Content Posted in 2012
Etude du pouvoir complementaine des serums de souris nzb/bl et nzb/bl x nzw f1., M Letourneux, A Horsch, and J Salomon
Etude du role de l'interferon endogene dans la defense contre les maladies oncogenes virales. Etat actuel de nos experiences., guignard J. De maeyer
Etude du splenogramme de la souris balb/c a l'aide d'une methode sta- tistique., P Isoard, J Michaux, A Flory, D Sillans, D Germain, and R F. Tanges
Etude du splenogramme de la souris balb/c a l'aide d'une methode statistique., P Isoard, J Michaux, A Flory, D Sillans, D Germain, and R Fontanges
Etude du taux de synthese de l'acide ribonucleique dans la peau de souris apres badigeonnage au 3,4-benzopyrene., K Alexandrov, R Vendrely, and C Vendrely
Etude electrophoretique concernant les proteines et les acides nucleiques tissulaires a propos de l'inhibition de la cancerogenese., R Fischer and J Monnier
Etude electrophoretique des antigenes de la transplantation., A Castermans
Etude en microscopie optique et electronique des 'cellules immunolo- giquement competentes' au cours des reactions de greffe., J Binet and G Mathe
Etude experimentale des greffes de peau selon mowlem et jackson., M Prunieras, H Janvier, Y Chardonnet, and P Colson
Etude fonctionelle du dimorphisme sexuel surrenalien chez la souris., E Sakiz
Etude genetique du sommeil paradoxal chez la souris. I. Liaison possible avec les genes de coloration., J Valatx, R Cespuglio, L Paut, and D W. Bailey
Etude histo-auto-radiographique de la synthese des immunoglobulines de plasmocytes de tumeurs a myelome de la souris., D Zagury, J W. Uhr, J D. Jamieson, and G E. Palade
Etude histochimique des leucocytes chez les souris leucemiques., A Yakaitis, C L. Bouar, and M Nakamura
Etude histochimique de tumeurs pulmonaries provoquees et greffees chez la souris., P Ganter and R Maral
Etude immunochimique de deux paraproteines de type igy chez des souris porteuses de plasmosarcomes., G Lespinats and G Hermann
Etude immunochimique de sept lignees transplantables de plasmosarcomes de la souris balb/c., G Hermann, G Lespinats, and R W. Bartholomew
Etude immunochimique des proteines renales de la souris, identifica- tion des antigenes organo-specifiques., B Dinh, G Hermann, and P Grabar
Etude immunologique comparee des mitochondries isolees du carcinome mammaire de la souris de lignee c3h et du tissu sain homologue., P Bourlioux and A German
Etude in vitro de l'action d'anticorps anti-immunoglobuline m, sur des cellules de souris produisant ces immunoglobulines., J Mazie and A E. Bussard
Etude 'in vitro' des acides gras synthetises dans les microsomes de cerveaux de souris normales et 'quaking'., J Bourre, S Pollet, G Chaix, O Daudu, and N Baumann
Etude microscopique des radiolesions du systeme pileux chez le souriceau expose aux rayons x., M L. Beaumariage
Etude morphologique et cytochimique des cytolysomes de la crypte duodenale de souris irradiee par rayons x., J Hugon and M Borgers
Etude morphologique et cytochimique du developpement des membres chez la souris et chez la taupe., J Milaire
Etude morphometrique du thymus de la souris heterozygote pou>@ r @@, S Haumont and J Scheiff
Etude preliminaire du comportement d'autostimulation chez la souris., P Cazala and B Cardo
Etudes sur le tissu lymphoide des radio-chimeres hematologiques., G Mathe and J L. Amiel
Etudes sur l'immunite provoquee contre la tumeur d'ehrlich., C A. Mazurek
ETV6-NTRK3 fusion oncogene initiates breast cancer from committed mammary progenitors via activation of AP1 complex., Z Li, C E. Tognon, F J. Godinho, L Yasaitis, H Hock, J I. Herschkowitz, C L. Lannon, E Cho, S J. Kim, R T. Bronson, C M. Perou, P H. Sorensen, and S H. Orkin
EUK-8, a superoxide dismutase and catalase mimetic, reduces cardiac oxidative stress and ameliorates pressure overload-induced heart failure in the harlequin mouse mutant., Empel V. van, A T. Bertrand, Oort R. van, der Nagel van, M Engelen, Rijen H. van, P A. Doevendans, H J. Crijns, S L. Ackerman, W Sluiter, and Windt L. De
Euthanasia, P J. Danneman
Euthanasia of neonatal mice with carbon dioxide., K Pritchett, D Corrow, J Stockwell, and A Smith
Euthymic murine models for immunologic dysfunction., L D. Shultz and J B. Roths
Evaluating effects of cyclophosphamide on meiotic recombination in mice., Leah Rosa Weinberg
Evaluating feeding cycles of small rodents., C P. Sigdestad, A M. Connor, J B. Sharp, and M R. Ackerman
Evaluating functional abilities of primitive hematopoietic stem cell populations., D E. Harrison
Evaluation of 2-amino-5-nitrothiazole as a hypoxic cell radiosensitizer., S Rockwell, Z Mroczkowski, and W D. Rupp
Evaluation of 51cr-chromate for studying migration and death of tumor cells in vivo. Abstr., K G. Hofer and W L. Hughes
Evaluation of a combination of tiletamine and zolazepam as an anesthetic for laboratory rodents., J Silverman, M Huhndore, M Balk, and G Slater
Evaluation of a cooperative group human myeloma protocol using the mopc 104e myeloma model., R Hiramoto, V Ghanta, and J R. Durant
Evaluation of aggregated igg in mice as an fc receptor specific probe of the hepatic mononuclear phagocyte system., R A. Jimenez and M Mannik
Evaluation of a new glutathione-oxidizing reagent for studies of nucleated mammalian cells., J Harris, N Allen, and S Teng
Evaluation of an in vitro assay system for carcinogens based on prior infection of rodent cells with nontransforming rna tumor virus., J S. Rhim, D K. Park, E K. Weisburger, and J H. Weisburger
Evaluation of antileukemic agents employing advanced leukemia l1210 in mice. Iii. Congeners of folic acid., J M. Venditti, S R. Humphreys, N Mantel, I Kline, and A Goldin
Evaluation of antitumor activity of bordetella pertussis in two murine tumor models., D M. Purnell, J W. Kreider, and G L. Bartlett
Evaluation of antitumor effect by 'quantitative and multiple sub- cutaneous transplantation of ascites tumor cells' in mice., M Takaoka, M Onuma, and T Hata
Evaluation of autologous rosetting cells in the mouse and rat. Abstr., J D. Rodgers, V Ghanta, and R Hiramoto
Evaluation of a visual discrimination task for the analysis of the genetics of a mouse behavior., R Wimer and S Weller
Evaluation of a visual discrimination task for the analysis of the genetics of a mouse behavior., R Wimer and S Weller
Evaluation of biologic activity of ferric chloride-treated endotoxin in mice., C B. Galley, R I. Walker, G D. Ledney, and M R. Gambrill
Evaluation of capillary tube leukocyte adherence inhibition as an immunodiagnostic assay in a murine tumor system. Abstr., W L. Myers and M O'keefe
Evaluation of cell damage in immune reactions by release of radio- activity from 3h-uridine labeled cells., Y Hashimoto and H Sudo
Evaluation of cell loss in emt6 tumors using 125iudr release. Abstr., A J. Franko, R F. Kallman, and D Rapacchietta
Evaluation of cell-mediated immunity in sv40 induced tumor-bearing mice to general stimulants and tumor-associated antigens. Abstr., J H. Dean, M L. Padarathsingh, J L. Coy, D D. Lewis, and L W. Law
Evaluation of chemical agents in a mouse plasma cell tumor. Abstr., D Abraham
Evaluation of combination chemotherapy, 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosyl- tosine (ara-c) and 1-formylisoquinolinethiosemicarbazone (iq-1) on leukemia l1210 cells in vivo and in culture. Abstr., G B. Grindey, E Mihich, and C A. Nichol
Evaluation of combination chemotherapy in vivo and in culture with 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine and 1-formylisoquinoline thio- semicarbazone., G B. Grindey, E Mihich, and C A. Nichol
Evaluation of concentration and intrinsic binding affinities of antibodies induced in balb/c mice. Abstr., J S. Bourdage, E W. Voss, and J T. Wachsman
Evaluation of continual crossbreeding with inbred lines of mice., R Beilharz
Evaluation of cytotoxic agents in human colonic tumor xenografts and mouse gastrointestinal tissues using a 3h-thymidine fractional incorporation assay., J A. Houghton and P J. Houghton
Evaluation of donor-specific transfusion sources: unique failure of bone marrow cells to induce prolonged skin allograft survival with anti-CD154 monoclonal antibody., T G. Markees, T Pearson, A Cuthbert, A L. Pearson, L D. Shultz, J Leif, N E. Phillips, J P. Mordes, D L. Greiner, and A A. Rossini
Evaluation of dye exclusion and colony inhibition techniques for detection of polyoma-specific, cell-mediated immunity., O L. Mullen, M C. Dodd, and J P. Minton
Evaluation of effector cells mediating the antitumor action of glucan., J A. Cook, D Taylor, C Cohen, E O. Hoffman, J Rodrigue, V Malshet, and N R. Luzio
Evaluation of ethanol intoxication as a function of genotype dependent responses in three different strains of mice. Abstr., S F. Elston, K Blum, L Dellalo, and A H. Briggs
Evaluation of factors effective in the determination of the trans- planted fraction of colony-forming cells., J L. Chertkov, L N. Lemeneva, and O A. Mendelevitch
Evaluation of Fgf1 as a candidate gene for the Ter mutation on mouse chromosome 18., Kelley Martin
Evaluation of gene expression profiling in a mouse model of L-gulonolactone oxidase gene deficiency., J Yan, Y Jiao, X Li, F Jiao, W G. Beamer, C J. Rosen, and W Gu
Evaluation of genetic risks of alkylating agents. II. Haemoglobin as a dose monitor., golkar S. Osterman, L Ehrenberg, D Segerback, and I Hallstrom
Evaluation of genetic risks of alkylating agents. IV. Quantitative determination of alkylated amino acids in haemoglobin as a measure of the dose after treatment of mice with methyl methanesulfonate., D Segerback, C J. Calleman, L Ehrenberg, G Lofroth, and golkar S. Osterman
Evaluation of genetic risks of alkylating agents, tissue doses in the mouse from air contaminated with ethylene oxide., L Ehrenberg, R D. Hiesche, golkar S. Osterman, and J Wennberg
Evaluation of glycolytic and citric acid cycles in homogenates of dystrophic mouse muscles., G L. Mayer and N Epstein
Evaluation of hepatocellular neoplasms in mice., J M. Ward and G Vlahakis
Evaluation of human serum albumin (hsa) and poly-l-lysine (pll) as carriers for methotrexate against human cells. Abstr., B C. Chu and S B. Howell
Evaluation of ia+ tumor cell lines and peritoneal exudate macrophages as accessory cells: differential requirements for the activation of certain t cell functions., G Ramila, S Studer, S Mischler, and P Erb
Evaluation of immunogenic and tolerogenic properties of soluble h-2 antigen. Abstr., D Gotze and R Reisfeld
Evaluation of in vitro and in vivo activities of isoantibodies directed against idiotypes and recognition structures for trans- plantation antigens., R G. Kinsky, H T. Duc, and E Fuensalida
Evaluation of irradiation-plus-urethan-induced murine leukemia virus 'release' using a new method for quantitation of oncornaviruses in tissues., R C. Brown, J A. Kostyu, and A Kilgore
Evaluation of l-asparagine metabolism in animals and man., D A. Cooney, R L. Capizzi, and R E. Handschumacher
Evaluation of live and inactivated influenza a virus vaccines in a mouse model., D Armerding, H Rossiter, I Ghazzouli, and E Liehl
Evaluation of matrix effects in analysis of estrogen using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry., Hien P Nguyen, Li Li, Imam S Nethrapalli, Ningning Guo, C Dominique Toran-Allerand, David E Harrison, C Michael Astle, and Kevin A Schug
Evaluation of moloney murine sarcoma and leukemia virus complex as a model for airborne oncogenic virus biohazards. Survival of airborne virus and exposure of mice., V S. Hinshaw, F L. Schaffer, and M A. Chatigny
Evaluation of monoclonal antibodies to human plasma low density lipoproteins. A requirement for lipids to maintain antigenic structure., J G. Patton, M C. Alley, and S J. Mao
Evaluation of monoclonal antibody-mediated anti-acute myeloid leukemia immunotherapy in a SCID/hu model., R K. Zhong, A D. Donnenberg, L D. Shultz, S H. Swerdlow, E Lee, J Rubin, R Kozii, J Chen, D L. Griffin, J Wilson, and E D. Ball
Evaluation of mycobacterium leprae immunogenicity via adoptive transfer studies., L J. Graham and R G. Navalkar
Evaluation of new anthracyclines on p388 leukemia sensitive (p388/s) or resistant (p388/r) to doxorubicin (dx). Abstr., C M. Geroni, A Podesta, B M. Barbierie, E C. Giuliani, and A M. Casazza
Evaluation of nitrobenzimidazoles as hypoxic radiosensitizers. Abstr., G H. Harrison, J Wright, and L R. Frank
Evaluation of parameters in the use of modified cancer cells for specific immunization. Abstr., M D. Prager, V Fagin, and C M. Ludden
Evaluation of pha-p reactivity of lymphocytes in tumor development by acid phosphatase activity., G Gillissen, P Mecke, and E Mecke
Evaluation of pheromonal and hormonal treatments for the synchronization of estrus in mice., Jared J. Eddy
Evaluation of potential inhibitors of bleomycin-induced pulmonary toxicity in mice and rats. Abstr., J E. Schurig, A Schlein, A P. Florczyk, C D. Baca, I T. Bradner, and S T. Crooke
Evaluation of pre-implantation loss in dominant-lethal assay in the mouse., J Kratochvilova
Evaluation of propineb, a dithiocarbamate pesticide, in the mouse-sperm morphology assay., I Quinto and E D. Marinis
Evaluation of radiation injury of bone marrow with electronic particle counting device., H Lee and V Richards
Evaluation of radiation response as an index of aging in mice., J B. Storer
Evaluation of radiation response as an index of aging in mice., J B. Storer
Evaluation of radioactive compounds for the external detection of cerebral tumors., R G. Long, J G. Afee, and J Winkelman
Evaluation of receptor function in acth-responsive and acth-insensitive adrenal tumor cells., P A. Rae, J Tsao, and B P. Schimmer
Evaluation of resveratrol, green tea extract, curcumin, oxaloacetic acid, and medium-chain triglyceride oil on life span of genetically heterogeneous mice., Randy Strong, Richard A Miller, Clinton M. Astle, Joseph A Baur, Rafael de Cabo, Elizabeth Fernandez, Wen Guo, Martin Javors, James L Kirkland, James F Nelson, David A Sinclair, Bruce Teter, David Williams, Nurulain Zaveri, Nancy L Nadon, and David E. Harrison
Evaluation of reticuloendothelial activity in the graft-versus-host reaction., N R. Di luzio
Evaluation of ribonucleoside and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate pools in cultured leukemia cells during exposure to methotrexate or methotrexate plus thymidine., J J. Kinahan, M Otten, and G B. Grindey
Evaluation of some formaldehyde-release compounds and other biocides in the mouse micronucleus test., C R. Richardson, J A. Styles, and B Burlinson
Evaluation of stem cell reserve using serial bone marrow transplantation and competitive repopulation in a murine model of chronic hemolytic anemia., Price L. Maggio, N S. Wolf, G V. Priestley, M E. Pietrzyk, and S E. Bernstein
Evaluation of strain-specific effects in the immunosuppressive action of heterologous antithymus sera in mice., R G. Shorter and L R. Elveback
Evaluation of surgery, chemotherapy and immunotherapy on lewis lung tumour., R B. Thompson, V Alberola, and G Mathe
Evaluation of technetium-99m as a radioisotopic label to study the hematogenous dissemination of malignant cells. Abstr., O Singla and R F. Barth
Evaluation of the carcinogenic activity of the hydroxymethyl derivatives of 7, 12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene by an in vitro-in vivo technique., A Flaks, J M. Hamilton, D B. Clayson, and P Sims
Evaluation of the carcinostatic activity of various agents on mouse ascites tumors., F M. Costa, G H. Blumenthal, and D M. Greenberg
Evaluation of the cell-mediated immune response to murine sarcoma virus by (125i)iododeoxyuridine assay and comparison with chromium 51 and microcytotoxicity assays., G Fossati, H T. Holden, and R B. Herberman
Evaluation of the diffusion chamber culture technique for study of the morphological and functional characteristics of lymphoid cells during antibody production., E E. Capalbo, J F. Albright, and W E. Bennett
Evaluation of the factors influencing the radiosensitivity of mouse ascites tumors., M Okamoto, A Tsuboi, and T Tsuchiya
Evaluation of the immune response in regional lymph nodes of a/j mice bearing an isogeneic tumor, sarcoma 1. Abstr., B P. Barna and S D. Deodhar
Evaluation of the immunocompetence of macrophages and the generation of t-cell mediated cytotoxic response against allogeneic tumor cells in tumor bearers., C Ting and D Rodrigues
Evaluation of the immunosuppressive properties of ribonuclease complexes., R C. Davis, S R. Cooperband, and J A. Mannick
Evaluation of the inbred mouse as a model for experimental treponema pallidum infection., J D. Folds, A S. Rauchbach, E Shores, and J M. Saunders
Evaluation of the maternal role in survival of suckling mice., S Albert, P L. Wolf, and R Potter
Evaluation of the mode of cell death in ehrlich ascites tumor., P K. Lala
Evaluation of the mouse mutant "wasted" as an animal model for ataxia telangiectasia. I. Age-dependent and tissue-specific effects., H Tezuka, T Inoue, T Noguti, T Kada, and L D. Shultz
Evaluation of the possible role of b cell receptors in the tendency of b cells to migrate into follicles in mice and chickens., R H. De kruyff, N M. Ponzio, and G J. Thorbecke
Evaluation of the role of lymphocytes in the antitumor action of the immunostimulant glucan. Abstr., J A. Cook, D Taylor, C Cohen, E O. Hoffmann, and N R. Luzio
Evaluation of the transplantable la leukaemia of c57bl mice as a model in chemotherapeutic investigations. (in Russian), K A. Sedov and G L. Zdanov
Evaluation of the trypan blue technique for determination of cell viability., J R. Tennant
Evaluation of the utility of high-dose methotrexate (mtx) protocols against a drug-resistant tumor. Abstr., J A. Hoglind
Evaluation of the viability of dispersed b-cells in suspension. Abstr., A Lernmark and K Grankvist
Evaluation of thymidine (tdr) as a chemotherapeutic agent against human tumor zenografts in nude mice. Abstr., S B. Howell and R Jenkins
Evaluation of time and dose in treating mammary adenocarcinoma with immunostimulants., W A. Sansing, J J. Killion, and G M. Kollmorgen
Evaluation of tris (2,3-dibromopropyl)phosphate for mutagenic and transforming activity in a battery of test systems. Abstr., D Brusick, D Matheson, and K Bakshi
Evaluation quantitative in vitro de la reponse cellulaire a l'allo- greffe cutanee chez la souris., G Degiovanni
Evaluations of wasted mouse fibroblasts and SV-40 transformed human fibroblasts as models of ataxia telangiectasia in vitro., S K. Nordeen, V G. Schaefer, M H. Edgell, C A. Hutchison, L D. Shultz, and M Swift
Events after the binding of antigen to lymphocytes. Removal and regen- eration of the antigen receptor., K A. Ault and E R. Unanue
Evi-2, a common integration site involved in murine myeloid leukemogenesis., A M. Buchberg, H G. Bedigian, N A. Jenkins, and N G. Copeland
Evidence against a cytogenetically radioresistant spermatogonial population in male mice., A G. Searle, E P. Evans, and C V. Beechey
Evidence against a direct carcinogenic effect of x-rays in vitro., J C. Klein
Evidence against a lymphocyte-mediated autoimmune etiology for murine muscular dystrophy., D W. Matheson
Evidence against gene expression after meiosis in the male mouse., W A. Brock
Evidence against interconversion of microtubules and filaments., M De brabander, F Aerts, R V. Veire, and M Borgers
Evidence against the neoplastic nature of virus-induced erythroblasto- sis in mice., P Bentvelzen
Evidence against the presence of h2 histocompatibility antigens in ehrlich ascites tumour cells., L Chen and J F. Watkins
Evidence against the sodium-gradient hypothesis for amino acid trans- port in the ehrlich ascites cells. Abstr., J A. Schafer and J A. Jacquez
Evidence for a b-cell-like helper function in mixed lymphocyte culture between immunocompetent thymus cells., J W. Dyminski and R T. Smith
Evidence for a beta-adrenergic receptor initiating dna synthesis in haemopoietic stem cells., J Byron
Evidence for a b lymphocyte defect underlying the anti-x anti-erythrocyte autoantibody response of nzb mice., D H. De heer and T S. Edgington
Evidence for a b lymphocyte defect underlying the genetically prescribed anti-x response of nzb mice. Abstr., D H. De heer
Evidence for abnormalities in separate lymphocyte populations in nzb mice., J D. Taurog, P A. Smathers, and A D. Steinberg
Evidence for abnormalities in separate lymphocyte populations in nzb mice. Abstr., J D. Taurog, P A. Smathers, J P. Reeves, and A D. Steinberg
Evidence for a chromosomal basis of strain differences in leukemia susceptibility in mice. Abstr., D K. Briggs
Evidence for a common mucosal immunologic system. II. Influence of the estrous cycle on b immunoblast migration into genital and intestinal tissues., M R. Mcdermott, D A. Clark, and J Bienenstock
Evidence for a common mucosal immunologic system. I. Migration of b immunoblasts into intestinal, respiratory, and genital tissues., M R. Mcdermott and J Bienenstock
Evidence for a conserved function in synapse formation reveals Phr1 as a candidate gene for respiratory failure in newborn mice., R W. Burgess, K A. Peterson, M J. Johnson, J J. Roix, I C. Welsh, and T P. O'Brien
Evidence for activation by beta2-adrenergic receptors of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate formation in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., T Onaya, F Akasu, K Takazawa, and K Hashizume
Evidence for active transport of melphalan by two amino acid carriers in l5178y lymphoblasts in vitro., A Begleiter, H P. Lam, J Grover, E Froese, and G J. Goldenberg
Evidence for a cytolytic factor released by macrophages., H Melsom, G Kearny, S Gruca, and R Seljelid
Evidence for adaptation of skin grafts in enhanced irradiated mice., I Mc kenzie, R Koene, and H Winn
Evidence for a fifth (g) region in the h-2 complex of the mouse., J Klein, V Hauptfeld, and M Hauptfeld
Evidence for a functional role for eosinophils in a parasitic infection. Abstr., S L. James and D G. Colley
Evidence for a gene extinguishing cell-surface expression of the thy-1 antigen., R Hyman and V Stallings
Evidence for a genetic basis for the class a thy-1 defect., R Hyman, K Cunningham, and V Stallings
Evidence for a humoral thymus factor responsible for the maturation of immunological faculty., D Osoba and J F. Miller
Evidence for a lineage relationship between cytoplasmic nu+/surface nu- and surface nu-b lymphocytes in adult murine bone marrow. Abstr., K S. Landreth, C Rosse, and J Clagett
Evidence for allelism of leaner and tottering in the mouse., S Tsuji and H Meier
Evidence for a loss of recirculating capacity of t-cells after antigenic stimulation., H Jacobsson and H Blomgren
Evidence for altered hepatic catalase molecules in allylisopropylacetamide-treated mice., M B. Baird, H V. Samis, H R. Massie, and G A. Sfeir
Evidence for altered neuroanatomical organization in the hypothalamus of the genetically obese (ob/ob) mouse. Abstr., D Bereiter and B Jeanrenaud
Evidence for a major cluster of lymphocyte differentiation antigens on murine chromosome 2., D Meruelo, M Offer, and A Rossomando
Evidence for a mammary nodule agent in c3hf mice. Abstr., D R. Pitelka, H A. Bern, S Nandi, and K B. Ome
Evidence for a marrow pre-t cell defect., C A. Laskin, P A. Smathers, J P. Reeves, D A. Steinberg, and S O. Mice
Evidence for a mature b cell subpopulation in peyer's patches of young adult xid mice., J H. Eldridge, H Kiyono, S M. Michalek, and J R. Mcghee
Evidence for a membrane carrier molecule common to embryonal and tumour-specific antigenic determinants expressed by a mouse trans- plantable tumour., P M. Comoglio, M Bertini, and G Forni
Evidence for a membrane sulfhydryl associated with resistance to melphalan in a murine l1210 leukemia line., J M. Fisher, A S. Naujokaitis, Y Uehara, and M Rabinovitz
Evidence for a multipotential stem cell function of the mouse marrow lymphocyte. Abstr., G Cudkowicz, M Bennett, and G M. Shearer
Evidence for a multistep mechanism of cytolysis by bcg- -activated macrophages: the interrelationship between the capacitiy for cytolysis, target binding, and secretion of cytolytic factor., D O. Adams and P A. Marino
Evidence for an abnormal microenvironment in the thymus of new zealand black mice., M J. Dauphinee, D W. Palmer, and N Talal
Evidence for an asymmetry of cerebral function in mice tested for audiogenic seizures., R L. Collins and R Ward
Evidence for an asymmetry of cerebral function in mice tested for audiogenic seizures., R L. Collins and R Ward
Evidence for and against a beneficial role of tumor-associated immunity., R Evans
Evidence for and characterization of suppressor cells in balb/c mice bearing adj-pc5 plasmacytomas., M L. Padarathsingh, J H. Dean, T R. Jerrells, J L. Mccoy, D D. Lewis, and J W. Northing
Evidence for and characterization of suppressor cells in balb/c mice bearing progressively growing adj-pc5 plasmacytoma. Abstr., M L. Padarathsingh, J H. Dean, T R. Jerrells, J L. Mccoy, D D. Lewis, J W. Northing, and J C. Holper
Evidence for an early evolutionary origin and locus polymorphism of mouse vl30 dna sequences., M G. Courtney, P K. Elder, D L. Steffen, and M J. Getz
Evidence for a new allele at the W-locus of the mouse., E S. Russell, F Lawson, and G Schabtach
Evidence for a new lymphocyte-stimulating determinant (lsd) detected by alloreactive t cell lines., B Opalka and E Kolsch
Evidence for an h-2/viral protein complex on the cell surface as the basis for the h-2 restriction of cytotoxicity., K J. Blank and F Lilly
Evidence for an hereditary defect in taurine transport in the ciliary epithelium of an inbred strain of rabbits., T M. Harris, C S. Nance, L B. Sheppard, and R R. Fox
Evidence for an immune response to endogenous rna tumor in rfm mice. Abstr., M Hanna, R Tennant, J Yuhas, and N Clapp
Evidence for an inductive mechanism in the promotion of morphological transformation in chemically initiated c3h/10t1/2 cells. Abstr., C Boreiko, D Abernethy, and J Frazelle
Evidence for an influence of mammary tumour virus on prolactin secretion in the mouse., Y N. Sinha, C B. Salocks, W P. Vanderlaan, and G Vlahakis
Evidence for an inhibiting influence of fetal bovine serum on 'spon- taneous' neoplastic transformation in vitro., K K. Sanford, J L. Jackson, R Parshad, and R R. Gantt
Evidence for an initial, thymus independent and a chronic, thymus dependent phase of doca and salt hypertension in mice., U G. Svendsen
Evidence for antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity by t cells bearing receptors for igg., L Shen, P M. Lydyard, P Penfold, and I M. Roitt
Evidence for antigenicity of papillomas arising on isografts of initiated skin. Abstr., M Lappe
Evidence for an unconventional virus in mouse-adapted creutz-feldt-jakob disease., D T. Kingsbury, D A. Smeltzer, H L. Amyx, C J. Jr, and D C. Gajdusek
Evidence for a particle-associated RNA-directed DNA polymerase in rabbit placental and uterine tissues., H G. Bedigian, R R. Fox, and H Meier
Evidence for a physical association between friend virus-induced and histocompatibility antigens on leukemia cell surfaces. Abstr., J E. Bubbers, R A. Steeves, and F Lilly
Evidence for a plasma membrane redox system on intact ascites tumor cells with different metastatic capacity., J M. Cherry, W Mackellar, D J. Morre, F L. Crane, I B. Jacobsen, and V Schirrmacher
Evidence for a protective role of interferon in resistance to murine cytomegalovirus and its control by non-h-2-linked genes., Grundy, J E, J Trapman, J E. Allan, G R, E, and C J. Melief
Evidence for a protective role of the Gardos channel against hemolysis in murine spherocytosis., Franceschi L. De, A Rivera, M D. Fleming, M Honczarenko, L L. Peters, P Gascard, N Mohandas, and C Brugnara
Evidence for a pyrimidine phosphoribosyltransferase-orotidylate decarboxylase complex from murine leukemia p1534j. Abstr., P Reyes and M E. Guganig
Evidence for a role for calcium in immunosuppression by tumor cells in vitro., K D. Grinwich, T S. Alexander, and J Cerny
Evidence for a role of zinc in the storage of insulin in the mouse pancreatic b-cells. Abstr., O Berglund and B Hellman
Evidence for a single locus controlling susceptibility to virus- -induced diabetes mellitus., T Onodera, J Yoon, K S. Brown, and A L. Notkins
Evidence for a skeletal mechanosensitivity gene on mouse chromosome 4., A G. Robling, J Li, K L. Shultz, W G. Beamer, and C H. Turner
Evidence for a small pool of immunocompetent cells in the mouse thymus., H Blomgren and B Andersson
Evidence for assembly of defective murine leukemia virus particles in actinomycin d-treated cells. Abstr., J Levin, P Grimley, J Ramseur, and I Berezesky
Evidence for a stable intermediate in leukemia virus activation in akr mouse embryo cells., J N. Ihle, F T. Kenney, and R W. Tennant
Evidence for a steroid-responsive non-mast cell pool of uterine histamine in the mouse. Abstr., R Wordinger, E Orr, K Pace, and D Brown
Evidence for a subpopulation of cells with an extended g2 period in normal adult mouse liver., L D. Perry and F J. Swartz
Evidence for a territorial marking factor of mouse emotionality., O Egan, J Royce, and W Poley
Evidence for a transport carrier of nitrogen mustard in hn2-sensitive and -resistant l5178y lymphoblasts. Abstr., G J. Goldenberg and C L. Vanstone
Evidence for a transport carrier of nitrogen mustard in nitrogen mustard-sensitive and -resistant l5178y lymphoblasts., G J. Goldenberg, C L. Vanstone, L G. Israels, and I Bihler
Evidence for a unique kind of alpha-type globin chain in early mammalian embryos., H Melderis, G Steinheider, and W Ostertag
Evidence for autoantibody production associated with polyclonal b-cell activation by pseudomonas aeruginosa., C Garzelli, M Campa, V Colizzi, G Benedettini, and G Falcone
Evidence for a y chromosomal contribution to an aggressive phenotype in inbred mice., M K. Selmanoff, J E. Jumonville, S C. Maxson, and B E. Ginsburg
Evidence for b-cell helper activity in the mlc reaction between mouse thymus cells. Abstr., J W. Dyminski and R T. Smith
Evidence for beta2-microglobulin-like and h-2-like antigenic determinants in drosophila., A Shalev, M Pla, vogel T. Ginsburger, G Echalier, Bjorck, J Colombani, and S Segal
Evidence for bidirectional fluxes of methotrexate in ehrlich ascites tumor cells mediated by the same carrier. Abstr., D W. Fry and W Lawrence
Evidence for caffeine-sensitive damage in methyl- azoxymethanol acetate-treated l5178y cells., K Shinohara and H Matsudaira
Evidence for carrier-mediated transport of cyclophosphamide in l5178y lymphoblasts. Abstr., G J. Goldenberg and H B. Land
Evidence for carrier-mediated transport of melphalan by l5178y lymphoblasts in vitro., G J. Goldenberg, M Lee, H P. Lam, and A Begleiter
Evidence for cell-receptor activity in lymphocyte stimulation by staphylococcal enterotoxin., J R. Warren, D L. Leatherman, and J F. Metzger
Evidence for cellular cooperativity in hemoglobin synthesis by erythroid bursts., J F. Eliason and E Goldwasser
Evidence for chemically-induced structural gene mutations at the thymidine kinase locus in cultured l5178y mouse lymphoma cells., D Clive and P Voytek
Evidence for close linkage of a mouse light chain marker with the Ly-2,3 locus., D M. Gibson, B A. Taylor, and M Cherry
Evidence for close linkage of a mouse light chain marker with the ly-2,3 locus., D M. Gibson, B A. Taylor, and M Cherry
Evidence for clustering of h-2k, h-2d, and the fc receptor on the membranes of b cells., M L. Tyan
Evidence for control of complement receptor rosette-forming cells by alpha- and beta-adrenergic agents., M Ito, F Sless, and D M. Parrott
Evidence for countertransport of organic phosphates and folates in ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Abstr., I D. Goldman
Evidence for cross-reactivity of antigens at the level of thymus- -derived cells., H Haritou and B F. Argyris
Evidence for cyclophosphamide-induced gene conversion and mutation in mouse germ cells., K J. Schimenti, W H. Hanneman, and J C. Schimenti
Evidence for cytophilic host antibody of mouse plasmacytoma cells. Abstr., G L. Princler, K R. Intire, and G D. Trisler
Evidence for cytostatic t cell activity in the effector mechanism against syngeneic tmt mammary tumor cells in mice., S Kurata, T Tsuchiya, T Norimura, and U Yamashita
Evidence for defective incorporation of proteins in myelin of the quaking mutant mouse., S Greenfield, S Brostoff, and E Hogan
Evidence for direct linkage between antigen recognition and lytic expression in effector t cells., R C. Kuppers and C S. Henney
Evidence for distinct aggregation factors and receptors in cells., B Pessac and V Defendi
Evidence for dna modification in the maintenance of x-chromosome inactivation of adult mouse tissues., V M. Chapman, P G. Kratzer, L D. Siracusa, B A. Quarantillo, R Evans, and R M. Liskay
Evidence for dosage compensation of an X-linked gene in the 6-day embryo of the mouse., L P. Kozak and P J. Quinn
Evidence for dosage compensation of an x-linked gene in the 6-day embryo of the mouse., L P. Kozak and P J. Quinn
Evidence for dysfunction in the regulation of cytosolic ca2+ in excitation-contraction uncoupled dysgenic muscle., M M. Klaus, S P. Scordilis, J M. Rapalus, R T. Briggs, and J A. Posell
Evidence for early recruitment of granulocyte precursors during high dose methotrexate infusions in mice., H M. Pinedo, B A. Chabner, D S. Zaharko, and J M. Bull
Evidence for education and non-education of marrow pre-t cells by thumic epithelium with regard to tolerance. Abstr., C A. Laskin, P A. Smathers, J P. Reeves, and A D. Steinberg
Evidence for effects of heparin on cell surfaces influencing experimental metastases., B Hagmar and K Norrby
Evidence for episodic secretion of testosterone in laboratory mice., A Bartke and S Dalterio
Evidence for erythropoiesis in the thymus of mice. Abstr., S Albert, P L. Wolf, and I Pryjma
Evidence for function of thymic tissue in diffusion chambers implanted in neonatally thymectomized mice. Preliminary report., R H. Levey, N Trainin, and L W. Law
Evidence for gene conversion among immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region genes., S H. Clarke and S Rudikoff
Evidence for generation of suppressor t cells in mycobacterium lepraemurium-infected cba/j mice, a mouse strain highly susceptible to the infection., N Saito and Y Hirooka
Evidence for genetic correlation of hypnotic effects and cerebellar purkinje neuron depression in response to ethanol in mice., K Spuhler, B Hoffer, N Weiner, and M Palmer
Evidence for genetic expression of integrated dna in lymphoma cells., M Fox, B W. Fox, and S R. Ayad
Evidence for genetic recombination between endogenous and exogenous mouse rna type c viruses., J R. Stephenson, G R. Anderson, S R. Tronick, and S A. Aaronson
Evidence for granulocyte-mediated macrophage activation after c. Parvum immunization., S K. Chapes and S Haskill
Evidence for hb lepore-like hybrid globin beta chain genes in mice., G Steinheider, H Melderis, and W Ostertag
Evidence for homologues of the murine i-a and i-e loci in the rat mhc., N Shinohara and D H. Sachs
Evidence for host resistance in 1,3 bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitro- sourea treatment induced in syngeneic lsa lymphoma., Y Maruyama, A Williams, J M. Feola, and C Nava
Evidence for Hox-specified positional identities in adult vasculature., N D. Pruett, R P. Visconti, D F. Jacobs, D Scholz, T McQuinn, J P. Sundberg, and A Awgulewitsch
Evidence for humoral stimulation of eosinophil granulocytopoiesis in in vivo diffusion chambers. Abstr., A M. Miller and M P. Garry
Evidence for hydrophobic region within heavy chains of mouse b lymphocyte membrane-bound igm., P Vassalli, R Tedghi, and J Jaton
Evidence for identity or close association of the fc receptor of b lymphocytes and alloantigens determined by the ir region of the h-2 complex., H B. Dickler and D H. Sachs
Evidence for immune reactivity against neoplasms., C F. Mc khann and S M. Jagarlamoody
Evidence for immunization of f1 hybrid mice against parental trans- plantation antigens., G Cudkowicz
Evidence for immunological resistance to a parental line tumor by f1 hybrid hosts., B H. Sanford
Evidence for immunological resistance to a parental line tumor by F. hybrid hosts., B H. Sanford
Evidence for increased cytoplasmic androgen binding in the submandi- bular gland of the mouse with testicular feminization., J D. Wilson and J L. Goldstein
Evidence for independent genetic regulation of the expression of different antibody classes in anti-sheep red blood cell responses., M Seman, F Chevalier, and M Stanislawski
Evidence for independent regulation of dolichol and cholesterol synthesis in developing mouse brain., M J. James and A A. Kandutsch
Evidence for independent regulation of dolichol and cholesterol synthesis in developing mouse brain., M J. James and A A. Kandutsch
Evidence for indirect effects of radiations of heavy ions and electrons on hair depigmentation., H B. Chase, W E. Straile, and C Arsenault
Evidence for in vitro immunologic assays that some phenolic food additives may function as antipromoters by lowering intracellular cyclic gmp levels., J A. Wess and D L. Archer
Evidence for involvement of mast cells in tumor suppression in mice., H Tanooka, Y Kitamura, T Sado, K Tanaka, I Nagase, and S Kondo
Evidence for linkage between antigen recognition and t-cell mediated lysis. Abstr., R C. Kuppers and C S. Henney
Evidence for linkage of murine beta2-microglobulin in h-3 and ly-4., J W. Goding
Evidence for loss of purkinje cell dentrites during late development. A morphometric golgi analysis in the mouse., G M. Weiss and J J. Pysh
Evidence for mediated transport of glucose in mammalian pancreatic beta-cells., B Hellman, J Sehlin, and I Taljedal
Evidence for mediated transport of glucose in mammalian pancreatic beta-cells. Abstr., I Taljedal, B Hellman, and J Sehlin
Evidence for mediated transport of monosaccharides in ascites tumor cells. Abstr., A R. Kolber
Evidence for membrane association of plasminogen activator activity in mouse macrophages., J A. Solomon, I Chou, E W. Schroder, and P H. Black
Evidence for minor structural variations of class ii genes in wild and inbred mice., E K. Wakeland and J Klein
Evidence for more than one ia antigenic specificity on molecules determined by the i-a subregion of the mouse major histocompatibility complex., S E. Cullen, C S. David, J L. Cone, and D H. Sachs
Evidence for multigenic control of immune response to theta-akr antigen in mice., M Zaleski, H Fuji, and F Milgrom
Evidence for multiple i-e molecules in h-2d tumor cell lines. Abstr., S K. Singh, W P. Lafuse, D J. Mckean, and C S. David
Evidence for mysial limitation of melanocyte distribution and form., J G. Hollyfield
Evidence for natural anti-receptor antibody in neonatal balb/c mice. Abstr., D S. Strayer, S Smyk, and H Kohler
Evidence for naturally occurring murine sarcoma virus., J K. Ball, D Harvey, and J A. Mccarter
Evidence for noncontiguous variable and constant region genes in both germ line and myeloma dna., T H. Rabbitts and A Forster
Evidence for non-deoxynucleotide linkers in ehrlich ascites tumour cell dna., H V. Hershey and D Werner
Evidence for non-exposed h-2 antigens in immunoresistant murine tumour., S Friberg and B Lilliehook
Evidence for non-identity of t killer and t helper cells sensitised to allogeneic cell antigens., G Dennert
Evidence for placing the neu-1 locus within the mouse h-2 complex., F Figueroa, D Klein, S Tewarson, and J Klein
Evidence for polyclonal b-cell activation in nzb mice: fusing capacity of nzb spleen cells. Abstr., G E. Woloschak and D Senitzer
Evidence for postmeiotic effect of t factors causing segregation distortion in mouse., C Hammerberg and J Klein
Evidence for rapid and concerted turnover of membrane phsopholipids in mopc 41 myeloma cells and its possible relationship to secretion., B G. Cohen and A H. Phillips
Evidence for readily induced tolerance to heterologous erythrocytes in nude mice., G Mitchell, L Lafleur, and K Andersson
Evidence for related antigens on sperm, tumor, and fetal cells in the mouse., E H. Goldberg and S Tokuda
Evidence for repair capacity in mouse tumors relative to skin., J Denekamp and F A. Stewart
Evidence for reproductive death of dividing cells in thymus and spleen following whole-body gamma-irradiation of mice., D Suciu, Z Uray, and A D. Abraham
Evidence for rna-dna complexes in haemolytic plaque-forming cells containing ribonuclease resistant rna., A Koros, L Koster, and M Mowery
Evidence for selective transformation of autoreactive immature plasma cells in mice deficient in Fasl., J Q. Zhang, C Okumura, T McCarty, M S. Shin, P Mukhopadhyay, M Hori, T A. Torrey, Z Naghashfar, J X. Zhou, C H. Lee, D C. Roopenian, H C. Morse, and W F. Davidson
Evidence for sensory dominance, reactions to apparent depth in rabbits, cats, and rodents., H R. Schiffman
Evidence for separable genetic traits in nzb mice. Abstr., E S. Raveche, L J. Brown, E A. Novotny, J H. Tjio, D C. Shreffler, and A D. Steinberg
Evidence for separate subpopulations of b cells responding to t-independent and t-dependent immunogens., J J. Jennings and M B. Rittenberg
Evidence for sex-linked lethal factors in man., C C. Little
Evidence for similar principal target proteins of chemical carcinogens in six carcinogen-organ systems. Abstr., S Sorof and M S. Dickens
Evidence for single-cell origin of 3-methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcomas in mice with cellular mosaicism., H Tanooka and K Tanaka
Evidence for somatic generation of antibody diversity., S Tonegawa, C Steinberg, S Dube, and A Bernardini
Evidence for somatic rearrangement of immunoglobulin genes coding for variable and constant regions., N Hozumi and S Tonegawa
Evidence for specific suppression in the maintenance of immunologic tolerance., D C. Benjamin
Evidence for splenic suppressor cells in c3h/he, t-cell-deprived c3h/he, and nude mice bearing a 3-methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma., M Poupon, J Kolb, and G Lespinats
Evidence for stem cells in the peripheral blood of mice., J W. Goodman and G S. Hodgson
Evidence for structural homology between murine and human ia antigens., T L. Delovitch and J A. Falk
Evidence for subpopulation of mature lymphocytes within mouse thymus., M C. Raff
Evidence for suppressor cell activity associated with depression of contact sensitivity in pseudomonas aeruginosa infected mice., M Campa, C Garzelli, E Ferrannini, and G Falcone
Evidence for surface-associated immunoglobulin on t and b lymphocytes., U Hammerling and K Rajewsky
Evidence for synergy between delayed hypersensitivity (dhs)-expressing lymph node cells (lnc) and normal spleen cells (sc) in response to antigen. Abstr., M Wheelock, C Clark, M Azar, and H H. Zinneman
Evidence for t-cell 'helper' deficiency in mouse allogeneic bone marrow chimeras. Abstr., B E. Loughman, J J. Farrar, and A A. Nordin
Evidence for the absence of i-e/c antigen expression on the cell surface in mice of th h-2b or h-2s haplotypes., K Ozato, J K. Lunney, gamil M. El, and D H. Sachs
Evidence for the affirmation of the putative W allele, W39, as a W allele; the gametogenic and erythropoietic defects of mice of the genotype S1/S1d., Edwin N. Geissler
Evidence for the asiatic origin of endogenous akr-type murine leukemia proviruses., D L. Steffen, S Bird, and R A. Weinberg
Evidence for the clonal abortion theory of b-lymphocyte tolerance., G J. Nossal and B L. Pike
Evidence for the clonal nature of erythropoietic bursts. Application of an in situ method for demonstrating centro- meric heterochromatin in plasma cultures., J E. Strome, D L. Mcleod, and M M. Shreeve
Evidence for the clonal origin of spontaneous metastases. Abstr., I J. Fidler, S R. Wolman, and J E. Talmadge
Evidence for the control of eosinophilia by the major histocompatibility complex in mice., W A. Sewell and M A. Vadas
Evidence for the cytoplasmic origin of 78 s ribosomes of mouse liver mitochondria., J G. Georgatsos and N Papasarantopoulou
Evidence for the development of an optimal concentration of ak leuke- mia preceeding its rejection by swiss mice. Abstr., J A. Halkett
Evidence for the endogenous production of t cell receptors bearing idiotypic determinants., M H. Julius, H Cosenza, and A A. Augustin
Evidence for the erythrocyte as the principle antigen cell type that triggers primary igm antibody responses to h-2d alloantigens., I Nakashima, E A. Clark, P Lake, N Kato, F Nagase, K Mizoguchi, K Isobe, and M Saito
Evidence for the existence of a lymphoid stem cell., C E. Ford, H S. Micklem, and D A. Ogden
Evidence for the existence of several molecular species in the '45s fraction' of mammalian ribosomal precursor rna., P Tiollais, F Galibert, and M Boiron
Evidence for the expression of ia (h-2-associated) antigens on thymus-derived lymphocytes., J A. Frelinger, J E. Niederhuber, C S. David, and D C. Shreffler
Evidence for the generation of suppressor cells by ultraviolet radiation., R A. Daynes and C W. Spellman
Evidence for the genetic control of antibody affinity from breeding studies with inbred mouse strains producing high and low affinity antibody., M W. Steward and R E. Petty
Evidence for the horizontal acquisition of murine akr virogenes by recent horizontal infection of the germ line., S J. O'brien, J L. Moore, M A. Martin, and J E. Womack
Evidence for the humoral stimulation of eosinophil granulocytopoiesis in in vivo diffusion chambers., M P. Mc garry and A M. Miller
Evidence for the inactivation of precursor b cells in high dose unresponsiveness., C Desaymard and H Waldmann
Evidence for the in vivo coating of a polyoma virus-induced tumor with antibodies specifically bound to their target- -antigen., F Robert, F Dumont, and D Oth
Evidence for the involvement of 7sgamma2a-immunoglobulin., J C. Eustace, M T. Enhancement, and I V. Further
Evidence for the involvement of cerebroside sulfate in opiate receptor binding: studies with azure a and jimpy mutant mice., P Y. Law, R A. Harris, H H. Loh, and E L. Way
Evidence for the involvement of dopaminergic neurons in the pregnancy block effect., koj A. Marchlewska and B Jemiolo
Evidence for the involvement of the ss protein of the mouse in the hemolytic complement system., T H. Hansen, H S. Shin, and D C. Shreffler
Evidence for the linkage of the igch locus to a gene controlling the idiotypic specificity of anti-p-azophenylarsonate antibodies in strain a mice., L L. Pawlak, E B. Mushinski, A Nisonoff, and M Potter
Evidence for the non-thymus drpendent nature of the peyer's patches of the mouse. Abstr., L R. Heim
Evidence for the oxidation of glycolytic nadh by the malate- -aspartate shuttle in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., alarcon L. Lopez, M L. Eboli, E D. Liberali, G Palombini, and T Galeotti
Evidence for the periodic release of luteotropin during the estrous cycle of the mouse., W D. White and H C. Browning
Evidence for the presence of choleragen receptor on the thymocyte-brain antigen molecule of mice., H Thiele, R Arndt, and R Stark
Evidence for the presence of idiotype-bearing regulatory t cells in which idiotype expression does not show linkage to either igh alleles or the mhc., R Singhai, M Weaver, L Sikora, and J G. Levy
Evidence for the presence of thy-1 on cultured thymic epithelial cells of mice and rats., A Raedler, R Arndt, E Raedler, and H G. Thiele
Evidence for the presence of two sympatric species of mice (genus mus l.) In southern france based on biochemical genetics., J Britton and L Thaler
Evidence for the protein nature of the thy antigen. Abstr., B J. Johnson, U N. Kucich, and J C. Bennett
Evidence for the rapid decrease in leukemogenic potential of rauscher leukemia virus in cell culture., J Schlom, J B. Moloney, and V Groupe
Evidence for the role of antibody in the cytotoxic action of lymph cells on xenogeneic target cells., C K. Grant, P J. Avis, J G. Hall, and P Alexander
Evidence for the suppression of the development of cytotoxic lymphoid cells in tumor immunized mice., W J. Martin, E Esber, and J R. Wunderlich
Evidence for the t cell specificity of sodium periodate-induced lymph- ocyte blastogenesis., G B. Thurman, B Giovanella, and A L. Goldstein
Evidence for the time of appearance of h-2 antigens in mouse development., H Patthey and M Edidin
Evidence for three carbohydrate side chains on h-2kd and h-2db mouse histocompatibility antigens. Abstr., E S. Kimball, W L. Maloy, and J E. Coligan
Evidence for thymic dependence of pha-reactive cells in spleen and lymph nodes and independence in bone marrow., H Blomgren and E Svedmyr
Evidence for thyroglobulin-reactive t cells in good responder mice., P S. Esquivel, Y M. Kong, and N R. Rose
Evidence for transformation of spleen cells on day after infection of mice with friend leukemia virus. Autonomous growth potential and expression of hybrid-resistance genes., G B. Rossi, G Cudkowicz, and C Friend
Evidence for translation of viral-specific rna in cells of a mouse mammary carcinoma., R Axel, J Schlom, and S Spiegelman
Evidence for two cell populations involved in the rejection of a xenograft in mice., E S. Newlands and I M. Roitt
Evidence for two distinct classes of murine b cell growth factors with activities in different functional assays., S L. Swain, M Howard, J Kappler, P Marrack, J Watson, R Booth, G D. Wetzel, and R W. Dutton
Evidence for two factors in sera of tumor-immunized mice which induce specific lymphoid cell-dependent cytotoxicity, igg2 and a rapidly appearing factor not associated with igg or igm., S B. Pollack and K Nelson
Evidence for two functionally distinct cross-reactive tumor antigens associated with ultraviolet light and chemically induced tumors., L K. Roberts, D H. Lynch, and R A. Daynes
Evidence for two homologous, but nonidentical, ia molecules determined by the i-ec subregion., T L. Delovitch and B H. Barber
Evidence for two male antigens in mice., E Simpson, A Mclaren, and P Chandler
Evidence for two molecular species of dihydrofolate reductase in amethopterin resistant and sensitive cells of the mouse leukemia l4946., G Blumenthal and D M. Greenberg
Evidence for two types of mediation of neutral amino-acid transport in ehrlich cells., D L. Oxender and H N. Christensen
Evidence for viral involvement in murine and human mammary adenocarci- noma., J Schlom and S Spiegelman
Evidence for virus-related and unrelated antigens on murine lymphomas induced by chemical carcinogens., M I. Colnaghi and G D. Porta
Evidence for x-linkage of steroid sulfatase in the mouse: steroid sulfatase levels in oocytes of xx and xo mice., S M. Gartler and M Rivest
Evidence from chimaeras for the pattern of proliferation of epidermis in the mouse., M C. Green, D Durham, T C. Mayer, and P C. Hoppe
Evidence from chimaeras for the pattern of proliferation of epidermis in the mouse., M C. Green, D Durham, T C. Mayer, and P C. Hoppe
Evidence from in vitro studies that tolerance to self antigens is mhc-restricted,, H Rammensee
Evidence from mice concerning the nature of the mutation process., W L. Russell
Evidence from mtdna sequences that common laboratory strains of inbred mice are descended from a single female., S D. Ferris, R D. Sage, and A C. Wilson
Evidence from some unusual mutants concerning the nature of t-alleles in the mouse. Abstr., M F. Lyon
Evidence from tfm/o that androgen is inessential for reproduction in female mice., M F. Lyon and P Glenister
Evidence in rat and mouse liver for temporal control of two forms of cytochrome p-450 inducible by 2, 3, 7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin., T M. Guenthner and D W. Nebert
Evidence of a g1 regulation of circadian proliferation in mouse methylcholanthrene-induced sarcomas., C Focan, H Barbason, and E H. Betz
Evidence of a genetic relationship between susceptibility to 3-methyl- cholanthrene-induced subcutaneous tumors and inducibility of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase., R E. Kouri, H Ratrie, and C E. Whitmire
Evidence of a large-scale functional organization of mammalian chromosomes., P M. Petkov, J H. Graber, G A. Churchill, K DiPetrillo, B L. King, and K Paigen
Evidence of a large-scale functional organization of Mammalian chromosomes., P M. Petkov, J H. Graber, G A. Churchill, K DiPetrillo, B L. King, and K Paigen
Evidence of a small molecule in mouse leydig cell tumors which inhibits the conversion of estrogen receptor from 4s to 5s., B Sato, R A. Huseby, and L T. Samuels
Evidence of a threshold x-ray dose for sensitizing stem-cell spermatogonia of the mouse to the induction of chromosomal translocations by a second larger one., P P. Van buul and A Leonard
Evidence of a thymic abnormality in murine muscular dystrophy., T A. De kretser and B G. Livett
Evidence of cell-mediated cytotoxicity to skin-specific alloantigens on mouse epidermal cells., J D. Tyler and D Steinmuller
Evidence of common antigenic properties in chemically induced sarcomas of mice., J Reiner and C M. Southam
Evidence of different effector t-cell populations for systemic and "local" immunity., B E. Loveland, I F. Mckenzie, and R Ceredig
Evidence of donor suppression of anti-donor pfc responses in mice., G M. Taylor
Evidence of erythropoiesis in the thymus of mice., S Albert, P Wolf, and I Pryjma
Evidence of functional microenvironments in lymphatic tissue response to antigen., M G. Hanna, P Nettesheim, and L C. Peters
Evidence of fusion between host and donor myoblasts in skeletal muscle grafts., T A. Partridge, M Grounds, and J C. Sloper
Evidence of heterogeneity of hepatic and pulmonary epoxide hydratase (eh) activity in inbred strains of mice. Abstr., H E. Radtke, T H. Rude, and R E. Kouri
Evidence of immunological activity in heterotropic autotransplanted splenic tissue in dba/2 mice., V V. Likhite
Evidence of lipid peroxidation in the livers of mice after exposure to carbon tetrachloride (cc14). Abstr., P Y. Lee and K R. Hornbrook
Evidence of loss of tumour-specific antigen on repeatedly transplant- ing a tumour in the strain of origin., M F. Woodruff and M O. Symes
Evidence of multiple factors in mice and rats, C C. Little
Evidence of non-random x chromosome activity in the mouse., B Cattanach and C Williams
Evidence of non-random x-inactivation in the mouse. Abstr., B M. Cattanach and P Johnston
Evidence of prenatal heterosis relating to x-ray induced congenital anomalies., R Rugh, E Grupp, and M Wohlfromm
Evidence of separate pathways for viral and chemical carcinogenesis in c3h/stwi mouse mammary glands., G H. Smith, L A. Arthur, and D Medina
Evidence of skin-specific alloantigens in cell-mediated cytotoxicity reactions., D Steinmuller and J D. Tyler
Evidence of state dependent learning of brightness discrimin- ation in hypothermic mice., S C. Boyd and W F. Caul
Evidence of suppressor cell activity in spleens of mice bearing pri- mary tumors induced by moloney sarcoma virus., H Kirchner, T M. Chused, R B. Herberman, H T. Holden, and D H. Lavrin
Evidence of suppressor cell-mechanism of allograft tolerance induced by spleen extract and hydrocortisone., M Rieger, J Gunther, H Kristofova, and I Hilgert
Evidence of the nonimmune regression of chemically induced papillomas in mouse skin., E J. Andrews
Evidence of the presence in normal serum of a carrier of the serum thymic factor (fts)., M Dardenne, J Pleau, and J Bach
Evidence of turgor pressure gradients within and between single plant cells grown in culture., P R. White
Evidence of viral implication in experimental leukemia induced by n-nitrosobutylurea in mice., N Imamura
Evidence on inheritance of muscular dystrophy in an inbred strain of mice using ovarian transplantation., L C. Stevens, E S. Russell, and J Southard
Evidence on the existence of spurts and plateaus in neonatal mouse brain growth. Abstr., M E. Hahn, J K. Walters, J Deluca, J Lavooy, H H. Haughton, M Geraci, and L J. Rust
Evidence suggesting the existence of two h-y antigens in the mouse., R W. Melvold, H I. Kohn, G Yerganian, and D W. Fawcett
Evidence supporting a two-gene model for the h-2 histocompatibility system of the mouse., J Klein and D C. Shreffler
Evidence supporting somatic assembly of the dna segments (minigenes), coding for the framework, and complementarity- -determining segments of immunoglobulin variable regions., E A. Kabat, T T. Wu, and H Bilofsky
Evidence that approximately eighty per cent of the soluble proteins from ehrlich ascites cells are naplha-acetylated., J L. Brown and W K. Roberts
Evidence that autoimmune disease in nzb x nzw mice is controlled by two dominant genes, one linked to the h-2 complex., J G. Knight and D D. Adams
Evidence that autoimmune renal disease and tumour formation in nzb/w mice are due to separate defects., S Adams and D Adams
Evidence that blocking factors in the sera of multiparous mice are associated with immunoglobulins., J Tamerius, I Hellstrom, and K E. Hellstrom
Evidence that cancer is not a simple Mendelian recessive., C C. Little
Evidence that cells from experimental tumours can activate coagulation factor x., L Curatolo, M Colucci, A L. Cambini, A Poggi, L Morasca, B. Donati, and N Semeraro
Evidence that chromosome rearrangements occur after fertilization following postmeiotic treatment of male-mice germ cells with ems., W M. Generoso, K T. Cain, M Krishna, and C S. Hellwig
Evidence that con a induces cytotoxicity in the same subclass of t cells as does alloimmunization., R M. Falkoff and R W. Dutton
Evidence that glycolipids can function as tumor associated antigens. Abstr., W W. Young and S Hakomori
Evidence that H-2 private specificities can be arranged in two mutually exclusive systems possibly homologous with two subsystems of HL-A., G D. Snell, M Cherry, and P D:emant
Evidence that h-2 private specificities can be arranged in two mutually exclusive systems possibly homologous with two subsystems of hl-a., G Snell, M Cherry, and P Demant
Evidence that hepatitis b surface antigen and h-y antigen do not cross-react., B G. Werner, W T. London, and S S. Wachtel
Evidence that initiated keratinocytes clonally expand into multiple existing hair follicles during papilloma histogenesis in SENCAR mouse skin., R L. Binder, P M. Gallagher, G R. Johnson, S L. Stockman, B J. Smith, J P. Sundberg, and C J. Conti
Evidence that intracellular and secreted light chains of a mouse igg2a plasmacytoma are monomers carrying a free thiol group., A Cooke and A Feinstein
Evidence that lidgap genes are hypomorphs. Abstr., D M. Juriloff and M J. Harris
Evidence that linkage group iv as well as linkage group x of the mouse are in chromosome 10., N L. Cacheiro and L B. Russell
Evidence that lyb-2 is critical to specific activation of b cells before they become responsive to t cell and other signals., H Yakura, F Shen, E Bourcet, and E A. Boyse
Evidence that lymphocyte activating factor (laf), endogenous pyrogen (ep), and the "serum amyloid a (saa) inducer" are function- ally and biochemically related molecules. Abstr., M B. Sztein, S N. Vogel, J D. Sipe, J J. Oppenheim, and D L. Rosenstreich
Evidence that lysosomal storage of proteolipids is a cell autonomous process in the motor neuron degeneration (mnd) mouse, a model of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis., R D. Lipman, L R. Donohue, P Hoppe, and R T. Bronson
Evidence that MIG-6 is a tumor-suppressor gene., Y W. Zhang, B Staal, Y Su, P Swiatek, P Zhao, B Cao, J Resau, R Sigler, R Bronson, and Woude G. Vande
Evidence that mitogenic lectins induce changes in lymphocyte membrane fluidity., R E. Barnett, R E. Scott, L T. Furcht, and J H. Kersey
Evidence that multifunctional calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM KII) participates in the meiotic maturation of mouse oocytes., Y Q. Su and J J. Eppig
Evidence that mulv-induced thymic lymphoma cells possess specific cell membrane binding sites for mulv., S Baird, W Raschke, and I L. Weissman
Evidence that murine amyloid protein aa is related to only one of two serum amyloid protein (apossa) gene products. Abstr., J S. Hoffman, L H. Ericsson, N Eriksen, K A. Walsh, and E P. Benditt
Evidence that murine pre-b cells synthesise mu heavy chains but no light chains., P Burrows, M Lejeune, and J F. Kearney
Evidence that only donor cells produce antibody in a lethally irradiated cell transfer recipient., T Francus and G W. Siskind
Evidence that progression of cells into s-phase is not a prerequisite for recovery between split doses of u.v.-light In synchronized and plateau phase cultures of ehrlich ascites tumour cells., G Iliakis and M Nusse
Evidence that protein determines ia antigenic specificity., S E. Cullen, J H. Freed, P H. Atkinson, and S G. Nathenson
Evidence that protein kinase C (PKC) participates in the meiosis I to meiosis II transition in mouse oocytes., M M. Viveiros, Y Hirao, and J J. Eppig
Evidence that retrovirus expression in mouse spleen cells results from b cell differentiation., B P. Alberto, L F. Callahan, and T Pincus
Evidence that Sry is expressed in pre-Sertoli cells and Sertoli and granulosa cells have a common precursor., K H. Albrecht and E M. Eicher
Evidence that t cell primary responses to mls locus is not under mhc gene control. Abstr., K Molnar and J Sprent
Evidence that the bone resorption-stimulating factor produced by mouse fibrosarcoma cells is prostaglandin e2. A new model for the hypercalcemia of cancer., A H. Tashjian, E F. Voelkel, L Levine, and P Goldhaber
Evidence that the fetal mouse liver cell assay detects erythroid regulatory factors (erf) not measured with a standard in vivo assay., C D. Dunn, R D. Lange, and J B. Jones
Evidence that the glucose-fatty acid cycle is operative in isolated skeletal (soleus) muscle. Abstr., G S. Cuendet, E G. Loten, and A E. Renold
Evidence that the l-asparaginase activity of guinea pig serum is responsible for its antilymphoma effects., J D. Broome
Evidence that the mitogenic activity of h2n2 influenza a viruses is associated with the h2 hemagglutinin. Abstr., G M. Butchko, R B. Armstrong, and F A. Ennis
Evidence that the process of metastasis is selective and not random. Abstr., J E. Talmadge
Evidence that the 'r' and 'z' blood group specificities of mice are allelic and distinct from h-2., G D. Snell, G Hoecker, and J H. Stimpfling
Evidence that the "R: and "Z: blood group specificities of mice are allelic and distinct from H-2., G D. Snell, G Hoecker, and J H. Stimpfling
Evidence that the red cell skeleton protein 4.2 interacts with the Rh membrane complex member CD47., Chanteloup I. Mouro, J Delaunay, P Gane, V Nicolas, M Johansen, E J. Brown, L L. Peters, Kim C. Van, J P. Cartron, and Y Colin
Evidence that the satin hair mutant gene Foxq1 is among multiple and functionally diverse regulatory targets for Hoxc13 during hair follicle differentiation., C S. Potter, R L. Peterson, J L. Barth, N D. Pruett, D F. Jacobs, M J. Kern, W S. Argraves, J P. Sundberg, and A Awgulewitsch
Evidence that the secretory apparatus in the thymus of mice is not aberrant thyroid tissue., K Arnesen and P B. Kierulf
Evidence that the serological determinant of h-y antigen is carbohydrate., M Shapiro and R P. Erickson
Evidence that thymocytes require at least two distinct signals to proliferate., D I. Beller and E R. Unanue
Evidence that tumor antigens enhance tumor growth in vivo by interacting with a radiosensitive (suppressor?) cell population., K E. Hellstrom and I Hellstrom
Evidence that uridine incorporation is not a selective marker for mouse lymphocyte subclasses., G A. Gutman and I L. Weissman
Evidence that virus-immune cytotoxic t cells are effectors in vivo. Abstr., P C. Doherty and R M. Zinkernagel
Evidenza di un difetto intrinseco della reattivita linfocitaria in topi akr., D Collavo, G Biasi, A Colombatti, and R Fabbris
Evidenziazione, isolamento e caratteristiche fisiche e chimiche della narciclasina, un nuovo antimitotico di origine vegetale., G Ceriotti, L Spandrio, and A Gazzanica
Evitements passif et actif chez deux souches de souris et leurs hybrides., J Valatx, G Verchere, R Bugat, and M Jouvet
Evoluation of mouse immunoglobulin lambda genes., E Selsing, J Miller, R Wilson, and U Storb
Evolutional phases of the intrasplenic ovarian tumour in mice balb a., A Lipschutz, G Rojas, H Cerisola, and R Iglesias
Evolutionary breakpoints on human chromosome 21., M T. Davisson, L J. Bechtel, E C. Akeson, A Fortna, D Slavov, and K Gardiner
Evolutionary conservation of h-y ('male') antigen., S S. Wachtel, G C. Koo, and E A. Boyse
Evolutionary conservation of surface molecules that distinguish t lymphocyte helper/inducer and cytotoxic/suppressor subpopula- tions in mouse and man., J A. Ledbetter, R L. Evans, M Lipinski, rundles C. Cunningham, O A. Good, and L A. Herzenberg
Evolutionary evidence for a regulator gene controlling the lactate dehydrogenase b gene in rodent erythrocytes., T B. Shows, E J. Massaro, and F H. Ruddle
Evolutionary origin and phylogenetic analysis of the novel oocyte-specific eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E in Tetrapoda., A V. Evsikov and de Evsikova Marin
Evolutionary rates in cistrons specifying mammalian hemoglobin alpha- and beta-chains, phenetic versus patristic measurements., T Uzzell and K W. Corbin
Evolution de la population des cellules souches hemopoietiques chez les radiochimeres isogeniques., J Duplan and P Monnot
Evolution des radiochimeres, suivant que les cellules hemopoietiques greffees proviennent de moelle osseuse ou de foie foetal., J F. Duplan and R Monier
Evolution, in mouse brain microsomes, of lipids and their constituents during myelination., J Bourre, S A. Pollet, O L. Daudu, and N A. Baumann
Evolution of beta-glucuronidase regulation in the genus mus., R M. Bush and K Paigen
Evolution of cell-mediated antitumor immunity in mice bearing a syngeneic chemically induced tumor. Influence of tumor growth, surgical removal and treatment with irradiated tumor cells., J Belehradek, G Barski, and M Thonier
Evolution of cell-mediated immunity in mice bearing an antigenic tumor. Influence of tumor growth and surgical removal., G Barski and J K. Youn
Evolution of cell-mediated immunity in mice bearing tumors produced by a mammary carcinoma cell line. Influence of tumor growth, surgical removal, and treatment with irradiated tumor cells., D Le francois, J K. Youn, J Belehradek, and G Barski
Evolution of mammalian carbonic anhydrase loci by tandem duplication. Close linkage of car-1 and car-2 to the centromere region of chromosome 3 of the mouse., E M. Eicher, R H. Stern, J E. Womack, M T. Davisson, H H. Roderick, and S C. Reynolds
Evolution of mammalian carbonic anhydrase loci by tanden duplication: close linkage of Car-1 and Car-2 to the centromere region of chromosome 3 of the mouse., E M. Eicher, R H. Stern, J E. Womack, M T. Davisson, T H. Roderick, and S C. Reynolds
Evolution of specific cell-bound immunity in hosts bearing solid tumors as related to tumor growth and treatment., G Barski, J K. Youn, D L. Francois, and J B. Jr
Evolution of spleen cell reactivity to a growing mouse tumor. Abstr., A A. Meyer, R L. Hunter, and R W. Wissler
Evolution of the apolipoproteins. Structure of the rat apo-A-IV gene and its relationship to the human genes for apo-A-I, C-III, and E., M S. Boguski, E H. Birkenmeier, N A. Elshourbagy, J M. Taylor, and J I. Gordon
Evolution of type c viral genes. Preservation of ancestral murine tye c viral sequences in pig cellular dna., R E. Benveniste and G J. Todaro
Evolution of x-chromosome inactivation in mammals., M F. Lyon
Evoluzione 'in vitro' e 'in vivo' della costituzione chromosomica del tumore mammario del topo c3h., G Bertorello and M G. Vianello
Ewing's sarcoma. Characterization in established cultures and evidence of its histogenesis., P S. Dickman, L A. Liotta, and T J. Triche
Exacerbation of murine malaria by concurrent infection with lactic dehydrogenase-elevating virus., D C. Henderson, C E. Tosta, and N Wedderburn
Exaggerated cyclic amp accumulation and glial cell reaction in the cerebellum during purkinje cell degeneration in pcd mutant mice., B Ghetti, L Truex, B Sawyer, S Strada, and M Schmidt
Exaggerated norepinephrine-stimulated accumulation of cyclic amp in vitro in cerebellar slices from pcd mutant mice following purkinje cell loss., M J. Schmidt and B Ghetti
Examination and identification of Lat2 as a candidate gene of the metabolic syndrome in Nmf15 mice, Jameson K. Mattingly
Examination of antitumor activities of platinum complexes of 1,2-diaminocyclohexane isomers and their related complexes., Y Kidani, K Inagaki, and S Tsukagoshi
Examination of dying granule and purkinje cells in harlequin and sticky mutant mice., Marlies Rossman
Examination of early hematopoietic repopulation., Tracee E. Watkins
Examination of enzymatic activity in skin and liver following treatment with carcinogens and transplanted tumors., Barry A. Maxwell
Examination of general and tumor-specific cell-mediated immune responses in mice bearing progressively growing plasmacyotmas., M L. Padarathsingh, J L. Mccoy, J H. Dean, D D. Lewis, and L W. Law
Examination of lymphocyte membranes of athymic 'nude' mice by scan- ning electron microscopy., G B. Thurman, P S. Baur, and A L. Goldstein
Examination of modified procedures for the c3h-10t 1/2 neoplastic transformation assay. Abstr., A Tu, P Breen, S Pallotta, and A Sivak
Examination of the action of cyclosporin a (cya) on a malignant t cell line, bw5147. Abstr., M Merker, L M. Yu, D H. Sherman, and R E. Handschumacher
Examination of the carcinogenic and cocarcinogenic effects of grenz radiation., J H. Epstein
Examination of the mechanism of antibody formation using nucleic acid and protein inhibitors., R S. Speirs
Examinations of teratogenic effects of methylmercuric chloride in mice and rats. Abstr., M Fuyuta, E Kiyofuji, and T Fujimoto
Examining mouse models to determine type 1 diabetes susceptibility candidate genes., Kiana Brown
Exceptions to the genetic rules of transplantation., A D. Barnes and B T. Cooper
Exceptions to the genetic rules of transplantation., W H. Hildemann
Excess cone cell proliferation due to lack of a functional NR2E3 causes retinal dysplasia and degeneration in rd7/rd7 mice., N B. Haider, J K. Naggert, and P M. Nishina
Excessive mutational occurrences in wild peruvian house mice. Abstr., M E. Wallace
Excess production of free alpha subunits by mouse pituitary thyrotropic tumor cells in vitro., M R. Blackman, M C. Gershengorn, and B D. Weintraub
Excess sialylation of breast-cancer-cell surface determinant identified by monoclonal antibody:licr-lon-m18., C S. Foster
Exchangeability of chloride in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., L O. Simonsen and A T. Nielsen
Exchangeable intracellular methotrexate levels in the presence and absence of vincristine at extracellular drug concentrations relevant to those achieved in high-dose metho- trexate-folinic acid 'rescue' protocols., I D. Goldman, V Gupta, J C. White, and S Loftfield
Exchange assays using sodium thiocyanate to measure total nuclear content of estrogen receptors in the hypothalamic pituitary axis of mice., S Belisle, J Lehoux, and D Bellabarba
Exchange between cell populations during serial transplantation of mspc-1 mouse myeloma. Abstr., K Moriwaki and J Yamashita
Exchange of blood water in normal tissues and mammary carcinomas in mice., P L. Schwartz
Exchange of cell-associated beta2-microglobulin in mouse chimeras., S Kimura, N Tada, lam Y. Liu, and U Hammerling
Excision of 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide damage and transformation in mouse cells., M Ikenaga and T Kakunaga
Excision of the DBA ecotropic provirus in dilute coat-color revertants of mice occurs by homologous recombination involving the LTRs., N G. Copeland, K W. Hutchinson, and N A. Jenkins
Excision of uracil from bromodeoxyuridine-substituted and u.v.-irradiated Dna in cultured mouse lymphoma cells., F Makino and N Munakata
Excision repair of benzo[a]pyrene-deoxyguanosine adducts in baby hamster kidney 21/c13 cells and in secondary mouse embryo fibroblasts c57bl/6j., K Shinohara and P A. Cerutti
Excitability and chemosensitivity properties of a somatic cell hybrid between mouse neuroblastoma and sympathetic ganglion cells., A Chalazonitis, L A. Greene, and W Shain
Excitability of auditory neurons in the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei of dba/2 and c57bl/6 mice., J F. Willott, R M. Demuth, and S Lu
Exclusion of cooperating t cells as targets for heterologous anti-mu antiserum., D P. Aden, D D. Manning, and N D. Reed
Exclusion of Jagged2 as a candidate for the legless gene., S M. Bell, Y Lan, R Jiang, and T Gridley
Exclusion of two candidate genes, Spnb-2 and Dcd, for the wobbler spinal muscular atrophy gene on proximal mouse chromosome 11., A Lengeling, W E. Zimmer, S R. Goodman, Y Ma, M L. Bloom, G Bruneau, M Krieger, J Thibault, K Kaupmann, and H Jockusch
Exclusive binding of immunoglobulin to fcgamma receptors on macrophages in 3-methylcholanthrene-induced murine tumors., J M. Lindsay, L Manning, and G W. Wood
Exclusive involvement of h-2db or h-2kd product in the interaction between t-killer lymphocytes and syngeneic h-2b or h-2d viral lymphomas., E Gomard, V Duprez, T Reme, M J. Colombani, and J P. Levy
Excretion of 4-amino-5-imidazolecarboxamide and creatine, creatinine ratios in human and mouse muscular dystrophy., E G. Mc geer, P L. Geer, J R. Miller, D Derry, and C Nichol
Excretion of alpha-ketoglutarate, urea and amino acids by normal and muscular dystrophic mice., C Mc gaughey
Excretion of carcinoma products in irradiated c3h/he mice., J Vaage and E A. Chu
Excretion of murine leukaemia virus., D D. Myers, H Meier, J S. Rhim, and R J. Huebner
Excretion of murine leukemia virus., D D. Myers, H Meier, J S. Rhim, and R J. Huebner
Excretion of polyoma virus from mice bearing polyoma-infected tumor transplants. Abstr., Y Yabe, Y Sato, H G. Taylor, and J J. Trentin
Excretion of uncrystallized urinary calculi composed of glycolipo- -protein by normal and muscular dystrophic mice., C Mc gaughey
Exencephaly in the syndrome of trisomy no. 12 Of the foetal mouse., A Gropp and U Kolbus
Exercise, aging and the peripheral nervous system. Abstr., C Rolsten
Exercise during development induces an increase in purkinje cell dendritic tree size., J J. Pysh and G M. Weiss
Existence of a 'mixed' type murine myeloid leukemia colony in the spleen., T Tanaka
Existence of an upper-limit to elongation of the prereplicative period in confluent cultures of c3h/10t1/2 cells., D Miska and H B. Bosmann
Existence of a reverse transcriptase-p30 complex in akr mice with a high incidence of spontaneous lymphocytic leukemia. Abstr., A K. Bandyopadhyay, M R. Mardiney, and C C. Levy
Existence of both kappa and lambda light chain messenger rna sequences in mouse myeloma, mopc-104e, known as a lambda chain producer., M Ono, M Kawakami, T Kataoka, and T Honjo
Exocrine glands and the chievitz organ of some mouse mutants., H Gruneberg
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency: a new recessive mutation in mice., O H. Pivetta and E L. Green
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency syndrome in CBA/J mice. II. Biochemical studies., E H. Leiter, E C. Dempsey, and J J. Eppig
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency syndrome in cba/j mice. II. Biochemical studies., E H. Leiter, E C. Dempsey, and J J. Eppig
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency syndrome in CBA/J mice. III. Pathological and genetic analysis., E H. Leiter and Beamer T. Cunliffe
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency syndrome in cba/j mice. Iii. Pathological and genetic analysis., E H. Leiter and beamer T. Cunliffe
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency syndrome in cba/j mice. I. Ultrastructural study., J J. Eppig and E H. Leiter
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency syndrome in CBA/J mice. Ultrastructural study., J J. Eppig and E H. Leiter
Exocytosis and macrophage-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity: a cautionary note., R H. Beelen and W S. Walker
Exogenous interferon and inducers of interferon in the treatment of balb/c mice inoculated with rc19 tumour cells., I Gresser and C Bourali
Exogenous mouse interferon in akr leukemia. Abstr., J P. Roboz, C M. Ward, J F. Holland, and J G. Bekesi
Exogenous (mtv-s) and endogenous (mtv-l) virus oncogenesis in 4 sublines of the c3h mouse. Abstr., J Vaage and G H. Smith
Exon shuffling generates an immunoglobulin heavy chain gene., R Maki, A Traunecker, H Sakano, W Roeder, and S Tonegawa
Expanded CD34+ human umbilical cord blood cells generate multiple lymphohematopoietic lineages in NOD-scid IL2rgamma(null) mice., L J. Giassi, T Pearson, L D. Shultz, J Laning, K Biber, M Kraus, B A. Woda, M R. Schmidt, R T. Woodland, A A. Rossini, and D L. Greiner
Expansion of fc receptor-bearing t cells in murine myeloma. Abstr., R G. Hoover, N Rebbe, and R G. Lynch
Expansion of hematopoietic stem cell phenotype and activity in Trp53-null mice., M TeKippe, D E. Harrison, and J Chen
Expansion of the CD4-, CD8- gamma delta T cell subset in the spleens of mice during non-lethal blood-stage malaria., der Heyde van, M M. Elloso, D C. Roopenian, D D. Manning, and W P. Weidanz
Experience modifies morphine-induced behavioural excitation of mice., A Oliverio and C Castellano
Experiences with hypophysectomy in mice. Criteria of complete removal., S Young and L E. Fraser
Experiences with lymphocyte immunotherapy in experimental tumor systems., B Fisher, E A. Saffer, and E R. Fisher
Experiences with the tissue culture system in large-scale cancer chemotherapy screening., I Toplin
Experience with a mixed lymphocyte-tumor reaction as a method of detecting antigenic differences between normal and neoplastic cells., S P. Kanner, M R. Mardiney, and R J. Mangi
Experience with developing assays of physiological age., D E. Harrison
Experiential and strain determinants of the estrogen-progesterone induction of sexual receptivity in spayed female mice., M L. Thompson and D A. Edwards
Experiential deprivation and later behavior., J L. Fuller
Experimental adrenal cortical tumors., G W. Woolley
Experimental allergic alveolitis in mice induced by thermoactinomyces vulgaris., A Seppa, H Jagerroos, and R A. Mantyjarvi
Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in congenic strains of mice., S Levine and R Sowinski
Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in inbred and outbred mice., S Levine and R Sowinski
Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in mice induced with mouse- -glioma adjuvant mixtures. Abstr., L Scheinberg and J M. Lee
Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis - susceptibility and suppression., R Arnon
Experimental alterationof the siderocyte percentage in flex-tailed mice., Susan L. Laeger
Experimental amebic meningoencephalitis in mice subsequent to intracranial inoculations of acanthamoeba and naegleria. Abstr., R P. Meyer, T G. Sarphie, and R B. Chronister
Experimental amyloidosis. Iii. Light and electron microscopic observations of renal glomeruli., G D. Sorenson and T Shimamura
Experimental amyloidosis. I. Light and electron microscopic observa- tions of spleen and lymph nodes., W A. Heefner and G D. Sorenson
Experimental amyloidosis in isogeneic x-irradiated recipients of sensitized spleen tissue., M K. Hultgren, R L. Druet, and D T. Janigan
Experimental amyloidosis in mice, effect of high and low protein diets., W T. West
Experimental amyloidosis. IV. Effect of colloidal gold on the development of amyloidosis., J B. Kirkpatrick and G D. Sorenson
Experimental amyloidosis, rates of induction, lymphocyte depletion and thymic atrophy., R L. Druet and D T. Janigan
Experimental amyloidosis, role of antigenicity and rapid induction., D T. Janigan and R L. Druet
Experimental amyloidosis, studies with a modified casein method, casein hydrolysate and gelatin., D T. Janigan
Experimental amyloidosis. V. Relationship between experimental glomerular amyloid and the mesangial region., T Shimaura and G D. Sorenson
Experimental analysis of genetic determinants in resistance to infectious disease., J W. Gowen
Experimental analysis of the origin of cell types in the development of the mouse thymus., R Auerbach
Experimental analysis of the site of action of the ichthyosis locus in the mouse., Barbara Naomi Alpert
Experimental analysis of the thalamo-cortical projection in anophthalmic (zrdct-an) and normal enucleated mice (zrdct-n). Abstr., abramof I. Kaiserman
Experimental and clinical studies of gallium. Abstr., J Arseneau, R Adamson, M Hart, S Larson, R Aamodt, G Johnson, and G Canellos
Experimental and clinical studies on an anti-tumor activity of ox substance., T Ofuji
Experimental and clinical use of fluorinated pyrimidines in cancer chemotherapy., C Heidelberger and F J. Ansfield
Experimental and computational approaches yield a high-resolution, 1-Mb physical map of the region harboring the mouse t haplotype sterility factor, tcs1., A Planchart and J C. Schimenti
Experimental and spontaneous diabetes in animals, what is their relevance to human diabetes mellitus., A Renold, I Burr, and W Stauffacher
Experimental anticancer studies. Part 13. On the streptolysin-s- -synthetizing and anticancer activities of cell-free extract from living hemolytic streptococci., S Koshimura and S Shoin
Experimental anticancer studies. XX. Effect of live hemolytic strep- tococci, grown in ribonucleic acid-containing broth, on tumor cells., H Okamoto, A Fujimura, T Hayashi, N Nishida, R Shimizu, and S Koshimura
Experimental anticancer studies. Xxi. Effect of penicillin treatment of hemolytic streptococcus on its anticancer activity., S Koshimura, R Shimizu, A Fujimura, and H Okamoto
Experimental anticancer studies. Xxiii. Further experiments on the antitumor activity of 4-amino-6-octylresorcinol hydrochloride., R Koshiura, S Koshimura, and Y Bando
Experimental antitumor activity and preclinical toxicology of myco- phenolic acid., M J. Sweeney, K Gerzon, P N. Harris, R E. Holmes, G A. Poore, and R H. Williams
Experimental antitumor activity and toxicity of a new antibiotic: bbm 928a. Abstr., W C. Rose, J E. Schurig, J B. Huftalen, and W T. Bradner
Experimental antitumor activity and toxicity of the mitomycin analogue, rr-150. Abstr., W T. Bradner, J E. Schurig, J B. Huftalen, W C. Rose, and A Schlein
Experimental antitumor activity of 2'-o-nitro-1-beta-d-ara- -binofuranosylcytosine (nitara-c), a deaminase-resistant analog of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine (ara-c). Abstr., T L. Chwang and T L. Avery
Experimental antitumor activity of acetylenic carbamates. Abstr., G A. Poore and R D. Dillard
Experimental antitumor activity of a new nitrosourea derivative, a cysteamine chlorethyl nitrosourea: c.n.c.c. Abstr., M Hayat, C Jasmin, C Bourut, E Chenu, and G Mathe
Experimental antitumor activity of crystalline l-asparaginase from e. Coli b. Abstr., P K. Ho and G A. Poore
Experimental applications of bone marrow transplantation., C C. Congdon and A Hollaender
Experimental approaches to the evaluation of possible tumour dissemination by aspiration biopsy. Abstr., B Hagmar and O Eriksson
Experimental attempts to determine differences between sublines of a transplantable testicular teratome, 402A., Thomas D. Gelehrter
Experimental attempts to determine the effects of pretreatment upon host response to a tumor isograft., Thomas D. Gelehrter
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice. Antigen binding lymphocytes to basic protein of myelin in susceptible and resistant strains., C C. Bernard, I M. Roberts, and I R. Mackay
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice. Genetic control of susceptibility., C C. Bernard
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice. Immunologic re- sponse to mouse spinal cord and myelin basic proteins., C C. Bernard and P R. Carnegie
Experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (eamg) in mice: role of ia molecule. Abstr., P Cristadoss, C J. Krco, V A. Lennon, E H. Lambert, and C S. David
Experimental autoimmune orchitis in t-cell-deficient mice., C C. Bernard, G F. Mitchell, and A Bargerbos
Experimental autoimmune thyroditis. In vitro cytotoxic effects of t lymphocytes on thyroid monolayers., P Creemers, N R. Rose, and Y M. Kong
Experimental basis for clinical evaluation of two new alkaloids from vinca rosea linn. Abstr., I S. Johnson, G H. Svoboda, and H F. Wright
Experimental brain tumours., H Fraser and I M. Connell
Experimental Brucella canis infection in the monkey (Macaca arctoides)., D H. Percy, I N. Egwu, and A M. Jonas
Experimental campylobacter jejuni infection of adult mice., M J. Blaser, D J. Duncan, G H. Warren, and W L. Wang
Experimental cancer of the uterus in c3h strain mice., E Wachtel
Experimental carcinogenesis by 4-nitro-quinoline n-oxide (4nqo) 11. Abstr., R Kinosita, T Tanaka, and T Kakefuda
Experimental carcinogenesis in pregnant mice, a preliminary report., A Sedlis and D F. Stone
Experimental carcinogenesis of the lung. II. Influence of phenols in the production of carcinoma., R Tye and K L. Stemmer
Experimental carcinogenesis of the lung. Inhalation of gaseous formaldehyde or an aerosol of coal tar by c3h mice., A W. Horton, R Tye, and K L. Stemmer
Experimental carcinogenesis with antituberculous drugs. Abstr., F J. Roe, R L. Carter, and B C. Mitchley
Experimental carcinoma of the endometrium., N Baba and E Von haam
Experimental carcinoma of the endometrium. Abstr., N Baba
Experimental carcinoma of the uterine cervix., D G. Scarpelli and E Von haam
Experimental chagas' disease: kinetics of lymphocyte responses and immunological control of the transition from acute to chronic trypanosoma cruzi infection., M M. Hayes and F Kierszenbaum
Experimental characterization of 3D localization techniques for particle-tracking and super-resolution microscopy., M J. Mlodzianoski, M F. Juette, G L. Beane, and J Bewersdorf
Experimental chemotherapy., D L. Woodhouse
Experimental chemotherapy in chemically induced mouse tumors and their transplants., F Homburger, A B. Russfield, J R. Baker, and A Tregier
Experimental chemotherapy of cancer - a report of progress., K Sugiura
Experimental chemotherapy of carcinoma of the human stomach and colon serially transplanted in nude mice., T Kubota, Y Shimosato, and K Nagai
Experimental chemotherapy of human malignant tumors serially heterotransplanted in nude mice. Abstr., B C. Giovanella, J S. Stehlin, R C. Shepard, and A Goldin
Experimental chemotherapy of human malignant tumors transplanted subcutaneously and under the kidney capsule of nude mice. Abstr., B C. Giovanella, J S. Stehlin, and R C. Shepard
Experimental chemotherapy studies. I. Chemical and metabolic investigations of chloroquine mustard., R J. Rutman, W J. Steele, and C C. Price
Experimental chemotherapy studies. Iii. Properties of dna from ascites cells treated in vivo with nitrogen mustard., R H. Golder, guzman G. Martin, J Jones, N O. Stein, A Rotenberg, and R J. Rutman
Experimental chemotherapy studies. II. The reactions of chloroquine mustard (cqm) and nitrogen mustard (hn2) with ehrlich cells., R J. Rutman, W J. Steele, and C C. Price
Experimental chemotherapy studies. IV. The protective action of mercaptoalkylamines against alkylating agents., R J. Rutman, F S. Lewis, and C C. Price
Experimental chimerism in a genetic defect in the house mouse mus musculus., M J. Seller and P E. Polani
Experimental cholestasis promotes the deposition of glomerular iga immune complexes., S N. Emancipator, G R. Gallo, R Razaboni, and M E. Lamm
Experimental chronochemotherapy with methylglyoxal bis-(guanyl- hydrazone) (methyl-gag). Abstr., H Takami, J Miyata, K Ishibiki, O Abe, and K Nishioka
Experimental conditions for obtaining suppressor and helper effects on the primary in vitro immune response by lymphocytes activated by polyclonal t-cell activators., L Nespoli, G Moller, D Waterfield, and R Ekstedt
Experimental copper deficiency in laboratory mice., S A. Kincaid and W W. Carlton
Experimental corneal allograft rejection: description of murine model and a new hypothesis of immunopathogenesis., J W. Chandler, keil L. Ray, and T E. Gillette
Experimental coxiella burnetii infection of guinea pigs and mice., G H. Scott, G T. Burger, and R A. Kishimoto
Experimental cryptosporidiosis in laboratory mice., D Sherwood, K W. Angus, D R. Snodgrass, and S Tzipori
Experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis in the hairless mouse, mus mus- culus. Abstr., A Packchanian
Experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis: vi. Anergy and allergy in the cellular immune response during non-healing infection in different strains of mice., P M. Preston, K Behbehani, and D C. Dumonde
Experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis. V. Protective immunity in subclinical and self-healing infection in the mouse., P M. Preston and D C. Dumonde
Experimental demonstration of the cumulative frustration effect in C3H mice., P L. Rabe
Experimental design for gene expression microarrays., M K. Kerr and G A. Churchill
Experimental diphtheritic neuropathy in the mouse. A study in cellular resistance., R Mellick, L Dolan, and A D. Kidman
Experimental dwarfism and tumors brought about by means of cancerous nucleoproteins., Y Valladares
Experimental dwarfism and tumours brought about by means of cancerous nucleoproteins., Y Valladares
Experimental effects of histamine on skeletal muscle of mice. Abstr., W K. O'steen
Experimental effects of hyperbaric oxygen on selected clostridial species. II. In-vivo studies in mice., G B. Hill and S Osterhout
Experimental endocrine tumors with special reference to the adrenal cortex., G W. Woolley
Experimental ependymoblastoma (fine structure)., R Rubin, C H. Sutton, and H M. Zimmerman
Experimental epidermal hyperplasia in mice, relation to carcino- genesis., O Skjaeggestad
Experimental erythrocyte autoantibodies. V. Induction and suppression of red blood cell autoantibodies in mice injected with rat bromelain-treated red blood cells., K O. Cox and A Mcauliffe
Experimental erythrocyte autoimmunity prevented by suppressor t cells in mice treated with cyclosporin-a., K O. Cox, A C. Allison, and B Samcewicz
Experimental evaluation of actinomycin d., J A. Dipaolo
Experimental evaluation of potential anticancer agents. Iii. Repro- ducibility of primary animal tumor systems employed in the ccnsc program., F M. Schabel, H E. Skipper, and L White
Experimental evaluation of potential anticancer agents. I. Quantita- tive therapeutic evaluation of certain purine analogs., F Schabel, J A. Montgomery, H E. Skipper, W R. Laster, and J R. Thomson
Experimental evaluation of potential anticancer agents. IV. Host weight loss as it relates to false positives in drug evaluation., W R. Laster, J F. Schabel, J H. Skipper, W S. Wilcox, and J R. Thomson
Experimental evaluation of potential anticancer agents. IX. The ribonucleosides and ribonucleotides of two purine antagonists., J A. Montgomery, F M. Schabel, and H E. Skipper
Experimental evaluation of potential anticancer agents. VI. Anatomical distribution of leukemic cells and failure of chemotherapy., H E. Skipper, F M. Schabel, M W. Trader, and J R. Thomson
Experimental evaluation of potential anticancer agents. Viii. Effects of certain nitrosoureas on intracerebral l1210 leukemia., F M. Schabel, T P. Johnston, G S. Caleb, J A. Montgomery, R. Laster, and H E. Skipper
Experimental evaluation of potential anticancer agents. XV. On the relative rates of growth and host kill of 'single' leukemia cells that survive in vivo cytoxan therapy., W S. Wilcox, F M. Schabel, and H E. Skipper
Experimental exploration of the critical period hypothesis., J P. Scott, E Fredericson, and J L. Fuller
Experimental gastric erosion by salt solutions. Abstr., R Kinosita, T Seto, and S Igarasi
Experimental genetics of the mammalian embryo., K Illmensee
Experimental gliomas cultured in vitro. Morphological and histochemi- cal study., K Renkawek, H Kroh, and Z Krasnicka
Experimental hepatic amyloidosis in mice, light and electron microscopy. Abstr., G D. Sorenson and W A. Heefner
Experimental hydro-uteri (hydrometra) in rodents and some factors determining their formation., F Homburger, M S. Grossman, and A Tregier
Experimental hypersensitivity pneumonitis in mice influenced by genes within the i-b subregion of the h-2 complex. Abstr., B D. Wilson, J L. Sternick, Y Yoshizawa, and V L. Moore
Experimental hypoplastic marrow failure in the mouse., K Kubota, H Mizoguchi, Y Miura, and F Takaku
Experimental hypoplastic marrow failure in the mouse ii. Abstr., K Kubota, H Mizoguchi, Y Miura, T Suda, and F Takaku
Experimental iga nephropathy., A Rifai, P A. Small, P O. Teague, and E M. Ayoub
Experimental iga nephropathy induced by oral immunization., S N. Emancipator, G R. Gallo, and M E. Lamm
Experimental immunologically mediated aplastic anemia (aa) in h-2 identical, mls (m) locus different mice. Abstr., W H. Knospe, D Steinberg, and B Speck
Experimental immunotherapy of minimal residual tumor using neuraminidase. Abstr, R L. Simmons, A Rios, and J R. Schmidtke
Experimental induction of alopecia areata-like hair loss in C3H/HeJ mice using full-thickness skin grafts., K J. McElwee, D Boggess, L E. King, and J P. Sundberg
Experimental induction of mammogenesis and lactogenesis in the dwarf mouse., L E. Pissott and S Nandi
Experimental induction of splenomegaly and erythrocytopoiesis by a murine virus. Abstr., J R. Philip, W Weaver, T Fujikura, and B V. Siegel
Experimental induction of testicular teratomas in dissociated- -reaggregated chimaeric gonads., U Regenass, T D. Friedrich, and L C. Stevens
Experimental induction of testicular teratomas in dissociated-reaggregated chimaeric gonads., U Regenass, T D. Friedrich, and L C. Stevens
Experimental infection of a cat kidney cell line with the mouse mammary tumor virus., E Y. Lasfargues, J C. Lasfargues, A S. Dion, A E. Greene, and D H. Moore
Experimental investigation of teratogenic action., H Kalter
Experimental investigation of uterine infections of mice due to pasteurella pneumotropica., D K. Blackmore and S Casillo
Experimental investigations in murine akm leukemia., E Nastac, B Anagnoste, and G Balmus
Experimental investigations in murine akm leukemia., E Nastac, B Anagnoste, and G Balmus
Experimental investigations in murine leukemia. Iii. Results of intracerebral passages on heterologous species of the filtrable factor from the tumor of leukemic mice (akm). (roum., Eng. Summ.), E Nastac, B Anagnoste, and G Balmus
Experimental investigations in murine leukemia. II. Pathogenicity for the white hybrid mouse of murine leukemic products from the akm line. (roum., Eng. Summ.), E Nastac, B Anagnoste, and G Balmus
Experimental investigations in murine leukemia. I. Transmissible encephalopathy in guinea pigs and rabbits by the inoculation of leukemic product from akm mice., E Nastac and B Anagnoste
Experimental investigations in murine leukemia. IV. Anatomopath- ologic study. (roum., Eng. Summ.), E Nastac, G Balmus, and B Anagnoste
Experimental investigations in murine leukemia. VI. Experimental and histopathologic study of developing chick embryos inoculated with murine leukemia products of line c57., E Nastac, G Balmus, G Popescu, G Rutter, and M Lungu
Experimental investigations in murine leukemia. V. Isolation of a cytopathic agent from murine leukemic products line c57 in 'in vitro' human embryo cultures. (roum., Eng. Summ.), E Nastac, M Lungu, G Dona, and G Rutter
Experimental investigations into the antitumoral activity of 1,2,5, 6-tetrahydromethane-sulphonyl-d-mannitol (tsm)., G Kendrey, J Balo, J Juhasz, G Gyenes, and M Sellyei
Experimental leukemia chemotherapy with a 'lysosomotropic' adriamycin- -dna complex., A Trouet, D D. Campeneere, M. Smedt, A, and G Atassi
Experimental lung cancer. An attempt to produce epithelial changes in the respiratory tract of strain a/j mice using 3-methylcholanthrene., M B. Divertie, J L. Titus, and R G. Shorter
Experimentally induced myelination of amyelinated axons in dystrophic mice., C A. Stirling
Experimentally-induced neoplasms in the skin of mice. II. The influ- ence of age on tumor induction in rhino mice., P D. Forbes
Experimentally induced otitis and audiogenic seizure in the mouse., M M. Niaussat
Experimentally induced susceptibility to audiogenic seizure., S Chung and M S. Johnson
Experimental malaria, effects upon the immune response to different antigens., L R. Barker
Experimental malaria in the cba/n mouse., A N. Jayawardena, C A. Janeway, and J D. Kemp
Experimental mammalian teraogenesis, a study of galactoflavin-induced hydrocephalus in mice., H Kalter
Experimental manipulation of preleukemic change in whole-body irradiated rfm/up mice., F C. Ludwig, M M. Morat, and W G. Schug
Experimental maternal hyperpipecolatemia decreases DNA in the mouse brain., J S. Kim, M D. Cutierrex, E Giacobini, and J P. Sundberg
Experimental metastatis correlates with cyclic amp accumulation in b16 melanoma clones., J R. Sheppard, T P. Koestler, S P. Corwin, C Buscarino, O Doll, B Lester, R G. Greig, and G Poste
Experimental model for adult pure red cell aplasia (prca). @@@@action Of the igg inhibitor(s) on erythroid precursors normal mice. Abstr., C Peschle and R Ghio
Experimental model for combination chemotherapy with metronidazole using human uterine cervical carcinomas transplanted into nude mice., H Tokita, N Tanaka, K Sekimoto, T Ueno, K Okamoto, and S Fujimura
Experimental model for liver metastasis formation using lewis lung tumor., L Kopper, T V. Hanh, and K Lapis
Experimental models for evaluation of host defenses in cancer., K Stern and A Goldfeder
Experimental models for prevention of graft-versus-host reaction in bone marrow transfusion. II. Inability to prevent graft- -versus-host reaction in an h-2 identical combination., H Nagino, K Nomoto, A Kuroiwa, S Miyazaki, N Goya, and K Takeya
Experimental models for prevention of graft-versus-host reaction in bone marrow transfusion. Iii. Reversible and irreversible differentiation of lymphocytes destined for cytotoxicity to effector cells for splenomegaly., S Miyazaki, K Nomoto, A Kuroiwa, N Goya, and K Takeya
Experimental modification of brain weight and behavior in mice: an enrichment study., R A. Collins
Experimental mucormycosis in congenitally athymic (nude) mice., M J. Corbel and S M. Eades
Experimental murine amyloid. Iii. Anyloidosis induced with endotoxins., W F. Barth, J T. Willweson, R Asofsky, and S M. Wolff
Experimental murine amyloid. IV. Amyloidosis and immunoglobulins., J T. Willerson, R Asofsky, and W F. Barth
Experimental murine amyloidosis -- evaluation of induction methods and strain difference., T Suzuki, S Ishikawa, T Motoyama, and S Oboshi
Experimental murine amyloidosis: experience with candid albicans as an amyloidogenic agent and liver biopsy as a diagnostic tool., A Savage and C R. Tribe
Experimental murine amyloidosis ii: effect of penicillamine therapy., A Savage, C Hinton, and C R. Tribe
Experimental murine amyloidosis in x-irradiated recipients of spleen homogenates or serum from sensitized donors., D T. Janigan and R L. Druet
Experimental murine candidiasis: cell-mediated immunity after cutaneous challenge., S A. Moser, J E. Domer, and F J. Mather
Experimental murine hypersensitivity pneumonitis: multigenic control and influence by genes within the i-b subregion of the h-2 complex., B D. Wilson, J L. Sternick, Y Yoshizawa, A Katzenstein, and V L. Moore
Experimental murine infections with a mycobacterium avium- -intracellulare complex organism isolated from mice., K S. Waggie, J E. Wagner, and R H. Lentsch
Experimental murine leprosy. 2 Further evidence for varying susceptibility of outbred mice and evaluation of the response of 5 inbred mouse strains to infection with mycobacterium lepraemurium., O Closs and O A. Haugen
Experimental murine leprosy. 3. Early local reaction to mycobacter- ium lepraemurium in c3h and c57bl mice., O Closs and O A. Haugen
Experimental murine leprosy. 4. The gross appearance and microscopic features of the local infiltrate after subcutaneous inoculation of c3h and c57bl mice with mycobacterium lepraemurium., O Closs and O A. Haugen
Experimental murine leprosy. 6. Cellular reactions in the draining lymph node after injection of mycobacterium lepraemurium into the foot-pads of mice., O A. Haugen and O Closs
Experimental murine leprosy. 8. Ultrastructural features of the inflammatory exudate and bacterial morphology in c3h and c57bl mice after foot-pad inoculation with mycobacterium lepraemurium., O A. Haugen, F Skjorten, and O Closs
Experimental murine leprosy. IX. Antibodies against mycobacterium lepraemurium in c3h and c57bl mice with murine leprosy and in patients with lepromatous leprosy., O Closs and G Kronvall
Experimental myasthenia gravis. A murine system., P W. Berman and J Patrick
Experimental myasthenia in balb/c mice immunized with rat acetylcholine receptor from rat denervated muscle., D A. Granato, B W. Fulpius, and J F. Moody
Experimental myasthenia in balb/c mice immunized with rat denervated muscle acetylcholine receptor. Abstr., D Granato, B Fulpius, and J F. Moody
Experimental myasthenia in mice. The role of the thymus and lymphoid cells., S Kawanami and R Mori
Experimental mycobacterial granulomas by monoclonal antibodies., R C. Mathew, I Katayama, S K. Gupta, J Curtis, N J. Turk, and S O. In
Experimental mycobacterial infection in congenitally athymic 'nude' mice., K Ueda, S Yamazaki, and S Someya
Experimental mycoplasma mastitis in mice., J C. Anderson, C J. Howard, and R N. Gourlay
Experimental observations on the eosinopenia induced by acute infection., J E. Morgan and P B. Beeson
Experimental observations on the eosinopenia induced by acute infection. Abstr., J Morgan and P Beeson
Experimental observations on the significance of cell burden in tumor control., C A. Perez, C C. Stewart, and B Wagner
Experimental osteopetrosis., D G. Walker
Experimental parainfluenza type 1 virus-induced encephalo- pathy in adult mice., nowosielska I. Zgorniak, Y Iwasaki, T Tachovsky, R Tanaka, and H Koprowski
Experimental parthenogenesis in the mouse., A Tarkowski, A Witkowska, and J Nowicka
Experimental particle radiation therapy in animal neoplasia i. Electron versus x-irradiation. Abstr., S Lippincott, J Montour, J Wilson, S Cohn, and R Flora
Experimental particle radiation therapy in animal neoplasia ii. 18.5 Mev proton irradiation. Abstr., J Montour, S Lippincott, J Wilson, and C Aydar
Experimental phenylketonuria in mice. Abstr., R V. Brown
Experimental pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in c3h/hej and c3heb/fej mice., P D. Walzer, M E. Rutledge, and K Yoneda
Experimental pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in different strains of cortisonized mice., P D. Walzer, R D. Powell, and K Yoneda
Experimental post and pre-surgical tumor active immunotherapy. Abstr., G Mathe, F Econimides, and rosset M. Bruley
Experimental production of actinomycetoma in balb/c mice., H Zlotnik and H R. Buckley
Experimental production of congenital malformations in strains of inbred mice by maternal treatment with hypervitanimosis a., H Kalter and J Warkany
Experimental production of hyperostosis frontalis interna in mice., G Rudali
Experimental production of intramandibular carcinoma in mice by mechanical damage., C F. Hollander and T G. Rijssel
Experimental production of leukemia and polycythemia vera and immunotherapia assays upon cancer and leukemia., Y Valladares
Experimental production of possible autoimmune gastritis followed by macrocytic anemia in athymic nude mice., A Kojima, O Taguchi, and Y Nishizuka
Experimental production of testicular teratomas in mice., L C. Stevens
Experimental production of testicular teratomas in mice., L C. Stevens
Experimental production of testicular teratomas in mice of strains 129, A/He, and their F1 hybrids., L C. Stevens
Experimental production of testicular teratomas in mice of strains 129, a/he, and their f1 hybrids., L C. Stevens
Experimental production of testicular teratomas in strain a/he mice. Abstr., L C. Stevens
Experimental production of testicular teratomas in the mouse., L C. Stevens
Experimental production of testicular teratomas in the mouse., L C. Stevens
Experimental production of transplantable tumors from balb/c mice infected with friend virus leukemia. Abstr., P J. Dawson, A H. Fieldsteel, and W L. Bostick
Experimental pseudomonas keratitis in immunosuppressed hybrid mice., L D. Hazlett, D D. Rosen, and R S. Berk
Experimental red cell chimerism in the heterozygote (wvw) of the w-series mutants in the house mouse., M J. Seller
Experimental renal heterotransplantation. II. Closely related species, R J. Perper and J S. Najarian
Experimental results from exposure of cloudman s-91 melanoma in the cdba/2f1 hybrid mouse to neodymium or ruby laser radiation., J P. Minton, M Zelen, and A S. Ketcham
Experimental runt disease in mice caused by salmonella typhimurium, var. Copenhagen., M S. Brooke
Experimental salmonellosis. Hypersensitivity to cell wall lipo- polysaccharide and anti-infectious resistance of mice infected with salmonella., M Kawakami, Y Hara, and N Osawa
Experimental screening of 3 forms and 19 derivatives or analogs of ellipticine, oncostatic effect of l1210 leukaemia and immunosuppres- sive effect of 4 of them., M Hayat, G Mathe, M Janot, P Potier, xuong N. Dat, A Cave, T Sevenet, fan C. Kan, J Poisson, J Miet, J L. Men, F L. Goffie, A Gouyette, A Ahond, L K. Dalton, and T Connors
Experimental screening of 3 forms and 19 derivatives or analogs of ellipticine. Oncostatic efficiency on l1210 and immunosuppressive effect of 4 of them. Abstr., M Hayat, G Mathe, E Chenu, M M. Janot, J Poisson, J L. Men, A Cave, Potier, F L. Goffic, A Gouyette, xuong D. at, A Hond, fan C. Kah, T Sevenet, L K. Dalton, and T A. Connors
Experimental sebaceous gland suppression on the adult male mouse., W S. Bullough and E B. Laurence
Experimental skin carcinogenesis in mice., O H. Iversen and A Evensen
Experimental skin lesions in mice resembling systemic lupus erythema- tosus., P G. Natali and E M. Tan
Experimental solid tumors. The role of macrophages and lymphocytes as effector cells., J S. Haskill, L A. Radov, Y Yamamura, E Parthenias, J H. Korn, and F L. Ritter
Experimental sporotrichosis in congenitally athymic (nude) mice., A Shiraishi, K Nakagaki, and T Arai
Experimental stimulation of cell-mediated immunity without concomitant stimulation of humoral immunity in graft-versus-host immunosuppressed mice., W Treiber and W S. Lapp
Experimental studies by tissue culture of a new murine leukosis virus (ml.v)., Y Hamazaki, T Murao, and T Murao
Experimental studies in mice on the late effects of radioactive and nonradioactive contrast media., J P. Bensted
Experimental studies in tumor immunology., G Klein
Experimental studies of dynamic behavior of cells in subcutaneous solid tumor (mh 134-c3h/he)., N Iijima, T Yamamoto, K Inoue, S Soo, A Matsuzawa, O Kanno, and Y Matsui
Experimental studies of 'lethargic' mutant mice., H Dung and R Swigart
Experimental studies of premature ageing., P Ebbesen
Experimental studies of the inheritance of color in mice., C C. Little
Experimental studies of thymic function in nzb mice and the f1 hybrids with c3h., M C. Holmes and F M. Burnet
Experimental studies on 8-hydroxyquinoline in rats and mice., W C. Hueper
Experimental studies on betel nut and tobacco carcino- genecity., K J. Ranadive, S V. Gothoskar, A R. Rao, B U. Tezabwalla, and R Y. Ambaye
Experimental studies on carcinogenesis., K J. Ranadive
Experimental studies on induced tumor resistence., K H. Horn
Experimental studies on metaplasia of the uterine mucosa in mice. (eng. Summary), T Gorski and A Drzaszcz
Experimental studies on mitomycin c. 3. Combined therapy., B Sokoloff, K Enomoto, C C. Saelhof, K Nabayashi, B M. Connell, K Funaoka, L Bird, and C Miller
Experimental studies on the antitumor effect of ethidium bromide and related substances., H Nishiwaki, M Miura, K Imai, R Ohno, K Kawashima, O Ezaki, R Ueda, H Yoshikawa, K Nagata, H Takeyama, and K Yamada
Experimental studies on the development of the thymus., M A. Moore and J J. Owen
Experimental studies on the effect of ultrasound on mouse embryos. Abstr., R Shoji, E Momma, T Shimizu, and S Matsuda
Experimental studies on the method of administration of antitumor antibiotics. (in Japanese), S Honyo
Experimental studies on the mouse brain tumors., S Kawai, Y Ishida, K Suto, and I Nagashima
Experimental studies on the newly developed inbred line of albino mouse, the 'icrc mouse'., P B. Mistry and K J. Ranadive
Experimental studies with etheron sponge, effect of implantation in tumor-bearing animals., M S. Arons, S M. Sabesin, and R R. Smith
Experimental studies with the antitumor agent maytansine. Abstr., R H. Adamson, S M. Sieber, peng J. Whang, and H B. Wood
Experimental study of low-level radiation carcinogenesis. Abstr., A C. Upton, R C. Brown, J W. Conklin, G E. Cosgrove, E Darden, M A. Kasterbaum, T T. Odell, L J. Serrano, R L. Tyndall, and H E. Jr
Experimental study of metastases., A S. Ketcham, H Wexler, and J P. Minton
Experimental study of the achondroplasia gene effects in the mouse., B V. Konyukhov and Y V. Paschin
Experimental study of the anti-neoplastic activity of chlorambucil., A I. Kravchenko and A A. Grishina
Experimental study of the relationship between vitamin b12 and two animal tumour systems., C C. Rigby and M Bodian
Experimental study on effectiveness of local immunochemotherapy on mouse skin cancer., T Wada, T Nakajima, H Ohno, M Harada, O Morita, and T Sakamoto
Experimental study on the antileukemic effects of the recently developed aclacinomycin a. Abstr., N Nara, T Miyamoto, A Kurisu, M Bessho, and K Hirashima
Experimental study on the mechanism of radiation-induced myeloid leukemogenesis. Abstr., K Hirashima, M Bessho, I Hayata, I Jinnai, I Murohasi, N Nara, Kawase, and M Ohtani
Experimental teratoid tumor after fetectomy in mice., K Katsuse, M Sakurai, and H Kitamura
Experimental teratoma., I Damjanov and D Solter
Experimental therapy of nephrogenic anemia by an erythropoietin- producing human tumor., Y Ueyama, Y Kuwahara, H Takahashi, K Maruo, Y Hioki, M Saito, K Esaki, T Nomura, O Tamaoki, and N O. In
Experimental thyroiditis in complement intact and deficient mice following injections of heterologous thyroglobulins without adjuvant., R M. Nakamura and W O. Weigle
Experimental toxoplasma gondii infection in mice. The role of the fifth component of complement., F G. Araujo, L T. Rosenberg, and J S. Remington
Experimental transmission of atypical ileal hyperplasia of hamsters., R O. Jacoby, G W. Osbaldiston, and A M. Jonas
Experimental trypanosoma cruzi cardiomyapathy in balb/c mice. The potential role of intravascular platelet aggregation in its genesis., M A. Rossi, S Goncalves, and dos santos Ribeiro
Experimental trypanosoma cruzi myocarditis, relative effects upon the right and left ventricles., R Kumar, I K. Kline, and W H. Abelmann
Experimental tumoricidal effects of monoclonal antibody against solid breast tumors., P M. Capone, L D. Papsidero, G A. Croghan, and T M. Chu
Experimental tumor inhibition by iodinated suture. Abstr., J W. Keller and W G. Pace
Experimental tumour metastases and blood coagulability., B Hagmar
Experimental tumours in the anterior lobe of the pituitary., O Muhlbock and H G. Kwa
Experimental tumours showing hormone dependence., P C. Williams
Experimental turpentine abscesses in aggressive and non-aggressive inbred strains of mice. Abstr., G M. Martin, D Manring, and E P. Benditt
Experimental zirconium granulomas and chondromas in cba mice., W B. Shelley and C J. Raque
Experimental zoster-like herpes simplex in hairless mice., V Constantine, R Francis, and B Mason
Experiment and discussion on leukaemogenesis by cell-free extracts of radiation-induced leukaemia in mice., R Latarjet and J Duplan
Experimentelle mauseamyloidose nach injektion von pflanzenolen., W Zschiesche
Experimentelle ovarialtumoren., A Lipschutz
Experimenteller beitrag zur problem der genese des lungenkrebses., M Mestitzova and P Kossey
Experimentell erzcugte craniofaciale dipplasien., O Lund, K Degenhardt, and G Badtke
Experimentelle segmentierungsstorungen., K Theiler
Experimentelle tumorindiktion mit urethanaerosolen., H Otto and D Plotz
Experimentelle untersuchungen und zellkinetische berechnungen zur frage der synchronisation mit vincristin in vivo (mauseleukamie l1210, krypten-epithelien der maus)., W Jellinghaus, R Maidhof, B Schultze, and W Maurer
Experimentelle untersuchungen zur syncarcinogenese. II. Versuche zur krebserzeugung bei mausen bei gleichzeitiger applikation von urethan und 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracen., D Schmahl, C Thomas, and H Brune
Experimentelle untersuchungen zur tumorinduktion mit der gasphase des zigarettentauchs., H Otto and H Elmenhorst
Experiments aiming at demonstrating microsomal drug metabolism in the tumor tissue., M G. Donelli, S Colombo, and S Garattini
(experiments In inducing genetic transformations in animals with deoxyribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleoprotein.) (in Russian), S M. Gersenzon, I P. Kok, L V. Samos, N M. Turkevic, and N J. Federova
Experiments in macrophage reconstitution., Paul Rose
Experiments on mechanisms of metastasation: dependence on reaction susceptibility in the host., W Arnold
Experiments on postirradiation treatments with ascites tumor cells., G Silini
Experiments on the hematologic diversification of viral mouse leukemias., A Graffi, F Fey, and T Schramm
Experiments on the induction of tumor-specific resistance against isologous transplants of sarcomas induced by implantation of plastic pellets., K Horn, G Pasternak, and A Graffi
Experiments on the maternal-foetal barrier in the mouse. II. A test for the transmission of maternal serum albumin into the foetal cir- culation following x-irradiation., D P. Knobel and D Michie
Experiments on the mode of action of the radiation leukemia protec- tive ('rlp') activity of serum. Abstr., L Yip, P Yu, and M E. Hodes
Experiments on the radioprotective action of dimethyl sulphoxide., C Van der meer, P W. Valkenburg, and M Remmelts
Experiments on the transplantation and cell-free transmission of a reticulum cell sarcoma in balb/c mice. Abstr., P G. Stansly, D S. Ramsey, and H D. Soule
Experiments with beta-chain variants of the hemoglobin of mus musculus., J R. Morton and G Tobin
Experiments with tissue culture and heterologous transplantation of tumors., E E. Manuelidis
Experimetal influenza b virus toxicity in mice. A possible model for reye's syndrome., L E. Davis, L L. Cole, S J. Lockwood, and M Kornfeld
Explantation of extraembryonic parts of 7-day-old mouse egg cylinders., D Solter and I Damjanov
Explantation of extraembryonic parts of 7-day-old mouse egg cylinders., D Solter and I Damjanov
Explant culture of human bladder carcinoma cells on cellular and extracellular matrices. Abstr., C A. Reznikoff, K W. Gilchrist, and K B. Cummings
Exploration activity and emotionality of albino and pigmented mice, inheritance and effects of test illumination., C L. Goodrick
Exploration and learning behavior in mice selectively bred for high and low levels of activity., J Streng
Exploration de la fonction thymique che l'homme. I. Mise en evidence d'une hormone thymique circulante., J F. Bach, M Dardenne, and M Bach
Exploration of low-dose estrogen effects: identification of No Observed Transcriptional Effect Level (NOTEL)., E K. Lobenhofer, X Cui, L Bennett, P L. Cable, B A. Merrick, G A. Churchill, and C A. Afshari
Exploration of media changes and growth factors to enhance tumor growth in soft agar. Abstr., B Forseth, R E. Paque, and D D. Von hoff
Exploration of peripherally located calcium binding sites in the pancreatic beta-cell using radioactive (171-tm) thulium. Abstr., P R. Flatt, B Hellman, and E Gylfe
Exploration of the active site of mammalian thymidylate synthetase. Abstr., R Langenbach, P Danenberg, A Fridland, W Cleland, and C Heidelberger
Exploratory activity: genetic analysis of its modification by scopolamine and amphetamine., A Oliverio, B E. Eleftheriou, and D W. Bailey
Exploratory behaviour in two selectively-bred lines of mice after intrahippocampal injection of methylscopolamine., J H. Abeelen, G A. Ellenbroek, and H G. Wigman
Exploratory studies of vitamin a and cyclophosphamide in tumor- -bearing mice., L Nathanson, C L. Maddock, and T C. Hall
Exploring common features of gene cluster and desert nuclear organization and their links to gene expression., Laura Brenner
Exploring gene duplication on chromosome 1 to elucidate functional organization., Niculin Herz
Exploring novel mechanisms in a mouse model of rostrocaudal muscular dystrophy., Laura Supkoff
Exploring relationships between and within different classes of "gene deserts" in the mouse genome, Cheryl Zapata
Exploring the effect of a high fat diet on alternative transcript abundance., Nurit Pereg-Azouz
Exploring the elephant: histopathology in high-throughput phenotyping of mutant mice., Paul N Schofield, Peter Vogel, Georgios V Gkoutos, and John P Sundberg
Exploring the functional landscape of gene expression: directed search of large microarray compendia., M A. Hibbs, D C. Hess, C L. Myers, C Huttenhower, K Li, and O G. Troyanskaya
Exploring the human genome with functional maps., C Huttenhower, E M. Haley, M A. Hibbs, V Dumeaux, D R. Barrett, H A. Coller, and O G. Troyanskaya
Exploring the role of nuclear architecture in chromosome translocation patterns., Anthony R. Britt
Exponential decrease during aging and random lifetime of mouse spermatogonial stem cells., N Suzuki and H R. Withers
Exposing t cells in vitro to antigen-pulsed, ultraviolet-light treated mo induces specific unresponsiveness. Abstr., B J. Skidmore, J White, E C. Defreitas, J Kappler, P Marrack, and J M. Chiller
Exposure of neonatal mice to steroids. Longterm effects on the mammary gland and other reproductive structures., H A. Bern, L A. Jones, T Mori, and P N. Young
Exposure of thymocytes to a low temperature (4 c) inhibits the onset of their horome-induced cellular refractoriness., Y Zick, R Cesla, and S Shaltiel
Exposure-response curve for radiation-induced lung tumors in the mouse., J M. Yuhas and A E. Walker
Exposure to hyperbaric oxygen not beneficial for murine tetanus., G B. Hill and S Osterhout
Expression and biosynthetic variation of the epidermal growth factor receptor in human hepatocellular carcinoma-derived cell lines., C R. Carlin, D Simon, J Mattison, and B B. Knowles
Expression and cAMP-mediated regulation of the human gonadotropin alpha subunit gene in transfected mouse L-cells., N Fox and D Solter
Expression and cell membrane localization of catenins during mouse preimplantation development., M Ohsugi, S Y. Hwang, S Butz, B B. Knowles, D Solter, and R Kemler
Expression and detection of endogenous mouse c-type rna viruses., D R. Lowy, N M. Teich, and S K. Chattopadhyay
Expression and distribution of cell adhesion molecule uvomorulin in mouse preimplantation embryos., D Vestweber, A Gossler, K Boller, and R Kemler
Expression and function of i region determinants on immunocompentent cells. I. Selective expression of i-c region determinants on immune cells., C Henry and E L. Chan
Expression and function of i region products on immunocompetent cells. II. I region products in t-b interaction., C Henry, E L. Chan, and D Kodlin
Expression and immune recognition of SV40 Tag in transgenic mice that develop metastatic osteosarcomas [In Process Citation], I Marton, S E. Johnson, I Damjanov, K S. Currier, J P. Sundberg, and B B. Knowles
Expression and induction in vitro of macrophage differentiation antigens on murine cell lines., P Ralph, M Ho, P B. Litcofsky, and T A. Springer
Expression and localization of PCSK9 in rat hepatic cells., P N. Grozdanov, P M. Petkov, L K. Karagyozov, and M D. Dabeva
Expression and modulation of virus receptors on murine lymphoid and myeloid cells. Abstr., T Morishima, L C. Billups, P R. Mcclintock, and A L. Notkins
Expression and purification of Dll1 fusion proteins., Nicole Roos
Expression and regulation of the pituitary- and placenta-specific human glycoprotein hormone alpha-subunit gene is restricted to the pituitary in transgenic mice., N Fox and D Solter
Expression and shedding of major histocompatibility complex product and blood group antigens by cells in monolayer cultures., Y M. Plesser, D W. Weiss, and F Doljanski
Expression by human neuroblastoma cells of an antigen recognized by naturally occurring mouse anti-brain autoantibody., S E. Martin and W J. Martin
Expression des particules a et c dans les embryons de souris., J R. Maisin, collier M. Lambiet, M Janowski, and B P. Eyden
Expression in large amounts of both i-a and i-e antigens on the murine b-cell leukemia, bcl1., M Letarte, G Meghji, and G Lorimer
Expression in organ culture of agouti locus genes of the mouse., A S. Knisely, D L. Gasser, and W K. Silvers
Expression of 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in nonlympnoid hemopoietic cell lines., J M. Garland, M Lanotte, and T M. Dexter
Expression of a carbohydrate differentiation antigen, stage-specific embryonic antigen 1, in human colonic adenocarcinoma., Z R. Shi, L J. McIntyre, B B. Knowles, D Solter, and Y S. Kim
Expression of a cell surface glycoprotein (p180) related to cell-substratum adhesion during differentiation of mouse myeloid leukemia cells., K Sugiyama, M Tomida, Y Honma, and M Hozumi
Expression of a distinct b cell clonotype profile after recovery from antigen-induced unresponsiveness., H M. Etlinger and C H. Heusser
Expression of a forssman antigenic specificity in the preimlantation mouse embryo., K R. Willison and P L. Stern
Expression of alien h-2 specificities on a chemically induced balb/c fibrosarcoma., A Meschini, G Invernizzi, and G Parmiani
Expression of alien ia tumor antigens resulting from gene complementation between the ia and ie subregions. Abstr., S Wilbur, O Marrelli, and B Bonavida
Expression of allelic forms of antiphosphorylcholine (pc) antibodies in inbred and wild mice. Abstr., R Lieberman, M Potter, and S Rudikoff
Expression of alloantigens ly-5 and ly-6 on cytotoxic effector cells., J N. Woody, M Feldmann, P C. Beverley, and I F. Mckenzie
Expression of allogeneic MHC class I antigens by transgenic mouse trophoblast does not interfere with the normal course of pregnancy., B Shomer, V Toder, I Egorov, and R Ehrlich
Expression of alpha-galactosidase in preimplantation mouse embryos., D A. Adler, J D. West, and V M. Chapman
Expression of a microinjected immunoglobulin gene in the spleen of transgenic mice., R L. Brinster, K A. Ritchie, R E. Hammer, R L. O'brien, E Arp, and U Storb
Expression of a mouse ig v gene in antibodies of three immunoglobulin classes., T Imanishi, M Hurme, H Sarvas, and O Makela
Expression of an immunoglobulin vh gene in natural anti-hapten antibodies., O Makela and T Imanishi
Expression of antigens and antibody to mouse mammary tumor virus (mmtv) in low mammary tumor strains mice carrying endogenous mmtv. Abstr., D L. Fine, L O. Arthur, and G H. Smith
Expression of anti-phosphocholine ige antibodies in (cba/n x balb/c)f1 mice following secondary stimulation with ascaris suum. Abstr., E R. Clough and J J. Cebra
Expression of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induction in mouse tissues in vivo and in organ culture., K Burki, A Liebelt, and E Bresnick
Expression of a sex-linked gene in standard and fusion-chimeric mice., G Dunn
Expression of a sheep red blood cell receptor by a murine lymphoma., G N. Callahan, M A. Pellegrino, S Ferrone, L Haubrich, and R A. Reisfeld
Expression of a single major histocompatibility complex locus controls the immune response to poly-l-(tyrosine, glutamic acid)- -poly-dl-alanine--poly-l-lysine., B D. Deak, D Meruelo, and H O. Mcdevitt
Expression of a specific neuronal protein, 14-3-2, during in vitro differentiation of neuroblastoma cells., demare L. Legault, Y Zeitoun, D Lando, N Lamande, A, and F Gros
Expression of a unique tumor-rejection antigen on mouse cells transformed by the human papovavirus bk. Abstr., A E. Campbell and S S. Tevethia
Expression of autoimmunity by nzb/nzw marrow., M Azizuki, J P. Reeves, and A D. Steinberg
Expression of beta-glucuronidase haplotypes in prototype and congenic mouse strains., K Pfister, K Paigen, G Watson, and V Chapman
Expression of beta-glucuronidase haplotypes in prototype and congenic mouse strains., K Pfister, K Paigen, G Watson, and V Chapman
Expression of both i-a and i-e/c subregion antigens on accessory cells required for in vitro generation of cytotoxic t lymphocytes against alloantigens or tnbs-modified syngeneic cells., C B. Pettinelli, G B. Ahmann, and G M. Shearer
Expression of C/EBP as related to the nutritional and metabolic state of the Balbc/By mouse., Rosalie Truong
Expression of cell-defined h-y antigen on mouse epidermal cells., D Steinmuller and W J. Burlingham
Expression of cell surface antigens by suppressor t cell hybridomas. I. Comparison of phenotype and function., J Trial, J A. Kapp, C W. Pierce, D C. Shreffler, C M. Sorensen, and C Waltenbaugh
Expression of chitinase-like proteins in the skin of chronic proliferative dermatitis (cpdm/cpdm) mice., H HogenEsch, A Dunham, R Seymour, M Renninger, and J P. Sundberg
Expression of class II-MHC antigens by tumor-associated and peritoneal macrophages: systemic induction during tumor growth and tumor rejection., R Evans, S S. Blake, and J D. Saffer
Expression of cobalamin-transcobalamin ii receptors during proliferation of murine leukemia l1210 cells. Abstr., D W. Jacobsen, Y D. Montejano, and F M. Huennekens
Expression of common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (calla) on human malignant melanoma cell lines., S Carrel, kessen A. Schmidt, J Heumann, and C Girardet
Expression of Cre recombinase in mouse oocytes: a means to study maternal effect genes., Vries W. de, L T. Binns, K S. Fancher, J Dean, R Moore, R Kemler, and B B. Knowles
Expression of cross specific idiotype of anti-beta-(2-1),beta(2-6) polyfructosan antibodies of different inbred mouse strains. Abstr., C C. Chien and R Lieberman
Expression of cyr61, a growth factor-inducible immediate-early gene., T P. O'Brien, G P. Yang, L Sanders, and L F. Lau
Expression of cytokeratin polypeptides in mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos., E Lehtonen, V Lehto, T Vartio, R A. Badley, and I Virtanen
Expression of cytoplasmically inherited genes for chloram- phenicol resistance in interspecific somatic cell hybrids and cybrids., D C. Wallace and J M. Eisenstadt
Expression of Delta1 and Serrate1 (Jagged1) in the mouse inner ear., A Morrison, C Hodgetts, A Gossler, d e. Hrabe, and J Lewis
Expression of differentiated function by mammary carcinoma cells in vitro., R W. Turkington and M Riddle
Expression of differentiated functions in mouse neuroblastoma mediated by dibutyryl-cyclic adenosine monophosphate., P Furmanski, D J. Silverman, and M Lubin
Expression of differentiation antigens cross-reactive with ly+6.2 Alloantigens on mm102 mouse mammary tumor cells., T Kinouchi, H Fujiwara, and T Hamaoka
Expression of early fetal antigens on transformed mouse cells., L R. Gooding
Expression of endogenous c-type viral antigen on normal mouse haemopoietic stem cells., F G. Staber, E Schlafli, and C Moroni
Expression of endogenous mtv in somatic cell hybrids. Abstr., J Hilkens, D Schol, V Kroezen, F Buys, R Nauta, and J Hilgers
Expression of endogenous murine leukaemia viruses in akr/j streaker mice., H G. Bedigian, L D. Shultz, and H Meier
Expression of endogenous murine leukemia viruses during the course of a protracted immunological disorder., M Y. Armstrong, N H. Ruddle, and F F. Richards
Expression of endogenous murine leukemia viruses in AKR/J streaker mice., H G. Bedigian, L D. Shultz, and H Meier
Expression of endogenous retroviral glycoprotein 70 by antigen-activated cytotoxic and suppressor t lymphocytes of mice., D Klenner, I Horak, A Schimpl, and E Wecker
Expression of endogenous retroviruses in thymic lymphomas of akr mice. Abstr., F S. Pedersen, R L. Crowther, and W A. Haseltine
Expression of endogenous rna c-type virus group-specific antigens in mammalian cells., J R. Stephenson and S A. Aaronson
Expression of endogenous xenotropic retrovirus by methyl- cholanthrene-induced squamous cell carcinoma of the mouse respiratory tract., P Ebenstein, B Kinder, D O. Bankole, and M Y. Armstrong
Expression of epidermal growth factor family gene members in early mouse development., S E. Johnson, J L. Rothstein, and B B. Knowles
Expression of equivalent clonotypes in balb/c and a/j mice after immunization with phosphorylcholine., S Rudikoff and J L. Claflin
Expression of fetal and neonatal hepatic functions by mouse hepatoma-rat hepatoma hybrids., D Cassio and M C. Weiss
Expression of fetal antigens in tumor cells., C Ting, D H. Lavrin, G Shiu, and R B. Herberman
Expression of forssman antigen in the post-implantation mouse embryo., M G. Stinnakre, M J. Evans, K R. Willison, and P L. Stern
Expression of friend leukemia virus and spleen focus-forming virus-specific sequences in erythroid burst and granulocyte- -macrophage colonies from spleen and marrow of mice infected with friend leukemia virus., G Colletta, P P. Fiore, A Fucso, F Lettieri, A Covelli, and C Peschle
Expression of fv-4r allele in hematopoietic cells from g mice resistant to friend leukemia virus., H Ikeda and T Odaka
Expression of genes at the agouti locus and mitotic activity of the hair bulb of the mouse., D B. Galbraith
Expression of genes involved in mammalian meiosis during the transition from egg to embryo., S Y. Hwang, B Oh, B B. Knowles, D Solter, and J S. Lee
Expression of glial antigens c1 and m1 in developing and adult neurologically mutant mice., I Sommer and M Schachner
Expression of h-2 and ia antigens on mouse peritoneal neutrophils., K Okuda, B C. Neely, and C S. David
Expression of h-2 antigens on reticulocytes infected with p. Yoelii 17x. Abstr., A N. Jayawardena and D Burger
Expression of h-2b alloantigens in a variant of a moloney virus-induced yac (h-2a) lymphoma., E Kedar, M Schwartzbach, and E Klein
Expression of h-2dd and h-2ld mouse major histocompatibility antigen genes in l cells after dna-mediated gene transfer., D H. Margulies, G A. Evans, K Ozato, otero R. Camerini, E Tanaka, E Appella, and J G. Seidman
Expression of h-2 glycoproteins in different cell types. Abstr., A Van le and D Doyle
Expression of h-2k, h-2d and ia region products of foreign haplotypes on mouse tumour cells., F Garrido and H Festenstein
Expression of hepatitis B surface antigen in human cells by a recombinant BK virus DNA vector., A Caputo, Brodano G. Barbanti, P Reschiglian, M Gianni, M Mottes, P Miranda, G Milanesi, B B. Knowles, and R P. Ricciardi
Expression of histocompatibility-2 antigens on cultured cell lines derived from mouse blastocysts., rosenberg C. Ostrand, M Edidin, and M I. Sherman
Expression of histocompatibility antigens H-2K, -D, and -L is reduced in adenovirus-12-transformed mouse cells and is restored by interferon gamma., K B. Eager, J Williams, D Breiding, S Pan, B Knowles, E Appella, and R P. Ricciardi
Expression of human and suppression of mouse nucleolus organizer activitiy in mouse-human somatic cell hybrids., O J. Miller, D A. Miller, V G. Dev, and C M. Croce
Expression of human fetal brain antigens (fba) by human glio- blastoma (hgl) cells as defined by monoclonal antibodies (mca). Abstr., C J. Wikstrand, C N. Pegram, and M A. willbourdon
Expression of human hepatic genes in mouse hepatoma - human amniocyte hybrids., J K. Rankin and G J. Darlington
Expression of h-y antigen by female mice carrying sxr., E Simpson, A Mclaren, P Chandler, and K Tomonari
Expression of h-y antigen during spermatogenesis., G C. Koo, L R. Mittl, and C L. Goldberg
Expression of h-y antigen on preimplantation mouse embryos., C J. Epstein, S Smith, and B Travis
Expression of H-Y antigen unaltered in XY female mice., W K. Silvers, S Raab, L L. Washburn, and E M. Eicher
Expression of hybrid ia molecules on the cell surface of reticulum cell sarcomas that are undetectable on host sjl/j lymphocytes., S M. Wilbur and B Bonavida
Expression of hygR in transgenic mice causes resistance to toxic effects of hygromycin B in vivo., J Aubrecht, M E. Goad, E M. Simpson, and R H. Schiestl
Expression of h-y (male) antigen in phenotypically female tfm/y mice., D Bennett, E A. Boyse, M F. Lyon, B J. Mathieson, M Scheid, and K Yanagisawa
Expression of i-a and i-e,c region-coded ia antigens on functional b cell subpopulations., J A. Frelinger, F J. Hibbler, and S W. Hill
Expression of ia antigen on adult and neonatal b lymphocytes responsive to thymus-independent antigens., J J. Mond, E Sehgal, D H. Sachs, and W E. Paul
Expression of ia antigens by murine keratinizing epithelial langerhans cells., G Rowden, T M. Phillips, and T L. Delovitch
Expression of ia antigens on hapten-specific b cells. I. Delineation of b-cell subpopulations., J L. Press, N R. Klinman, and H O. Devitt
Expression of ia antigens on mouse epidermal cells. Abstr., C J. Krco, J F. Mccormick, D Steinmuller, and C S. David
Expression of ia antigens on t and b cells and their relationship to immune-response functions., J E. Niederhuber and J A. Frelinger
Expression of ia determinants on immunocompetent cells., G J. Hammerling and K Eichmann
Expression of ia in mouse kidney. II. Evidence for expression on resident marrow-derived and nonmarrow-derived cells., P F. Halloran, S K. Stylianos, M Stubbs, and D Dutton
Expression of ia in mouse kidney. I. Serology., P F. Halloran, D Dutton, S K. Stylianos, and M Stubbs
Expression of ia on b lymphocytes responsive to thymus-independent (ti) antigens. Abstr., J J. Mond, E Sehgal, D H. Sachs, and W E. Paul
Expression of idiotype 315 (id315) and i-a antigens in mopc-315 tumor cells grown in vivo., C Reyero, D E. Burger, S Ritacco, and J M. Varga
Expression of idiotypic determinants in swr anti gluphe dictated by the genes in the mhc. Abstr., U M. Babu and P H. Maurer
Expression of igd by murine lymphocytes. Loss of surface igd indicates maturation of memory b cells., S J. Black, W V. Loo, M R. Loken, and L A. Herzenberg
Expression of igg memory response in vitro to thymus- -dependent and thymus-independent antigens., T V. Tittle and M B. Rittenberg
Expression of igm allotypes in mouse b lineage cells. Abstr., A Velardi, H Kubagawa, and J F. Kearney
Expression of immune response (ir) genes in t and b cells., E Mozes
Expression of immunoglobulin and globin genes in b and t lymphocytes and other cells., U Storb, L Hager, R Wilson, and D Putnam
Expression of immunoglobulin isotypes of lymphoid cells of mouse intestinal lamina propria., J Tseng
Expression of immunoglobulin variable region antigens on mouse b lymphocytes., M Stanislawski and M Mitard
Expression of inappropriate h-2 antigens on sjl reticulm cell tumors., J M. Roman and B Bonavida
Expression of individual Ia specificities on T and B cells. I. Studies with mitogen-induced blast cells., C David, T Meo, J McCormick, and D Shreffler
Expression of individual ia specificities on t and b lymphocytes. Abstr., C S. David, J A. Frelinger, and D C. Shreffler
Expression of influenza a virus internal antigens on the surface of infected p815 cells., J W. Yewdell, E Frank, and W Gerhard
Expression of insulin receptors in skin fibroblasts of diabetic (db/db) mice. Abstr., M K. Raizada, W B. Wu, and R E. Fellows
Expression of intra-MHC transporter (Ham) genes and class I antigens in diabetes-susceptible NOD mice [letter], H R. Gaskins, J J. Monaco, and E H. Leiter
Expression of i-region gene products on mouse tail epidermis cells., C J. Krco, D Steinmuller, and C S. David
Expression of ir gene products in mouse kidney., A Wadgymar and P F. Halloran
Expression of isozymes of L-glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase in cultures of neuroblastoma., Judith R. Krieger
Expression of j chain rna in cell lines representing different stages of b lymphocyte differentiation., E L. Mather, F W. Alt, A L. Bothwell, D Baltimore, and M E. Koshland
Expression of kappa chains of the vkappa21 group in mus musculus and related species., M A. Julius, D J. Mckean, M Potter, and M Weigert
Expression of latent allotypes in sjl mice., E Weiler and C Kolb
Expression of liver fatty acid-binding protein/human growth hormone fusion genes within the enterocyte and enteroendocrine cell populations of fetal transgenic mice., K A. Roth, D C. Rubin, E H. Birkenmeier, and J I. Gordon
Expression of ly 1, ly 2, thy 1, and tl differentiation antigens on mouse t-cell tumors., B J. Mathieson, P S. Campbell, M Potter, and R Asofsky
Expression of ly-5 on yolk sac and fetal liver cells of the mouse., D Triglia
Expression of ly-6 alloantigen during differentiation of cyto- toxic t cells., M A. Horton, P C. Beverley, and E Simpson
Expression of ly-6 on activated t and b cells: possible identity with ala-1., A J. Feeney
Expression of lymphocyte surface ige does not require switch recombination., Y Yaoita, Y Kumagai, K Okumura, and T Honjo
Expression of lyt-1 antigen on certain murine b cell lymphomas., L L. Lanier, N L. Warner, J A. Ledbetter, and L A. Herzenberg
Expression of lyt-1 by a subset of b lymphocytes., V Manohar, E Brown, W M. Leiserson, and T M. Chused
Expression of lyt-1 by a subset of b lymphocytes. Abstr., V Manohar, E Brown, W Leiserson, and T Chused
Expression of malignancy in interspecies chinese hamster x mouse cell hybrids., G Barski, M Blanchard, J K. Youn, and B Leon
Expression of malignant properties by morphologically transformed balb/c3t3 cells. Abstr., J O. Rundell
Expression of mammary tumor virus antigen on the membranes of lymphoid cells., R W. Gillette, S Robertson, R Brown, and K E. Blackman
Expression of mammary tumour virus in late-appearing mammary carcinomas in presumed virus-free mice., P Bentvelzen and J Brinkhof
Expression of maternal and paternal antigens on trophoblast., J Carter
Expression of M-cadherin, a member of the cadherin multigene family, correlates with differentiation of skeletal muscle cells., M Donalies, M Cramer, M Ringwald, and Powitz A. Starzinski
Expression of Melk, a new protein kinase, during early mouse development., B S. Heyer, H Kochanowski, and D Solter
Expression of metastatic potential of allogeneic and xenogeneic neoplasms in young nude mice., N Hanna and I J. Fidler
Expression of mhc antigens by mouse thymic dendritic cells., R V. Rouse, W V. Ewijk, P P. Jones, and I L. Weissman
Expression of m locus differences by b cells but not t cells., H Von boehmer and J Sprent
Expression of mmtv-rna and protein in the low tumor incidence murine strain c3h/stwi and the high incidence strain c3h/avy and in their crosses. Abstr., G H. Smith, T J. Henry, and L Arthur
Expression of moloney leukemia virus controlled cell surface antigen in relation to virus release., E M. Fenyo
Expression of mouse mammary tumor viral polypeptides in milks and tissues., M C. Noon, R G. Wolford, and W P. Parks
Expression of mouse mammary tumor virus envelope protein does not prevent superinfection in vivo or in vitro., J L. Dzuris, W Zhu, D Kapkov, T V. Golovkina, and S R. Ross
Expression of mulv gp71-like antigen in normal mouse spleen cells induced by antigenic stimulation., E Wecker, A Schimpl, and T Hunig
Expression of murine h-2kb histocompatibility antigen in cells transformed with cloned h-2 genes., A L. Mellor, L Golden, E Weiss, H Bullman, J Hurst, E Simpson, F. James, A R. Townsend, P M. Taylor, W Schmidt, Ferluga, L Leben, M Santamaria, G Atfeld, S, and R A. Flavell
Expression of murine ia antigens during embryonic development., T L. Delovitch, J L. Press, and H O. Mcdevitt
Expression of murine leukemia virus envelope glycoprotein gp69/71 on mouse thymocytes. Evidence for two structural variants distin- guished by presence vs. Absence of gix antigen., J Tung, E Fleissner, E S. Vitetta, and E A. Boyse
Expression of murine leukemia viruses in B-cell lymphomas of CWD/Agl mice., J M. Angel and H G. Bedigian
Expression of murine leukemia viruses in the high leukemic bxh-2 recombinant inbred mouse strain. Abstr., H Bedigian, B A. Taylor, and H Meier
Expression of murine leukemia viruses in the highly lymphomatous BXH-2 recombinant inbred mouse strain., H G. Bedigian, B A. Taylor, and H Meier
Expression of murine leukemia virus structural antigens on the surface of chemically induced murine sarcomas., J P. Grant, D D. Bigner, P J. Fischinger, and D P. Bolognesi
Expression of natural resistance gene lsh in resident liver macrophages., P R. Crocker, J M. Blackwell, and D J. Bradley
Expression of neuronal phenotypes in neuroblastoma cell hybrids., F A. Mc morris and F Ruddle
Expression of new idiotypes following neonatal idiotypic suppression of a dominant clone., A Augustin and H Cosenza
Expression of normal histocompatibility antigens in murine lymphomas treated with 5-(3,3'-dimethyl-1-triazeno)-imidazole- -4-carboxamide (dtic) in vivo., D Taramelli, L Romani, A Bonmassar, A Goldin, and M C. Fioretti
Expression of normal mammary epithelial cell antigens in mammary neoplasia. Abstr., R L. Ceriani, J A. Peterson, and S Abraham
Expression of np idiotype and light chain determinants on t cells. Abstr., K A. Wall, A R. Frackelton Jr., T Chang, T Azuma, and H N. Eisen
Expression of nu and gamma immunoglobulin heavy chains in different cells of a cloned mouse lymphoid line., P D. Burrows, G B. Beck, and M R. Wabl
Expression of oncofetal antigens on murine sarcomas characterized for expression of endogenous mulv., S B. Pollack
Expression of paternal glucose phosphate isomerase-1 (Gpi-1) in preimplantation stages of mouse embryos., V M. Chapman, W K. Whitten, and F H. Ruddle
Expression of paternal glucose phosphate isomerase-1 (gpi-1) in preimplantation stages of mouse embryos., V Chapman, W Whitten, and F Ruddle
Expression of Pcdh15 in the inner ear, nervous system and various epithelia of the developing embryo., C L. Murcia and R P. Woychik
Expression of phosphorylcholine-specific b cells during murine development., N H. Sigal, A R. Pickard, E S. Metcalf, P J, A, and N R. Klinman
Expression of polyoma-induced antigens in low malignant hybrids derived from fusion of a polyoma-induced tumour with a fibroblast line., G Meyer, M Berebbi, and G Klein
Expression of polyoma-induced transplantation antigen in hybrid cell lines., G Klein and H Harris
Expression of private and public specificities of the d region of the h-2 gene complex., F Lemonnier, sautes C. Neauport, P Demant, and F M. Kourilsky
Expression of qa-1 on mitogen-stimulated cells., T H. Stanton
Expression of receptor for mlr suppressor factor on activated t lymphocytes. Abstr., S S. Rich and R R. Rich
Expression of receptors for tetanus toxin and monoclonal antibody a2b5 by pancreatic islet cells., G S. Eisenbarth, K Shimizu, M A. Bowring, and S Wells
Expression of selected antigens on the surface of cultured neural cells., B S. Joseph and M B. Oldstone
Expression of serologically detectable h-2 antigens on mid- -gestation mouse embryonic tissues., K J. Kirkwood and W D. Billington
Expression of SPARC/osteonectin transcript in murine embryos and gonads., C C. Howe, G C. Overton, J Sawicki, D Solter, P Stein, and S Strickland
Expression of specific clones during b cell development., N R. Klinman and J L. Press
Expression of surface and secreted igg2a by a murine b-lymphoma before and after hybridization to myeloma cells., C J. Word and W M. Kuehl
Expression of surface antigens on cultured tumor cells in relation to cell cycle., M Cikes
Expression of t-cell differentiation antigens on effector cells in cell-mediated cytotoxicity in vitro. Evidence for functional heter- ogeneity related to the surface phenotype of t cells., H Shiku, P Kisielow, M A. Bean, T Takahashi, E A. Boyse, and L J. Old
Expression of t cell suppressor activity in the immune response of new born mice to a t-independent synthetic polypeptide., B Hardy and E Mozes
Expression of tem-induced damage to postmeiotic stages of spermatogenesis of the mouse during early embryogenesis. II. Cytological investigations., K Burki and W Sheridan
Expression of tem-induced damage to postmeiotic stages of spermatogenesis of the mouse during early embryogenesis. I. Investigations with in vitro embryo culture., K Burki and W Sheridan
Expression of teratoma-associated antigens on murine ova and early embryos. Identification of two early differentiation markers., L R. Gooding, Y Hsu, and M Edidin
Expression of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase and thymus homing capacity of bone marrow cells from viable motheaten mice., Tracy Elizabeth Giordano
Expression of terminal differentiation proteins defines stages of mouse mammary gland development., I Mikaelian, M Hovick, K A. Silva, L M. Burzenski, L D. Shultz, Bicknell C. Ackert, G A. Cox, and J P. Sundberg
Expression of the antigen specific, major histocompatibility complex restricted receptor on T cells., J W. Kappler, N Roehm, K Haskins, C Hannum, L Herron, R Kubo, J Cambier, E Epstein, M Cohn, B A. Taylor, and P Marrack
Expression of the cell surface-associated glycoprotein, fibronection, in the early mouse embryo., J Wartiovaara, I Leivo, and A Vaheri
Expression of the dystrophia muscularis (dy) recessive gene in mice., R Parson
Expression of the gene, "diabetes" (db) in cba/j mice. Abstr., E H. Leiter and D L. Coleman
Expression of the growth factor-inducible immediate early gene cyr61 correlates with chondrogenesis during mouse embryonic development., T P. O'Brien and L F. Lau
Expression of the h-y antigen on thymus cells and skin. Differential genetic control linked to k end of h-2., J Kralova and P Demant
Expression of the i-e target antigen for t-cell killing requires two genes., K F. Lindahl and B Hausmann
Expression of the mammalian x chromosome before and after fertilization., C J. Epstein
Expression of the maternally derived x chromosome in the mural trophoblast of the mouse., W I. Frels and V M. Chapman
Expression of the mitochondrial uncoupling protein gene from the aP2 gene promoter prevents genetic obesity., J Kopecky, G Clarke, S Enerback, B Spiegelman, and L P. Kozak
Expression of the mouse Delta1 gene during organogenesis and fetal development., J Beckers, A Clark, K Wunsch, D e. Hrabe, and A Gossler
Expression of the neuron-specific protein, 14-3-2, and steroid sulfatase in neuroblastoma cell hybrids., F A. Mc morris, A R. Kolber, B W. Moore, and A S. Perumal
Expression of the sarcoma genome in a rous mouse tumor cell line, sr-c3h-2127., S Hino and T Yamamoto
Expression of the sv40-transformed phenotype in hybrids between conditional and wild-type transformants., U Rovigatti and C Basilico
Expression of the thy-1 antigen in long-term cultures of embryonic mouse spinal cord., R H. Brown, J Schweitzer, and M A. Dichter
Expression of the thymus leukemia antigen by activated peripheral t lymphocytes., R G. Cook and N F. Landolfi
Expression of the transcription factor, TFII-I, during post-implantation mouse embryonic development., I Fijalkowska, D Sharma, C J. Bult, and S K. Danoff
Expression of the trembler mouse mutation in organotypic cultures of dorsal root ganglia., F A. Mithen, M Cochran, C J. Cornbrooks, and R P. Bunge
Expression of thy 1 antigen in normal and neoplastic mammary cells of mice., R W. Gillette
Expression of thy-1 antigen is not limited to t cells in cultures of mouse hemopoietic cells., J W. Schrader, F Battye, and R Scollay
Expression of thy-1 glycoprotein on lectin-res- istant lymphoma cell lines., I S. Trowbridge, R Hyman, T Ferson, and C Mazauskas
Expression of thy1, tl and lyt antigens on spontaneous leukemias of balb/mo strain of mice., L Strzadala, A Opolski, and P Kisielow
Expression of thymocyte surface alloantigens in the fetal mouse thymus in vivo and in organ culture., M E. Kamarck and P D. Gottlieb
Expression of transformation in cell hybrids. II. Nonsuppression of the transformed phenotype in hybrids between a chemically transformed and nontransformed derivatives of balb/3t3., K K. Jha, J Cacciapuoti, and H L. Ozer
Expression of transformation in cell hybrids. I. Isolation and application of density-inhibited balb/3t3 cells deficient in hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase and resistant to ouabain., K K. Jha and H L. Ozer
Expression of tumor associated antigens by a producer and a nonproducer leukemia induced by rauscher virus (r-mulv)., K S. Chang and W Liu
Expression of tumorigenicity and a particles in murine myeloma x lymphocyte hybrids. Abstr., D Giacomoni
Expression of tumor-specific antigens in mouse somatic cell hybrids., J Jami and E Ritz
Expression of tumor-specific transplantation antigen in cell lines transformed by wild-type or tsa mutant simian virus 40., C Chang, J L. Anderson, R G. Martin, and P T. Mora
Expression of vaccinia virus early mrna in ehrlich ascites tumor cells. 2. Part of the polysomes at an early stage of virus infection are not bound to the cytoskeleton., R Lemieux and G Beaud
Expression of vaccinia virus early mrna in ehrlich ascites tumor cells. I. Translation of cellular and viral early mrna in cell-free systems from uninfected and virus-infected cells at the early stage., R Lemieux, A Vassef, hamida F. Ben, and G Beaud
Expression of vh antibody genes in different background genomes., O Makela, K Karjalainen, and H S. Micklem
Expression of viral envelope glycoprotein and transformation genes in cells transformed by a defective kirsten murine sarcoma virus., J A. Bilello, M Strand, and J T. August
Expression of viral rna in friend virus-induced erythroleukemia cells., A S. Berkower, F Lilly, and R Soeiro
Expression of virus-controlled cell surface antigen(s) in hybrids between mouse l cells (a9 subline) and various mouse and human cells derived from tumours and normal tissues. Abstr., E M. Fenyo and G Grundner
Expression of VLDLR in the retina and evolution of subretinal neovascularization in the knockout mouse model's retinal angiomatous proliferation., W Hu, A Jiang, J Liang, H Meng, B Chang, H Gao, and X Qiao
Expression of v-region-like determinants on ig-negative precursors in murine fetal liver and bone marrow., L Forni, H Cosenza, and A Coutinho
Expression of WNT-beta-catenin signaling pathway members in oocytes and preimplantation embryos., Bryce Haac
Expression of xenotropic murine leukemia viruses as cell- -surface gp70 in genetic crosses between strains dba/2 and c57bl/6., H C. Morse, I )ii, T M. Chuses, J W. Hartley, B J. Mathieson, S O. Sharrow, and B A. Taylor
Expression of xenotropic murine leukemia viruses as cell-surface gp70 in genetic crosses between strains DBA/2 and C57BL/6., H C. Morse, T M. Chused, J W. Hartley, B J. Mathieson, S O. Sharrow, and B A. Taylor
Expression on normal lymphocytes of two cell surface antigens, XenCSA and GIX, related to the major glycoproteins (gp70) of murine leukemia viruses., H C. Morse, B A. Taylor, C A. Kozak, T M. Chused, S O. Sharrow, J W. Hartley, and E Stockert
Expression on normal lymphocytes of two cell surface antigens, xencsa and gix, related to the major glycoproteins (gp70) of murine leukemia viruses., H C. Morse, I )ii, B A. Taylor, C A. Kozak, T M. Chused, S O. Sharrow, J W. Hartley, and E Stockert
Expression pattern of Motch, a mouse homolog of Drosophila Notch, suggests an important role in early postimplantation mouse development., A m. Del, D E. Smith, P J. Swiatek, Maguire M. Gendron, R J. Greenspan, A P. McMahon, and T Gridley
Expression patterns of Jagged, Delta1, Notch1, Notch2, and Notch3 genes identify ligand-receptor pairs that may function in neural development., C E. Lindsell, J Boulter, G diSibio, A Gossler, and G Weinmaster
Expression screening of a yeast artificial chromosome contig refines the location of the mouse H3a minor histocompatibility antigen gene., A R. Zuberi, G J. Christianson, S B. Dave, J A. Bradley, and D C. Roopenian
Expression studies and physical mapping associated with the Piebald Lethal deletion., Stephen J. Warner
Expulsion of nippostrongylus brasiliensis from mice lacking antibody production potential., R H. Jacobson, N D. Reed, and D D. Manning
ExQuest, a novel method for displaying quantitative gene expression from ESTs., A C. Brown, K Kai, M E. May, D C. Brown, and D C. Roopenian
Extended skin allograft survival in mice during prolonged expos- ure to hyperbaric oxygen., B B. Jacobs, C A. Thuning, M R. Sacksteder, and J Warren
Extension and integration of the gene ontology (GO): combining GO vocabularies with external vocabularies., D P. Hill, J A. Blake, J E. Richardson, and M Ringwald
Extension of mammary glands to the popliteal and cubital fossae., hibi M. Hirata
Extensively proliferating pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells (phsc) assayed in the w/wv mouse. Abstr., D R. Boggs, S S. Boggs, and D Canfield
Extensive nerve overgrowth and paucity of the tailed asymmetric form (16 s) of acetylcholinesterase in the developing skeletal neuromuscular system of the dysgenic (mdg/mdg) mouse., F Rieger, J A. Powell, and raymond M. Pincon
Extensive non-specific t cell recruitment in the antigen-induced t cell proliferative response. Abstr., H Y. Tse, R H. Schwartz, and W E. Paul
Extensive polymorphism surrounding the murine ia abeta chain gene., R R. Robinson, R N. Germain, D J. Mckean, S, and J G. Seidman
Extensive promoter-centered chromatin interactions provide a topological basis for transcription regulation., Guoliang Li, Xiaoan Ruan, Raymond K Auerbach, Kuljeet Singh Sandhu, Meizhen Zheng, Ping Wang, Huay Mei Poh, Yufen Goh, Joanne Lim, Jingyao Zhang, Hui Shan Sim, Su Qin Peh, Fabianus Hendriyan Mulawadi, Chin Thing Ong, Yuriy L Orlov, Shuzhen Hong, Zhizhuo Zhang, Steve Landt, Debasish Raha, Ghia Euskirchen, Chia-Lin Wei, Weihong Ge, Huaien Wang, Carrie Davis, Katherine I Fisher-Aylor, Ali Mortazavi, Mark Gerstein, Thomas Gingeras, Barbara Wold, Yi Sun, Melissa J Fullwood, Edwin Cheung, Edison Liu, Wing-Kin Sung, Michael Snyder, and Yijun Ruan
Extent and persistence of carcinogen-induced methylation of dna in c3h 10t1/2 cells during the g1 and s phases of a synchronous cell cycle. Abstr., G J. Smith, J W. Grisham, D G. Kaufman, D L. Walstad, and M M. Fatteh
Extent and rate of chromosome segregation in two intraspecific mouse cell hybrids: a9 x diploid foetal erythrocyte and a9 x b82., M H. Russell, B J. Mcgee, and E Engel
Extinction of hemoglobin inducibility in friend erythroleukemia cells by fusion with cytoplasm of enucleated mouse neuroblastoma or fibroblast cells., T V. Gopalakrishnan, E B. Thompson, and W F. Anderson
Extraccion del acido sialico del revestimiento celular de las celulas tumorales y del endotelio vascular y su accion sobre las metastasis., G Gasic and T Gasic
Extracellular acidosis protects ehrlich ascites tumor cells and rat renal cortex against anoxic injury., A Penttila and B F. Trump
Extracellular matrix during laminar pattern formation of neocortex in normal and reeler mutant mice., S Nakanishi
Extracellular matrix molecules in neuromuscular junctions and central nervous system synapses., L Burgess R. Bogdanik
Extracellular matrix production by the adherent cells of long-term murine bone marrow cultures., K S. Zuckerman and M S. Wicha
Extracellular recovery of methotrexate-polyglutamates following efflux from l1210 leukemia cells., R G. Poser, F M. Sirotnak, and P L. Chello
Extrachromosomal deer fibromavirus DNA in deer fibromas and virus-transformed mouse cells., D E. Groff, J P. Sundberg, and W D. Lancaster
Extrachromosomal influence in relation to the incidence of mammary and non-mammary tumors in mice., W S. Murray and C C. Little
Extractable nuclear antigen effect on the dna anti-dna reaction and nzb/nzw mouse nephritis., A D. Morris, C Littleton, L C. Corman, J Esterly, and G C. Sharp
Extracting gene networks for low-dose radiation using graph theoretical algorithms., B H. Voy, J A. Scharff, A D. Perkins, A M. Saxton, B Borate, E J. Chesler, L K. Branstetter, and M A. Langston
Extraction and characterization of a platelet-aggregating material from sv40-transformed mouse 3t3 fibroblasts., E Pearlstein, L B. Cooper, and S Karpatkin
Extraction and chromatography of mouse and bovine pancreatic ribo- nucleases., S R. Dickman, G A. Morrill, and K M. Trupin
Extraction and purification of murine cell surface alloantigens. Abstr., D Di padua, I M. Kenzie, and P Russell
Extraction et purification de neo-antigenes tumoraux obtenus a partir des cellules spleniques et du serum de souris porteuses de la leucemie de charlotte friend., M Martyre and pannenko O. Halle
Extraction of a factor from ehrlich ascites tumor cells that increases the activity of the fetal isozyme of pyruvate kinase in mouse liver., K H. Ibsen, J R. Basabe, and T P. Lopez
Extraction of circulating gastrointestinal cancer antigen using solid-phase immunoadsorption system of monoclonal antibody- -coupled membrane., K Y. Pak, D H. Randerson, M Blaszczyk, H F. Sears, E Steplewski, and H Koprowski
Extraction of gross surface antigens from akr mouse lymphoma cells with potassium chloride., P B. Brandchaft and C W. Boone
Extraction of h-2 antigen from mouse tumour cells., G Haughton
Extraction of murine tumor antigens with a single phase butanol solution. Abstr., S J. Legrue, B D. Kahan, and N R. Pellis
Extraction of ribosome-associated mRNA from motor neurons of the spinal cord and brain., Connor Foster
Extraction of surface membrane preparations of mammalian cells rup- tured by pressure homogenization. Abstr., L A. Manson and C Chang
Extracts of plants and cancer chemotherapy., G F. Mc kenna, A Taylor, and B S. Gibson
Extra-hepatic derivation of kupffer cells during oestrogenic stimula- tion of parabiosed mice., R G. Kinsky, G H. Christie, J Elson, and J G. Howard
Extrahepatic immunofluorescent reactivity of antisera detecting liver f antigen. Abstr., E Espinosa and S Caple
Extra-hypothalamic lesions associated with gold-thioglucose induced obesity., J H. Perry and R A. Liebelt
Extrajunctional acetylcholine receptors in dystrophic mouse muscles., P R. Howe, J A. Telfer, B G. Livett, and L Austin
Extramedullary hematopoiesis associated with a transplantable mouse mammary tumor. Abstr., R A. Liebelt, M Lay, and B Davis
Extramitochondrial fatty acid synthesis in ehrlich ascites tumor cells propagated in vitro and in vivo., B N. Pedersen, A Gromek, and J L. Daehnfeldt
Extraneural competition between different scrapie agents leading to loss of infectivity., A G. Dickinson, H Fraser, I M. Connell, G W. Outram, and D M. Taylor
Extraseptemic cultivation of the milk factor (bittner's virus). (serbian Text), J V. Dobrynin
Extra-toes. A new mutant gene causing multiple abnormalities in the mouse., D R. Johnson
Extra-uterine development of mouse trophoblasts. Abstr., W D. Billington
Extrauterine growth of mouse egg-cylinders results in malignant teratoma., D Solter, N Skreb, and I Damjanov
Extrauterine growth of mouse egg-cylinders results in malignant teratoma., D Solter, N Skreb, and I Damjanov
Extreme selection strategies in gene mapping studies of oligogenic quantitative traits do not always increase power., D B. Allison, M Heo, N J. Schork, S L. Wong, and R C. Elston
Extreme sensitivity of diabetic mice to naloxone-induced suppression of food intake., A S. Levine, J E. Morley, D M. Brown, and B S. Handwerger
Extreme sensitivity of obese hyperglycemic mice to caffeine and coffee., D M. Kuftinec and J Mayer
Extrinsic and metabolic labeling of glycoproteins of the mouse mammary tumor virus (mumtv). Abstr., J B. Sheffield, T M. Daly, and D H. Moore
Extrinsic cotton effects associated with affinity labeled mopc 315 myeloma protein., G Litman and R Good
Extursion of camp from s49 lymphoma cells. Abstr., J R. Kanter and L L. Brunton
Ex vivo fucosylation improves human cord blood engraftment in NOD-SCID IL-2RÎł(null) mice., Simon N Robinson, Paul J Simmons, Michael W Thomas, Nathalie Brouard, Jeannie A Javni, Suprita Trilok, Jae-Seung Shim, Hong Yang, David Steiner, William K Decker, Dongxia Xing, Leonard D Shultz, Barbara Savoldo, Gianpietro Dotti, Catherine M Bollard, Leonard Miller, Richard E Champlin, Elizabeth J Shpall, and Patrick A Zweidler-McKay
Eye defects in c57 black mice. Abstr., L J. Pierro and J Spiggle
Eye research., R S. Smith, P M. Nishina, J P. Sundberg, J Zwaan, and S W. John
F1 anti-parent cell-mediated lympholysis (cml). Autoreactivity against h-2d region determinants. Abstr., K Nakano, I Nakamura, and G Cudkowicz
F1 hybrid anti-parental h-2k cell-mediated lympholysis. I. Stimulator and target determinants controlled by the h-2k region., J F. Warner and G Cudkowicz
F1-hybrid anti-parental-strain reactivity. I. Impaired prolifer- ation of cba lymphocytes in the spleens of irradiated c3h x cba mice pretreated with cba spleen cells., B Lilliehook and H Blomgren
F1 hybrid resistance: long-term systemic effects sensitive to irradiation and age., D E. Harrison
F1 hybrid resistance to murine plasmacytoma mopc-70a: hybrid resist- ance to mopc-70a controlled by a locus linked to h-2., Y Kaneko, sakai S. Natsuume, K Moriwaki, and S Migita
F1 resistance to akr lymphoma cells in vivo and in vitro., verhulst A. Schmitt and M M. Zatz
Facial development in the mouse; a comparison between normal and mutant (amputated) mouse embryos., O P. Flint and D A. Ede
Facilitated habituation, strychnine dose-response effects on neural and behavioral habituation., D K. Andry and M W. Luttges
-facilitated Tolerance to nucleic acid antigens., Y Borel, R M. Lewis, schwartz J. Andre, B D. Stollar, D E. Diener, and E. Cortisone
Facilitation and inhibition of b16 melanoma by bcg in vivo and by lymphoid cells from bcg-treated mice in vitro., D Chee and A Bodurtha
Facilitation de l'extinction d'un conditionnement operant en boite de skinner apres administration post-essai de corticosterone dans l'hippocampe dorsal chez la souris balb/c., J Micheau, C Destrade, and mourat B. Soumireu
Facilitation of electrofusion of mouse lymphoma cells by the proteolytic action of proteases., shosaku T. Ohno and Y Okada
Facilitation of homograft tolerance in parabiotic mice by treatment with amethopterin., cendrzak A. Skowron
Facilitation of host lymphoid tissue development in neonatally thy- mectomized mice by injection of allogeneic dispersed thymus cells., E J. Yunis, C Martinez, J Smith, and R A. Good
Facilitation of induction of immunological tolerance by the prior administration of antilymphocyte serum. Abstr., J Smith and H Hilgard
Facilitation of induction of tolerance to allogeneic tissue grafts in adult mice by early thymectomy., H R. Hilgard, K Sjordin, C Martinez, and R A. Good
Facilitation of learned resistance to audiogenic seizures in balb/c- crgl mice by d-lsd-25., L O. Rouse and D L. Frank
Facilitation of learning in DBA/2J mice with etherization., Connie J. Huston
Facilitation of macrophage-mediated destruction of allogeneic fibrosarcoma cells by tumor-enhancing igg2 in vitro., J M. Cruse, H D. Whitten, G K. Lewis, and E S. Watson
Facilitation of nodal metastasis from a non-immunogenic murine carcinoma by previous whole-body irradiation of tumour recipients., H B. Hewitt and E R. Blake
Facilitation of simultaneous visual discrimination by nicotine in four 'inbred' strains of mice., nitti F. Bovet
Facilitation of the long-term store of memory with strychnine., H P. Alpern and J C. Crabbe
Facilitation of tolerance in weanling mice by enhancing the pro- liferation of donor lymphoreticular cells., J Miller, C Martinez, and R A. Good
Facilitation of tumor growth by syngeneic normal cells mixed with tumor cells in vitro., P J. Deckers, K P. Ramming, and Y H. Pilch
Facilitation of tumor growth in an agarose assay. Abstr., J M. Jessup
Facilitation of tumour growth by bacillus pertussis., G L. Floresheim
Facing the challenge of a new era., C C. Little
Facteurs qui jouent un role dans la production des isoanticorps chez la souris. Sexe, voie d'immunisation, splenectomie et choc operatoire., I Chouroulinkov, L J. Old, and E A. Boyse
Factor analyses of alcohol and water consumption in laboratory mice., W Poley, L T. Yeudall, and J R. Royce
Factor analysis of measures of copulatory behavior in three species of muroid rodents., D A. Dewsbury
Factor b of the alternative complement pathway in (nzb x nzw) f1 hybrid (b/w) mice. Abstr., C T. Olsen, L Canavan, and A E. Gabrielsen
Factores promotores e inhibidores del crecimiento en el homogenado de higado en regeneracion. Variaciones de la sensibilidad del receptor en un periodo de veinticuatro horas como factor condicionante de su accion., J M. Echave llanos and C Bordin
Factores que influyen en la concentration de i131 por la glandula submaxilar del raton c3h., J L. Llach and J H. Tramezzani
Factorial analysis of the reactivity of c57bl females against isolo- gous male skin grafts., E Klein and O Linder
Factor-producing and -nonproducing el4 mouse thymoma cells., J J. Sando, M L. Hilfiker, M J. Piacentini, D T. Laufer, and F O. Growth
Factor producing lysis of thymus-derived cells in vitro by specific antigen., D K. Novikov and G P. Adamenko
Factor responsible for spermatozoan abnormality located on the y chromosome in mice., H Krzanowska
Factors affecting acid phosphatase activity in exponential and synchronized l5178y mouse leukemia cells., L Kapp and S Okada
Factors affecting adrenal development in mice of different strains. Abstr., J G. Shire
Factors affecting anaerobic glycolysis in mouse and rat liver and in morris rat hepatomas., M Woods, D Burk, and J Hunter
Factors affecting blood viscosity in macroglobulinemic mice., W I. Rosenblum and R M. Asofsky
Factors affecting ectopic gene conversion in mice., D M. Cooper, K J. Schimenti, and J C. Schimenti
Factors affecting electroshock seizure thresholds in rats., C Greenspan and R L. Sprott
Factors affecting expression of glycolipid tumor antigens: influence of ceramide composition and coexisting glycolipid on the antigenicity of gangliotriaosylceramide in murine lymphoma cells., R Kannagi, R Stroup, N A. Cochran, D L. Urdal, W W. Young, J, and S Hakomori
Factors affecting formation of incomplete vi antibody in mice., S Gaines, J A. Currie, and J G. Tully
Factors affecting growth characteristics of small cell carcinoma of the lung in nude athymic mice. Abstr., O S. Pettengill, T J. Curphey, and G D. Sorenson
Factors affecting haemoglobin synthesis in the mouse., S Pappas and M N. Cauchi
Factors affecting hearing in mice, rats, and other laboratory animals., J F. Willott
Factors affecting incidence of infanticide and discrimination of related and unrelated neonates in male mus musculus., R J. Brooks and L Schwarzkopf
Factors affecting macrophage function. Glucocorticoid antagonizing factor., R N. Moore, K J. Goodrum, R Couch, and L J. Berry
Factors affecting mating competition in mice. Abstr., L Levine
Factors affecting metabolism and mutagenicity of dimethylnitrosamine and diethylnitrosamine., C N. Frantz and H V. Malling
Factors affecting mortality from secondary disease in mouse radiation chimeras., C C. Congdon, M A. Kastenbaum, and D A. Gardiner
Factors affecting production of contrasensitizing antisera in mice., A J. Crowle, A Atkins, and C C. Hu
Factors affecting schwann cell basal lamina formation in cultures of dorsal root ganglia from mice with muscular dystrophy., C J. Cornbrooks, F Mithen, J M. Cochran, and R P. Bunge
Factors affecting suppressor cell activity in tumor- -allosensitized mice., B F. Argyris
Factors affecting survival of mice injected with lymphoma cells. Abstr., W Friend and varelas J. Barone
Factors affecting survival of mouse embryos during freezing and thawing., S P. Leibo, P Mazur, and S C. Jackowski
Factors affecting survival of mouse skin during freezing and thawing. Abstr., J K. Sherman
Factors affecting the ability of various strains of enterobacteriaceae to induce tumour resistance in mice., V Vingelis, L K. Ashman, and I Kotlarski
Factors affecting the antitumor activity of polyriboinosinic, poly- ribocytidylic acid. Abstr., R H. Adamson
Factors affecting the breathing rate of mice as used for studies of radiation damage to lungs., E L. Travis, J D. Down, L Hall, B Vojnovic, and S J. Holmes
Factors affecting the developmental capacity of mouse oocytes undergoing maturation in vitro., A C. Schroeder, S M. Downs, and J J. Eppig
Factors affecting the developmental competence of mouse oocytes grown in vitro: follicle-stimulating hormone and insulin., J J. Eppig, M J. O'Brien, F L. Pendola, and S Watanabe
Factors affecting the developmental competence of mouse oocytes grown in vitro: oxygen concentration., J J. Eppig and K Wigglesworth
Factors affecting the electrophoretic analysis of myelin proteins. Application to changes occurring during brain development., sumbilla C. Magno and A T. Campagnoni
Factors affecting the fertility of mice with orthotopic ovarian grafts., M V. Mussett and D M. Parrott
Factors affecting the glycosphingolipid composition of murine tissues., L Coles, J B. Hay, and G M. Gray
Factors affecting the immunodiffusion assay for mtv. Abstr., J Charney
Factors affecting the induction of micronuclei at low doses of x-rays, mms and dimethylnitrosamine in mouse erythroblasts., D Jenssen and C Ramel
Factors affecting the lymphoid cells in the small intestinal epithe- lium of the mouse., J R. Glaister
Factors affecting the observed number of young resulting from adjacent-2 disjunction in mice carrying a translocation., M F. Lyon and P H. Glenister
Factors affecting the propagation of a b cell clone forming antibody to the 2,4-dinitrophenyl group., B A. Askonas and A R. Williamson
Factors affecting the responsiveness of haemopoietic colony-forming cells in vitro. Abstr., T Mc neill, W Fleming, and T Morris
Factors affecting the 'semisterility' of translocation heterozygotes., V Zeleny and V Matousek
Factors affecting the stability of thiamine in a typical laboratory ration., A A. Kandutsch and C A. Baumann
Factors affecting the stimulation of hair growth during wound healing., T S. Argyris and B F. Argyris
Factors affecting trophoblast growth in extrauterine sites., Y Kaneko and T Nishimura
Factors altering the responsiveness of mice to hexobarbital., E S. Vesell
Factors associated with the incidence of infantile diarrhea in mice., M N. Runner and J Palm
Factors contributing to the parturition defect in Hertwig's anemic mouse., Mary B. White
Factors contributing to the poor myelination in the brain of the snell dwarf mouse., T Noguchi, T Sugisaki, K Takamatsu, and Y Tsukada
Factors controlling estrogen receptor levels in normal mouse mammary tissue., M E. Hunt and T G. Muldoon
Factors controlling growth of prostatic epithelium, a comparison of mitotic activity in mice of different ages in vivo and in organ culture., J D. Simmett and A R. Morley
Factors controlling intraocular pressure elevation, Jenny Rempel
Factors controlling intraocular pressure elevation, Patti Scarff
Factors controlling organ growth, a comparison of mitotic activity of newborn and adult mouse lung in organ culture., J D. Simnett and A G. Heppleston
Factors controlling renewal of alveolar wall cells in adult mouse lung, an organ culture study of mitotic incidence in relation to sex, strain and age., J D. Simmett and A G. Heppleston
Factors controlling serum gamma-globulin concentration., J L. Fahey and A G. Robinson
Factors controlling stem cell recirculation. Iii. Effect of the thymus on the migration and differentiation of hemopoietic stem cells., R V. Petrov, R M. Khaitov, N V. Aleinikova, and L V. Gulak
Factors controlling the uptake and retention of methionine and ethio- nine by ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., R M. Johnstone and P G. Scholefield
Factors determining cell killing by chemotherapeutic agents in vivo. I. Cyclophosphamide., L M. Van putten and P Lelieveld
Factors determining cell killing by chemotherapeutic agents in vivo.-- II. Melphalan, chlorambucil and nitrogen mustard., L M. Van putten and P Lelieveld
Factors determining cell sensitivity to methotrexate. Studies of folate and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate pools in five mammalian cell lines., M H. Tattersall, R C. Jackson, S T. Jackson, and K R. Harrap
Factors determining homograft destruction and immunological enhancement in mice receiving successive tumor inocula., N Kaliss and B F. Bryant
Factors elevating liver tyrosine. 2-oxoglutarate Aminotransferase activity in tumor-bearing mice., Y Kato
Factors from 3t3 cells stimulate proliferation of cultured vascular endothelial cells., C R. Birdwell, D Gospodarowicz, and G L. Nicolson
Factor(s) from ehrlich ascites cells responsible for delayed rejection of skin allografts in mice and its assay on lymphocytes in vitro., I Gresser, F Vignaux, C Maury, and P Lindahl
Factors from mouse tissues stimulating colony growth of mouse bone marrow cells in vitro., T R. Bradley, E R. Stanley, and M A. Sumner
Factors (gm-csf) by bone marrow derived and non-hemopoietic cells in vivo., L Hultner, F G. Staber, H Mergenthaler, D P. Dormer, and stimulating T. Colony
Factors increasing or decreasing the b-cell sensitivity to alloxan in mice. Abstr., L Boquist
Factors inducing a loss of net negative surface charge on spleen cells of mice grafted with a slow-growing tumour., D Vaillier and J Vaillier
Factors influencing activation of b-cells in immunity., G Moller and A Coutinho
Factors influencing adhesion of lymphoid cells., A S. Curtis and M D. Sousa
Factors influencing augmentation and/or acceleration of lymphoreti- cular tumors in mice by benzo(a)pyrene treatment., S D. Vesselinovitch, A P. Kyriazis, N Mihailovich, and K V. Rao
Factors influencing blood pressure in the laboratory mouse., Robert Weibust
Factors influencing calcium-induced terminal differentiation in cultured mouse epidermal cells., H Hennings, K A. Holbrook, and S H. Yuspa
Factors influencing clasmatosis in vivo, ii. Dynamics of cytoplasmic cell budding in the lymphoid organs of mice on primary immunization., Y Kabakov, N Perestoronina, and I Petrova
Factors influencing differentiation of transplanted hematopoietic tissue. Abstr., L F. O'grady, J P. Lewis, R Lange, and F E. Jr
Factors influencing different reactivity against h-2k and h-2d antigens in normal and als-suppressed mice., M Nemec, K Nouza, and P Demant
Factors influencing expression of mammary ductal dysplasia in balb/c mice. Abstr., S P. Ethier and R L. Ullrich
Factors influencing growth of parental marrow grafts in irradiated f1 hybrid mice., J W. Goodman and H B. Wheeler
Factors influencing insulin and glucagon secretion in lean and genetically obese mice., chain A. Beloff, M E. Newman, and K R. Mansford
Factors influencing interactions of epidermal growth factor (egf) with mouse epidermal cells in culture. Abstr., J E. Strickland, A W. Jetten, S H. Yuspa, and H Kawamura
Factors influencing radiosensitivity of animal tumours., W R. Inch and J A. Mccredie
Factors influencing sensitivity of transplantable tumours to alky- lating agents. Abstr., J A. Double
Factors influencing skin graft survival from donors with ehrlich ascites tumor., S Biran, hur N. Ben, and E Robinson
Factors influencing specific antibody formation in mice persistently infected with lcm virus., E Traub
Factors influencing spontaneous alternation of mice in a T-maze., Merchant S. Adams
Factors influencing the assay for target cells of friend spleen focus-forming virus., S Thomson and P Srivatanakul
Factors influencing the effect of an adjuvant on the growth of solid isogeneic tumors., M Donner, D Hottier, and C Burg
Factors influencing the growth of a transplantable tumor in mice., C C. Little
Factors influencing the hyperthermic potentiation of chemotherapy in treatment of a murine ependymoblastoma. Abstr., C A. Thuning, N Bakir, and J Warren
Factors influencing the incidence of mammary gland tumors in an inbred strain of mice., W S. Murray
Factors influencing the induction of enhancement and resistance to methylcholanthrene-induced tumours in a syngeneic system., J Bubenik and P Koldovsky
Factors influencing the in vitro hatching of mouse blastocysts., R W. Wright Jr., J G. Watson, and S Chaykin
Factors influencing the lesioning effect of gold thioglucose on the ventromedial hypothalamus of bar harbor obese mice., C A. Mc laughlin, P A. Trueheart, and J Mayer
Factors influencing the lesioning effect of gold thioglucose on the ventromedial hypothalamus of bar harbor obese mice., C Mc laughlin, C Baile, P Trueheart, and J Mayer
Factors influencing the measurement and the reproducibility of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity in culutred human lymphocytes., H L. Gurtoo, J Minowada, B Paigen, N B. Parker, and N T. Hayner
Factors influencing the promotion of transformation in chemically- -initiated c3h/10t1/2 cl 8 mouse embryo fibroblasts., J H. Frazelle, D J. Abernethy, and C J. Boreiko
Factors influencing the quantitative estimation of the in vivo survival of cells from solid tumors., R F. Kallman, G Silini, and L M. Vanputten
Factors influencing the success of skin transplantation in mice., Helen Paders Halpern
Factors influencing the therapeutic activity of l-asparaginase (nsc 109299) in leukemic (l5187y) mice., S Vadlamudi, M Padarathsingh, V S. Waravdekar, and A Goldin
Factors influencing the uptake of cyanocobalamin (vitamin b12) by ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., W Paranchych and B A. Cooper
Factors influencing the utilization of ketone bodies by mouse adipose tissue., R W. Hanson and Z Z. Ziporin
Factors in leukemic serum and urine stimulating bone marrow colony growth in vitro. Abstr., W A. Robinson and D Metcalf
Factor(s) in supernatants of naio-treated peritoneal cells., J B. Weinberg, V M. Activity:, and activating L. Macrophage
Factors in the causation of spontaneous hepatomas in mice., W E. Heston and G Vlahakis
Factors in the glycosylation of an iga myeloma protein. Abstr., N J. Cowan and G B. Robinson
Factors in the marrow which support hematopoiesis. Abstr., W Friend, S Husseini, W Chamberlain, W H. Knospe, and F E. Jr
Factors involved in ethanol narcosis, analysis in mice of three inbred strains., R P. Damjanovich and J W. Innes
Factors involved in homograft tolerance., J B. Aust and R D. Guttmann
Factors involved in the cytotoxicity of normal guinea pig serum for cells of murine tumor TA3 sublines treated with neuraminidase., R C. Hughes, P D. Palmer, and B H. Sanford
Factors involved in the cytotoxicity of normal guinea pig serum for cells of murine tumor ta3 sublines treated with neuraminidase., R C. Hughes, P D. Palmer, and B H. Sanford
Factors involved in the fertilization of mouse eggs in vitro., T Iwamatsu and M Chang
Factors limiting growth in the advanced ascites tumor. Abstr., P K. Lala
Factors modifying stem cell proliferation of myelomonocytic leukemic cells in vitro and in vivo., D Metcalf and M A. Moore
Factors modifying the past-radiation effects of homologous spleen., G Rabotti and I Iossifides
Factors modulating benzidine carcinogenicity bioassay., S D. Vesselinovitch, K V. Rao, and N Mihailovich
Factors of importance for the etiology of obesity in mice., S Larsson
Factors promoting colony stimulating activity (csa) production in macrophages and epithelial cells., R Ramsey and E F. Hays
Factors regulating macrophage production and growth. Identity of colony-stimulating factor and macrophage growth factor., E R. Stanley, M Cifone, P M. Heard, and V Defendi
Factors regulating the degree and extent of experimental chimaerism in the mouse., E T. Mystkowska, W Ozdzenski, and A Niemierko
Factors related to therapeutic efficacy in adoptive chemoimmunotherapy of a friend virus-induced lymphoma., L Fass and A Fefer
Factors related to the use of bone densitometry: survey responses of 494 primary care physicians in New England., D H. Solomon, M T. Connelly, C J. Rosen, Hughes B. Dawson, D P. Kiel, S L. Greenspan, E S. Leib, M Holick, A H. Miguel, and J S. Finkelstein
Factors responsible for immune resistance to l1210 murine leukemia in hyperimmune mice., T Kataoka, hashi F. Oh, Y Sakurai, M Okabe, and K Gomi
Factors responsible for the distribution of radioactivity in a mouse glioma and brain after injection of radioiodinated human serum albumin (rihsa)., C H. Tator and J Olszewski
Factors underlying differences in alcohol preference among inbred strains of mice., D A. Rodgers
Factor suppressing alpha-foetoprotein production in newborn mice., B G. Tumyan, moldavsky G. Svet, and N V. Karmanova
Factors which affect plasma lactic dehydrogenase in tumor-bearing mice., R N. Arison, J A. Cassaro, and C E. Shonk
Factors which influence development of macrophage-layer and spleen colonies in mice., T Kawata, Y Kitamura, K Okano, S Asayama, and M Seki
Factors which may influence the effectiveness of l-asparaginases as tumor inhibitors., J D. Broome
Factor xiii deficiency in balb/c mice with plasmacytoma., J Eipe, V Yakulis, and N Costea
Failure of 2-deoxy-d-glucose and 5-thio-d-glucose to kill hypoxic cells of two murine tumors., I F. Tannock, P Guttman, and A M. Rauth
Failure of 5-ethyl-2'-deoxyuridine to induce oncogenic rna (oncorna) viruses in fischer rat embryo cells and in balb/3t3 mouse cells., K K. Gauri, I Shif, and R G. Wolford
Failure of 6-mercaptopurine to prolong the survival of skin allo- grafts in mice., P B. Stewart
Failure of actinomycin d (act-d) entrapped in liposomes to prolong survival in renal cell adenocarcinoma bearing mice. Abstr., A Kedar, E G. Mayhew, R H. Moore, and G P. Murphy
Failure of actinomycin d entrapped in liposomes to prolong survival in renal cell adenocarcinoma-bearing mice., A Kedar, E G. Mayhew, R H. Moore, and G P. Murphy
Failure of actinomycin d to inhibit antitoxin production to a chal- lenging injection of antigen., B D. Geller and R S. Speirs
Failure of allogeneic thymocytes to survive in nude mice., P Piquet and P Vassalli
Failure of alpha-galactosylceramide to prevent diabetes in virus-inducible models of type 1 diabetes in the rat., P Chopra, P Diiorio, S C. Pino, S B. Wilson, N E. Phillips, J P. Mordes, A A. Rossini, D L. Greiner, L D. Shultz, and R Bortell
Failure of amygdalin to arrest b16 melanoma and bw5147 akr leukemia., G J. Hill, I )i, T E. Shine, H Z. Hill, and C Miller
Failure of an anabolic steroid, oxymetholone, to influence the survival time of dystrophic mice., J L. Rabinowitz, G D. Chase, and R M. Myerson
Failure of antimacrophage globulin to prolong mouse skin allografts., D J. Cameron and P R. Rajagopalan
Failure of arginine glutamate to inhibit lung tumor formation by isoniazid and hydrazine in mice., R S. Yamamoto and J H. Weisburger
Failure of bacillus calmette-guerin (bcg) infection to suppress the growth of transplanted mouse and rat sarcomas., J Simova and J Bubenik
Failure of bcg to render c3h/hej mice hyperreactive to endotoxin. Abstr., C L. Brandon, R E. Baughn, D M. Musher, and D L. Peavy
Failure of bleomycin to affect humoral or cell-mediated immunity in the mouse., A M. Dlugi, K M. Robie, and M S. Mitchell
Failure of bone marrow to interfere with the augmentation of x-ray leukemogenesis by urethan., I Berenblum, F E. Rewald, and N Trainin
Failure of cba/n mice to develop detectable radioresistant t helper cell function. Abstr., N E. Phillips and P A. Campbell
Failure of cba/n mice to respond to thymus-dependent and thymus- -independent phosphorylcholine antigens., J Quintans and R B. Kaplan
Failure of concanavalin a (con a) and antilymphocyte serum (als) to enhance antibody responses to t independent (ti) antigens in mrl/1 mice. Abstr., D A. Wilson and H B. Mullen
Failure of cytochalasin or colchicine to inhibit secretion of immunoglobulins., R Parkhouse and A Allison
Failure of dextran to osmotically protect ctl-"hit" target cells., E A. Kurt and R R. Lindquist
Failure of 'dystrophic' neurones to support functional regeneration of normal or dystrophic muscle in culture., B Gallup and V Dubowitz
Failure of endogenous serotonin to produce lesions of the carcinoid syndrome., L S. Gottlieb, S A. Broitman, J J. Vitale, and N Zamcheck
Failure of endotoxin to increase nonspecific resistance to infection of lipopolysaccharide low-responder mice., L Chedid, M Parant, C Damais, F Parant, D Juy, and A Galelli
Failure of endotoxin to protect c3h/hej mice against lethal x-irradiation., R Urbaschek, S E. Mergenhagen, and B Urbaschek
Failure of functional transfer of maternal lymphocytes to f1 hybrid mice., J J. Trentin, M T. Gallagher, and E L. Priest
Failure of generation of cytotoxic t cells to tnp-modified self antigens in old nzb mice is due to deficient autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction (amlr). Abstr., J A. Wolos and J B. Smith
Failure of high doses of gamma interferon to affect the growth of human carcinoma, melanoma, and myeloid leukaemia xenografts., R D. Clutterbuck, J L. Millar, and P Alexander
Failure of human cells transformed by simian virus 40 to form tumors in athymic nude mice., C D. Stiles, W Desmond, G Sato, and M H. Jr
Failure of human spermatozoa to penetrate zona free mouse and rat ova in vitro., P Quinn
Failure of hybrid resistance on macrophage layer formed in peritoneal cavity of f1 mice., Y Kitamura, A Kanamaru, and T Kawata
Failure of immune surveillance. Allogeneic epithelium escapes detection. Abstr., G Slemmer
Failure of immunization against tumor-genesis., R T. Prehn
Failure of immunological memory in dmba-treated mice., Y Matsuoka, H Senoh, T Kawanoto, T Kohmo, T Hamaoka, and M Kitagawa
Failure of immunotherapy with neuraminidase-treated tumor cell vaccine in mice bearing established 3-methylcholanthrene- -induced sarcomas., R J. Spence, R M. Simon, and A R. Baker
Failure of induced functional activity and cell deficit to restore preoperative cell number in paired accessory sex glands following unilateral ablation in castrated male mice., M R. Alison, S Mchanwell, and N A. Wright
Failure of inoculation with polyoma virus to influence chemical carcinogenesis in mice., R A. Malmgren and A S. Rabson
Failure of isoproterenol to produce cardiac lesions in diabetic mice. Abstr., hage A. El, E Herman, J Kenimer, and V Ferrans
Failure of killed listeria monocytogenes vaccine to produce protective immunity., C H. Von koenig, H Finger, and H Hof
Failure of long-established skin homografts on als-treated mice to induce transplantation tolerance., H Ramseier
Failure of lymphocytes to reexpress antigen receptors after brief interaction with a tolerogenic d-amino acid copolymer., K A. Ault, E R. Unanue, D H. Katz, and B Benacerraf
Failure of lyophilized tissues to evoke a secondary response to skin homografts., D Steinmuller
Failure of malaria vaccination in mice born to immune mothers., P G. Harte, J B. Souza, and J H. Playfair
Failure of malaria vaccination in mice born to immune mothers. II. Induction of specific suppressor cells by maternal igg., P G. Harte and J H. Playfair
Failure of malignantly transformed c3h/10t1/2cl8 cells to accumulate nuclear actin in response to high cell density. Abstr., J S. Bertram and W M. Stourgeon
Failure of neuraminidase to unmask allogeneic antigens on cell surfaces., P K. Ray and R L. Simmons
Failure of neuraminidase to unmask histocompatibility antigens on trophoblast., R L. Simmons, M L. Lipschultz, A Rios, and P K. Ray
Failure of neutrophilia to increase the number of neutrophils entering a peritoneal exudate in mice., S C. Aronoff, D R. Boggs, S S. Boggs, and R H. Cypess
Failure of nzb spleen to respond to prethymic bone marrow suppressor cells., M J. Dauphinee and N Talal
Failure of orchiectomy to affect degenerative joint disease in str/1n mice., L Sokoloff
Failure of ovalbumin associated with allogeneic spleen cells to stimulate proliferation of lymph node cells of immune mice., C S. Walters and D W. Talmage
Failure of parental t cells to restore t-cell deficient f1 mice., M Marusic and B Kindred
Failure of peritoneal exudate macrophages to reverse immunologic impairment by friend leukemia virus., W S. Ceglowski and H Friedman
Failure of phenoxybenzamine to prevent formation of hepatomas after chronic carbon tetrachloride administration., G F. Kiplinger and C J. Kensler
Failure of preoperative c. Parvum vaccine to modify secondary disease following excision of two non- -immunogenic murine carcinomas., H B. Hewitt and E R. Blake
Failure of ribonuclease to inhibit the transfer of homograft sensitivity. Abstr., T Y. Sabet and R D. Ray
Failure of short-term treatment with flurbiprofen to enhance the therapeutic effect of cyclophosphamide against rodent sarcomas and a leukaemia., S E. Heckford, S A. Eccles, T J. Powles, and P Alexander
Failure of sodium-l-ascorbate to enhance survival in 5-fluoroura- cil (5fu) treated mouse melanoma. Abstr., N Martin, J Lima, G Brown, W Bourg, and N Dibella
Failure of spleen cell migration assays to detect cell-mediated immunity to spermatozoa after natural mating in female mice., S Faruki and R J. Hancock
Failure of spleen cells from thymectomized mice to induce graft vs. Host reactions., A P. Dalmasso, C Martinez, and R A. Good
Failure of successful intrasplenic transplantation of islets from lean mice to cure obese-hyperglycaemic mice, despite islet growth., A Andersson, U Eriksson, B Petersson, L Reibring, and I Swenne
Failure of suppressor t cells and their products to suppress in vitro immune responses by dba/1 spleen cells. Abstr., D L. Peavy and C W. Pierce
Failure of syngeneic bone marrow cells to protect against mc-induced lymphoma in dba/2 mice., L Chen and I Berenblum
Failure of t cells specific for strong histocompatibility antigens to cooperate with b cells for a humoral response., G Dennert, M D. Rose, and R S. Allen
Failure of the bursa of fabricius from chickens to restore antibody producing capacity in neonatally thymectomized mice., R L. St pierre and G A. Ackerman
Failure of thymoma grafts to restore the immunological competence in thymectomized mice., M Vandeputte
Failure of thymopoietin, ubiquitin and synthetic serum thymic factor to restore immunocompetence in t-cell deficient mice., D Martinez, A K. Field, H Schwam, and M R. Hilleman
Failure of 'thymus factor' to restore transplantation immunity in athymic mice., W Pierpaoli and H O. Besedovsky
Failure of x-rays to induce histocompatibility mutations in mice. Abstr., H I. Kohn, R W. Melvold, and G R. Dunn
Failure (.) Of x-rays to induce spermatogonial histocompatibility mutations. Abstr., H I. Kohn and R W. Melvold
Failure of x-rays to mutate class ii histocompatibility loci in balb/c mouse spermatogonia., H I. Kohn, R W. Melvold, and G R. Dunn
Failure of xx cells containing the sex reversed gene to produce gametes in allophenic mice., J Gordon
Failure to confirm a vascular cause of muscular dystrophy., W G. Bradley, M D. O'brien, D N. Walder, D Murchison, A Johnson, and D J. Newell
Failure to demonstrate abnormal lymphocyte capping in humans, mice and hamsters with muscular dystrophy., M E. Gershwin, R G. Taylor, W M. Jr, and B Finlayson
Failure to demonstrate a role for line ib tumor-associated surface antigen in the etiology of age-dependent polioencephalomyelitis., D M. Bentley, V A. Guckian, J D. Stinnett, and R E. Morris
Failure to demonstrate immunodepression as a contributing component in radiation leukomogenesis of the rfm mouse. Abstr., E H. Perkins and L H. Cacheiro
Failure to demonstrate immunological competence in term mouse placental cells., R L. Simmons and P S. Russell
Failure to demonstrate postnatal testicular dependent expression of the male-specific transplantation antigen in mice., I L. Weissman
Failure to detect antibody against gross virus in tetraparental akr- -cba mouse chimaeras., R D. Barnes, M Tuffrey, and J Holliday
Failure to detect anti-group-specific murine leukemia virus activity in tetraparental akr-cba chimeras., R D. Barnes, M A. Tuffrey, and R C. Bourne
Failure to detect chromosome damage in vivo in friend virus-infected leukemic mice., S K. Majumdar and J D. Bilenker
Failure to detect cytotoxic lymphoid cells or humoral blocking factors in mouse radiation chimaeras., C Grant, E Leuchars, and P Alexander
Failure to detect h-2 antigens in mouse testis and heart by immuno- fluorescence., A Gervais
Failure to detect maternal modification of h-y in mice., W K. Silvers
Failure to detect meiotic chromosome rearrangement in male mice given chemical mutagens., A Leonard, G Deknudt, and G Linden
Failure to eliminate antigen in an autoimmune central nervous system disease. Abstr., J F. Nawrocki and W H. Murphy
Failure to find evidence of enzootic or latent ectromelia virus infection in otago medical school mice., T Maguire and L O. Simpson
Failure to find h-2-associated susceptibility to lcm disease., P M. Neustadt, T S. Cody, and A A. Monjan
Failure to immunize specific pathogen-free balb/c mice to c3hf skin allografts with streptococcal antigen., C S. Smith and D Steinmuller
Failure to induce alopecia areata in C3H/HeJ mice with exogenous interferon gamma., J P. Sundberg, K A. Silva, K Edwards, S Black, A B. Jenson, and L E. King
Failure to induce autoimmune phenomena in mice by administration of highly purified c-type particles from nzb mice., O L. Schaap, E R. Groot, and J J. Loghem
Failure to induce autoimmunity in mice with endoyoxin., K Cox and D Keast
Failure to induce isoimmunity against leukaemia induced by irradiation in strain cba mice., P Koldovsky
Failure to induce natural killer cell activity in mice with chronic trypanosoma cruzi infection. Abstr., S D. Sharma and G F. Araujo
Failure to induce protection against transplanted mammary tumours by vaccination with the purified murine mammary tumour virus structural proteins gp52 and p28., P Creemers, F Westenbrink, J Brinkhof, and P Bentvelzen
Failure to modify anti-p2 reactivity in long-term (p1 x p2)f1-p1 radiation chimeras by total lymphoid cell ablation: implications for the role of thymic antigen-presenting cells., R B. Ashman and P J. Gallagher
Failure to observe 'skin heterogenization' in mice., L Milas, M Horvat, and V Silobrcic
Failure to produce warts on human skin grafts on 'nude' mice., H A. Cubie
Failure to reconstitute neonatally thymectomized mice by 'successful' rat thymus transplantation., E J. Yunis, C Martinez, and R A. Good
Failure to suppress theta antigenic expression in progeny derived from pre-immunized maternal recipients., C Braun, G Mahouy, C Bona, zalc C. Goujet, M Tuffrey, A Crewe, and R Barnes
Failure to transfer sensitivity to skin homografts by means of 'immune' lymphoid cells in diffusion chambers., D B. Wilson, W K. Silvers, and R E. Billingham
Failure to transmit carcinogenic agents from the pregnant mouse to the embryos in utero., C C. Little and S G. Warner
Failure to transmit human viral hepatitis types a and b to the congenitally athymic nude mouse., R A. Whitney, J R. Ganaway, A M. Allen, H J. Alter, O H. Purcell, and P V. Holland
Fall in the content of free radicals in ehrlich ascites tumor cells treated with propyl gallate., N M. Emanuel and T E. Lipatova
False negative hyperglucosuria test-strip reactions in laboratory mice., D M. Taylor and D L. Neal
False positive direct coombs tests following total-body x-irradiation of mice., O Garfein, N Treacy, and J G. Gorman
Familial ataxia of the rabbit Sawin-Anders type: Ultrastructural analysis of degeneration in the cochlear nuclei., J L. O'Leary, R R. Fox, J M. Smith, and J Inukai
Familial ataxia of the rabbit Sawin-Anders type. Ultrastructural analysis of degeneration of the cochlear nuclei., J L. O'Leary, R R. Fox, J M. Smith, and J Inukai
Familial diabetes mellitus in mice, associated with insulin resistance, obesity, and hyperplasia of the islands of Langerhans., V R. Bleisch, J M. Dickie, and M M. Dickie
Familial hypophosphatemia (familial hypophosphatemic rickets) p. 69-70. In e. J. Andrews, w. Ward and n. Altman [eds.], Spontaneous animal models of human diseases. Vol. II. N.y., Academic, W G. Beamer, E M. Eicher, and L D. Cowgill
Familial variable expression of dilated cardiomyopathy in Alstrom syndrome: A report of four sibs., J D. Hoffman, Z Jacobson, T L. Young, J D. Marshall, and P Kaplan
Fanconi anemia complementation group C is required for proliferation of murine primordial germ cells., J J. Nadler and R E. Braun
Farp2 and Stk25 are candidate genes for the HDL cholesterol locus on mouse chromosome 1., Z Su, A Cox, Y Shen, I M. Stylianou, and B Paigen
Fas deficiency delays the resolution of airway hyperresponsiveness after allergen sensitization and challenge., C Duez, A Tomkinson, L D. Shultz, D L. Bratton, and E W. Gelfand
Fas-deficient C3.MRL-Tnfrsf6(lpr) mice and Fas ligand-deficient C3H/HeJ-Tnfsf6(gld) mice are relatively resistant to the induction of alopecia areata by grafting of alopecia areata-affected skin from C3H/HeJ mice., Paul P. Freyschmidt, K J. McElwee, V Botchkarev, S Kissling, E Wenzel, J P. Sundberg, R Happle, and R Hoffmann
Fast and frequent induction of gastric carcinoma in mice by 4-nitro- quinoline n-oxide (4nqo). Abstr., R Kinosita, T Ishiko, and S Sugiyama
Fast- and slow-growing transplantable tumors derived from spontaneous mammary tumors of the dba/2ha-dd mouse., M Hosokawa, F Orsini, and E Mihich
Fasting and refeeding., J J. Stragand, P G. Braunschweiger, A A. Pollice, D L. Schiffer, and I A. Following
Fast moving hemoglobin (hb) in c57bl/cum mice, a mouse fetal hb. Abstr., L M. Kraus, A Rasad, Y Ohba, and M T. Patterson
Fast neutron irradiation and the relationship of radiation dose and mammalian tumor cell reproductive capacity., J R. Andrews and R J. Berry
Fast neutron therapy beams., J P. Geraci, K L. Jackson, G M. Christensen, P D. Thrower, D B. Weyer, and T A. Of
Fat absorption by the small intestine of x-irradiated mice., J Dulcino, J R. Maisin, and J Deroo
Fatal central nervous system (cns) disease in lymphocytic chorio- meningitis (lcm) virus carrier mice given lcm-immune donor spleen cells. Abstr., D H. Gilden, G A. Cole, and N Nathanson
Fatal convulsive seizures in the DBA mouse strain., E M. Vicari
Fatal flaws in the case for prepatterning in the mouse egg., T Hiiragi and D Solter
Fatal infection with pseudomonas aeruginosa in mice treated with cyclophosphamide and propionibacterium acnes., J Saegusa, K Ueda, and K Fujiwara
Fatal response suggestive of graft-versus-host reaction following transplantation of spleen cells from allogeneic athymic (nude) donors., J P. Okunewick, R F. Meredith, R B. Raikow, and K Magliere
Fate and effect of endotoxin derivatives in tumour-bearing mice., A Nowotny, S Golub, and B Key
Fate and immunogenicity of antigens endocytosed by macrophages, a study using foreign red cells and immunoglobulin g., A Cruchaud and E R. Unanue
Fate and metabolism of some mutagenic alkylating agents in the mouse. I. Ethyl methanesulfonate and methyl methanesulfonate at sublethal dose in hybrid males., R B. Cumming and M F. Walton
Fate of a liposome-associated agent injected into normal and tumour-bearing rodents. Attempts to improve localization in tumour tissues., E D. Neerunjun, R Hunt, and G Gregoriadis
Fate of a liposome-associated agent injected into normal and tumour-bearing rodents. Attempts to improve localization in tumour tissues., G Gregoriadis, D E. Neerunjun, and R Hunt
Fate of amethopterin-resistant mutants in l1210 mouse leukemia populations., A Hoshino, A M. Albrecht, and D J. Hutchison
Fate of antigen-binding cells in unresponsive and immune mice., J Louis, J Chiller, and W Weigle
Fate of antipaternal h-2 antibodies bound to the placenta in vivo., R Raghupathy, B Singh, and T G. Wegmann
Fate of asparaginase in immunized tumor bearing mice. Abstr., F Baechtel and M Prager
Fate of dna-labelled bone-marrow cells from different mouse strains injected into syngeneic irradiated recipients., G Gerber, A Decleve, J Maisin, A Leonard, and G Mattelin
Fate of exogenous horseradish peroxidase in renal lysosomes of mice with chediak-higashi syndrome. Abstr., E Essner and C Oliver
Fate of exogenous peroxidase in renal lysosomes of mice with chediak- -higashi syndrome., E Essner, C Oliver, and H Haimes
Fate of h2-activated t lymphocytes in syngeneic hosts. Iii. Differentiation into long-lived recirculating memory cells., J Sprent and J F. Miller
Fate of h2-activated t lymphocytes in syngeneic hosts. II. Residence in recirculating lymphocyte pool and capacity to migrate to allografts., J Sprent and J F. Miller
Fate of H3-thymidine-labeled cells after injection into native and foreign strains of mice., Mary Guest Duran
Fate of h3-thymidine-labeled spleen cells in in vivo cultures during secondary antibody response., E E. Capalbo, T Makinodan, and W D. Gude
Fate of heterogenous tumor cell populations after intravenous injection. Abstr., J Varani, E J. Lovett, and J Lundy
Fate of homologous adult spleen cells injected into new-born mice., A J. Davies and S M. Doak
Fate of homologous and isologous fresh and stored bone transplanted to the anterior eye chambers of inbred mice., O B. Wiswell and F B. Willard
Fate of listeria monocytogenes in normal rabbit serum., L D. Shultz and M S. Wilder
Fate of murine fibrosarcoma allografts and radiolabeled tumor-enhanc- ing igg2, normal (nonenhancing) igg2 and bacterial endotoxin in endo- toxin-tolerant and nontolerant mice. Abstr., J M. Cruse, G K. Lewis, H D. Whitten, E S. Watson, and J F. Fields
Fate of osteocytes in adult mouse whole bone isografts and homografts., K K. Nishimura, J A. Yaeger, and T Y. Sabet
Fate of polyoma form i dna during replication., A Roman and R Dulbecco
Fate of presynaptic afferents to purkinje cells in the adult nervous mutant mouse: a model to study presynaptic stabili- zation., C Sotelo and A Triller
Fate of primoridial germ cells in the transplanted hind gut of mouse embryos., W Ozdzenski
Fate of recirculating b16 melanoma metastatic variant cells in parabiotic syngeneic recipients., I J. Fidler and G L. Nicolson
Fate of skin allografts in normal mice injected with antigraft strain globulin in relation to the igg1 and igg2 class of the antibodies., T Harris and S Harris
Fate of skin grafts from different inbred strains on nude mice bearing allogeneic thymus grafts., D D. Isaak
Fate of subcutaneously injected benzo(rst)pentaphene in c57bl/6 mice., T F. Kelley
Fate of teratocarcinoma cells injected into early mouse embryos., V E. Papaioannou, M W. Burney, R L. Gardner, and M J. Evans
Fate of the c3h mammary tumor agent in mice of strains c57bl, i, and balb/c., H B. Andervont
Fate of the second- and third-set grafts in animals with temporary tolerance of skin homograft., J Chutna
Fate of transplanted bone., R Mawdsley and G A. Harrison
Fate of unintegrated viral dna in fv-1 permissive and resistant mouse cells infected with murine leukemia virus., P Jolicoeur and E Rassart
Fate of vaccines of propionibacterium acnes after phagocytosis by murine macrophages., A T. Pringle, C S. Cummins, B F. Bishop, and V S. Viers
Fate of viral rna of murine leukemia virus after infection., T Takano and M Hatanaka
Fat (fat) and tubby (tub): two autosomal recessive mutations causing obesity syndromes in the mouse., D L. Coleman and E M. Eicher
Fatness of the total body as estimated from measurements on the eviscerated carcass., G C. Pitts and G Hollifield
Fat targets for skeletal health., M Kawai, M J. Devlin, and C J. Rosen
Fattori che regolano la regressione spontanea dei tumori primitivi da 'murine sarcoma virus, moloney strain' nel topo (balb/ccb/se). I. Eta al trattamento e dose di virus., R Ribacchi and G Giraldo
Fattori extracromosomici nella tumorigenesi polmonare spontanea del topo balb/c/cb/se., F Squartini and G B. Bolis
Fatty acid biosynthesis in ehrlich cells. The mechanism of short term control by exogenous free fatty acids., R Mc gee and A A. Spector
Fatty acid biosynthesis in mice brain and kidney microsomes. Compar- ison between quaking mutant and control., J M. Bourre, O L. Daudu, and N A. Baumann
Fatty acid composition of cerebrosides, sulphatides and ceramides in murine leucodystrophy, the quaking mutant., K Joseph, M Druse, L Newell, and E Hogan
Fatty acid composition of milk phospholipids of mice with and without the mammary tumour virus., R F. Mc gregor, J Newland, and W E. Cornatzer
Fatty acid composition of triglycerides from adipose tissue transplanted between obese and lean mice., M Enser and M Ashwell
Fatty acid metabolism in dystrophic muscle in vitro., C H. Lin, A J. Hudson, and K P. Strickland
Fatty acid metabolism in l1210 murine leukemia cells: differences in modification of fatty acids incorporated into various lipids., C P. Burns, S L. Wei, and A A. Spector
Fatty acid metabolism in skeletal muscle mitochondria from two strains of dystrophic mice., M E. Martens and C P. Lee
Fatty acid mobilization in obese mice., M Enser
Fatty acid oxidation in the heart of genetically diabetic mouse. Abstr., T H. Kuo, K H. Moore, F Giacomelli, and J Wiener
Fatty acid oxidation to h20 by ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice., M Ookhtens and N Baker
Fatty acid positional specificity in phospholipids of l1210 leukemia and normal mouse lymphocytes., C P. Burns, S L. Wei, D G. Luttenegger, and A A. Spence
Fatty acids reduce lymphocyte capping in mouse and man. Abstr., delpin E. Santiago, franco A. Roman, and J I. Colon
Fatty acid synthesis during early linoleic acid deficiency in the mouse., D W. Allmann and D M. Gibson
Fatty acid synthesis from glucose-1-h3 and glucose-1-c14 in obese- -hyperglycemic mice., Y Shigeta and W W. Shreeve
Fatty acid synthesis in developing mouse liver., S Smith and S Abraham
Fatty acid synthesis in liver and adipose tissue of normal and genetically obese (ob/ob) mice during the 24-hour cycle., D A. Hems, E A. Rath, and T R. Verrinder
Fatty acid synthetase from a mouse mammary adenocarcinoma., C Y. Lin, S Smith, and S Abraham
Fatty Acyl CoA reductase 2 as a target for the prevention of renal function decline., Sarah Tran
Fatty acyl-coenzyme a elongation in brain of normal and quaking mice., I Goldberg, I Shechter, and K Bloch
Fault of ossification and calcification and angular deformities of long bones in the mouse fetuses caused by high doses of ethane-1-hydroxy-1,1-diphosphonate (ehdp) during pregnancy., M Eguchi, T Yamaguchi, E Shiota, and S Handa
Favorable effects of the antioxidants sodium and magnesium thiazolidine carboxylate on the vitality and life span of drosophila and mice., J Miquel and A C. Economos
Fbj virus-induced osteosarcoma has type v collagen consisting of a, b and c-like chains in addition to type i collagen., S Yamagata, M Miwa, K Tanaka, and T Yamagata
Fbj virus-induced tumours in mice. A histopathological study of fbj virus tumours and their relevance to murine and human osteosarcoma arising in bone., C Price, M Moore, and D Jones
Fc-dependent effector functions of idiotype-anti-idiotype immune complexes., E Rajnavolgyi, M Reth, F Uher, K Miklos, J Gergely, and K Rajewsky
Fc-dependent inhibition of mouse b cell activation by whole anti-nu antibodies., N E. Phillips and D C. Parker
Fcepsilon receptor bearing lymphocytes in the mouse. Abstr., mallie R. Vander, T Ishizaka, and K Ishizaka
Fc fragment activation of t lymphocytes. I. Fc fragments trigger lyt 1+ 23- t lymphocytes to release a helper t cell- -replacing activity., M L. Thoman, E L. Morgan, and W O. Weigle
Fc (igg) receptor distributions in homogeneous and heterogeneous cell populations by flow microfluorometry., J A. Titus, S O. Sharrow, J M. Connolly, and D M. Segal
Fc receptor-bearing and phagocytic cells in syngeneic tumours of c. Parvum- and carrageenan-treated mice., A W. Thomson, N Cruickshank, and E F. Fowler
Fc receptor-bearing cells as a reliable marker for quantitation of host lymphoreticular infiltration of progressively growing solid tumors., R S. Kerbel and H F. Pross
Fc receptor dependency of antibody mediated feedback regulation: on the mechanism of inhibition., B Stockinger and E Lemmel
Fc receptor-mediated inhibition of murine b-lymphocyte activation., J L. Ryan and P A. Henkart
Fc receptors for iga and other immunoglobulins on resident and activated alveolar macrophages., J Gauldie, C Richards, and L Lamontagne
Fc receptors for ige on mouse macrophages and macrophage-like cell lines., nitulescu G. Boltz, J M. Plummer, and H L. Spiegelberg
Fc-receptors, ia-antigens, and immunoglobulin on normal and activated mouse t lymphoytes., P H. Krammer, L Hudson, and J Sprent
Fc receptor solubilization and partial characterization. Abstr., C L. Anderson and H M. Grey
Fc receptors on mouse effector cells mediating natural cytotoxicity against tumor cells., R B. Herberman, S Bartram, J S. Haskill, M Nunn, H T. Holden, and W H. West
Fc receptors on mouse placenta and yolk sac cells., J Elson, E J. Jenkinson, and W D. Billington
Fc receptors released from murine t cells. Abtr., H D. Whitten, E W. Lamon, and M M. Hurst
FcRn : The antibody receptor of the immune system., Yonas Hailu
FcRn: the neonatal Fc receptor comes of age., D C. Roopenian and S Akilesh
Fc-rosetting and nonrosetting t cells are killer cells., P H. Krammer, B E. Elliott, and H Von boehmer
Fcs-activated blast t cells inhibit the in vitro response of memory ctl precursors to alloantigens by removal of factor(s) from mlc supernatant., G Degiovanni and lafontaine N. Schaaf
Fe59 incorporation by spleens of lethally irradiated mice injected with isologous bone marrow. Abstr., L H. Smith
'fear Communication' via odor in inbred mice., R L. Sprott
Feasibility of purification of mulv envelope glyco- proteins using selected plant lectins. Abstr., D W. Fountain and W K. Yang
Feasibility tests for mapping low-multiplicity genes by hybridization in situ., K C. Atwood, M T. Yu, E Eicher, and A S. Henderson
Feasibility tests for mapping low-multiplicity genes by hybridization in situ., K C. Atwood, M T. Yu, E Eicher, and A S. Henderson
Features of antibody formation in neonatally thymectomized mice., S N. Zinzar and moldavsky G. Svet
Features of cell lineage in preimplantation mouse development., C F. Graham and Z A. Deussen
Features of the 'adipose' mouse. Abstr., R A. Batt and G A. Harrison
Features of the immune response to dna in mice. I. Genetic control., G J. Fournie, P H. Lambert, and P A. Miescher
Features of the immune response to dna in mice. II. Participation of b anc t cells., G J. Fournie, P H. Lambert, A D. Bankhurst, and P A. Miescher
Features of the primary immune response to dinitrophenyl in mice undergoing a graft-versus-host reaction., P Del guercio, N Thobie, and M F. Poirier
Febrile convulsions in inbred strains of mice susceptible and resistant to audiogenic seizures., S C. Maxson
Fected with mouse mammary tumor virus (mtv). Abstr., A Tagliabue, R B. Herberman, D H. Lavrin, D J. Mccoy, and L. In
Fecundity and embryonic mortality in the four inbred lines of mice balb/c,, A/sn, and cc57w and their hybrids., V P. Kryshkina and A M. Malashenko
Fecundity and fertility in female homo- and heterokaryotypes of the tumorous-head strain of Drosophila melanogaster., B B. Knowles
Feedback control in ehrlich ascites cells., E Bresnick and G H. Hitchings
Feedback control in ehrlich ascites cells. Abstr), E Bresnick
Feedback control of cholesterol biosynthesis in rats and mice fed the carcinogens benzidine and 2-acetylaminofluorene (aaf). Abstr., L R. Depass and M D. Morris
Feedback control of the secondary antibody response. I. A suppressor, suppressor-inducer mechanism from the interaction of b-memory cells with lyt 2- t cells., D B. Thomas and M W. Kennedy
Feedback control of the secondary antibody response. II. Differences in the rate of induction of t-helper and t- -suppressor memory., M W. Kennedy and D B. Thomas
Feedback induction of suppressor t-cell activity., D D. Eardley and R K. Gershon
Feedback inhibition of purine biosynthesis in adenocarcinoma 755 and sarcoma 180 cells in culture., G J. Dixon, E A. Dulmadge, R W. Brockman, and S C. Shaddix
Feedback inhibition of purine biosynthesis in ascites tumor cells., J F. Henderson
Feedback regulation of cell division in the hematopoietic system. Abstr., A Takada and J L. Ambrus
Feedback regulation of growth of ascites tumours in parabiotic mice., P Bichel
Feedback regulation of the adaptive immune response by fas-induced apoptosis of APCs., Jessica Watson
Feedback suppression of the immune response in vitro. I. Activity of antigen-stimulated b cells., R H. Zubler, H Cantor, B Benacerraf, and R N. Germain
Feedback suppression of the immune response in vitro. II. Igvh-restricted antibody-dependent suppression., R H. Zubler, B Benacerraf, and R N. Germain
Feedback suppression of the immune response in vivo. Iii. Lyt-1+ b cells are suppressor-inducer cells., T Shimamura, S Habu, K Hashimoto, and S Sasaki
Feedback suppression of the immune response in vivo. II. Involvement of prostaglandins in the generation of suppressor- -inducer b lymphocytes., T Shimamura, K Hashimoto, and S Sasaki
Feedback suppression of the immune response in vivo. I. Immune b cells induce antigen-specific suppressor t cells., T Shimamura, K Hashimoto, and S Sasaki
Feedback suppression: phenotypes of t cells subsets involved in the ly1 t cell-induced immunoregulatory circuit., J S. Mcdougal, F W. Shen, S P. Cort, and J Bard
Feed efficiency of weanling genetically obese female mice. Abstr., B M. Schoenborne, L J. Koong, and N L. Canolty
Feeder layers of murine fibroblasts., M G. Brattain, D E. Brattain, A M. Sarrif, L J. Mcrae, W D. Fine, N J. Hawkins, and A O. By
Feeding, activity, and body temperature following 6-hydroxy- dopamine lesions in diabetes (db/db) mice., M A. Pelleymounter and J F. Lorden
Feeding behavior in diabetic and obese mutant mice under operant conditions., Robert Hallstrom
Feeding behavior of obese and lean mice under ad, lib, and derived conditions., Wanda J. Ratliff
Feeding, blood glucose and plasma insulin of mice at dusk., S Petersen
Feeding dominance in a flock of goats., Jean Depue
"Feeding the baby:--designing the culture milieu to enhance cell stability., C Waymouth
Fegato policistico congenito in topi pm/se., R Ribacchi
Feline leukemia virus envelope gp70 of subgroups b and c defined by monoclonal antibodies with cytotoxic and neutralizing functions., C K. Grant, B J. Ernisse, O Jarrett, and F R. Jones
Feline papillomas and papillomaviruses., J P. Sundberg, Ranst M. Van, R Montali, B L. Homer, W H. Miller, P H. Rowland, D W. Scott, J J. England, R W. Dunstan, I Mikaelian, and A B. Jenson
Female expression of the h-2-linked sex-limited protein (slp) due to non-h-2 genes., L J. Brown and D C. Shreffler
Femur mass: modulation by marrow cells from young and old donors., M L. Tyan
Femur mechanical properties in the F2 progeny of an NZB/B1NJ x RF/J cross are regulated predominantly by genetic loci that regulate bone geometry., J E. Wergedal, Bicknell C. Ackert, S W. Tsaih, M H. Sheng, R Li, S Mohan, W G. Beamer, G A. Churchill, and D J. Baylink
Fenfluramine effects on insulin resistance and lipogenesis in genetically obese (ob/ob) mice., T A. Pasquine and S W. Thenen
Fer in mice: a comparison of three shock-motivated situations., Stephen R. Coleman
Fermenthistochemische untersuchungen zur biologie von ascitestumoren und ibrer umwandlung in solide geschwulste., M Eder and H Wrba
Ferric nitrilotriacetate: a potent stimulation of in vivo lipid peroxidation in mice., J G. Goddard and G D. Sweeney
Ferritin distribution and synthesis in sex-linked anemia., J A. Edwards, J E. Hoke, M Mattioli, and M Reichlin
Ferrokinetics in mammary glands, d series mammary tumors and hemo- poietic organs of balb/c mice. Abstr., D V. Singh, S Albert, L Halmi, and L Calhoun
Ferrokinetics in mammary glands of balb/c mice., D V. Singh, S Albert, and L Calhoun
Ferrokinetics in mice treated with parental spleen cells or colloidal carbon., E Pinno and G O. Bain
Ferrokinetics of a graft-versus-host reaction. Abstr., G O. Bain and J D. Alton
Fertile dominant spotting in the house mouse. A new allele at the w locus., J Guenet, G Marchal, G Milon, P Tambourin, and F Wendling
Fertile females produced by inactivation of an x chromosome of 'sex-reversed' mice., A Mclaren and M Monk
Fertile male mice with three sex chromosomes: evidence that infertility in XYY male mice is an effect of two Y chromosomes., P A. Hunt and E M. Eicher
Fertile, obese male mice., P W. Lane and M M. Dickie
Fertile tertiary trisomy in the mouse (mus musculus)., P De boer
Fertility and cytogenetic analysis of early stages of embryo- genesis in mice with chromosomal translocation t(16,17)43h., V S. Baranov, S Gregorova, and J Forejt
Fertility and fecundity of different strains of mice as affected by the mating regime. (polish With eng. Summ.), B Musialek and H Krzabowska
Fertility and meiotic behavior of male t70h tertiary trisomics of the mouse (mus musculus). A case of preferential telomeric meiotic pairing in a mammal., P De boer and A Groen
Fertility of mice treated with phosphorus-32., E A. Holmberg, A Pavlovsky, C D. Pasqualini, and S L. Rabasa
Fertility studies of complementing genotypes at the albino locus of the mouse., S E. Lewis, H A. Turchin, and T E. Wojtowicz
Fertilization and development in vitro of mouse eggs from inbred strains and f1 hybrids., Y M. Kasai kenkichi and Y Toyoda
Fertilization in vitro and development of mouse ova., P C. Hoppe and S Pitts
Fertilization in vitro and development to term of unfertilized mouse oocytes previously stored at -196 degrees c., D G. Whittingham
Fertilization in vitro of eggs and first cleavage of embryos in different strains of mice., K Niwa, M Araki, and A Iritani
Fertilization of cumulus-free, zona-intact mouse ova in vitro at high and low sperm concentrations., J D. Stanger and P Quinn
Fertilization of mammalian eggs by sperm injection., C L. Markert
Fertilization of mouse eggs in vitro., D G. Whittingham
Fertilization of mouse ova in vitro. I. Effect of some factors on fertilization., A Pavlok
Fertilization of nucleate and anucleate egg fragments in the mouse., A K. Tarkowski
Fertilizing ability of mouse sperm from different epididymal regions and after washing and centrifugation., P C. Hoppe
Fertilizing ability of mouse sperm from different epididymal regions and after washing and centrifugation., P C. Hoppe
Fetal and neonatal liver in organ culture: an in vitro system for the study of gene regulation in the ontogenesis of neoplasia., Thomas Gallant
Fetal antigens and tumor specific cell surface antigens of papova virus-induced tumors. Abstr., C Ting, D Lavrin, and R Herberman
Fetal antigens shared as transplantation rejection antigens on chemically induced mouse and hamster sarcomas., J H. Coggin, L Adkinson, and N Anderson
Fetal bone grafts do not elicit allograft rejection because of protecting anti-ia alloantibodies. Implications to the immune survival of fetuses in allogeneic mother., S Segal, T Siegal, H Altaraz, el A. Lev, Z Nevo, A Nebel, A Katzenelson, and M Feldman
Fetal bovine serum contains polypeptides which stimulate colony formation by nontransformed cells. Abstr., C B. Childs and H L. Moses
Fetal compensation of the hemolytic anemia in mice homozygous for the normoblastosis (nb) mutation., L L. Peters, C S. Birkenmeier, and J E. Barker
Fetal death in heterozygouse opossum mice., Peter M. Dolinger
Fetal erythroid cell development, density gradients and size distributions., R M. Zucker
Fetal erythropoiesis and hemoglobin ontogeny in tail-short (Ts/+) mutant mice., T W. Brotherton, D H. Chui, E C. McFarland, and E S. Russell
Fetal erythropoiesis and hemoglobin ontogeny in tail-short (ts/+) mutant mice., T W. Brotherton, D H. Chui, E C. Mcfarland, and E S. Russell
Fetal erythropoiesis in flexed mice. Abstr., J H. Fowler and E S. Russell
Fetal erythropoiesis in flexed tailed mutant(f/f) mice. Abstr., D H. Chui, G D. Sweeney, and M Patterson
Fetal erythropoiesis in steel mutant mice. I. A morphological study of erythroid cell development in fetal liver., D H. Chui and E S. Russell
Fetal erythropoiesis in steel mutant mice. I. A morphological study of erythroid cell development in fetal liver., D H. Chui and E S. Russell
Fetal erythropoiesis in steel mutant mice. Iii. Defect in differentiation from bfu-e to cfu-e during early development., D H. Chui, S Liao, and K Walker
Fetal erythropoiesis in steel mutant (sl/sld) mice. Abstr., D H. Chui and E S. Russell
Fetal erythropoiesis. Maturation in megaloblastic (yolk sac) erythropoiesis in the c57bl/6j mouse., N C. Bethlenfalvay and M Block
Fetal growth modified by natural and induced changes in maternal reactivity., E J. Breyere
Fetal hemoglobin production in adult baboons by 5-azacytidine or by phenylhydrazine-induced hemolysis is associated with hypomethylation of globin gene DNA., J DeSimone, P Heller, J C. Schimenti, and C H. Duncan
Fetal hemoglobin variants in mice., J G. Gilman and O Smithies
Fetal isoenzymes expression of heterotransplanted hela cells in nude mice., R M. Singer, E M. Leahy, and M E. Gershwin
Fetal liver and adult thymus cells, absence of synergism in graft- -versus-host reactions., M L. Tyan
Fetal liver and thymus, roles in the ontogenesis of the mouse immune system., M L. Tyan, L J. Cole, and P C. Nowell
Fetal liver. A source of immunoglobulin producing cells in the mouse., M L. Tyan, L J. Cole, and L A. Herzenberg
Fetal liver erythropoiesis and yolk sac cells., D E. Harrison and E S. Russell
Fetal lymphoid tissues, antibody production in vitro., M L. Tyan, D B. Ness, and P R. Gibbs
Fetal-materials and development of metastatic lesions in animals bearing b16 melanoma. Abstr., K M. Sheikh, C Newsome, and T A. Khwaja
Fetal mouse lung in circumfusion system cultures., G G. Rose and T Yajima
Fetal myocardium in the kidney capsule: an in vivo model of repopulation of myocytes by bone marrow cells., Eric Y Zhang, Qiang Xiong, Lei Ye, Piradeep Suntharalingam, Xiaohong Wang, C Michael Astle, Jianyi Zhang, and David E Harrison
Fetal-specific ankyrin-related proteins and mRNAs in murine erythrocytes., L. Christine Turtzo
Fetal suppressor cells. Effects on mixed lymphocyte cultures. Abstr., D J. Patt and Y M. Kong
Fetal synthesis of hc', a component of mouse complement., D K. Tachibana and L T. Rosenberg
Fetal thymic pre-t cells neither demonstrate nor develop natural killer cell activity., S C. Miller
Fettsucht und antikorperbildungsvermogen. Modelluntersuchungen an c57bl/6j-mausen., H Finger, L Rakow, and G Beneke
Fetuin inhibits zona pellucida hardening and conversion of ZP2 to ZP2f during spontaneous mouse oocyte maturation in vitro in the absence of serum., A C. Schroeder, R M. Schultz, G S. Kopf, F R. Taylor, R B. Becker, and J J. Eppig
Fever group rickettsiae., L S. Sammons, R H. Kenyon, and R L. Pedersen
Fibrillogenesis in the articular cartilage of young mice, electron- microscopic studies of prolonged action of estrogenic hormone., M Silberberg and R Silberberg
Fibrin and collagen deposition and fibroblasts proliferation in granuloma of murine leprosy. Comparison of two mouse strains with different immune reactions., M Satoh, S Izaki, S Kon, and M Izaki
Fibrinogen concentration in the aqueous humor of buphthalmic rabbits., K W. Lam, A M. Mansour, R R. Fox, P Lee, and R Smith
Fibrinogen metabolism in experimental tumours., H Peterson, K L. Appelgren, and B H. Rosengren
Fibroblast and immune interferon., W R. Fleischmann, J A. Georgiades, L C. Osborne, and D H. Johnson
Fibroblast contraction of collagen lattices in vitro: inhibition by chronic inflammatory cell mediators., H P. Ehrlich and D J. Wyler
Fibroblast growth factor can substitute for platelet factor to sustain the growth of balb/3t3 cells in the presence of plasma., D Gospodarowicz, G Greene, and J Moran
Fibroblast growth factor or serum stimulated alanine uptake and inhibits leucine uptake in quiescent balb 3t3 cells. Abstr., K O. Cooper, A J. Owen, and J Hochstadt
Fibroblast growth factors and epidermal growth factor cooperate with oocyte-derived members of the TGFbeta superfamily to regulate Spry2 mRNA levels in mouse cumulus cells., K Sugiura, Y Q. Su, Q Li, K Wigglesworth, M M. Matzuk, and J J. Eppig
Fibroblast growth regulatory factor inhibits dna synthesis in balb/c 3t3 cells by arresting in g1., P Datta and C V. Natraj
Fibroblastic cultures from the diabetic db/db mouse. Demonstration of decreased insulin receptors and impaired responses to insulin., M K. Raizada, G Tan, and R E. Fellows
Fibroblast precursors in normal and irradiated mouse hematopoietic organs., A J. Friedenstein, U F. Gorskaja, and N N. Kulagina
Fibroblasts and liver cells stimulated for growth., J G. Collard; A D. Wildt; meulemans E. Oomen; J Smeekens; D P. Emmelot; and S I. Lymphocytes,
Fibroblasts and macrophages of mice with the chediak-higashi-like syndrome have microtubules and action cables., F R. Frankel, R W. Tucker, and R Stenberg
Fibroblasts in sterile inflammation, study in mouse radiation chimaeras., D W. Barnes and N G. Khrushchov
Fibroblasts obtained from a ph1 positive cml patient. A preliminary report., F D. Wilson, B Greenberg, W Spangler, M Shifrine, M E. Gershwin, D J. Dyck, and T O. Negative
Fibroblasts of short ear mice (se se) and normal mice (Se se) in tissue culture., Johannes Gaillard
Fibroblast stimulation in schistosomiasis. II. Functional and biochemical characteristics of egg granuloma-derived fibroblast-stimulating factor., D J. Wyler and L J. Rosenwasser
Fibroblast stimulation in schistosomiasis. IV. Isolated egg granulomas elaborate a fibroblast chemoattractant in vitro., D J. Wyler and A E. Postlethwaite
Fibronectin during growth of the lewis lung tumor. Abstr., F A. Blumenstock, M Goldaber, R Megirian, J A. Bennett, D T. Saba, and I O. Bioreactive
Fibronectin enhancement of directed migration of b16 melanoma cells., J Lacovara, E B. Cramer, and J P. Quigley
Fibronectin expression during myogenesis., J M. Gardner and D M. Fambrough
Fibronectin in foreign body-induced sarcomas and preneoplastic cells., G C. Macdonald, L T. Furcht, and K G. Brand
Fibronectin is produced by blood vessels in response to injury., R A. Clark, J H. Quinn, H J. Winn, J M. Lanigan, A Dellepella, and R B. Colvin
Fibrosarcoma cells by tumor-enhancing igg2 in vitro. Abstr., J M. Cruse, H D. Whitten, J F. Fields, R B. Hester, G K. Lewis, D E. Watson, and T O. Allogeneic
Fibrosarcoma induction in immunosuppressed mice., B H. Sanford and S F. Soo
Fibrosarcoma induction in immunosuppressed mice., B H. Sanford and S F. Soo
Fibrosarcomas in hamsters at site of injection following intracerebral or subcutaneous administration of s. E. Polyoma virus. Abstr., F C. Romanul, B Roizman, and C N. Luttrell
Fication of t cells as responsible for suppression by cells from spleen, thymus, lymph node, and bone marrow., L A. Herzenberg, E L. Chan, M M. Ravitch, R J. Riblet, D L. Herzenberg, and S. Identi
Fidelity in the translation of polyuridylic acid in the l1210 mouse ascites leukemia subcellular system. Abstr., M Ochoa and L Landisman
Fierce: a new mouse deletion of Nr2e1; violent behaviour and ocular abnormalities are background-dependent., K A. Young, M L. Berry, C L. Mahaffey, J R. Saionz, N L. Hawes, B Chang, Q Y. Zheng, R S. Smith, R T. Bronson, R J. Nelson, and E M. Simpson
Fifty-five percent complete remission of mammary carcinoma in mice with 5-fluorouracil and chloroquine., J P. Shoemaker
Fifty years of H-2 research., G A. Carlson
Fighting and mating in mice. Abstr., L Levine
Filaggrin deficiency confers a paracellular barrier abnormality that reduces inflammatory thresholds to irritants and haptens., T C. Scharschmidt, M Q. Man, Y Hatano, D Crumrine, R Gunathilake, J P. Sundberg, K A. Silva, T M. Mauro, M Hupe, and al et
Filamentous structures in ectromelia virus-infected cells., B V. Siegel
Filaments in the division furrow of mouse mammary cells., D G. Scott and C W. Daniel
Filicidal ring-Y chromosomes in D. melanogaster., J C. Stone
Filipin-sterol complexes in the membranes of cardiac muscle., J R. Sommer, P C. Dolber, and I Taylor
Films, The Jackson Laboratory
Filtrability of the mouse leucosis agent induced by the smallpox vaccine virus., N P. Mazurenko
Filtrable virus-like agent isolated from tumours induced by carcino- genic substances., A I. Ageenko
Filtration of embryo extract for tissue cultures., C Waymouth and P R. White
FIMRe: Federation of International Mouse Resources: global networking of resource centers., M Davisson
Finding a mouse: the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)., J T. Eppig and M Strivens
Finding and sharing: new approaches to registries of databases and services for the biomedical sciences., D Smedley, P Schofield, J Eppig, P Flicek, J K. Heriche, A Lyall, M Ringwald, N Rosenthal, and al et
Finding and testing the candidate genes that determine the high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in the mouse cross C57BL/6J X NZB/B1NJ., Richard Wagner
Finding function: evaluation methods for functional genomic data., C L. Myers, D R. Barrett, M A. Hibbs, C Huttenhower, and O G. Troyanskaya
Finding the genetic mutation causing high levels of circulating plasma triglycerides in HLB505 mouse model., Alexandra Greene
Finding the location of degenerating axons in the central nervous systems of neuromuscular mutant mice., Margaret Balch
Finding the single gene mutation responsible for causing tachycardia in an ENU mutant., Amy E. Dalrymple
Fine antigenic specificity and genetic restriction of lysozyme- -specific suppressor t cell factor produced by radiation leukemia virus-transformed suppressor t cells., L Adorini, G Doria, and castagnoli P. Ricciardi
Fine genetic mapping defines the genetic order of Pax9, Tcf3a, and Acrodysplasia (Adp)., T Watanabe, E Tarttelin, A Neubuser, M Kimura, and D Solter
Fine genetic mapping of the proximal part of mouse chromosome 2 excludes Pax-8 as a candidate gene for Danforth's short tail (Sd)., H Koseki, J Zachgo, Y Mizutani, Chazottes D. Simon, J L. Guenet, R Balling, and A Gossler
Fine idiotype analysis of b cell precursors in the t-dependent and t-independent responses to alpha1-3 dextran in balb/c mice., R Stohrer and J F. Kearney
Fine mapping in 94 inbred mouse strains using a high-density haplotype resource., A Kirby, H M. Kang, C M. Wade, C Cotsapas, E Y. Kang, M Rivas, M A. Bogue, K A. Frazer, and al et
Fine mapping of Ath6, a quantitative trait locus for atherosclerosis in mice., M K. Purcell, J L. Mu, D C. Higgins, R Elango, H Whitmore, S Harris, and B Paigen
Fine mapping of MHC linked gene(s) conferring resistance to IS-CD8+ cell induced diabetes., Ian Monk
Fine mapping of the friend retrovirus resistance gene, Rfv3, on mouse chromosome 15., H J. Super, K J. Hasenkrug, S Simmons, D M. Brooks, R Konzek, K D. Sarge, R I. Morimoto, N A. Jenkins, D J. Gilbert, N G. Copeland, W Frankel, and B Chesebro
Fine mapping of two novel deafness mutations in mice., Gretchen Lewis
Fine specificity analysis with monoclonal antibodies of anti- gens controlled by the major histocompatibility complex and by the qa/tl region in mice., H Lemke, G J. Hammerling, and U Hammerling
Fine specificity and idiotype analysis of the ige response to the synthetic terpolymer l-glutamic acid60-l-alanine30-l-tyrosine10 (gat) and its dinitrophenyl conjugate (dnp-gat)., I Lowy, danon A. Prouvost, A Abadie, and J Theze
Fine specificity mapping of two allospecific t cell lines: recog- nition of private specificities in the h-2 ia subregion., G Dennert, S L. Swain, J D. Waterfield, and R W. Dutton
Fine specificity of a continuously growing killer cell clone specific for h-y antigen., H Von boehmer, H Hengartner, M Nabholz, W Lernhardt, A H. Schreier, and W Haas
Fine specificity of alloimmune cytotoxic t lymphocytes directed against h-2k. A study with kb mutants., C J. Melief, L P. Waal, M Y. Meulen, R W. Melvold, and H I. Kohn
Fine specificity of antibodies to poly(glu60ala30tyr10) produced by hybrid cell lines., M Pierres, S Ju, C Waltenbaugh, M E. Dorf, B. Bena, and R N. Germain
Fine specificity of antibodies to the synthetic polypeptide poly(l-tyrosine,l-glutamic acid)-poly(dl-alanine)--poly(l- -lysine) and its ordered analogs as followed by solid-phase radioimmunoassay., seren B. Parhami, E Mozes, and M Sela
Fine specificity of a proliferating t-cell clone activated by a conformational determinant of the i-ek molecule., A Pierres and M Pierres
Fine specificity of cloned insulin-specific t cell hybrodomas: evidence supporting a role for tertiary conformation., L H. Glimcher, J A. Schroer, C Chan, and E M. Shevach
Fine specificity of cytotoxic t lymphocytes: c57bl effector cells induced by autologous cells modified with hapten (4-hy- droxy-3-nitro-phenyl)acetyl (nip) are not heteroclitic., I Ando and P Kisielow
Fine specificity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes directed against H-2Ld., C J Melief, L P de Waal, M Y van der Meulen, P Iványi, and R W Melvold
Fine specificity of idiotype suppression in the a/j anti- -azophenylarsonate response., T L. Rothstein, M N. Margolies, M L, F, and rothstein A. Marshak
Fine specificity of regulatory t cells. II. Suppressor and helper t cells are induced by different regions of hen egg-white lysozyme in a genetically nonresponder mouse strain., L Adorini, M A. Harvey, A Miller, and E E. Sercarz
Fine-specificity of the contact sensitivity to 4-hydroxy-3- -nitrophenyl acetyl (np)., ferreira A. Matoso and O Makela
Fine specificity of the h-2 linked immune response gene for the gallinaceous lysozymes., S W. Hill and E E. Sercarz
Fine structural analysis of the effect of trypan blue on the visceral endoderm of the mouse egg cylinder., B E. Batten and J L. Haar
Fine structural changes and localization of phosphatases in the epithelium of the duodenal crypt of x-irradiated mice., J Hogon and M Borgers
Fine structural changes in mouse cervical epithelium following methylcholanthrene. Abstr., G R. Schrodt
Fine structural differentiation of germ layers in the mouse at the time of mesoderm formation., B E. Batten and J L. Haar
Fine structural localization of acid and alkaline phosphatase activities in the absorbing cells of the duodenum of rodents., J Hugon and M Borgers
Fine structural localization of lysosomal enzymes in the absorbing cells of the duodenal mucosa of the mouse., J Hugon and M Borgers
Fine structural studies of capillaries in nzb/nzw mice., G J. Dohrmann and P B. Herdson
Fine structural studies of capillaries in nzb/nzw mice. Abstr., G J. Dohrmann and P B. Herdson
Fine structural studies on white adipocyte differentiation., B G. Slavin
Fine structural studies on white adipocyte differentiation. Abstr., B G. Slavin
Fine structural study of cell migration in the early mesoderm of normal and mutant mouse embryos (t locus. T9/t9)., M Spiegelman and D Bennett
Fine structural study of postcastrational adrenocortical carcinomas in female ce-mice., M M. Sharawy, A G. Liebelt, T R. Dirksen, and D P. Penney
Fine structural study of postcastrational adrenocortical carcinomas in female ce-mice. Abstr., M Sharawy, V Larke, and A Liebelt
Fine structure and amino acid incorporation of melanin granules from several coat color mutants of the house mouse., Connie B. Speaker
Fine structure changes in the wabbler-lethal mouse central nervous system. Abstr., G W. Heath, F David, and E A. Harman
Fine structure of adenohypophyseal cells during embryonic development of the dwarf (dw) mutant mouse. Abstr., E Christensen and D B. Wilson
Fine structure of a fifth type of epithelial cell in the thyroid gland of the c3h mouse., P Neve and S H. Wollman
Fine structure of a murine mammary carcinoma cell line., W J. Arnold, H D. Soule, and J Russo
Fine structure of an end organ in the periodontal ligament of the mouse incisor., V Everts, W Beertsen, and A V. Hooff
Fine structure of an intramuscular haemangiopericytoma from the dystrophic mouse. Abstr., S D. Stranock
Fine structure of articular cartilage in mice receiving cortisone acetate., M Silberberg, R Silberberg, and M Hasler
Fine structure of a second kind of thyroid follicle in the c3h mouse., B K. Wetzel and S H. Wollman
Fine structure of a transplanted chemically induced nonlymphoid thymoma., D E. Bockman and O Stutman
Fine structure of cells isolated from adult mouse liver., M N. Berry and F O. Simpson
Fine structure of cells underlying skin grafts in mice. Abst., B E. Walker, R D. Yates, and D Duncan
Fine structure of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase of ascites tumour cells., G Yasuzumi and R Sugihara
Fine structure of differentiating mouse pancreatic exocrine cells in transfilter culture., F Kallman and C Grobstein
Fine structure of epidermal differentiation in the mouse., E F. Du brul
Fine structure of lentoid bodies derived from normal and cataractous mouse lenses., F L. Huang, P Russell, and T Kuwabara
Fine structure of melanosomes in s-91 mouse melanomas., H B. Demopoulos and T G. Yuen
Fine structure of midline epithelium in the developing palate. Abstr., G R. Smiley and A D. Dixon
Fine structure of midline epithelium in the developing palate of the mouse., G R. Smiley and A D. Dixon
Fine structure of mouse embryonic palatal epithelium prior to and after midline fusion., G R. Smiley
Fine structure of mouse secondary palate development in vitro., G R. Smiley and W E. Koch
Fine structure of mouse testes following intraperitoneal treatment with 5-thio-d-glucose., S K. Majumdar and R Udelsman
Fine structure of murine pulmonary adenocarcinomata induced by treat- ment with 20-methylcholanthrene in organ culture., B Flaks and A Flaks
Fine structure of murine pulmonary adenomata induced by carcinogen treatment in organ culture., B Flaks and A Flaks
Fine structure of mutant (muscular dysgenesis) embryonic mouse muscle., A C. Platzer and waelsch S. Gluecksohn
Fine structure of nuclear inclusions in murine pulmonary tumor cells., B Flaks and A Flaks
Fine structure of pituitary tumors and transplants in mice, effects on the prostate., I Petrea and W U. Gardner
Fine structure of prenatal and early postnatal dystrophic mouse muscle., A C. Platzer and J A. Powell
Fine structure of receptors for h-2 antigenic specificities as measured in the par assay., H Ramseier
Fine structure of rodent common bile duct epithelium., K Yamada
Fine structure of sertoli cells and myoid cells in mice with testi- cular feminization., K W. Chung
Fine structure of sertoli cells in mice with testicular feminization and an xx sex-reversal. Abstr., K W. Chung
Fine structure of spontaneous hepatic tumors of male c3h/fgs mice., Z Hruban, W H. Kirsten, and A Slesers
Fine structure of the lumbosacral neural folds in the mouse embryo., D B. Wilson and L A. Finta
Fine structure of the mouse anterior pituitary maintained in a short-term incubation system., K Yamashita
Fine structure of the mouse cornea., C Rehbinder
Fine structure of the surface of mouse hepatic cells., T Heath and S L. Wissig
Fine structure of trigeminal nerve fibers in neonatal mice. Abstr., A D. Dixon and G R. Smiley
Fine structure studies on the dystrophic mouse muscles. Abstr., S A. Shafiq, M A. Gorycki, and A T. Milhorat
Fingerprinting genomes by use of PCR with primers that encode protein motifs or contain sequences that regulate gene expression [published erratum appears in Mamm Genome 1993;4(2):133], E H. Birkenmeier, U Schneider, and S J. Thurston
Fingerprinting studies of the maturation of ribosomal rna in mammalian cells., F Galibert, P Tiollais, and M Eladari
Fin transplantation in Lebistes reticulatus., John Joseph Berger
First cleavage plane of the mouse egg is not predetermined but defined by the topology of the two apposing pronuclei., T Hiiragi and D Solter
First complement component (c1) in (nzb x nzw)f1 hybrid (b/w) mouse disease. Abstr., C T. Olsen
First set in vivo generation of cytotoxic cells against antigens controlled by h-2 subloci. Abstr., S Chen, N Ascher, R Hoffman, and R L. Simmons
Fitness of heterozygotes of deleterious recessive mutations in the mouse., E L. Green
Fitness of heterozygotes of deleterious recessive mutations in the mouse., E L. Green
Fitness of populations of irradiated mice, plan of experiments., E L. Green
Fitness of populations of irradiated mice: plan of experiments., E L. Green
Five allelic genes at the asa locus which control gamma-globulin allotypic specificities in mice., S Dray
Five allelic genes at the asa locus which control gamma-globulin allotypic specificities in mice. Abstr., R Lieberman and S Dray
Five mutations at the PAH locus account for almost 90% of PKU mutations in French-Canadians from eastern Quebec., S W. John, R Rozen, R Laframboise, C Laberge, and C R. Scriver
Five types of lymphocytes (ig-theta-,ig-theta+ weak, ig-theta+ strong, ig+theta-and ig+theta+) characterized by double immunofluorescence and electrophoretic mobility. Organ distribution in normal and nude mice., G E. Roelants, F Loor, H Von boehmer, J Sprent, L Hagg, K S. Mayor, and A Ryden
Fixative-soluble tritium pool size after tritiated thymidine injection into mice with skin stimulated by plucking., C S. Potten and M B. Croxson
Fixed neuroblastoma cells induce syngeneic lymphocyte blast trans- formation. An in vitro method for detection of membrane antigens. Abstr., R Revoltella, L Bertolini, L Diamond, M Amini, and C Bosman
fjoin: simple and efficient computation of feature overlaps., J E. Richardson
Flaked maize as a source of tapeworm infestation in mice., M L. Duffill and M F. Lyon
Flamingo, a seven-pass transmembrane cadherin, regulates planar cell polarity under the control of Frizzled., T Usui, Y Shima, Y Shimada, S Hirano, R W. Burgess, T L. Schwarz, M Takeichi, and T Uemura
Flip-flop in the lyt 2 phenotype of t cells from radiation chimaeras between thy 1 congenic donor and recipient mice., D B. Thomas
Flourescein-globulin staining of tumor transplants., C J. Louis
Flourescent antibody reactions against the mouse mammary tumor agent., E R. Brown and J J. Bittner
Flourinated pyrimidines--xxxv. The metabolism of 2',3'-dehydro-5- -fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine in ehrlich ascites cells., R J. Kent and C Heidelberger
Flow cytoenzymology of the early differentiation of mouse embryonal carcinoma cells., D E. Swartzendruber, K Z. Cox, and M E. Wilder
Flow cytofluorometric analysis of the binding of vicia villosa lectin to t lymphoblasts: lack of correlation with cytolytic function., H R. Macdonald, J Mach, M Schreyer, and J Cerottini
Flow cytometric analysis of adriamycin-perturbed mouse mammary tumors., L A. Dethlefsen, R M. Riley, and J L. Roti
Flow cytometric analysis of g1 exit kinetics in asynchronous l1210 cell cultures with the constant transition probability model., T K. Sharpless and F H. Schlesinger
Flow-cytometric analysis of mouse peritoneal macrophages., B M. Stadler and A L. Deweck
Flow cytometric analysis of the effect of 5-bromodeoxyuridine on mouse teratocarcinoma cells., D E. Swartzendruber, G L. Travis, and J C. Martin
Flow cytometric analysis of the effect of diphenylhydantoin on mitogen stimulated lymphocytes. Abstr., J R. Chapman, J L. Hudson, and D W. Roberts
Flow cytometric and immunoblot assays for cell surface ADP-ribosylation using a monoclonal antibody specific for ethenoadenosine., C Krebs, W Koestner, M Nissen, V Welge, I Parusel, F Malavasi, E H. Leiter, R M. Santella, F Haag, and Nolte F. Koch
Flow cytometric and morphological studies of ovarian carcinoma cell lines and xenografts., day C. Van haaften, P Russell, C Rugg, W, and M H. Tattersall
Flow cytometric characterization of the surface phenotype of electrophoretically fractionated mouse lymphocytes. Abstr., R C. Habbersett and F Dumont
Flowcytometric evaluation of the dna distribution in isolated pancreatic islets from normal and diabetic mice., J K. Larsen and O Nielsen
Flow cytometry analysis of murine b cell lymphoma differentia- tion., N L. Warner, M J. Daley, J Richey, and C Spellman
Flow cytometry analysis of t and b lymphocytes from autoimmune mice. Abstr., D E. Lewis and N L. Warner
Flow cytometry analysis of t cells and continuous t-cell lines from autoimmune mrl/l mice., D E. Lewis, J V. Giorgi, and N L. Warner
Flow cytometry of dna in mouse sperm and testis nuclei., M L. Meistrich, S Lake, L L. Steinmetz, and B L. Gledhill
Flow cytometry studies of a surface alloantigen specific for murine natural killer (nk) cells. Abstr., A S. Tai and N L. Warner
Flow cytophotometric (fcm) analysis of dna content of perturbed c3h mouse mammary tumors. Abstr., M Pallavicini, A Cohen, L Dethlefsen, and J Gray
Flow microfluorimetric analysis of sensitive and resistant leukemia l1210 following 1-beta-d- -arabinofuranosylcytosine in vivo., O Alabaster and B Bunnag
Flow microfluorometric analysis of alloantigen expression during t cell development., T A. Potter, P M. Hogarth, and I F. Mckenzie
Flow microfluorometric analysis of herpesvirus infected bhk-21 and balb/3t3 cell cultures., J Dunn, J Spizizen, and W Meinke
Flow microfluorometric analysis of p388 murine leukemia after administration of vincristine and maytansine in vivo., O Alabaster and M Cassidy
Flow system fluorescence polarization measurements on fluorescein diacetate-stained el4 cells., M Epstein, A Norman, D Pinkel, and R Udkoff
Fluctuating asymmetry in the dentition of the house mouse., R S. Bader
Fluctuations in dna synthesis by mammary tissue from the pregnant hamster, rat and three strains of mice., B J. Rodgers and D W. Borst
Fluctuation tests with antibody-forming spleen cell populations., M Nakano and W Braun
Fludarabine phosphate: preclinical toxicity study in cd2f1 mice and bealge dogs. Abstr., W Collins, R Hiles, B Neal, and M Kastello
Fluids and electrolytes., H Meier
Flumethasone induction of liver tyrosine aminotransferase activity in inbred strains and obese mutant mice., R L. Blake
Flumethasone induction of liver tyrosine aminotransferase activity in inbred strains and obese mutant mice., R L. Blake
Fluorescence and giemsa banding studies of the allocyclic x chromosome in embryonic and adult mouse cells., N Takagi and M Oshimura
Fluorescence and haemolytic activity of tumours and normal tissues of the c3h mouse., E Ponder and R V. Ponder
Fluorescence emitted by 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulphonate binding to normal and cancerous mouse cells., J Vaillier, D Vaillier, C Trentesaux, and J Robert
Fluorescence imaging of multiple myeloma cells in a clinically relevant SCID/NOD in vivo model: biologic and clinical implications., C S. Mitsiades, N S. Mitsiades, R T. Bronson, D Chauhan, N Munshi, S P. Treon, C A. Maxwell, L Pilarski, T Hideshima, R M. Hoffman, and K C. Anderson
Fluorescence microscopical study of 5-hydroxytryptamine storage organelles in mepacrine-incubated blood platelets of beige mice (chediak-higashi syndrome)., H P. Lorez and M D. Prada
Fluorescence microscopy as an aid in differentiation of coat- -colour mosaics in the mammalian spot test., J W. Hart, N J. Jensen, and S Larsen
Fluorescence microscopy of mouse bone-marrow cells., smith M. Ashwood and M R. Young
Fluorescence of oxidized flavoproteins from perifused isolated pancreatic islets., U Panten and H Ishida
Fluorescence polarisation and composition of membranes in genetic obesity., D A. York, P A. Hyslop, and R French
Fluorescence polarization measurements on normal and tumour cells and their corresponding plasma membranes., R P. Van hoeven, W J. Blitterswijk, and P Emmelot
Fluorescence spectral evidence that benzo(a)pyrene-dna products in mouse skin arise from diol-epoxides., P Daudel, M Duquesne, P Vigny, and P Sims
Fluorescence spectrophotometric analysis of melanins in the house mouse., T Ikejima and T Takeuchi
Fluorescence spectroscopic and fading behavior of ehrlich's hyper- diploid mouse ascites tumor cells supravitally stained with acridine orange., J F. Golden and S S. West
Fluorescence study of ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells after x-irradiation., I Y. Ostashevsky and A Y. Sungurov
Fluorescent antibody studies of chemical and virus-induced thymic lymphomas in c57bl mice. Abstr., R G. Doell
Fluorescent antibody studies on the viral antigen in a murine leuke- mia (rauscher)., M A. Fink and R Malmgren
Fluorescent light-induced chromosome damage and its prevention in mouse cells in cultures., R Parshad, K K. Sanford, G M. Jones, and R E. Tarone
Fluorescent light-induced dna crosslinkage and chromatid breaks in mouse cells in culture., R Gantt, R Parshad, R A. Ewig, K K. Sanford, G M. Jones, R E. Tarone, and K W. Kohn
Fluorescent light-induced toxic photoproducts in fischer's medium (fm) for l5178y leukemic cells and its reversal by histidine. Abstr., F M. Griffin, G Ashland, and R L. Capizzi
Fluorescent light induces malignant transformation in mouse embryo cell cultures., A R. Kennedy, M A. Ritter, and J B. Little
Fluorescent probing of calcium in beta-cells. Abstr., I Taljedal
Fluoresence polarization of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene embedded in membranes of mouse leukemic l1210 cells during the cell cycle., A Obrenovitch, C Sene, M Negre, and M Monsigny
Fluoride and fractures: an ecological fallacy [comment], C J. Rosen
Fluoride intake and alveolar bone loss in periodontal disease-susceptible mice., H H. Messer, L Singer, and R Ophaug
Fluorinated pyrimidines. Xii. Effects of simple nucleotides on trans- planted tumors., C Heidelberger, A V. Sunthankar, L Griesback, and S Randerson
Fluorinated pyrimidines. Xxi. The tumor-inhibitory activity of 5-trifluoromethyl-2'-deoxyuridine., C Heidelberger and S W. Anderson
Fluorine substitution as a probe for the role of the 6-position of benzo[a]pyrene in carcinogenesis., M K. Buening, W Levin, A W. Wood, R L. Chang, S Agranat, M Rabinovitz, D R. Buhler, H D. Mah, S Hernandez, R B. Simpson, D M. Jerina, A H. Conney, E C. Miller, and J A. Miller
Fluorometric quantitation of fluorescein-coupled antibodies attached to the cell membrane., R Strom and E Klein
Fluorophenylalanine inhibition of tumors in mice on a phenylalanine- deficient diet., W L. Ryan and J A. Elliott
Flux of free fatty acids among host tissues, ascites fluid, and ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., P Mermier and N Baker
Flv infection of balb/c mice and the effects of thioglycoliate treatment. Abstr., R R. Strauss and L Mills
Flv-p induced production of erythropoietic hormones in spleen: role in the onset and/or the typology of flv-p erythroleukemia. Abstr., C Peschle, F Lettieri, A Covelli, R Ciccariello, and G B. Rossi
Foam-cell reticulosis of mice, an inherited condition resembling gaucher's and niemann-pick diseases., M F. Lyon, E V. Hulse, and C E. Rowe
Focal antibody production by transferred spleen cells in irradiated mice., J H. Playfair, B W. Papermaster, and L J. Cole
Focal axonal swelling in cerebellum of quaking mouse. Light and electron microscopic studies., K Suzuki and J C. Zagoren
Focal infection and transformation in situ of thymus cell subclasses by a thymotropic murine leukemia virus., A Decleve, M Travis, I L. Weissman, and H S. Kaplan
Focal laminate segments in cytoplasmic processes of mouse myocardial fibroblasts., M S. Forbes and N Sperelakis
Foci of polyoma virus infection in house mice. Abstr., W P. Rowe and R J. Huebner
Foci of proliferating antibody-producing cells in a primary immune response in vitro., J Marbrook
Focus formation by a murine sarcoma-leukemia virus complex. II. Quantitative aspects of the interaction between radiation leukemia virus and its murine sarcoma virus pseudotype in strain c57bl mouse embryo cells., A Decleve, M Lieberman, G M. Hahn, and H S. Kaplan
Focus-forming virus (sffv). Abstr., R A. Steeves, M Bennett, E A. Al, and C C. Spleen
Foetal and placental growth in the mouse after pre-implant- ation development in vitro under oxygen concentrations of 5 and 20%., G M. Harlow and P Quinn
Foetal antigens and cancer., J E. Castro, E M. Lance, P B. Medawar, J Zanelli, and R Hunt
Foetal antigens cross-reactive with tumour-specific transplantation antigens., B P. Le mevel and S A. Jun
Foetal erythropoiesis in genetically anaemic, flexed-tailed (f/f) mice., R G. Tarbutt and R J. Cole
Foetal erythropoiesis in steel mutant mice. II. Haemopoietic stem cells in foetal livers during development., D H. Chui and B V. Loyer
Foetal haemopoiesis during the hepatic period. II. Topographic histology., A C. Nessi and C E. Bozzini
Foetal origin of transferrin in mouse amniotic fluid., M B. Renfree and A M. Laren
Folate analog transport in plasma membrane vesicles isolated from l1210 leukemia cells. Abstr., C Yang, R H. Peterson, F M. Sirotnak, and P L. Chello
Folate antagonist molecular receptors. Abstr., S S. Susten, R J. Kempton, A M. Black, D J. Freisheim, and R A. For
Folate metabolism and thymidylate synthetase activity in mouse malaria. Abstr., V E. Reid and M Friedkin
Folate metabolism in mammalian cells in culture. I. Partial characterization of the folate derivatives present in l1210 mouse leukemia cells., R G. Moran, W C. Werkheiser, and S F. Zakrzewski
Folate metabolism in methotrexate-sensitive and -resistant ehrlich ascites cells., A C. Sartorelli, B A. Booth, and J R. Bertino
Folate uptake in l1210 cells: mediation by an adenine transport system., M R. Suresh, G B. Henderson, and F M. Huennekens
Folate uptake in l1210 cells: mediation via an adenine-transport system. Abstr., M R. Suresh, G B. Henderson, and F M. Huennekens
Folding and organization of a contiguous chromosome region according to the gene distribution pattern in primary genomic sequence., L S. Shopland, C R. Lynch, K A. Peterson, K Thornton, N Kepper, J Hase, S Stein, S Vincent, K R. Molloy, G Kreth, C Cremer, C J. Bult, and T P. O'Brien
Follicle growth and cell dynamics in the mouse ovary during pregnancy., T Pedersen and H Peters
Follicle-stimulating hormone content of the pituitary glands of intact and ovariectomized mice of different strains., K A. Karande, N A. Sheth, and K J. Ranadive
Follicle-stimulating hormone-induced functions of cumuli oophori isolated from mice., J J. Eppig, bailey P. Ward, J E. Potter, D R. Schultz, and E A. On
Follicular dendritic cell (FDC) precursors in primary lymphoid tissues., Z F. Kapasi, D Qin, W G. Kerr, Vilbois M. Kosco, L D. Shultz, J G. Tew, and A K. Szakal
Follicular dendritic cells in lymph nodes after x-irradiation., denoel C. Kinet, E Heinen, D Radoux, and L J. Simar
Follicular development and ovulation in macrophage colony-stimulating factor-deficient mice homozygous for the osteopetrosis (op) mutation., M Araki, Y Fukumatsu, H Katabuchi, L D. Shultz, K Takahashi, and H Okamura
Follicular growth and atresia in the mouse., E F. Oakberg
Follicular growth and innervation in hairless mice., M Fitzgerald, J Nolan, and M O'neill
"Follicular stem cell carcinoma: histologic, immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and clinical characterization in 30 days"., I Mikaelian and V Wong
Follicular stem cell carcinoma: histologic, immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and clinical characterization in 30 dogs., I Mikaelian and V Wong
Folliculogenesis in the ovary of the mature mouse. A radioautographic study., T R. Hoage and I L. Cameron
Following friend and rauscher leukemia virus infections., P S. Ebert, M A. Chirigos, L A. Al, A L. Dehydrogenase, and S H. Activity
Food and water intake and body weight of hypoxia mice., S Von hofe, T P. Donald, and R D. Lange
Food-choice in a food-preference test: comparison of two mouse strains and the effects of chlordiazepoxide treatment., S J. Cooper and R L. Francis
Food intake and body weight regulation in diabetes (db/db) and obese (ob/ob) mice., I Ramirez and R L. Sprott
Food intake and body weight regulation in diabetes (db/db) and obese (ob/ob) mice., I Ramirez and R L. Srott