Content Posted in 2012
Mechanism of t-cell help in the immune response to soluble protein antigens. I. Evidence for in situ generation and action of t-cell- -replacing factor during the anamnestic response to dinitrophenyl keyhole limpet hemocyanin in vitro., T Hunig, A Schimpl, and E Wecker
Mechanism of t-cell help in the immune response to soluble protein antigens. II. Reconstitution of primary and secondary in vitro immune responses to dinitrophenyl-carrier conjugates by t-cell-replacing factor., T Hunig, A Schimpl, and E Wecker
Mechanism of t cell-mediated cytolysis. The differential impact of cytochalasins at the recognition and lethal hit stages., P Golstein, C Foa, and I C. Maclennan
Mechanism of the antileukemic effects of 1-p-carboxamidophenyl- -3,3-dimethyltriazene and its in vitro metabolites., G Sava, T Giraldi, L Lassiani, C Nisi, and P B. Farmer
Mechanism of the antimetastatic action of n-diazoacetyl- glycinamide in mice bearing lewis lung carcinoma., T Giraldi, G Sava, and C Nisi
Mechanism of the anti-tumour effect of glucans and fructosans. A comparison with c. Parvum., R Bomford and C Moreno
Mechanism of the a/ Tumor graft rejection in syngeneic mice., J Zakany, T Janossy, P Nemeth, G Chihara, J Fachet, and G Petri
Mechanism of the changes in hormonal dependency in mammary tumors. Abstr., D T. Kiang, M King, B J. Kennedy, and N Wang
Mechanism of the cytolytic action of corticoseroids. Abstr., R W. Turnell and A F. Burton
Mechanism of the growth inhibition potentiation arising from combination of 6-mercaptopurine with 6-(methylmercapto)purine ribonucleoside., A R. Paterson and M C. Wang
Mechanism of the h-2 effect on viral leukemogenesis., J E. Bubbers, K J. Blank, H A. Freedman, and F Lilly
Mechanism of the hereditary anemia of sl(m) mutant mice., A N. Kales, W Fried, and C W. Gurney
Mechanism of the immune reaction to syngeneic murine plasma cell tumors. Abstr., M Rollinghoff, H Wagner, and N L. Warner
Mechanism of the immunosuppressive effect of ehrlich ascitic tumour., I Hrsak and T Marotti
Mechanism of the increased splenic erythropoiesis in mice treated with estradiol benzoate., A Anagnostou, A Zander, J Barone, and W Fried
Mechanism of the inhibition of dna biosynthesis by 4,4'-diacetyldi- phenylurea-bis(guanylhydrazone) in leukemia l1210 cells., C Dave, J Ehrke, and E Mihich
Mechanism of the local antitumor action of inflammation., P Alexander, I B. Parr, and L E. Jackson
Mechanism of the mitogenic action of the phytohemagglutinin. I. Induction of tolerance and lymphocyte transformation., P Panzetta, B Pirofsky, and D A. Rigas
Mechanism of the mutagenic action of urethane in mammalian cells in vitro., E N. Tolkacheva, G M. Platonova, and N S. Vishenkova
Mechanism of the pleiotropic effects of the short-ear mutant gene in the mouse., M C. Green
Mechanism of the pleiotropic effects of the short-ear mutant gene in the mouse., M C. Green
Mechanism of the suppressive effect of interferon on antibody syn- thesis in vivo., B R. Brodeur and T C. Merigan
Mechanism of thy-1-mediated t cell activation: roles of fc receptors, t200, ia, and h-2 glycoproteins in accessory cell function., V C. Maino, M A. Norcross, M S. Perkins, and R T. Smith
Mechanism of thyroid allograft rejection., K J. Lafferty, A Bootes, V A. Killby, and W Burch
Mechanism of tumor "concomitant immunity." Abstr., E Gorelik, S Segal, and M Feldman
Mechanism of tumor inhibition by alanosine. Abstr., R B. Hurlbert, D B. Carrington, and E C. Moore
Mechanism of tumor promoter inhibition of cellular binding of epidermal growth factor., L Lee and I B. Weinstein
Mechanism of uptake of nitrosoureas by l5178y lymphoblasts in vitro., A Begleiter, H P. Lam, and G J. Goldenberg
Mechanism responsible for the induction of i-j restrictions on ts3 suppressor cells., M Minami, M Honji, and M E. Dorf
Mechanisms and evolutionary origins of variable x-chromosome activity in mammals., M F. Lyon
Mechanisms and kinetics of cyclophosphamide-induced specific tolerance to skin allografts in mice., G Nirmul, C Severin, and R N. Taub
Mechanisms at the cellular level during induction of high zone toler- ance in vitro., E Diener and M Feldmann
Mechanisms by which hapten conjugates of pneumococcal polysaccharide interfere with the challenge of anti- -hapten memory cells., T J. Romano, S P. Lerman, and G J. Thorbecke
Mechanisms determining innate resistance to ectromelia virus infection in c57bl mice., H C. O'neill and R V. Blanden
Mechanisms implicated in acth-induced steriodogenic and dna synthesis refractoriness on adrenal mouse cell line (y-1)., A M. Morera and J M. Saez
Mechanisms in early and late phases of tolerance induced by parabiosis in adult mice., N W. Nisbet
Mechanisms in graft-versus-host reactions. An immunogenetic appraisal., D E. Uphoff
Mechanisms in immune tolerance. II. Specific immunosuppression by t lymphocytes of b memory cells in mice made tolerant to hsa., bar I. Zan, D Nachtigal, and M Feldman
Mechanisms in t cell leukemogenesis. II. T cell responses of preleukemic balb/c mice to moloney leukemia virus antigens., J C. Lee, I Horak, and J N. Ihle
Mechanisms in the induction of immunologically mediated age-dependent cns disease in c58 and akr mice. Abstr., P S. Duffey, D Martinez, and G D. Abrams
Mechanisms in the induction of immunologically mediated age-dependent cns disease in mice. Protective role of 350r resistant t lymphocytes. Abstr., P S. Duffey, O A. Lukasewycz, and D S. Olson
Mechanisms invloved in the production of red fluorescence of human and experimental tumours., F N. Ghadially, W J. Neish, and H C. Dawkins
Mechanisms involved during amplification of T cell immune responses during tumor rejection., Ann J. Lewis
Mechanisms involved in age-dependent decline of immune responsiveness and apparent resistance against tolerance induction in c57bl/6 mice., T Amagai, K Nakano, and B Cinader
Mechanisms involved in the antibody-mediated suppression of tuberculin-type delayed hypersensitivity. II. The sensitivity of tolerance induction to cyclophosphamide pretreatment and splenectomy, and the demonstration of active suppression., G S. Douvas and A J. Crowle
Mechanisms involved in the intracellular localization of mouse glucuronidase., A J. Lusis and K Paigen
Mechanisms involved in the low responsiveness of mice in the in vivo release of lymphokines. Abstr., R Neta and S B. Salvin
Mechanisms involved in the week alloimmunogenicity of thy-1 on mouse brain., S Lobel, R Rabinowitz, and M Schlesinger
Mechanisms of action. Abstr., L W. Roti roti, L B. Parks, and D. pyrimidine
Mechanisms of action of ir genes and their possible application to tumors., P Lonai and F C. Grumet
Mechanisms of action of topically applied triamcinolone acetonide in prolonging skin allograft survival time., P S. Boss, W B. Jolley, and E J. Ainsworth
Mechanisms of alpha-GalCer inhibition of type 1 diabetes in NOD mice., Alexandra E. Grier
Mechanisms of anemia in SHP-1 protein tyrosine phosphatase-deficient "viable motheaten" mice., B L. Lyons, M A. Lynes, L Burzenski, M J. Joliat, N Hadjout, and L D. Shultz
Mechanisms of antibacterial immunity against vibrio cholerae in the intestinal tracts of baby mice., W Chaicumpa and D Rowley
Mechanisms of antibody diversity. Multiple genes encode structurally related mouse kappa variable regions., D J. Mckean, M Bell, and M Potter
Mechanisms of antibody formation. I. Early in vivo proliferation of mouse spleen t cells as an initial step in antibody formation., R Bachvaroff and F T. Rapaport
Mechanisms of antibody formation. II. Use of dnp-ficoll in studies of hapten-specific b-cell responses., P R. Mc master, R J. Bachvaroff, and F T. Rapaport
Mechanisms of antigen-induced blockade of immune response and cyclophosphamide-promoted tolerance to salmonella typhi vi antigen., T B. Prigozhina and L N. Fontalin
Mechanisms of antigen presentation to T cells in murine graft-versus-host disease: cross-presentation and the appearance of cross-presentation., Xiaojian Wang, Hongmei Li, Catherine Matte-Martone, Weiguo Cui, Ning Li, Hung Sheng Tan, Derry C. Roopenian, and Warren D Shlomchik
Mechanisms of antigen-specific unresponsiveness to hetero- logous erythrocytes in mice: deletion of b-cell clone and generation of suppressor t cells., A Kuroiwa, K Nomoto, and K Takeya
Mechanisms of antitumor action of corynebacterium parvum. Nonspecific tumor cell destruction at site of an immunologically mediated sensitivity reaction to c. Parvum., R L. Tuttle and R J. North
Mechanisms of antitumor action of corynebacterium parvum. Replicating short-lived t cells as the mediators of potentiated tumor-specific immunity., R L. Tuttle and R J. North
Mechanisms of antitumor action of corynebacterium parvum. The generation of cell-mediated tumor specific immunity., R L. Tuttle and R J. North
Mechanisms of b cell tolerance. I. Dynamic nature of the induction of hapten-specific unresponsiveness by hapten-conjugated pneumococcal polysaccharide., A K. Abbas, G G. Klaus, and P J. Elroy
Mechanisms of b cell tolerance. II. Evidence for inhibition of antigen receptor expression as a mechanism of unresponsiveness., G G. Klaus, A K. Abbas, and P J. Mcelroy
Mechanisms of b cell tolerance. I. Tolerance to dextran b1355 induced with the oxidized dextran., R B. Bankert, G L. Mayers, and D Pressman
Mechanisms of b cell triggering. Studies with t cell-independent antigens., G G. Klaus and J H. Humphrey
Mechanisms of bcg action. I. The induction of nonspecific helper cells during the potentiation of alloimmune cell-mediated cytotoxic responses., M Davies and E Sabbadini
Mechanisms of clonal abortion tolerogenesis. II. Clonal behavior of immature b cells following exposure to anti-nu chain antibody., G J. Nossal, B L. Pike, and F L. Battye
Mechanisms of clonal abortion tolerogenesis. Iii. Antigen abrogates functional maturation of surface immunoglobulin- -negative adult bone marrow lymphocytes., B L. Pike and G J. Nossal
Mechanisms of clonal abortion tolerogenesis. I. Response of immature hapten-specific b lymphocytes., G J. Nossal and B L. Pike
Mechanisms of clonal abortion tolerogenesis. IV. Verification of the hypothesis in living mice., T W. Kay, B L. Pike, and G J. Nossal
Mechanisms of contact photosensitivity in mice: i. T cell regulation of contact photosensitivity to tetrachlorosalicylanilide under the genetic restrictions of the major histocompatibility complex., M Takigawa and Y Miyachi
Mechanisms of contact photosensitivity in mice. IV. Antigen- -specific suppressor t cells induced by preirradiation of photosensitizing site to uvb., M Takigawa, Y Miyachi, K Toda, and A Yoshioka
Mechanisms of c. Parvum-induced coagulopathy in mice., H D. Mitcheson, P Hilgard, A Mccraw, and J E. Castro
Mechanisms of c-type viral leukemogenesis. I. Correlation of in vitro lymphocyte blastogenesis to viremia and leukemia., J C. Lee and J N. Ihle
Mechanisms of "cytostasis" of tumours in vitro by syngeneic lymphoid cells of tumour bearers., E Farram and H Festenstein
Mechanisms of depressed reactivity to dinitrochlorobenzene and ultraviolet-induced tumors during ultraviolet carcinogenesis in balb/c mice., J M. Jessup, N Hanna, E Palaszynski, and M L. Kripke
Mechanisms of disease: is osteoporosis the obesity of bone?, C J. Rosen and M L. Bouxsein
Mechanisms of DNA double-strand break repair in hematopoietic homeostasis and oncogenesis., S A. Maas, L B. Caddle, and KD Mills
Mechanisms of enhanced resistance of mycobacterium bovis bcg- -treated mice to ectromelia virus infection., T Sakuma, T Suenaga, I Yoshida, and M Azuma
Mechanisms of extracellular killing of nucleated mammalian cells by macrophages., R Evans
Mechanisms of gallium nitrate modulation of diabetes in NOD mice., Emmie Chen
Mechanisms of genetic resistance to friend virus leukemia. Iii. Susceptibility of mitogen-responsive lymphocytes mediated by t cells., V Kumar, T Caruso, and M Bennett
Mechanisms of genetic resistance to friend virus leukemia in mice. II. Resistance of mitogen-responsive lymphocytes mediated by marrow-dependent cells., V Kumar and M Bennett
Mechanisms of genetic resistance to friend virus leukemia in mice. I. Role of 89sr-sensitive effector cells responsible for rejection of bone marrow allografts., V Kumar, M Bennett, and R J. Eckner
Mechanisms of genetic resistance to friend virus leukemia in mice. IV. Identification of a gene (fv-3) regulating immuno- suppression in vitro, and its distinction from fv-2 and genes regulating marrow allograft reactivity., V Kumar, L Goldschmidt, J W. Eastcott, and M Bennett
Mechanisms of growth arrest at a unique R (restriction) point in phenotypically normal mouse cell lines., Claire J. Kim
Mechanisms of hepatic transport of iga immune complexes from the circulation into the bile. Abstr., T A. Brown, M W. Russell, and J Mestecky
Mechanisms of idiotype suppression. V. Anti-idiotype antibody inhibits early b cell triggering induced by antigen., B S. Kim, P B. Massey, and K M. Hui
Mechanisms of immune lysis. II. Ctl-induced nuclear disintegration of the target begins within minutes of cell contact., J H. Russell and C B. Dobos
Mechanisms of immune lysis. Iii. Characterization of the nature and kinetics of the cytotoxic t lymphocyte-induced nuclear lesion in the target., J H. Russell, V Masakowski, T Rucinsky, and G Phillips
Mechanisms of immune lysis. I. Physiological distinction between target cell death mediated by cytotoxic t lymphocytes and antibody plus complement., J H. Russell, V R. Masakowski, and C B. Dobos
Mechanisms of immunity to leishmaniasis. IV. Significance of lymphatic drainage from the site of infection., L W. Poulter and C R. Pandolph
Mechanisms of immunity to sarcoma i allografts in the c57bl/ks mouse. 2. Passive transfer studies with immune serum in x-irradiated hosts., M Tsoi and R S. Weiser
Mechanisms of immunity to sarcoma i allografts in the c57bl/ks mouse. Iii. The additive and synergistic actions of macrophages and immune serum., M Tsoi and R S. Weiser
Mechanisms of immunity to sarcoma i allografts in the c57bl/ks mouse. I. Passive transfer studies with immune peritoneal macrophages in x- -irradiated hosts., M Tsoi and R S. Weiser
Mechanisms of immunologically specific killing of tumor cells by macrophages. [Nature 1972; 236:168-70. Citation classic]., R Evans and P Alexander
Mechanisms of immunological tolerance to azobenzenearsonate and preferential loss of the major cross-reactive idiotype in a/j mice. Abstr., E T. Collins and D C. Benjamin
Mechanisms of immunosuppression in tumor-bearing mice: a multifactorial analysis., J M. Jessup, B D. Kahan, and N R. Pellis
Mechanisms of inhibition of mouse myeloid leukemic cell differentiation by prostaglandin f2alpha., K Takenaga, Y Honma, J Kado, and M Hozumi
Mechanisms of insulin release, effects of secretory stimuli on na and rb fluxes islet cells. Abstr., J Sehlin
Mechanisms of insulin release, effects of sulphydryl reagents on islets camp. Abstr., I Taljedal
Mechanisms of insulin release, studies on free islet cells in suspensions. Abstr., A Lernmark
Mechanisms of in vivo generation of cytotoxic activity against allo- graft. 1. Local differentiation of mature cytotoxic t lymphocytes in rejection of allogeneic lymphocytes., T Sakemi, A Kuroiwa, K Taniguchi, and K Nomoto
Mechanisms of l-asparaginase resistance, asparagine synthetase (asase) in animal and human neoplasms. Abstr., C M. Haskell and G P. Canellos
Mechanisms of leukemogenesis. I. Generation of autoreactive lymphocytes in response to a murine leukemia virus., P J. Schenk and M L. Howe
Mechanisms of lymphocyte activation: linkage between early protein synthesis and late lymphocyte proliferation., L Varesio and H T. Holden
Mechanisms of macrophage activation by corynebacterium parvum. II. In vivo experiments., R Bomford and G H. Christie
Mechanisms of macrophage activation by corynebacterium parvum. I. In vitro experiments., G H. Christie and R Bomford
Mechanisms of mouse mast cell activation and inactivation for ige-mediated histamine release., R P. Siraganian and K A. Hazard
Mechanisms of murine leukemogenesis. II. Early appearance of apparently autoreactive effector cells in leukemia susceptible animals injected with a murine leukemia virus. Abstr., P J. Schenk and M L. Howe
Mechanisms of polyclonal B-cell activation in autoimmune B6-lpr/lpr mice., R W. Warren, J B. Roths, E D. Murphy, and D S. Pisetsky
Mechanisms of polyclonal b-cell activation in autoimmune b6-lpr/lpr mice., R W. Warren, J B. Roths, E D. Murphy, and D S. Pisetsky
Mechanisms of protective immunity in experimental cutaneous leishman- iasis of the guinea-pig. II. Selective destruction of different leishmania species in activated guinea-pig and mouse macrophages., R Behin, J Mauel, and D S. Rowe
Mechanisms of pulmonary injury in gamma-irradiated recipients of "motheaten" bone marrow., Katherine S. Ullman
Mechanisms of radiation reduction in host resistance to tumor implants. Abstr., B M. Boulos and T C. Evans
Mechanisms of recognition of littermates in mice., Tara Tayyabkhan
Mechanisms of recovery from a generalized viral infection, mousepox. Iii. Regression of infectious foci., R V. Blanden
Mechanisms of recovery from a generalized viral infection, mousepox. I. The effects of anti-thymocyte serum., R V. Blanden
Mechanisms of reduction of antitumor drug toxicity by liposome encapsulation., Y E. Rahman, W R. Hanson, J Bharucha, E J. Ainsworth, and B N. Jaroslow
Mechanisms of regulation of cell-mediated immune responses. I. Effect of the route of immunization with tnp-coupled syngeneic cells on the induction and suppression of contact sensitivity to picryl chloride., M I. Greene, M Sugimoto, and B Benacerraf
Mechanisms of regulation of cell-mediated immunity. II. Induction and suppression of delayed-type hypersensitivity to azobenzenearson- ate-coupled syngeneic cells., B A. Bach, L Sherman, B Benacerraf, and M I. Greene
Mechanisms of regulation of cell-mediated immunity. Iii. The characterization of azobenzenearsonate-specific suppres- sor t-cell-derived-suppressor factors., M I. Greene, B A. Bach, and B Benacerraf
Mechanisms of regulation of cell-mediated immunity. IV. Antigen density dependence of the induction of genetically restricted suppressor cells., A Pierres, J S. Bromberg, and M I. Greene
Mechanisms of regulation of cell-mediated immunity. Vii. Suppressor t cells induced by suboptimal doses of antigens plus an i-j-specific allogeneic effect., J S. Bromberg, B Benacerraf, and M I. Greene
Mechanisms of resistance to corynebacterium kutscheri in mice., R G. Hirst and R Campbell
Mechanisms of resistance to daunorubicin in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., T Skovsgaard
Mechanisms of resistance to infection with coccidioides immitis in mice., L Beaman, D Pappagianis, and E Benjamini
Mechanisms of resistance to mammary tumor development in c57bl and i strains of mice. I. Noduligenesis, tumorigenesis, and characteristics of nodules and tumors., S Nandi, S Haslam, and C Helmich
Mechanisms of sensitivity and resistance of murine tumors to 5- -fluorouracil., B Ardalan, D A. Cooney, H N. Jayaram, C K. Carrico, O I. Glazer, J Macdonald, and P S. Schein
Mechanisms of specific and non-specific tumour immunity after azathioprine treatment of mice., E C. Purves
Mechanisms of steroid resistance., C H. Sibley and G M. Tomkins
Mechanisms of suppression in the transfer of contact sensitivity. Analysis of an i-j+ molecule required for ly2 suppressor cell activity., W Ptak, R K. Gershon, and P M. Flood
Mechanisms of suppression of cytotoxic t-cell responses in murine lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection., M B. Dunlop and R V. Blanden
Mechanisms of target cell destruction by alloimmune peritoneal macrophages. II. Release of a specific cytotoxin from interacting cells., K L. Mc ivor and R S. Weiser
Mechanisms of target cell destruction by alloimmune peritoneal macrophages. I. The effect of treatment with sodium fluoride., K L. Mc ivor and R S. Weiser
Mechanisms of target recognition and destruction in macrophage-mediated tumor cytotoxicity., D O. Adams, W J. Johnson, and P A. Mariono
Mechanisms of the metabolic disturbances caused by hypoglycin and by pent-4-enoic acid in vitro studies., D Billington, H Osmundsen, and H S. Sherratt
Mechanisms of the metabolic disturbances caused by hypoglycin and by pent-4-enoic acid in vivo studies., D Billington, H Osmundsen, and H S. Sherratt
Mechanisms of the potentiation of specific antitumor immunity by intratumor injection of corynebacterium parvum., H Miyata, K Himeno, and K Nomoto
Mechanisms of thymidine synthesis and release by macrophages. Effect on malignant melanoma., R Arnould, A Libert, grandjean A. Vercammen, and F J. Lejeune
Mechanisms of tolerance in murine radiation bone marrow chimeras. II. Absence of nonspecific suppression in mature chimeras., H Auchincloss, J, and D H. Sachs
Mechanisms of tolerance in murine radiation bone marrow chimeras. I. Nonspecific suppression of alloreactivity by spleen cells from early, but not late, chimeras., H Auchincloss, J, and D H. Sachs
Mechanisms of trypanosome-mediated suppression of humoral immunity in mice., J W. Albright, J F. Albright, and D G. Dusanic
Mechanisms of tumor growth inhibition by glutaminase from a pseudo- monad. Abstr., asmar F. El and D M. Greenberg
Mechanisms of tumor homograft rejection. II. Studies on the mechanism of rejection of sarcoma i ascites tumor in the c57bl/ks mouse., B Holmes and R S. Weiser
Mechanisms of tumorigenesis induced by simple retroviruses., Stephanie Turner
Mechanisms of tumor-specific enhancement versus resistance toward a methylcholanthrene-induced murine sarcoma., E T. Bloom and W H. Hildemann
Mechanisms regulating iga class-specific immunoglobulin production in murine gut-associated lymphoid tissues. II. Terminal differentiation of postswitch siga-bearing peyer's patch b cells., H Kawanishi, L Saltzman, and W Strober
Mechanisms regulating iga class-specific immunoglobulin production in murine gut-associated lymphoid tissues. I. T cells derived from peyer's patches that switch sigm b cells to siga b cells in vitro., H Kawanishi, L E. Saltzman, and W Strober
Mechanisms that control bacterial populations in continuous- -flow culture models of mouse large intestine flora., R Freter, H Brickner, M Botney, D Cleven, and A Aranki
Mechanism studies with human plasma derived immunosuppressive factor(s) having anti-leukemia activity. Abstr., J L. Farmer, W D. Garner, and M D. Prager
Mechanisms underlying generation of gradients in gene expression within the intestine: an analysis using transgenic mice containing fatty acid binding protein-human growth hormone fusion genes., D A. Sweetser, E H. Birkenmeier, P C. Hoppe, D W. McKeel, and J I. Gordon
Mechanisms underlying reduced growth rate in c3hba mammary adenocarcinomas recurring after single doses of x-rays or fast neutrons., J S. Nelson, R E. Carpenter, and D Durboraw
Mechanism underlying antitumor effect of corynebacterium parvum., M F. Woodruff, A Ghaffar, and N Dunbar
Mechanistic and developmental aspects of genetic imprinting in mammals., K E. Latham, J McGrath, and D Solter
Mechanistic insights into glaucoma provided by experimental genetics the cogan lecture., S W. John
Mechanistic studies of a novel antitumor drug, alpha- -1,3,5-trigylcidyl-s-triazinetrione (alpha-tgt): cytotoxic effects, inhibition of nucleic acid syntheses and macro- molecular binding. Abstr., F Y. Wu and E Mckenna
Meckelin is necessary for photoreceptor intraciliary transport and outer segment morphogenesis., Gayle B Collin, Jungyeon Won, Wanda L Hicks, Susan A Cook, Patsy M Nishina, and Jürgen K Naggert
MeCP2 is required for normal development of GABAergic circuits in the thalamus., Z W. Zhang, J D. Zak, and H Liu
Medial histocompatibility antigens., L K. Fischer and J Langhorne
Medial thalamic lesions reverse tolerance to morphine induced locomotor hyperactivity in the c57bl/6j mouse. Abstr., H Teitelbaum and G N. Catravas
Mediated by soluble lytic factors., M G. Martinotti, F Cofano, P Martinetto, D S. Landolfo, and L M. Is
Mediation of immune responses to murine tumors by 'immune' rna. Abstr., israeli M. Linker and Y H. Pilch
Mediation of immunity to tumor isografts in mice by heterologous ribonucleic acid., K P. Ramming and Y H. Pilch
Mediation of interleukin-11-dependent biological responses by a soluble form of the interleukin-11 receptor., J Karow, K R. Hudson, M A. Hall, A B. Vernallis, J A. Taylor, A Gossler, and J K. Heath
Mediation of plasmacytoma-induced immunosuppression by two soluble factors. Abstr., J Kennard and pazner S. Zolla
Mediators from cloned T helper cell lines affect immunoglobulin expression by B cells., C J. Paige, M H. Schreier, and C L. Sidman
Mediators from cloned t helper cell lines affect immunoglobulin expression by b cells., C J. Paige, M H. Schreier, and C L. Sidman
Mediatory role of stem cell derived cells in lps-induced splenic cfus accumulation., W J. Molendijk, R E. Ploemacher, and versluis M. Erkens
Medical and experimental mammalian genetics: a perspective.
Med myopathy, a new hereditary myopathy., S I. Zacks, M F. Sheff, M Rhodes, and A Saito
Medullary thyroid carcinoma in female balb/c mice. A report of 3 cases with ultrastructural, immunohistochemical, and transplantation data., M J. Van zwieten, C H. Frith, A L. Nooteboom, H J. Wolfe, and R A. Delellis
Megacariocitos e neoplasias experimentais. 3. Estudo da medula ossea em animals inoculados no peritoneo., M R. De kastner
Megacariocitos e neoplasias experimentais. 4. Estudo do pulmao, figado, supra-renais e ganglios linfaticos. (eng. Summ.), M R. De kastner
Megakaryoblastic leukemia cell line (mg-8057) induced by x-irradiation in c3h/he mice. Abstr., T Inoue, K Yoshida, and M Seki
Megakaryocyte-cfc in murine bone marrow and spleen after administration of cyclophosphamide or 5-fluorouracil. Abstr., A M. Yeager, J Levin, and F C. Levin
Megakaryocyte proliferation in w/wv and sl/sld mice as revealed f@@@by cfu-m analysis. Ab, A Nakeff
Megakaryocytic and granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells in spleen and bone marrow of w/wv mice. Abstr., S R. Petursson and P A. Chervenick
Megencephaly: a new mouse mutation on chromosome 6 that causes hypertrophy of the brain., L R. Donahue, S A. Cook, K R. Johnson, R T. Bronson, and M T. Davisson
Mei1 is epistatic to Dmc1 during mouse meiosis., L G. Reinholdt and J C. Schimenti
Meiosis-activating sterol promotes the metaphase I to metaphase II transition and preimplantation developmental competence of mouse oocytes maturing in vitro., Bivens C. Marin, C Grondahl, A Murray, T Blume, Y Q. Su, and J J. Eppig
Meiosis and fertility in xyy mice., E P. Evans, C V. Beechey, and M D. Burtenshaw
Meiosis arrest female 1 (MARF1) has nuage-like function in mammalian oocytes., You-Qiang Su, Fengyun Sun, Mary Ann Handel, John C Schimenti, and John J. Eppig
Meiosis in male PL/J mice: a genetic model for gametic aneuploidy., A Pyle and M A. Handel
Meiosis in sxr male mice. I. Does a y-autosome rearrangement exist in sex-reversed (sxr) mice?, A C. Chandley and J M. Fletcher
Meiosis in sxr male mice. II. Further absence of cytological evidence for a y-automsome rearrangement in sex-reversed (sxr) mice., E P. Evans, M D. Burtenshaw, and B B. Brown
Meiosis in the foetal mouse ovary. II. Oocyte development and age-related aneuploidy. Does a production line exist?, R M. Speed and A C. Chandley
Meiosis of ova from polyovular (c58/j) and polycystic (c57l/j) strains of mice., G Jagiello and M Ducayen
Meiotic abnormalities in hybrid mice of the C57BL/6J x Mus spretus cross suggest a cytogenetic basis for Haldane's rule of hybrid sterility., D W. Hale, L L. Washburn, and E M. Eicher
Meiotic behavior of aneuploid chromatin in mouse models of Down syndrome., L G. Reinholdt, A Czechanski, S Kamdar, B L. King, F Sun, and M A. Handel
Meiotic chromosomal changes and sterility produced by nitrogen mustard and procarbazine in mice., C P. Chryssanthou, R C. Wallach, and M Atchison
Meiotic chromosome damage induced by lsd-25., M M. Cohen and A B. Mukherjee
Meiotic chromosome missegregation during apyrene meiosis in the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, is preceded by an aberrant prophase I., L G. Reinholdt, G M. Gutierrez, and H M. Krider
Meiotic chromosome rearrangements induced in mice by irradiation of spermatogonial stages., A Leonard and G Deknudt
Meiotic confirmation of the identification of chromosomes 9 and 13 in t(9,19)163h, t(5,13)264ca, and t(1,13)70h stocks in mus musculus., P W. Allderdice, V G. Dev, D A. Miller, G M. Jagiello, and J J. Hutton
Meiotic crossing-over between the x and y chromosomes of male mice carrying the sex-reversing (sxr) factor., E P. Evans, M D. Burtenshaw, and B M. Cattanach
Meiotic crossing over exchange in the female mouse visualised by budr substitution., P E. Polani, J A. Crolla, M J. Seller, and F Moir
Meiotic disjunction in mouse translocations and the determination of centromere position., A Searle, C Ford, and C Beechey
Meiotic disjunction in t(14;15)6ca heterozygotes and fate of chromosomally unbalanced gametes in embryonic development., M Oshimura and N Takagi
Meiotic dna synthesis during mouse spermatogenesis., M L. Meistrich, B O. Reid, and W J. Barcellona
Meiotic DSBs and the control of mammalian recombination., Kenneth Paigen and Petko Petkov
Meiotic messenger RNA and noncoding RNA targets of the RNA-binding protein Translin (TSN) in mouse testis., Y S. Cho, N Iguchi, J Yang, M A. Handel, and N B. Hecht
Meiotic non-disjunction induced by fission neutrons relative to x-rays observed in mouse secondary spermatocytes. I. The response of different cell stages to a single radiation dose., A Russo, F Pacchierotti, and P Metalli
Meiotic nondisjunction in male snell dwarf mice., penris P. Wauben and offers S. Buul
Meiotic nondisjunction in the mouse: methodology for the genetic testing and comparison with other methods., L B. Russell
Meiotic pairing and testis weight in T6 heterozygote mice., Peter E. Barker
Meiotic prophase arrest with failure of chromosome synapsis in mice deficient for Dmc1, a germline-specific RecA homolog., D L. Pittman, J Cobb, K J. Schimenti, L A. Wilson, D M. Cooper, E Brignull, M A. Handel, and J C. Schimenti
Meiotic studies in mice carrying the sex reversal (sxr) factor., E J. Winsor, smith M. Ferguson, and J G. Shire
Melanocyte chalone and mitotic control in melanomata., W S. Bullough and E B. Laurence
Melanocyte populations of yellow and black hair bulbs in the mouse., D B. Galbraith and R J. Arceci
Melanocyte precursor cells in the hair follicle germ during the dormant stage (telogen.)., A F. Silver, H B. Chase, and C S. Potten
Melanocyte-stimulating activity in a transplantable mouse pituitary tumor., I I. Geschwind and R A. Huseby
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone promotes activation of pre-existing tyrosinase molecules in cloudman s91 melanoma cells., G Wong and J Pawelek
Melanogenesis from topical mechlorethamine and analogues in skin of hairless mice and in vitiligo., E J. Van scott and R J. Yu
Melanogenesis from tryptophan. Biogenetic experiments with hardin- -passey mouse melanoma., A De antoni, G Allegri, C Costa, and F Bordin
Melanogenesis in normal and malignant tissues., J J. Eppig and V J. Hearing
Melanoma and carcinoma xenografts in nude mice. Abstr., B D. Mann, R E. Saxton, M B. Cohen, L Spolter, I F. Benedict, F K. Storm, D L. Morton, N M. Burk, and I O. Human
Melanoma cells resistant to inhibition of growth by melanocyte stim- ulating hormone., J Pawelek, M Sansome, N Koch, G Christie, R Halaban, O Hendee, A B. Lerner, and J M. Varga
Melanoma cell surface antigens: isolation by monoclonal antibody affinity chromatography. Abstr., R E. Saxton, M W. Burk, R F. Irie, and D L. Morton
Melanoma cells which require cyclic amp for growth., J Pawelek, R Halaban, and G Christie
Melanomas or mammary carcinomas., R Chandra, R S. Bart, M M. Mintzis, A W. Kopf, N P. Braunstein d, and B O. Bearing
Melanoma-specific oncofetal antigen defined by a mouse monoclonal antibody. Abstr., S Liao, B J. Clarke, M Khosravi, and P B. Dent
Melanosis in nude mice bearing a human melanoma xenograft. Abstr., E N. Spremulli, H A. Bogaars, D L. Dexter, G A. Jolly, G M. Matook, Diamond, and P Calabresi
Melanosome morphologies in murine models of hermansky-pudlak syndrome reflect blocks in organelle development., T Nguyen, E K. Novak, M Kermani, J Fluhr, L L. Peters, R T. Swank, and M L. Wei
Melanotropin-daunomycin conjugate shows receptor-mediated cytotoxicity in cultured murine melanoma cells., J M. Varga, N Asato, S Lande, and A B. Lerner
Melittin shares certain cellular effects with phorbol ester tumour promoters., R A. Mufson, J D. Laskin, P B. Fisher, and I B. Weinstein
Melittin used as a protective agent against x-irradiation., N J. Ginsberg, M Dauer, and K H. Slotta
Melphalan (l-pam) - dianhydrogalactitol (dag) in neuroblastoma. Abstr., L Helson, C Helson, and F Traganos
Melphalan transport by l1210 leukemia cells - kinetics, temperature dependence and effect of membrane lipids on two transport carriers. Abstr., C P. Burns and D T. Dudley
Members of the synaptobrevin/vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP) family in Drosophila are functionally interchangeable in vivo for neurotransmitter release and cell viability., S Bhattacharya, B A. Stewart, B A. Niemeyer, R W. Burgess, B D. McCabe, P Lin, G Boulianne, C J. O'Kane, and T L. Schwarz
Members of the WNT signaling pathways are widely expressed in mouse ovaries, oocytes, and cleavage stage embryos., B N. Harwood, S K. Cross, E E. Radford, B E. Haac, and Vries W. De
Membrane alloantigens controlled by the i region of the h-2 complex. Biochemical characterization using absorbed h-2 antisera., M Hess and D A. Davies
Membrane alteration during cataract development in the nakano mouse lens., M Tanaka, P Russell, S Smith, S Uga, and J H. Kinoshita
Membrane antigenic changes associated with pha transformation of mouse spleen cells in vitro., R L. Boyd, J M. Rolland, and M N. Cauchi
Membrane antigen in small cell carcinoma of the lung defined by monoclonal antibody sm1., S D. Bernal and J A. Speak
Membrane antigen on epstein-barr virus-infected human b cells recognized by a monoclonal antibody., S F. Slovin, D M. Frisman, C D. Tsoukas, I Royston, S M. Baird, S B. Wormsley, D A. Caron, and J H. Vaughan
Membrane antigens: isolation and characterization., R E. Hancock, A A. Wieczorek, L M. Mutharia, D K. Poole, and O A. Outer
Membrane antigens of murine leukaemia cells., J Cerny and M Essex
Membrane antigens recognized by heteroantisera against mouse tumours, tested in cell lines of different h-2 haplotypes., olivares E. Garcia and F Garrido
Membrane-associated alterations detected in poorly tumorigenic lectin-resistant variant sublines of a highly malignant and metastatic murine tumor., J W. Dennis, T P. Donaghue, and R S. Kerbel
Membrane-bound antibodies to bloodstream trypanosoma cruzi in mice: strain differences in susceptibility to complement mediated lysis., A U. Krettli, carrington P. Weisz, and R S. Nussenzweig
Membrane-bound enzyme activities and membrane fluidity as a function of the proliferative state of normal and chemically transformed c3h 101/2 cl8 cells. Abstr., stevens J. Strobel, J A. Monti, J W. Reid, and A M. Sarrif
Membrane-bound human SCF/KL promotes in vivo human hematopoietic engraftment and myeloid differentiation., Shinsuke Takagi, Yoriko Saito, Atsushi Hijikata, Satoshi Tanaka, Takashi Watanabe, Takanori Hasegawa, Shinobu Mochizuki, Jun Kunisawa, Hiroshi Kiyono, Haruhiko Koseki, Osamu Ohara, Takashi Saito, Shuichi Taniguchi, Leonard D Shultz, and Fumihiko Ishikawa
Membrane-bound ribosomes of myeloma cells. Iii. The role of the messenger rna and the nascent polypeptide chain in the binding of ribosomes to membranes., B Mechler and P Vassalli
Membrane-bound ribosomes of myeloma cells. II. Kinetic studies on the entry of newly made ribosomal subunits into the free and the membrane-bound ribosomal particles., B Mechler and P Vassalli
Membrane-bound ribosomes of myeloma cells. I. Preparation of free and membrane-bound ribosomal fractions. Assessment of the methods and properties of the ribosomes., B Mechler and P Vassalli
Membrane-bound ribosomes of myeloma cells. IV. Mrna complexity of free and membrane-bound polysomes., B Mechler and T H. Rabbitts
Membrane carbohydrate analogues with antitumor activitiy. Abstr., R J. Bernacki, M Sharma, N Angelino, and W Korytnyk
Membrane characteristics of old and rauscher leukemia virus infected mouse red blood cells., A Knyszynski and D Danon
Membrane cholesterol content and malignancy of ehrlich ascites-carcinoma cells., J C. Alderson and C Green
Membrane crystals of ca2+-atpase in sarcoplasmic reticulum of normal and dystrophic muscle., L Dux and A N. Martonosi
Membrane currents examined under voltage clamp in cultured neuroblastoma cells., W H. Moolenaar and I Spector
Membrane defects in the tolerant b cell. II. Mechanism of capping failure and reversal by antigen exposure., R F. Ashman
Membrane defects of the tolerant b cell. I. Failure of antigen-induced capping., R F. Ashman and D Naor
Membrane defects of the tolerant b cell. Iii. Defective receptor replacement., R F. Ashman
Membrane dynamic alterations associated with viral trans- formation and reversion. Decay of fluorescence emmission and anisotropy studies of 3t3 cells., A H. Parola, P W. Robbins, and E R. Blout
Membrane dynamics of lymphocyte interaction with antigen and tolerogen., L Becker, benson M. Aldo, Y Borel, and R M. Lewis
Membrane ecto-atpases and ecto-5'-nucleotidase activity of neuronal cell cultures. Effect of divalent cations and detergents. Abstr., C J. Lauter, A M. Duffard, and E G. Trams
Membrane effects of tumor promoters: stimulation of sugar uptake in mammalian cell cultures., L Lee and I B. Weinstein
Membrane events correlated with suppression of proliferation following affinity labeling of mopc 104e cells with oxidized dextran. Abstr., R B. Bankert, G L. Mayers, and D Pressman
Membrane expression of thy-1.2 And gm1 ganglioside on differentiating t lymphocytes., C Milewicz, H C. Miller, and W J. Esselman
Membrane fluidity and adenylate cyclase activity in genetically obese mice., P A. Hyslop and D A. York
Membrane fluidity, capping of cell-surface antigens and immune response in mouse leukaemia cells., J Hilgers, P J. Sluis, W J. Blitterswijk, and P Emmelot
Membrane fluidity in c3h 10t1/2 cl8 fibroblsts and chemically transformed cells. Abstr., J A. Monti, A M. Sarrif, H Saxholm, and S T. Christian
Membrane fluidity in human and mouse chediak-higashi leuko- cytes., R A. Haak, L M. Ingraham, R L. Baehner, and L A. Boxer
Membrane frizzled-related protein is necessary for the normal development and maintenance of photoreceptor outer segments., J Won, R S. Smith, N S. Peachey, J Wu, W L. Hicks, J K. Naggert, and P M. Nishina
Membrane ig on mpc11 myeloma cells. Correlation between the expression of membrane ig, a receptor for ig and the process of secretion., G Corte, A Risso, M Ferrarini, and A Bargellesi
Membrane immunogluorescence studies of virion and tumor antigens on murine leukemic cells. Abstr., W Liu and K S. Chang
Membrane insertion of lymphocyte surface molecules., C L. Sidman, T Bercovici, and C Gitler
Membrane interactions involved in the cytolysis of target cells. Nonspecific lysis of nago modified target cells by allosensitized cytotoxic t lymphocytes. Abstr., J Fan, E A. Grimm, and B Bonavida
Membrane modification can reverse a mode of anthracycline resistance. Abstr., D Kessel
Membrane modifications in developing embryonic epidermis, an electron microscopic study. Abstr., L W. Weiss, A S. Zelickson, and C B. Heggestad
Membrane organization in mouse spermatozoa revealed by freeze-etching., C W. Stackpole and D Devorkin
Membrane orientation and location of multiple and distinct allotypic determinants of mouse lymphocyte igd., S W. Kessler, V L. Woods, F D. Finkelman, and I Scher
Membrane phenotype of murine effector and suppressor t cells involved in delayed hypersensitivity and protective immunity to herpes simplex virus., A A. Nash and P G. Gell
Membrane potential, chloride exchange, and chloride con- ductance in ehrlich mouse ascites tumour cells., E K. Hoffmann, L O. Simonsen, and C Sjoholm
Membrane potential dependent binding of scorpion toxin to action potential na+ ionophore., W A. Catterall, R Ray, and C S. Morrow
Membrane proliferation and phosphatidylcholine synthesis in normal, preneoplastic, and neoplastic mammary gland tissues in c3h mice., L A. Hillyard and S Abraham
Membrane properties of the gag gene-coded p15 protein of mouse type-c rna tumor viruses., M Barbacid and S A. Aaronson
Membrane proteins of the p388d1 macrophage cell line: isolation of membrane polypeptides that bind to the fc portion of aggregated igg., coward M. D'urso and R E. Cone
Membrane receptors for murine leukemia viruses. Characterization using the purified viral envelope glycoprotein, gp71., J De larco and G J. Todaro
Membrane receptor sites for poly a.u On murine thymocytes. Abstr., M G. Mutchnick, I H. Han, and A G. Johnson
Membrane receptors of mouse leukocytes. II. Sequential expression of membrane receptors and phagocytic capacity during leukocyte differentiation., E M. Rabellino, G D. Ross, H T. Trang, and D Metcalf
Membrane receptors of mouse leukocytes. I. Two types of complement receptors for different regions of c3., E M. Rabellino, G D. Ross, and M J. Polley
Membrane site modified on induction of the transformation of lympho- cytes by periodate., A Novogrodsky and E Katchalski
Membrane specializations of dendritic spines and glia in the weaver mouse cerebellum. A freeze-fracture study., R B. Hanna, A Hirano, and G D. Pappas
Membrane specific igg augments the generation of membrane bound amplification c3 convertase sites with purified proteins. Abstr., F D. Moore Jr., D T. Fearon, and K F. Austen
Membrane transport in synchronized ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Uptake of amino acids by the a and l system during the cell cycle., J T. Tupper, B Mills, and F Zorgniotti
Membrane transport of folates and antifolates in lines of l5178y cells, one sensitive (s) to methotrexate (mtx) and one resistant (r) to mtx due to a permeability defect. Abstr., B T. Hill, B D. Bailey, and I D. Goldman
Membrane transport, pharmacology and broad-spectrum antitumor effects in mice of a new antifol, 10-deaza-aminopterin. Abstr., F M. Sirotnak, J I. Graw, R C. Donsbach, and D M. Moccio
Membrane ultrastructure of freeze-cleaved balb/c 3t3 and sv40 transformed balb/c 3t3 fibroblasts, the effect of cyclic amp derivatives on intramembranous particle distribution. Abstr., R E. Scott and J H. Kersey
Membrane vesicles from the ascitic fluid of ehrlich tumor bearing mice. Abstr., M Alfonso, J L. Subiza, R Alvared, and J Coll
Membranous structures in pinealocytes of the infertile diabetic mutant mouse (c57bl/ks-db/db)., M E. Mcneill
Memory and consolidation mechanisms in avoidance learning of inbred mice., D Bovet, nitti F. Bovet, and A Oliverio
Memory and on cholinergic mechanisms in three inbred strains of mice., R Jaffard, A Ebel, C Destrade, T Durkin, P Mandel, D B. Cardo, and term S. Long
Memory and postsynaptic cholinergic receptors in aging mice., P Kubanis, S F. Zornetzer, and G Freund
Memory b cells at successive stages of differentiation. Affinity maturation and the role of igd receptors., L A. Herzenberg, A J. Black, T Tokuhisa, and L A. Herzenberg
Memory b cells at successive stages of differentiation: expression of surface igd and capacity for self renewal., S J. Black, T Tokuhisa, L A. Herzenberg, and L A. Herzenberg
Memory formation as related to genotypic or experimental variations of hippocampal cholinergic activity in mice., R Jaffard, C Destrade, T Durkin, and A Ebel
Memory of simple learning in young, middle-aged, and aged c57bl/6 mice., S M. Fraley and A D. Springer
Memory response to type 6 pneumococcal poly- saccharide in balb/c mice. Abstr., R L. Fairchild and mullen H. Braley
Memory T cells from minor histocompatibility antigen-vaccinated and virus-immune donors improve GVL and immune reconstitution., Ning Li, Catherine Matte-Martone, Hong Zheng, Weiguo Cui, Srividhya Venkatesan, Hung Sheng Tan, Jennifer McNiff, Anthony J Demetris, Derry Roopenian, Susan Kaech, and Warren D Shlomchik
Mendelian segregation of a mouse antibody idiotype., K Eichmann and C Berek
Mendelian segregation of a tolerance-inducing self-antigen in the spleen., J Carter and T G. Wegmann
Menkes' kinky hair syndrome. A genetic disease involving copper., N A. Holtzman
Ment on the tumor growth of transplanted human breast cancers in nude mice. Abstr., R Michel, G Bastert, H P. Fortmeyer, D Nord, H. Schmidt, and O. Treat
Mercaptopurine ribonucleoside. Abstr., J A. Nelson
Mercenene, a tumor inhibitor from mercenaria, purification and characterization studies., M R. Schmeer, D Horton, and A Tanimura
Mercenene, growth-inhibitor extracted from natural products. Abstr., M R. Schmeer and C G. Wilber
Mercenene. In vivo effects of mollusk extracts on the sarcoma 180., M R. Schmeer and C V. Huala
Mercuric chloride-, gold sodium thiomalate-, and D-penicillamine-induced antinuclear antibodies in mice., C J. Robinson, T Balazs, and I K. Egorov
Mercury retention in two strains of mice., V L. Miller and E Csonka
Merocyanine 540 as a fluorescent probe of membranes. Selective staining of leukemic and immature hemopoietic cells., J E. Valinsky, T G. Easton, and E Reich
Mesenchymal cell remodeling during mouse secondary palate reorientation., J Z. Jin, M Tan, D R. Warner, D S. Darling, Y Higashi, T Gridley, and J Ding
Mesenchymal dysplasia: a recessive mutation on chromosome 13 of the mouse., H O. Sweet, R T. Bronson, L R. Donahue, and M T. Davisson
Mesenchyme-dependent morphogenesis and epithelium-specific cytodifferentiation in mouse mammary gland., T Sakakura, Y Nishizuka, and C J. Dawe
Mesenchyme-mediated effect of testosterone on embryonic mammary epithelium., H Durnberger, B Heuberger, P Schwartz, G Wasner, and K Kratochwil
Mesenteric hemopoietic colonies. II. Occurrence in mice after transplantation of syngeneic normal bone marrow cells., M H. Umar and L J. Griensven
Mesenteric hemopoietic colonies. Occurrence in balb/c mice after transplantation of syngeneic normal or leukemic hemopoietic cells., M H. Umar and L J. Griensven
Mesenteric lymph node b lymphoblasts which home to the small intestine are precommitted to iga synthesis., M Mc williams, quagliata J. Phillips, and M E. Lamm
Mesoderm -- ectoderm interaction in the production of the agouti pigmentation pattern in mice., Thomas C. Meyer
Mesoderm-ectoderm interaction in the production of the agouti pigmentation pattern in mice., T C. Mayer and J L. Fishbane
Messenger ribonucleic acid metabolism in mammalian mitochondria. Discrete poly(adenylic acid) lacking messenger ribonucleic acid species associated with mitochondrial polysomes., F S. Lewis, R J. Rutman, and N G. Avadhani
Messenger ribonucleic acid metabolism in mammalian mitochondria. Isolation and characterization of polyribosomes from ehrlich ascites mitochondria., F S. Lewis, R J. Rutman, and N G. Avadhani
Messenger ribonucleic acid metabolism in mammalian mitochondria. Quantitative aspects of structural information coded by the mitochon- drial genome., N G. Avadhani, F S. Lewis, and R J. Rutman
Messenger ribonucleic acids from mutant myeloma cells., D S. Secher, R F. Gesteland, and C Milstein
Messenger rna binding of a ribosome-associated protein kinase and a ribosomal phosphoprotein(s) in mouse plasmacytoma., stricker C. Quirin and M Schmitt
Messenger rna coding for the deleted heavy chain of mouse myeloma mopc 47a immunoglobulin., E A. Robinson, U Ferrini, J G. Seidman, and E Appella
Messenger rna for immunoglobulin light and heavy chains in mopc-315 plasmacytoma and variants., A Okuyama, J Mcinnes, M Green, and S Pestka
Messenger rna population analysis during erythroid differentiation. A kinetical approach., R N. Bastos, Z Volloch, and H Aviv
Messenger rnas coding for mouse major urinary proteins are differentially induced by testosterone., P M. Clissold, S Hainey, and J O. Bishop
Messenger rna species partially in a repressed state in mouse sarcoma ascites cells., R Yenofsky, I Bergmann, and G Brawerman
Messwerte quantitativer merkmale bei akr/nhan- und c57bl/6jhan- -mausen und deren kreuzungsnachkommen. I. Massen, langen and fettgehalte. (eng. Summ.)., R Kluge, K G. Rapp, and H Geldermann
Metaabolism of benzo[a]pyrene by mouse colonic mucosa. Abstr., L M. Anderson and E E. Deschner
Meta-analyses of therapies for postmenopausal osteoporosis. IX: Summary of meta-analyses of therapies for postmenopausal osteoporosis., A Cranney, G Guyatt, L Griffith, G Wells, P Tugwell, and C Rosen
Meta-bis-(2-choloethylamino)-dl-phenylalanine in the treatment of mouse tumors., M O. Greene, B R. Baker, and J Greenberg
Metabolic abnormalities in tumour bearing animals. Abstr., K C. Calman and R A. Allister
Metabolic activation capabilities of s9 liver fraction from 3 species in the l5178y mouse-lymphoma assay., T J. Oberly, C E. Piper, and D S. Mcdonald
Metabolic activation of 3-methylcholanthrene and benzo(a)- pyrene to mutagens in the l5178y/tk assay by cultured embryonic rodent cells., D E. Amacher, S C. Paillet, and I Zelljadt
Metabolic activation of aflatoxins related to their mutagenicity., H L. Gurtoo, R P. Dahms, and B Paigen
Metabolic activation of benzo(a)pyrene by transformable and nontransformable c3h mouse fibroblasts in culture., E B. Gehly and C Heidelberger
Metabolic activation of dibenzo(a,e)fluoranthene, a nonalternant carcinogenic polycyclic hydrocarbon, in liver homogenates., roussel O. Perin, delcey M. Croisy, J Mispelter, S Saguem, D Chalvet, B Ekert, J Fouquet, P Jacquignon, E Lhoste, B Muel, and F E. Zajdela
Metabolic activities of murine carcinoma 755 at various stages of growth., G P. Wheeler and J A. Alexander
Metabolic activity of the ehrlich ascites cells in synthetic media and the significance of ascites serum addition., M Miko and L Drobnica
Metabolic adaptation in phosphorylase kinase deficiency., Z H. Rahim, D Perrett, G Lutaya, and J R. Griffiths
Metabolically labeled cell membrane proteins in spontaneously and in sv40 virus transformed mouse fibroblasts., J M. Coll, S W. Luborsky, and P T. Mora
Metabolic alterations accompanying amethopterin resistance in the ehrlich ascites carcinoma. Abstr., J R. Bertino, B A. Booth, and A C. Sartorelli
Metabolic alterations in l5178y lymphoma cells induced by n-isopropyl- -alpha-(2-methyl-hydrazino)-p-toluamide. Abstr., A C. Sartorelli and S Tsunamura
Metabolic alterations in sarcoma 180 ascites cells induced by uracil mustard and 6-thioguanine. Abstr., A C. Sartorelli and B A. Booth
Metabolic and endocrine differences between the mutation whirler and normal female mice., A M. Sackler and A S. Weltman
Metabolic and endocrine differences between whirler and normal strains of male mice. Abst., A S. Weltman, A M. Sackler, R Schwartz, and P Steinglass
Metabolic and endocrine function in whirler mice., A S. Weltman and A M. Sackler
Metabolic and insulin-releasing activities of d-glucose anomers., L Idahl, J Sehlin, and I Taljedal
Metabolic and physiologic studies of nonimmune lymphoid cells cytotoxic for filbroblastic cells in vitro., E Mayhew and M Bennett
Metabolic and underlying causes of diabetes mellitus., G M. Grodsky, C E. Anderson, D L. Coleman, J E. Craighead, G C. Gerritsen, C T. Hansen, L Herberg, C F. Howard, A Lernmark, and F M. Matschinsky
Metabolic basis for enhanced chemotherapy of solid l1210 with 6-mp. Abstr., W I. Rogers, M L. Meloni, I Wodinsky, and C J. Kensler
Metabolic carbohydrate-labelling of glycolipids from mouse splenocytes. Mitogen-stimulated b and t cells show different labelling patterns., G Rosenfelder, R V. Eijk, and P F. Muhlradt
Metabolic carbohydrate labelling of glycoproteins from mitogen- stimulated mouse lymphocytes. Glycoproteins as biochemical markers for lymphocyte subpopulations., R V. Van eijk, G Rosenfelder, and P F. Muhlradt
Metabolic changes associated with the slowing of relaxation in fatigued mouse muscle., R H. Edwards, D K. Hill, and D A. Jones
Metabolic characteristics of a naturally occurring preneoplastic tissue. I. Glycolytic enzyme activities of hyperplastic alveolar nodule outgrowths and adenocarcinomas of mouse mammary glands., L Kopelovich, S Abraham, H Mcgrath, K B. Deome, and I L. Chaikoff
Metabolic characteristics of lymphocyte surface immunoglobulins., J D. Wilson, G J. Nossal, and H Lewis
Metabolic characteristics of pancreatic beta-cells exposed to calcium-transporting ionophores., rodriguez J. Tamarit, B Hellman, and J Sehlin
Metabolic characterization of sexual dimorphism., A Floridi
Metabolic clearance rate of growth hormone in mice during various physiological states., Y N. Sinha, S R. Baxter, and W P. Vanderlaan
Metabolic clearance rate of prolactin during various physiological states in mice with high and low incid- ences of mammary tumors., Y N. Sinha, S R. Baxter, and W P. Vanderlaan
Metabolic consequences of drug-induced inhibition of the pentose phosphate pathway in neuroblastoma and glioma cells., H Kolbe, K Keller, K Lange, and H Herken
Metabolic control and prevention of nephropathy by 2-tetradecyl- glycidate in the db/db mouse. Abstr., S M. Lee, G Tutwiler, R Bressler, and C Kircher
Metabolic control mechanisms. VI. Chemical events after glucose addi- tion to ascites tumor cells., B Hess and B Chance
Metabolic co-operation between embryonic and embryonal carcinoma cells of the mouse., S J. Gaunt and V E. Papaioannou
Metabolic cooperation between mouse embryonal carcinoma cells and their differentiated derivatives., J F. Nicolas, H Jakob, and F Jacob
Metabolic cooperation between tfm and wild-type cells in mosiac mice after induction of dna synthesis., U Drews and U Drews
Metabolic disturbance of kk mice in chemical diabetes., H Iwatsuka, T Matsuo, A Shino, and Z Suzuoki
Metabolic disturbance of kk mice in overt diabetes., T Matsuo, H Iwatsuka, and Z Suzuoki
Metabolic effects of 9-d-arabinosylpurines in ascites tumor cells., J J. Brink and G A. Lepage
Metabolic effects of an antibiotic, nsc-51954, on susceptible and resistant tumor cells., K Sato and G A. Page
Metabolic effects of cyclic 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyladenine 3', 5'-monophosphate in l1210 cells., R G. Hughes and A Kimball
Metabolic effects of ethyl adenosine 5'-carboxylate in ehrlich asictes tumor cells in vitro., J F. Henderson and M L. Battell
Metabolic effects of hyperthermia and ascorbic acid in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., G E. Piontek, J A. Milner, and C A. Cain
Metabolic effects of some tumor-inhibitory pyridine carboxaldehyde thiosemicarbazones., B A. Booth, E C. Moore, and A C. Sartorelli
Metabolic effects of specific thiols and disulfides which promote the growth of mouse lymphoma cells in vitro., M W. Jeng and J D. Broome
Metabolic effects of the glucose tolerance factor (gtf) in normal and genetically diabetic mice., R W. Tuman and R J. Doisy
Metabolic effects of the novel alpha-amylase inactivator hoe 467 in experimental animals. Abstr., G Regitz, H Neubauer, K Geisen, and W Pfarr
Metabolic efficiency in mutant mice., D L. Coleman
Metabolic evaluation of sexual dimorphism ii. Effects of epinephrine and dibutyryl 3', 5', cyclic amp on glucose oxidation., A Floridi and R H. Lindsay
Metabolic evaluation of sexual dimorphism. Iii. Effect of epi- nephrine, dibutyryl-cyclic amp and cyclic-amp on the energy metabolism of mice submaxillary glands., A Floridi, M L. Marcante, and R H. Lindsay
Metabolic evaluation of sexual dimorphism. IV. Metabolic differences related to the oxidative metabolism., A Floridi, I Blotta, and M L. Marcante
Metabolic events in the various phases of the cell cycle of ehrlich ascites cells. Abstr., R Baserga
Metabolic fate of 1-hexylcarbamoyl-5-fluorouracil and 5-fluorouracil in mice bearing ascites sarcoma 180., M Iigo, K Kuretani, and A Hoshi
Metabolic fate of 9-beta-d-xylofuranosyladenine in mice bearing susceptible tumor cells., D B. Ellis and G A. Lepage
Metabolic function in three strains of neonatal diabetic mouse models., Anne MacNeil
Metabolic heat production of parents and offspring., N J. Dawson
Metabolic inhibitors and viral lymphomagenesis in thymic grafts., E F. Hays
Metabolic inhibitors render "resistant" target cells sensitive to natural killer cell-mediated lysis., L A. Kunkel and R M. Welsh
Metabolic interconversion of free sterols and steryl esters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae., F R. Taylor and L W. Parks
Metabolic investigations during the development of obesity in bipiper- idyl mustard-treated mice., R J. Rutman, F S. Lewis, and W Bloomer
Metabolic mechanisms of teratogenic agents during morphogenesis., M N. Runner and C P. Dagg
Metabolic, nutritional and endocrine studies of the hereditary obesity-diabetes syndrome of mice and mechanism of its development., J Mayer, R E. Russell, M W. Bates, and M M. Dickie
Metabolic properties of cells isolated from adult mouse liver., M N. Berry
Metabolic properties of erythrocytes of normal and genetically anemic mice., J J. Hutton and S E. Bernstein
Metabolic properties of mouse transplantable adenocarcinoma., A Caputo and A Floridi
Metabolic properties of mouse transplantable adenocarcinoma. Iii. Oxidative phosphorylation by tumor and normal submaxillary gland mitochondria., A Floridi, I Blotta, and A Caputo
Metabolic properties of mouse transplantable adenocarcinoma. II. Substrate utilization by homogenates., A Floridi and A Caputo
Metabolic properties of substrate-attached glycoproteins from normal and virus-transformed cells., L A. Culp, A H. Terry, and J F. Buniel
Metabolic rate and thermal insulation in albino and hairless mice., L Mount
Metabolic reaction and heat loss in hairless and normal mice during short-term adaptation to heat and cold., B Hosek and J Chlumecky
Metabolic requirements for differentiation of embryonic sympathetic ganglia cultured in the absence of exogenous nerve growth factor., E M. Bloom and I B. Black
Metabolic requirements for the in vitro augmentation of mouse natural killer activity by interferon., J Y. Djeu, N Stocks, L Varesio, H T. Holden, and R B. Herberman
Metabolic studies on 6-methylaminopurine., C E. Jamison, J W. Huff, and M P. Gordon
Metabolic studies on skin. Iii. Lipid metabolism in mouse skin during the hair growth cycle., S C. Brooks, L K. Langs, and V C. Godefroi
Metabolic studies on the chrysoidin hepatoma in mice. (summary), Z Albert, K Medras, and M Ortowski
Metabolic studies on the development of ethanol-induced fatty liver in kk-ay mice., M Akakawa, S Taketomi, K Furuno, T Matsuo, I Iwatsuka, and Z Suzuoki
Metabolic turnover of surface immunoglobulins on b and t lymphocytes., J Wilson
Metabolism and binding of androgens by mouse mammary tumour cells in culture., J Gordon, J A. Smith, and R J. King
Metabolism and biochemistry of mycophenolic acid., M J. Sweeney, D H. Hoffman, and M A. Esterman
Metabolism and chemotherapeutic effects of 9-beta-d-arabino- furanosyl-2-fluoroadenine (f-araa) and evidence for its acti- vation by deoxycytidine kinase. Abstr., R W. Brockman, Y Cheng, F M. Schabel, and J A. Montgomery
Metabolism and clearance of antibody-excess immune complexes in lactating mice., Y Kim and J F. Halsey
Metabolism and clearance of immune complexes in lactating mice. Abstr., J F. Halsey and Y Kim
Metabolism and cytotoxicity of 5-azacytidine in cultured novikoff rat hepatoma and p388 mouse leukemia cells and their enhancement by preincubation with pyrazofurin., P G. Plagemann, M Behrens, and D Abraham
Metabolism and distribution of 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyladenine in mouse tissues., J J. Brink and G A. Lepage
Metabolism and effects of 5-(beta-d-ribofuranosyl)isocytosine in p815 cells., T Chou, J H. Burchenal, J J. Fox, K A. Watanabe, U K. Chu, and F S. Philips
Metabolism and functions of phosphatides. Investigations on the phos- phatides of some experimental tumours., F Kogl, C Smak, J H. Veerkamp, and L L. Deenen
Metabolism and mechanism of action of the carbocyclic analog of cytidine. Abstr., R W. Brockman, J W. Carpenter, C A. O'dell, Y F. Shealy, and L L. Jr
Metabolism and selective effect of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine in l1210 and host tissues in vivo., T Chou, D J. Hutchison, F A. Schmid, and F S. Philips
Metabolism and therapeutic efficacy of 9-beta-d- -arabinofuranosyl-2-fluoroadenine against murine leukemia p388., V I. Avramis and W Plunkett
Metabolisme du 7, 12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene par la flore intestinale de souris in vitro., A Gentil, C Lasne, and I Chouroulinkov
Metabolism effects of 9-butyl-6-thioguanine in vivo., A P. Kimball and G A. Page
Metabolisme 'in vitro' du foie et du tissu adipeux epididymaire de la souris obese neo-zelandaise., J Winand, J Furnelle, and J Christophe
Metabolisme in vitro du tissu adipeux. Vii. Metabolisme du (1-14c) palmitate dans le tissu adipeux epididymaire de la souris normale et de la souris obese-hyperglycemique de bar harbor., J Winand, J Furnelle, and J Christophe
Metabolism in the new zealand strain of obese mice., K Subrahmanyam
Metabolism in vitro of acetate in hepatic tissue of young bar-harbor (o-h) obese hyperglycaemic mice. Abstr., J Christophe, J Furnelle, and J Winand
Metabolism in vitro of acetate in the epididymal adipose tissue of young bar-harbor (o-h) hyperglycaemic obese mice. Abstr., J Winand, J Furnelle, and J Christophe
Metabolism in vivo of brain galactolipids, the jimpy mutant., M J. Druse and E Hogan
Metabolism of 1,3-bis(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil in mice., S Fujimoto, H Ishigami, T Minami, M Miyazaki, E Itoh, and K Kimura
Metabolism of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine in leukemia l1210. Nucleoside and nucleotide kinases in cell-free extracts., A W. Schrecker
Metabolism of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine in leukemia l1210, studies with intact cells., A W. Schrecker and M J. Urshel
Metabolism of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosyluracil in mouse l5178y cells., W E. Muller and R K. Zahn
Metabolism of 1-phenylazo-2-naphthol., J J. Childs and D B. Clayson
Metabolism of 25-hydroxycholesterol in mammalian cell cultures. Side-chain scission to pregnenolone in mouse L929 fibroblasts., F R. Taylor and A A. Kandutsch
Metabolism of 32p in ehrlich ascites tumor cells after destruction of the cells. I. Abstr., S Maeda
Metabolism of 5-amino-1-beta-ribofuranosyl-imidazole-4-carboxamide and related five-membered heterocycles to 5'triphosphates in human blood and l5178y cells., T P. Zimmerman and R D. Deeprose
Metabolism of 5-fluorouracil (fu) in mouse and human cells as a basis for their differing sensitivity. Abstr., J D. Laskin and M T. Hakala
Metabolism of 6-mercaptopurine ribonucleoside by ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., A R. Paterson and A Sutherland
Metabolism of 6-thioguanine in purine analog-sensitive and -reststant sublines of sarcoma 180. Abstr., A L. Bieber and A C. Sartorelli
Metabolism of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene by macrophages and uptake of macrophage-derived metabolites by respiratory tissues in vitro., W G. Palmer, T J. Allen, and J E. Tomaszewski
Metabolism of 7-ethoxycoumarin in isolated viable cells from the hairless mouse. Abstr., M W. Coomes and J R. Fouts
Metabolism of acetoacetate by normal and dystrophic mouse muscle., K Fitzpatrick and R J. Pennington
Metabolism of acid mucopolysaccharides in hepatoma and in normal liver., L J. Anghileri
Metabolism of an antineoplastic methylhydrazine derivative in a p815 mouse neoplasm., W Kreis
Metabolism of aniline mustard. Abstr., C R. Ball and M E. Whisson
Metabolism of arachidonate and stearate injected simultaneously into the mouse brain., G Y. Sun
Metabolism of arachidonoyl phosphoglycerides in mouse brain subcellular fraction., G Y. Sun and K L. Su
Metabolism of arginine by mouse fibroblast, strain l., L A. Manson and W J. Thomas
Metabolism of ascites tumor cells. Iii. Effect of 2-deoxyglucose phosphorylation on phosphorus metabolism., R B. Mc comb and W D. Yushok
Metabolism of ascites tumor cells. IV. Enzymatic reactions involved in adenosinetriphosphate degradation induced by 2-deozyglucose., R B. Mc comb and W D. Yushok
Metabolism of barrett mammary adenocarcinoma. Glucose utilization, fatty acid synthesis, and terminal oxidative patterns and glutamine synthesis., S Abraham and I L. Chaikoff
Metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene by cultured tracheobronchial tissues from mice, rats, hamsters, bovines and humans., H Autrup, F C. Wefald, A M. Jeffrey, H Tate, O D. Schwartz, B F. Trump, and C C. Harris
Metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene by mouse kidney microsomes. Abstr., I Y. Wang and E Tung
Metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene by murine embryonal carcinoma cells., R Filler and shinpock S. Garner
Metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene by tissue microsomes from different strains of mice. Abstr., I Y. Wang
Metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene. Effect of 3-methylcholanthrene pretreatment on metabolism by microsomes from lungs of genetically "responsive" and "nonresponsive" mice., H E. Seifried, D J. Birkett, W Levin, A Y. Lu, A H. Conney, and D M. Jerina
Metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene. Effect of substrate concentration and 3-methylcholanthrene pretreatment on hepatic metabolism by microsomes from rats and mice., G M. Holder, H Yagi, D M. Jerina, W Levin, A Y. Lu, and A H. Conney
Metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene in epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts of humans and mice with reference to variation among species, individuals, and cell types., T Kuroki, J Hosomi, K Munakata, T Onizuka, M Terauchi, and N Nemoto
Metabolism of cancer cells and its relation to anti-cancer chemicals. V. Reversibility of nitromin-resistancy of ehrlich ascites tumor and changes in biological and biochemical properties of the tumor cells. Abstr., H Tsukada, A Inoue, M Ezoe, S Fujiwara, and T Onoe
Metabolism of cholesta-4, 7-dien-3-one and cholesta, 4,6-dien-3-one by mouse liver microsomes., A A. Kandutsch
Metabolism of cholesta-4,7-dien-3-one and cholesta-4,6-dien-3- one by mouse liver microsomes., A A. Kandutsch
Metabolism of cold-stored pancreatic islets., B J. Frankel, E Gylfe, B Hellman, L Idahl, U Landstrom, S Lovtrup, and J Sehlin
Metabolism of corticosterone in the mouse. Identification of 11beta,20alpha-dihydroxy-3-oxo-4-pregnen-21-oic acid as a major metabolite., A Ham, A Marandici, and C Monder
Metabolism of coumarin in c57bl/6j (b6) and b6.l-cohh (congenic) Mice. Abstr., L R. Wudl, B A. Taylor, and A W. Wood
Metabolism of cyanocobalamin by l-1210 leukemic lymphoblasts., R A. Gams, E M. Ryel, and L M. Meyer
Metabolism of cyclic adenosine 3'.5'-monophosphate In somatic cell hybrids., S R. Ayad and S J. Foster
Metabolism of cytidine diphosphate diglyceride in ataxic rabbit brain., S G. Eliasson, J D. Scarpellini, and R R. Fox
Metabolism of diethylstilbestrol in the c3h mouse. Chromato- graphic systems for the quantitative analysis of des metabolic products., E D. Helton, B J. Gough, J W. King, J P. Thenot, and E C. Horning
Metabolism of different histone fractions in ehrlich ascites cells after environmental change., V Holoubek
Metabolism of dimethylnitrosamine to a mutagen by rodent liver microsomes. Abstr., C N. Frantz and H V. Malling
Metabolism of diphenyloxazole (ppo) by mouse liver microsomes., E T. Cantrell, J Guyden, and D L. Busbee
Metabolism of exogenous single stranded dna in normal and nzb/w mice., D Chia, C Dorsch, E V. Barnett, and L Levy
Metabolism of free and esterified cholesterol by leydig-cell tumour mitochondria., W R. Moyle, R L. Jungas, and R O. Greep
Metabolism of glucose by c57bl/6 mice., J T. Adams, P A. Kitos, and J A. Weir
Metabolism of glucose by the house mouse. Abstr., P A. Kitos, J A. Weir, and J T. Adams
Metabolism of glucose in the islets of langerhans., F M. Matschinsky and J E. Ellerman
Metabolism of glutamic acid in brain slices of mice during antivitamin b6-induced convulsions., M Hoshino and M Matsuda
Metabolism of guanylic acid by c3hba mammary adenocarcinoma. Abstr., R Marz and J W. Davis
Metabolism of h-2 and thy-1 (theta) alloantigens in murine thymocytes., E S. Vitetta, J W. Uhr, and E A. Boyse
Metabolism of histones and nuclear rna in ehrlich ascites cells subjected to nutritional step-down shift., V Holoubek, A H. Daoud, and H M. Holoubek
Metabolism of histones in malignant tissues and liver of the rat and mouse., D J. Laurence and J A. Butler
Metabolism of immunoglobulin a in lactating mice: origins of immunoglobulin a in milk., J F. Halsey, C Mitchell, R Meyer, and J J. Cebra
Metabolism of inox (nsc 118994) in ehrlich tumor cells. Transport, distribution and effects on nucleic acid synthesis. Abstr., C B. George and J G. Cory
Metabolism of labeled l-3,5,3'-triiodothyronine by mouse pituitary tumors., E M. Volpert, J Tierney, and S C. Werner
Metabolism of labeled l-thyroxine by mouse pituitary thyrotropic tumors. Abstr., E H. Volpert, R Grinberg, and S C. Werner
Metabolism of labeled nicotinamide coenzyme in different organs of mice and rats., G B. Gerber and J Deroo
Metabolism of labelled thyroid hormone by thyrotropic and adrenotropic mouse pituitary tumors., E M. Volpert, R Grinberg, and S C. Werner
Metabolism of macromolecular heparin in mouse neoplastic mast cells., S Ogren and U Lindahl
Metabolism of methyl palmitate, a phagocytic and immunologic depressant, and its influence on tissue lipids., D A. Blickens and N R. Diluzio
Metabolism of n-2-fluorenylacetamide in x/gf mice. Lack of correlation between biochemical interaction and carcinogenicity., P H. Grantham, L C. Mohan, and E K. Weisburger
Metabolism of naturally occurring homopolymers. 1. The isolation and metabolism of adenine-rich polynucleotides of mouse liver., L Lim, Z N. Canellakis, and E S. Canellakis
Metabolism of naturally occurring homopolymers. II. Characterization of adenine-rich polynucleotides of mouse liver ribosomes., L Lim, Z N. Canellakis, and E S. Canellakis
Metabolism of neoplastic cells and their response to certain drugs., C A. Nichol
Metabolism of neoplastic tissue. XV. Oxidation of exogenous fatty acids in lettre-ehrlich ascites tumor cells., G Medes, A J. Thomas, and S Weinhouse
Metabolism of nicotine. Abstr., J Booth and E Boyland
Metabolism of nuclear macromolecules in ehrlich ascites cells (eac) after a step-down nutritional shift. Abstr., V Holoubek and A Daoud
Metabolism of nucleosides by isolated mouse liver mitochondria., A Tsiftsoglou and J Georgatsos
Metabolism of palmitic acid in the subcellular fractions of mouse brain., G Y. Sun and L A. Horrocks
Metabolism of phenylalanine in mice homozygous for the gene 'dilute lethal'., L I. Woolf, A Jakubovic, F Woolf, and P Bory
Metabolism of phenytoin in teratogenesis-susceptible and -resistant strains of mice., D K. Hansen and M E. Hodes
Metabolism of polyamines in mouse neuroblastoma cells in culture. Formation of gaba and putreanine., L T. Kremzner, J M. Hiller, and E J. Simon
Metabolism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in cell cultures., E Huberman, J K. Selkirk, and C Heidelberger
Metabolism of progesterone and testosterone by mammalian cells growing in suspension culture., D Perlman, P W. Jackson, N Giuffre, and J Fried
Metabolism of prolactin in mice with a high incidence of mammary tumours: evidence for greater conversion into a non-immunoassayable form., Y N. Sinha and S R. Baxter
Metabolism of purine autogonists during combination chemotherapy. Abstr., J F. Henderson
Metabolism of purine nucleoside analogs., G A. Le page and I G. Junga
Metabolism of pyridine nucleotides (pn) in ehrlich ascites carcinoma. Abstr., J Purko and H B. Stewart
Metabolism of pyrimidines and 5-fluoropyrimidines by sensitive and resistant neoplasms. Abstr., R W. Brockman and L W. Law
Metabolism of s-adenosylhomocysteine and s-tubercidinyl- homocysteine in neuroblastoma cells., P A. Crooks, R N. Dreyer, and J K. Coward
Metabolism of selenium in skeletal muscle and liver of mice with genetic muscular dystrophy., N W. Revis, C Y. Horton, and S Curtis
Metabolism of serum glycoproteins in the x-irradiated mouse with im- planted rat bone-marrow., W Friedberg, D N. Faulkner, J K. Abbott, and M H. Friedberg
Metabolism of specifically labelled glucose by explants of newborn mouse cerebellum., F C. Hoskin and C D. Allerand
Metabolism of steroids by transplantable mouse interstitial cell tumor., O J. Lucis and R Lucis
Metabolism of testosterone by gr mouse mammary tumors., hajj Y. Abul and D T. Kiang
Metabolism of testosterone by gr mouse mammary tumors. Abstr., hajj Y. Abul, I E. Fortuny, and D T. Kiang
Metabolism of tetrahydrohomofolate (nsc 89473) in mice., L C. Mishra, A S. Parmar, and J A. Mead
Metabolism of the dialdehyde derivative of inosine (nsc-118994). Transport, distribution and incorporation into rna of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., C B. George and J G. Cory
Metabolism of the ethanolamine phosphoglycerides of mouse brain myelin and microsomes., L A. Horrocks
Metabolism of the polyadenylate sequence of nuclear rna and messenger rna in mammalian cells., G Brawerman and J Diez
Metabolism of uracil and 5-fluorouracil in p388 murine leukemia cells., D Kessel, T C. Hall, and P Reyes
Metabolism of urethane and hydroxyurethane., E Boyland, R Nery, and K Williams
Metabolism of vitamin b6 in the i-strain mouse. I. Absorption, excretion, and conversion of vitamin to enzyme co-factor., R R. Bell and B E. Haskell
Metabolism of vitamin b6 in the i-strain mouse. II. Oxidation of pyridoxal., R R. Bell, C A. Blanchard, and B E. Haskell
Metabolism rate, biochemical and endocrine alterations in male whirler mice., A S. Weltman, A M. Sackler, A S. Lewis, and L Johnson
Metabolism suppression of glucose penetration in ascites tumor cells. Abstr., P H. Fishman and J M. Bailey
Metabolite alterations in the genetically spastic mouse., J A. Stewart
Metabolites of nicotinamide in mouse urine. Effects of azaserine., V Bonavita, S A. Narrod, and N O. Kaplan
Metal carcinogenesis. II. A study of the carcinogenic activity of cobalt, copper, iron, and nickel compounds., J P. Gilman
Metal chelates as anti-cancer agents. II. Cytotoxicaction of palladium and platinum complexes of 6-mercaptopurine and thioguanine, M Das and S E. Livingstone
Metalloprotease-mediated shedding of enzymatically active mouse ecto-ADP-ribosyltransferase ART2.2 upon T cell activation [In Process Citation], S Kahl, M Nissen, R Girisch, T Duffy, E H. Leiter, F Haag, and Nolte F. Koch
Metallothionein and copper homeostasis in mottled mice. Abstr., D M. Hunt
Metallothionein induction in inbred mouse strains. Abstr., D M. Hunt and T Mhlanga
Metalophil reticular cells in experimental mouse-amyloidosis., H E. Christensen
Metameriestorungen und ihre konsequenzen im saugetierexperiment., K Theiler
Metaphase distribution of the mouse chromosomes., campbell M. Spence, A B. Forsythe, and M Nesbitt
Metaphase figures of rat chromosomes incorporated into mouse cells., T H. Yosida and T Sekiguchi
Metaphase FISHing of transgenic mice recommended: FISH and SKY define BAC-mediated balanced translocation., B S. Abrahams, A C. Chong, M Nisha, D Milette, D A. Brewster, M L. Berry, F Muratkhodjaev, S Mai, Separovic E. Rajcan, and E M. Simpson
Metaphase I arrest and spontaneous parthenogenetic activation of strain LTXBO oocytes: chimeric reaggregated ovaries establish primary lesion in oocytes., J J. Eppig, K Wigglesworth, and Y Hirao
Metaplasia and progressive growth of heterologous tumor transplants in the subcutaneous space of mice., H S. Greene and E K. Harvey
Metastases following local x-radiation of a solid tumor. Abstr., D Baker, M Lim, D Elkon, W Constable, D H. Wanebo, and F O. Of
Metastases in an allogeneic mouse tumor system., W H. Isbister, S D. Crile, F O. Thymectomy, and A G. On
Metastases of human melanomas transplanted in 'nude' mice., B C. Giovanella, S O. Yim, A C. Morgan, J S. Stehlin, and L J. Jr
Metastasis and growth of friend tumor cells in irradiated syngeneic hosts., G Matioli
Metastasis and the reticuloendothelial system. II. Effect of triamcinolone acetonide on organ retention of malignant cells in endotoxin-treated mice., D Glaves and L Weiss
Metastasis. Distribution and fate of tumor emboli labelled with 125iudr. Abstr., I J. Fidler
Metastasis formation of transplantable mouse tumours and rat tumours., N S. Kiseleva and U Min'
Metastasis of experimentally induced skin tumors., W E. Poel
Metastasis of human tumors in athymic nude mice., F E. Sharkey and J Fogh
Metastasis, quantitative analysis of distribution and fate of tumor emboli labeled with 125i-5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine., I J. Fidler
Metastasis results from preexisting variant cells within a malignant tumor., I J. Fidler and M L. Kripke
Metastasis spread from syngeneic murine tumours. Establishment of a test protocol for comparisons between ascites tumours and their progenitors., B Hagmar and W Ryd
Metastasizing mammary tumors. Spontaneous mammary tumors in asplenic mice heterozygous for athymia., J R. Mitchell, B B. Lozzio, E Machado, U, and E Linton
Metastasizing mesenchymal mouse tumors induced by subcutaneous graft of mouse placenta containing 9,10-dimethyl-1, 2-benzanthracene., G Gasic, O Badinez, H Rappaport, and S H. Wu
Metastasizing tumors from serum-supplemented and serum-free cell lines from a c57bl mouse lung tumor., L M. Franks, A W. Carbonell, V J. Hennings, and P N. Riddle
Metastatic behavior of a human colon carcinoma (co115) in nude mice. Abstr., B Sordat, R Lees, E Bogenmann, and G Terres
Metastatic behavior of a murine reticulum cell sarcoma exhibiting organ-specific growth., I R. Hart, J E. Talmadge, and I J. Fidler
Metastatic behaviour of an adriamycin-resistant murine tumor., R Giavazzi, L Miller, and I R. Hart
Metastatic characteristics of murine neuroblastoma. A model for the human disease. Abstr., B E. Buck, R F. Alack, H Schlesinger, N Hicks, and K Hummeler
Metastatic colonization potential of primary tumour cells in mice., D Tarin and J E. Price
Metastatic expression of a human colonic adenocarcinoma (lovo) in b6d2f1/j mice appropriately conditioned with antithymocyte serum (ats). Abstr., T L. Avery and R C. Haggitt
Metastatic growth of 3-lewis lung carcinoma in mice treated with alkyl-lysophospholipids and lysophospholipid-induced peritoneal macrophages., W E. Berdel and P G. Munder
Metastatic growth of human tumour xenografts in thymectomised irradiated mice reconstituted with syngeneic bone marrow cells., C R. Franks, L R. Boulger, A J. Garrett, D Bishop, and F T. Perkins
Metastatic heterogeneity of cells from an ultraviolet light- -induced murine fibrosarcoma of recent origin., M L. Kripke, E Gruys, and I J. Fidler
Metastatic hibernomas in transgenic mice expressing an alpha-amylase-SV40 T antigen hybrid gene., N Fox, R Crooke, L H. Hwang, U Schibler, B B. Knowles, and D Solter
Metastatic human melanoma in nude mice following removal of primary tumor--a nutritional shunting effect. Abstr., M H. Tseng, E D. Holyoke, C Karakousis, and K Sako
Metastatic incidence of a spontaneous murine mammary adenocarcinoma., J C. Anderson, R A. Fugmann, R L. Stolfi, and D S. Martin
Metastatic melanoma cell heparanase. Characterization of heparan sulfate degradation fragments produced by b16 melanoma endoglucuronidase., M Nakajima, T Irimura, N D. Ferrante, and G L. Nicolson
Metastatic potential severely altered by changes in tumor cell adhesiveness and cell-surface sialylation., M Fogel, P Altevogt, and V Schirrmacher
Metastatic properties of b-cell hybridomas. Abstr., P D. Baetselier, E Gorelik, Z Eshar, J Ron, S Katzav, and S Segal
Metastatic rate of liver tumors induced by diethylnitrosamine in mice., A P. Kyriazis, M Koka, and S D. Vesselinovitch
Metastatic spread from lung tumors to ovaries and kidneys in c3h mice. Abstr., D W. Siemann and R T. Mulcahy
Metastatic tumor resulting from injection of n-methyl-n'-nitroso- guanidine-exposed human fibroblasts in nude mice. Abstr., H Kurzepa, J C. Loper, and B H. Liwnicz
Metastatic variants are generated spontaneously at a high rate in mouse kht tumor., J F. Harris, A F. Chambers, R P. Hill, and V Ling
Metastic behavior of human tumors growing in athymic mice. Abstr., A P. Kyriazis, A J. Pesce, L Dipersio, and J G. Michael
Methadone uptake by l5178y mouse leukemic cells., P C. Will and W D. Noteboom
Methaqualone. Tolerance and physical dependence in mice., H P. Alpern, C A. Greer, J S. Stripling, and R K. Olson
Methionine requirement and replacement by homocysteine in tissue cultures of selected rodent and human malignant and normal cells., W Kreis and M Goodenow
Methionine requirement, substitution and depletion in cell cultures of experimental and human neoplasms and normal cells. Abstr., W Kreis and M Goodenow
Methionine sulphoximine-induced glycogen accumulation in the mouse cerebral cortex. Abstr., C H. Phelps and J Sullivan
Methionine synthesis from 5'-methylthioadenosine by tumour cells., M J. Tisdale
Methionine transport in s37 cells. Substrate-dependent function of amino acid transport system a in exchange processes., R H. Matthews and R Zand
Method for chromosome preparation from mouse peripheral lymphocytes., P Hayry, M Virolainen, and V Defendi
Method for locating the centromeres of mouse meiotic chromosomes and its application to t163h and t70h translocations., V Dev, D Miller, P Allderdice, and O Miller
Method for placing a pituitary graft into the evacuated pituitary capsule of the hypophysectomized rat or mouse., G Falconi and G L. Rossi
Method for selecting therapeutic agents suitable for combination with immune spleen cells in the treatment of leukaemia. Abstr., C A. Trench and C A. Green
Method for studying exploratory behaviour in infants., H L. Rheingold, W C. Stanley, and J A. Cooley
Method for study of osseous vascular system in mice., H K. Suzuki, W S. Jee, and K A. Sears
Method for the determination of the specific activities of UTP and CTP in mouse kidney by high-performance liquid chromatography., S S. Elliger and G Watson
Methodische versuche zur einrichtung einer tumorbank., F Schmidt and W Tessenow
Methodological approaches to studies on the pancreatic islets., B Hellman
Methodological studies of dominance in a flock of goats., Jeanne Richards Zeisel
Methodology in mammalian genetics [book review]., G D. Snell
Methods for binding cells to plastic: application to a solid-phase radioimmunoassay for cell-surface antigens., J W. Stocker and C H. Heusser
Methods for detection and isolation of pseudomonas aeruginosa in mouse breeding colonies. (jap. With eng. Summ.), K Maejima, T Urano, K Itoh, K Fujiwara, and J Y. Homma
Methods for detection of antibody to the mammary tumor virus., M A. Fink, W F. Feller, and L R. Sibal
Methods for detection of hemagglutinins in mouse isoantisera., J H. Stimpfling
Methods for determination and alteration of titers of a complex of factors present in blood of neoplastic mice., L Burton, F Friedman, and R Kassel
Methods for determining body composition in the mouse: the effect of aging on body composition in the mouse., Thomas R. Klumpp
Methods for estimating growth in vitro., Barbara Lee Chandler
Methods for reducing duration of parabiosis in development of tolerance to skin homografts in mice., A B. Cruz, L D. Maclean, and J B. Aust
Methods for studies on differentiation in the preimplantation mouse embryo., Reid Hardenbergh
Methods for testing linkage., M C. Green
Methods for the detection of mtv antigens. Abstr., L Sibal
Methods for the development and analysis of erythroid colonies grown in plasma clot cultures., J E. Barker and A W. Nienhuis
Methods for the establishment of continuously growing cytolytic t cell clones., W Haas and H Von boehmer
Methods for the maximum production of hybridoma antibodies., Sharon L. Flom
Methods for the measurement of multiple parameters of erythroid regulation within individual mice., C D. Dunn and R D. Lange
Methods for the study of histocompatibility genes., G D. Snell
Methods for using centrifugal elurtriation to separate malignant and lymphoid cell populations., E M. Lord and P C. Keng
Methods in tissue culture technique., Robert L. Church
Methods of enzyme induction by nicotinamide., R L. Blake and E Kun
Methods of estimating mutation rate in laboratory mice., A M. Malashenko
Methods of immunogenicity testing of solid tumours in mice: a comparison of the results., J H. Mulder
Methods of induction and histogenesis of experimental brain tumors., D M. Perese and G E. Moore
Methods of keeping records., M M. Dickie
Methods of keeping records. In w. J. Burdette (ed.), Methodology in mammalian genetics, holden-, M M. Dickie
Methods of preparing mouse chromosomes for cytological staining., Jean B. Dolloff
Methotrexate analogues-xvii. Antitumor activity of 4-amino-4- -deoxy-n10-methylpteroyl-d,l-homocysteic acid and its dual inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase and folyl polyglutamate synthetase., A Rosowsky, R G. Moran, R Forsch, P Colman, E, and M Wick
Methotrexate and folic acid effect in normal and sarcoma 180 bearing mice., K Motycka and A Balcarova
Methotrexate binding in an l1210 lymphoma cell line with impaired methotrexate transport. Abstr., J I. Mccormick, S S. Susten, and J H. Freisheim
Methotrexate binding proteins in l1210 lymphocyte plasma membranes. Abstr., J I. Mc cormick, J I. Rader, and J H. Freisheim
Methotrexate cytotoxicity for l5178y/asn-lymphoblasts: re- lationship of dose and duration of exposure to tumor cell viability., D A. Keefe, R L. Capizzi, and S A. Rudnick
Methotrexate di-n-butyl ester effects on thymidine metabolism., G P. Beardsley, A Rosowsky, R P. Mccaffrey, and H T. Abelson
Methotrexate directed 5fu incorporation into rna of tumor but not normal bone marrow cells. Abstr., S G. Wu, G Tisman, and S B. Strum
Methotrexate induced alteration of glycolysis in l1210 cells in vitro., B Desoize, Y Carpentier, and J C. Jardillier
Methotrexate-induced changes in the levels of 1-beta-d-arab- ino-furanosylcytosine triphosphate in l1210 cells., D Roberts, C Peck, S Hilliard, and W Wingo
Methotrexate-poly(l-lysine) conjugates (mtx-pll) in- jected intravenously overcome drug resistance of sub- -cutaneous p1798 lymphosarcoma in balb/c mice. Abstr., H J. Ryser, D Pritchard, and W Shen
Methotrexate resistance and double minutes in a cell line from the sewa mouse ascites tumor., T Martinsson, P Tenning, L Lundh, and G Levan
Methotrexate resistance and uptake of ddmp by l5178y cells. Selective protection with folinic acid., B T. Hill, L A. Price, and J H. Goldie
Methotrexate resistant l1210 cells contain more high molecular weight immunoreactive dihydrofolate reductase than methotrexate sensitive cells. Abstr., S P. Rothenberg and M P. Iqbal
Methyl 5 (or 4)-(3,3-dimethyl-1-triazeno)imidazole-4 (or 5)-carboxy- late (nsc 87982). Mouse tissue concentrations as determined by microbiological assay., D E. Hunt and R F. Pittillo
Methyl activation and sRNA methylation by soluble fractions of several vertebrate livers., R L. Hancock
Methylation of deoxyribonucleic acid during hormonal stimulation of mammary cells in vitro., R W. Turkington and R L. Spielvogel
Methylation of dna and protamine by methyl methanesulfonate in the germ cells of male mice., G A. Sega and J G. Owens
Methylation of dna in various organs of c57bl mice by a carcinogenic dose of n-methyl-n-nitrosourea and stability of some methylation products up to 18 hours., J V. Frei and P D. Lawley
Methylation of milk-borne and genetically transmitted mouse mammary tumor virus proviral dna., J C. Cohen
Methylation of mouse dna in vivo, di- and tripyrimidine sequences containing 5-methylcytosine., R Salomon and A M. Kaye
Methylation of rna by mouse organs and tumors, ionic stimulation in vitro., A M. Kaye and P S. Leboy
Methylation of satellite sequences in mouse spermatogenic and somatic dna's., zimmerman C. Ponzettol and D J. Wolgemuth
Methylation of the promoter region of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase., P. Suzanne Jacks
Methylation of unique sequence dna during spermatogenesis in mice., B Rahe, R P. Erickson, and M Quinto
Methylcholanthrene carcinogenesis., K Takeda, K Kikuchi, M H. Al, M P. willi, and O I. On
Methylcholanthrene-induced carcinoma of the mouse cervix, an electron microscope study., G R. Schrodt and C D. Foreman
Methylcholanthrene-induced neoplasms in germ-free rfm mice., H Walburg and G Cosgrove
Methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma and normal muscle fibroblasts of the mouse--a comparison of their ultrastructure., J E. Heaysman and S M. Pegrum
Methyl-cholanthrene-induced sarcomata in mice after immunisation with corynebacterium parvum plus syngeneic subcellular membrane fractions., H Baum and M Baum
Methylcholanthrene in pseudopregnant mice of the c57bl/cb/se sub- strain., G Bonser, C Biancifiori, F C. Al, M Tumours, and L I. Of
Methylinitrosourea-induced residual damage of murine hemato- poietic stem cells. Abstr., G E. Hubner and E P. Cronkite
Methylmercury. Decreased antibody formation in mice., L D. Koller, J H. Exon, and J A. Brauner
Methylmercury sexual dimorphism in the mouse., R A. Doherty, A H. Gates, C E. Sewell, and C Freer
Methyl methane sulfonate induced enhancement of friend viral leukemo- genesis., R B. Raikow, J P. Okunewick, R F. Meredith, A E. Sheib, and P R. Seeman
Methyl methanesulfonate-induced mutations in spermatozoa and spermatids of the mouse (mus musculus)., J H. Schroder and J Schiechtl
Methyl methanesulphonate mutagenesis in l5178y mouse lymphoma cells., J Cole and C F. Arlett
-methylthioadenosine Cleaving enzyme of sarcoma 180 cells, a possible chemotherapeutic target enzyme., T M. Savarese and G W. Parks
Methylthioadenosine metabolism in malignant murine cells., J I. Toohey
Methylthioadenosine phosphorylase as a chemotherapeutic target enzyme. Abstr., T M. Savarese, M Y. Chu, S H. Chu, H Abrams, and R E. Jr
Methyphenidate(m) effects on whirler mice (w). Abstr., A M. Sackler, A S. Weltman, L Johnson, P Tsai, and P Steinglass
Metrizamide gradient purification of mouse tumor cells., C W. Stackpole, P Cremona, and R L. Kassel
Metronidazole. Effect on radiosensitivity of tumor and normal tissues in mice., H B. Stone and H R. Withers
Metronidazole (flagyl). Characterization as a cytotoxic drug specific for hypoxic tumour cells., J L. Foster, P J. Conroy, A J. Searle, and R L. Willson
Mg-1: a specificity identifying members of the macrophage and granulocyte lineages of mice., J W. Berman and R S. Basch
MGD: the Mouse Genome Database., J A. Blake, J E. Richardson, C J. Bult, J A. Kadin, and J T. Eppig
MHC antigen induction by interferon gamma on cultured mouse pancreatic beta cells and macrophages. Genetic analysis of strain differences and discovery of an "occult: class I-like antigen in NOD/Lt mice., E H. Leiter, G J. Christianson, D V. Serreze, A T. Ting, and S M. Worthen
MHC characterization of ALR and ALS mice: respective similarities to the NOD and NON strains., R T. Graser, C E. Mathews, E H. Leiter, and D V. Serreze
MHC class I family proteins retard systemic lupus erythematosus autoimmunity and B cell lymphomagenesis., Caroline G McPhee, Thomas J Sproule, Dong-Mi Shin, Jason A Bubier, William H Schott, Martin P Steinbuck, Lia Avenesyan, Herbert C Morse, and Derry C Roopenian
MHC class II molecules play a role in the selection of autoreactive class I-restricted CD8 T cells that are essential contributors to type 1 diabetes development in nonobese diabetic mice., D V. Serreze, T M. Holl, M P. Marron, R T. Graser, E A. Johnson, Rossi C. Choisy, R M. Slattery, S M. Lieberman, and T P. DiLorenzo
MHC class I-mediated antigen presentation and induction of CD8+ cytotoxic T-cell responses in autoimmune diabetes-prone NOD mice., D V. Serreze, W S. Gallichan, D P. Snider, K Croitoru, K L. Rosenthal, E H. Leiter, G J. Christianson, M E. Dudley, and D C. Roopenian
Mhc control and specificity of t-lymphocyte proliferative responses to bovine serum albumin. Abstr., R L. Riley and D C. Benjamin
Mhc control of t lymphocyte-macrophage interactions., E R. Brown, B Singh, K C. Lee, T G. Wegmann, and E Diener
Mhc matching shows that at least two t-cell subsets determine resistance to hsv., E L. Howes, W Taylor, N A. Mitchison, and E Simpson
Mhc-restricted t cell activation: analysis with t cell hybridomas., K L. Rock
Mhc restriction of murine t lymphpcyte reactivity analysed by growth of bone marrow cells in vitro on thymus epithelial monolayers., R M. Gorczynski, B Khomasurya, and S Macrae
Mice after skin grafting., paul B. Kossowska, V Viklicky, kossakowska T. Rymaszewska, U O. Node, and T Of
Mice and more., C J. Bult
Mice and the role of unequal recombination in gene-family evolution., J C. Schimenti
Mice are insensitive to the antitesticular effects of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists., N Wang, K Sundaram, S Pavlou, J Rivier, W Vale, and C W. Bardin
Mice as a mammalian model for research on the genetics of aging., R Yuan, L L. Peters, and B Paigen
Mice bearing lewis lung carcinoma. Abstr., W Chan, S Mcelhanon, A M. Banks, U M. Tumor, and S T. C57bl
Mice by erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl) adenine (ehna) and its metabolic consequences. Abstr., C Lambe, C J. Bugge, S W. Lafon, D J. Nelson, D G. Elion, and T O. Cba/j
Mice carrying the szt1 mutation exhibit increased seizure susceptibility and altered sensitivity to compounds acting at the m-channel., J F. Otto, Y Yang, W N. Frankel, K S. Wilcox, and H S. White
Mice completely suppressed for the expression of immunoglobulin kappa light chain., S Weiss, K Lehmann, W C. Raschke, and M Cohn
Mice deficient in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase exhibit hyperhomocysteinemia and decreased methylation capacity, with neuropathology and aortic lipid deposition., Z Chen, A C. Karaplis, S L. Ackerman, I P. Pogribny, S Melnyk, Cacan S. Lussier, M F. Chen, A Pai, S W. John, R S. Smith, T Bottiglieri, P Bagley, J Selhub, M A. Rudnicki, S J. James, and R Rozen
Mice deficient in the Rab5 guanine nucleotide exchange factor ALS2/alsin exhibit age-dependent neurological deficits and altered endosome trafficking., S Hadano, S C. Benn, S Kakuta, A Otomo, K Sudo, R Kunita, Utsunomiya K. Suzuki, H Mizumura, J M. Shefner, G A. Cox, Y Iwakura, R H. Brown, and J E. Ikeda
Mice during stimulation of the reticulo-endothelial system induced by myco. Tuberculosis (bcg) infection., G Biozzi and C Stiffel
Mice during the course of their natural history, after polyclonal stimulation, or following immunization with dna., B J. Steinberg, P A. Smathers, K Frederiksen, D A. Steinberg, and Y O. Nzw)f1
Mice: effects of immunization and transfer factor., P H. Klesius, A L. Elston, W H. Chambers, N H. Re, and N T. C57bl/6
Mice en evidence d'une arylesterase foetospecifique dans l'encephale de souris., C Failly and J Uriel
Mice. Evidence that late progressing and early regressing tumors are controlled by different genes., A Colombatti, bianchi L. Chieco, A D. Rossi, E D'andrea, D D. Collavo, and C O. Akr
Mice expressing a mutant Krt75 (K6hf) allele develop hair and nail defects resembling pachyonychia congenita., J Chen, K Jaeger, Z Den, P J. Koch, J P. Sundberg, and D R. Roop
Mice expressing the x-linked immune deficiency of the cba/n strain are highly susceptible to infection with streptococcus pneumoniae. Abstr., J Yother, B Gray, P Baker, and D Briles
Mice given injections of mineral oil., L A. Bober, M J. Kranepool, C Bojko, G Steiner, N V. Hollander e, and X E. In
Mice heterozygous for a mutation at the Nf2 tumor suppressor locus develop a range of highly metastatic tumors., A I. McClatchey, I Saotome, K Mercer, D Crowley, J F. Gusella, R T. Bronson, and T Jacks
Mice homozygous for a null mutation of activin beta B are viable and fertile., H Schrewe, Maguire M. Gendron, M L. Harbison, and T Gridley
Mice in a cold climate., S A. Barnett
Mice. Individual recognition by olfactory cues., J M. Bowers and B K. Alexander
Mice infected with the m variant of encephalomyocarditis virus., J E. Craighead
Mice in utero while their mother is lactating suffer higher frequency of deficient corpus callosum., D Wahlsten
Mice lacking mitochondrial uncoupling protein are cold-sensitive but not obese [see comments], S Enerback, A Jacobsson, E M. Simpson, C Guerra, H Yamashita, M E. Harper, and L P. Kozak
Mice lacking the p53/p63 target gene Perp are resistant to papilloma development., M R. Marques, J S. Horner, R A. Ihrie, R T. Bronson, and L D. Attardi
Mice mediated by allelic genes., S Tsuji, T Yasuda, K Kitano, T Fujisaki, D H. Matsushita, and N O. Dystrophic
Mice, mice, baby!: Generating interactive genetics crosses on the World Wide Web., Katherine E. Wong
Mice mutant for Egfr and Shp2 have defective cardiac semilunar valvulogenesis., B Chen, R T. Bronson, L D. Klaman, T G. Hampton, J F. Wang, P J. Green, T Magnuson, P S. Douglas, J P. Morgan, and B G. Neel
Mice mutant for ppap2c, a homolog of the germ cell migration regulator wunen, are viable and fertile [In Process Citation], N Zhang, J P. Sundberg, and T Gridley
Mice, mutations and mammary glands., B J. Tennent and R D. Cardiff
Mice of a four-way cross: coat color associated with behavior and response to D-amphetamine., J Werboff, A Anderson, and S Ross
Mice: progesterone and the regulation of strain differences in pregnancy-induced nest building., J Broida and B Svare
Mice reared with rats, an interstrain comparison of mother and 'aunt' effects., R E. Paschke, V H. Denenberg, and M X. Zarrow
Mice reared with rats. Effects of mother on adult behavior patterns., V H. Denenberg, G A. Hudgens, and M X. Zarrow
Mice reared with rats, effects of prenatal and postnatal maternal environments upon hybrid offspring of c57bl/10j and swiss albino mice., V H. Denenberg, R E. Paschke, and M X. Zarrow
Mice reared with rats, effects of preweaning and post-weaning social interactions upon adult behaviour., G A. Hudgens, V H. Denenberg, and M X. Zarrow
Mice reared with rats. Modification of behavior by early experience with another species., V H. Denenberg, G A. Hudgens, and M X. Zarrow
Mice reared with rats. Relations between mothers' activity level and offspring's behavior., G A. Hudgens, V H. Denenberg, and M X. Zarrow
Mice regrow the tips of their foretoes., R B. Borgens
Mice selected for rearing behavior, some physiological variables., J H. Abeelen, P H. Kroon, and M F. Bekkers
Mice severely deficient in growth hormone have normal hematopoiesis., Y Sharma, K Flurkey, C M. Astle, and D E. Harrison
Mice. Specific cleavage of serum albumin by an acid protease and the generation of amyloid serum component., P D. Gorevic, Y Levo, P C. Chatpar, B Frangione, N E. Som, and E O. In
Mice to virus-induced leukemia., N Pennelli, bianchi L. Chieco, G T. Al, R P. Megakaryocytes, and S Of
Mice treated with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine. Abstr., M J. Wargovich, V W. Eng, W R. Bruce, N A. Medline, and Y D. In
Mice treated with an immunostimulator, pyran., W A. Stylos, M A. Chirigos, C R. Lengel, N J. T a, and bearing L. Tumor
Mice unilaterally sensitized for audiogenic seizures., J L. Fuller and R L. Collins
Mice unilaterally sensitized for audiogenic seizures., J L. Fuller and R L. Collins
Mice upon their hemopoietic progenitor cells and stromal microenvironment. Abstr., P G. Nikkels, R E. Ploemacher, K G. Brockbank, D N. Brons, and F O. Young
Mice. VI. Involvement of virus-specific t helper cells collaborating with b cells., B Boyer, P Debre, M Seman, V Zilberfarb, D J. Levy, and C C. In
Mice whose b cells cannot produce the t15 idiotype also lack an antigen-specific helper t cell required for t15 expression., K Bottomly and D E. Mosier
Mice with hereditary myopathy., N Baker, L Wilson, W O. Al, P T. Neostigmine, and R T. In
Mice with rauscher disease, with special reference to characteristic lesions of the kidney. (jap.), I Miyoshi, O Yoshimori, S I. Al, U Virus, and R D. Akr
Mice with spontaneous mammary tumors develop type-specific neutralizing and cytotoxic antibodies against the mouse mammary tumor virus envelope protein gp52., G Schochetman, L O. Arthur, C W. Long, and R J. Massey
Mice with targeted mutation of peroxiredoxin 6 develop normally but are susceptible to oxidative stress., X Wang, S A. Phelan, Semb K. Forsman, E F. Taylor, C Petros, A Brown, C P. Lerner, and B Paigen
Mice with the xid defect can provide t help for a t15 dominant igm anti-phosphocholine response. Abstr., A J. Feeney and D E. Mosier
Mice with the xid defect have helper cells for t15 idiotype-dominant anti-phosphorylcholine primary and secondary plaque-forming cell responses., J Quintans, Z S. Quan, and M A. Arias
Miconazole prolongs murine skin graft survival., Y H. Thong and A Ferrante
Microanalysis of amniotic fluid in mutant siren and non-siren fetuses. Abstr., B Y. Orr, S Y. Long, and K A. Siegesmund
Microanalysis of brain lipids. Multiple two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography., S Pollet, S Ermidou, F L. Saux, M Monge, and N Baumann
Microanatomy of living mammalian spleens in situ. I. Endothelium. Abstr., E H. Bloch
Microanatomy of living mammalian splenic transplants. I. Endothelium. Abstr., C Oestermeyer
Microangiopathic anemia associated with hemangiomas. Abstr., J C. Hoak, E D. Warner, H F. Cheng, and G L. Fry
Microassay for photometric quantitation of macrophage mediated tumor cytotoxicity using an automated densitometer., R W. Leu and M J. Herriott
Micro axial tomography: a miniaturized, versatile stage device to overcome resolution anisotropy in fluorescence light microscopy., Florian Staier, Heinz Eipel, Petr Matula, Alexei V Evsikov, Michal Kozubek, Christoph Cremer, and Michael Hausmann
Microbicidal activity of lyphokine-treated macrophages. Abstr., D L. Hoover and C A. Nacy
Microbicidal capacity and tumor cell cytostatic effects of armed and activated macrophages. Abstr., J Remington, J Krahenbuhl, and R Mcleod
Microbiocidal activity against leishmania tropica by macrophages from p/jn mice. Abstr., C A. Nacy, A L. Haverly, and P K. Russell
Microbiological monitoring of laboratory mice., Fahey JR
Microbodies in experimentally altered cells. IV. Acatalasemic (csb) mice treated with cpib., J Reddy, S Bunyaratvej, and D Svoboda
Microbodies in experimentally altered cells. V. Histochemical and cytochemical studies on the livers of rats and acatalasemic (csb) mice treated with cpib., J Reddy, S Bunyaratvej, and D Svoboda
Microbodies (peroxisomes) in the interstitial cells of rodent testes., J Reddy and D Svoboda
Microcell-mediated transfer of carcinogen-induced ouabain resistance from c3h/10t1/2 cl 8 mouse fibroblasts to human cells., J R. Landolph and R E. Fournier
Microcephalic cerebrum with hypomyelination in the congenital goiter mouse (cog)., T Sugisaki, W G. Beamer, and T Noguchi
Microcephalic cerebrum with hypomyelination in the pygmy mouse (pg)., T Sugisaki, W G. Beamer, and T Noguchi
Microchimerism in pregnant mice., A Liegeois, M C. Gaillard, E Ouvre, and D Lewin
Microchimersim. A stable state of low-ratio proliferation of allogeneic bone marrow., A Liegeosis, J Escourrou, E Ouvre, and J Charreire
Microcinematographic demonstration of synchronous and asynchronous myoepithelial contractions in mouse submandibular gland rudiments in organotypic culture., W D. Morgan, J E. Williams, C W. Lee, and C J. Dawe
Microcinematography of l5178y mouse lymphoma cells. Abstr., J W. Daniel, J Robinson, J M. Molin, and E C. Gregg
Microcirculation in the islets of langerhans of the mouse., S C. Bunnag, S Bunnag, and N E. Warner
Microcirculation of the mouse pinna., A F. Silver and H B. Chase
Microcolony survival assay for cells of mouse intestinal mucosa exposed to radiation., H R. Withers and M M. Elkind
Microcolony survival assay for jejunal crypt cells exposed to radiation alone and combined with cancer chemotherapeutic agents - methodological problems., H Von der maase and J Overgaard
Microcytotoxicity assay of immune responses to non- -mammary tumor virus-induced, preneoplastic, and neoplastic mammary lesions in balb/c mice., G H. Heppner, J S. Kopp, and D Medina
Microcytotoxicity assay of the immunogenicity of hyperplastic alveolar nodule (han) lines in strain balb/c mice. Abstr., G Heppner, J Kopp, and D Medina
Microdetermination of free amino acids in pancreatic islets isolated from obese-hyperglycemic mice., G Briel, E Gylfe, B Hellman, and V Neuhoff
Micro-edman degradation. The use of high pressure liquid chromatography and gas chromatography in the amino terminal sequence determination of 8 nanomoles of dihydrofolate reductase from a mouse sarcoma., J A. Rodkey and C D. Bennett
Micro-electrode measurement of the intracellular ph and buffering power of mouse soleus muscle fibres., C C. Aickin and R C. Thomas
Microenvironmental arginine depletion by macrophages in vivo., G A. Currie, L Gyure, and L Cifuentes
Microenvironmental immunoregulation: possible role of contrasuppressor cells in maintaining immune responses in gut- -associated lymphoid tissues., D R. Green, J Gold, S S. Martin, R Gershon, and R K. Gershon
Microenvironments to ectopic sites by mouse bone marrow fibroblastoid cells. Abstr., B Murphy, S Mann, J Jackson, G Perry, D A. Crouse, D J. Sharp, and L E. Hematopoietic
Microfilament bundles and cell shape are related to adhesiveness to substratum and are dissociable from growth control in cultured fibroblasts., M C. Willingham, K M. Yamada, S S. Yamada, J Pouyssegur, and I Pastan
Microfilament bundles in cultured cells. Correlation with anchorage independence and tumorigenicity in nude mice., J E. Celis, J V. Small, P Andersen, and A Celis
Microfilament bundles in transformed mouse clid x transformed cho cell hybrids. Correlation with tumorigenicity in nude mice., J E. Celis, J V. Small, K Kaltoft, and A Celis
Microfluorimetric study of metabolic alterations in ehrlich ascites tumor cells following serial cultivation in hypertonic media., E Kohen, D Schachtschabel, C Kohen, and B Thorell
Microfluorometric analysis of dna content changes in a murine teratocarcinoma., D E. Swartzendruber, L S. Cram, and J M. Lehman
Microfluorometric comparisons of chromatin thermal stability in situ between normal and neoplastic cells., M R. Alvarez
Microgrid irradiation studies with c57 black mice, using greying of hair as effect indicator. Abstr., W H. Parr and A T. Krebs
Microinjection of a rabbit beta-globin gene into zygotes and its subsequent expression in adult mice and their offspring., T E. Wagner, P C. Hoppe, J D. Jollick, D R. Scholl, R L. Hodinka, and J B. Gault
Microinjection of macromolecules into normal murine lymphocytes by means of cell fusion. II. Enhancement and suppression of mitogenic responses by microinjection of monoclonal anti-cyclic amp into b lymphocytes., J Ohara, M Sugi, M Fujimoto, and T Watanabe
Microinjection of mouse eggs., T P. Lin
Micro-leukocyte adherence inhibition. I. Cellular basis of the mechanism of reactivity., A J. Russo, J H. Howell, S H. Leveson, D. Holyoke, and M H. Goldrosen
Micro-leukocyte adherence inhibition. Mechanism of reactivity. Abstr., A J. Russo, J H. Howell, S H. Leveson, P Bealmear, and M H. Goldrosen
Micro-leukocyte adherence inhibition: role of t-cells in the mechanism of reactivity. Abstr., D Jenkins, S Raina, A J. Russo, E D. Holyoke, and M H. Goldrosen
Micromethod for assaying immune cytolysis by the release of 51cr., N Kaliss
Micromethods for biochemical tests., James S. Sullivan
Micromethods for induction and assay of mouse mixed lymphocyte reactions and cytotoxicity., E Simpson, R Gordon, M Taylor, J Mertin, and P Chandler
Micromorphology of murine tumor viruses and of affected cells., A J. Dalton
Microneutralization test for the reoviruses. Application to detection and assay of antibodies in sera of laboratory animals., N J. Schmidt, E H. Lennette, and M F. Hanahoe
[micronuclei And sytogenetic anomalies in preimplantation mouse embryos.] (russ., Eng. Summ.), N V. Titenko and V I. Evsikov
Micronucleus test and bone-marrow chromosome analysis. A comparison of 2 methods in vivo for evaluating chemically induced chromosomal alterations., U Kliesch, N Danford, and I Adler
Microphthalmia and associated abnormalities in inbred black mice., R S. Smith, T H. Roderick, and J P. Sundberg
Microplate culture of mouse lymph node cells. I. Quantitation of responses to allogeneic lymphocytes endotoxin and phytomitogens., P E. Thrope and S C. Knight
Micropuncture study of renal phosphorus transport in hypophosphatemic vitamin d resistant rickets mice., S D. Giasson, M G. Brunetti, G Danan, N ormand, and U A. Carriere
Microradiographic and histologic appearance of mouse mandibles after extraction of mandible incisors. Abstr., W J. Felts and J M. Grewe
microRNA expression pattern in normal mouse lung development and cancer, Kevin Hawkins
Microscope photometry of trypan blue uptake in free islet beta-cells exposed to beta-cytotoxic agents. Abstr., K Grankvist
Microscope photometry of trypan blue uptake in free islet beta-cells exposp@@@ed to beta-cytotoxic agents. Ab, K Grankvist
Microscopical observations of the effects of tumour-inhibitory and non-inhibitory samples of gum tragacanth on landschutz ascites tumour cells., E G. Mayhew and E M. Roe
Microscopic characteristic of macroscopically normal non-syngeneic skin grafts., V Viklicky and M Polackova
Microscopic epididymides in testicular feminisation., S R. Blecher
Microscopy of internal structures of sendai virus associated with the cytoplasmic surface of host membranes., M Buechi and T Bachi
Microsomal and lysosomal acid phosphatase isoenzymes of mouse kidney, characterization and separation., C Lin and W H. Fishman
Microsomal lipoproteins as transplantation antigens., L A. Manson, G V. Foschi, T Dougherty, and J Palm
Microsomal metabolism of m-amsa (nsc-249992). Abstr., D Shoemaker, P Gormley, A Monks, R Cysyk, and L Malspeis
Microsomal metabolism of nitrosoureas., D L. Hill, M C. Kirk, and R F. Struck
Microsomal metabolism of triazenylimidazoles., D L. Hill
Microsomal monooxygenase activity in livers of noninduced dba/2wbog and c57bl/glibog mice. Abstr., D Brauze and A L. Pawlak
Microsomal synthesis of di- and triacylglycerols in rat liver and ehrlich ascites cells., P J. O'doherty and A Kuksis
Microsome-dependent covalent binding of the carcinogen, trichlorethylene, to cellular macromolecules. Abstr., S Banerjee, B L. Duuren, and B M. Goldschmidt
Microsome-mediated binding of the carcinogen 1,2-dichloro- ethane to macromolecules. Abstr., S Banerjee, B L. Duuren, and F I. Oruambo
Microspectrofluorometric analysis of surface antigens of murine melanoma and hamster peritoneal cell hybrids: comparisons of species antigenicity, chromosome number, and tumorigenicity., K L. Erickson and F Hu
Microspectrophotometric determination of deoxribonucleic acid in primary and metastatic mouse mammary tumors., E W. Chu and R A. Malmgren
Microspectrophotometry of the deoxyribonucleic acid in the thymus cells of leukaemic and normal ak mice., J Vesely, J Seifert, and J Nedvidek
Microspectrophotometry of the deoxyribonucleic acid in the thymus cells of leukaemic and normal ak mice following the application of aminopterin, azauridine, and phosphoramide in vivo., J Vesely, J Nedvidek, and J Seifert
Microsurgery of inner cell mass of mouse blastocyts., T P. Lin
Microsurgically produced homozygous-diploid uniparental mice., P C. Hoppe and K Illmensee
Microsurgically produced homozygous-diploid uniparental mice., P C. Hoppe and K Illmensee
Microtubule-associated protein 1A is a modifier of tubby hearing (moth1)., A Ikeda, Q Y. Zheng, A R. Zuberi, K R. Johnson, J K. Naggert, and P M. Nishina
Microtubule-organizing centres in mammalian cells in culture., F M. Watt and H Harris
Microtubules and actin-containing filaments of normal, preneoplastic, and neoplastic mouse mammary epithelial cells., B B. Asch, D Medina, and B R. Brinkley
Microvasculature of c3h/bi mouse mammary tumors after x-irradiation., D E. Hilmas and E L. Gillette
Microvasculature of the mouse testis and excurrent duct system., F Suzuki
Microvillae reduction in p815y cells treated in culture with pentobarbital (pb). Abstr., J W. Cramer, S Wise, and L Lindner
Microviscosity changes during differentiation of neuroblastoma cells., S W. De laat, P T. Saag, S A. Nelemans, and M Shinitzky
Microwave absorption by normal and tumor cells., S Webb and A Booth
Microwave absorption spectroscopy of DNA., I J. Bigio, T R. Gosnell, P Mukherjee, and J D. Safer
Microwave beating as an adjunet in the experimental control of tumors in mice. Abstr., E H. Jefferson, A C. Kienzle, and M L. Griem
Microwave effects on granulocyte and macrophage precursor cells of mice in vitro., J C. Lin, M J. Ottenbreit, S Wang, S Inoue, R O. Bollinger, and M Fracassa
Microwave-field-driven acoustic modes in DNA., G S. Edwards, C C. Davis, J D. Saffer, and M L. Swicord
Microwave hyperthermia: modifications in tumour microphysiology. Abstr., H I. Bicher and F W. Hetzel
Microwaves induce an increase in the frequency of complement receptor-bearing lymphoid spleen cells in mice., jedrzejczak W. Wiktor, A Ahmed, K W. Sell, P Czerski, and W M. Leach
Microwave-specific heating affects gene expression., J D. Saffer and L A. Profenno
Mid1 slternative promoters in B-cell proliferation and systemic lupus erythematosis., Harsha Prabhala
Midazolam and fentanyl-fluanisone: assessment of anaesthetic effects in laboratory rodents and rabbits., P A. Flecknell and M Mitchell
Midbrain pathways of audiogenic seizures in dba/2 mice., J F. Willott and S M. Lu
Midgestation lethality in mice deficient for the RecA-related gene, Rad51d/Rad51l3., D L. Pittman and J C. Schimenti
'midget', A new dwarfing gene in the house mouse dependent on a gene- tic background of small body size for its expression., R E. Fowler and R G. Edwards
Midpregnancy elevation of serum androstenedione levels in the c3h/hen mouse: placental origin., M J. Soares and F Talamantes
Mif-like activity in simian virus 40-transformed 3t3 fibroblast culture., M E. Hammond, R O. Roblin, A M. Dvorak, S S. Selvaggio, A H. Black, and H F. Dvorak
Mif production by nonresponder mice sensitized with glu60ala30tyr10 (gat). Abstr., F Waxman, P H. Maurer, and P Baram
Migration and activation of regulatory t cells for mouse mixed lymphocyte reactions. Abstr., R R. Rich and S S. Rich
Migration and cell recruiting activity of specifically sensitized lymphocytes in sponge matrix allografts., U T. Hopt, W Sullivan, R Hoffman, and R L. Simmons
Migration and internalization of cells and polystyrene microspheres in tumor cell spheroids., M J. Dorie, R F. Kallman, D F. Rapacchietta, D V. Antwerp, and Y R. Huang
Migration and proliferation trends of donor T-lymphocytes in a murine model of minor histocompatibility antigen-induced graft-versus-host disease., Breelyn A. Wilky
Migration des cellules hematopoietiques medullaires chez la souris., E Frindel, M Tubiana, and F Charruyer
Migration inhibition caused by ebv-specific 48k subcomponent of ebna and the associated 53k cellular protein., R Szigeti, J Luka, L Sternas, and G Klein
Migration inhibition of alloimmune mouse macrophages by soluble transplantation antigens., K T. Maehara and K L. Ivor
Migration inhibition of immune mouse spleen cells by serum from x-irradiated tumor-bearing mice., H Moroson
Migration inhibition of lymph node lymphocytes as an assay for regional cell-mediated immunity in the intestinal lymphoid tissues of mice immunized orally with ovalbumin., A M. Mowat and A Ferguson
Migration inhibition of lymph node lymphocytes as an in vitro assay for cell-mediated immunity in the draining lymph nodes of parenterally immunized mice., A M. Mowat and A Ferguson
Migration inhibition of sensitized mouse spleen cells by cell-associated transplantation antigens: effect of method of antigen presentation., S K. Jacobs and H D. Preisler
Migration inhibition test based on the culture of spleen fragments, a quantitative analysis., K Ostrowski, O Blaton, E Skopinska, A Gorski, and rutczynska Z. Zaleska
Migration inhibitory action of bacterial lipopolysaccharide on progenitor cells of monocyte/macrophage lineage growing in culture in the presence of colony-stimulating factor (csf-1)., Y Ishii, M Shinoda, and M Shikita
Migration of antibody-forming cells and antigen-sensitive precursors between spleen, thymus and bone marrow., E A. Chaperon, J C. Selner, and H N. Claman
Migration of asbestos fibres from subcutaneous injection sites in mice., K Kanazawa, M S. Birbeck, R L. Carter, and F J. Roe
Migration of asbestos fibres in the body in relation to their car- cinogenic properties. Abstr., K Kanazaw, M S. Birbeck, R L. Carter, and F J. Roe
Migration of b and t lymphocytes to m cells in peyer's patch follicle epithelium: an autoradiographic and immunocytochemical study in mice., D K. Bhalla and R L. Owen
Migration of capillary endothelial cells is stimulated by tumor-derived factors., B R. Zetter
Migration of cells from shielded to irradiated marrow., M A. Maloney and H M. Patt
Migration of cells to the thymus demonstrated by parabiosis., M Brumby and D Metcalf
Migration of colony-forming cells from intraperitoneally transplanted whole spleens. Abstr., P Chervenick, D Boggs, J Marsh, G Cartwright, and M Wintrobe
Migration of cytoplasmic proteins into nuclei of spleen cells from immunized animals., M Bouteille
Migration of immunocompetent cells from spleen to thymus and bone marrow. Abstr., E A. Chaperon, H N. Claman, and J C. Selner
Migration of immunocompetent cells into bone marrow and thymus. Abstr., H N. Claman, E A. Chaperon, and J C. Selner
Migration of lymph node cells during the primary immune response., A J. Cochran, E Klein, and G Petranyi
Migration of lymphoblasts to the small intestine. I. Effect of trichinella spiralis infection on the migration of mesenteric lymphoblasts and mesenteric t lymphoblasts in syngeneic mice., M L. Rose, D M. Parrott, and R G. Bruce
Migration of lymphoblasts to the small intestine. II. Divergent migration of mesenteric and peripheral immuno- blasts to sites of inflammation in the mouse., M L. Rose, D M. Parrott, and R G. Bruce
Migration of lymphoblasts to the small intestine. Iii. Strain differences and relationship to distribution and duration of trichinella spiralis infection., smith D. Manson, R G. Bruce, M L. Rose, and D M. Parrott
Migration of macrophages carrying antigen into the thymus., E Kolsch
Migration of mesonephric cells into the mammalian gonad depends on Sry., B Capel, K H. Albrecht, L L. Washburn, and E M. Eicher
Migration of mouse lymphocytes in vitro. I. Normal lymph node lym- phocytes., R A. Hoffman, N L. Ascher, R D. Nelson, and R L. Simmons
Migration of normal spleen cells with differing concanavalin a-binding capacities. Abstr., B A. Rodriguez
Migration of nuclear rna into isolated mouse liver mitochondria., J Georgatsos
Migration of peripheral t and b cells into the thymus of aging (nzb x sjl)f1 female mice., F J. Dumont, R Barrois, and E B. Jacobson
Migration of reticulum cell sarcoma (rcs) tumor cells in irradiated and unirradiated sjl mice. Abstr., S P. Lerman, H Frost, C Powers, and K Lageroos
Migration of small lymphocytes in adult mice demonstrated by parabio- sis., C Ropke and N B. Everett
Migration of transplanted hematopoietic stem cells to the spleen of irradiated mice., D R. Boggs and P A. Chervenick
Migration to the g. I. Tract of lymphocytes labeled with i-125 deoxyuridine. Abstr., G E. Solomon and R N. Taub
Migratory behavior of lymphocytes during allograft rejection., R A. Hoffman, N L. Ascher, and R L. Simmons
Migratory behavior of melanoblasts from piebald mice. Abstr., T C. Mayer
Migratory patterns of b lymphocytes. IV. Effect of anti-ig on follicular localization of radioactively labeled murine spleen and bone marrow cells., R H. De kruyff, N M. Ponzio, A F. Schrater, and G J. Thorbecke
Migratory patterns of technetium-99m-labeled lymphoid cells. I. Effects of antilymphocyte serum on the organ distribution of murine thymocytes., R F. Barth and O Singla
Mikrowellenhyperthermie und onkolyse durch clostridien., D Gericke, F Dietzel, and W Konig
Mild spherocytosis and altered red cell ion transport in protein 4. 2-null mice., L L Peters, H K Jindel, B Gwynn, C Korsgren, K M John, S E Lux, N Mohandas, C M Cohen, M R Cho, D E Golan, and C Brugnara
Milk-production curves of four strains in mice., T Ino, S Yoshikawa, M Yamauchi, and Y Sakuma
Milk yield during prolonged lactation in mice, effect of ovariectomy., G H. Zeilmaker
Milky spots (taches laiteuses) as structures which trap asbestos in mesothelial layers and their significance in the pathogenesis of mesothelial neoplasia., K Kanazawa, F J. Roe, and T Yamamoto
Millisecond-timescale optical control of neural dynamics in the nonhuman primate brain., X Han, X Qian, J G. Bernstein, H H. Zhou, G T. Franzesi, P Stern, R T. Bronson, A M. Graybiel, R Desimone, and E S. Boyden
Mimicking the alloantigenicity of proteins with chemically synthe- sized peptides differing in single amino acids., H Alexander, D A. Johnson, J Rosen, L Jerabek, N Green, I L. Weissman, and R A. Lerner
Mimicry effect of histones in homograft tissue., G Gillissen and G Nehring
Miniature, a new gene for small size in the mouse., D Bennett
Minicomputer monitored social behavior of mice with hippocampus lesions., D L. Ely, E G. Greene, and J P. Henry
Minimal bone marrow damage in mice given bleomycin., S S. Boggs, G P. Sartiano, and A D. Mezza
Minimal molecular and cellular requirements for elicitation of secondary anti-vesicular stomatitis virus cytotoxic t lymphocytes., A H. Hale and M J. Ruebush
Minimal molecular requirements for reactivity of tumor cells with t cells., A H. Hale, D S. Lyles, L K. Paulus, and M J. Ruebush
Minimal phenylalanine diet and increased host defense against murine l1210 leukemia. Abstr., M J. Pine
Minimal requirements for in vitro activity of chemically defined synthetic antigens as immunogenic carrier molecules., A Bernstein, A Yaron, and A Globerson
Minimum information specification for in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry experiments (MISFISHIE)., E W. Deutsch, C A. Ball, J J. Berman, J Quackenbush, M Ringwald, G Sherlock, C J. Stoeckert, J Swedlow, R C. Taylor, L Walashek, and al et
Minimum peptide sequences necessary for priming and triggering of humoral and cell-mediated immune responses in mice: use of synthetic peptide antigens of defined structure., B Singh, K Lee, E Fraga, A Wilkinson, and M A. Barton
Mining for genes important preimplantation embryo development., Emily E. Radford
Mining metabolic pathway data from gene ontology annotation., Michael Petkov
Mining the mouse phenome database (MPD) to find candidate modifier genes: oles revealed for serum IGF-1 levels and FOXO3 inactivation in nmd mice, Jennifer Whiting
Minor antigen-induced inhibition of allogeneic cytotoxic cells. Abstr., R L. Hayes and H N. Claman
Minor histocompatibility antigen expression on f9 embryonal carcinoma cells revealed by t-cell mediated responses., M Simmler, P Avner, and J Levy
Minor histocompatibility antigens., E Simpson and D C. Roopenian
Minor Histocompatibility Antigens: From the Laboratory to the Clinic.
Minor histocompatibility genes important in lethal graft- -versus-host reaction (gvhr): chromosomal assignment of five genes using ten chromosomal markers., R Motta, R Moutier, and pannenko O. Halle
Mino@@@@r (non-h-2) histocompatibility antigens influence intensity of graft-versus-host reaction (gvhr) induced across majorr@@@ (h-2) histocompatibility barrier. Furt evidence. Abstr., L L. Pritchard, pannenko O. Halle, N Abuaf, and G Mathe
Minors held by majors: the H13 minor histocompatibility locus defined as a peptide/MHC class I complex., L M. Mendoza, P Paz, A Zuberi, G Christianson, D C. Roopenian, and N Shastri
Minute chromatin bodies in a murine in vitro cell line., S B. De salum and I Larripa
Minute chromatin bodies in two mouse tumours induced in vivo by rous sarcoma virus., L Donner and J Bubenik
Minute virus of mice. II. Prevalence, epidemiology, and occurrence as a contaminant of transplanted tumors., J C. Parker, M J. Collins, S S. Cross, and W P. Rowe
Minute virus of mice inhibits cell transformation by simian virus 40., S Mousset and J Rommelaere
miR-106a-mediated malignant transformation of cells induced by anti-benzo[a]pyrene-trans-7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide., Y Jiang, Y Wu, A R. Greenlee, J Wu, Z Han, X Li, and Y Zhao
miR-22 functions as a micro-oncogene in transformed human bronchial epithelial cells induced by anti-benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide., L Liu, Y Jiang, H Zhang, A R. Greenlee, R Yu, and Q Yang
Mise en evidence d'activites nucleotide-pyrophosphatase et phosphohydrolase dans les lymphocytes normaux de souris balb/c et absence de ces activites dans les cellules tumorales yc8 et les lymphocytes d'animaux porteurs du lymphome yc8., ramniceanu M. Barel and E Morel
Mise en evidence du facteur lacte de la souche de souris ps par ultracentrifugation sur gradients de ficoll. Association des particules virales avec des mycoplasmes., C Mouriquand, J Mouriquand, and C Viala
Mise en evidence d'un conditionnement a caractere cooperatif chez la souris., A Rechsteiner
Mise en evidence d'une immunite chez la souris cba greffee de sarcome j., P Chevalier
Mise en evidence d'une odeur de groupe chez les souris par la mesure de l'activite locomotrice., P Ropartz
Mise en evidence histochimique de la secretion de l'amylase, dans les glandes salivaires sous-maxillaires, retrolinguales et sous- -parotidiennes de la souris., M Chretien and F Zajdela
Mismatching for minor histocompatibility antigens in bone marrow transplantation: consequences for the development and control of serve graft-versus-host disease., G Mathe, L L. Pritchard, and pannenko O. Halle
Misonidazole cytotoxicity in tumor model systems. Abstr., P J. Conroy and R M. Sutherland
Misonidazole inhibits glycolysis and changes the redox balance of neuronal tissue in vivo. Abstr., P J. Conroy
Mi-spotted: a mutation in the mouse., H G. Wolfe and D L. Coleman
Mi-spotted. A mutation in the mouse., H G. Wolfe and D L. Coleman
Missing enogenous dopaminergic inhibition of aldosterone secretion in human conn's adenoma tissue after heterotransplantation to thymusaplastic mice., E Jungmann, U Schwedes, K H. Usadel, I Obert, and K Schoffling
Missing optomotor head-turning reflex in the DBA/2J mouse., P Barabas, W Huang, H Chen, C L. Koehler, G Howell, S W. John, N Tian, R C. Renteria, and D Krizaj
"Misty" a new coat color dilution in the mouse, Mus musculus., G W. Woolley
Misty dilution in the mouse., G W. Woolley
Misuse of the c3h/hej mouse in the determination of endotoxin contamination of various biologic preparations., S M. Walker and W O. Weigle
Mithramycin effect on mouse glioma. A time-study suggesting a method for reducing toxicity. Abstr., J W. Yarbro and B J. Kennedy
Mithramycin effect on the growth of a mouse glioma. Abstr., B Kennedy and J W. Yarbro
Mithramycin inhibition of ribonucleic acid synthesis., J W. Yarbro, B J. Kennedy, and C P. Barnum
Mitigation of acute secondary disease by treatment of the recipient with antilymphocytic serum before grafting of allogeneic hemopoietic cells., D W. Van bekkum
Mitigation of caffeine-induced teratogenicity in mice by prior chronic caffeine ingestion., M Terada and H Nishimura
Mitigation of graft-versus-host disease in lethally irradiated mice grafted with spleen cells adherent to glass beads., M R. Gambrill, G D. Ledney, and T J. Vittie
Mitigation of graft-versus-host disease in mice by treatment of donors with bacterial endotoxin., W C. Rose, G E. Rodey, A A. Rimm, and M M. Bortin
Mitigation of graft-versus-host disease in mice with xenogeneic antithymocyte serum and complement., D Volf, L L. Sensenbrenner, and G W. Santos
Mitigation of gvhd in lethally irradiated mice grafted with spleen cells adherent to glass beads. Abstr., M R. Gambrill and G D. Ledney
Mitigation of secondary disease in lethally irradiated and allogeneic bone marrow grafted mice by selective elimination of immunocompetent cells. Abstr., O H. Costachel, I I. Corneci, and T Andrian
Mitigation of secondary disease in mice receiving bone marrow from donors pretreated with cortisone and alkylating agents., C M. Ambrus, J L. Ambrus, and E T. Feltz
Mitochondrial changes in the liver of essential fatty acid-deficient mice., J W. Wilson and E H. Leduc
Mitochondrial conformation and adenine nucleotide content of ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Abstr., B F. Trump and K U. Laiho
Mitochondrial dna evolution in mice., S D. Ferris, R D. Sage, E M. Prager, U Ritte, and A C. Wilson
Mitochondrial lipids of ehrlich lettre ascites tumor cells., C E. Park and C E. Wenner
Mitochondrial lipids of eld ascites tumor cells. Abstr., C E. Park and C E. Wenner
Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme, mendelian inherited electrophoretic variants in the mouse., T B. Shows, V M. Chapman, and F H. Ruddle
Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (Mor-1) in the mouse: linkage to chromosome 5 markers., J E. Womack, N L. Hawes, E R. Soares, and T H. Roderick
Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (mor-1) in the mouse. Linkage to chromosome 5 markers., J E. Womack, N L. Hawes, E R. Soares, and T H. Roderick
Mitochondrial malic enzyme in mosaic skeletal muscle of mouse chimeras., P M. Frair, P M. Strasberg, K B. Freeman, and A C. Peterson
Mitochondrial membrane-bound hexokinase of ascites tumor cells. Functional implications of lysine residues studied by modification with imidoesters., P A. Lazo and L Bosca
Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and energetic status are reflected by morphology of mitochondrial network in INS-1E and HEP-G2 cells viewed by 4Pi microscopy., Hlavata L. Plecita, M Lessard, J Santorova, J Bewersdorf, and P Jezek
Mitochondrial proline dehydrogenase deficiency in hyperprolinemic PRO/Re mice: genetic and enzymatic analyses., R L. Blake, J G. Hall, and E S. Russell
Mitochondrial proline dehydrogenase deficiency in hyperprolinemic pro/re mice. Genetic and enzymatic analyses., R L. Blake, J G. Hall, and E S. Russell
Mitochondrial protein and rna synthesis of x-irradiated mouse livers., H Mukerjee and A Goldfeder
Mitochondrial respiratory enzyme activity in the spontaneous mouse hepatoma BW7756., Debbie Richards
Mitochondrial studies in senescent mice--ii. Specific activity, bouyant density, and turnover of mitochondrial dna., R Huemer, K Lee, A Reeves, and C Bickert
Mitochondrial studies in senescent mice--i. Turnover of brain mitochondrial lipids., R Huemer, C Bickert, K Lee, and A E. Reeves
Mitochondrial uncoupling protein from mouse brown fat. Molecular cloning, genetic mapping, and mRNA expression., A Jacobsson, U Stadler, M A. Glotzer, and L P. Kozak
Mitochondria of the ehrlich ascites-tumour cell., A O. Hawtrey and H M. Silk
Mitochondria of the ehrlich ascites-tumour cell. 2. Diphosphopyri- dine nucleotide- and triphosphopyridine nucleotide-dependent oxidation of isocitrate., A O. Hawtrey and M H. Silk
Mitochondria, redox signaling and axis specification in metazoan embryos., J A. Coffman and J M. Denegre
Mitoferrin is essential for erythroid iron assimilation., G C. Shaw, J J. Cope, L Li, K Corson, C Hersey, G E. Ackermann, B Gwynn, A J. Lambert, R A. Wingert, D Traver, Y Zhou, E Minet, A Donovan, A Brownlie, R Balzan, M J. Weiss, L L. Peters, J Kaplan, and L I. Zon
Mitogen-activated b-cell blasts reactive to more than one mitogen., J Andersson, A Coutinho, and F Melchers
Mitogen-activated protein kinase dynamics during the meiotic G2/MI transition of mouse spermatocytes., A Inselman and M A. Handel
Mitogen activity of spleen cells from germfree, radiation induced, allogenic bone marrow treated mice. Abstr., J Mattingly and P M. Webb
Mitogenic activation and proliferation of mouse thymocytes. Comparison between isotope incorporation and flow-micro- fluorometry., I Betel, J Martijnse, and G V. Westen
Mitogenic activity elaborated by macrophage-like cell lines act as competence factors for balb/c-3t3 cells. Abstr., G Y. Gillespie, W Wharton, and W J. Pledger
Mitogenic activity of actinomyces viscosus. I. Effects on murine b and t lymphocytes, and partial characterization., D Engel, J Clagett, R Page, and B Williams
Mitogenic activity of sindbis virus and its isolated glyco- proteins., snitkoff G. Goodman and J J. Mcsharry
Mitogenic analysis of murine b-cell heterogeneity., C Bona, A Yano, A Dimitriu, and R G. Miller
Mitogenic and allogeneic stimulation in vitro., R A. Hoffman, M B. Widmer, D C. Roopenian, N L. Ascher, D R. Simmons, and L O. During
Mitogenic effect of anti-friend leukemia virus antiserum on t cells., H Senn and R Papoian
Mitogenic effect of bacterial peptidoglycans possessing adjuvant activity., C Damais, C Bona, L Chedid, J Fleck, C Nauciel, and J P. Martin
Mitogenic effect of tobacco glycoprotein (tgp) on mouse lymphocytes. Abstr., J W. Choy, C G. Becker, G W. Siskind, and T Francus
Mitogenic effects of salmonella lps and staphylococcal enterotoxin 'b' on human peripheral lymphocytes and mouse spleen cells. Abstr., D L. Peavy, W H. Adler, and R T. Smith
Mitogenic factors produced by lymphocyte activation, effect on t- and b-cells., T L. Vischer
Mitogenicity of bacterial endotoxins, characterization of the mito- genic principle., D L. Peavy, J W. Shands, W H. Adler, and R T. Smith
Mitogenicity of cell wall preparations of gram-positive bacteria on cultured spleen cells obtained from immunologically abnormal c3h/hej and cba/n-defect mice., taki T. Saito, M J. Tanabe, H Mochizuki, M Nakano, A Tsujimoto, S Kotani, K Yokogawa, and S Kawata
Mitogenicity of cornynebacterium parvum for mouse lymphocytes., H Zola
Mitogenicity of naegleria fowleri extract for murine t lymphocytes., A Ferrante and C Smyth
Mitogenicity of thrombin and surface alterations on mouse splenocytes., L B. Chen, N N. Teng, and J M. Buchanan
Mitogenic properties of the thymus-independent antigen pneumococcal polysaccharide siii., A Coutinho and G Moller
Mitogenic response of c3h/hej mouse lymphocytes to polyanionic polysaccharides obtained from bordetella pertussis endotoxin and from other bacterial species., R Girard, R Chaby, and G Bordenave
Mitogenic response of human and murine t lymphocytes to staph- ylococcal protein a: not mediated by binding to cell surface immunoglobulins., Y Nakao, M Kishihara, Y Baba, T Fujita, and K Fujiwara
Mitogenic response of t-cell subclasses to agarose-linked and to free ribonucleotides., S H. Gregory and M Kern
Mitogenic responses of mouse thymus and spleen cells, effect of immunoadsorbent procedures., madsen M. Hoier and B Rubin
Mitogenic responses of murine b cells to streptococcus mutans serotype carbohydrate. Abstr., S M. Michalek, S Hamada, M Torii, and J R. Mcghee
Mitogenic responses of new zealand mice comparing age, sex, and strain., P E. Prete and J H. Morse
Mitogenic responses of thymus cell subpopulations., S E. Nielson and J L. Tribble
Mitogen-induced changes in glycolytic enzymes of mouse lympho- cytes: influence of insulin on cell activation in vitro., espada F. Diaz and alarcon L. Lopez
Mitogen-induced changes in lymphocyte prostaglandin levels: a signal for the induction of suppressor cell activity., D R. Webb and I Nowowiejski
Mitogen-induced lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity in vitro, effect of mitogens selectively activating t or b cells., G Moller, O Sjoberg, and J Andersson
Mitogen-induced lymphocyte transformation., R A. Murgita
Mitogen induction of murine c-type viruses. I. Analysis of lymphoid cell subpopulations., G Schumann and C Moroni
Mitogen induction of murine c-type viruses. II. Effect of b-lymphocyte mitogens., C Moroni and G Schumann
Mitogen induction of murine c-type viruses. Iii. Effect of culture conditions, age, and genotype., G Schumann and C Moroni
Mitogen-reactive b cell subpopulations selectively express different sets of v regions., D Primi, F Mami, C L. Guern, and P Cazenave
Mitogen response of peripheral blood and splenic lymphocytes and effect of 2-mercaptoethanol in tumor-bearing mice., Y Kikuchi, R N. Hiramoto, and V K. Ghanta
Mitogen responses of germfree mice fed chemically defined or natural diet. Abstr., P M. Webb, H E. Schmitz, J R. Pleasants, and B S. Wostmann
Mitogens and t-cell heterogeneity., R W. Dutton
Mitogens and t-independent antigens stimulate t lymphocytes to secrete ia antigens., C R. Parish and I F. Mckenzie
Mitogens as probes for immunocyte activation and cellular cooperation., J Andersson, O Sjoberg, and G Moller
Mitogen-stimulated glutaraldehyde-fixed spleen cells. Ability to stimulate in the mixed lymphocyte reaction and generate effector cells in cell-mediated lympholysis., J J. Lightbody and Y M. Kong
Mitogen stimulation of splenocytes from mice infected with scrapie agent., D E. Garfin, D P. Stites, J D. Perlman, S Patricia, C, and S B. Prusiner
Mitogen Synergism in low-responding CBA/CaJ mice., C M. Astle and D E. Harrison
Mitogen synergism in low-responding cba/caj mice., C M. Astle and D E. Harrison
Mitoghondria control expression of a murine cell surface antigen., R I. Smith, M M. Huston, R N. Jenkins, D P, S, and R R. Rich
Mitomycin c combination therapy against murine tumor systems. Effectiveness with cyclophosphamide and methotrexate., J A. Mabel and I Wodinsky
Mitomycin c-treated trypanosoma cruzi in vaccination of mice: induction of immunosuppression but not protection., R L. Tarleton, R E. Kuhn, and D S. Cunningham
Mitosewirkung ionisierender strahlen auf die bos- und gutartige epidermishyperplasie der maus. Vii. Wirkung einmaliger kontaktbestrahlung auf die zweite wachstumsphase der zelle (zelldifferenzierung)., K Setala and E E. Niskanen
Mitosis and population density in cultures of embryonic chick and mouse fibroblasts., D L. Njeuma
Mitotic abnormalities produced by juglone in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., T A. Okada, E Roberts, and A F. Brodie
Mitotic activity in the epithelium of the small bronchi of mice with a high incidence of spontaneous lung tumors., H Bjork and M Harkonen
Mitotic activity in the regeneration of irradiated c57bl/6 mouse thymus. Abstr., A M. Savage and C Smith
Mitotic activity of bone marrow cells, blood serum transferrin type and fertility in inbred and hybrid mice. (russ.), L V. Dzetsina and Y A. Golota
Mitotic activity of hairless mouse epidermal melanocytes, its role in the increase of melanocytes during ultraviolet radiation., T Sato and A Kawada
Mitotic activity of hyperplastic alveolar nodules and of normal lobules in the mammary glands of c3h/crgl female mice., M R. Banerjee
Mitotic activity of mast cells in precancerous mouse skin., W Sawicki
Mitotic activity of two chromosomally marked populations of cells in an immune response. Abstr., P C. Koller, A J. Davies, E Leuchars, and V J. Wallis
Mitotic activity of vaginal epithelial cells following neonatal injections of different doses of estrogen in mice., T Iguchi, Y Ohta, and N Takasugi
Mitotic association patterns of nucleolar organizing chromosomes in the mouse., M A. Spence and F W. Luthardt
Mitotic chromosome preparations from mouse cells for karyotyping., E C. Akeson and M T. Davisson
Mitotic chromosome structure., Dieter W Heermann
Mitotic circadian rhythm in a fast-growing and a slow-growing hepatoma, mitotic rhythm in hepatomas., J M. Echave llanos and R E. Nash
Mitotic control by internal secertion. The role of the chalone- -adrenalin complex., W S. Bullough and E B. Laurence
Mitotic crossing over in triple inversion heterozygous embryos and regenerating adult inversion heterozygous liver: a more acurate sperm preparation technique., Elizabeth W. Cravey
Mitotic cycle of ascites tumor cells., R Baserga
Mitotic cycles in estrogen-treated mice. A radioautographic study., O I. Epifanova
Mitotic defects lead to pervasive aneuploidy and accompany loss of RB1 activity in mouse LmnaDhe dermal fibroblasts., C H. Pratt, M Curtain, L R. Donahue, and L S. Shopland
Mitotic division in pancreatic beta cells., A A. Like and W L. Chick
Mitotic division of tissue mast cells as indicated by the uptake of tritiated thymidine., hansen G. Asboe and H Levi
Mitotic index in mouse embryos with 6-aminonicotinamide-induced and inherited cleft lip., D G. Trasler and S Leong
Mitotic index in the regenerating liver of tumor-bearing mice., A Theologides and G F. Zaki
Mitotic inhibition and its relation to survival in s-180 ascites tumor cells in vivo following fractionated exposures of x-radiation., T C. Evans, R F. Hagemann, and D B. Leeper
Mitotic rate of malignant c1300 mouse neuroblastoma., F D. Bertalanffy and C Mcaskill
Mitotic rate of spontaneous mammary gland adenocarcinoma in c3h/hej mice., F D. Bertalanffy
Mitotic rates in infant mouse livers following oral administration of diethylnitrosamine or its precursors. Abstr., K S. Rijhsinghani, W Jao, M A. Swerdlow, K V. Rao, and S D. Vesselinovitch
Mitotic rates of neoplastic cell populations. Abstr., F D. Bertalanffy
Mitotic recombination., T V. Rajan, E D. Halay, T A. Potter, G A. Evans, J G. Seidman, D D. Margulies, and M M. Of
Mitotic recombination between homologous chromosomes generates H-2 somatic cell variants in vitro., T A. Potter, R A. Zeff, W Frankel, and T V. Rajan
Mitotic recombination in the H-2 antigen loss variants., Marie-Blanche N. Tchetgen
Mitotic rhythms in hepatic cells of normal and tumor bearing mice. Abstr., G L. Rosene
Mitotic spindle fiber orientation in relation to cell migration in the neo-cortex of normal and reeler mouse., P Landrieu and A Goffinet
Mitral cell degeneration and sensory function in the neurological mutant mouse purkinje cell degeneration (pcd)., C A. Greer and G M. Shepherd
Mitsuda-type lepromin reactions as a measure of host resistance in mycobacterium lepraemurium infection., J Curtis and J L. Turk
Mixed agglutination in microtiter u-trays., M Chan, K Kano, and F Milgrom
Mixed bacterial toxins in the treatment of tumors. Iii. Effect of tumor removal on the toxicity and mortality rates in mice., H F. Havas, A J. Donnelly, and S I. Levine
Mixed bacterial toxins in the treatment of tumors. IV. Response of methylcholanthrene-induced, spontaneous, and transplanted tumors in mice., H F. Havas and A J. Donnelly
Mixed cell agglutination reactions during graft acceptance and rejec- tion. Abstr., R D. Guttmann and M Katz
Mixed culture cytopathogenicity, a new test for growth of murine leukemia viruses in tissue culture., V Klement, W P. Rowe, J W. Hartley, and W E. Pugh
Mixed hemadsorption reaction with mouse mammary tumors. Abstr., W C. Williams
Mixed leucocyte interaction involving mouse strains of strong and weak allogeneic specificities., R K. Main and M J. Jones
Mixed leukocyte cultures and immune response region disparity., M L. Bach, M B. Widmer, F H. Bach, and J Klein
Mixed leukocyte cultures as a measure of histocompatibility in inbred mice., R G. Shorter, C Nava, J L. Titus, and G A. Hallenback
Mixed leukocyte culture with mouse spleen cells in a serum-free medium., E Gazit and T Harris
Mixed leukocyte reaction in mice., R M. Steinman, B Gutchinov, M D. Witmer, D M. Nussenzweig, and T C. Primary
Mixed lymphocyte culture reactivity and h-2 histocompatibility loci differences., J Klein, M B. Widmer, M Segall, and F H. Bach
Mixed-lymphocyte-culture responses of mice. Nature of the inter- acting cell subpopulations., J M. Plate
Mixed lymphocyte cultures and histocompatibility antigens in mice., M Rychlikova and P Ivanyi
Mixed lymphocyte cultures produce effector cells, model in vitro for allograft rejection., P Hayry and V Defendi
Mixed lymphocyte reaction caused by an h-2d mutation., M Rychlikova, P Demant, and I K. Egorov
Mixed lymphocyte reaction caused by an H-2D mutation (congenic strains-B10.D2 new-B10.504)., M Rychl:ikov:a, P D:emant, and I K. Egorov
Mixed lymphocyte reaction in mice genetically selected for high (hi/pha) or low (lo/pha) responsiveness to phytohemagglutinin., briot M. Liacopoulos, C Stiffel, F Lambert, and C D. Fond
Mixed lymphocyte reactions, absence of stimulation by irradiated allogeneic cells., B M. Gebhardt
Mixed lymphocyte reactions. Augmentation by drugs that inhibit stimulator cell protein synthesis., C M. Metzler, T G. Kostyk, and R K. Gershon
Mixed lymphocyte reaction with mouse spleen cells in serum-free medium. Abstr., E Gazit and T N. Harris
Mixed lymphocyte reactivity and cell-mediated lympholysis to d-end differences of the murine major histocompatibility complex., R J. Hodes, verhulst A. Schmitt, K S. Hathcock, and G M. Shearer
Mixed lymphocyte reactivity and cell-mediated lympholysis to trini- trophenyl-modified autologous lymphocytes in c57bl/10 congenic and b10.a Recombinant mouse strains., G M. Shearer, E C. Lozner, T G. Rehn, and verhulst A. Schmitt
Mixed mesodermal tumor of the ovary with carcinoembryonic antigen and alkaline phosphatase production. Histochemical, autoradiographic, and electorn microscopic studies of heterotransplanted tumors in athymic nude mice., A Takeda, M Matsuyama, K Kuzuya, T Chihara, U Tsubouchi, and S Takeuchi
Mixed splenocyte cultures and graft versus host reactions selectively induce an 's-tropic' murine type c virus., C J. Sherr, M M. Lieber, and G J. Todaro
Mixed tumor challenge of strain specific and nonspecific ta3 mouse ascites mammary adenocarcinoma., A Nowotny and J Grohsman
Ml antigen of dba/2 mouse leukemias: expression of an endogenous murine mammary tumor virus., J Racevskis and N H. Sarkar
Mlc and cmc reactivity and specificity of idiotype- -specific lymphoid cells enriched for histocompatibility (h-2) antigens., T M. Folks, A Ahmed, J J. Rayan, M Feldmann, and K W. Sell
Mlc response to tla-region determinants. Abstr., K Sullivan
M-locus. Linkage studies. Abstr., C Bishop, H Festenstein, and B Taylor
Mlr and cml activity of minor histoincompatible strains. Abstr., D Roopenian and R E. Click
Mlr and cml vitamin dependency. Abstr., E Sigmon, M Azar, and R E. Click
Mlr stimulation due to i-j subregion differences between b10.a(3r) And b10.a(5r) T cells and inhibition by anti-ia sera. Abstr., K Okuda, C S. David, and D C. Shreffler
Mls-1 is encoded by the long terminal repeat open reading frame of the mouse mammary tumor provirus Mtv-7., U Beutner, W N. Frankel, M S. Cote, J M. Coffin, and B T. Huber
Mlsa-reactive t-cell lines retain reactivity for h-2 determinants. Abstr., kimber K. Molnar, S R. Webb, J Sprent, and D B. Wilson
Mn2+-stimulated adhesion and spreading of ehrlich ascites cells are separate processes., P M. Evans and B M. Jones
mnd2: a new mouse model of inherited motor neuron disease., J M. Jones, R L. Albin, E L. Feldman, K Simin, T G. Schuster, W A. Dunnick, J T. Collins, C E. Chrisp, B A. Taylor, and M H. Meisler
Mnng for 10t1/2 and cho cells., D S. Greenberg, J W. Grishman, W N. Bell, M S. Baker, N D. Kaufman, and E E. Of
Mobile and less mobile pools of b-cell ca2+ involved in insulin secretion. Abstr., J Sehlin
Mobilisation from microdissected pancreatic islets of intra- cellular 45ca taken up in response to d-glucose. Abstr., B Hellman, E Gylfe, A Buitrago, and P Berggren
Mobility of carbohydrate-containing structures on the surface membrane and the normal differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells to macro- phages and granulocytes., M Inbar, bassat H. Ben, E Fibach, and L Sachs
Mobility of different lectin receptors on the plasma membrane of peritoneal macrophages and thymocytes., V Vetvicka, L Fornusek, and M Koursalova
Mobilizable stem cells: characteristics and replacement of the pool after exhaustion., I Feher and J Gidali
Mobilization and function of leucocytes in aging mice. Abstr., G Yannelli, J R, and A K. Szakal
Mobilization of haemopoietic stem cells (cfu) into the peripheral blood of the mouse, effects of endotoxin and other compounds., O Vos, W A. Buurman, and R E. Ploemacher
Mobilization of plasma free fatty acids during the growth of various experimental tumors., A Bizzi, S Garattini, and A Guaitani
Mocha, a new coat color and behavior mutation on chromosome 10 of the mouse., P W. Lane and M S. Deol
Mocha, a new coat color and behavior mutation on chromosome 10 of the mouse., P W. Lane and M S. Deol
Modalites d'apprentissage d'un labyrinthe chez les souris c57br, c57bl/6 et balb/c., K Kitahama and J Valatx
Modality therapy of spontaneous murine breast cancer. Abstr., R L. Stolfi, D S. Martin, R A. Fugmann, D L. Stolfi, and T C. Combined
Model based precision structural measurements on barely resolved objects., D Baddeley, Y Weiland, C Batram, U Birk, and C Cremer
Model for human cystic fibrosis., O L. Catanzaro, M I. Vaccaro, S B. Vila, A L. Seeber, N O. Pivetta, and K A. Mouse
Model immune complexes formed between monoclonal antibodies and a novel bivalent affinity label., J L. Winkelhake
Modeling complex genetic interactions in a simple eukaryotic genome: actin displays a rich spectrum of complex haploinsufficiencies., B Haarer, S Viggiano, M A. Hibbs, O G. Troyanskaya, and D C. Amberg
Modeling human leukemia using immune-compromised mice., F Ishikawa, Y Saito, and L D. Shultz
Modeling human Philadelphia chromosome-positive leukemia in mice., S Li
Model of cardiotoxicity., S H. Rosenoff, H M. Olson, D M. Young, F Bostick, D R. Young, and animal Y. Small
Models in comparative teratogenesis., K H. Degenhardt and J Franz
Models of ara-c chemotherapy of l1210 leukemia in mice., K J. Himmelstein and K B. Bischoff
Models of auto-immunity, spontaneous diseases of lower animals., R M. Lewis
Models of signal transduction in cancer., Dongguang Li and Shaoguang Li
Mode of action for anti-lymphocyte serum., E Leuchars, V J. Wallis, and A J. Davies
Mode of action of 2-amino-6-chloro-1-deazapurine (acdp). Abstr., L L. Bennett Jr., D Smithers, N F. Dubois, and R W. Brockman
Mode of action of aniline mustard., T A. Connors and M E. Whisson
Mode of action of anti-lymphocyte globulin. I. The distribution of rabbit anti-lymphocyte globulin injected into rats and mice., A M. Denman and E P. Frenkel
Mode of action of antilymphocyte sera (als)., N Harris, G Merino, and J Najarian
Mode of action of a soluble immune response suppressor (sirs) produced by concanavalin a-activated spleen cells., T Tadakuma and C W. Pierce
Mode of action of cis-dichloro-diammine platinum(ii) on mouse ehrlich ascites tumor cells., E Heinen and R Bassleer
Mode of action of erythropoietin in polycythemic mice. II. Response in mice with polycythemia induced by hypoxia or transfusion., T P. Mc donald, R D. Lange, and A L. Kretchmar
Mode of action of erythropoietin in polycythemic mice. I. Response in mice treated with 5-fluorouracil., A L. Kretchmar, T P. Donald, and R D. Lange
Mode of action of immunosuppressive substances in sera of tumor-bearing mice., R B. Whitney and J G. Levy
Mode of action of ir genes and the nature of t cell receptors for antigen., R V. Blanden, A J. Hapel, and D C. Jackson
Mode of action of polyethylene glycol 6000 in potentiating the in vitro generation of antitumor cytotoxicity by mopc-315 tumor bearer spleen cells., M B. Mokyr, D Przepiorka, and S Dray
Mode of action of the bioreductive alkylating agent, 2,3-bis(chloromethyl)-napthoquinone (cmnq). Abstr., L A. Cosby, R S. Pardini, R Biagini, A J. Lin, and A C. Sartorelli
Mode of action of the photo-activated porphyrins. Abstr., D Kessel
Mode of action of t-mutants in sperm haplophase. Abstr., H Winking
Mode of binding of photo-activated porphyrins as a determinant of selective toxicity. Abstr., D Kessel
Mode of growth inhibitory action of anticellular anti- bodies on l5178 cells in the absence of complement. Abstr., T Yang and mitchell J. Woodcock
Mode of growth of the choroid plexus in mouse embryos., P A. Knudsen
Mode of immunosuppressive action of ehrlich ascitic fluid., I Hrsak and T Marotti
Mode of inheritance of deficient corpus callosum in mice., D Wahlsten
Mode of inheritance of deficient corpus callsoum in the brains of laboratory mice. Abstr., D Wahlsten
Mode of inheritance of emothionality in the mouse (mus musculus). Sex differences and the effects of trials and illumination., C L. Goodrick
Mode of inheritance of response time in mice., J H. Bruell
Mode of inhibitory action of tragacanth powder on the growth of the landschutz ascites tumour., W Galbraith, E Mayhew, and E M. Roe
Mode of recovery from the effects of heterologous anti-lymphocyte serum. II. Recovery of the cells involved in antibody production., H Jeejeebhoy and O Singla
Mode of recovery from the effects of heterologous anti-lymphocyte serum. I. Recovery of the immune response., H Jeejeebhoy and O Singla
Moderation of fatal gvh response in rauscher leukemic sjl/j mice following transplantation of c57bl/10j marrow-spleen cell mixtures. Abstr., R F. Meredith, J P. Okunewick, and R B. Raikow
Modern approaches to the study of mammalian cells in culture., H Moser
Modes of accumulation and binding of porphyrins by murine leukaemia l1210 cells., D Kessel and K Kohn
Modes of action of 6-thioguanine (6-tg), 6-mercaptopurine (6-mp) and their 9-alkyl derivatives. Abstr., S Drake, R Meyn, and J A. Nelson
Modes of growth and spread of a transplantable, virus-producing murine (moloney) sarcoma, karyotypic analyses., S W. Russell, U Francke, L Buettner, and C G. Cochrane
Modes of mediated exodus of amino acids from the ehrlich ascites tumor cell., H N. Christensen and M E. Handlogten
Modest radiosensitization of solid tumours in c3h mice by the hypoxic cell radiosensitizer ndpp., P W. Sheldon and A M. Smith
Modification and fate of j chain in myeloma cells in the presence and absence of polymeric immunoglobulin secretion., T R. Mosmann, Y Gravel, A R. Williamson, and R Baumal
Modification by adoptive humoral immunity of murine cytomegalo- virus infection., J D. Shanley, M C. Jordan, and J G. Stevens
Modification by passive IgM of the immune response of mice to a tumor allograft., J L. Cantrell and N Kaliss
Modification de la croissance du sarcome j apres transplantations successives sur des souris immunisees., E H. Betz and V Smoliar
Modification de l'index mitotique du sarcome j au cours de son evolution chez les animaux greffes., C Hublet
Modification des mecanismes cholinergiques et de l'appren- tissage chez trois lignees de souris consanguines par stimulation electrique de l'hippocampe dorsal., A Ebel, R Jaffard, C Destrade, G Ayad, P Mandel, and B Cardo
Modification of acute radiation effect on cerebellar neurons of mice by actinomycin d., W Zeman, J M. Ordy, and T Samorajski
Modification of age-related immune decline in mice dietarily restricted from or after midadulthood., R Weindruch, S R. Gottesman, and R L. Walford
Modification of alcohol consumption by flavor preferences in two strains of mice., L Harris, T Nelson, E C. Simmel, and M Bagwell
Modification of allograft immunity in adult-thymectomized mice given anti-lymphocyte serum. Abstr., A P. Monaco, M L. Wood, and P S. Russell
Modification of an incompatible graft-versus-host relationship by admixture of grafts with f1 haemopoietic cells., C A. Barnes and P L. Ilbery
Modification of antigenic structure in vivo, quantitative studies on the processing of streptococcal cell wall antigens in mice., J H. Schwab and R R. Brown
Modification of autoimmune disease development in dba/2 recipients of nzb bone marrow cells by coinjection of thymocytes or bone marrow from various sources. Abstr., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel
Modification of benzo(a)pyrene-induced cellular transformation of c3h/10t1/2 cells by dexamethasone and pregnenolone-16alpha-carbon- itrile. Abstr., G Kuszynski and R Langenbach
Modification of cell membranes with viral envelopes during fusion of cells with hvj (sendai virus). Iii. Effects of mono- and di- -saccharides on cell fusion and membrane movement of fused cells., Y Maeda, J Kim, I Koseki, E Mekada, Y Shiokawa, and Y Okada
Modification of cfu-s colony morphology by incubation of donor marrow with pokeweed mitogen spleen cell conditioned media (pwmsccm). Abstr., W M. Butler, N Jozsa, and A J. Salvado
Modification of characteristics of an in vitro mouse cell line after an increase of its tumor-producing capacity., G Barski, J L. Biedler, and F Cornefert
Modification of chemotherapeutic effects on l1210 cells using hematoporphyrin and light., S P. Creekmore and D S. Zaharko
Modification of coat color in mice. Abstr. Proc. 3rd Internat. Cong. Endocrinol. (exc. Med. Internat. Cong. Ser., I I. Geschwind and R A. Huseby
Modification of degenerative joint disease of mice by somatotrophin (sth)., M Siberberg and R Silberberg
Modification of deithylnitrosamine lung tumorigenesis by concomitant treatment with butylated hydroxytoluene. Abstr., N K. Clapp, L C. Satterfield, and W C. Klima
Modification of expression of the testicular feminization (tfm) gene of the mouse by a 'controlling element' gene., S Ohno, L Christian, B J. Attardi, and J Kan
Modification of fibrosarcomas and squamous cell carcinomas of mouse skin using various tissue extracts., S A. Winkle and S L. Smith
Modification of graft-versus-host disease by neuraminidase treatment of donor cells. Decreased tolerogenicity of neuraminidase-treated cells., H M. Im and R L. Simmons
Modification of graft-versus-host disease with con a and preimmunization., M L. Tyan
Modification of graft-vs-host reaction by antilymphocyte serum. Abstr., V Suvatte and J H. Githens
Modification of growth and function of a transplanted ovarian granulosa-cell tumor., K A. Huxtable and W U. Gardner
Modification of growth inhibition by vitamin k3 on tumor cells in culture. Abstr., K N. Prasad, prasad J. Edwards, M Gaschler, and A Sakamoto
Modification of growth of neuroblastoma cells in syngeneic mice by aldehyde-treated neuroblastoma cells., L Bertolini, L Diamond, and R Revoltella
Modification of h-2 antigenic sites by enzymatic treatment influences virus-specific target cell lysis., H C. Ertl and U H. Koszinowski
Modification of hair dysplasia curve by radioprotectors containing sulfur as a function of the x-ray dose., M L. Beaumariage and P V. Caneghem
Modification of hair regrowth in aging mice. Abstr., C E. Finch
Modification of hemopoietic stem cells of balb/c mice by rauscher leukemia virus., H J. Van beek, E V. Hull, and L J. Griensven
Modification of herpes 2-transformed cell-induced tumors in mice fed different sources of protein, fat and carbohydrate., D S. Gridley, J D. Kettering, C D. Garaza, M L. Andres, J M. Slater, and R L. Nutter
Modification of homologous disease in the mouse by methotrexate. Abstr., H L. Lochte and E D. Thomas
Modification of host resistance to malignant cell growth., A L. Watne, G E. Moore, R J. Oliver, and T Kondo
Modification of immune responsiveness in murine schistosomiasis mansoni. I. Time course after cercarial exposure., D Trizio, C D. Bruna, and A M. Isetta
Modification of interstitial fluid close to chemically- -induced tumours and correlation with a growth stimulation of target cells., D Vaillier, J Vaillier, and M Donner
Modification of in vitro immune lymphocyte-target cell interaction by some biologically active drugs., B D. Brondz, A E. Snegirova, Y A. Rassulin, and O G. Shamborant
Modification of killer cell action by the presence of mammary tumors or mammary tumor virus (mtv). Abstr., D M. Lopez and M M. Sigel
Modification of l1210 cell nuclear proteins by 1-methyl-1- -nitrosourea and 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine., S D. Pinsky, K D. Tew, M E. Smulson, and P V. Iii
Modification of lung tumor development in a/j mice., H P. Witschi, P J. Hakkinen, and J P. Kehrer
Modification of male specific antigen response by the H-2 locus in mice., Thomas C. Reynolds
Modification of membrane phospholipid composition by choline analogues induces differentiation of cultured mouse myeloid leukemia cells., Y Honma, T Kasukabe, and M Hozumi
Modification of mitochondrial dna by a dihydrodiol-epoxide derivative of benzo(a)pyrene. Abstr., J M. Backer and I B. Weinstein
Modification of mitochondrial respiration by aging and dietary restriction., R H. Weindruch, M K. Cheung, M A. Verity, and R L. Walford
Modification of murine t-cell cytotoxicity by pre- immunization with m locus and h-2 incompatibilities., rogers A. Matossian and H Festenstein
Modification of nzb/nzw f1 autoimmune disease by development of tolerance to dna., L P. Parker, B H. Hahn, and C K. Osterland
Modification of ocular defects in mouse developmental glaucoma models by tyrosinase., R T. Libby, R S. Smith, O V. Savinova, A Zabaleta, J E. Martin, F J. Gonzalez, and S W. John
Modification of oncogenic effects of s-polyoma virus by 'attenuated' m-polyoma virus., L W. Law and A S. Rabson
Modification of phenylalanine mustard effect on l1210 cells using hematoporphyrin and light. Abstr., S P. Creekmore and D S. Zaharko
Modification of poor growth of parental marrow cells in f1 hybrid mice., J W. Goodman and H B. Wheeler
Modification of position effect at the bar locus in drosophila., Charles W. Sylvester
Modification of radiation-damage by environmental factors, as demon- strated by incorporation of 32p into nucleic acids of gamma- -irradiated ehrlich ascites-tumour cells., Y Tchoe, Y Takamore, M Akaboshi, and I Honjo
Modification of radiation effect on mammalian tumor cells by pharma- cological agents., R J. Berry and J R. Andrews
Modification of radiation effect on mouse tumor and normal tissues by four cancer chemotherapeutic agents. Abstr., T L. Phillips, M D. Wharam, G Ross, and L Kane
Modification of radiation injury by leukemoid leukocytes., L H. Smith and C C. Congdon
Modification of radiation injury to normal tissues by chemotherapeu- tic agents., T L. Phillips, M D. Wharam, and L W. Margolis
Modification of radiation response of murine tumors by misonidazole (ro 07-0582), host immune capability, and corynebacterium parvum., H B. Stone and L Milas
Modification of radiosensitivity of genetically anemic mice by implantation of blood-forming tissue., S E. Bernstein
Modification of radiosensitivity of genetically anemic mice by implantation of blood-forming tissue., S E. Bernstein
Modification of radiosensitivity of mice by inert gases and nitrous oxide., J C. Evans, T W. Roberts, and L R. Orkin
Modification of resistance to natural products with acridines. Abstr., D Kessel, C Wheeler, and T Chou
Modification of response of mouse neuroblastoma cells in culture by serum type., K N. Prasad, K Spuhler, E B. Arnold, and A Vernadakis
Modification of response to histocompatibility antigens with chemotherapeutic agents., G T. Kennealey, B Lytton, N Ruddle, and M S. Mitchell
Modification of runt disease by treatment of the donor with lyophilized tissues., M Schlesinger and R Goitein
Modification of secondary disease mortality. Abstr., C C. Congdon, M A. Kastenbaum, and D A. Gardiner
Modification of sister chromatid exchanges and radiation-induced transformation in rodent cells by the tumor promoter 12-0-tetra- decanoylphorbol-13-acetate and two retinoids., R C. Miller, C R. Geard, R S. Osmak, freeman M. Rutledge, U Ong, H Mason, A Napholz, N Perez, L Harisiadis, and C Borek
Modification of spontaneous mammary tumors in mice fed different sources of protein, fat and carbohydrate., D S. Gridley, J D. Kettering, J M. Slater, and R L. Nutter
Modification of the antigenic structure of the cell membrane by thymus-leukemia (tl) antigen., E A. Boyse, E Stockert, and L J. Old
Modification of the anti-nociceptive activity of morphine by centrally administered ouabain and dopamine., C Calcutt, N Doggett, and P Spencer
Modification of the antitumour immune response by suppressor gene products of lymphoid cells., L De giorgi, rogers A. Matossian, and H Festenstein
Modification of the cataractous phenotype by somatic cell hybridization., R D. Lipman and harris A. Muggleton
Modification of the cellular immune response by corynebacterium parvum in rats and mice. Abstr., R I. Murahata and J Zighelboim
Modification of the convulsive seizure phase of the high pressure excitability syndrome in mice. Abstr., R W. Brauer, M R. Jordan, and R O. Way
Modification of the effect of c. Parvum on macrophage activity and tumour growth by x-irradiation., M F. Woodruff, A Ghaffar, and V L. Whitehead
Modification of the ehrlich ascites tumor cell nuclear lipids., A B. Awad and A A. Spector
Modification of the fatty acid composition of ehrlich ascites tumor cell plasma membranes., A B. Awad and A A. Spector
Modification of the fatty acid composition of murine leukemia cells. Abstr., C P. Burns, D G. Luttenegger, S L. Wei, and A A. Spector
Modification of the foreign spleen reaction. Amelioration of blood and tissue changes., R L. Dehart, G E. Cosgrove, and A C. Upton
Modification of the foreign spleen reaction in irradiated mice. Abstr., G E. Cosgrove, R L. Dehart, and A C. Upton
Modification of the graft-versus-host reaction by antilymphocyte serum., V Suvatte, J H. Githens, and J Colofiore
Modification of the graft versus host reaction in f1 mice treated with 6-mercaptopurine., B A. Barnes, P B. Schad, and V W. Pinn
Modification of the growth-rate of sarcoma-37 during culture., R C. Fraser
Modification of the homograft response after pretreatment with ovarian grafts., O E. Linder
Modification of the homograft response following intrasplenic exposure to ovarian or testicular tissue., J Kornblum and W K. Silvers
Modification of the immune response of mice to skin homografts and heterografts by ehrlich ascites carcinoma., R E. Mc carthy
Modification of the immune response to h-2 antigens by treatment with antiidiotype., D H. Sachs, H Auchincloss, J, and J A. Bluestone
Modification of the immunogenic properties of chemically induced tumors arising in hosts treated concomitantly with ultraviolet light., L K. Roberts and R A. Daynes
Modification of the in vitro response to phytohemagglutinin of mouse spleen cells by amyloidogenic agents., G E. Rodey and R A. Good
Modification of the lymphocyte response to mitogens by cyclic amp and gmp., R W. Gillette, G O. Kenzie, and M H. Swanson
Modification of the migration of mouse lymphoid cells by bcg: a factor stimulation t-cell migration., M N. Castes b and arbouys S. Orbach
Modification of the mixed leukocyte reaction with various antisera., M L. Tyan and D B. Ness
Modification of the pathogenesis of scrapie in mice by treatment of the agent., A G. Dickinson and H Fraser
Modification of the radiation effect on ascitic tumour cells by pharmacological agents injected intravenously., J N. Correa and J R. Andrews
Modification of the radiation effect on the reproductive capacity of tumor cells in vivo with pharmacological agents., R J. Berry and J R. Andrews
Modification of the radiation effect on tumors by cortisone in intact and adrenalectomized animals., H P. Plenk and R B. Fuson
Modification of the radiosensitivity of l5178y cells by temperature and budr. Abstr., W J. Wenzel and J T. Lett
Modification of the response of mouse skin to x-irradiation by bleomycin treatment., J T. Leith, B S. Lewinsky, and W A. Schilling
Modification of the skin allograft response across the h-2 locus by pre-treatment with transplantation antigens., A M. Munster, H B. Wheeler, and J M. Corson
Modification of tumorigenicity of l1210 leukemia by ferric chloride., A Khan and D Thometz
Modification of tumour cell kill by anaesthetics., J H. Peacock, M C. Joiner, and T C. Stephens
Modification of tumour cells by covalent attachment of n-acetyl-d-neuraminic acid to the cell surface., R Brossmer, B Bohn, and C Thies
Modification of urethan-lung tumor incidence by low x-radiation doses, cortisone, and transfusion of isogenic lymphocytes., L J. Cole and W A. Foley
Modification of x-ray-induced mutation frequency by post-treatment with plasma factors in mice., O S. Reddi and N V. Naidu
Modification of x-ray survival curves of stem-cells by different doses of erythropoietin., D D. Porteous, S C. Tso, K Hirashima, and L G. Lajtha
Modification permanente et transmissible de la virulence d'une tumeur isologue solide apres irradiation x., D Oth, J Robert, G Rauber, and C Burg
Modifications biochimiques chez un mutant pathologique, la souris quaking., N Baumann
Modifications de l'etat immunitaire en fonction de l'age et de l'apparition de tumeur marraire spontanee chez la souris c3h/bi., J Dufer, H Benoist, C Bouchet, A Desplaces, and R T. Saracino
Modifications des aminoacides plasmatiques libres chez la souris c3h apres irradiation., C Bohuon, J Delarue, and M Tubiana
Modifications du sarcome j apres transplantation sur des souris hybrides., E H. Betz and V Smoliar
Modifications du taux des immunoglobulines chez des souris thymectomisees a l'age adulte et irradiees., H E. Bazin
Modifications in the handling in vitro of 125i-labelled keyhole limpet haemocyanin by peritoneal macrophages from mice pretreated with the adjuvant corynebacterium parvum., E Wiener and A Bandieri
Modifications metaboliques ex vivo des cellules tumorales au cours de la croissance d'une ascite experimentale de la souris c3h., E Frindel, M C. Blayo, and J J. Pocidalo
Modifications neurologiques et comportementales chez une souche de souris 'tremblantes'., M Goujet, P Simon, and J Boissier
Modifications nucleolaires provoquees par la sarcolysine dans des cellules tumorales d'ehrlich de la souris., R Bassleer and G Goessens
Modifications of cell-mediated immune responses by moderate dietary protein stress in immunologically immature and mature balb/c mice., R R. Watson and K Haffer
Modifications of ganglioside composition in peripheral nerve of myelin deficient trembler mutant mouse., M Harpin, J Portoukalian, and N Baumann
Modifications of the guanidine hydrochloride procedure for the extraction of RNA: isolation from a variety of tissues and adherent/nonadherent cell types., S J. Kamdar and R Evans
Modifications of the immune system in carrageenan-treated mice., J Kolb, F Loisillier, P C. Quan, and G Lespinats
Modifications of the local immune response to vibrio cholerae attributed to the intestinal microbial flora of the mouse., D J. Horsfall and D Rowley
Modifications of the thymocyte membrane during redistribution of concanavalin a receptors., M Wioland, M Donner, and sautes C. Neauport
Modifications on the Bernstein-Scheinberg erythropoietin assay., Jane Miller
Modifications to husbandry and housing conditions of laboratory rodents for improved well-being., A L. Smith and D J. Corrow
Modifications ultrastructurales precoces des cellules des cryptes duodenales de la souris apres irradiation par rayons x., J Hugon, J R. Maisin, and M Borgers
Modification toward dominance of a recessive lethal in the mouse, F K. Hoornbeek and M Adams
Modificazioni cariologiche indotte da mitomicina c sul sarcoma 180., M Socci and G Dellepiane
Modificazioni cariologiche indotte da ribonucleasi nel sarcoma ascite 180., M Socci and G Dellepiane
Modificazioni istologiche del carcinoma di ehrlich del topo indotte da n-diazoacetilderivati della glicina., L Baldini, G Brambilla, and F Mattioli
Modificazioni istologiche del melanoma di harding-passey del topo indotte da n-diazoacetilderivati della glicina., L Baldini, G Brambilla, and F Mattioli
Modificazioni morfologiche in iso-trapianti di tumori polmonari nel topo indotti da idrazina solfato., C Biancifiori
Modified antigenicity, an immunologic mechanism for species survival., D E. Uphoff
Modified benzyl alcohol clearing of alizarin-stained specimens without loss of flexibility., D D. Crary
Modified composition of major ontogenetically regulated mrnas and proteins in the cerebellum of old and of staggerer mice., H Soreq, A Safran, and D Eliyahu
Modified electrokinetic behaviour of murine lymphocytes, thymocytes, macrophages and ascites (ehrlich, bp8) cells following immunisation. Abstr., F Hartveit, D B. Cater, and J N. Mehrishi
Modified genetic response to x-irradiation of mouse spermatogonial stem cells surviving treatment with tem., B M. Cattanach and A J. Crocker
Modified homologous disease following transplantation of parental bone marrow and recipient liver into irradiated f1 mice., G Cudkowicz and G E. Cosgrove
Modified immunogenicity of lymphoid cells from mice sensitized with sheep erythrocytes., G O. Bain and J D. Alton
Modified nucleosides and 5'-end groups in purified mouse immunoglobulin light chain mrna and rabbit globin mrna detected by borohydride labelling., S Cory, C Genin, and J M. Adams
Modified nucleosides and bizarre 5'-termini in mouse myeloma mrna., J M. Adams and S Cory
Modified-self-induced modulation of the immune response to herpes simplex virus: effect on antibody formation, cytotoxic t lymphocyte induction, and survival., L A. Wilson, J M. Karabin, J W. Smith, D Dawson, and D W. Scott
Modified survival of allografts from mice with ehrlich ascites carcinoma. Abstr., R E. Mccarthy
Modifier locus for exencephaly in Cecr2 mutant mice is syntenic to the 10q25.3 region associated with neural tube defects in humans., C E. Davidson, Q Li, G A. Churchill, L R. Osborne, and H E. McDermid
Modifiers of the pleiotropic effects of the short ear gene in the mouse., M C. Green
Modifying action of estrogen on the evolution of osteoarthrosis in mice of different ages., M Silberberg and R Silberberg
[modifying Effect of female genotype on the frequency of transmission of t haplotypes from t/t6 males to their progeny.] (russ., Eng. Summ.), Y S. Demin, L D. Safronoma, and Y A. Lapkin
Modifying effect of linoleic acid on articular aging and osteo- arthrosis in lard-fed mice., M Silberberg, R Silberberg, and B Orcutt
Modifying effect of synthetic steroids on the development of liver tumors induced by diethylnitrosamine. Abstr., S D. Vesselinovitch and N Mihailovich
Modifying effects of the enzyme inducers, phenobarbital and 3-methylcholanthrene, on dominant lethal events induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene in mice., T Murota and T Shibuya
Modifying factors in 3,4,9,10-dibenzpyrene carcinogenicity. Abstr., F Homburger and A Tregier
Modifying factors in carcinogenesis., F Homburger and A Tregier
Modifying role of partial hepatectomy and gonadectomy in ethyl- nitrosourea-induced hepatocarcinogenesis., S D. Vesselinovitch, L Itze, N Mihailovich, and K V. Rao
Modulating activity of polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid stabilized with poly-l-lysine (poly iclc) on immune response. Abstr., A Bartocci, M A. Chirigos, E L. Read, and V Papademetriou
Modulating effects of interferon preparations on an antibody response in vitro., R J. Booth, J M. Rastrick, A R. Bellamy, and J Marbrook
Modulating factors in the tumorigenic effects of psoralen-plus- -uv in hairless mice. Abstr., D D. Grube, R D. Ley, and R J. Fry
Modulation by cyclic amp (camp) of cytotoxic t cells generated in vivo versus in vitro. Abstr., M Plaut
Modulation in the rates of incorporation of lipid precursors during the cell cycle., C A. Lingwood and D B. Thomas
Modulation of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine metabolism and cytotoxicity in l1210 cells by fluoropyrmidine pretreatment., S Grant and E Cadman
Modulation of 5-fluorouracil-induced toxicity in mice with interferon or with the interferon inducer, polyinosinic- -polycytidylic acid., R L. Stolfi, D S. Martin, R C. Sawyer, and S Spiegelman
Modulation of agglutinability by alteration of the surface topography in mouse ascites tumor cells., S B. Oppenheimer, B L. Bales, G Brenneman, L Knapp, E S. Lesin, and E G. Pollock
Modulation of agglutinability by alteration of the surface topography in mouse ascites tumor cells. Abstr., S B. Oppenheimer, B L. Bales, G Brenneman, L Knapp, E S. Lesin, A Neri, and E G. Pollock
Modulation of albumin synthesis and corresponding mrna levels in cultured mouse hepatoma cells by hydrocortisone and camp. Abstr., P C. Brown and J Papaconstantinou
Modulation of alphafetoprotein synthesis in the early postimplantation mouse embryo., M Dziadek
Modulation of androgen-responsive gene expression by estrogen., R Jaussi, G Watson, and K Paigen
Modulation of antibody responses to vibrio cholerae in mice by adoptive transfer of peyer's patch lymphocytes from orally immunised donors., A Ahmed, J T. Labrooy, and D Rowley
Modulation of anti-thrombin and anti-fibrinolytic activities in tissue during the development of granulomas induced by schistosoma mansoni., S Izaki, K Fukuyama, and W L. Epstein
Modulation of ascites tumour growth by nucleic acids and nucleases., R H. Burdon, G M. Sillar, and E Allen
Modulation of a tumor product clearance by the reticul- oendothelial system (res) in normal and athymic mice. Abstr., J G. Michael, L Dipersio, A P. Kyriazis, and A J. Pesce
Modulation of auto-anti-idiotypic antibody response by calorie restriction in (nzb x nzw)f1 and c57bl/6 mice. Abstr., G Fernandes, R A. Good, and E A. Goidl
Modulation of b-cell interactions by t cells., M De sousa and W Haston
Modulation of carcinogen-induced transformation by actinomycin d in the c3h/10t1/2 cell line., J S. Bertram, P R. Libby, and R L. Merriman
Modulation of cell behavior in vitro by the substratum in fibroblastic and leukemic mouse cell lines., coelho A. Macieira and S Avrameas
Modulation of cell competence for induction of differentiation in myeloid leukemic cells., G Symonds and L Sachs
Modulation of cell-mediated alloimmunity by bcg. I. Antagonism and potentiation of immunosuppression caused by cytarabine., R I. Murahata and M S. Mitchell
Modulation of cell-mediated alloimmunity by bcg. II. Induction of specific, nonadherent, non-t-killer cells by bcg and alloantigen., R I. Murahata and M S. Mitchell
Modulation of cell-mediated cytotoxicity (cmc) by platinum complex compounds. Abstr., E Schlafli and E Mihich
Modulation of cell-mediated cytotoxicity function after alteration of fatty acid composition in vitro., R Bialick, R Gill, G Berke, and W R. Clark
Modulation of cell surface idiotype on mopc-315 plasmacytoma cells by isologous anti-idiotypic antibodies. Abstr., G L. Milburn and R G. Lynch
Modulation of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by phorbol ester: increase in ia expression, igm secretion and mlr stimulatory capacity., J Okamura, M Letarte, L D. Stein, N H. Sigal, and E W. Gelfand
Modulation of csa release from mouse peritoneal cells and @@th, R L. Ramsey and E F. Hays
Modulation of cyclic amp metabolism by s-adenosylhomocysteine and s-3-deazaadenosylhomocysteine in mouse lymphocytes., T P. Zimmerman, C J. Schmitges, G Wolberg, R D. Deeprose, A S. Duncan, P Cuatrecasas, and G B. Elion
Modulation of cysteine metabolism in mice--effects of propargylglycine and l-cyst(e)ine-degrading enzymes., J R. Uren, R Ragin, and M Chaykovsky
Modulation of delayed hypersensitivity in mice by cobra venom factor., N Bloksma, H V. Dijk, W Bijlsma, and J Willers
Modulation of erythropoiesis by the helper-independent friend leukemia virus f-mulv., Y Niho, T Shibuya, and T W. Mak
Modulation of f1 cytotoxic potentials by gvhr: suppression of cytotoxic t cell responses of f1 mice correlates with f1 inability to resist the proliferation of gvhr-inducing parental t lymphocytes., H Ishikawa, E Kubota, N M. Wilkinson, and K Saito
Modulation of fc-receptor expression and fc-mediated phagocytosis in variants of a macrophage-like cell line., J Schneck, O M. Rosen, B Diamond, and B R. Bloom
Modulation of fetal antigens of tumor cells in immunocompetent mice. Abstr., J R. Ortaldo and C C. Ting
Modulation of fluorodeoxyuridine (fudr) growth inhibition of l1210 leukemia in vitro by lidocaine and procaine. Abstr., J B. Block, M Dietrich, and R T. Chlebowski
Modulation of fluoropyrimidine metabolism in l1210 cells by l-alanosine., R Heimer, D Goldberg, and E Cadman
Modulation of functional and optimal (na+-k+)atpase activity during the cell cycle of neuroblastoma cells., C L. Mummery, J Boonstra, P T. Saag, and S W. Laat
Modulation of granulomatous hypersensitivity. I. Characteri- zation of t lymphocytes involved in the adoptive suppression of granuloma formation in schistosoma mansoni-infected mice., S W. Chensue and D L. Boros
Modulation of granulomatous hypersensitivity. VI. T lymphocyte subsets influence mast cell density in liver granulomas of schistosoma mansoni-infected mice., J V. Weinstock and D L. Boros
Modulation of granulomatous hypersensitivity. V. Participation of histamine receptor positive and negative lymphocytes in the granulomatous response of schistosoma mansoni-infected mice., J V. Weinstock, S W. Chensue, and D L. Boros
Modulation of growth of human and murine tumors by human beta-endorphin (beta-end). Abstr., D D. Von hoff and B Forseth
Modulation of gvh proliferation by cyclic nucleotides., T B. Strom, M S. Hirsch, P H. Black, C B. Carpenter, and J P. Merrill
Modulation of gvhr and cell-mediated cytotoxicity in the mouse., rogers A. Matossian and H Festenstein
Modulation of h-2 antigens by plasma membrane fluidity. Abstr., C P. Muller, H Weintraub, D A. Stepheny, and J R. Wunderlich
Modulation of hapten specific antibody responses by anti-carrier antibodies. Abstr., E W. Collisson, E W. Lamon, and V Ghanta
Modulation of hapten-specific antibody responses with anti- -carrier antibody. I. Differential effects of igm abd igg anticarrier on primary direct and indirect hapten-specific plaque-forming cells., E W. Collisson and E A. Lamon
Modulation of help and suppression in a hapten-carrier system., D D. Eardley and E E. Sercarz
Modulation of hormonal effects on adenyl cyclase by the histocom- patibility-2 (h-2) locus. Abstr., D Meruelo and M Edidin
Modulation of il 2-dependent growth of mouse nk cells by interferon and t lymphocytes., C Riccardi, B M. Vose, and R B. Herberman
Modulation of immune response by bacterial lipopolysac- charide (lps): cellular basis of stimulatory and inhib- itory effects of lps on the in vitro igm antibody response to a t-dependent antigen., T Uchiyama and D M. Jacobs
Modulation of immune response by bacterial lipopolysac- charide (lps): multifocal effects of lps-induced suppres- sion of the primary antibody response to a t-dependent antigen., T Uchiyama and D M. Jacobs
Modulation of immunological competence in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine- -sensitive swr/j mice during colorectal carcinogenesis., A K. Szakal, B A. Diwan, and K E. Blackman
Modulation of immunoreactivity towards transplantation tolerance across mhc using total lymphoid irradiation. Abstr., S Slavin, L Weiss, M Weigensberg, S Morecki, and Z Fuks
Modulation of in vitro immune responses by monoclonal antibody to t200 antigen., J A. Harp and S J. Ewald
Modulation of in vivo antibody responses by cholera toxin., J R. Kateley, L Kasarov, and H Friedman
Modulation of lymphocyte activation. II. Alteration of intracellular cyclic nucleotide concentrations by an oxidation product of arachidonic acid., M G. Goodman, L L. Brunton, and W O. Weigle
Modulation of macrophages by a human carcinoma cell supernatant. Abstr., H G. Meerpohl, lenz H. Maier, and A Pfleiderer
Modulation of meiotic arrest in mouse oocytes by guanyl nucleotides and modifiers of G-proteins., S M. Downs, R Buccione, and J J. Eppig
Modulation of mouse mammary tumor virus production in the mjy-alpha cell line., M J. Yagi, P B. Blair, and M Lane
Modulation of murine alloantigens by tissue culture and phytomitogens., J Lifton, E Sigmon, W C. Wolf, K I. Park, and J Miller
Modulation of murine erythropoiesis in vitro by syngeneic thymocytes: interactions of enhancing and suppressing subpopulations with fluorescent anti-theta antibody and polyamino acids., F Sieber and S J. Sharkis
Modulation of murine hemopoiesis by glucan., M L. Patchen and E Lotzova
Modulation of murine pluripotential stem cell proliferation in vivo by lithium carbonate., V S. Gallicchio and M G. Chen
Modulation of myelopoiesis by gram-negative bactv@@@erial wall components. Abstr., F G. Staber, L Tarcsay, and P Dukor
Modulation of myelopoiesis in vivo by synthetic adjuvant- active muramyl peptides: induction of colony-stimulating activity and stimulation of stem cell proliferation., A Galelli and L Chedid
Modulation of natural cytotoxicity by alloantibodies. I. Alloantisera enhancement of cytotoxicity of mouse spleen cells toward a human myeloid cell line., R K. Saxena and W H. Adler
Modulation of natural killer cell activity by antibodies to immune response genes. Abstr., S D. Sharma, T Budzich, and D Shephard
Modulation of natural killer cell activity in mice after interferon induction: depression of activity and depression of in vitro enhancement by interferon., R J. Melder and M Ho
Modulation of natural killer (nk) activity in mice following infection with listeria monocytogenes. Abstr., R J. Kearns and R W. Leu
Modulation of neutral amino acid transport system activity in s37 ascites cells by cysteine. Abstr., R H. Matthews, J H. Im, N J. Lewis, and J P. Minton
Modulation of nk activity by lymphoid cells in young and old sublethally irradiated mice. Abstr., R A. Floyd, G Fenandes, G Mcfeeters, and R A. Good
Modulation of opioid system in c57 mice after repeated treatment with morphine and nalozone: biochemical and behavioral correlates., N Brunello, A Volterra, A M. Giulio, V Cuomo, and C Racagni
Modulation of phagocytosis by tumor promoters and epider- mal growth factor in normal and transformed macrophages. Abstr., D L. Laskin, J D. Laskin, I B. Weinstein, A E. Munson, F K. Kessler, and R A. Carchman
Modulation of polymorphonuclear leukocyte-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity., R P. Gale and J Zighelboim
Modulation of potassium transport by 12-0-tetra- decanoylphorbol-13-acetate (tpa). Abstr., T G. O'brien and K Krzeminski
Modulation of schistosoma mansoni egg-induced granuloma formation. Iii. Evidence for an anti-idiotypic, i-j- -positive, i-j-restricted, soluble t suppressor factor., T Abe and D G. Colley
Modulation of schistosoma mansoni egg-induced granuloma formation. II. Soluble suppressor activity from lymphoid cells during chronic infection., A El naggar and D G. Colley
Modulation of schistosoma mansoni egg-induced granuloma formation: i-j restriction of t cell-mediated suppression in a chronic para- sitic infection., W F. Green and D G. Colley
Modulation of secreted proteins of mouse mammary epithelial cells by the collagenous substrata., E Y. Lee, G Parry, and M J. Bissell
Modulation of sensitivity of natural killer cell lysis after in vitro explanation of a mouse lymphoma., R K. Becker susanne, N Lee, and G Klein
Modulation of serum immunoglobulin levels and suppression of the humoral immune response by subchronic exposure to diethylstilbestrol. Abstr., K L. White, A N. Tucker, A E. Munson, and P H. Bick
Modulation of spreading, adhesion and migration of peritoneal macrophages by a low molecular weight factor extracted from mouse tumors., W D. Cantarow, H T. Cheung, and G Sundharadas
Modulation of survival and transformation during plateau-phase holding of uv-irradiated mouse cells., G L. Chan and J B. Little
Modulation of t cell function related to pathogenesis of immune polioencephalomyelitis (ipe) in c58 mice. Abstr., T M. Fieser, R E. Morris, and J A. Bash
Modulation of t-cell functions. I. Effect of 2-mercaptoethanol and macrophages on t-cell proliferation., R J. Noelle and D A. Lawrence
Modulation of t-dependent cell-mediated immune responses by antigen-reactive cell opsonization and active suppression., B Bonavida and I V. Hutchinson
Modulation of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (tdt) in vitro by thymosin fraction 5 and purified thymosin alpha1 in normal thymocytes. Abstr., S Hu, T L. Low, and A L. Goldstein
Modulation of the acquisition and expression of immunity by tilorone: i. Delayed-type hypersensitivity responses., J R. Kettman
Modulation of the acquisition and expression of immunity by tilorone: ii. Humoral responsiveness., J R. Kettman
Modulation of the circulation and hepatic uptake of immune complexes by carbohydrate recognition systems., A Rifai, D S. Finbloom, D B. Magilavy, and P H. Plotz
Modulation of the cytotoxic response against allogeneic tumor cells in culture by adriamycin., V Tomazic, M J. Ehrke, and E Mihich
Modulation of the h-2 antigenicity on the surface of murine peritoneal cells., M Schlesinger and M Chaouat
Modulation of the immune response by anaphylatoxin in the microenvironment of the interacting cells., W O. Weigle, E L. Morgan, M G. Goodman, D E. Chenoweth, and T E. Hugli
Modulation of the immune response by antigen-reactive lymphocytes after cultivation with gangliosides., H C. Miller and W J. Esselman
Modulation of the immune response by a synthetic adjuvant and analogs., L Chedid, F Audibert, P Lefrancier, J Choay, and E Lederer
Modulation of the immune responses against srbc after oestriol treatment in mice., T Ezaki, Y Nawa, T Hayama, K Yamaguchi, and M Kotani
Modulation of the immune response to bacterial levan (bl) by anti idiotype antibody. Abstr., C Bona
Modulation of the immune response to haptenated lipopolysaccharide (lps). Abstr., R R. Skelly and D C. Morrison
Modulation of the immune response to lipopolysaccharide., J R. Hiernaux, P J. Baker, C Delisi, and J A. Rudbach
Modulation of the immune response to teratocarcinoma in mice sensitized by sperm antigens., injeyan J. Teodorczyk, M A. Jewett, and R E. Falk
Modulation of the immune response to tumor antigen in tumor-bearing hosts (tbh). Abstr., L Perry and M I. Greene
Modulation of the immune response toward allografts in vivo. I. Selective suppression of the development of cell-mediated immunity by soluble alloantigens., B Bonavida and J Zighelboim
Modulation of the in vivo immune response by human plasma very low-density lipoproteins., F V. Chisari
Modulation of the levels of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine triphosphate (aractp) in l1210 cells by 4'-demthylepipodophyl- lotoxin-9-(4,6-0-2-thenylidene-beta-d-glucopyranoside) (vm-26). Abstr., D Roberts, P Franklin, G Odom, and C Peck
Modulation of the metastatic capability in b16 melanoma by cell shape., A Raz and ze'ev A. Ben
Modulation of the mitogenic response of thymocytes by gangliosides. Abstr., E E. Lengle and R G. Kemp
Modulation of the notch signaling by Mash1 and Dlx1/2 regulates sequential specification and differentiation of progenitor cell types in the subcortical telencephalon., K Yun, S Fischman, J Johnson, d e. Hrabe, G Weinmaster, and J L. Rubenstein
Modulation of the recognition and lysis of el4 tumor target cells by cytotoxic t lymphocytes., P J. Gilmer, S D. Figard, R V. Flores, and P J. Diroma
Modulation of thymus-leukemia antigens on mouse leukemia cells induced by igg, but not igm, antibody., C W. Stackpole
Modulation of tissue immunogenicity by organ culture. Comparison of adult islets and fetal pancreas., C J. Simeonovic, K M. Bowen, I Kotlarski, and K J. Lafferty
Modulation of transfer rna-methylating enzyme activities in murine leukemic cells., B Hacker
Modulation of transforming growth factor beta1 gene expression in the mammary gland by insulin-like growth factor I and octreotide., H Huynh, W Beamer, M Pollak, and T W. Chan
Modulation of tthy alloantigen expression in the neonatal mouse. The tthy-bearing thymocyte is a precursor for the peripheral cells expressing tind and tsu., S K. Keesee and F L. Owen
Modulatory effect of the sympathetic nervous system on neuroblastoma tumor growth., schorr E. Chelmicka and B G. Arnason
Molecular alterations in murine melanoma induced\@@@ melanocytolytic agents. Abstr., W Chavin and J Abramowitz
Molecular analysis and long-term clinical evaluation of three siblings with Alstrom syndrome., R K. Ozgul, I Satman, G B. Collin, E G. Hinman, J D. Marshall, O Kocaman, Y Tutuncu, T Yilmaz, and J K. Naggert
Molecular analysis of a spontaneous anemia mutation in the mouse reveals a premature stop codon in the cytoplasmic domain of the erythrocyte band in gene (Ae1)., Rebecca A. Swearingen
Molecular analysis of gene conversion in spermatids from transgenic mice., W H. Hanneman, K J. Schimenti, and J C. Schimenti
Molecular analysis of mutant and wildtype canine beta-glucuronidase cDNA., Kimberly E. Stone
Molecular analysis of reverse mutations from nonagouti (a) to black-and-tan (a(t)) and white-bellied agouti (Aw) reveals alternative forms of agouti transcripts., S J. Bultman, M L. Klebig, E J. Michaud, H O. Sweet, M T. Davisson, and R P. Woychik
Molecular analysis of spontaneous somatic mutants. (review)., K Adetugbo, C Milstein, and D S. Secher
Molecular analysis of the Mov 34 mutation: transcript disrupted by proviral integration in mice is conserved in Drosophila., T Gridley, D A. Gray, Weaver T. Orr, P Soriano, D E. Barton, U Francke, and R Jaenisch
Molecular and biological properties of a macrophage colony- -stimulating factor from mouse yolk sacs., G R. Johnson and A W. Burgess
Molecular and cellular basis of the retrovirus resistance in I/LnJ mice., L K. Case, A Purdy, and T V. Golovkina
Molecular and functional aspects of the hairless (hr) gene in laboratory rodents and humans., A A. Panteleyev, R Paus, W Ahmad, J P. Sundberg, and A M. Christiano
Molecular and functional mapping of the piebald deletion complex on mouse chromosome 14., J J. Roix, Greenberg A. Hagge, D M. Bissonnette, S Rodick, L B. Russell, and T P. O'Brien
Molecular and genetic characterization of GABP beta., la Brousse de, E H. Birkenmeier, D S. King, L B. Rowe, and S L. McKnight
Molecular and phenotypic analysis of 25 recessive, homozygous-viable alleles at the mouse agouti locus., R J. Miltenberger, K Wakamatsu, S Ito, R P. Woychik, L B. Russell, and E J. Michaud
Molecular and phenotypic reassessment of an infrequently used mouse model for spinal muscular atrophy., R G. Gogliotti, S M. Hammond, C Lutz, and C J. Didonato
Molecular and quantitative analysis of helper t cell-replacing factors on the induction of antigen-sensitive b and t lymphocytes., J Watson, L A. Aarden, J Shaw, and V Paetkau
Molecular and submolecular localization of two isoantigens of mouse immunoglobulins., R I. Mishell and J L. Fahey
Molecular approaches to understanding retinal degenerations., Philip C. Rosenstiel
Molecular basis for hair loss in mice carrying a novel nonsense mutation (Hrrh-R ) in the hairless gene (Hr)., Y Liu, J P. Sundberg, S Das, D Carpenter, K T. Cain, E J. Michaud, and B H. Voy
Molecular basis for the rhino (hrrh-8J) phenotype: a nonsense mutation in the mouse hairless gene., W Ahmad, A A. Panteleyev, J P. Sundberg, and A M. Christiano
Molecular basis for the rhino Yurlovo (hr(rhY)) phenotype: severe skin abnormalities and female reproductive defects associated with an insertion in the hairless gene., A A. Panteleyev, W Ahmad, A M. Malashenko, E L. Ignatieva, R Paus, J P. Sundberg, and A M. Christiano
Molecular basis of a novel rhino (hr(rhChr)) phenotype: a nonsense mutation in the mouse hairless gene., W Ahmad, A A. Panteleyev, Apollonio V. Henson, J P. Sundberg, and A M. Christiano
Molecular basis of b cell activation--ii. Mitogenicity of cardenolide derivatives., L Hammarstrom and C I. Smith
Molecular basis of b cell activation. Mitogenicity of native and modified digitalis glycosides., L L. Hammarstrom and C I. Smith
Molecular biology incorporated into the Of Mice and Mendel genetics source., Suzanna Rich
Molecular, cellular and systemic mechanisms for regulating igch expression., L A. Herzenberg, K Hayakawa, R R. Hardy, T Tokuhisa, V T. Oi, and L A. Herzenberg
Molecular changes in cell surface membranes resulting from trypsinization of sarcoma 180 tumor cells., J W. Huggins, R W. Chesnut, N N. Durham, and K L. Carraway
Molecular characterization of an allelic series of mutations in the mouse Nox3 gene., J P. Flaherty, H E. Fairfield, C A. Spruce, C M. McCarty, and D E. Bergstrom
Molecular characterization of a novel tubby gene family member, TULP3, in mouse and humans., P M. Nishina, M A. North, A Ikeda, Y Yan, and J K. Naggert
Molecular characterization of interleukin 2., S Gillis, D Y. Mochizuki, P J. Conlon, S H. Hefeneider, A A. Ramthun, A E. Gillis, M B. Frank, H S. Henney, and J D. Watson
Molecular characterization of the enhancing immunoglobulin of mice. Abstr., J M. Cruse and M M. Azar
Molecular characterization of the ly-6 phenotype in the autoimmune mouse mrl/mp-lpr/lpr. Abstr., M R. Melino and T H. Hansen
Molecular characterization of the ss and slp (c4) proteins of the mouse h-2 complex. Subunit composition, chain size poly- morphism, and an intracellular (pro-ss) precursor., M H. Roos, J P. Atkinson, and D C. Shreffler
Molecular characterization of the translocation breakpoints in the Down syndrome mouse model Ts65Dn., Laura G Reinholdt, Yueming Ding, Griffith J Gilbert, Griffith T Gilbert, Anne Czechanski, Jeffrey P Solzak, Randall J Roper, Mark T Johnson, Leah Rae Donahue, Cathleen Lutz, and Muriel T Davisson
Molecular characterization of TMHS protein in stereocilia of auditory hair cells., Estee Rubien-Thomas
Molecular characterization of TUB, TULP1, and TULP2, members of the novel tubby gene family and their possible relation to ocular diseases., M A. North, J K. Naggert, Y Yan, Trauth K. Noben, and P M. Nishina
Molecular clones of the mouse t complex derived from micro- dissected metaphase chromosomes., D Rohme, H Fox, B Herrmann, A Frischauf, J Edstrom, P Mains, L M. Silver, and H Lehrach
Molecular cloning and analysis of h-2 class i genes of h-2b haplotype mice., A L. Mellor, L Golden, E Weiss, H Bullman, H Bud, and R A. Flavell
Molecular cloning and characterization of the human interleukin-11 receptor alpha-chain gene, IL11RA, located on chromosome 9p13., Leuven F. Van, L Stas, C Hilliker, Y Miyake, P Bilinski, and A Gossler
Molecular cloning and expression of the mouse ornithine decarboxylase gene., L Mcconlogue, M Gupta, L Wu, and P Coffino
Molecular cloning and genetic mapping of the t complex responder candidate gene family., D C. Bullard and J C. Schimenti
Molecular cloning and partial characterization of a parrot papillomavirus., M K. O'Banion, E R. Jacobson, and J P. Sundberg
Molecular cloning of a family of retroviral sequences found in chimpanzee but not human DNA., T I. Bonner, E H. Birkenmeier, M A. Gonda, G E. Mark, G H. Searfoss, and G J. Todaro
Molecular cloning of a highly leukemogenic, ecotropic retrovirus from an akr mouse., J Lenz, R Crowther, S Klimenko, and W Haseltine
Molecular cloning of akr xenotropic murine leukemia virus unintegrated proviral dna., D R. Joseph
Molecular cloning of an immunoglobulin kappa constant gene from nzb mouse., N Hozumi, R G. Hawley, and H Murialdo
Molecular cloning of cdna for murine interleukin-3., M C. Fung, A J. Hapel, S Ymer, D R. Cohen, R M. Johnson, H D. Campbell, and I G. Young
Molecular cloning of "early" cell cycle genes which are regulated by platelet-derived growth factor. Abstr., B H. Cochran, A C. Reffel, and C D. Stiles
Molecular cloning of infectious integrated murine leukemia virus dna from infected mouse cells., D R. Lowy, E Rands, S K. Chattopadhyay, and G L. Hager
Molecular cloning of infectious viral dna from ecotropic neurotropic wild mouse retrovirus., P Jolicoeur, N Nicolaiew, L Desgroseillers, and E Rassart
Molecular cloning of mouse immunoglobulin heavy chain messenger ribonucleic acids coding for nu, alpha, gamma1, gamma2a and gamma3 chains., J M. Adams, N M. Gough, E A. Webb, B M. Tyler, I Jackson, and S Cory
Molecular cloning of the mouse cell adhesion molecule uvomorulin: cDNA contains a B1-related sequence., R Schuh, D Vestweber, I Riede, M Ringwald, U B. Rosenberg, H Jackle, and R Kemler
Molecular cloning of the platelet fibronectin receptor site., Heather Wilson
Molecular cloning of the t complex responder genetic locus., L L. Rosen, D C. Bullard, L M. Silver, and J C. Schimenti
Molecular cloning of two distinct renin genes from the dba/2 mouse., J J. Mullins, D W. Burt, J D. Windass, P M. George, and W J. Brammar
Molecular clustering identifies complement and endothelin induction as early events in a mouse model of glaucoma., G R. Howell, D G. Macalinao, G L. Sousa, M Walden, I Soto, S C. Kneeland, J M. Barbay, B L. King, J K. Marchant, M Hibbs, B Stevens, B A. Barres, A F. Clark, R T. Libby, and S W. John
Molecular comparison of ecotropic murine leukemia viruses isolated from CWD/LeAgl mice., Steven J. Montante
Molecular conservation of estrogen-response associated with cell cycle regulation, hormonal carcinogenesis and cancer in zebrafish and human cancer cell lines., Siew Hong Lam, Serene G P Lee, Chin Y Lin, Jane S Thomsen, Pan Y Fu, Karuturi R K Murthy, Haixia Li, Kunde R Govindarajan, Lin C H Nick, Guillaume Bourque, Zhiyuan Gong, Thomas Lufkin, Edison T Liu, and Sinnakaruppan Mathavan
Molecular control of b cell triggering by antigen-specific t cell-derived helper factor., C Shiozawa, B Singh, S Rubinstein, and E Diener
Molecular control of the oocyte to embryo transition., B B. Knowles, A V. Evsikov, V r. de, A E. Peaston, and D Solter
Molecular control of the oocyte to embryo transition., B B. Knowles, A V. Evsikov, Vries W. de, A E. Peaston, and D Solter
Molecular determinants of immunogenicity. The immunon model of immune response., H M. Dintzis, R Z. Dintzis, and B Vogelstein
Molecular diagnosis of a laboratory mouse papillomavirus (MusPV)., Joongho Joh, A Bennett Jenson, Mary Proctor, Arvind Ingle, Kathleen A Silva, Christopher S Potter, John P Sundberg, and Shin-Je Ghim
Molecular differentiation in the preimplantation mouse embryo., J Van blerkom, S C. Barton, and M H. Johnson
Molecular dissection of differentiation in normal and leukemic myelobasts: separately programmed pathways of gene expression., D Liebermann, liebermann B. Hoffman, and L Sachs
Molecular dissection of rauscher virus gp70 by using monoclonal antibodies: localization of acquired sequences of related envelope gene recombinants., H L. Niman and J H. Elder
Molecular distribution of h-2 alloantigenic specificities on fragments solubilized by papain from cell membranes. Abstr., S Cullen and S G. Nathenson
Molecular dosimetry of the chemical mutagen ethyl methanesulfonate. Quantitative comparison of mutation induction in escherichia coli, v79 chinese hamster cells and l5178y mouse lymphoma cells, and some cytological results in vitro and in vivo., C S. Aaron, A A. Zeeland, G R. Mohn, A T. Natarajan, A G. Knapp, A D. Tates, and B W. Glickman
Molecular dosimetry of the chemical mutagen ethyl methanesulphonate. Quantitative comparison of mutation induction in escherichia coli, neurospora crassa, v79 chinese hamster cells, l5178y mouse lymphoma cells and some in vitro and in vivo cytological results. Abstr., A Van zeeland, G Mohn, A Natarajan, A Knaap, A Tates, Glickman, F D. Serres, H Brockman, and C Aaron
Molecular events in the processing of avidin by antigen-presenting cells (apc). Iii. Activation of t-lymphocyte lines and h-2 restriction are meciated by processed avidin associated with i-region gene products., A Friedman, R Zerubavel, C Gitler, and I R. Cohen
Molecular events in the processing of avidin by antigen-presenting cells (apc). II. Identical processing by apc of h-2 high- and low-responder mouse strains., A Friedman, R Zerubavel, C Gitler, and I R. Cohen
Molecular events in the processing of avidin by antigen- -presenting cells (apc). I. The immune response of t lymphocytes to avidin is regulated by h-2-linked ir genes., A Friedman and I R. Cohen
Molecular evolution of the Crya-1 gene in the distal region of the t complex., Jennifer Grenier
Molecular heterogeneity and fine specificity of balb/c antibodies elicited by isologous myeloma protein., B F. Odermatt, R Perlmutter, and R G. Lynch
Molecular heterogeneity and fine specificity of isologous antibodies induced by the dnp-binding iga (m315) of mopc-315. Abstr., B Odermatt, R Perlmutter, and R Lynch
Molecular heterogeneity of d-end products detected by anti-h-2.28 Alloantisera with qa-2 antigen., D Ivanyi, M Cherry, and P Demant
Molecular heterogeneity of d-end products detected by anti-h-2.28 Sera. I. A molecule similar to qa-2, detected in the balb/cby but not in the balb/c-h-2dm2 mutant., P Demant and M H. Roos
Molecular heterogeneity of d-end products detected by anti-h-2.28 Sera. II. B10.d2(m504) (h-2dm1) Mutant fails to express one of the two h-2.4-,28+dd Region molecules., D Ivanyi and P Demant
Molecular heterogeneity of D-end products detected by anti-H-2.28 sera. III. Reactivity of certain anti-H-2.28 alloantisera with Qa-2 antigen., D Ivanyi, M Cherry, and P Demant
Molecular heterogeneity of dna polymerase alpha from p815 mouse mastocytoma cells., bonniot F. Bieri and A R. Schuerch
Molecular heterogeneity of mouse duodenal alkaline phosphatase. Association of lipids and peptides., P R. Nayudu and F B. Hercus
Molecular identification of a surface structure on b cells (lyb-3) and its relationship to b cell triggering., R E. Cone, B Huber, H Cantor, and R K. Gershon
Molecular identification of human t-lymphocyte antigens defined by the okt5 and okt8 monoclonal antibodies., dinh tuy Phan, P Niaudet, and J Bach
Molecular independence of h-2k and h-2d antigens on the cell surface., sautes C. Neauport, D Silvestre, F Lilly, and F M. Kourilsky
Molecular interactions between adriamycin and x-ray damage in mammalian tumor cells., J E. Byfield, Y C. Lee, and L Tu
Molecular interactions in t cell-mediated cytotoxicity: antigen nonspecific cytotoxicity following oxidative modification of membrane carbohydrates of ctl. Abstr., B Bonavida, J Fan, T P. Bradley, and R Lubelchick
Molecular limitations on variable-gene junctional diversity., L J. Wysocki, T Manser, T Gridley, and M L. Gefter
Molecular localization of genetically determined antigens in the immunoglobulins of mice. Abstr., R I. Mishell and J L. Fahey
Molecular location of the genetic lesion in the acatalasemic mouse., R N. Feinstein, B N. Jaroslow, and J B. Howard
Molecular markers for the analysis of neuronal differentiation in culture., A Bignami, L P. Kozak, and D Dahl
Molecular markers that define the distal ends of mouse autosomes 4, 13, and 19 and the sex chromosomes., E M. Eicher and E P. Shown
Molecular mechanisms of clozapine-induced hyperglycemia., Kristen Lingley
Molecular mechanisms of induction of antigen-specific allograft tolerance by intranasal peptide administration., K Derbyshire, C Addey, D Coe, D W. Stuckey, H Muezzin, J A. Bubier, D J. Shaffer, D C. Roopenian, J G. Chai, and D M. Scott
Molecular mechanisms of leukemogenesis induced by two human oncogenes: BCR/ABL and TEL/PDGFbetaR in a murine model., Camden Ramsay
Molecular mechanisms of lymphocyte extravasation. I. Studies of two selective inhibitors of lymphocyte recirculation., G J. Spangrude, B A. Braaten, and R A. Daynes
Molecular mimicry between insulin and retroviral antigens p73: Development of cross-reactive autoantibodies in sera of NOD and C57BL/KsJ db/db mice., D V. Serreze, E H. Leiter, E L. Kuff, P Jardieu, and K Ishizaka
Molecular nature of beta-galactosidase from different tissues in two strains of the house mouse., R Seyedyazdani, Y Floderus, and L Lundin
Molecular pharmacology of the anthracycline drug 9,10-anthracene- dicarboxaldehyde bis[(4,5-dihydro-1-h-imidazol-2-yl)hydrazone] dihydrochloride (c1 216,942)., G T. Bowden, D Garcia, Y Peng, and D S. Alberts
Molecular phenotyping for analyzing subtle genetic effects in mice: application to an angiotensinogen gene titration., H S. Kim, G Lee, S W. John, N Maeda, and O Smithies
Molecular polymorphism in the Rt6 genes of laboratory mice correlates with the allotypes of the H1 minor histocompatibility system., Nolte F. Koch, C Hollmann, M Kuhl, F Haag, M Prochazka, E Leiter, and H G. Thiele
Molecular probes for the genomic organization and evolution of the mouse t complex., L M. Silver, J Uman, J Danska, and J Garrels
Molecular properties of early and late actinophage neutralizing anti- bodies. Abstr., Y B. Kim, S G. Bradley, and D W. Watson
Molecular properties of ly antigens. Abstr., P J. Durda and P D. Gottlieb
Molecular properties of the action potential na+ ionophore in neuroblastoma cells. Interactions with neurotoxins., Y Jacques, M Fosset, and M Lazdunski
Molecular properties of t-lymphoma immunoglobulin. Iii. Peptide composition of the light chain., J M. Moseley, E A. Beatty, and J J. Marchalonis
Molecular properties of t-lymphoma immunoglobulin. II. Peptide composition of the heavy chain., J M. Moseley, E A. Beatty, and J J. Marchalonis
Molecular properties of t lymphoma immunoglobulin. I. Serological and general physicochemical properties., J M. Moseley, J J. Marchalonis, A W. Harris, and J Pye
Molecular regulation of Kit oncogene in bone marrow stem cells., Yi-Meng Tan
Molecular relationship between h-2 and ml antigens on leukaemia l1210/v cells., L Strzadala, J Steuden, and C Radzikowski
Molecular relationship between private and public h-2 antigens as determined by antigen redistribution method., V Hauptfeld and J Klein
Molecular relationships between three high molecular weight murine t cell surface proteins. Abstr., B Dunlap, P Mixter, A Watson, and F H. Bach
Molecular requirements for trinitrophenyl recognition by antihapten cytotoxic t lymphocytes., A H. Hale
Molecular restriction of anti-dnp antibodies induced by (dnp)2-gramicidin s., P C. Montgomery, J H. Rockey, R L. Kahn, and C A. Skandera
Molecular similarities between the qa-2 alloantigen and other gene products of the 17th chromosome of the mouse., J Michaelson, L Flaherty, E Vitetta, and M D. Poulik
Molecular species of hexokinase in hepatomas and ascites tumour cells. Abstr., K A. Gumaa and P M. Lean
Molecular species of hexokinase in hepatomas and ascites-tumour cells. Abstr., K A. Gumaa and K R. Greenslade
Molecular studies of cerecellar development in congenital thyroid deficiency., Brian J. Feinstein
Molecular theory of obesity, sterility and other behavioral and endocrine problems in genetically obese mice (ob/ob)., D L. Margules
Molecular weight and size of myosin from mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy. Abstr., H Oppenheimer, K Barany, H Terry, and E Forsyth
Molecular weight characterization of the products of the i-a and i-e/c subregions., R G. Cook, J W. Uhr, J D. Capra, D E. Vitetta, and U S. willii
Molecular weight determination of the oxysterol binding protein using the Waters I250 protein column., Stephen P. Scherr
Molecular weight determination of two genetically linked cell surface murine antigens: thb and ly-6., rogers A. Matossian, P Rogers, J A. Ledbetter, and L A. Herzenberg
Molecular weight determinations of el4 tumor antigens as detected by h-2bm-1 anti-el4 serum. Abstr., W J. Bridges, D A. Lawlor, and P H. Saunders
Molecular weight forms of adrenocorticotropic hormone secreted by primary cultures of mouse anterior pituitary., T L. Paquette, E Herbert, and M Hinman
Molecular weight polypeptides., R B. Naso, L J. Arcement, T G. Wood, T E. Saunders, D R. Arlinghaus, and L T. High
Molecular weight protein., F A. Hunter, J W. Paslay, A S. Bhown, J E. Mole, D J. Bennett, and O A. High
Molecular weights of adrenocorticotropic hormone in extracts of anterior and intermediate-posterior lobes of mouse pituitary., R E. Mains and B A. Eipper
Molecules produced by in vitro 'educated' t cells., S O'connor, D Eardley, F Shen, R K. Gershon, D R. Cone, and binding I. Antigen
Molecules stimulating early red cell, granulocyte, macrophage, and megakaryocyte precursors in culture: similarity in size, hydrophobicity, and charge., N N. Iscove, C A. Roitsch, N Williams, and L J. Guilbert
Moloney leukaemia virus as a helper in retrieving friend virus from a non-infectious reticulum cell sarcoma., A H. Fieldsteel, C Kurahara, and P J. Dawson
Moloney leukemia virus gene expression and gene amplification in preleukemic and leukemic balb/mo mice., R Jaenisch
Moloney leukemia virus-induced cell surface antigen. Detection and characterization in sodium dodecyl sulfate gels., F A. Troy, E M. Fenyo, and G Klein
Moloney lymphoma antibodies from mice, localization in spleens of moloney lymphoma bearing mice., I Witz, G Klein, and D Pressman
Moloney lymphoma cells express a polyprotein containing the gag gene-coded p15 and the moloney leukemia virus-induced cell surface antigen (mcsa)., A Karande, E Yefenof, E M. Fenyo, and G Klein
Moloney murine sarcoma virus oncogenesis in t-lymphocyte-deprived mice: biologic and immunologic studies., D Collavo, P Zanovello, E Leuchars, A J. Davies, bianchi U. Chieco, and G Biasi
Moloney murine sarcoma virus tumors in cba/j mice: chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic actions of supplemental beta-carotene., E Seifter, G Rettura, J Padawer, and S M. Levenson
Moloney sarcoma virus-induced tumors in athymic (nude) mice. Growth pattern and antibody responses., S Davis
Moloney sarcoma virus-induced tumors in mice. Inhibition or stimula- tion by (poly ri).(poly Rc)., E De clercq and T C. Merigan
Moloney sarcoma virus system. No requirment for the fith component of complement. Abstr., E W. Fuson and E W. Alford
Moloney virus-induced cell surface antigens and histocomp- atibility antigens are located on distinct molecules., R I. Fox and I L. Weissman
Moloney virus-induced leukemias of mice. Measurement in vitro of specific antigen., G Haughton
Molybdenum, copper and zinc contents of mouse liver and sarcoma 180 treated with molybdenum compounds., C Carruthers and W Regelson
Monaural and binaural audiogenic seizures in mice., H M. Reid and R L. Collins
Monaural audiogenic seizures: evidence for control by parallel processes., H M. Reid and R L. Collins
Monitored by intermediate filament expression., D Paulin, H Jakob, F Jacob, K Weber, D M. Osborn, and R D. Cells
Monitoring membrane potentials in ehrlich ascites tumor cells by means of a fluorescent dye. Abstr., P C. Laris, H A. Pershadsingh, and R M. Johnstone
Monitoring of anesthesia., Smith JC, Danneman PJ
Monitoring of murine osteosarcoma by serial alkaline phosphatase determinations., V K. Ghanta, R N. Hiramoto, A B. Weiss, and L Caudill
Monitoring the effect of anti-cancer drugs on l1210 cells by a mitochondrial probe, rhodamine-123., S D. Bernal, H M. Shapiro, and L B. Chen
Monitoring the therapy of human tumor xenografts in nude mice by the use of lactate dehydrogenase., L Dipersio, A P. Kyriazis, J Gabriel, and A J. Pesce
Mono(ADP-ribosyl)transferase genes and diabetes in NOD mice. Is there a relationship?, Cvrlje M. Cetkovic, S D. Yang, and E H. Leiter
Monoallelic gene expression in mice: who? When? How? Why?, J Schimenti
Monoamine oxidase a and b cultured cells., M Hawkins and X O. Breakefield
Monoamine oxidase activity in ehrlich ascites tumor., Y Yamanaka and M Nakatsuka
Monoamine oxidase, catechol-o-methyltransferase, and norepinephrine levels in mice with the hereditary obese-hyperglycemic syndrome., J M. Feldman and J H. Henderson
Monoaminergic afferents to the neocortex: a developmental histofluorescence study in normal and reeler mouse embryos., V S. Caviness and M G. Korde
Monoaminergic synapses in infant mouse neocortex: comparison of cortical fields in seizure-prone and resistant mice., D A. Kristt, M S. Shirley, and E Kasper
Monoclonal alloantibodies specific for the constant region of t cell antigen receptors., T Tokuhisa, Y Komatsu, Y Uchida, and M Taniguchi
Monoclonal antibodies., J R. Zalcberg, C H. Thompson, M Lichtenstein, and D I. Mckenzie
Monoclonal antibodies., S D. Sharma, T Budzich, M R. Proffitt, D Shepherd, D J. Remington, and i region Anti
Monoclonal antibodies., M J. Tikkanen, R Dargar, B Pfleger, B Gonen, J M. Davie, N G. Schonfeld, and G M. With
Monoclonal antibodies against antigens displayed on a progressively growing mammary tumor., A Tax and L A. Manson
Monoclonal antibodies against baboon endogenous virus and against host cell antigens., J Cogniaux, R Olislager, goldberger S. Sprecher, and L Thiry
Monoclonal antibodies against carbohydrate differentiation antigens identify subsets of primary sensory neurones., J Dodd, D Solter, and T M. Jessell
Monoclonal antibodies against cell surface antigens present on human urinary bladder cancer cells., T Masuko, H Yagita, and Y Hashimoto
Monoclonal antibodies against chicken type v collagen: production, specificity, and use for immunocytochemical localization in embryonic cornea and other organs., T F. Linsenmayer, J M. Fitch, T M. Schmid, N B. Zak, I Gibney, R D. Sanderson, and R Mayne
Monoclonal antibodies against common and Igk-1a allotypic determinants of rat immunoglobulin kappa chain constant domain., V V. Cherapakhin, A V. Chervonsky, A V. Filatov, and O V. Rokhlin
Monoclonal antibodies against contact sites a of dictyostelium discoideum: detection of modifications of the glycoprotein in tunicamycin-treated cells., H Ochiai, J Stadler, M Westphal, G Wagle, R Merkl, and G Gerisch
Monoclonal antibodies against estrogen receptor: interaction with different molecular forms and functions of the receptor., B Moncharmont, J Su, and I Parikh
Monoclonal antibodies against functionally distinct sites on the delta-endotoxin of bacillus thuringiensis var. Thuringiensis., lakac M. Huber, H Herbst, P Luthy, and D G. Braun
Monoclonal antibodies against human beta-glucocerebrosidase., R A. Barneveld, F P. Tegelaers, E I. Ginns, P Visser, L A. Laanen, R O. Brady, H Galjaard, J A. Barranger, R J. Reuser, and J M. Tager
Monoclonal antibodies against human t cell leukemia-lymphoma virus (htlv) p25 internal core protein., T J. Palker, R M. Scearce, S E. Miller, M Popovic, A P. Bolognesi, R C. Gallo, and B F. Haynes
Monoclonal antibodies against human t lymphocytes label purkinje neurones of many species., J A. Garson, P C. Beverley, H B. Coakham, and E I. Harper
Monoclonal antibodies against insulin-like growth factor i (igf i). Abstr., U K. Laubli, W Baier, M R. Celio, and R E. Humbel
Monoclonal antibodies against murine leukemia viruses: identi- fication of six antigenic determinants on the p15(e) and gp70 envelope proteins., M E. Lostrom, M R. Stone, M Tam, W N. Burnette, A Pinter, and R C. Nowinski
Monoclonal antibodies against myomesin used to study myofibrillogenesis. Abstr., B K. Grove, T C. Doetschman, M E. Eppenberger, V Kurer, J C. Perriard, and H M. Eppenberger
Monoclonal antibodies against ovalbumin., R J. Bjercke, P M. Hale, W D. Mercer, and W L. Mcguire
Monoclonal antibodies against rabies virus produced by somatic cell hybridization. Detection of antigenic variants., T J. Wiktor and H Koprowski
Monoclonal antibodies against t cell differentiation antigens initiate stimulation of monocyte/macrophage oxidative metabolism., latscha B. Descamps, R M. Golub, A T. Nguyen, and fieux M. Feuillet
Monoclonal antibodies against two human lung carcinoma cell lines., D T. Brown and M Moore
Monoclonal antibodies against unique i-region gene products expressed only on mature functional t cells., K Hiramatsu, A Ochi, S Miyatani, G, and T Tada
Monoclonal antibodies as probes for differentiation and tumor- -associated antigens. A forssman specificity on teratocar- cinoma stem cells., P L. Stern, K R. Willison, E Lennox, G Galfre, C Milstein, D Secher, and A Ziegler
Monoclonal antibodies as probes for phenotypic expression. II. Mmtv-like epitopes in human sera. Abstr., L A. Manson, A Tax, and H F. Sears
Monoclonal antibodies as probes for phenotypic expression. I. Mmtv-like epitopes on murine lymphocytes. Abstr., A Tax, D L. Ewert, and L A. Manson
Monoclonal antibodies as probes of domain structure of the spectrin alpha subunit., P D. Yurchenco, D W. Speicher, J S. Morrow, K, and V T. Marchesi
Monoclonal antibodies as probes of the distribution of zp-2, the major sulfated glycoprotein of the murine zona pellucida., I J. East and J Dean
Monoclonal antibodies binding placental alkaline phosphatase (plap) localize in plap-bearing tumors grown in nude mice. Abstr., R Jemmerson, M Takeya, N Shah, and W H. Fishman
Monoclonal antibodies coupled to lps specifically induce synthesis of immunoglobulins with complementary variable region determinants., D Primi and P Cazenave
Monoclonal antibodies define eight independent antigenic regions on the bovine leukemia virus (blv) envelope glycoprotein gp51., C Bruck, S Mathot, D Portetelle, C Berte, E Franssen, P Herion, and A Burny
Monoclonal antibodies detect antigenic diversity in theileria parva parasites., M Pinder and R S. Hewett
Monoclonal antibodies detect a spectrin-like protein in normal and dystrophic human skeletal muscle., S T. Appleyard, M J. Dunn, V Dubowitz, M L. Scott, S J, T, and D M. Shotton
Monoclonal antibodies directed against displayed antigens of progressively growing mammary tumors. Abstr., A Tax and L A. Manson
Monoclonal antibodies directed against epitopes of the gp52 of mouse mammary tumor virus. Abstr., A Tax and L A. Manson
Monoclonal antibodies directed against human FcRn and their applications., Gregory J Christianson, Victor Z Sun, Shreeram Akilesh, Emanuele Pesavento, Gabriele Proetzel, and Derry C Roopenian
Monoclonal antibodies directed against mammalian rna polymerase. I. Identification of the catalytic center., K M. Rose, K A. Maguire, J N. Wurpel, and E D. Marquez
Monoclonal antibodies directed against murine b16 melanoma. Abstr., C W. Johnson, R F. Barth, W Wei, C L. Andrews, boerner E. Wrobel, and B B. Holman
Monoclonal antibodies directed to human insulin-like growth factor i (igf i). Use for radioimmunoassay and immunopurification of igf., U K. Laubli, W Baier, H Binz, M R. Celio, and R E. Humbel
Monoclonal antibodies directed to stromal cells in the mouse thymus. Abstr., P W. Van vliet, M L. Melis, and W V. Ewijk
Monoclonal antibodies displaying a novel species specificity for the primate transformation-related protein, p53., K Leppard and L Crawford
Monoclonal antibodies distinguish phase variants of coxiella burnetii., J C. Williams, M R. Johnston, M G. Peacock, L A. Thomas, C Stewart, and J L. Portis
Monoclonal antibodies for analysis of the hla system., F M. Brodsky, P Parham, C J. Barnstable, and W F. Bodmer
Monoclonal antibodies for immunochemical analysis of methanogenetic bacteria., E Conway de macario, A J. Macario, and O Kandler
Monoclonal antibodies from mice bearing polyoma virus-induced tumor., N Moav, N I. Smorodinsky, B Balin, and I P. Witz
Monoclonal antibodies identify novel neural antigens., R Hawkes, E Niday, and A Matus
Monoclonal antibodies identify the protective antigens of sporozoites of plasmodium knowlesi., A H. Cochrane, F Santoro, V Nussenzweig, R W. Gwadz, and R S. Nussenzweig
Monoclonal antibodies in analysis of oncoplacental protein sp1 in vivo and in vitro., E Engvall, M Miyashita, and E Ruoslahti
Monoclonal antibodies in cell-mediated cytotoxicity against human melanoma and colorectal carcinoma., D Herlyn, M Herlyn, Z Steplewski, and H Koprowski
Monoclonal antibodies inhibit the adhesion of mouse b 16 melanoma cells in vitro and block lung metastasis in vivo., H P. Vollmers and W Birchmeier
Monoclonal antibodies in radioimmunoassay of alphafetoprotein. Abstr., M Uotila, E Engvall, and E Ruoslahti
Monoclonal antibodies in the lymphatics: toward the diagnosis and therapy of tumor metastases., J N. Weinstein, R J. Parker, A M. Keenan, S K. Dower, E C. Iii, and S M. Sieber
Monoclonal antibodies (mas) which react with several types of human lung cancer. Abstr., F Cuttitta, S Rosen, P Abrams, A F. Gazdar, J Schwade, and J Minna
Monoclonal antibodies (mcabs) to determinants on human gamma chains: properties of antibodies showing subclass restriction or subclass specificity., J Lowe, P Bird, D Hardie, R Jerreris, and N R. Ling
Monoclonal antibodies (mnab) binding to murine klh specific t-cell clones. Abstr., S J. Waters, G Norton, R J. Winchester, and C A. Bona
Monoclonal antibodies of four different specificities for neutralization of type 1 polioviruses., D D. Humphrey, O M. Kew, and P M. Feorino
Monoclonal antibodies produced against a human lung carcinoma. Abstr., M Kasai, Y Iwaki, R Saxton, E C. Holmes, P Terasaki, D L. Morton, M W. Burk, and K Irie
Monoclonal antibodies reacting with immunogenic mycoplasma proteins present in human hematopoietic cell lines., M E. Hemler and J L. Strominger
Monoclonal antibodies reactive with all strains of haemophilus ducreyi., E J. Hansen and T A. Loftus
Monoclonal antibodies reactive with human myeloid leukaemia cells., E D. Ball and M W. Fanger
Monoclonal antibodies reactive with idiotypic and variable- -region specific determinants on human immunoglobulins., J L. Greenstein, A Solomon, and G N. Abraham
Monoclonal antibodies reactive with small cell carcinoma of the lung., E D. Ball, R F. Graziano, O S. Pettengill, G D, R, and M W. Fanger
Monoclonal antibodies recognize different parts of z-dna., A Moller, J E. Gabriels, E M. Lafer, A Nordheim, L Rich, and B D. Stollar
Monoclonal antibodies recognizing human t cells: potential role for preventing graft-versus-host reactions following allogeneic marrow transplantation., J A. Hansen, P J. Martin, M Kamoun, storb B. Torok, W Newman, R C. Nowinski, and E D. Thomas
Monoclonal antibodies reveal three types of idiotypic determinants om mopc 173: h-l-specific private and public idiotopes, and vy-specific public idiotope(s)., M Suzan, C Boyer, C Schiff, J Trucy, M Milili, and C D. Preval
Monoclonal antibodies specific for carcinoembryonic antigen and produced by two hybrid cell lines., R S. Accolla, S Carrel, and J Mach
Monoclonal antibodies specific for class i and class ii molecules controlled by the mouse h-2 complex., S Tewarson, F Figueroa, and J Klein
Monoclonal antibodies specific for factor viii coagulant (viii:c) protein from cellular hybrids. Abstr., P Haines, B Evatt, R Ramsey, D Willis, P Feorino, and D Humphrey
Monoclonal antibodies specific for glial fibrillary acidic (gfa) protein and for each of the neurofilament triplet polypeptides., E Debus, K Weber, and M Osborn
Monoclonal antibodies specific for globin chains., G Stamatoyannopoulos, M Farquhar, D Lindsley, M Brice, T Papayannopoulou, and P E. Nute
Monoclonal antibodies specific for leishmania tropica. I. Characterization of antigens associated with stage- and species-specific determinants., C L. Jaffe and pratt D. Mcmahon
Monoclonal antibodies specific for measles hemagglutinin: idiotypes and biological activity. Abstr., J Gheuens, D E. Mcfarlin, W J. Bellini, and K W. Rammohan
Monoclonal antibodies specific for the avian sarcoma virus transforming protein pp60src., T Tanaka and R Kurth
Monoclonal antibodies that distinguish subspecies of leishmania braziliensis., pratt D. Mcmahon, E Bennett, and J R. David
Monoclonal antibodies that immunoreact with a cation- -stimulated plant membrane atpase., J J. Chin
Monoclonal antibodies that inhibit attachment of group b coxsackieviruses., B A. Campbell and C E. Cords
Monoclonal antibodies that inhibit enzyme activity of 3-methyl- cholanthrene-induced cytochrome p-450., S S. Park, T Fujino, D West, F Peter, E, and H V. Gelboin
Monoclonal antibodies that protect in vivo against plasmodium chabaudi recognize a 250,000-dalton parasite polypeptide., D B. Boyle, C I. Newbold, C C. Smith, and K N. Brown
Monoclonal antibodies that recognize discrete forms of tubulin., I Gozes and C J. Barnstable
Monoclonal antibodies to a nitroxide lipid hapten., K Balakrishnan, F J. Hsu, D G. Hafeman, and H M. Mcconnell
Monoclonal antibodies to beta-adrenergic receptors: use in purification and molecular characterization of beta receptors., C M. Fraser and J C. Venter
Monoclonal antibodies to carcinoembryonic antigen (cea): characterization and use in a radioimmunoassay for cea., J Lindgren, B Bang, M Hurme, and O Makela
Monoclonal antibodies to cell surface antigens of chick neural retina. Abstr., F S. Walsh, G S. Eisenbarth, A Naini, and M Nirenberg
Monoclonal antibodies to chlamydia trachomatis: antibody speci- ficities and antigen characterization., R S. Stephens, M R. Tam, C Kuo, and R C. Nowinski
Monoclonal antibodies to cytomegalovirus: rapid identification of clinical isolates and preliminary use in diagnosis of cytomegalovirus pneumonia., L C. Goldstein, J Mcdougall, R Hackman, J D. Meyers, D. Thomas, and R C. Nowinski
Monoclonal antibodies to differentiation antigens of normal human mammary epithelial cells. Abstr., J A. Peterson, F R. Moncada, and R L. Cerianai
Monoclonal antibodies to dimethylbenzanthracene (dmba) induced murine mammary tumors. Abstr., W Wei, C W. Johnson, and R F. Barth
Monoclonal antibodies to epstein-barr virus-induced, transformation-associated cell surface antigens: binding patterns and effect upon virus-specific t-cell cytotoxicity., M Rowe, J E. Hildreth, A B. Rickinson, and M A. Epstein
Monoclonal antibodies to fibrinogen: modulation of determinants expressed in fibrinogen by gamma-chain cross-linking., G D. Wilner, M S. Mudd, K Hsieh, and D W. Thomas
Monoclonal antibodies to guinea pig ia antigens. Abstr., R Burger, L Clement, J Chiba, and E M. Shevach
Monoclonal antibodies to guinea pig ia antigens. I. Production, serologic, and immunochemical characterization., R Burger, L Clement, J Schroer, J Chiba, and E M. Shevach
Monoclonal antibodies to human alpha-interferon and their use for affinity chromatography., D Novick, Z Eshhar, and M Rubinstein
Monoclonal antibodies to human blood group m and n antigens. Abstr., R J. Rubocki and F Milgrom
Monoclonal antibodies to human cytomegalovirus: three surface membrane proteins with unique immunological and electrophoretic properties specify cross-reactive determinants., L Pereira, M Hoffman, D Gallo, and N Cremer
Monoclonal antibodies to human fetal hemoglobin. Abstr., C G. Zaroulis, M C. Suthanthiran, I A. Kourides, and B Alter
Monoclonal antibodies to human ige. Abstr., W A. Hook, E Berenstein, L A. Basciano, P C. Fox, and R P. Siranganian
Monoclonal antibodies to human interferon-gamma: production, affinity purification and radioimmunoassay., D Novick, Z Eshhar, D G. Fischer, J Friedlander, and M Rubinstein
Monoclonal antibodies to human leucocyte antigens in poly- myositis and muscular dystrophy., D Rowe, D A. Isenberg, and P C. Beverley
Monoclonal antibodies to human lung elastin peptides. Abstr., T V. Darnule, A T. Darnule, G M. Turino, and I Mandl
Monoclonal antibodies to human lung tumor antigens demonstrated by immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation., B G. Brenner, S Jothy, J Shuster, and A Fuks
Monoclonal antibodies to human melanoma-associated antigens., K Imai, G A. Molinaro, and S Ferrone
Monoclonal antibodies to human sperm antigens. Abstr., E Wong, V L. Lum, E Low, Y S. Huang, M, and C G. Lee
Monoclonal antibodies to human tumor antigens., Z Steplewski
Monoclonal antibodies to human urokinase identify the single- -chain pro-urokinase precursor., G Salerno, P Verde, M L. Nolli, A Corti, H Szots, T Meo, J Johnson, S Bullock, G Cassani, and F Blasi
Monoclonal antibodies to ia antigens from rat thymus: cross reactions with mouse and human and use in purification of rat ia glycoproteins., W R. Mcmaster and A F. Williams
Monoclonal antibodies to l-asparaginase., T Kitao and K Hattori
Monoclonal antibodies to major regions of salmonella lipopolysaccharide. Abstr., D E. Colwell, E Jirillo, S M. Michalek, and J R. Mcghee
Monoclonal antibodies to mouse major histocompatibility complex antigens. IV. A series of hybridoma clones producing anti-h- 2d antigens on the surface of these cells., K Ozato, N M. Mayer, and D H. Sachs
Monoclonal antibodies to mouse mammary tumors. Abstr., W Wei, R F. Barth, and G H. Heppner
Monoclonal antibodies to mouse mhc antigens. Iii. Hybridoma antibodies reacting to antigens of the h-2b haplotype reveal genetic control of isotype expression., K Ozato and D H. Sachs
Monoclonal antibodies to mouse mhc antigens. I. Serologic characterization of ten anti-h-2 and anti-ia reagents., V Hauptfeld, M Nahm, M Hauptfeld, and D C. Shreffler
Monoclonal antibodies to murine cell surface antigens. I. Lyt-1.1., P M. Hogarth, T A. Potter, F N. Cornell, and I F. Mckenzie
Monoclonal antibodies to murine heaptitis virus-4 (strain jhm) define the viral glycoprotein responsible for attachment and cell-cell fusion., A R. Collins, R L. Knobler, H Powell, and M J. Buchmeier
Monoclonal antibodies to neurospora adenylate cyclase. Abstr., M M. Flawia, M Y. Vedia, M Torruella, E Podesta, and H N. Torres
Monoclonal antibodies to rabbit liver cytochrome p-450 lm2. Abstr., S S. Park, M J. Coon, and H V. Gelboin
Monoclonal antibodies to rat na+,k+-atpase block enzymatic activity., D B. Schenk and H L. Leffert
Monoclonal antibodies to stages of trypanosoma cruzi: characterization and use for antigen detection., F G. Araujo, S D. Sharma, V Tsai, P Cox, and J S. Remington
Monoclonal antibodies to streptococcal group a carbohydrate. I. A dominant idiotypic determinant is located on vk., M H. Nahn, B L. Clevinger, and J M. Davie
Monoclonal antibodies to surface antigens of spermatogenic cells in the mouse. Abstr., K B. Bechtol, S C. Brown, and R H. Kennett
Monoclonal antibodies to the cytochromes c of beef heart and paracoccus dentrificans. Abstr., L Kuo, H C. Davies, L Smith, and F Karush
Monoclonal antibodies to the murine ly-2.1 Cell surface antigen., P M. Hogarth, J Edwards, I F. Mckenzie, J W, D, and F Y. Liew
Monoclonal antibodies to the p21 products of the transforming gene of harvey murine sarcoma virus and of the cellular ras gene family., M E. Furth, L J. David, B Fleurdelys, and E M. Scolnick
Monoclonal antibodies to the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor., H M. Westphal, G Moldenhauer, and M Beato
Monoclonal antibodies to the structural glycoprotein of tick- -borne encephalitis virus., F X. Heinz, R Berger, O Majdic, W Knapp, and C Kunz
Monoclonal antibodies to tissue-specific chromatin proteins., J N. Vanderbilt and J N. Anderson
Monoclonal antibodies to tumor-associated antigens in human prostate and bladder cancer. Abstr., G L. Wright, J J. Starling, and S M. Sieg
Monoclonal antibodies to two classes of membrane tumor assoc- iated antigens expressed by human melanoma. Abstr., R H. Yonemoto, D O. Chee, S P. Leong, J Klotz, I F. Richards, R Goto, M M. Drushella, and R L. Gascon
Monoclonal antibodies to two mouse bladder carcinoma antigens., I Hellstrom, N Rollins, S Settle, P Chapman, W H. Chapman, and K E. Hellstrom
Monoclonal antibodies to xenotropic and mcf murine leukemia viruses derived during the graft-versus-host reaction., J L. Portis, F J. Mcatee, and M W. Cloyd
Monoclonal antibodies with different specificities against cytokeratins. An immunohistochemical study of normal tissues and tumors., G N. Van mjijen, D J. Ruiter, M Ponec, I D. Mey, and S O. Warnaar
Monoclonal antibody against a1 lewis d antigen produced by the hy- bridoma immunized with a pulmonary carcinoma., Y Iwaki, M Kasai, P I. Terasaki, D Bernoco, M S. Park, J Cicciarelli, R Heintz, R E. Saxton, M W. Burk, and D L. Morton
Monoclonal antibody against a cross-reactive idiotypic determinant found on human autoantibodies with anti-i and -i specificities., S W. Evans, T Feizi, R Childs, and N R. Ling
Monoclonal antibody against a membrane antigen characterizing leukemic human b-lymphocytes., H K. Forster, F G. Gudat, M Girard, R Albrecht, J Schmidt, C Ludwig, and J Obrecht
Monoclonal antibody against human ifn-gamma., H K. Hochkeppel and M D. Ley
Monoclonal antibody against human interleukin 2(il2). I. Puri- fication of il 2 for the production of monoclonal antibodies., B M. Stadler, E H. Berenstein, R P. Siraganian, and J J. Oppenheim
Monoclonal antibody against k562 cell line accelerates killing of the target cells by large granular lymphocytes., M M. Park and Z Brahmi
Monoclonal antibody against mouse sperm blocks a specific event in the fertilization process., P M. Saling, L M. Raines, and M G. O'rand
Monoclonal antibody against myeloid leukemia cell line (kg-1)., F Aota, D Chang, N O. Hill, and A Khan
Monoclonal antibody against SSEA-1 is specific for a subpopulation of astrocytes in mouse cerebellum., C Lagenaur, M Schachner, D Solter, and B Knowles
Monoclonal antibody against SSEA-1 is specific for a subpopulation of astrocytes in mouse cerebellum., C Lagenaur, M Schachner, D Solter, and B Knowles
Monoclonal antibody against the carboxy terminal peptide of pp60src of rous sarcoma virus reacts with native pp60src., T Tamura and H Bauer
Monoclonal antibody analysis of ocular basement membranes during development., J M. Fitch and T F. Linsenmayer
Monoclonal antibody and an antibody-toxin conjugate to a cell surface proteoglycan of melanoma cells suppress in vivo tumor growth., T F. Bumol, Q C. Wang, R A. Reisfeld, and N O. Kaplan
Monoclonal antibody approaches to the study of neuronal cell surfaces., Katherine A. Daly
Monoclonal antibody defining a burkitt's lymphoma-associated antigen detects carbohydrate on neutral glycolipid., M Lipinski, E D. Nudelman, J Wiels, and M Parsons
Monoclonal antibody defining a stage-specific mouse embryonic antigen (SSEA-1)., D Solter and B B. Knowles
Monoclonal antibody defining a stage-specific mouse embryonic antigen. (ssea-1), D Solter and B B. Knowles
Monoclonal antibody detecting a stage-specific embryonic antigen (SSEA-1) on preimplantation mouse embryos and teratocarcinoma cells., B B. Knowles, D P. Aden, and D Solter
Monoclonal antibody developed to t-lymphocytes from aged mice. Abstr., L C. Hendricks and M L. Heidrick
Monoclonal antibody-directed effector cells selectively lyse human melanoma cells in vitro and in vivo., G Schulz, T F. Bumol, and R A. Reisfeld
Monoclonal antibody directed to a b-cell antigen present in rats, mice, and humans., D L. Gasser, B A. Winters, J B. Haas, and R H. Kennett
Monoclonal antibody h9/25 reacts with functional subsets of t and b cells: killer, killer precursor and plaque-forming cells., F Takai, H Waldmann, E S. Lennox, and C Milstein
Monoclonal antibody identifies a new ia-like (p29,34) polymorphic system linked to the hla-d/dr region., L M. Nadler, P Stashenko, R Hardy, K J. Tomaselli, E J. Yunis, S F. Schlossman, and J M. Pesando
Monoclonal antibody (igm) specific to mouse lymphoma cells (l1210): isolation and therapeutic properties., A Roche and M Monsigny
Monoclonal antibody ki-m4 specifically recognizes human dendritic rticulum cells (follicular dendritic cells) and their possible precursor in blood., M R. Parwaresch, H J. Radzun, M Hanssmann, and K Peters
Monoclonal antibody-mediated protection against schistosoma mansoni infection in mice., D M. Zodda and S M. Phillips
Monoclonal antibody nim-r2 shows differential reactivity with virgin and memory b cells., clarke S. Marshall, A Chayen, and R M. Parkhouse
Monoclonal antibody production in artificial capillary cultures. Abstr., P Calabresi, K L. Mccarthy, D L. Dexter, F J. Cummings, and B Rotman
Monoclonal antibody reactive with an acute myelogenous leukaemia-associated antigen. Abstract., D S. Askekw, A C. Eaves, and F Takei
Monoclonal antibody specific for mullerian inhibiting substance. Abstr., H Shima, hunter M. Mudgett, G P. Budzik, and P K. Donahoe
Monoclonal antibody specific for myelin glycoprotein p0: derivation and characterization., M C. Franko, C L. Koski, C J. Gibbs Jr., D E. Mcfarlin, and D C. Gajdusek
Monoclonal antibody that specifically inhibits a human mr 52,000 plasminogen-activating enzyme., K Kaltoft, L S. Nielsen, J Zeuthen, and K Dano
Monoclonal antibody therapy of murine leukemia. Abstr., C Badger and I D. Bernstein
Monoclonal antibody therapy of spontaneous leukemia. Abstr., C Badger and I Bernstein
Monoclonal antibody to 5-bromo- and 5-iododeoxyuridine: a new reagent for detection of dna replication., H G. Gratzner
Monoclonal antibody to an alloantigenic determinant on beta2- -microglobulin (beta2m) of the mouse., M Chorney, F Shen, J Michaelson, and E A. Boyse
Monoclonal antibody to calf thymus rna polymerase ii. Abstr., J L. Christmann and M E. Dahmus
Monoclonal antibody to dna containing thymine glycol., S A. Leadon and P C. Hanawalt
Monoclonal antibody to human epidermal growth factor., D M. Moriarity, R A. Harper, B B. Knowles, and C R. Savage
Monoclonal antibody to human granulocytes: cellular specificity and functional studies., L S. Martin, D S. Gordon, M E. Wilson, S W, O, and R B. Fritz
Monoclonal antibody to human thyrotropin., E C. Ridgway, L J. Ardisson, M J. Meskell, and hunter M. Mudgett
Monoclonal antibody to l1210 leukemia. Abstr., C Testorelli, S Morelli, A Nicolin, and A Goldin
Monoclonal antibody to l3t4 blocks the function of t cells specific for class 2 major histocompatibility complex antigens., S L. Swain, D P. Dialynas, F W. Fitch, and M English
Monoclonal antibody to mullerian inhibiting substance. Abstr., hunter M. Midgett, G P. Budzik, M D. Sullivan, and P K. Donahoe
Monoclonal antibody to murine embryos defines a stage-specific embryonic antigen expressed on mouse embryos and human teratocarcinoma cells., L H. Shevinsky, B B. Knowles, I Damjanov, and D Solter
Monoclonal antibody to spleen focus-forming virus-encoded gp52 provides a probe for the amino-terminal region of retroviral envelope proteins that confers dual tropism and xenotropism., L Wolff, R Killer, and S Ruscetti
Monoclonal antibody to SV40 T-antigen blocks lysis of cloned cytotoxic T-cell line specific for SV40 TASA., S Pan and B B. Knowles
Monoclonal antibody to transferrin receptor blocks transferrin binding and inhibits human tumor cell growth in vitro., I S. Trowbridge and F Lopez
Monoclonal antibody toxin conjugates for experimental graft- -versus-host disease prophylaxis. Reagents selectively reactive with t cells and not murine stem cells., D A. Vallera, R J. Youle, D M. Neville Jr., C C. Soderling, and J H. Kersey
Monoclonal antibody tu human fibronectin., F S. Walsh and S Dhut
Monoclonal antibody ybm 42.2.2. Abstr., S M. Watt, T K. Hoang, D Gilmore, D Swirsky, S P. Cobbold, D H. Waldmann, and O O. The
Monoclonal anti-dna antibodies. Abstr., F Tron, L Jacob, C Leguern, N Talal, and J F. Bach
Monoclonal anti-fc igg receptor antibodies trigger b lymphocyte function., M C. Lamers, S Heckford, and H B. Dickler
Monoclonal anti-fc receptor igg blocks antibody enhancement of viral replication in macrophages., J S. Peiris, S Gordon, J C. Unkeless, and J S. Porterfield
Monoclonal anti-fluorescyl antibodies. Abstr., D M. Reinitz, T S. Heterologous h, and L C. From
Monoclonal anti-gat antibodies with different fine specificities express the same public idiotype., L Leclercq, J Mazie, G Somme, and J Theze
Monoclonal anti-h-2kb antibodies detect serological differences between h-2kb mutants., L A. Sherman and C P. Randolph
Monoclonal anti-human prostatic acid phosphatase antibodies., H Lillehoj, B Choe, and N R. Rose
Monoclonal anti-lyt-1 antibodies militate transplantation tolerance by stimulating alloantigen specific lyt-1+ helper cells to produce il-2. Abstr., B Chen and G A. Splitter
Monoclonal anti-mm46 antibody:ricin a chain conjugate: in vitro and in vivo antitumor activity., M Seto, N Umemoto, M Saito, Y Masuho, T Hara, and T Takahashi
Monoclonal anti-rat ige. Abstr., E Studer, T Mohanakumar, and D Conrad
Monoclonal anti-(t,g)-a--l antibodies: characterization of fine specificity and idiotype expression., S H. Pincus, C J. Stocks, J, and L P. Ewing
Monoclonal anti-type 2 h: an antibody detecting a precursor of the a and b blood group antigens., R W. Knowles, Y Bai, G L. Daniels, and W Watkins
Monoclonal autoantibodies: an approach to studying autoimmune disease., D Eilat
Monoclonal cytokeratin antibodies that distinguish simple from stratified squamous epithelia: characterization on human tissues., E Debus, K Weber, and M Osborn
Monoclonal cytolytic t-cell lines., P E. Baker, S Gillis, and K A. Smith
Monoclonal dinitrophenyl-specific murine ige antibody: preparation, isolation and characterization., F Liu, J W. Bohn, E L. Ferry, H Yamamoto, C A. Molinaro, L A. Sherman, N R. Klinman, and D H. Katz
Monoclonal dr antibodies. Abstr., V Quaranta, G A. Molinaro, C A. Molinaro, F Indiveri, R A. Curry, and S Ferrone
Monoclonal hybridoma antibodies to human amyloid related protein saa., G Marhaug, G Gaudernack, B Bogen, and G Husby
Monoclonal igm as a tumor-specific transplantation antigen., N Talal, S Sugai, and I Witz
Monoclonal igm rheumatoid factors derived from arthritic mrl/mp-lpr/lpr mice., A N. Theofilopoulos, R S. Balderas, L Hang, and F J. Dixon
Monoclonal macroglobulinemia in nzb/nzw f1 mice., S Sugai, R Pillarisetty, and N Talal
Monoclonal mouse antibodies as probes for antigenic poly- morphism in murine leukemia viruses., M R. Stone, M E. Lostrom, M R. Tam, and R C. Nowinski
Monoclonal origin of b lymphocyte colony-forming cells in spleen colonies formed by multipotential hemopoietic stem cells., P K. Lala and G R. Johnson
Monoclonal production of both igm and igg1 antihapten antibody., J L. Press and N R. Klinman
Monoclonal rat anti-major histocompatibility complex antibodies display specificity for rat, mouse, and human target cells., D E. Smilek, H C. Boyd, D B. Wilson, C M. Smijewski, R W. Fitch, and T J. Mckearn
Monoclonal rat anti-mouse brain antibody detects abelson murine leukemia virus target cells in mouse bone marrow., L A. Shinefeld, V L. Sato, and N E. Rosenberg
Monoclonal vs. Heterogenous anti-h-8 antibodies in the analysis of the anti-phosphorylcholine response in balb/c mice., J F. Kearney, R Barletta, Z S. Quan, and J Quintans
Monoclonal xenogeneic antibodies to murine cell surface antigens. Identification of novel leukocyte differentiation antigens., T Springer, G Galfre, D S. Secher, and C Milstein
Monoclonal xenogeneic antibodies to rabbit lymphoid cells. Abstr., J M. Mcnicholas, M Raffeld, H Reiter, and K L. Knight
Monoconjugated bilirubin is a major component of hemolysis-induced gallstones in mice., B W. Trotman, C Rajagopalan Nair, and S E. Bernstein
Monocyte-associated protein in mice immune to salmonellosis. Abstr., A A. Zachary, C L. Klun, M R. Venneman, and N J. Bigley
Monocytosis in the bxsb model for systemic lupus erythematosus., D Wofsy, C E. Kerger, and W E. Seaman
Monoglyceride hydrolase in adipose tissue of obese hyperglycemic mice., J M. Stein, P D. Bewsher, and I S. Ross
Mononuclear cell accumulation stimulated by an extract of el4 leukemia cells. Abstr., D Berd and E J. Wilson
Mononuclear cells, mast cells and mucous cells as part of the delayed hypersensitivity response to aerosolized antigen in mice., I Enander, S Ahlstedt, and H Nygren
Mononuclear phagocytes., N Nogueira, S Chaplan, M Reesink, J Tydings, D Z. Cohn, and O C. Human
Mononuclear phagocytes from carrageenan-induced granulomas. Iso- lation, cultivation and characterization., R J. Bonney, I Gery, T Lin, M F. Meyenhofer, W Acevedo, and P Davies
Monooxygenase activities in mouse acetylator models. Abstr., R G. Elves and A P. Alvares
Monophosphatase activity levels in mice with hereditary musculat dystrophy., Susan E. Collins
Monospecificity of bone marrow-derived lymphocytes., M C. Raff, M Feldmann, and S D. Petris
Monounsaturated fatty acids of mouse skin surface lipids., D I. Wilkinson
Monovalent antibodies directed to transformation-sensitive membrane components inhibit the process of viral transformation., C A. Lingwood, A Ng, and S Hakomori
Monovalent cations, energy, and exchange diffusion in ehrlich ascites cells. Abstr., S J. Potashner and R M. Johnstone
Monoxygenase activity., M W. Kloss, G M. Rosen, E J. Rauckman, D G. Padilla, and containing E. Fad
Monozygotic twinning in mice., M E. Wallace and D A. Williams
Monozygotic vs. Dizygotic twin behavior in artificial mouse twins., E Baunack, U Falk, and K Gartner
Mopc 104e plasmacytoma functional heterogeneity and maturational potential in culture., T Miura, R N. Hiramoto, and V K. Ghanta
Morality rate and spontaneous lesions found in 2,928 untreated balb/ccr mice., R M. Madison, L S. Rabstein, and W R. Bryan
Mordanting fixation as a means of facilitating the staining of pancreatic cells of mouse., P F. Parakkal
More about tasting in mice. Abstr., I Lush
More about the tabby mouse and about the lyon hypothesis., H Gruneberg
More about the testosterone induction of kidney alcohol dehydrogenase activity in the mouse., S Ohno, C Stenius, L Christian, C Harris, and C Ivey
More sensitive test for the detection of transplantation immunity., I Hilgert
More than one-third of the discernible mouse polypeptides are not expressed in a chinese hamster-mouse embryo fibroblast hybrid that retains all mouse chromosomes., R Bravo, R Schafer, K Willecke, bravo H. Macdonald, T J. Fey, and J E. Celis
Morfologia del grasso bruno nel topo con nanismo ipofisario. Effetto degli ormoni preipofisari., L Mazza, M Martinazzi, and U Magrini
Morhpologically 'differentiated' mouse neuroblastoma cells induced by noncyclic amp agents, levels of cyclic amp, nucleic acid and protein., K N. Prasad, K Gilmer, and S Kumar
Morphine analgesia in mice of different ages., G W. Webster, L Shuster, and B E. Eleftheriou
Morphine and in its interaction with components of the hepatic microsomal cytochrome p450 system in mice, A P. Van den berg, J Noordhoek, chapel E. Savenije, kool D. Koopman, and V. Ethyl
Morphine antagonises action of prostaglandin in neuroblastoma and neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells., J Traber, K Fischer, S Latzin, and B Hamprecht
Morphine antagonizes the action of prostaglandin in neuroblastoma cells but not of prostaglandin and noradrenaline in glioma and glioma x fibroblast hybrid cells., J Traber, K Fischer, S Latzin, and B Hamprecht
Morphine ingestion. Genetic control in mice., G P. Horowitz, G Whitney, J C. Smith, and F K. Stephan
Morphine, mescaline and cocaine on water maze discrimination in mice., C Castellano
Morphine physical dependence and thermoregulatory dysfunction in mice. Abstr., J K. Belknap
Morphine preference of alcohol-avoiding and alcohol-preferring c57bl mice., G Whitney and G P. Horowitz
Morphine receptors as regulators of adenylate cyclase activity., S K. Sharma, M Nirenberg, and W A. Klee
Morphine self-administration by inbred mice. A preliminary report. Abstr., G P. Horowtiz
Morphine sensitivity and tolerance: a genetic investigation in the mouse., A Oliverio, C Castellano, and B E. Eleftheriou
Morphine sensitivity and tolerance. A genetic investigation in the mouse., A Oliverio, C Castellano, and B E. Eleftheriou
Morphocineses differentes de tumeurs thyreotropes apres radio- thyroidectomie et addition de cancerigenes chimiques., C Theret and H Renualt
Morphogenesis of early 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine-induced lesions and latent period reduction of colon carcinogenesis in mice by a variant of Citrobacter freundii., S W. Barthold and A M. Jonas
Morphogenesis of genetic microphthalmia in mc mice, (4th report). Relationship between the small eye and lens hypoplasia. Abstr., K Nakane, K Hoshino, and Y Kameyama
Morphogenesis of genetic microphthalmia (mc) in mice, morphological variations in the skull of mc, ddk and c57bl mice. Abstr., K Nakane, K Hoshino, and Y Kameyama
Morphogenesis of genetic preaxial polydactyly, polydactyly nagoya, pdn, in mice., I Naruse and Y Kameyama
Morphogenesis of influenza a virus in ehrlich ascites tumor cells as revealed by thin-sectioning and freeze-etching., T Bachi, W Gerhard, J Lindenmann, and K Muhlethaler
Morphogenesis of leukaemic cells in the inoculation focus of trans- plantable leukaemia of mice. (russian Text), F B. Ermakova
Morphogenesis of motor endplates along the proximodistal axis of the mouse hindlimb., M R. Carry, M Morita, and H O. Nornes
Morphogenesis of the dominant microphthalmia (eye lens obsolescence, elo) in the mouse, lens malformation of the embryo. Abstr., S Oda and Y Kameyama
Morphogenesis of the eye lens in a mouse strain with hereditary cataracts., J Zwaan and R M. Williams
Morphogenesis of the mouse coronal suture., V A. Johansen and S H. Hall
Morphogenesis of two immunologically induced mouse lymphomas., G R. Krueger and U I. Heine
Morphogenetic action of chick embryo's primitive streak on mouse tumors., E S. De lustig and H A. Matrajt
Morphogenetic analysis of changing cell associations following release of 2-cell and 4-cell mouse embryos from cleavage arrest., S J. Kimber and M A. Surani
Morphogenetic cell death., K Theiler, D S. Nadeau, L C. Stevens, and D B. Cagianut
Morphogenetic homeostasis in mice., P A. Parsons and W L. Howe
Morphogenetic interactions in the development of the mouse thymus gland., R Auerbach
Morphogenetic observation of the eye in mc (microphthalmia) mice, second report. Abstr., K Nakane, K Hoshino, and Y Kameyama
Morphogenetic studies in the rabbit. VI. Genetic factors influencing the ossification pattern of the limbs., D D. Crary and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. IX. Masking of prenatal growth gradients in adults., P B. Sawin and D B. Dietz
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. VII. Aortic arch variations in relation to regionally specific growth differences., P B. Sawin and H W. Edmonds
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. VIII. Genetic variations in the sternum as determined by the interaction of general and of regionally specific growth factors., E D. Peck and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. V. Inheritance of an asymmetrical vascular pattern., P B. Sawin and M A. Nace
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XI. Genetic differences in the growth of the vertebral column and their relation to growth and development in man., J M. Tanner and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XIII. The influence of the dwarf gene upon organ size and variability in race X., H B. Latimer and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XII. Organ size in relation to body weights in adults of small sized race X., H B. Latimer and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XIV. Manifestations of regional growth at onset of vertebral ossification., D D. Crary and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XL. Growth gradient interaction and function in morphology., P B. Sawin and M Hamlet
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XLI. Gradients of correlation in the architecture of morphology., P B. Sawin, R R. Fox, and H B. Latimer
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XLI. Gradients of correlation in the architecture of morphology., P B. Sawin, R R. Fox, and H N. Latimer
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. X. Racial variations in the gall bladder., P B. Sawin and D D. Crary
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XVII. Disproportionate adult size induced by the Da gene., P B. Sawin and D D. Crary
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XVIII. Growth of ossification centers of the vertebral centra during the 21st day., D D. Crary and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XVI. Quantitative racial differences in ossification pattern of the vertebrae of embryos as an approach to basic principles of mammalian growth., P B. Sawin and D D. Crary
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XV. Measurements of the digestive tube and of its parts in normal and dwarf rabbits of race X., H B. Latimer and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit XX A comparison of the weights of the brain and of its parts in a large and in a small sized race of rabbits., H B. Latimer and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXIII. The effects of the dachs gene Da (chondrodystrophy) upon linear and lateral growth of the skeleton as influenced in time., P B. Sawin, D D. Crary, and J Webster
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXII. Linear measurements of large race III and small race X., H B. Latimer and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXI. The nature of disproportionate dwarfism induced by the Da gene revealed by the early fetal ossification pattern., D D. Crary, P B. Sawin, and N Atkinson
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXIV. The weight and thickness of the ventricular walls in the rabbit heart., H B. Latimer and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXIX. Accessory ossification centers at the occipitovertebral articulation of the dachs (chondrodystrophy) rabbit., P B. Sawin, M Ranlett, and D D. Crary
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXVI. Correlation coefficients of external measurements of two inbred races of rabbits., H B. Latimer and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXVIII. Variations in shape and position of some of the viscera., H B. Latimer and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXVII. The postnatal growth in weight and thickness of the ventricular walls of the heart., H B. Latimer and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXV. The spheno-occipital synchondrosis of the dachs (chondrodystrophy) rabbit., P B. Sawin, M Ranlett, and D D. Crary
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXXIII. Cartilages and muscles of the external ear as affected by the dachs gene (da)., N P. Lamb and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXXII. Qualitative skeletal variations induced by the ac gene (achondroplasia)., D D. Crary and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXXIV. Weights and linear measurements of the bones of small race rabbits compared with large race III., H B. Latimer and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXXI. Weights an linear measurements of some of the bones of 65 race III rabbits., H B. Latimer and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXXIX. Ponderal correlation coefficients of the bones from two races of rabbits., H B. Latimer and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXX. Measurements of the digestive tube and of its parts in race III rabbits., H B. Latimer and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXXV. Comparison of the weights and linear measurements in normal and heterozygous dwarf rabbits of race X., H B. Latimer and P B. Sawin
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXXVI. Effect of gene and genome interaction of homeotic variation., P B. Sawin and M Gow
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXXVII. Genome, gradient growth pattern and malformation., P B. Sawin, M Gow, and M Muehlke
Morphogenetic studies of the rabbit. XXXV. Pleiotropic effects of the gradient growth pattern., P B. Sawin and M Trask
Morphogenetic studies on a microphthalmic strain (mc) in the mouse., I Kimura
Morphological alterations occurring in ehrlich ascites cells treated with a new sarcomycin derivative., A Caputo, M Brunori, and R Giuliano
Morphological alterations of basal cells of vaginal epithelium in neonatally oestrogenized mice., T Mori and Y Nishizuka
Morphological analysis of surface immunoglobulin biosynthesis in mouse b lymphoid cells using immunoelectron microscopy., L Y. Bourguignon and B T. Butman
Morphological and biochemical features of elastase-induced emphysema in strain a/j mice., R Valentine, R B. Rucker, C E. Chrisp, and G L. Fisher
Morphological and biochemical observations in the jimpy spinal cord., C Meier, N Herschkowitz, and A Bischoff
Morphological and biochemical observations on livers of normal, genetically diabetic (db/db) and streptozotocin- -induced diabetic mice. Abstr., E Hammad and R R. Cardell
Morphological and biochemical studies on the cerebral cortex from reeler mutant mice: development of cortical layers and metabolic mapping by the deoxyglucose method., K Mikoshiba, S Kohsaka, K Takamatsu, E Aoki, and Y Tsukada
Morphological and biochemical studies on the development of foetal mouse skin., D M. Rimmer
Morphological and cytochemical effects of marijuana cigarette smoke on epithelioid cells of lung explants from mice., C Leuchtenberger and R Leuchtenberger
Morphological and cytochemical properties of the holocrine cells in the epididymis of the mouse., J Martan and J M. Allen
(morphological And cytological studies on the process of growth in strains of inbred mice.) (jap. With eng. Summ.), T Nakamura and H Morita
Morphological and functional studies of fetal thymus transplants in mice., W D. Biggar, O Stutman, and R A. Good
Morphological and haematological studies of the in vivo effect of phytohaemagglutinin, pokeweed mitogen, and bacillus calmette-guerin on dba/2 mice., J Rem, M K. Jensen, and J E. Olsen
Morphological and immunological liver changes in the course of exper- imental carcinogenesis in mice., V I. Guelstein
Morphological and quantative analysis of spermatogonia in mouse testes using whole mounted seminiferous tubules. II. The irradiated testes., C Huckins and E F. Oakberg
Morphological and quantitative analysis of spermatogonia in mouse testes using whole mounted seminiferous tubules. I. The normal testes., C Huckins and E F. Oakberg
Morphological changes and the dynamics of cancer growth. Abstr., J Mccredie and W Inch
Morphological changes in lymphoreticular tissues of mice treated with antilymphocyte sera. Abstr., donati L. Fiore, G M. Cappuzzo, D Collavo, N Pennelli, and bianchi L. Chieco
Morphological changes in the host associated with successful defense against the ehrlich ascites tumor. Abstr., R N. Baillif
Morphological changes in the kidneys of mice with proteinuria induced by albumin-overload., L O. Simpson and B I. Shand
Morphological changes in the lateral ventricles of the mouse brain during growth., E Vestergaard
Morphological changes in the mouse chondrocranium at the time of cleft palate manifestation., O Kriens
Morphological changes of lenses at developmental stages in dominant microphthalmic mice. Abstr., S Oda
Morphological characteristics of estrogen-responsive mucopoly- saccharide of skin of hairless mice. Abstr., F Homburger and J R. Baker
Morphological characteristics of the epididymal adipose tissue in different types of hereditary obese mice., I B. Taljedal and B Hellman
Morphological characteristics of the epididymal adipose tissue in normal and obese-hyperglycemic mice., B Hellman, I Taljedal, and S Westman
Morphological characteristics of the epididymal adipose tissue in starved american obese-hyperglycemic mice., I Taljedal and B Hellman
Morphological classification and incidence of thyroid tumors in untreated aged mice., C H. Firth and J E. Heath
Morphological classification of mammary tumours in the mouse., W J Ebbenhorst Tengbergen
Morphological classification of mouse liver tumors based on bio- logical characteristics., F F. Becker
Morphological counterparts of the genetically determined resistance of mice to chloroform poisoning., S Krus and rutczynska Z. Zaleska
Morphological criteria for the in vitro differentiation of embryoid bodies produced by a transplantable teratoma of mice., A K. Teresky, M Marsden, E L. Kuff, and A J. Levine
Morphological determination of the duration of the interphase stage of primary spermatocytes in Mus Musculus., Keith T. McMahon
Morphological differences between thymus- and bone marrow-derived lymphocytes. 1. Light microscopic and experimental study in unstimu- tated mice., N Vujanovic, R Kinsky, H Duc, J Viosin, and G Viosin
Morphological differences between thymus- and bone marrow-derived lymphocytes. II. An electron microscopic and experimental study in unstimulated mice., P Le bouteiller, R G. Kinsky, N Vujanovic, H T. Duc, and G A. Voisin
Morphological differentiation of a murine neuroblastoma clone in monolayer culture induced by dexamethasone., D Sandquist, T H. Williams, S K. Sahu, and S Kataoka
Morphological differentiation of cultured mouse glioblastoma cells induced by dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate., S Sato, T Sugimura, K Yoda, and S Fujimura
Morphological distinction of type b virus particles in mammary tumors of strain a mice., M A. Hairstone, M J. Lyons, and D H. Moore
Morphological effects of acoustic deprivation on the brainstem auditory system of cba/j mice. Abstr., D B. Webster and M Webster
Morphological effects of mitomycin c administered intravesically to normal mice and mice with n-[4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-2-thiazolyl]- formamide-induced bladder neoplasms., Y Daskal, M S. Soloway, M D. Defuria, and S T. Crooke
Morphological, histochemical and chromosomal patterns of neuroblastoma parental and purine resistant lines., treska J. Ciesielski, S Warter, and P Mandel
Morphological modification of a virus-induced lymphatic leukemia by thymectomy and antilymphocyte serum. Abstr., S L. Dresler, P J. Dawson, and A H. Fieldsteel
Morphological observations on pancreatic islets of spontaneous diabetic mice, 'yellow kk'., A Shino and H Iwatsuka
Morphological observations on the contact-induced lysis of target cells., H S. Koren, W Ax, and moelbert E. Freund
Morphological profiles of cryptorchid xxy mouse testes., C Huckins, L P. Bullock, and J L. Long
Morphological studies of a new transplantable salivary gland tumor in c3h mice., A Caputo and L Orci
Morphological studies on long-term culture of marrow cells: characterization of the adherent stromal cells and their interactions in maintaining the proliferation of hemopoietic stem cells., M Tavassoli and K Takahashi
Morphological transformation and chromosome aberrations produced by two hair dye components., W F. Benedict
Morphological transformation of c3h/10t1/2 cells subcultured at low cell densitites., D A. Haber and W G. Thilly
Morphological transformation of c3h/10t1/2 cl8(10t1/2) cells by aflatoxin b1 (afb1) without exogenous activation system. Abstr., Y Oshiro, P Balwierz, and S V. Molinary
Morphologic analysis of the tumor homograft reaction., B E. Walker, R D. Yates, and D willduncan
Morphologic and antigenic maturation of lymphocytes in the mouse thymus in vitro., R Juhlin and G V. Alm
Morphologic and biochemical abnormalities of kidney lysosomes in mice with an inherited albinism., M Meisler, J Levy, F Sansone, and M Gordon
Morphologic and functional characteristics of long-term cultures of murine myeloma cells., G D. Sorenson and O S. Pettengill
Morphologic and functional studies of mouse hepatocytes in primary culture., J E. Klaunig, P J. Goldblatt, D E. Hinton, M M. Lipsky, T M. Knipe, and B F. Trump