymphocyte mitogens., J Watson, R Epstein, I Nakoinz, and P Ralph
The role of hydrolytic enzymes in amyloidogenesis. Abstr., T Shirahama and A S. Cohen
The role of hyperphagia and hypothyroidism in the development of the obese-hyperglycemic syndrome in mice (ob/ob)., P H. Van der kroon, struik G. Wittgen, and L Vermeulen
The role of ia and inappropriate h-2d antigens on sjl/j reticulum cell sarcomas in syngeneic proliferation and recognition. Abstr., S Wilbur, L De, and B Bonavida
The role of ia antigens and fc receptor-bearing t-cells in the inhibition of macrophage receptors for cytophilic antibody induced by soluble immune complexes., V S. Rao, J A. Frelinger, and M S. Mitchell
The role of ia antigens in the activation of t cells by concanavalin a: an evidence for the species restriction between t cells and accessory cells., T Mizouchi, U Yamashita, T Hamaoka, and K Moriwaki
The role of ia molecules in the activation of t lymphocytes. Iii. Antigen-specific, ia-restricted, interleukin 2-producing t cell hybridomas with detectable affinity for the restricting i-a molecule., K L. Rock and B Benacerraf
The role of ia molecules in the activation of t lymphocytes. II. Ia-restricted recognition of allo k/d antigens is required for class i mhc-stimulated mixed lymphocyte responses., K L. Rock, M C. Barnes, R N. Germain, and B Benacerraf
The role of ia molecules in the activation of t lymphocytes. IV. The basis of the thymocyte il 1 response and its possible role in the generation of the t cell repertoire., K L. Rock and B Benacerraf
The role of IFNy in mycobacterium-induced diabetes resistance in the NOD mouse., Brian Stadinski
The role of immune factors in the survival of circulating tumor cells., H Wexler, W F. Sindelar, and A S. Ketcham
The role of immunoglobulin receptors and t cell mediators in b lymphocyte activation. I. B cell activation by anti-immuno- globulin and anti-idiotype reagents., D Primi, G K. Lewis, and J W. Goodman
The role of immunosuppression in radiation-induced murine leukemia. Abstr., P La plant and L Kelly
The role of insulin in the response of murine t lymphocytes to mitogenic stimulation in vitro., E C. Snow, T L. Feldbush, and J A. Oaks
The role of insulin receptors and receptor antibodies in states of altered insulin action., C R. Kahn
The role of interferon in the resistance of c57bl/6 mice to various doses of herpes simplex virus type 1., R Zawatzky, I Gressre, E Demaeyer, and H Kirchner
The role of intramitochondrial coenzymes on the regulation of the rate of glycolysis in mouse liver cells and ehrlich ascitic carcinoma cells., V S. Gaitskhoki
The role of i region gene products in macrophage induction of an antibody response. I. Ability of anti-i-j region sera to block macrophage function., J E. Niederhuber and P Allen
The role of i region gene products in macrophage - t lymphocytes interaction., J E. Niederhuber
The role of isocyanate fragments in the antitumour activity of chloroethylnitrosoureas. Abstr., N W. Gibson and J A. Hickman
The role of isocyanates in the toxicity of antitumour haloalkylnitrosoureas., N W. Gibson and J A. Hickman
The role of l3t4 in recognition of ia by a cytotoxic, h-2dd-specific t cell hybridoma., J L. Greenstein, J Kappler, P Marrack, and S J. Burakoff
The role of latent viruses in subline differentiation in inbred strains of mice., G A. Wickramaratne
The role of lipid peroxidation (lp0) and cytochrome p-450 on ccl4, hepatotoxicity in the mouse. Abstr., P Y. Lee, P B. Mccay, and K R. Hornbrook
The role of low affinity antibody in immune complex disease. The quantity of anti-dna antibodies in nzb/w f1 hybrid mice., M W. Steward, F E. Katz, and J J. West
The role of ly-5.1 In murine natural killer (nk) cell- -mediated immunity against yac-1 target cells. Abstr., M Zaroukian, W Esselman, and H Miller
The role of lymphatic obstruction in the formation of ascites in a murine ovarian carcinoma., G B. Feldman, R C. Knapp, S E. Order, and S Hellman
The role of lymphocytes in the organogenesis of Peyer's Patches., Dennis Hsieh
The role of lymphoid cells in endotoxin mediated serum amyloid a synthesis. Abstr., K P. Mcadam, D L. Rosenstreich, and S M. Wolff
The role of Mac-1 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in the immunopathological changes observed in Motheaten and Viable Motheaten mice., Rachel C. Kidman
The role of macrophage colony-stimulating factor in hepatic glucan-induced granuloma formation in the osteopetrosis mutant mouse defective in the production of macrophage colony-stimulating factor., K Takahashi, M Naito, S Umeda, and L D. Shultz
The role of macrophages and polymorphs in the levan-induced inhibition of lewis lung carcinoma in c57bl mice., J Leibovici, A Borit, U Sandbank, and M Wolman
The role of macrophages in controlling post-operative metastasis of 3ll. Abstr., P Brodt and S Segal
The role of macrophages in skin allograft rejection. I. Histochemical studies during first-set rejection., L Poulter, N Bradley, and J Turk
The role of macrophages in stimulation of immune induction and myelopoiesis. I: comparison of activity of macrophage-derived factors in granulpoiesis and immunostimulation., G B. Price and R M. Gorczynski
The role of macrophages in stimulation of immune induction and myelopoiesis. II. Analysis of genetic restriction involved in the stimulation of granulocyte colony precursors or mature lymphocytes using factors prepared from different recombinant inbred strains of mice., R M. Gorczynski and G B. Price
The role of macrophages in suppression of established friend virus leukemia., M H. Levy and E F. Wheelock
The role of macrophages in the adjuvant effect on antibody production of corynebacterium parvum., S R. Watson and V S. Sljivic
The role of macrophages in the enhancement by prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors of the mitogenic response of murine spleen cells. Abstr., S L. White and H T. Holden
The role of macrophages in the generation of t helper cells. Iii. Influence of macrophage-derived factors in helper cell induction., P Erb and M Feldmann
The role of macrophages in the generation of t-helper cells. II. The genetic control of the macrophage-t-cell interaction for helper cell induction with soluble antigens., P Erb and M Feldmann
The role of macrophages in the generation of t-helper cells. I. The requirement for macrophages in helper cell induction and characteristics of the macrophage-t cell interaction., P Erb and M Feldmann
The role of macrophages in the generation of t helper cells. V. Evidence for differential activation of short-lived t1 and long-lived t2 lymphocytes by the macrophage factors grf and nmf., P Erb, P Vogt, B Meier, and M Feldmann
The role of macrophages in the induction of antibody in x-irradiated animals., R Gallily and M Feldman
The role of macrophages in thymocyte mitogenesis., G Mills, V Monticone, and V Paetkau
The role of major viral structural proteins in the immune response to friend virus induced murine leukemia. Abstr., M J. Rogers, L W. Law, S Oroszlan, N, and E Appella
The role of mammalian HBS1L., Katherine Linder
The role of mammotrophin in mammary tumor induction in mice., ghera N. Haran
The Role of metabolism, O2 consumption, and free radicals in aging., Paul S. Tomlinson
The role of microfilaments in the response of adrenal tumor cells to adrenocorticotropic hormone., P F. Hall, C Charpponnier, M Nakamura, and G Gabbiani
The role of microflora in development of graft-versus-host disease., M Pollard, C F. Chang, and K K. Srivastava
The role of microvilli in the agglutination of cells by concanavalin a., T E. Ukena and M J. Karnovsky
The role of miR-506 in transformed 16HBE cells induced by anti-benzo[a]pyrene-trans-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide., Y Zhao, H Liu, Y Li, J Wu, A R. Greenlee, C Yang, and Y Jiang
The role of mitochondria in modifying the cellular ionic environment. Calcium-induced respiratory activities in mitochondria isolated from various tumour cells., R F. Thorne and F L. Bygrave
The role of mitogenic lectins in t-cell triggering., E Larsson and A Coutinho
The role of mitosis in the differentiation of mouse mammary cells. Abstr., L Tolin, J Harbell, and C W. Daniel
The role of monokines in the activation of t cells as assessed by heteroantisera and monoclonal antibodies to human leukcoytic pyrogen/lymphocyte activating factor/interleukin 1. Abstr., L J. Rosenwasser, T E. Brown, and C A. Dinarello
The role of motor learning and cage size in the early enrichment effect in mice., N D. Henderson
The role of mRNA levels and cellular localization in controlling sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase expression in tissues of the mouse., P L. Ratner, M Fisher, D Burkart, J R. Cook, and L P. Kozak
The role of mrna levels and cellular localization in controlling sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase expression in tissues of the mouse., P L. Ratner, M Fisher, D Burkart, J R. Cook, and L P. Kozak
The role of mutations in liver tumor induction in mice., H J. Curtis and J Tilley
The role of mycoplasma enzymes in murine leukemia induction. Abstr., A Fjelde
The role of na, k-atpase in methylmercury-induced teratogenesis. Abstr., L S. Holmes and G T. Okita
The role of natural killer cells and antibody-dependent cell- -mediated cytotoxicity during murine cytomegalovirus infection., G V. Quinnan and J E. Manischewitz
The role of natural killer cells in the intravascular death of intravenously injected murine tumour cells., C J. Bishop and V A. Whiting
The role of neurotensin in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and in diabetes., M Berelowitz and L A. Frohman
The role of neutralising antibody in immunity of the mouse to herpes simplex virus inoculated intracerebrally., J F. Watkins and M L. Lepow
The role of NF-kappaB in BCR-ABL leukemogenesis, Cynthia Wei
The role of nitro groups in the binding of nitroaromatics to protein mopc 315., P Gettins, D Givol, and R A. Dwek
The role of nonlymphoid accessory cells in the immune response to different antigens., K Shortman, E Diener, P Russell, and W D. Armstrong
The role of non-specific lymphocytes in antigen-induced proliferative response in vitro., P R. Eidelzstein and sasson S. Ben
The role of nzb/nzw f1 thymus in experimental tolerance and auto- -immunity., A D. Steinberg, L D. Law, and N Talal
The role of olfaction in sex attraction in C57BL/6J mice., Hinda Lee Nussbaum
The role of olfaction upon the social relationships of the laboratory rabbit., Jennifer Mollach
The role of olfactory and orosensory factors in the alcohol preference of inbred strains of mice., M Nachman and C L. Magnen
The role of ozone in radiation avoidance in the mouse., D C. Peterson and H L. Andrews
The role of p53 in AID-dependent cytotoxicity., Maya Merriweather
The role of parathyroid hormone in the management of osteoporosis., C J. Rosen
The role of particulate and volatile components in tobacco carcino- genesis. Abstr., E L. Wynder, D Hoffmann, and O Auerbach
The role of passenger leukocytes in the anomalous survival of neonatal grafts in mice., S S. Wachtel and W K. Silvers
The role of periodic and interrupted treatment of newborn and infant mice with urethan on leukemogenesis., S Vesselinovitch and N Mihailovich
The role of peritoneal cells (pc) and bacterial lipo- polysaccharide (lps) in the growth of murine plasma- cytoma (pct). Abstr., M Platica, C Bojko, and V P. Hollander
The role of pheromones in mammalian reproduction., W K. Whitten and F H. Bronson
The role of ph in the carcinostatic activity of a factor from liver and serum. Abstr., C A. Apffel
The role of phospholipides in the uptake of amino acids by ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., W L. Gaby, H L. Wolin, and I Zajac
The role of physiological stress on breast tumor incidence in mice. Abstr., V Riley, D Spackman, and G Santisteban
The role of pi in glycolytic inhibition of calcium ion uptake by eld ascites tumor cells., R N. Hines and C E. Wenner
The role of pituitary hormones in ovarian tumourigenesis., A Lipschutz, H Cerisola, and V I. Panasevich
The role of plasma membrane receptors and the kinetics of macrophage activation by lymphokines encapsulated in liposomes., I J. Fidler, A Raz, W E. Fogler, and G Poste
The role of PPARy in adipogenesis., Suzanne McCluskey
The role of 'private' and 'public' h-2 antigens in skin graft rejection., J Klein and D B. Murphy
The role of prolactin in the growth of hormone-dependent gr mouse mammary tumours. Abstr., S M. Thorpe, J L. Daehnfeldt, and P Briand
The role of prolactin in the regulation of testicular function, the effect of prolactin and luteinizing hormone on 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in the testes of mice and rats., A A. Hafiez, J E. Philpott, and A Bartke
The role of proliferation in the second stage of carcinogenesis., I Cornman, J L. Gargus, and M Macdonald
The role of prostaglandins in the control of the primary 19s immune response to srbc., D R. Webb and I Nowowiejski
The role of prostaglandins in the development of marcophages from bone marrow cells., E Razin, M Razin, and matthes M. Lohmann
The role of purines in the maintenance of meiotic arrest in mammalian oocytes., J J. Eppig and S M. Downs
The role of purines in the maintenance of meiotic arrest in mammalian oocytes., J J. Eppig and S M. Downs
The role of purines in the maintenance of meiotic arrest in mouse oocytes., S M. Downs and J J. Eppig
The role of pyrrolidone carboxlic acid in the initiation of immuno- globulin peptide chains., C Baglioni
The role of quinone induced dna damage in the cytotoxic activity of quinone antitumor agents. Abstr., A Begleiter
The role of ribonuclease in regression of lymphosarcoma p1798., E Ambellan and V P. Hollander
The role of ribosomal subunits and 80-s monomers in polysome formation in an ascites tumour cell., B L. Hogan and A Korner
The role of rna and protein synthesis in mediating the action of msh on mouse melanoma cells., B B. Fuller and D H. Viskochil
The role of roasted chromite ore in the production of cancer., W W. Payne
The role of serum complement in chemotaxis of leukocytes in vitro., P A. Ward, C G. Cochrane, and eberhard H. Muller
The role of serum factors in the acceleration by freund's complete adjuvant of the growth of transplanted murine leukemic cells., P E. Byfield, J Z. Finklestein, K L. Tittle, and D T. Imagawa
The role of serum in the in vitro assay of lymphocyte- -mediated cytolysis., P Vadnais, P Cresswell, and D B. Amos
The role of Sf1 in gonadal sex determination in C57BL/6J (B6) mice., Jane Ferguson
The role of sialic acid in antigenic expression, further studies of the landschutz ascites tumour., G A. Currie and K D. Bagshawe
The role of sialic acid in the release of proteins from l1210 leukemia cells., J L. Glick, A R. Goldberg, and A B. Pardee
The role of soluble aggregates in the primary immune response of mice to human gamma globulin., C N. Gamble
The role of soluble aggregates in the primary immune response of mice to serum protein antigens. Abstr., C N. Gamble
The role of soluble alloantigens in the induction of efferent and afferent blocking of cell mediated immunity. Abstr., B Bonavida, J Zighelboim, and V S. Rao
The role of soluble mediators in the adjuvanticity of mdp in genetic high and low responder mice. Abstr., M J. Staruch and D D. Wood
The role of specific suppressor t cells in immune tolerance., D Nachtigal, bar I. Zan, and M Feldman
The role of spleen in development of lymphohemopoietic tissues, effect of splenectomy on development of blood cells, bone, marrow, thymus and lymph node., P K. Kalpaktsoglou, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good
The role of spleen suppressor cells in immunity against a syngeneic murine tumor. Abstr., S Tokuda and R Nofchissey
The role of spreading factor (hyaberonidase) in metastasis., T Ghose
The role of subcellular factors in pulmonary immune function: physicochemical characterization of two distinct species of lymphocyte-activating factor produced by rabbit alveolar macrophages., P L. Simon and W F. Willoughby
The role of surface igd in the response to thymic-independent antigens., I Zitron, D E. Mosier, and W E. Paul
The role of sv40 gene a in the alteration of microfilaments in transformed cells., J J. Vollet, J S. Brugge, C A. Noonan, and J S. Butel
The role of t-agglutinin in the disappearance of erythrocytes artificially aged by desialylation., G Perret, D Bladier, L Gattegno, and P Cornillot
The role of t and suppressor cells in mtv-directed cellular immunity., P Creemers and P Bentvelzen
The role of t, b and adherent cells in tepc-183 plasmacytoma- -induced immunosuppression. Abstr., M Patel and H F. Havas
The role of t, b and adherent cells in the in vitro immune response of tepc-183-bearing mice., M Patel and H F. Navas
The role of t cells and adjuvant in the immune response of mice to foreign erythrocytes., D W. Dresser
The role of t cell sets in the rejection of a methylcholanthrene- -induced sarcoma (s1509a) in syngeneic mice., A K. Bhan, L L. Perry, H Cantor, R T. Mccluskey, B Benacerraf, and M I. Greene
The role of t cells in anti-herpes simplex virus immunity. I. Induction of antigen-specific cytotoxic t lymphocytes., K Pfizenmaier, H Jung, and H Wagner
The role of t cells in igg production, thymus-dependent antigens induce b cell memory in the absence of t cells., J W. Schrader
The role of t cells in the induction of b memory cells: influence of variations in experimental design., mullen H. Braley
The role of t cell subsets in the generation of secondary cytolytic responses in vitro against class i and class ii major histocompatibility complex antigens., D Vidovic, J Klein, and Z A. Nagy
The role of the alpha glycerophosphate shuttle in the reoxidation of cytosolic nadh in ehrlich ascites tumour cells., O Dionisi, A Cittadini, G Gelmuzzi, T Galeotti, and T Terranova
The role of the blood glucose level in determining voluntary ethanol consumption in the lacg and diabetogenic c57bl strains of mice., D M. Connelly, J W. Unwin, and P V. Taberner
The role of the blood ocular barrier in glaucoma and neuroprotection, Beryl Swanson
The role of the endocrine thymus in female reproduction., S D. Michael
The role of the fc receptor (fcr) of thymus-derived lymphocytes. I. Presence of fcr on cytotoxic lymphocytes and absence of direct role in cytotoxicity., J C. Leclerc, C Plater, and W H. Fridman
The role of the graft in the induction of tolerance by antilymocyte serum and cellular antigen., J C. Fisher, R C. Davis, and J A. Mannick
The role of the hairless (hr) gene in the regulation of hair follicle catagen transformation., A A. Panteleyev, N V. Botchkareva, J P. Sundberg, A M. Christiano, and R Paus
The role of the histocompatibility-2-linked ss-slp region in the control of mouse complement., P Demant, J Capkova, E Hinzova, and B Voracova
The role of the histocompatibility gene complex in lymphocyte differentiation., D H. Katz
The role of the host immune response in the development of tissue lesions associated with african trypanosomiasis in mice., castro B. Galvao, A Hochmann, and P H. Lambert
The role of the host mesenchyme in the development of tumours after transplantation., J V. Sparck and K Gross
The role of the ia subregion in the restimulation of lymphocyh@@@tes primed in vivo. Abs, V Cukrova and M Rychlikova
The role of the inflammatory response during tumor growth., R Evans and L G. Eidlen
The role of the large peritoneal macrophage in tumour homograft re- jection., F Hartveit
The role of the left end of the h-2b haplotype in the male- -specific cytotoxic t cell response., H Von boehmer, K Turton, and W Haas
The role of T helper cells in immune responses against minor and major histocompatibility antigens., Michelle M. Allen
The role of the lungs and liver in the kinetics of transplanted lymphoid leukemia l1210 cells labelled with radiochromium 51cr., J Skierski and J Doroszewski
The role of the milk agent in the disappearance of mammary tumors in inbred c3h/stwi mice. Abstr., G H. Smith
The role of the MTHFR gene in cerebellar development., Abigail Shaw
The role of the murine major histocompatibility complex in macrophage mediated tumor cell destruction. Abstr., S D. Somers and B S. Zwilling
The role of the parafollicular cell of the thyroid gland in the pathogenesis of congenital osteopetrosis in mice., S C. Marks, J, and D G. Walker
The role of the pentose phosphate shunt in thyrotropin- -induced thyroid hormone secretion. In vivo and in vitro studies with 6-aminonicotinamide in mouse thyroids., K Hashizume, T Onaya, and A Sato
The role of the peritoneal cavity in successful treatment of a murine lymphoma with chemotherapy and non-specific immunostimulation., P Marconi, F Bistoni, A Cassone, L Frati, M Baccarini, E Garaci, and E Bonmassar
The role of the phagocyte in host-parasite interactions. Xxxiv. The effect of phagocytizable particles and phytohemmagglutinin-p on dna synthesis by spleen cells from leukemic and non-leukemic akr mice., R Strauss, A Jacobs, B Paul, and A Sbarra
The role of the pituitary-adrenal system in the footshock- -induced increase of [3h]lysine incorporation into mouse brain and liver proteins., H D. Rees and A J. Dunn
The role of the regional lymph nodes in the immunity to a chemically induced sarcoma in c3h mice., D S. Bard, W G. Hammond, and Y H. Pilch
The role of the reticuloendothelial system in the host reaction to neoplasia., L J. Old, B Benacerraf, D A. Clarke, and E Stockert
The role of thermoregulatory thermogenesis in the development of obesity in genetically-obese (ob/ob) mice pair-fed with lean siblings., P L. Thurlby and P Trayhurn
The role of the spleen in hematopoietic compensation following the administration of anti-cancer agents in the mouse. Abstr., R H. Jensen, J G. Sharp, G H. Zajic, and R W. Anderson
The role of the spleen in hemopoiesis in pre- and neo-natal C57BL/6J mice., Lisa A. Raphals
The role of the spleen in high-altitude-induced polycythemia. Abstr., W N. Miller and R H. Swigart
The role of the spleen in t cell maturation. The immunobiology of congenitally asplenic (dh/+) mice. Abstr., M E. Gershwin, M P. Fletcher, and R M. Ikeda
The role of the spleen in the propoulation of the haemopoietic system of heavily-irradiated mice., G Silini and R A. Pozzi
The role of the spleen in tumor growth kinetics of the murine b cell leukemia (bcl1)., S Slavin, S Morecki, and L Weiss
The role of the spleen on the immunity to a chemically induced sarcoma in c3h mice., D S. Bard and Y H. Pilch
The role of the thymic humoral factor in the postnatal development of lymphopoiesis in neonatally thymectomized mice. Abstr., O Springer, M Grgic, and Z Grgic
The role of the thymic humoral factor in the postnatal development of lymphopoiesis in neonatally thymectomized mice. Abstr., O Springer, M Grgic, and Z Grgic
The role of the thymic humoral factor (thf) in hemopoietic tissues: ii. The effect of thf on the reconstitution of lymphoid cells in neonatally thymectomized and athymic (nude) balb/c mice., O Springer, J Pavelic, and Z Grgic
The role of the thymus in a genetically controlled defect of the immune response at the carrier level., E Mozes and M Sela
The role of the thymus in autoimmune disease., J East and D M. Parrott
The role of the thymus in development of immunologic capacity in rabbits and mice., R A. Good, A P. Dalmasso, C Martinez, O K. Archer, J C. Pierce, and B W. Papermaster
The role of the thymus in development of lympho-hemopoietic tissues. The effect of thymectomy on development of blood cells, bone-marrow, spleen, and lymph nodes., P K. Kalpaktsoglou, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good
The role of the thymus in experimental mouse amyloidosis., P Ranlov
The role of the thymus in immunity., J F. Miller and K G. Moreman
The role of the thymus in maturational development of phytohemagglutinin and pokeweed mitogen responsiveness., W J. Byrd, H Von boehmer, and B T. Rouse
The role of the thymus in ployoma virus infection., M Kodama and G E. Moore
The role of the thymus in restoring immunological reactivity and lym- phoid cell differentiation in x-irradiated adult mice., M Feldman and A Globerson
The role of the thymus in the development of immunological competence. Abstr., J Miller, K Mcintire, and S Snell
The role of the thymus in the establishment of suppressor cells in liver chimeras., T Umiel and N Trainin
The role of the thymus in the ontogeny of the immune system., D Metcalf and M Brumby
The role of the thymus, migration of cells from thymic grafts to lymph-nodes in mice., J E. Harris and C E. Ford
The role of the tissue environment in the expression of spotting genes in the mouse., M Deol
The role of the vomeronasal pathway in mediating the pheromone induced effect of early sexual maturation in female mice., Elizabeth A. Debski
The role of the zona pellucida in the development of mouse eggs in vivo., J A. Modlinski
The role of thf in the induction of specific suppression. Abstr., N Trainin and T Umiel
The role of three distinct ia-like antigen molecules in human t cell proliferative responses: effect of monoclonal anti-ia-like antibodies., Y Koide, F Awashima, T O. Yoshida, T Takenouchi, A Wakisaka, J Moriuchi, and M Aizawa
The role of thymic humoral factor in the restitution of the colonizing capacity of the lymph nodes in thymectomized mice. Abstr., O Springer, pavlovic Z. Vuk, and A Kastelan
The role of thymocytes and bone marrow cells in defining the response to the dinitrophenyl hapten attached to positively and negatively charged synthetic polypeptide carriers. Cell fractionation over charged columns., Y Karniely, E Mozes, G M. Shearer, and M Sela
The role of thymus cells in the immune response to poly(tyr, glu)- -polyd l ala--polylys as a function of the genetic constitution of the mouse strain., L Lichtenberg, E Mozes, G Shearer, and M Sela
The role of thymus-dependent cell-mediated immunity in resistance to experimental disseminated candidiasis., T J. Rogers, E Balish, and D D. Manning
The role of thymus-dependent immunity in mycoplasma pulmonis infections of mice., F W. Denny, robinson D. Taylor, and A C. Allison
The role of thymus-derived cells in immunity to salmonella infections., R Davies and I Kotlarski
The role of thymus-derived lymphocytes in an antibody-mediated hapten- -specific helper effect., C A. Janeway, H S. Koren, and W E. Paul
The role of thymus epithelial reticular cells in viral leukemogenesis., E F. Hays
The role of thymus in the relap@@@pse of leukemia in akr mice. Ab, A Athanasiou, M Shepp, and T Necheles
The role of thymus in transplantation resistance induced by polyoma virus., R C. Ting and L W. Law
The role of thymus on autosensitization against syngeneic normal and malignant cells., C Carnaud, D Ilfeld, G Petranyi, and E Klein
The role of thymus subpopulations in 't' leukemia development., R Chazan and ghera N. Haran
The role of thyroid hormone in radiation and chemically induced oncogenesis. Abstr., C Borek, D L. Guernsey, and A Ong
The role of t lymphocytes in the pathogenesis of coxsackie virus b3 heart disease., I Hashimoto, M Tatsumi, and M Nakagawa
The role of total dose, treatment schedule, and recovery period on x-irradiation carcinogenesis. Abstr., S D. Vesselinovitch, E Simmons, and N Mihailovich
The role of vesicular stomatitis virus major glycoprotein in determining the specificity of virus-specific and h-2 restricted cytolytic t cells., K K. Sethi and H Brandis
The role of virus in radiation leukemogenesis., S Irino, S Sota, and K Hiraki
The role of XRCC2 in B-cell antibody production to antigen., Maile Hollinger
The Role of XRCC2 in immunoglobulin isotype switching., Adeline Oursler
The roles of adhesion molecules in leukemia., Zhu Wang
The roles of age at treatment and dose in carcinogenesis in c3hf/dp mice with a single administration of n-nitroso-n-methylurea., B Terracini, M C. Testa, J R. Cabral, and L Rossi
The roles of atp and adp in the control of protein degradation and synthesis. Abstr., W D. Yushok
The roles of Nmyc (Mycn) in the Ph+ leukemias, Nataliya Ilyashenko
The Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory Quarterly, The Jackson Laboratory
The rosette cell response of several mouse strains to immunization with both sheep and pigeon erythrocytes, magnitude of errors caused by cytophilic antibody., J Kapp and B Benacerraf
The rosiglitazone story--lessons from an FDA Advisory Committee meeting., C J. Rosen
The route of enteric infection in normal mice., P B. Carter and F M. Collins
The route of immunization in transplantation immunity., R E. Billingham, L Brent, and N A. Mitchison
The same exhaustible multilineage precursor produces both myeloid and lymphoid cells as early as 3-4 weeks after marrow transplantation., D E. Harrison and R K. Zhong
The same genetic regions encode minor histocompatibility antigens detected in the context of different MHC haplotypes., H Klinge and D C. Roopenian
The SCAN domain defines a large family of zinc finger transcription factors., T L. Sander, K F. Stringer, J L. Maki, P Szauter, J R. Stone, and T Collins
The schistosoma haematobium egg granuloma., A I. Kassis, K S. Warren, and A A. Mahmoud
The SCID-hu mouse and thyroid autoimmunity: characterization of human thyroid autoantibody secretion., T F. Davies, H Kimura, P Fong, D Kendler, L D. Shultz, S Thung, and A Martin
The SCID-hu mouse: murine model for the analysis of human hematolymphoid differentiation and function., J M. McCune, R Namikawa, H Kaneshima, L D. Shultz, M Lieberman, and I L. Weissman
The screening of non-h-2 congenic lines for sk loci., D Steinmuller, J L. Marcus, and D W. Bailey
The screening of non-H-2 congenic lines of Sk loci., D Steinmuller, J L. Marcus, and D W. Bailey
The search for depression-related genes in diversity outbred mice., Carter Harwood
The search for h-2 complementation affecting the anti-thy-1 response in mice: a progress report., J S. Reichner and M B. Zaleski
The search for longevity and healthy aging genes: insights from epidemiological studies and samples of long-lived individuals., Joanne M Murabito, Rong Yuan, and Kathryn L Lunetta
The search for vascular correlates to teratoma and small testes in the inbred strain 129 mice., Hannah Jane Gould
The secondary hemagglutinin response in C3H.SW mice., Walter C. Vinson
The secondary immune response to a hapten in vitro. Antigen concen- tration and the carrier effect., N R. Klinman
The secondary response to high and low dose priming in mice., W G. Grantham
The second messenger system of mouse epidermis. Iii. Guanyl cyclase., F Marks
The secretion of a bence-jones type light chain from a mouse plasmacytoma., F Melchers
The selection and characterization of an invasive variant of the b16 melanoma., I R. Hart
The selection of H-2 antigen loss variants from cells which are heterozygous for the t6 chromosome., Daria V. Smith
The selective action of poly a.u On the electrophoretic mobility and surface charge of a subpopulation of b cells., S N. Hanjan and G P. Talwar
The selective concentration of sulphadiazine and related compounds in malignant tissue., G Abel, T A. Connors, W C. Ross, and L Pichat
The selective cutaneous response to autologous and non-autologous plasma in dogs: observations on the effects of inbreeding and of immaturity., J Q. Bliss, P B. Stewart, and J L. Fuller
The selective effect of tunicamycin on the secretion of igm and igg produced by the same cells., C Blatt and J Haimovich
The selective elimination of immunologically competent cells from bone marrow and lymphatic cell mixtures. I. Effect of storage at 4 c., D W. Van bekkum
The selective elimination of immunologically competent cells from bone marrow and lymphatic cell mixtures. II. Mouse spleen cell fraction- ation on a discontinuous albumin gradient., K A. Dicke, J I. Hooft, and D W. Bekkum
The selective elimination of immunologically competent cells from bone marrow and lymphocyte cell mixtures. Iii. In vitro test for detection of immunocompetent cells in fractionated mouse spleen cell suspensions and primate bone marrow suspensions., K A. Dicke, G Tridente, and D W. Bekkum
The selective inhibition of secondary ige antibody response in mice by dibutyryl adenosine 3',5'-cycle monophosphoric acid and theo- phylline., R Perper, V Blancuzzi, and A Oronsky
The selective protection of normal tissues by irradiation of tumor-bearing mice in hypoxic hypoxia., S P. Yarmonenko, A A. Wainson, L I. Bereznova, V M. Krimker, V G. Ovakimov, E P. Petrosian, and N L. Shmakova
The selective solubilization of different murine splenocyte membrane fractions with lubrol wx and triton x-100 distinguishes two forms of ia antigens. A cell surface (alpha,beta) and an intracellular (alpha,iibeta)., J P. Moosic, E Sung, A Nilson, P P, N, and D J. Mckean
The self renewal probability of hemopoietic stem cells., H Vogel, H Niewisch, and G Matioli
The self-side expression of h-2 antigens on epithelial cells and the maternal-fetal relationship., E L. Parr
The sensitivities of human and murine hemopoietic cells exposed to cytotoxic drugs in an in vivo culture system., M Y. Gordon and N M. Blackett
The sensitivity of bleomycin of spleen colony forming units in the mouse., P Twentyman and N Bleehen
The sensitivity of cells from normal mouse bone marrow to gamma radiation in vitro and in vivo., E A. Mc culloch and J E. Till
The sensitivity of chemotherapeutic agents of a rat tumour grown in immunosuppressed mice., C E. Sheard, J Double, and M Berenbaum
The sensitivity of restriction point specific growth control to hormones., Marian R. Bouchard
The sensitivity of the mammalian spot test to mutagens of different types of action. Abstr., R Fahrig
The sensitivity of the skin of hairless mice to chemical carcinogenesis., U Iversen and O H. Iversen
The sensitivity of the skin of hairless mice to the tumorigenic action of coal tar in relation to the tetrazolium test., U Iversen and O H. Iversen
The sensitivity of various germ-cell stages of the male mouse to radiation induced translocations., A Leonard and G Deknudt
The sensitivity to cytotoxic agents of the emt6 tumour in vivo. Comparative response of lung nodules in rapid exponential growth and of the solid flank tumour., P R. Twentyman and N M. Bleehen
The sensitizing carcinogenic effect of small doses of carcinogen., J M. Neiman
The separation and growth of interacting cells required for anti- body formation. Abstr., D W. Talmage, H Hemingsen, and J Radovich
The separation of different cell classes from lymphoid organs. The effect of ph on the buoyant density of lymphocytes and erythrocytes., N Williams and K Shortman
The separation of different cell classes from lymphoid organs. VI. The effect of osmolarity of gradient media on the density distribution of cells., N Williams, N Kraft, and K Shortman
The separation of serum proteins by zone electrophoresis on a starch gel., Richard Moskowitz
The separation of sub-populations of t and b lymphocytes., K Shortman, J Cerottini, and K T. Brunner
The separation of the free amino-acids in plant tissue by paper chromatographic methods., Patricia A. Lambert
The separation, physical characterization, and differentiation kinetics of spermatogonial cells of the mouse., D M. Lam, R Furrer, and W R. Bruce
The sequence of a mouse embryonic beta-globin gene. Evolution of the gene and its signal region., J N. Hansen, D A. Konkel, and P Leder
The sequence of histological changes in mouse lungs after single doses of x-rays., E L. Travis
The sequence of mouse serum protein changes during the progressing growth of a spontaneous mammary tumour and of the same tumour grafted in isologous system., R Rabinovich de pirosky and S R. Oisgold
The sequence of the chromosomal mouse beta-globin major gene: homologies in capping, splicing and poly(a) sites., D A. Konkel, S M. Tilghman, and P Leder
The sequential development of the brain lesions of scrapie in three strains of mice., H Fraser and A G. Dickinson
The sequestration of na+, k+ and cl- in the cellular nucleus and its energetic consequences for the gradient hypothesis of amino acid transport in ehrlich cells., C Pietrzyk and E Heinz
The serially transplanted c3h mouse mammary tumour as a clinically relevant model system, A H. Nias, S M. Chamberlain, and A S. Abdelaal
The serial transplantation of haematopoietic tissue in mice with the same h-2 allele., A M. Dresser and D W. Dresser
The serological determination of histocompatibility activity., D A. Davies and A M. Hutchison
The serologically-defined (sd) private and public specificities and their genetic control of t cell mediated cytotoxicity. A discussion. Abstr., A B. Peck and K F. Lindahl
The serologic behaviour of neuraminidase-treated lymphoid cells. Alloantigenicity and complement sensitivity., P Ray, H Gewurz, and R Simmons
The serology and polymorphism of h-2l-locus encoded antigens. Abstr., C Huang, H S. Huang, and J Klein
The serum antibody response to bacteriophage phi chi one seven four in germ-free and conventionally reared mice. I. Assay of neutralizing antibody by a 50 per cent neutralization method., P W. Stashak, P J. Baker, and B S. Roberson
The serum cholesterol level of leukemic mice and the effect of several sterol inhibitors on leukemic lymphocytes., Nancy Maguire
The serum haptoglobin response to inflammation in neonatal mice and its relationship to phagocytosis., W G. Palmer
The serum paraprotein level related to the number of plasmacytoma- -5563 cells in c3h mice., O Fakhri and J R. Hobbs
The sesamoid bones in the c3h mouse., Z T. Wirtschafter and J K. Tsujimura
The sex-dependent difference in the development of liver tumors in mice administered dimethylnitrosamine., S D. Vesselinovitch
The sex-determining region of the human Y chromosome encodes a finger protein., D C. Page, R Mosher, E M. Simpson, E M. Fisher, G Mardon, J Pollack, B McGillivray, l a. de, and L G. Brown
The sexual behaviour of hybrid male mice compared with the sexual behaviour of males of the inbred parent strains., T E. Mc gill and W C. Blight
The shedding of viable circulating tumor cells by pulmonary metastases in mice., A S. Ketcham, J J. Ryan, and H Wexler
The shift of the restriction requirment of anti h-1.3 Specific ctl from h-2kb to h-2db. Abstr., D C. Roopenian and R E. Click
The short-term effects of 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide on the immune response in mice., J M. Phillips
The short term effects of a supra-lethal dose of irradiation and changes in the environmental temperature on the growth of tail bones of the mouse., hilli F. Al and E A. Wright
The sialogycoproteins of murine erythrocyte ghosts. Abstr., A H. Sarris and G E. Palade
The significance of adenosine deaminase activity in leukemia. Abstr., J F. Smyth
The significance of calcium for glucose stimulation of insulin release., B Hellman
The significance of chronic inflammation for malignant processes., M D. Podilchak
The significance of cutaneous immunoglobulin deposits in lupus erythematosus and nzb/nzw f1 hybrid mice., J N. Gilliam
The significance of dna cross-linking to cis-diamminedichloro- platinum(ii)-induced cytotoxicity in sensitive and resistant lines of murine leukemia l1210 cells., M C. Strandberg, E Bresnick, and A Eastman
The significance of embryonic reexpression in cancer., P Medawar and R Hunt
The significance of estrogen hormones in the development of experi- mental tumors of the mammary gland. (in Russian), M D. Podilchak
The significance of fractionation regimens in radiation and combined hyperthermia using a murine fibrisarcoma., E W. Hahn, A A. Alfieri, and J H. Kim
The significance of hematogenous tumor cell clumps in the metastatic process., L A. Liotta, J Kleinerman, and G M. Saidel
The significance of hormones in the induction of mammary cancer., O Muhlbock
The significance of immunological immaturity for the induction of tolerance., A Lengerova
The significance of lymphoid repopulation by donor cells in the graft- -versus-host reaction. Abstr., M Fox
The significance of lymphokines in the immunological function of the DBA/2HA and BXSB mice., Christine Yang
The significance of mast cells as a source of histamine in the mouse brain., E L. Orr and K R. Pace
The significance of mucosal lesions antedating mouse cervical cancer., W B. Wentz
The significance of regional lymph node cell mediated cytotoxicity in the response of a murine adenocarcinoma to chemoimmunotherapy. Abstr., N Wolmark and B Fisher
The significance of splenomegaly in tumour-bearing mice., M F. Woodruff and M O. Symes
The significance of the blood content of the bergen a4 mouse ascites carcinoma., F Hartveit
The significance of the blood content of the ehrlich ascites carci- noma., F Hartveit
The significance of the cell surface for the homing affinity of injected lymphoid cells in mice., V Viklicky, J Peknicova, and M Polackova
The significance of the hexosemonophosphate pathway for insulin release. Abstr., Y Wahlquist
The significance of the protein content of ehrlich's ascites carci- noma., F Hartveit
The similarities between the clinical effects of chronically- injected isoproterenol and cystic fibrosis., Jeffrey Gustavson
The site of action of the crinkled locus (cr) in the mouse, as determined by dermal-epidermal recombinations., Cynthia K. Miller
The site of action of the depilated locus (dep) in the mouse, as determined by dermal-epidermal recombination., Norman J. Kleiman
The site of action of the fuzzy locus (fz) in the mouse, as determined by dermal-epidermal recombinations., T C. Mayer, J A. Mittelberger, and M C. Green
The site of action of the fuzzy locus (fz) in the mouse, as determined by dermal-epidermal recombinations., T C. Mayer, J A. Mittelberger, and M C. Green
The site of action of the ichthyosis locus (ic) in the mouse, as determined by dermal-epidermal recombinations., M C. Green, B N. Alpert, and T C. Mayer
The site of action of the ichthyosis locus (ic) in the mouse, as determined by dermal-epidermal recombinations., M C. Green, B N. Alpert, and T C. Mayer
The site of action of the mutant gene fuzzy, as determined by dermal-epidermal recombinations., James A. Mittelberger
The site of mutant gene action affecting pigmentation in the C57BL/6J-bgj strain of mice., Stephanie M. Stein
The sites for alpha-aminoisobutyric acid uptake in normal mammary gland and ascites tumor cells. A comparative study of mouse tissues in vitro., M C. Neville, C J. Lobitz, E A. Ripoll, and C Tinney
The sjl/j mouse. A new model for spontaneous age- associated amyloidosis. I. Morphologic and immunochemical aspects., M A. Scheinberg, E S. Cathcart, J W. Eastcott, M Skinner, M Benson, T Shirahama, and M Bennett
The SJL/J mouse is not a model for PBC., M Sasaki, S A. Long, De Water Van, X S. He, L Shultz, R L. Coppel, A Ansari, Y Nakanuma, and M E. Gershwin
The skeletal growth, muscle protein synthesis and lipid synthesis from leucine-14c in yellow obese and control mice. Abstr., M O. Ezekwe and R J. Martin
The skeletal phenotype of some mouse chimaeras., H Gruneberg and A M. Laren
The skeletal structure of insulin-like growth factor I-deficient mice., D Bikle, S Majumdar, A Laib, Braxton L. Powell, C Rosen, W Beamer, E Nauman, C Leary, and B Halloran
The 'skeltal profile' and dentition of some inbred strains of mice., G A. Wickramaratne
The skin abnormality of 'ichthyosis', a mutant of the house mouse., R I. Spearman
The skin homograft reaction in mice acclimated to reduced barometric pressure. Abstr., R J. Ferguson and A Anthony
The Slug gene is not essential for mesoderm or neural crest development in mice., R Jiang, Y Lan, C R. Norton, J P. Sundberg, and T Gridley
The snell-dwarfmouse. I. General growth pattern, before and during growth hormone and thyroxine therapy., S Van buul and J L. Brande
The snell-dwarfmouse. II. Sulfate and thymidine incorporation in costal cartilage and somatomedin levels before and during growth hormone and thyroxine therapy., S Van buul and J L. Brande
The Snell dwarf mutation Pit1(dw) can increase life span in mice., K Flurkey, J Papaconstantinou, and D E. Harrison
The so-called swiss mouse., C J. Lynch
The social aspects of population dynamics., J B. Calhoun
The social behavior of dogs and wolves: an illustration of sociobiological systematics., J P. Scott
The social behavior of prairie dogs., J A. King
The social organizaton of some science research apprentices in scientific, recreational, and routine-work activities., R M. Chambers
The social responses of young peromyscus maniculatus., Penny White
The social significance of cancer., C C. Little
The SOFG Anatomy Entry List (SAEL): An Annotation Tool for Functional Genomics Data., H Parkinson, S Aitken, R A. Baldock, J B. Bard, A Burger, T F. Hayamizu, A Rector, M Ringwald, J Rogers, C Rosse, C J. Stoeckert, and D Davidson
The solubility of hemoglobins from microcytic anemic and fetal mice., Kenneth Graulich
The soluble interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor/IL-6 fusion protein enhances in vitro maintenance and proliferation of human CD34(+)CD38(-/low) cells capable of repopulating severe combined immunodeficiency mice., O Kollet, R Aviram, J Chebath, Hur H. ben, A Nagler, L Shultz, M Revel, and T Lapidot
The sophisticated mouse: protecting a precious reagent., M V. Wiles and R A. Taft
The sound of one paw clapping: an inquiry into the origin left-handedness., R L. Collins
The source of antigenic stimulation in the induction of maternal immunological tolerance to a transplantable tumor. Abstr., J B. Porter and E J. Breyere
The source of cells within different areas of lymph nodes draining the site of primary stimulation with a contact sensitizing agent. Lymphatic tissue and germinal centers in immune response, plenum,, D M. Parrott and M A. Sousa
The source of the cells which repopulate the thymus in irradiated cba mice. Abstr., J G. Sharp and D B. Thomas
The source of thymic precursor-cells. Abstr., D B. Thomas and C C. Congdon
The species specificity of soluble RNA methylases in vertebrate liver extracts., Cheryl A. Bourne
The specific antigen-binding cell populations of individual fetal mouse spleens. Repertoire composition, size, and genetic control., J E. Cohen, P D'eustachio, and G M. Edelman
The specific b cell subset lacking in the cba/n mouse is not required for the production of autoantibody in (cba/n x nzb)f1 male mice., P L. Romain, P L. Cohen, F Fish, M Ziff, and E S. Vitetta
The specific binding of listeria monocytogenes-immune t lymphocytes to macrophages. I. Quantitation and role of h-2 gene products., K Ziegler and E R. Unanue
The specific binding of murine t cells to macrophages is h-2 restricted. Abstr., H K. Ziegler
The specific blocking of humoral immune cytolysis mediated by anti-tumor antibodies degraded by lysosomal enzymes of tumor origin., Y Keisari and I P. Witz
The specific cytotoxic effect of dba/2 mouse dna on l1210 leukemia., J L. Glick, A P. Salim, and H A. Crystal
The specific cytotoxic effects of daunomycin conjugated to antitumor antibodies., R Levy, E Hurwitz, R Maron, R Arnon, and M Sela
The specificity and significance of the inhibition of fc receptor binding by anti h-2 sera., P Halloran, V Schirrmacher, and C S. David
The specificity of antibody formation in mice following immuni- zation with hapten-carrier complexes mixed with the surfactant, dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium bromide., H Snippe, J M. Willers, J K. Inman, and B Merchant
The specificity of antilymphocyte sera to thymic, splenic, and leu- kemic lymphocytes., R Asakuma and A E. Reif
The specificity of concomitant tumor immunity at large tumor volumes., P J. Deckers, D H. Pardridge, B S. Wang, and J A. Mannick
The specificity of dimethylbenzylrifampicin as an inhibitor of viral induced transformation., H S. Smith and A J. Hackett
The specificity of h-2 restricted cytotoxic t lymphocytes directed to akr/gross leukemia virus-induced tumors. II. Altered gp70 display and production of noninfectious virus particles by an insusceptible variant tumor., W R. Green and M A. Brown
The specificity of heterologous antiserum against brain of nude mice., G Kraal, D Boden, and E V. Hull
The specificity of immunosuppression by alloantibody in the mouse., J D. Milton
The specificity of inhibition of l1210 tumor growth by mouse thymus deoxyribonucleic acid., J L. Glick
The specificity of inhibition of tumor cell viability by dna., J L. Glick
The specificity of nonspecific concanavalin a-induced helper factors., R R. Bernabe, alonso C. Martinez, and A Coutinho
The specificity of suppressor t cells induced by chronic mycobacterium avium infection in mice., S R. Watson and F M. Collins
The specificity of the fc receptor on murine lymphocytes for immunoglobulins of the igg and igm classes., R Ramasamy, N E. Richardson, and A Feinstein
The specificity of the histamine receptor on cytolytically active t cells. Abstr., M Plaut, L M. Lichtenstein, P Norman, and C S. Henney
The specificity of the syngeneic mixed leukocyte response, a primary anti-i region t cell proliferative response, is determined intrathymically., L H. Glimcher, R H. Schwartz, D L. Longo, and A Singer
The specificity of thymus-derived t-cells in cell- -mediated cytotoxic reactions., J Forman
The specific locus test in the mouse., A G. Searle
The specific organisation of satellite dna sequences on the x-chromosome of mus musculus: partial independence of chromosome evolution., S D. Brown and G A. Dover
The specific pathophysiology in spontaneously diabetic animals., L Herberg
The specific suppression of the differentiation of erythroid clones in polycythemic animals., M Liron and M Feldman
The specific suppression of the early immune response in mice by 'slow' and 'fast' migrating 7s mouse antibody fractions., R A. Murgita and S Tokuda
The spectrum of chemosensitivity of two human pancreatic carcinoma xenografts., V D. Courtenay, J Mills, and G G. Steel
The spinal cord-ventral root junction in the trembler mouse., B M. Harrison
The spinner mouse., M S. Deol and M W. Robins
The spiral vessel and stria vascularis in shaker-1 mice., K Kikuchi and D A. Hilding
The spleen in friend leukemia. II. Nonleukemic nature of spleen stroma., S B. Levy, C B. Rubenstein, and M Tavassoli
The spleen in friend leukemia. I. Prolonged survival of leukemic mice after autoimplantation of spleen tissue., S B. Levy, C B. Rubenstein, and C Friend
The splenic and thymic weight response to whole-body x irradiation in three strains of mice. (in Japanese)., J S. Hayakawa, J Yamada, and T T. Chiya
The spontaneous development of thymocytotoxic antibodies in athymic nude mice and its suppression after transfer of syngeneic thymocytes., S Izui, J Louis, and P Lambert
The spontaneous tumor incidence in mice. I. "Z" stock x "I" stock., J J. Bittner
The spread of malignant disease., G J. Gasic, T B. Gasic, N Galanti, T Johnson, D S. Murphy, and E C. In
The springville mouse, further observations on a new 'luxoid' mouse., L C. Strong
The s region of the mouse major histocompatibility complex (h-2). Genetic variation and functional role in complement system., D C. Shreffler
The stability of n-hydroxymethyl compounds derived from n-methyl containing antitumour agents. Abstr., D Ross, A Gescher, J A. Hickman, and M F. Stevens
The stability of the epidermal mitosis inhibiting factor (chalone) in water solution., K Elgjo
The stathmokinetic effect of vincaleukoblastine on normal bone marrow and leukemic cells., G Cardinali, G Cardinali, and J Blair
The stathmokinetic method in vivo. Time-response with special reference to circadian variations in epidermal cell proliferation in the hairless mouse., E Thorud, O P. Clausen, R Bjerknes, and E Aarnaes
The statistical distribution of colony counts in the spleen colony assay., K L. Mossman
The status of concanavalin a receptors on the lymphocytes of leukemic akr mice: inhibition of redistribution by high concentrations of the lectin., K B. Sainis, A N. Bhisey, K Sundaram, and G P. Phondke
The stemline idiogram of the mswbs tumor of the mouse and the problem of centric fusion., A Levan, U Bregula, and G Klein
The stimulating effect of complete freund's adjuvant on tumour induc- tion by polyma virus in mice and by rous sarcoma virus in rats., grigorov V. Ter and I S. Irlin
The stimulation and inhibition of nonimmune lymphocyte-mediated cyto- toxicity in vitro., B R. Shivers, J T. Forbes, J M. Cruse, G Y. Gillespie, and R B. Hester
The stimulation and inhibition of the growth capacities of spontaneous tumors of mammary gland origin in mice (adenocarcinomata)., L C. Strong and H Matsunaga
The stimulation by 3, 4-benzpyrene of glucuronide synthesis in skin., G J. Dutton and I H. Stevenson
The stimulation of bone marrow granulopoiesis of normal cba mice in vitro and in vivo by serum obtained from leucophoretic rats., G S. Jovcic, N N. Stojanovic, S I. Hajdukovic, and N V. Petrovic
The stimulation of dna synthesis and cell division in chondrocytes and 3t3 cells by a growth factor isolated from cartilage., M Klagsbrun, R Langer, R Levenson, S Smith, and C Lillehei
The stimulation of dna synthesis by cytochalasin b in proliferative epidermal and dermal cells., S Rothberg, G E. Nancarrow, and V L. Church
The stimulation of granulopoiesis in vivo of normal cba mice by stimulator present in pvp induced leukapheresis serum. Abstr., N Stojanovic, G Jovcic, and S Hajdukovic
The stimulation of immunoglobulin production in murine spleen cells by the pokeweed mitogens., T Y. Basham and M J. Waxdal
The stimulation of labelled polynucleotide binding to krebs ii ascites and escherichia coli ribosomes by deacylated trnas., H Grasmuk, R D. Nolan, and J Drews
The stimulation of specific suppressor t cells preceding virus-induced leukemogenesis. Abstr., C L. Reinisch and J Cremins
The stimulation of splenic foci in vitro., N R. Klinman and G Aschinazi
The stimulation of the in vitro immune response by mouse spleen cells using fetuin., M Burger
The stimulatory effect of tumor bearing upon the t- and b-cell sub- populations of the mouse spleen., S Konda, Y Nakao, and R T. Smith
The strain difference in the induction of leukemia by urethan., S D. Vesselinovitch
The strain distribution patterns of genetic markers in recombinant inbred strains that differ in the incidence of spontaneous ovarian teratomas., Michelle R. Stewart
The strain specificity of transplantable neoplasms after freezing and storage in liquid nitrogen, I Wodinsky, Kathleen F. Meaney, and C J. Kensler
The strange cross-reaction of menadione (vitamin k3) and 2,4-dinitro- phenyl ligands with a myeloma protein and some conventional anti- bodies., M C. Michaelides and H N. Eisen
The structural basis of antigenic determinants on vk21 light chains., M A. Julius, D J. Mckean, M Potter, and M Weigert
The structural gene for F liver protein (Flp) maps to chromosome 5 of the mouse., G Winchester, N A. Mitchison, and B A. Taylor
The structural organization of mouse chromatin as a function of age., J Gaubatz, M Ellis, and R Chalkley
The structural organization of mouse metaphase chromosomes., R R. Schreck, V G. Dev, B F. Erlanger, and O J. Miller
The structural organization of skeletal proteins influences lipid translocation across erythrocyte membranes., N Mohandas, M Rossi, S E. Bernstein, S Ballas, J Wyatt, and W Mentzer
The structural properties of mouse serum high density lipoproteins. Abstr., M D. Morris and C A. Nelson
The structural proteins of murine leukemia virus and the patho- genesis of necrotizing arteritis and glomerulonephritis in sl/ni mice., T Yoshiki, T Hayasaka, R Fukatsu, T Shirai, T Itoh, H Ikeda, and M Katagiri
The structural requirements for immunoglobulin aggregates to localize in germinal centres., P H. Embling, H Evans, C Guttierez, E J. Holborow, P Johns, P M. Johnson, M Papamichail, and D R. Stanworth
The structural specificity of the glycine transport system of ehrlich carcinoma cells., C M. Paine and E Heinz
The structure and composition of peripheral nerves and nerve roots in the sprawling mouse., L W. Duchen and F Scaravilli
The structure and development of a woody tumor affecting Picea glauca., P R. White and W F. Millington
The structure and expression of the integrated viral dna in mouse cells transformed by simian virus 40., P W. Rigby, W Chia, C E. Clayton, and M Lovett
The structure and mechanical properties of the dermis of tight-skin (tsk) mutant mice. Abstr., D N. Menton, R A. Hess, J R. Lichtenstein, and A Z. Eisen
The structure and tensile properties of the skin of tight-skin (tsk) mutant mice., D N. Menton, R A. Hess, J R. Lichtenstein, and A Z. Eisen
The structure of a mutant h-2 gene suggests that the generation of polymorphism in h-2 genes may occur by gene conversion-like events., E H. Weiss, A Mellor, L Golden, K Fahrner, E Simpson, J Hurst, and R A. Flavell
The structure of an immunoglobulin light chain fragment in mouse myeloma cells., S H. Bridges and J B. Fleischman
The structure of cell adhesion molecule uvomorulin. Insights into the molecular mechanism of Ca2+-dependent cell adhesion., M Ringwald, R Schuh, D Vestweber, H Eistetter, F Lottspeich, J Engel, R Dolz, F Jahnig, J Epplen, and S Mayer
The structure of hair and follicles of mice carrying the naked (n) gene., K A. Raphael, R E. Chapman, P A. Frith, and P R. Pennycuik
The structure of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in the mouse. A golgi and electron microscopic study., J A. Rafols and F Valverde
The structure of the fronto-premaxillary suture in the x-linked hypophosphatemic mouse. Abstr., W A. Roy and R J. Iorio
The structure of the gene coding for the mouse cell adhesion molecule uvomorulin., M Ringwald, H Baribault, C Schmidt, and R Kemler
The structure of the mammary tumor virus., J Calafat and P Hageman
The structure of the mouse immunoglobulin in gamma3 membrane gene segment., M Komaromy, L Clayton, J Rogers, S Robertson, J Kettman, and R Wall
The structure of the mouse mammary tumor virus. Isolation and characterization of the core., Y A. Teramoto, R D. Cardiff, and J K. Lund
The structure of the n-terminus of mouse salivary amylase and the probable structure of the leader sequence of the initial translation product. Abstr., R C. Karn, T E. Petersen, J P. Hjorth, and T J. Nielsen
The structure of tumours derived from mouse cells after 'spontaneous' transformation in vitro., L M. Franks, F C. Chesterman, and C Rowlatt
The study of chemotherapy schedules using electronic cell volume analysis of l1210 ascites leukemia cells. Abstr., R M. Zucker, J Finley, and M Kambour
The study of differentiation antigens in vitro., E M. Lance, S Cooper, and R Gillette
The study of mammalian epidermal mitosis in vitro. A critical analysis of technique., W S. Bullough and E B. Laurence
The study of [methyl-3h]decamethonium dichloride incorporation into normal and dystrophic mouse muscle., H Marusyk and G Monckton
The study of the rous virus synthesis in mammalian embryonic tissues growing in vitro., V J. Shevlyaghin and V Chizhevskaya
The stumbler mutation maps to proximal mouse chromosome 2., W N. Frankel, H O. Sweet, and M T. Davisson
The subcellular distribution of adenylate and guanylate cyclases in murine lymphoid cells., J Watson, hamilton M. Nilsen, and R T. Hamilton
The subcellular distribution of hydrocortisone-1,2-3h in lymphatic tissue. Abstr., R F. Lang and W Stevens
The subcellular localization of FMNL2., Tyana Warren
The subcellular localization of moloney leukemia virus (mlv) induced antigen(s) in the yac murine cell line. Abstr., C Smith and J Molnar
The subclass specificity for the binding of murine myeloma proteins to macrophage and lymphocyte cell lines and to normal spleen cells., D M. Segal and J A. Titus
The submaxillary salivary glands as test organs for response to androgen in mice with testicular feminization., M F. Lyon, I Hendry, and R Short
The subunit structure of mouse iga., H M. Grey, A Sher, and N Shalitin
The subunit structure of thymus leukemia antigens., H Anundi, L Rask, L Ostberg, and P A. Peterson
The subventricular zone: new molecular and cellular developments., J C. Conover and R L. Allen
The successful cryopreservation of in vitro fertilized mouse embryos., K Shelton and I Craft
The successful regression of large solid sarcoma 180 tumors by platinum compounds., B Rosenberg and L V. Camp
The sucrase-isomaltase structural gene (Si-s) and a regulatory gene (Si-r) are closely linked to esterase-26 (Es-26) on mouse chromosome 3., E H. Birkenmeier, L B. Rowe, L L. Leeper, and S J. Henning
The sulfomucopolysaccarides from a mast cell tumor of the mouse., J P. Green, M Roberts, and M Day
The sulphation factor activity response to various treatment in normal and diabetic obese-hyperglycaemic mice. Abstr., G Herbai and C Hellerstrom
The sulphydryl groups of some normal tissues and some animal tumours., G Calcutt
The sunburn cell in hairless mouse epidermis: quantitative studies with uv-a radiation and mono- and bifunctional psoralens., A R. Young and I A. Magnus
The superior olivary complex in c57bl/6 mice., C Ollo and I R. Schwartz
The suppression of graft-versus-host disease in mice by endotoxin- -treated adherent spleen cells., P D. Thomson and J W. Jutila
The suppression of immune response. Lymphatic tissue and germinal centers in immune response, plenum,, P A. Nettesheim, D O. Mechanism, and I R. To
The suppression of sheep rosette-forming cells and the inability of mouse bone marrow cells to reconstitute competence after infection with the nematode trichinella spiralis., G M. Faubert and C E. Tanner
The suppression of the enhancing effect in mice by the addition of donor lymph nodes to the tumor inoculum., G D. Snell
The suppression of the immune response in vivo by cholera enterotoxin. Abstr., R T. Rolley, L M. Lichtenstein, and C S. Henney
The suppressive effect of carrier priming on the response to a hapten-carrier conjugate., C J. Elson and R B. Taylor
The suppressive effect of graft-versus-host reaction (gvhr) on the immune response of mice to theta akr antigen. Abstr., M Zaleski and F Milgrom
The suppressive effect of interferon on the ability of mouse spleen cells synthesizing ige to sensitize rat skin for heterologous adoptive cutaneous anaphylaxis., J Ngan, S H. Lee, and L S. Kind
The suppressive effect of supraoptimum doses of antigen on the secondary antibody-forming response of spleen cells cultured in cell- -impermeable diffusion chambers., T Makinodan, I Hoppe, T Sado, E E. Capalbo, and M R. Leonard
The suppressive role of mouse peritoneal phagocytes in agglutinin response., E H. Perkins and T Makinodan
The surface antigens of mouse embryonal carcinoma cells., G Gachelin
The surface area of choroid plexus in normal mouse embryos., P A. Knudsen
The surface glycoproteins of a mouse melanoma growing in culture and as a solid tumor in vivo., L Warren, I Zeidman, and C A. Buck
The surface morphology and the cell cycle of mastocytoma target cells. No apparent effect on cell-mediated killing., L M. Ching, J B. Gavin, J Marbrook, and M Skinner
The surface of balb/c b cell lymphoma lines., langevin C. Kanellopoulos, K J. Kim, D H. Sachs, D R. Asofsky, and O B. On
The surface of mouse oocytes from two inbred strains differing in efficiency of fertilization, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy., sliz B. Wabik and R Kujat
The surface of tumor cells., F Westenbrink, W Koornstra, P Creemers, J Brinkhof, D P. Bentvelzen, and Z O. On
The surface phenotype of a suppressor cell of delayed-type hyper- sensitivity in the mouse., C H. Thompson, T A. Potter, I F. Mckenzie, and C R. Parish
The surface properties of spleen cells from cba/lac mice following freezing and freeze-drying using polyvinyl- pyrrolidone., D Thomas, D C. Edwards, and V Damjanovic
The surface structure of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene transformed c3h/10t1/2 cells. A quantitative scanning electron microscopical study., H J. Saxholm and A Reith
The surface structure of the mouse urinary bladder, normal and acute response to chemical injury., P B. Hodgson
The surgical removal of initiation sites (papillomas) and subsequent carcinogenesis in c57bl/6 mouse skin. Abstr., schuyler L. Mcmaster, F J. Burns, and R E. Albert
The survival and differentiation of embryonic lung tissues in diffusion chambers and in mammary fat pads of mice., E J. Andrews
The survival and differentiation of fetal membranes grafted into the peritoneal cavity in mice., G B. Avery and C V. Hunt
The survival and metastatic spread of homografts of mouse tumors in mice pretreated with lyophilized tissue and cortisone., N Kaliss, P R. Borges, and E D. Day
The survival of colony-forming units in mouse bone-marrow after in vivo irradiation with d-t neutrons, x- and gamma-radiation., J J. Broerse, A C. Engels, P Lelieveld, L M. Putten, W Duncan, Greene, J B. Massey, C W. Gilbert, J H. Hendry, and A Howard
The survival of cultured harding-passey melanoma cells after irradia- tion with x-rays or cyclotron neutrons., D L. Dewey and S B. Field
The survival of homografts in mice pretreated with antisera to mouse tissue., N Kaliss
The survival of l5178y cells following irradiation in the frozen state with gamma rays and beta particles from 3h2o and incorporated 3htdr. Abstr., J S. Bedford, J B. Mitchell, H G. Griggs, and M A. Bender
The survival of mouse skin and heart heterografts in rats treated with xenogeneic hyperimmune antidonor serum., J Jeekel, C D. Putter, L D. Lameyer, and D L. Westbroek
The survival of skin allografts and xenografts in germ-free mice., C S. Smith, H I. Pilgrim, and D Steinmuller
The survival time of irradiated mice with ehrlich's ascites carcinoma., S Thunold
The survival time of two skin grafts differing in histocompatibility antigens in mice., A Sankowski, W Taczanowski, and D Obrowska
The susceptibility of trichinella spiralis of inbred lines of mice differing at the h-2 histocompatibility locus., C E. Tanner
The susceptibility to cortisone-induced cleft palate of recombinant inbred strains of mice: lack of association with the H-2 haplotype., M Vekemans, B A. Taylor, and F C. Fraser
The sustained growth of human and animal cells in a protein-free environment. Abstr., H Eagle
The SV40 DNA template for transcription of late mRNA in viral nucleoprotein complexes., E H. Birkenmeier, M F. Radonovich, M Shani, and N P. Salzman
The SV40 DNA template for transcription of late mRNA in viral nucleoprotein complexes., E H. Birkenmeier, M F. Radonovich, M Shani, and N P. Salzman
The "sweet" taste, preference and reinforcement., Candace W. Cooper
The swift increase in alcohol metabolism: studies in mice and men. Abstr., R G. Thurman, D L. Paschal, A T. Wallace, B U. Bradford, and E Glassman
The switch from igm to igg secretion in single mitogen- -stimulated b-cell clones., J Andersson, A Coutinho, and F Melchers