Content Posted in 2012
Morphologic and molecular changes in target cells during in vitro interaction with macrophages., R Keller, A Bregnard, W J. Gehring, and H E. Schroeder
Morphologic and serologic studies of transplanted human leukocyte culture (m-1) cells in laboratory animals., S Chandra, D E. Brown, P Aldenderfer, C Garon, F T. Buschek, and R A. Manaker
Morphologic aspects of regional lymph nodes in mice late after tumor isotransplantation. Abstr., G Kruger
Morphologic changes in skeletal muscle induced by serotonin treat- ment. A light- and electron-microscope study., W K. O'steen, J L. Barnard, and R D. Yates
Morphologic changes in the liver of mice bearing ehrlich ascites tumor., S H. Lee and H Aleyassine
Morphologic changes in white and brown adipose tissue by insulin, thyroxin and cortisol in organ culture., B G. Slavin and J J. Elias
Morphologic changes preceding virus-induced leukemia in rodents., T B. Dunn
Morphologic characteristics of benign and malignant renal cell tumors in control and 2-acetylaminofluorene-treated balb/c female mice., Y Shinohara and C H. Frith
Morphologic characteristics of c3h/hej mouse mammary gland adenocarcinomas. Abstr., mills E. Spring and I H. Ames
Morphologic demonstration of recurrent tumor following x irradiation. Histologic study of irradiated murine chondrosarcoma transplants., R L. Swarm, J N. Correa, J Robert, and R A. Miller
Morphologic responses to a murine erythroblastosis virus., W H. Kirsten and L A. Mayer
Morphologic studies of lymphoid tissues during the growth of an isotransplanted mouse tumor., G Kruger
Morphologic studies with thiabendazole, an immunomodulator. Abstr., E Donskoy, E J. Lovett, P B. Conran, and J Lundy
Morphologic study of immediate and delayed hypersensitivity to an isogeneic mouse tumor., G Kruger and D Harris
Morphologische und enzymhistochemische befunde nach applikation eines xenogenen antithymozytenserums bei inzucht- mausen., H Eckert and J Kaden
Morphology and behavior of waltzer-type mice., K F. Stein and S A. Huber
Morphology and embryology of duplicitas posterior mice., E M. Center
Morphology and functional changes in nude mice grafted with embryonic and adult bovine thymus. Abstr., J Rygaard, D H. Andersen, C W. Friis, and J Aagaard
Morphology and function of ganglio-n-tetraosylceramide- positive lymphocyte mediators of natural killer activity., K Shimamura, S Habu, H Fukui, A Akatsuka, O Okumura, and N Tamaoki
Morphology and histogenesis of anal region and clitoral gland tumors induced in mice by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine., V S. Turusov
Morphology and insulin release after cold storage (+8oc) of mouse pancreatic islets. Abstr., B J. Frankel, N R. Norlund, and L K. Norlund
Morphology and metastatic nature of induced hepatic nodular lesions in c57bl x c3h f1 mice., S D. Vesselinovitch, N Mihailovich, and K V. Rao
Morphology and passage of xenotransplanted human thyroid carcinomas to thymusaplastic nude mice. Abstr., H J. Wenisch, P Schumm, H P. Fortmeyer, and A Encke
Morphology and serum dependence of cloned cell lines undergoing spontaneous malignant transformation in culture., K K. Sanford, S L. Handleman, and G M. Jones
Morphology and time course of experimental listeriosis in nude mice., B Heymer, H Hof, P Emmerling, and H Finger
Morphology, growth and activation of chemical carcinogens by liver cells in culture. Abstr., A Tompa, H Freed, E Huberman, and R Langenbach
Morphology, growth, and metabolism of chemical carcinogens by hepatocytes maintained in vitro on plastic and feeder cells. Abstr., A Tompa, E Huberman, and R Langenbach
Morphology of ascites sarcoma rab i of the mouse., S Fritsch, H Heinecke, and W Jungstand
Morphology of balb/c mice inoculated with rauscher virus., T B. Dunn and A W. Green
Morphology of ehrlich tumor cells treated with magnesium pemoline and x-irradiation., P B. Le van h and D L. Hebron
Morphology of experimental organ-specific insulitis of the mouse pancreas., J Egeberg, J Nerup, O O. Andersen, G Bendixen, H Kromann, R Gunnarsson, C Hellerstrom, and J E. Poulsen
Morphology of hair in normal and mutant laboratory mice., J P. Sundberg and L E. King
Morphology of hepatocellular neoplasms in b6c3f1 mice., J M. Ward
Morphology of hereditary mouse cataract., Y Hamai, H Fukui, and T Kuwabara
Morphology of intracranial neurogenic tumors in mice exposed to ethyl- nitrosourea. Abstr., L S. Lombard, V Rac, N Mihailovich, and J M. Rice
Morphology of mammary gland, ovaries, and pituitary gland of hydroxylamine-fed c3h/hen mice., R P. Evarts and C A. Brown
Morphology of napthalene-induced brochiolar lesion., D Mahvi, H Bank, and R Harley
Morphology of particles associated with murine leukemia as revealed by negative staining. Preliminary report., A J. Dalton, F Haguenau, and J B. Moloney
Morphology of retinal capillaries of obese-hyperglycaemic mice treated with glipizide. Abstr., A Agren, G Rehn, and P Naeser
Morphology of the interstitial tissue in the testes of inbred and outbred mice., B Godowicz
Morphology of the mouse embryo, from the time of implantation to mesoderm formation., S Reinius
Morphology of virus-like particles persisting in murine ependymo- blastoma in vitro., R P. Ames and R C. Rubin
Morphometric analyses of the effects of dystrophy on murine musculature. Abstr., K Feng and M Ontell
Morphometric analysis of medial basal hypothalamic neuronal degeneration in diabetes (db/db) mutant C57BL/KsJ mice: relation to age and hyperglycemia., D R. Garris, R L. West, and D L. Coleman
Morphometric analysis of neoplastic transformation in rodent fibroblast cell lines., C H. Fox, T Caspersson, J Kudynowski, and R E. Tarone
Morphometric analysis of pancreatic d-cells in c57bl/ks (bl/ks) diabetic mice. Abstr., D A. Gapp and E H. Leiter
Morphometric and histochemical comparison of the superficial region of the gastrocnemius muscle in normal and dystrophic mice. Abstr., H Silverman and H L. Atwood
Morphometric comparison of the ultrastructure of normal hepatocyes and cells from primary and transplanted, safrole- -induced hepatocellular neoplams in mice. Abstr., C Zhou, M M. Lipsky, D Tanner, and B F. Trump
Morphometrics of mouse liver mitochondria: effects of aging, alcohol and antioxidants. Abstr., A C. Economos and M K. Burns
Morphometric studies in inbred and hybrid house mice. II. Patterns in the variances., L Leamy
Morphometric studies in inbred and hybrid house mice. I. Patterns in the mean values., L Leamy
Morphometry of myocardial apex in endurance-trained mice of different ages., H Kainulainen, L Pilstrom, and V Vihko
Mortalite prenatale provoquee par une irradiation des spermatozoides., A Leonard
Mortality and changes in irradiated f1 hybrid mice injected with parental adult liver cells. Abstr., G Cudkowicz and G E. Cosgrove
Mortality and cytodynamics in irradiated mice given f1 hybrid cells., F Culo, M Marusic, B Malenica, and R A. Allegretti
Mortality and gross pathology of secondary disease in germfree mouse radiation chimeras., J M. Jones, R Wilson, and P M. Bealmear
Mortality from secondary disease in homologous bone marrow chimeras. Abstr., C C. Congdon, M A. Kastenbaum, and D A. Gardiner
Mortality, growth and liver glycogen in young mice exposed to cold., S A. Barnett, E M. Coleman, and B M. Manley
Mortality in chick embryos following implantation of cell fractions of heterologous leukemias., A H. Handler, S I. Magalini, and S L. Snegireff
Mortality in rat-mouse radiation chimeras., T J. Mitchell, C C. Congdon, R E. Toya, M A. Kastenbaum, and D A. Garidner
Mortality, lymphoid organ weight change and pathology in f1 hybrid mice injected with parental lymphoid tissue. Abstr., W G. Fiscus, B T. Morris, J Session, and J J. Trentin
Mosaic analysis of dystrophic-normal chimeras: an approach to mapping the site of gene expression., A C. Peterson
Mosaic analysis with double markers reveals tumor cell of origin in glioma., C Liu, J C. Sage, M R. Miller, R G. Verhaak, S Hippenmeyer, H Vogel, O Foreman, R T. Bronson, A Nishiyama, L Luo, and H Zong
Mosaic character of spermatogenesis in carriers of the sex reversed factor in the mouse., E Hannappel and U Drews
Mosaic histocompatibility of skin grafts from female mice., D W. Bailey
Mosaic histocompatibility of skin grafts from female mice., D W. Bailey
Mosaic mice with teratocarcinoma-derived mutant cells deficient in hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase., M J. Dewey, D W. Martin, G R. Martin, and B Mintz
mos proto-oncogene function., Woude Vande, R Buccione, I Daar, J J. Eppig, M Oskarsson, R Paules, N Sagata, and N Yew
Moss med hereditar obesitas och hyperglykemi som objekt for diabetesforskning. (eng. Summ.), C Hellerstrom, B Hellman, S Westman, S Larsson, and I Taljedal
Most igm-producing cells in the mouse secrete auto-antibodies (rheumatoid factor)., D W. Dresser
Most primitive hematopoietic stem cells are stimulated to cycle rapidly after treatment with 5-fluorouracil., D E. Harrison and C P. Lerner
Motheaten. An immunodeficient mouse with markedly less ability to survive than the nude mouse in a germfree envrionment., M A. Lutzner and C T. Hansen
Motheaten, an immunodeficient mutant of the mouse. I. Genetics and pathology., M C. Green and L D. Shultz
Motheaten, an immunodeficient mutant of the mouse. I. Genetics and pathology., M C. Green and L D. Shultz
Motheaten, an immunodeficient mutant of the mouse. II. Depressed immune competence and elevated serum immunoglobulins., L D. Shultz and M C. Green
Motheaten, an immunodeficient mutant of the mouse. II. Depressed immune competence and elevated serum immunoglobulins., L D. Shultz and M C. Green
Mother-infant interactions and experimental manipulation, confounding or misidentification., G W. Meier and L H. Schutzman
Motif-primed polymerase chain reaction-based allelotype of sarcomas induced by 3-methylcholanthrene in interspecific hybrid mice., M E. Dudley, J P. Sundberg, and D C. Roopenian
Motility and cytotoxicity of activated macrophages in the presence of carcinoma cells., M J. Snodgrass, T M. Harris, R Geeraets, and A M. Kaplan
Motility of cryopreserved mouse spermatozoa affected by temperature of collection and rate of thawing., J M. Sztein, J S. Farley, A F. Young, and L E. Mobraaten
Motility of mice after amphetamine. Effects of strain, aggregation and illumination., W M. Davis, M Babbini, S F. Pong, W T. King, and C L. White
Motility of the large intestine of mice with hereditary megacolon. Abstr., L Brann and J D. Wood
Motion of spin-labeled fatty acids in murine macrophages, relation to cellular phagocytic activity., A J. Schroit, S Rottem, and R Gallily
Motivation and learning in mice after goldthioglucose-induced hypo- thalamic lesions., J A. Sechzer, S G. Turner, and R A. Liebelt
Motivation for electrical stimulation of the brain and for natural reinforcement in mice., C T. Randt and D Quartermain
Motoneuron survival is enhanced in the absence of neuromuscular junction formation in embryos., J Terrado, R W. Burgess, T DeChiara, G Yancopoulos, J R. Sanes, and A C. Kato
Motor activity and alcohol. Genetic analysis in the mouse., A Oliverio and B E. Eleftheriou
Motor activity changes in scrapie-affected mice., A J. Suckling, S Bateman, C B. Waldron, H E. Webb, and R H. Kimberlin
Motor axon guidance of the mammalian trochlear and phrenic nerves: dependence on the netrin receptor Unc5c and modifier loci., R W. Burgess, T J. Jucius, and S L. Ackerman
Motor dysfunction in a mouse model for Down syndrome., A C. Costa, K Walsh, and M T. Davisson
Motor-end-plate changes in mouse muscular dystrophy., A Ragab
Motor end-plate disease is expressed in congenitally athymic mice., H Jockusch
Motor innervation of the gastrocnemius muscle of wobbler and dystrophic mice., S J. Lewkowicz
Motor neuron degeneration of mice is a model of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (Batten's disease)., R T. Bronson, B D. Lake, S Cook, S Taylor, and M T. Davisson
Motor neuron diseases in man and animals., L W. Duchen
Motor terminal degeneration unaffected by activity changes in SOD1(G93A) mice; a possible role for glycolysis., Dario I Carrasco, Edyta K Bichler, Mark M Rich, Xueyong Wang, Kevin L Seburn, and Martin J Pinter
Mottled neuherberg (mon), a new male-lethal coat colour mutation of the house mouse (mus musculus)., J H. Schroder
Mouse activity cage., yeffet M. Ben
Mouse adenovirus. Growth of plaque-purified fl virus in cell lines and characterization of viral dna., S H. Larsen and D Nathans
Mouse adrenal y-1 tumor cells., K Yeung, J R. Moskal, J Chien, D A. Gardner, D S. Basu, and T O. In
Mouse aggression and the intruder-familiarity effect. Evidence for multiple-factor determination., J L. Connor and P G. Lynds
Mouse albumin mrna in liver and hepatoma cell lines. Preparation of complementary dna from purified mrna and quantitation by nucleic acid hybridization., P C. Brown and J Papaconstantinou
Mouse alloantibodies capable of blocking cytotoxic t-cell function. 1. Relationship between the antigen reactive with blocking antibodies and the lyt-2 locus., N Shinohara and D H. Sachs
Mouse alloantibodies capable of blocking cytotoxic t cell function. II. Further study on the relationship between the blocking antibodies and the products of the lyt-2 locus., N Shinohara, U Hammerling, and D H. Sachs
Mouse alloantibodies capable of blocking cytotoxic t cell function. V. The majority of i region-specific ctl are lyt-2+ but are relatively resistant to anti-lyt-2 blocking., N Shinohara and M Kojima
Mouse alopecia areata models: an array of data on mechanisms and genetics., J P. Sundberg and L E. King
Mouse amyloid protein aa. Homology with nonimmunoglobulin protein of human and monkey amyloid substance., N Eriksen, L H. Ericsson, N Pearsall, D Lagunoff, and E P. Benditt
Mouse and rat genome informatics., J A. Blake, J Eppig, and C J. Bult
Mouse angiotensin receptor genes Agtr1a and Agtr1b map to chromosomes 13 and 3., T E. MacTaggart, M Ito, O Smithies, and S W. John
Mouse antibodies to group a streptococcal carbohydrate, use of idio- typy to detect inbred strain specificity and to monitor spleen cell transfer in syngenetic mice., D E. Briles and R M. Krause
Mouse antibody cytotoxic to cultured mouse beta cells. Abstr., M Cherry and E H. Leiter
Mouse antibody-dependent eosinophil and macrophage adherence and damage to schistosomula of schistosoma mansoni., A I. Kassis, M Aikawa, and A A. Mahmoud
Mouse antibody production test for the assay of the moloney virus., E Klein and G Klein
Mouse apolipoprotein J: characterization of a gene implicated in atherosclerosis., Tuajuanda C. Jordan-Starck, S Diane Lund, David P. Witte, Bruce J. Aronow, Catherine A. Ley, William D. Stuart, Debi K. Swertfeger, Lisa R. Clayton, Stephen F. Sells, Beverly Paigen, and Judith A. Harmony
Mouse ascites sarcoma 180 thymidylate kinase. General properties, kinetic analysis, and inhibition studies., Y Cheng and W H. Prusoff
Mouse b and t lymphocyte responses to purified timothy pollen antigens in vitro., S S. Fairchild and A Malley
Mouse beta-1c-globulin, production of antiserum and characterization in the complement reaction., M R. Mardiney Jr. and H J. Mueller-Eberhard
Mouse beta-galactosidase. Purification, properties and tissue distri- bution. Abstr., S Tomino and M Meisler
Mouse beta-interferon resistant l-1210 cells have altered surface carbohydrates. Abstr., J Parker, C Krishnamurti, and H Ankel
Mouse blood leukocytes, in vitro primary and secondary responses to two synthetic polypeptides., M L. Tyan and D B. Ness
Mouse blood lymphocyte origins investigated by a simple cell culture technique. Lymphatic tissue and germinal centers in immune response, plenum,, H Festenstein, A J. Davies, E Leuchars, V J. Wallis, and M J. Doenhoff
Mouse BMD quantitative trait loci show improved concordance with human genome-wide association loci when recalculated on a new, common mouse genetic map., Bicknell C. Ackert, D Karasik, Q Li, R V. Smith, Y H. Hsu, G A. Churchill, B J. Paigen, and S W. Tsaih
Mouse bone marrow. Abstr., G Cudkowicz, A C. Upton, G M. Al, M Content, and P C. Transplanted
Mouse bone marrow cells produce a different interferon (ifn) than do spleen cells in response to alloantigens., G R. Klimpel, W R. Fleischmann Jr., S Baron, and K D. Klimpel
Mouse bone marrow-cultured macrophage as indicator cells for mouse and human migration inhibitory factor (mif)., matthes M. Lohmann, W Domzig, and H Meerpohl
Mouse bone marrow lymphocytes and their differentiation., J Ryser and P Vassalli
Mouse brain antigen detected by rat anti-c1300 antiserum., S E. Martin
Mouse breast cancer following ectopic pituitary isografting with and without hypothalamic tissue. Abstr., E Haus and F Halberg
Mouse breeding colony: improving health status., E P. Les and D D. Myers
Mouse c1q: light and electron microscopic immunohistochemical localization., L M. Mcmanus and P K. Nakane
Mouse c4 (ss): three-step purification of its c4c fragment and production of a monospecific antiserum., A Ferreira and V Nussenzweig
Mouse (c57bl/ksj) liver phosphofructokinase. Allosteric kinetics and age-related changes in the genetically diabetic state., F Marcus and T Chatterjee
Mouse carcinogenicity study. Miami univ. Sch. Med., Coral gables, prog, report for march 1, 1957-, J L. Radomski
Mouse cell-mediated lympholysis assay in serum-free and mouse serum-supplemented media: culture conditions and genetic factors., A B Peck and F H Bach
Mouse cells contain two distinct ras gene mrna species that can be translated into a p21 onc protein., R W. Ellis, D Defeo, M E. Furth, and E M. Scolnick
Mouse cell surface antigens: nomenclature and immunophenotyping., L Lai, N Alaverdi, L Maltais, and H C. Morse
Mouse cellular nucleic acid binding proteins: a highly conserved family identified by genetic mapping and sequencing., C H. Warden, S K. Krisans, Huynh D. Purcell, L M. Leete, A Daluiski, A Diep, B A. Taylor, and A J. Lusis
Mouse centromere mapping using oligonucleotide probes that detect variants of the minor satellite., D Kipling, H E. Wilson, A R. Mitchell, B A. Taylor, and H J. Cooke
Mouse chimaeras derived from fusion of embryos differing by nine genetic factors., A Mc laren and P Bowman
Mouse chimaeras developed from fused eggs., A K. Tarkowski
Mouse chimaeras obtained by the injection of cells into the blasto- cyst., R L. Gardner
Mouse chromosome 1., M F. Seldin, T H. Roderick, and B Paigen
Mouse chromosome 10., B A. Taylor, M J. Justice, and R Reeves
Mouse chromosome 10., B A. Taylor, W N. Frankel, and R H. Reeves
Mouse chromosome 10., B A. Taylor, M Burmeister, and E C. Bryda
Mouse chromosome 10., B A. Taylor, M Burmeister, and E C. Bryda
Mouse chromosome 14., J H. Nadeau, J D. Ceci, and R Cox
Mouse chromosome 14., J H. Nadeau and R Cox
Mouse chromosome 15., K Huppi, B Spear, D Siwarski, and V Letts
Mouse chromosome 15., B Mock, P E. Neumann, J T. Eppig, and K Huppi
Mouse chromosome 15., B A. Mock, P E. Neumann, J T. Eppig, and K E. Huppi
Mouse chromosome 15., B A. Mock, J T. Eppig, P E. Neumann, and K E. Huppi
Mouse chromosome 18., M T. Davisson, K R. Johnson, M F. Seldin, H Suzuki, and T Watanabe
Mouse chromosome 18., M T. Davisson and K R. Johnson
Mouse chromosome 18., K R. Johnson and M T. Davisson
Mouse chromosome 18., K R. Johnson and M T. Davisson
Mouse chromosome 4., R Blank, J T. Eppig, F T. Fiedorek, W N. Frankel, J M. Friedman, K Huppi, I Jackson, and B Mock
Mouse chromosome 4., C M. Abbott, R Blank, J T. Eppig, J M. Friedman, K E. Huppi, I Jackson, B A. Mock, J Stoye, and R Wiseman
Mouse chromosome 5 codes for ecotropic murine leukaemia virus cell-surface receptor., H K. Oie, A F. Gazdar, P A. Lalley, E K. Russell, J D. Minna, J Delarco, G J. Todaro, and U Francke
Mouse chromosome classification by radial basis function network with fast orthogonal search., M T. Musavi, R J. Bryant, M Qiao, M T. Davisson, E C. Akeson, and B D. French
Mouse chromosome fragility., M M. Sanz, E C. Jenkins, W T. Brown, M T. Davisson, M J. Kevin, T H. Roderick, W P. Silverman, and H M. Wisniewski
Mouse chromosome translocations. Visualization and analysis by electron microscopy of the synaptonemal comples., M J. Moses, L B. Russell, and N L. Cacheiro
Mouse colony maintenance and breeding experiments., Rachel E. Cox
Mouse complement components c3 and c4. Characterization of their messenger rna and molecular cloning of complementary dna for c3., K G. Odink, G Fey, K Wiebauer, and H Diggelmann
Mouse complement. Influence of sex hormones on its activity., R M. Weintraub, W H. Churchill, C Crisler, H J. Rapp, and T Borsos
Mouse complement. The influence of sex hormones on its activity. Abstr., R M. Weintraub, W H. Churchill, and C Crisler
Mouse consomic strains: exploiting genetic divergence between Mus m. musculus and Mus m. domesticus subspecies., S Gregorova, P Divina, R Storchova, Z Trachtulec, V Fotopulosova, K L. Svenson, L R. Donahue, B Paigen, and J Forejt
MouseCyc: a curated biochemical pathways database for the laboratory mouse., A V. Evsikov, M E. Dolan, M P. Genrich, E Patek, and C J. Bult
Mouse cytochrome p3-450: complete cdna and amino acid sequence., S Kimura, F J. Gonzalez, and D W. Nebert
Mouse cytomegalovirus, isolation from spleen and lymph nodes of chronically infected mice., D Henson, A J. Strano, M Slotnik, and C Goodheart
Mouse cytomegalovirus. Necrosis of infected and morphologically normal submaxillary gland acinar cells during termination of chronic infection., D Henson and A J. Strano
Mouse development and cell proliferation in the absence of D-cyclins., K Kozar, M A. Ciemerych, V I. Rebel, H Shigematsu, A Zagozdzon, E Sicinska, Y Geng, Q Yu, S Bhattacharya, R T. Bronson, K Akashi, and P Sicinski
Mouse DNA clones and probes., J T. Eppig
Mouse DNA clones and probes., J T. Eppig
Mouse DNA 'fingerprints': analysis of chromosome localization and germ-line stability of hypervariable loci in recombinant inbred strains., A J. Jeffreys, V Wilson, R Kelly, B A. Taylor, and G Bulfield
Mouse dna replicase. Dna polymerase associated with a novel rna polymerase activity to synthesize initiatior rna of strict size., T Yagura, T Kozu, and T Seno
Mouse ecori satellite dna contains a sequence homologous to the long terminal repeat of the intracisternal a particle gene., A Brown and R C. Huang
Mouse effector functions involved in the antibody- -dependent cellular cytotoxicity to xenogeneic erythrocytes., S A. Cohen, M J. Ehrke, and E Mihich
Mouse effectors in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity to sheep erythrocytes (srbc) in vitro. Abstr., S Cohen, J Ehrke, and E Mihich
Mouse ehrlich tumour cells. A cytological and cytochemical analysis., F De paermentier, R Bassleer, A Lepoint, C Desaive, G Goessens, gauthier D. Lhoest, and F A. On
Mouse embryo cryobanking., L E. Mobraaten
Mouse embryo development in vitro: effects of inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis on blastocyst and post-blastocyst embryos., J Rowinski, D Solter, and H Koprowski
Mouse embryo manipulations; past, present and future., P C. Hoppe
Mouse embryo manipulations; past, present and future., P C. Hoppe
Mouse embryonic stem cells and reporter constructs to detect developmentally regulated genes., A Gossler, A L. Joyner, J Rossant, and W C. Skarnes
Mouse epidermal cell cultures. II. Isolation, characterization and cultivation of epidermal cells from perinatal mouse skin., N E. Fusenig and P K. Worst
Mouse epidermal cell cultures. I. Isolation and cultivation of epidermal cells from adult mouse skin., N E. Fusenig and P K. Worst
Mouse epidermal ia molecules have a bone marrow origin., J G. Frelinger, L Hood, S Hill, and J A. Frelinger
Mouse erythrocyte esterases and an interaction with heparin as shown by starch gel electrophoresis., M C. Templeton
Mouse erythroleukaemia of viral aetiology., B V. Siegel, W J. Weaver, and R D. Koler
Mouse erythropoietic stem cell lines function normally 100 months: loss related to number of transplantations., D E. Harrison
Mouse erythropoietic stem cell lines function normally 100 months. Loss related to number of transplantations., D E. Harrison
Mouse estrous cycle identification tool and images., Shannon L Byers, Michael V Wiles, Sadie L Dunn, and Robert A Taft
Mouse exploratory behavior and body weight., D D. Thiessen
Mouse factor b of the alternative pathway of complement activation. I. Purification, characterization, and functional behavior., suermann D. Bitter, R Burger, V Brade, and U Hadding
Mouse FcgammaRI: identification and functional characterization of five new alleles., A L. Gavin, E H. Leiter, and P M. Hogarth
Mouse fetal hemoglobin., N Wu, D A. Sikkema, and R M. Zucker
Mouse fetal hemoglobin., L M. Kraus, A Rasad, Y Ohba, and M T. Patterson
Mouse fetal hemoglobin synthesis in murine erythro- leukemic cells., N Wu and R M. Zucker
Mouse fetal liver and thymus, potential sources of immunologically active cells., M L. Tyan and L J. Cole
MouseFinder: Candidate disease genes from mouse phenotype data., Chao-Kung Chen, Christopher J Mungall, Georgios V Gkoutos, Sandra C Doelken, Sebastian Köhler, Barbara J Ruef, Cynthia Smith, Monte Westerfield, Peter N Robinson, Suzanna E Lewis, Paul N Schofield, and Damian Smedley
Mouse / fly homologies on mouse chromosome 2., Douglas A. Calhoun
Mouse fully allogeneic combination., ruchholtz W. Muller, M Blank, H Wottge, K Ulrichs, hermelink D. Muller, and N O. And
Mouse fundus photography and angiography: a catalogue of normal, N L. Hawes, R S. Smith, B Chang, M Davisson, J R. Heckenlively, and S W. John
Mouse gene for neuraminidase activity (neu-1) maps to the d end of h-2., J E. Womack and C S. David
Mouse genes influence antiviral action of interferon in vivo., F Dandoy, Maeyer Guignard De, D W. Bailey, and Maeyer E. De
[Mouse genes that control tumor growth and tuberculous infection], B V. Nikonenko, M B. Mezhlumova, M M. Averbakh, and I K. Egorov
Mouse genetic approaches to access pathways important in retinal function., P M. Nishina and J K. Naggert
Mouse genetic model for bone strength and size phenotypes: NZB/B1NJ and RF/J inbred strains., J E. Wergedal, M H. Sheng, Bicknell C. Ackert, W G. Beamer, and D J. Baylink
Mouse genetic models: an ideal system for understanding glaucomatous neurodegeneration and neuroprotection., Gareth R. Howell, R T. Libby, and Simon WN John
Mouse genetics as a tool for elucidating molecular pathways involved in hearing loss., A Ikeda, J K. Naggert, and P M. Nishina
Mouse genetics: a tool to help unlock the mechanisms of glaucoma., S W. John, M G. Anderson, and R S. Smith
Mouse genital ridges in organ culture: the effects of temperature on maturation and experimental induction of teratocarcinogenesis., T D. Friedrich, U Regenass, and L C. Stevens
Mouse genome by 5-iododeoxyuridine with the activation of an endogenous murine leukemia virus., S K. Chattopadhyay, G Jay, M R. Lander, D A. Levine, and A O. Akr
Mouse genome informatics: database access to integrated phenotype data., A W, Ringwald M, Sundberg JP, Bult CJ, Eppig JT Goldsmith C
Mouse genome informatics (MGI) resources for pathology and toxicology., J T. Eppig, J A. Blake, C J. Bult, J E. Richardson, J A. Kadin, and M Ringwald
Mouse genomics programs and resources : The mouse: pushing the boundaries., Maja Bucan, Janan T Eppig, and Steve Brown
Mouse genomic variation and its effect on phenotypes and gene regulation., T M. Keane, L Goodstadt, J Flint, D J. Adams, R Durbin, L R. Donahue, L G. Reinholdt, C P. Ponting, and al et
Mouse gestation length is genetically determined., S A. Murray, J L. Morgan, C Kane, Y Sharma, C S. Heffner, J Lake, and L R. Donahue
Mouse globin gene expression in erythroid and non-eryth- roid tissues., S Humphries, J Windass, and R Williamson
Mouse globin gene nomenclature., M F. Lyon, J E. Barker, and R A. Popp
Mouse granulocyte precursors and multiple sclerosis., T Mc neill, M Killen, and A Trudgett
Mouse granulocytic leukemia. Abstr., N Wald and S Pan
Mouse H6 Homeobox 1 (Hmx1) mutations cause cranial abnormalities and reduced body mass., R J. Munroe, V Prabhu, G M. Acland, K R. Johnson, B S. Harris, T P. O'Brien, I C. Welsh, D M. Noden, and J C. Schimenti
Mouse hearing models: genetic mapping and ear pathology., Leah A. Davis
Mouse hemoglobin. Chain composition multiple electrophoretic bands., E Schwartz and P S. Gerald
Mouse hemoglobin during gestation. Absence of fetal hemoglobin., R M. Zucker
Mouse hemoglobin from bone marrow, spleen and peripheral blood cells., L M. Kraus
Mouse hemoglobin. I. Chromatographic analysis., H S. Rhinesmith, H H. Li, B L. Millikin, and L C. Strong
Mouse heparin proteoglycan. Synthesis by mast cell-fibroblast monolayers during lymphocyte-dependent mast cell proliferation., C E. Bland, H Ginsburg, J E. Silbert, and D D. Metcalfe
Mouse hepatitis virus infection as a highly contagious, prevalent, euteric infection of mice., W P. Rowe, J W. Hartley, and W I. Capps
Mouse hepatitis virus (mhv-2). Plaque assay and propagation in mouse cell line dbt cells., N Hirano, K Fujiwara, and M Matumoto
Mouse hepatitis virus (mhv) infection in thymec- tomized c3h mice., P Sheets, K V. Shah, and F B. Bang
Mouse hepatitis virus type 4 (jhm strain)-induced fatal central nervous system disease. I. Genetic control and the murine neuron as the susceptible site of disease., R L. Knobler, M V. Haspel, and M B. Oldstone
Mouse hepatoma and liver ferritins. Comparative structural studies., W H. Massover
Mouse hepatomas, increased incidence after low-dose-rate gamma irradiation. Abstr., P C. Nowell and L J. Cole
Mouse histocompatibility isoantigens derived from normal and from tumour cells., D A. Davies
Mouse homocytotropic antibodies. I. Specific differentiation between mouse 7s and mouse reagin-like antibodies., I Mota, D Wong, and E H. Sadun
Mouse hydrocephalus and encephalitis following intra- cerebral infection with newcastle disease vaccine viruses., lim M. Chew and H E. Webb
Mouse iga myeloma proteins that bind polysaccharide antigens of enterobacterial origin., M Potter
Mouse. I. Immunomodulation by the h-2 agonist tolaz- oline., H Van dijk, M Rapis, geels H. Jacobse, D J. Willers, and I The
Mouse immune ascites in immunoelectrophoresis., O Wager and J A. Rasanen
Mouse immunoglobulin allotypes. Detection with rabbit antiserums., J E. Coe
Mouse immunoglobulin allotypes: post-duplication divergence of gamma2a and gamma2b chain genes., R Ollo and F Rougeon
Mouse immunoglobulin antibodies require complement for neutralization of mouse retroviruses., P S. Sarma and W P. Rowe
Mouse immunoglobulin chains. A survey of the amino-terminal sequences of kappa chains., L Hood, D M. Kean, V Farnsworth, and M Potter
Mouse immunoglobulin chains. Partial amino acid sequence of a kappa chain., D Mckean, M Potter, and L Hood
Mouse immunoglobulin chains. Pattern of sequence variation among kappa chains with limited sequence differences., D Mc kean, M Potter, and L Hood
Mouse immunoglobulin d: messenger rna and genomic dna sequences., P W. Tucker, C Liu, J F. Mushinski, and F R. Blattner
Mouse immunoglobulin genes. Studies on the reiteration frequency of light-chain genes by hybridisation procedures., T H. Rabbitts and C Milstein
Mouse immunoglobulin heavy chains are coded by multiple germ line variable region genes., P Barstad, V Farnsworth, M Weigert, M Cohn, and L Hood
Mouse immunoglobulin kappa chain mpc 11, extra amino-terminal residues., G P. Smith
Mouse immunoglobulin light chains, alteration of kappa,lamba ratio. Abstr., A M. Rouse
Mouse immunoglobulin mu heavy chain mrna of y5781, a high yield myeloma., C H. Faust, J M. Moore, and I E. Heim
Mouse immunoglobulin receptors on lymphocytes. Identification of igm and igd molecules by tryptic cleavage and a postulated role for cell surface igd., A Bourgois, E R. Abney, and R M. Parkhouse
Mouse immunoglobulin subclasses. Cyanogen bromide fragments and partial sequence of a theta1 chain., K Adetugbo, E Poskus, J Svasti, and C Milstein
Mouse. I. Murine leukemia virus-related antigens and allo- antigens on cultured fibroblasts and sarcoma cells. Description of a unique antigen on balb/c meth a sarcoma., A B. Deleo, H Shiku, T Takahashi, M John, D L. Old, and U A. The
Mouse inbred strains., Pierce M. Lennon and J T. Eppig
Mouse interferons: amino terminal amino acid sequences of various species., H Taira, R J. Broeze, B M. Jayaram, P Lengyel, I W. Hunkapiller, and L E. Hood
Mouse interferons enchance the accumulation of a human hla rna and protein in transfected mouse and hamster cells., O Yoshie, H Schmidt, E S. Reddy, I, and P Lengyel
Mouse intracellular immunoglobulin m. Structure and identification of a free thiol group., N E. Richardson and A Feinstein
Mouse kidney as an induced accumulator of electricity., H G. Godlewski, A Huszczuk, and B Penar
Mouse leukemia., L Gross
Mouse leukemia, a model of a multiple-gene disease., F Lilly
Mouse leukemia and solid tumors treated with bone marrow grafting., M Pollard, R L. Truitt, and R B. Ashman
Mouse leukemia, depression of serum interferon production., guignard J. De maeyer
Mouse leukemia resulting from the implantation of an acth-secreting pituitary tumor. Abstr., A H. Handler and C Wills
Mouse leukemia therapy, effects of bcg dose and route of administration. Abstr., S D. Chaparas, J Pearson, N A. Sher, and M Chirigos
Mouse leukemia: therapy with monoclonal antibodies against a thymus differentiation antigen., I D. Bernstein, M R. Tam, and R C. Nowinski
Mouse leukemia virus activation by chemical carcinogens., H J. Igel, R J. Huebner, H C. Turner, P Kotin, and H L. Falk
Mouse leukemia virus, 'spontaneous' release by mouse embryo cells after longterm in vitro cultivation., S A. Aaronson, J W. Hartley, and G J. Todaro
Mouse leukocytes in culture., H G. Willard, I B. Hoppe, and P Nettesheim
Mouse-liver glutathione reductase. Purification, kinetics, and regulation., barea J. Lopez and C Lee
Mouse liver phenylalanine tRNA: column purification and fluorescence studies., Lory Ghertner
Mouse Ly-49A interrupts early signaling events in natural killer cell cytotoxicity and functionally associates with the SHP-1 tyrosine phosphatase., M C. Nakamura, E C. Niemi, M J. Fisher, L D. Shultz, W E. Seaman, and J C. Ryan
Mouse lymph node activating factor released during contact of hl-a-different blood lymphocytes., L Korcakova, V Haskova, J Svobodova, H Macurova, E Sajdlova, E Ivaskova, and E Hinzova
Mouse lymph node germinal centers contain a selected subset of t cells--the helper phenotye., R V. Rouse, J A. Ledbetter, and I L. Weissman
Mouse lymph node reticulum. Abstr., M B. De sousa
Mouse lymphocyte subpopulations: strain and tissue distribution., F Takei, G Galfre, T Alderson, E S. Lennox, D C. Milstein, and M A. Of
Mouse lymphocytes with and without surface immunoglobulin. Preparative scale separation in polystyrene tissue culture dishes coated with specifically purified anti-immunoblobulin., M G. Mage, L L. Hugh, and T L. Rothstein
Mouse lymphoid leukemias: symbiotic complexes of neoplastic lympho- cytes and their microenvironments., H Hiai, Y Nishi, T Miyazawa, Y Matsudaira, and Y Nishizuka
Mouse lymphoma cells with different radiosensitivities., P Alexander
Mouse lysozyme production by a monocytoma, isolation and comparison with other lysozymes., R J. Riblet and L A. Herzenberg
Mouse lyt-2 antigen: evidence for two heterodimers with a common subunit., G Jay, M A. Palladino, G Khoury, and L J. Old
Mouse macroglobulin antibody to sheep erythrocytes, a non-complement- -fixing type., P H. Plotz, H Colten, and N Talal
Mouse macrophage arginase, P C. Chen and J D. Broome
Mouse macrophage chemotaxis in vitro. Role for c5 as a source of chemotactic activity. Abstr., R Snyderman, D M. Carley, M C. Pike, and L Lang
Mouse macrophage-migration inhibitory factor (mif) interactions. Abstr., L Ziemba and A Saha
Mouse macrophages as host cells for the mouse hepatitis virus and the genetic basis of their susceptibility., F B. Bang and A Warwick
Mouse malaria nephropathy., C R. George, A Parbtani, and J S. Cameron
Mouse malignant melanoma antibody characterized by immunofluorescence. Abstr., K H. Kato and S Marcus
Mouse mammary carcinogenesis by ethyl and butyl carbamates., H Garcia and A Guerrero
Mouse mammary carcinogenesis; genetic basis of cell transformation. Abstr., E Y. Lasfargues and J C. Lasfargues
Mouse mammary carcinoma., L Gross
Mouse mammary carcinoma induced by pituitary isografts in mammary fat pads., A Dux and O Muhlbock
Mouse mammary cells in d-valine medium., U K. Ehmann and D S. Misfeldt
Mouse mammary epithelial cells on floating collagen gels. Transepithelial ion transport and effects of prolactin., C A. Bisbee, T E. Machen, and H A. Bern
Mouse mammary gland dna synthesis during pregnancy., D W. Borst and W B. Mahoney
Mouse mammary tumor metastases in lung, an electron microscopic study., R E. Brooks
Mouse mammary tumors. Alteration of incidence as apparent function of stress., V Riley
Mouse mammary tumors, transformed balb/c mouse kidney cells, and gr ascites leukemia cells., J Calafat, F Buijs, P C. Hageman, J Links, J Hilgers, D A. Hekman, and B O. In
Mouse mammary tumor virus dna sequences in tumorigenic and nontumorigenic cells from a mammary adenocarcinoma., V L. Morris, D A. Gray, R F. Jones, E C. Chan, and C M. Mcgrath
Mouse mammary tumor viruses with functional superantigen genes are selected during in vivo infection., T V. Golovkina, J P. Dudley, A B. Jaffe, and S R. Ross
Mouse mammary tumor virus expression in mammary tumors induced by dimethylbenz(a)anthracene and prolactin treatment. Abstr., swartz S. Dusing, D Medina, and S H. Socher
Mouse mammary tumor virus genes can be integrated adjacent to unique and reiterated host dna sequences. Abstr., B Groner and N E. Hynes
Mouse mammary tumor virus genes. Regulation of expression by glucocorticoids and structural analysis with restriction endo- nucleases., G M. Ringold, J C. Cohen, J Ring, P R. Shank, H E. Varmus, and K R. Yamamoto
Mouse mammary tumor virus genome expression in chemical carcinogen-induced mammary tumors in low- and high-tumor- -incidence mouse strains., swartz S. Dusing, D Medina, J S. Butel, and S H. Socher
Mouse mammary tumor virus infections: viral expression and tumor risk., B W. Altrock and R D. Cardiff
Mouse mammary tumor virus infectivity as a function of age at inoculation, breeding, and total lapsed time., D H. Moore, J Charney, and B D. Pullinger
Mouse mammary tumor virus in hybrids from strains c57bl and gr. Breeding test of backcross segregants., W E. Heston, B Smith, and W P. Parks
Mouse mammary tumor virus integration regions int-1 and int-2 map on different mouse chromosomes., G Peters, C Kozak, and C Dickson
Mouse mammary tumor virus (mmtv) antigen(s) are present on b lymphocytes of balb/c mice., V Charyulu, M M. Sigel, D L. Durden, and D M. Lopez
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV), a retrovirus that exploits the immune system. Genetics of susceptibility to MMTV infection., S R. Ross, J L. Dzuris, T V. Golovkina, W C. Clemmons, and den Hoogen van
Mouse mammary tumor virus polypeptide precursors in intracytoplasmic a particles., G H. Smith and B K. Lee
Mouse mammary tumor virus production stimulated by hormones and polyamines in cells grown in semi-synthetic in vitro conditions., J Svec and J Links
Mouse mammary tumor virus proviral sequences congenital to c3h/sm mice are differentially hypomethylated in chemically induced, virus-induced, and spontaneous mammary tumors., W N. Drohan, L E. Benade, D E. Graham, and G H. Smith
Mouse mammary tumour agent and mouse mammary tumours., D H. Moore
Mouse map of paralogous genes., J H. Nadeau and M Kosowsky
Mouse mast cell activation and desensitization for immune aggregate-induced histamine release., P C. Fox, L K. Basciano, and R P. Siraganian
Mouse mast cells. Strain differences in passive sensitization in vitro. Abstr., N M. Vaz and Z Ovary
Mouse microcytic anaemia caused by a defect in the gene encoding the globin enhancer-binding protein NF-E2., L L. Peters, N C. Andrews, E M. Eicher, M B. Davidson, S H. Orkin, and S E. Lux
MouseMine: a flexible storage and retrieval solution for mouse biological data., Michael O'Keefe
Mouse minor satellite DNA genetically maps to the centromere and is physically linked to the proximal telomere., D Kipling, H E. Ackford, B A. Taylor, and H J. Cooke
Mouse model for abortive rabies infection of the central nervous system., J S. Smith
Mouse model for malignant juvenile ovarian granulosa cell tumors., W G. Beamer, K L. Shultz, B J. Tennent, N Azumi, and J P. Sundberg
Mouse model for Usher syndrome: linkage mapping suggests homology to Usher type I reported at human chromosome 11p15., J R. Heckenlively, B Chang, L C. Erway, C Peng, N L. Hawes, G S. Hageman, and T H. Roderick
Mouse model of Noonan syndrome reveals cell type- and gene dosage-dependent effects of Ptpn11 mutation., T Araki, M G. Mohi, F A. Ismat, R T. Bronson, I R. Williams, J L. Kutok, W Yang, L I. Pao, D G. Gilliland, J A. Epstein, and B G. Neel
Mouse model of subretinal neovascularization with choroidal anastomosis., J R. Heckenlively, N L. Hawes, M Friedlander, S Nusinowitz, R Hurd, M Davisson, and B Chang
Mouse model resources for vision research., J Won, L Y. Shi, W Hicks, J Wang, R Hurd, J K. Naggert, B Chang, and P M. Nishina
Mouse models: a key system in revolutionizing the understanding of glaucoma., Gareth R. Howell, J K. Marchant, and Simon WN John
Mouse models and the genetics of diabetes: is there evidence for genetic overlap between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?, E H. Leiter and C H. Lee
Mouse models as a tool to unravel the genetic basis for human otitis media., Q Y. Zheng, Hughes R. Hardisty, and S D. Brown
Mouse models for the study of autoimmune type 1 diabetes: a NOD to similarities and differences to human disease., J P. Driver, D V. Serreze, and Y G. Chen
Mouse models for the study of human hair loss., J P. Sundberg and L E. King
Mouse models for the study of human hair loss., J P. Sundberg and L E. King
Mouse models for the Wolf-Hirschhorn deletion syndrome., D Naf, L A. Wilson, R A. Bergstrom, R S. Smith, N C. Goodwin, A Verkerk, Ommen G. van, S L. Ackerman, W N. Frankel, and J C. Schimenti
Mouse models for understanding the growth hormone insulin-like growth factor-I axis., C J. Rosen
Mouse models in aging research., K Flurkey, J M. Currer, and D E. Harrison
Mouse models of blood pressure regulation and hypertension., F Sugiyama, K i. Yagami, and B Paigen
Mouse models of diabetic nephropathy., F C. Brosius, C E. Alpers, E P. Bottinger, M D. Breyer, T M. Coffman, S B. Gurley, R C. Harris, M Kakoki, M Kretzler, E H. Leiter, and al et
Mouse models of Down syndrome., M T. Davisson
Mouse models of Down syndrome: how useful can they be? Comparison of the gene content of human chromosome 21 with orthologous mouse genomic regions., K Gardiner, A Fortna, L Bechtel, and M T. Davisson
Mouse models of genetic diseases., E H. Leiter, W G. Beamer, L D. Shultz, J E. Barker, and P W. Lane
Mouse Models of Human Blood Cancers
Mouse models of ocular diseases., B Chang, N L. Hawes, R E. Hurd, J Wang, D Howell, M T. Davisson, T H. Roderick, S Nusinowitz, and J R. Heckenlively
Mouse models of retinal degeneration: NMF 247 and 240., Carrie Whiting
Mouse models of RP., B Chang, N L. Hawes, M T. Davisson, and J R. Heckenlively
Mouse models of tumor development in neurofibromatosis type 1., K Cichowski, T S. Shih, E Schmitt, S Santiago, K Reilly, M E. McLaughlin, R T. Bronson, and T Jacks
Mouse models of USH1C and DFNB18: phenotypic and molecular analyses of two new spontaneous mutations of the Ush1c gene., K R. Johnson, L H. Gagnon, L S. Webb, L L. Peters, N L. Hawes, B Chang, and Q Y. Zheng
Mouse monoclonal antibodies against rat major histocompati- bility antigens. Two ia antigens and expression of ia and class i antigens in rat thymus., T Fukomoto, W R. Mcmaster, and A F. Williams
Mouse monoclonal antibodies reacting with human brain glial fibrillary acidic protein., M Albrechtsen, A C. Von gerstenberg, and E Bock
Mouse monoclonal antibodies to blood group active oligosaccharides isolated from human breast milk. Abstr., T Rohr, I Tribby, V E. Dube, and B Anderson
Mouse monoclonal antibodies to chicken vh idiotypic determinants reactivity with b and t cells., T C. Chanh, C H. Chen, and M D. Cooper
Mouse monoclonal antibody against lyt-1.1 Alloantigen., M Pierres, J Rebouah, A Liabeuf, and M Dosseto
Mouse monoclonal antibody to a melanoma-carcinoma-associated antigen synthesized by a human melanoma cell line propagated in serum-free medium., D O. Chee, R H. Yonemoto, S P. Leong, G F. Richards, I R. Smith, J L. Klotz, R M. Goto, R L. Gascon, and M M. Drushella
Mouse monoclonal anti-n. I. Production and serological characterization., R H. Fraser, A C. Munro, A R. Williamson, E K. Barrie, and R Mitchell
Mouse mononuclear cell chemotaxis. Description of system., D A. Boetcher and M S. Meltzer
Mouse mononuclear cell chemotaxis. I. Differential response of monocytes and macrophages., L Boumsell and M S. Meltzer
Mouse mononuclear phagocyte antigenic heterogeneity detected by monoclonal antibodies., P A. Leblanc, S W. Russell, and S T. Chang
Mouse Mos protooncogene product is present and functions during oogenesis., R S. Paules, R Buccione, R C. Moschel, Woude Vande, and J J. Eppig
Mouse muscle ribonucleases., D Goldspink and R Pennington
Mouse mutagenesis database development and mutant characterization of embryonic lethal 15., Carly Satsuma
Mouse mutant deficient in d-amino acid oxidase activity., R Konno and Y Yasumura
Mouse mutant genes with endocrine effects., W G. Beamer
Mouse mutants affecting growth and metastasis of a syngeneic tumor., O S. Egorov, E Sargent, G A. Carlson, and I K. Egorov
Mouse mutants and phenotypes: accessing information for the study of mammalian gene function., M Ringwald and J T. Eppig
Mouse mutants from chemically mutagenized embryonic stem cells., R J. Munroe, R A. Bergstrom, Q Y. Zheng, B Libby, R Smith, S W. John, K J. Schimenti, V L. Browning, and J C. Schimenti
Mouse mutants studied by means of ethological methods. I. Ethogram., J H. Abeelen
Mouse mutants studied by means of ethological methods. Iii. Results with yellow, pink-eyed dilution, brown and jerker., J H. Abeelen
Mouse mutants studied by means of ethological methods. II. Mutants and methods., J H. Abeelen
Mouse mutations as animal models and biomedical tools for dermatological research., J P. Sundberg and L E. King
Mouse mutations as models for studying cataracts., R S. Smith, J P. Sundberg, and C C. Linder
Mouse myeloma. A model for studies of cell kinetics., D E. Bergsagel, M Ogawa, and S L. Librach
Mouse myeloma and the immune response, suppression of ascites forma- tion by antigenic stimulation., P Stelos
Mouse myeloma, differentiation of neoplastic cells accompanied by an increase in intracellular virus., L E. Volkman, E A. Smuckler, and R G. Krueger
Mouse myeloma mutants blocked in the assembly, glycosylation and secretion of immunoglobulin., S Weitzman and M D. Scharff
Mouse myeloma proteins with antihapten antibody activity, the protein produced by plasma cell tumor mopc-315., H N. Eisen, E S. Simms, and M Potter
Mouse-myeloma rna polymerase b. Template specificities and the role of a transcription-stimulating factor., D Lentfer and A G. Lezius
Mouse myelomas and lymphomas in culture., K Horibata and A W. Harris
Mouse myeloma tumor stem cells, a primary cell culture assay., C H. Park, D E. Bergsagel, and E A. Culloch
Mouse natriuretic peptide receptor 3 gene maps to proximal chromosome 15., O V. Savinova, N Matsukawa, O Smithies, and S W. John
Mouse nervous tissue iso-antigens., A E. Reif and J M. Allen
Mouse neuroblastoma acetylcholinesterase, identification of the active forms. Abstr., A J. Blume
Mouse neuroblastoma adenylate cyclase. Adenosine and adenosine analogues as potent effectors of adenylate cyclase activity., A J. Blume and C J. Foster
Mouse neuroblastoma cell adenylate cyclase. Regulation by 2-choloroadensoine, prostaglandin e1 and the cations mg2+, ca2+ and mn2+., A J. Blume and C J. Foster
Mouse neutrophils lacking lamin B-receptor expression exhibit aberrant development and lack critical functional responses., P Gaines, C W. Tien, A L. Olins, D E. Olins, L D. Shultz, L Carney, and N Berliner
Mouse nomenclature and maintenance of genetically engineered mice., C C. Linder
Mouse nuclear satellite dna, 5-methylcytosine content, pyrimidine isoplith distribution and electron microscopic appearance., R Salomon, A M. Kaye, and M Herzberg
Mouse number 46801., L C. Strong
Mouse oocyte control of granulosa cell development and function: paracrine regulation of cumulus cell metabolism., Y Q. Su, K Sugiura, and J J. Eppig
Mouse oocyte development in vitro with various culture systems., J J. Eppig
Mouse oocyte development in vitro with various culture systems., J J. Eppig
Mouse oocytes control metabolic co-operativity between oocytes and cumulus cells., J J. Eppig
Mouse oocytes enable LH-induced maturation of the cumulus-oocyte complex via promoting EGF receptor-dependent signaling., Y Q. Su, K Sugiura, Q Li, K Wigglesworth, M M. Matzuk, and J J. Eppig
Mouse oocytes promote proliferation of granulosa cells from preantral and antral follicles in vitro., B C. Vanderhyden, E E. Telfer, and J J. Eppig
Mouse oocytes regulate metabolic cooperativity between granulosa cells and oocytes: amino Acid transport., J J. Eppig, F L. Pendola, K Wigglesworth, and J K. Pendola
Mouse oocytes suppress cAMP-induced expression of LH receptor mRNA by granulosa cells in vitro., J J. Eppig, F L. Pendola, and K Wigglesworth
Mouse p-815 mastocytoma antigens. Abstr., K J. Clemetson, M Bertschmann, and E F. Luscher
Mouse papillomavirus: pathology and characterization of the virus., J P. Sundberg, M K. O'Banion, and M E. Reichmann
Mouse paracentric inversion In(3)55Rk mutates the urate oxidase gene., S A. Cook, E C. Akeson, C Calvano, K R. Johnson, J Mandell, N L. Hawes, R T. Bronson, T H. Roderick, and M T. Davisson
Mouse parvovirus: survival of the fittest., R O. Jacoby and A L. Smith
Mouse peripheral-blood lymphocytes in culture., H Festenstein
Mouse peritoneal cells. Their ability to elicit or produce antibody after exposure to antigen., B F. Argyris and B A. Askonas
Mouse peritoneal lymphocytes. A morphologic comparison of normal and exudate peritoneal lymphocytes., P J. Catanzaro, R C. Grahm, and W R. Hogrefe
Mouse peritoneal lymphocytes. General properties of normal peritoneal lymphocytes., P J. Catanzaro, R C. Graham, and C P. Burns
Mouse peyer's patches contain t cells capable of inducing the graft-versus-host reaction (gvhr)., T T. Macdonald and P B. Carter
Mouse phenome database., S C. Grubb, T P. Maddatu, Carol J. Bult, and M A. Bogue
Mouse Phenome Database (MPD)., M A. Bogue, S C. Grubb, T P. Maddatu, and C J. Bult
Mouse Phenome Database (MPD)., Terry P Maddatu, Stephen C Grubb, Carol J Bult, and Molly A Bogue
Mouse Phenome Project: understanding human biology through mouse genetics and genomics., M Bogue
Mouse Phenotype Database Integration Consortium: integration [corrected] of mouse phenome data resources., J M. Hancock, N C. Adams, V Aidinis, A Blake, J A. Blake, M Bogue, E J. Chesler, J T. Eppig, C Smith, and et al
Mouse pigment mutants with lysosome dysfunction have platelet storage pool deficiency. Abstr., E K. Novak, S Hui, and R T. Swank
Mouse pituitary thyrotropic tumors with lymphocyte stimulating and growth hormone-like effect. Abstr., R Grinberg, E Sproul, and S C. Werner
Mouse pituitary tumor line secreting only the alpha-subunit of the glycoprotein hormones: development from a thyrotropic tumor., E C. Ridgway, J D. Kieffer, D S. Ross, M Downing, E Mover, and W W. Chin
Mouse pituitary tumor mrna directed cell-free synthesis of polypeptides that are cross-reactive with adrenocorticotropic hormone antiserum., R E. Jones, P Pulkrabek, and D Grunberger
Mouse plasmacytoma abpc-22., M R. Jarvis, G Binding, and P C. Igm
Mouse platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha gene is deleted in W19H and patch mutations on chromosome 5., E A. Smith, M F. Seldin, L Martinez, M L. Watson, G G. Choudhury, P A. Lalley, J Pierce, S Aaronson, J E. Barker, S L. Naylor, and A Y. Sakaguchi
Mouse pleural macrophages: characterization and comparison with mouse alveolar and peritoneal macrophages., A Zlotnik, A Vatter, R L. Hayes, U, and A J. Crowle
Mouse population-guided resequencing reveals that variants in CD44 contribute to acetaminophen-induced liver injury in humans., A H. Harrill, P B. Watkins, S Su, I M. Stylianou, G A. Boorman, R S. Sackler, S C. Harris, P C. Smith, R Tennant, M Bogue, K Paigen, and al et
Mousepox epizootic in an experimental and a barrier mouse colony at Yale University., P N. Bhatt, W G. Downs, S M. Buckley, J Casals, R E. Shope, and A M. Jonas
Mouse pre-b cells synthesize and secrete nu heavy chains but not light chains., D Levitt and M D. Cooper
Mouse primary spermatocytes can complete two meiotic divisions within the oocyte cytoplasm., I Sasagawa, S Kuretake, J J. Eppig, and R Yanagimachi
Mouse procollagen iv. Characterization and supramolecular association., H P. Bachinger, L I. Fessler, and J H. Fessler
Mouse prostatic epithelial cells in defined culture media. Cold spring harbor conf. Cell proliferation (growth of cells, C Waymouth, P F. Ward, and S L. Blake
Mouse red blood cell rosettes: human b and some t lymphocytes express receptors for mouse erythroucytes in the presence of ficoll., O Eremin and R M. Binns
Mouse red-cell rosettes in b-lymphoproliferative disorders., D Catovsky, M Cherchi, A Okos, U Hegde, and D A. Galton
Mouse resources for craniofacial research., S A. Murray
Mouse restraining chamber for tail-vein injection., R L. Furner and L B. Mellett
Mouse rosette positive b cells stimulate poorly in the auto- logous and allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction., F R. Davey and A S. Kurec
Mouse Samd9l is not a functional paralogue of the human SAMD9, the gene mutated in normophosphataemic familial tumoral calcinosis., Qiaoli Li, Haitao Guo, Hirotaka Matsui, Hiroaki Honda, Toshiya Inaba, John P Sundberg, Eli Sprecher, and Jouni Uitto
Mouse satellite DNA, centromere structure, and sister chromatid pairing., L M. Lica, S Narayanswami, and B A. Hamkalo
Mouse satellite dna in noncentromeric heterochromatin of cultured cells., R White, L M. Pasztor, and F Hu
Mouse seminal vesicle proteins, the inheritance of electrophoretic variants., R D. Platz and H G. Wolfe
Mouse serum amyloid P-component (SAP) levels controlled by a locus on chromosome 1., R F. Mortensen, P T. Le, and B A. Taylor
Mouse serum amyloid p-component (sap) synthesis and induction by hepatocytes in vitro. Abstr., P T. Le and R F. Mortensen
Mouse serum esterases as early indicators of chemical carcinogen action. Abstr., R L. Tyndall, N K. Clapp, C A. Burtis, and G Andrews
Mouse serum factor depressing lymphocyte transformation., D S. Nelson
Mouse skin allograft model for study of pregraft blood transfusion., T Maki, H Okazaki, M L. Wood, and A P. Monaco
Mouse skin assay of condensate from smoking products other than tobacco., P Bernfeld and F Homburger
Mouse-skin painting with smoke condensates from cigarettes made of pipe, cigar, and cigarette tobaccos., F Homburger, A Tregier, and J R. Baker
Mouse slp: female expression due to a dominant non-h-2 gene in wild mice., U Vergara
Mouse sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase levels and their relationship to hybridizable GPDH mRNA,, Lori A. Wagner
Mouse sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase: molecular cloning and genetic mapping of a cDNA sequence., L P. Kozak and E H. Birkenmeier
Mouse specific bone marrow-derived lymphocyte antigen as a marker for thymus-independent lymphocytes., M C. Raff, S Nase, and N A. Mitchison
Mouse spermatogonia exposed to a high, multiply fractionated dose of a cancer chemotherapeutic drug: mutation analysis by electrophoresis., F M. Johnson and S E. Lewis
Mouse sperm chromatin proteins. Quantitative isolation and partial characterization., R Balhorn, B L. Gledhill, and A J. Wyrobek
Mouse spinal cord in cell culture. Iii. Neuronal chemo- sensitivity and its relationship to synaptic activity., B R. Ransom, P N. Bullock, and P G. Nelson
Mouse spinal cord in cell culture. II. Synaptic activity and circuit behavior., B R. Ransom, C N. Christian, P N. Bullock, and P G. Nelson
Mouse spinal cord in cell culture. I. Morphology and intrinsic neuronal electrophysiologic properties., B R. Ransom, E Neale, M Henkart, P N. Bullock, and P G. Nelson
Mouse spinal cord in cell culture. IV. Modulation of inhibitory synaptic function., P G. Nelson, B R. Henkart, and P N. Bullock
Mouse spleen and igd-secreting plasmacytomas contain multiple igd delta chain rnas., L Fitzmaurice, J Owens, F R. Blattner, H Cheng, H W. Tucker, and J F. Mushinski
Mouse spleen dendritic cells present soluble antigens to antigen- -specific t cell hybridomas., G H. Sunshine, D P. Gold, H H. Wortis, R, and J W. Kappler
Mouse spleen lymphoblasts generated in vitro. Recovery in high yield and purity after floatation in dense bovine plasma albumin solutions., R M. Steinman, B G. Machtinger, J Fried, and Z A. Cohn
Mouse spleen lymphoblasts generated in vitro. Their replication and differentiation in vitro., R M. Steinman, S J. Blumencranz, B G. Machtinger, J Fried, and Z A. Cohn
Mouse splenic peroxidase and its role in bactericidal activity., R R. Strauss, B B. Paul, A A. Jacobs, and A J. Sbarra
Mouse strain and breeding stimulation as factors influencing the effect of thymectomy on mammary tumorigenesis., F Squartini, M Olivi, and G B. Bolis
Mouse strain and genetic nomenclature: an abbreviated guide., J T. Eppig
Mouse strain b6.c-h-2bm12., R R. Skelly, F Pappas, S Koprak, A Ahmed, D T. Hansen, and R T. Mutant
Mouse strain backgrounds: more than black and white [letter], W N. Frankel
Mouse strain dependent responses to nippostrongylus brasil- iensis. Abstr., A C. Vickery and T Klein
Mouse strain difference in macrophage activation and antitumor activity induced by propionibacterium acnes (anaerobic coryneforms)., H Ikeda, K Nomoto, H Yamada, and K Takeya
Mouse strain difference in response to antihistomine drugs., A M. Brown
Mouse strain difference in the expression of antitumor activity of ps-k., C Yoshikumi, K Nomoto, K Matsunaga, and K Takeya
Mouse strain differences determine severity of iron accumulation in Hfe knockout model of hereditary hemochromatosis., R E. Fleming, C C. Holden, S Tomatsu, A Waheed, E M. Brunt, R S. Britton, B R. Bacon, D C. Roopenian, and W S. Sly
Mouse strain differences in behavior associated with learning in a two-alternative situation., Susan M. Hitchcock
Mouse-strain differences in endogenous colony formation after irradi- ation in hypoxia., A Vacek and T Sugahara
Mouse strain differences in preference for various concentrations of alcohol., D A. Rodgers and G E. Clearn
Mouse strain differences in radiation sensitivity. Abstr., R M. Fry, E J. Ainsworth, and W Kisieleski
Mouse strain differences in response to morphine. Abstr., D A. Brase and khanna S. Sampath
Mouse strain differences in susceptibility to heart allograft prolongation by antilymphocyte serum (als). Abstr., K P. Judd and J J. Trentin
Mouse strain differences in thymoma induction by methyl- nitrosourea. Abstr., J V. Frei, P M. Fry, and P D. Lawley
Mouse strain identification., M Festing
Mouse strain identification by means of discriminant analysis using mandible measurements., N Goto, K Noguchi, and K Imamura
Mouse strain-related differences in the biologic and immunologic responses to a murine sarcoma virus., A F. Gazdar, E K. Russell, and R B. Herberman
Mouse strain resistant to n-, b-, and nb-tropic murine leukemia viruses., K Kai, H Ikeda, Y Yuasa, S Suzuki, and T Odaka
Mouse strain-specific central nervous system lesions associated with lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus infection., W G. Stroop and M A. Brinton
Mouse strain-specific expression of pancreatic alpha-amylase genes. Abstr., M Tosi and P K. Wellauer
Mouse strain-specific idiotypy and interstrain idiotypic cross- -reactions., D E. Briles and R M. Krause
Mouse strains with an active H2-Ea meiotic recombination hot spot exhibit increased levels of H2-Ea-specific DNA breaks in testicular germ cells., J Qin, L L. Richardson, M Jasin, M A. Handel, and N Arnheim
Mouse t cell-mediated cytolysis specifically trigger- ed by cytophilic xenogeneic serum determinants: a caveat for the interpretation of experiments done under "syngeneic" conditions., P Goldstein, M Luciani, and M Rollinghoff
Mouse t-cell surface glycoprotein recognised by heterologous anti- -thymocyte sera and its relationship to thy-1 antigen., I S. Trowbridge, I L. Weissmann, and M J. Bevan
Mouse t-cell tumour immunoglobulin. I. Antigenic properties and effects on t-cell responses., A W. Boylston, S R. Watson, and R L. Anderson
Mouse TCOF1 is expressed widely, has motifs conserved in nucleolar phosphoproteins, and maps to chromosome 18., W A. Paznekas, N Zhang, T Gridley, and E W. Jabs
Mouse teratocarcinoma and embryonic antigens., F Jacob
Mouse teratocarcinoma mutant clones deficient in adenine phosphoribosyltransferase and developmentally pluripotent., A J. Reuser and B Mintz
Mouse teratomas and embryoid bodies. Their induction and differentiation., S A. Iles
Mouse testis weight loss following high energy neutron or gamma irradiation., J L. Montour and J D. Wilson
Mouse thymic iso-antigens., A E. Reif and J M. Allen
Mouse thymocyte beta-glucuronidase activity after whole-body x-irra- diation., L J. Greenberg and L J. Cole
Mouse thymocyte-fibroblast hybrid cells, retention of thymic function and loss of theta antigen. Abstr., R Parkman, E Merler, and F Rosen
Mouse thymocyte immunoglobulin. Can proteolysis explain difficulties in its detection., bernstein B. Lisowska and P Vassalli
Mouse thymocyte membrane uptake of polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid complexes., M G. Mutchnick, I H. Han, and A G. Johnson
Mouse thymus-independent and thymus-derived lymphoid cells. I. Immunofluorescent and functional studies., J Lamelin, bernstein B. Lisowska, A Matter, J E. Ryser, and P Vassalli
Mouse thymus-independent and thymus-derived lymphoid cells. II. Ultrastructural studies., A Matter, bernstein B. Lisowska, J Ryser, J Lamelin, and P Vassalli
Mouse thymus in hereditary pituitary dwarfism., C Baroni
Mouse tissue cell antigens, some properties of cell-bound components., W Boyle, D A. Davies, and G Haughton
Mouse tissue isoantigen detectable by immunoprecipitation., J Lindenmann and P A. Klein
Mouse transplantation antigens., G A. Evans, D H. Margulies, B Shykind, J G. Seidman, N K. Ozato e, and H Hybrid
Mouse transplantation antigens. Activity of surface membrane pre- parations. Abstr., C A. Hickey and L A. Manson
Mouse transplantation antigens, blocking activity of liver microsomal lipoproteins of homograft immunity induced by active preparations of h-2 transplantation antigens. Abstr., L A. Manson, G V. Foschi, and J Palm
Mouse transplantation immunity depressed by trichinella spiralis., moldavsky G. Svet, G S. Shaghijian, D M. Mkheidze, A A. Litovchenko, N N. Ozeretskovskaya, K, and I Y. Chernyakhovskaya
Mouse trophoblastic cells in tissue culture., M Schlesinger and Z Koren
Mouse tumor biology database (MTB): enhancements and current status., C J. Bult, D M. Krupke, J P. Sundberg, and J T. Eppig
Mouse Tumor Biology Database (MTB): status update and future directions., D A. Begley, D M. Krupke, M J. Vincent, J P. Sundberg, C J. Bult, and J T. Eppig
Mouse type II keratin gene mapping using RI strains., Jennifer L. Cartier
Mouse vaginal smears and injections of estrogen and testosterone., Coburn Britton
Mouse Y-specific repeats isolated by whole chromosome representational difference analysis., A Navin, R Prekeris, N A. Lisitsyn, M M. Sonti, D A. Grieco, S Narayanswami, E S. Lander, and E M. Simpson
Mouse Zfx protein is similar to Zfy-2: each contains an acidic activating domain and 13 zinc fingers., G Mardon, S W. Luoh, E M. Simpson, G Gill, L G. Brown, and D C. Page
Movement of labeled basal cells in the mouse tongue after radiation injury., R T. Glass and R A. Goepp
Movement of palatine shelves in untreated and teratogen-treated mouse embryos., L M. Ross and B E. Walker
Movements of virgin, pregnant and lactating mice in a residential maze., S Barnett and I M. Ewan
Moving forward with chemical mutagenesis in the mouse., T P. O'Brien and W N. Frankel
Mox-1 and Mox-2 define a novel homeobox gene subfamily and are differentially expressed during early mesodermal patterning in mouse embryos., A F. Candia, J Hu, J Crosby, P A. Lalley, D Noden, J H. Nadeau, and C V. Wright
M-p virus inhibition of spontaneous akr leukemia and c3h mammary carcinoma. Abstr., N Molomut, M Padnos, and J Gruen
Mrc ox-19: a monoclonal antibody that labels rat t lymphocytes and augments in vitro proliferative responses., M J. Dallman, M L. Thomas, and J R. Green
Mrc ox-22, a monoclonal antibody that labels a new subset of t lymphocytes and reacts with the high molecular weight form of the leukocyte-common antigen., G P. Spickett, M R. Brandon, D W. Mason, A F, L, and G R. Woollett
Mrf2 as a candidate gene for atherosclerosis susceptibility in mice., Alisha Biser
Mrl blast cells generated in mutant-standard strain combin- ations bind h-2k and h-2d antigens., R W. Geib and J Klein
MRNA-directed synthesis of catalytically active mouse beta-glucuronidase in Xenopus oocytes., C Labarca and K Paigen
Mrna from mutant y1 adrenal cells directs the synthesis of altered regulatory subunits of type 1 camp-dependent protein kinase., S A. Williams and B P. Schimmer
mRNA synthesis rates in vivo for androgen-inducible sequences in mouse kidney., G Watson and K Paigen
Ms-2 tumor. A non-regressing mouse sarcoma derived from msv-m-induced sarcoma., F Giuliani, O Bellini, A M. Casazza, F Formelli, G Savi, D A. Marco, and I C. Of
Msh stimulates adenylate cyclase and tyrosinase in cultivated melanoma cells in the presence of cytochalasin b., A Dipasquale and J Mcguire
MSY2 and MSY4 bind a conserved sequence in the 3' untranslated region of protamine 1 mRNA in vitro and in vivo., F Giorgini, H G. Davies, and R E. Braun
Mta, a maternally inherited cell surface antigen of the mouse, is transmitted in the egg., K F. Lindahl and K Burki
mtDNA phylogeny and evolution of laboratory mouse strains., A Goios, L Pereira, M Bogue, V Macaulay, and A Amorim
mt-Nd2 Allele of the ALR/Lt mouse confers resistance against both chemically induced and autoimmune diabetes., C E. Mathews, E H. Leiter, O Spirina, Y Bykhovskaya, A M. Gusdon, S Ringquist, and Ghodsian N. Fischel
mt-Nd2(a) Modifies resistance against autoimmune type 1 diabetes in NOD mice at the level of the pancreatic beta-cell., J Chen, A M. Gusdon, J Piganelli, E H. Leiter, and C E. Mathews
mTORC1 promotes survival through translational control of Mcl-1., J R. Mills, Y Hippo, F Robert, S M. Chen, A Malina, C J. Lin, U Trojahn, H G. Wendel, A Charest, R T. Bronson, S C. Kogan, R Nadon, D E. Housman, S W. Lowe, and J Pelletier
Much ado about minor histocompatibility antigens., E Simpson, D Roopenian, and E Goulmy
Mucin model for group b type iii streptococcal infection in mice., D O. Fleming
Mucopolysaccharides associated with nuclei of cultured mammalian cells., V P. Bhavanandan and E A. Davidson
Mucopolysaccharides in the spleen of mice with friend leukemia., N Seno, H Masuhara, S Nagase, and K Anno
Mucopolysaccharides of normal and tumoral fibroblasts cultured in vitro., A R. Teyssie, B G. Pogo, E S. Lustig, and J Scaciatti
Mucosal iron-binding proteins in mice with x-linked anaemia., L S. Valberg, J Sorbie, and J Ludwig
Mucosal iron binding proteins in sex-linked anemia and micro- cytic anemia of the mouse., J A. Edwards and J E. Hoke
Mucosotropic papillomavirus infections., J P. Sundberg, R Schlegel, and A B. Jenson
Multiangle light-scattering analysis of murine teratocarcinoma cells., D E. Swartzendruber, B J. Price, and L B. Rall
Multicell spheroids as a model target for in vivo immunity to solid tumor allografts. Abstr., E M. Lord and R M. Sutherland
Multicellular in vivo sister-chromatid exchanges induced by urethane., M Cheng, M K. Conner, and Y Alarie
Multicellular organization and nuclear events in cultures of normal and neoplastic mouse mammary epithelium. Abstr., H L. Hosick, N K. Das, and S Nandi
Multicellular origin of fibrosarcomas in mice induced by the chemical carcinogen 3-methylcholanthrene., A L. Reddy and P J. Fialkow
Multicellular spheroids. A new model target for in vitro studies of immunity to solid tumor allografts., R M. Sutherland, J R. Macdonald, and R L. Howell
Multicellular tumor spheroids (mts) as models of tumor immunity. Abstr., F Culo
Multicellular tumour spheroids: a model for combined in vivo/in vitro assay of tumour immunity., F Culo, J M. Yuhas, and A J. Ladman
Multidrug-resistance phenotype of a subpopulation of T-lymphocytes without drug selection., A A. Neyfakh, A S. Serpinskaya, A V. Chervonsky, S G. Apasov, and A R. Kazarov
Multifactorial analysis of behavioral responses to acth analogue (org 2766) in recombinant inbred mice. Abstr., J C. Crabbe, H Rigter, and S Kerbusch
Multifactorial inheritance of neural tube defects: localization of the major gene and recognition of modifiers in ct mutant mice., P E. Neumann, W N. Frankel, V A. Letts, J M. Coffin, A J. Copp, and M Bernfield
Multifractionated hyperthermia treatment of malignant and normal tissue in vivo., J Overgaard, H D. Suit, and A M. Walker
Multigeneration studies on ddt in mice., R Tarjan and T Kemeny
Multigenic and imprinting control of ovarian granulosa cell tumorigenesis in mice., W G. Beamer, K L. Shultz, B J. Tennent, J H. Nadeau, G A. Churchill, and E M. Eicher
Multigenic control of immune responses of inbred mice against the terpolymers poly(glu57lys38ala5) and poly(glu54lys36ala10) and linkage with h-2 haplotype., P H. Maurer, C F. Merryman, and J Jones
Multigenic, h-2 linked control of the mouse immune response to human lysozyme (hul). Abstr., D E. Kipp, E E. Sercarz, and A Miller
Multigenic regulation of the primary immune response to ovalbumin mice., M T. Lubet and J R. Kettman
Multihormonal activities of normal and neoplastic pituitary cells as indicated by immunohistochemical staining., G Ueda, P Moy, and J Furth
Multilocus markers for mouse genome analysis: PCR amplification based on single primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence., J H. Nadeau, H G. Bedigian, G Bouchard, T Denial, M Kosowsky, R Norberg, S Pugh, E Sargeant, R Turner, and B Paigen
Multinucleate cells in thymus of c3h mice., J M. Scheiff
Multinucleated acinar cells in the pancreases of akr and c58 mice., M Pollard
Multinucleate spermatids in the mouse. A quantitative electron microscope study., D R. Johnson
Multiparametric evaluation and enumeration of murine hematopoietic stem cells in various strains., Karen Hussein
Multiple adjuvant therapy on a murine fibrosarcoma in vivo. Actinomycin-d, x-irradiation and local tumor hyperthermia. Abstr., E W. Hahn, A A. Alfieri, J H. Kim, and D Lehman
Multiple alleles of the lyb-2 locus., F Shen, M Spanondis, and E A. Boyse
Multiple and masked pools of fibronectin in murine fibroblast cell-substratum adhesion sites., B A. Murray and L A. Culp
Multiple antigenic determinants on the major surface glycoprotein of murine mammary tumor viruses., Y A. Teramoto, D Kufe, and J Schlom
Multiple b cell stimulation by individual antigen-specific t lymphocytes., S K. Pierce and N R. Klinman
Multiple biochemical effects of a series of x-ray induced mutations at the albino locus in the mouse., J Thorndike, M J. Trigg, R Stockert, and C F. Cori
Multiple biologic activities of a cloned inducer t-cell pop- ulation., G Nabel, J S. Greenberger, M A. Sakakeeny, and H Cantor
Multiple changes in lens protein composition associated with the catfr gene in the mouse., T H. Day and R M. Clayton
Multiple chemotherapy. Abstr., D Burk, W Evans, J H. Al, bis guanylhy Methylglyoxal, and E I. For
Multiple classes of opiate receptors in c57bl/6j and dba/2j mouse brain. Abstr., E E. Codd, C D. King, and M L. Byrne
Multiple composition of foreign alloantigens on a murine fibrosarcoma. Abstr., G Invernizzi, G Carbone, and G Parmiani
Multiple ctl subsets generated by h-2.l Locus products stimulation: evidence for an antigenic determinant private to h-2.ld., A Vazquez, A Senik, and sautes C. Neauport
Multiple cytolytic t-cell clones with distinct cross-reactivity patterns coexist in anti-self + hapten cell lines., A Guimezanes, J Davignon, and verhulst A. Schmitt
Multiple defects in innate and adaptive immunologic function in NOD/LtSz-scid mice., L D. Shultz, P A. Schweitzer, S W. Christianson, B Gott, I B. Schweitzer, B Tennent, S McKenna, L Mobraaten, T V. Rajan, and D L. Greiner
Multiple deoxyribonucleic acid dependent adenosinetriphos- phatase that prefers poly [d(a-t)] as cofactor., Y Tawaragi, T Enomoto, Y Watanabe, N, and M Yamada
Multiple differentiation of clonal teratocarcinoma stem cells following embryoid body formation in vitro., G R. Martin and M J. Evans
Multiple divergent copies of endogenous c-type virogenes in mammalian cells., R E. Benveniste and G J. Todaro
Multiple effector roles of lymphocytes in allograft immunity., C K. Grant, R Evans, and P Alexander
Multiple effector roles of lymphocytes in allograft immunity., C K. Grant, R Evans, and P Alexander
Multiple effects of 5-flourouracil (5-fu) on immunocompetence. Abstr., E Poplin, D Griswold, G Heppner, and P Calabresi
Multiple enzyme changes in the plasma of normal and tumor-bearing mice following infection with the lactic dehydrogenase agent., A L. Notkins, R E. Greenfield, D Marshall, and L Bane
Multiple factor inheritance., T H. Roderick and G Schlager
Multiple foreign non-h-2 determinants on the surface of a chemically-induced murine sarcoma., G Ivernizzi, G Carbone, A Meschini, and G Parmiani
Multiple forms of dna polymerase in murine myeloma. Abstr., A Matsukage, E W. Bohn, and S H. Wilson
Multiple forms of h-2 antigens on a murine lympho- blastoid cell line. Abstr., K S. Wise, P F. Weinheimer, and R T. Acton
Multiple forms of l1210 dihydrofolate reductase differing in affinity for methotrexate., T H. Duffy, S B. Beckman, and F M. Huennekens
Multiple forms of skeletal muscle acetylcholinesterase from normal and dystrophic mouse (129/rej-dy). Abstr., R A. Chizzonite, J M. Laughlin, and H B. Bosmann
Multiple forms of synthetic rna-directed and dna-directed dna polymerases in murine myeloma. Abstr., A Matsukage
Multiple forms of tyrosinase in rodents and lagomorphs with special reference to their genetic control in mice., T J. Holstein, W C. Quevedo, and J B. Burnett
Multiple functional sites on a single ia molecule defined using t cell clones and antibodies with chain-determined specificity., J G. Frelinger, M Shigeta, A J. Infante, P A. Nelson, I Pierres, and C G. Fathman
Multiple functions of Snail family genes during palate development in mice., S A. Murray, K F. Oram, and T Gridley
Multiple-gene mouse chimeras. Abstr., A Mc laren and P Bowman
Multiple genetic loci from CAST/EiJ chromosome 1 affect vBMD either positively or negatively in a C57BL/6J background., B Edderkaoui, D J. Baylink, W G. Beamer, J E. Wergedal, N R. Dunn, K L. Shultz, and S Mohan
Multiple growth parameters of lymphoid cell lines transplanted into nude mice. Abstr., H H. Kirchner, M Gunzel, M Schaadt, C Fonatsch, and V Diehl
Multiple h-2 linked immune response gene control of h-2d-associated t-cell-mediated lympholysis to trinitrophenyl-modified autologous cells. Ir-like genes mapping to the left of i-a and within the i region., verhults A. Schmitt and G M. Shearer
Multiple high cell dose injections of normal marrow into newborn jaundiced mice dramatically prolong life despite transient repopulation., J E. Barker, Kranich T. Kaysser, N Hamblen, and S Deveau
Multiple hormonal growth control of mouse mammary tumor cells. Abstr., G Sica, P Longo, C Natoli, and S Iacobelli
Multiple idiotypes on a single protein. Distribution of cross- -specific and individual idiotypes on 13 levan binding myeloma proteins of balb/c origin. Abstr., R Lieberman, M Potter, W Humphrey, and E B. Mushinski
Multiple immunoglobulin genes in all somatic cells. Abstr., U Storb
Multiple individual and cross-specific idiotypes on 13 levan-binding myeloma proteins of balb/c mice., R Lieberman, M Potter, W Humphrey, and M Vrana
Multiple injections of streptozotocin (sz). Abstr., A A. Like, A A. Cahill, N Islitis, and D M. By
Multiple innervation of cerebellar purkinje cells by climbing fibres in staggerer mutant mouse., F Crepel, bouchaud N. Delhaye, J M. Guastavino, and I Sampaio
Multiple innervation of purkinje cells by climbing fibers in the cerebellum of the weaver mutant mouse., F Crepel and J Mariani
Multiple intestinal adenocarcinoma in c57 black/6 mice offspring following multigeneration exposure of the male progenitors to tritiated water. Abstr., D J. Mewissen, A S. Ugarte, and J H. Rust
Multiple isoaccepting transfer rna's in a mouse plasma cell tumor., W Yang and G D. Novelli
Multiple isoferritins in mouse liver. Demonstration by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis., W H. Massover
Multiple lethal genes in the mouse., C V. Green
Multiple loci governing teratocarcinoma transplantation antigens on mouse chromosome 17. Abstr., A Shedlovsky, L J. Clipson, W F. Dove, and J L. Vandeberg
Multiple low-dose streptozocin-induced diabetes in NOD-scid/scid mice in the absence of functional lymphocytes., I C. Gerling, H Friedman, D L. Greiner, L D. Shultz, and E H. Leiter
Multiple lymphokine production by a phorbol ester-stimulated mouse thymoma: relationship to cell cycle events., K T. Pearlstein, coico L. Staiano, R A. Miller, L M. Pelus, M E. Kirch, O Stutman, and M A. Palladino
Multiple mechanisms limit the duration of wakefulness in Drosophila brain., J E. Zimmerman, W Rizzo, K R. Shockley, D M. Raizen, N Naidoo, M Mackiewicz, G A. Churchill, and A I. Pack
Multiple mechanisms of regulation of purine biosynthesis de novo in intact tumor cells., A S. Bagnara, A A. Letter, and J F. Henderson
Multiple mechanisms of tumorigenesis in E mu-myc transgenic mice., C L. Sidman, T M. Denial, J D. Marshall, and J B. Roths
Multiple molecular forms of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (g6pd) in normal tissues, preneoplastic hyperplastic alveolar nodules (han) and tumors (t) of mammary glands in balb/c mice. Abstr., R Hilf, R Ickowicz, J Bartley, and S Abraham
Multiple molecular forms of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in normal, preneoplastic, and neoplastic mammary tissues of mice., R Hilf, R Ickowicz, J C. Bartley, and S Abraham
Multiple myeloma. Studies of mouse plasma cell tumor and human myeloma responsiveness to cyclophosphamide (cytoxan)., D R. Korst, E P. Frenkel, and J C. Nixon
Multiple new phenotypes induced in 10t1/2 and 3t3 cells treated with 5-azacytidine., S M. Taylor and P A. Jones
Multiple pathways of b lymphocyte tolerance., D W. Scott, M Venkataraman, and J J. Jandinski
Multiple pathways of t-t interaction in the generation of cytoto- xic t lymphocytes to alloantigens., R B. Corley, K A. Switzer, D E. Hudson, and M A. Cooley
Multiple pigmented cutaneous papules associated with a novel canine papillomavirus in an immunosuppressed dog., N e. Le, G Orth, J P. Sundberg, P Cassonnet, L Poisson, M T. Masson, C George, and L Longeart
Multiple-sclerosis-associated agent., D L. Madden, A G. Krezlewicz, M Gravell, and W W. Tourtellotte
Multiple sclerosis-associated agent. Failure of ms brain and serum to depress the polymorph count in normal mice and mice inoculated with cells containing c/type particles., J M. Cobill, D Hughes, A B. Keith, K R. Cameron, and E A. Caspary
Multiple seizure susceptibility genes on chromosome 7 in SWXL-4 congenic mouse strains., M E. Legare and W N. Frankel
Multiple signaling pathways promote B lymphocyte stimulator dependent B-cell growth and survival., R T. Woodland, C J. Fox, M R. Schmidt, P S. Hammerman, J T. Opferman, S J. Korsmeyer, D M. Hilbert, and C B. Thompson
Multiple-sign learning in mice., Lynn Anne Cyert
Multiple skin tumors in mice following a single painting with 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene., L W. Law
Multiple species-specific and interspecific antigenic determinants of a mammalian type c rna virus internal protein., J Davis, R V. Gilden, and S Oroszlan
Multiple target cell killing by the cytolytic t lymphocyte and the mechanism of cytotoxicity., E Martz
Multiple thymus grafts in aged mice., D Metcalf
Multiple trait measurements in 43 inbred mouse strains capture the phenotypic diversity characteristic of human populations., K L. Svenson, Smith R. Von, P A. Magnani, H R. Suetin, B Paigen, J K. Naggert, R Li, G A. Churchill, and L L. Peters
Multiple vh gene segments encode murine antistreptococcal antibodies., R M. Perlmutter, J L. Klotz, M W. Bond, M Nahm, J M. Davie, and L Hood
Multiplication and cytopathogenicity of mouse hepatitis virus in mouse cell cultures., J W. Mosley
Multiplication d'une souche de virus aphteux chez deux lignees consanguines de souris., A Paraf, J Asso, M Fougereau, and J Verge
Multiplication of rauscher virus in cultures of mouse kidney cells., J P. Peries j, M Bioron, and J Bernard
Multiplication of single mammalian cells in a nonbicarbonate medium., R B. Gwatkin and L Siminovitch
Multiplication of the rauscher leukemia virus in a mixed culture of mouse spleen and thymus cells. Abstr., B S. Wright and J C. Lasfargues
Multiplicity-dependent kinetics of murine leukemia virus in infection in fv-1-sensitive and fv-1-resistant cells., C J. O'donnell p v and T Pincus
Multiplicity of alkaline deoxyribonucleases in mouse liver., O Antonoglou and J G. Georgatsos
Multiplicity of germline genes specifying a group of related mouse kappa chains with implications for the generation of immunoglobulin diversity., O Valbuena, K B. Marcu, M Weigert, and R P. Perry
Multiplicity of uses of monoclonal antibodies that define papillomavirus linear immunodominant epitopes., A B. Jenson, M C. Jenson, L Cowsert, S J. Ghim, and J P. Sundberg
Multipotential and committed precursors of mast cells. Abstr., Y Kitamura, H Matsuda, M Yokoyama, K Hatanaka, and T Ohno
Multipotentiality of single cells of transplantable teratocarcinomas derived from mouse embryo grafts., J Jami and E Ritz
Multisstep virus-induced leukemogenesis in vitro: description of a model specifying three steps within the myeloblastic malignant process., J M. Heard, S Finchelson, B Sola, M A. Martial, R Varet, and J P. Levy
Multisystem stem cell failure after apparent recovery from alkylating agents., L E. Botnick, E C. Hannon, and S Hellman
Multi-variant pathway association analysis reveals the importance of genetic determinants of estrogen metabolism in breast and endometrial cancer susceptibility., Y L. Low, Y Li, K Humphreys, A Thalamuthu, Y Li, H Darabi, S Wedren, C Bonnard, K Czene, M M. Iles, T Heikkinen, K Aittomaki, C Blomqvist, H Nevanlinna, P Hall, E T. Liu, and J Liu
Multivariate analysis in the genetics of spermatozoan dimensions in mice., D A. Williams, R A. Beatty, and P S. Burgoyne
Multivariate analysis of activity in inbred strains of mice., S Takahashi and J Makino
Multivariate analysis of h-2 influenced androgen dependent organ weight in (a x b10)f2 mice. Abstr., S Gregorova and T Havranek
Multivariate and behavior genetic analysis of avoidance of complex visual stimuli and activity in recombinant inbred strains of mice., E C. Simmel and B E. Eleftheriou
Multivariate and behavior genetic analysis of avoidance of complex visual stimuli and activity in recombinant inbred strains of mice., E C. Simmel and B E. Eleftheriou
Multivariate comparison of changes in learning, electrophysiology, neurochemistry and neuronal ultrastructure after deuteron irradiation of the brain in c57bl/10 mice. Abstr., J M. Ordy, R Bell, and J Ozolins
Mumps vaccine effects of glucose tolerance in genetically susceptible diabetes mellitus mice (dba). Abstr., P Fort, C Sekaran, P Stone, S Teichberg, and F Lifshitz
Mumtv antigen expression and mammary tumor incidence in non-inbred dd mice., J Morimoto, S Imai, and Y Tsubura
Muramyl dipeptide in priming macrophages to release superoxide anion., M J. Pabst, N P. Cummings, T Shiba, S Kusumoto, D S. Kotani, and I D. Than
Murine alveolar hydatidosis: a potential experimental model for the study of aa-amyloidosis., khan Z. Ali, S Jothy, and karmi T. Al
Murine amyloid fibril protein, isolation, purification and character- ization., G G. Glenner, D Page, C Isersky, M Harada, P Cuatrecasas, E D. Eanes, A. Lellis, H A. Bladen, and H R. Keiser
Murine amyloid. II. Transfer of an amyloid-accelerating substance., J T. Willerson, J K. Gordon, N Talal, and W F. Barth
Murine amyloidosis, immunologic characterization of amyloid fibril protein., C Isersky, D L. Page, P Cuatrecasas, and G G. Glenner
Murine amyloidosis induced by egg albumin. Abstr., J B. Kirkpatrick and G D. Sorenson
Murine amyloid protein aa in casein-induced experimental amyloidosis., M Skinner, T Shirahama, M D. Benson, and A S. Cohen
Murine antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity: failure to detect effector cells equivalent to human k cells., M Tada, S Hinuma, T Abo, and K Kumagai
Murine antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity to herpes simplex virus-infected target cells., S Kohl, D L. Cahall, D L. Walters, and V E. Schaffner
Murine antigen h-2.7: In vitro phenotypic conversion of erythrocytes., C Huang and J Klein
Murine antigen h-2.7: Its genetics, tissue expression, and strain distribution., C Huang and J Klein
Murine antigen h-2.7: Localization of its antigenic determinant to the ss(c4) molecule., C Huang and J Klein
Murine antigen h-2.7: Phenotypic conversion of erythrocytes in radiation chimeras., C Huang, R W. Geib, and J Klein
Murine anti-h-2ik sera exhibit a strong cytotoxic effect on human b lymphocytes., P Ivanyi and P V. Mourik
Murine anti-lymphocyte monoclonal antibodies fail to act as opsonins for allogeneic human peripheral blood polymorphonuclear phagocytes., D M. Robertson, G M. Georgiou, W M. Ellis, and C S. Hosking
Murine antiviral proliferative and cytotoxic t-cell responses: specificities and role of the h-2i region., G Kreeb and R M. Zinkernagel
Murine arylsulfatase b: evidence favoring control of liver and kidney activity by two regulatory elements., W L. Daniel, K Abedin, and R E. Langelan
Murine arylsulfatase b: regulation of as-1 expression in different tissues., W L. Daniel
Murine ascites tumour cells and lymphocytes. Effect of lysolecithin, organic mercurials and an anti-tumoral agent on the cell membrane permeability., J N. Mehrishi and A E. Butterworth
Murine autoantibodies to a cryptic membrane antigen, possible explanation for neuraminidase-induced increase in cell immunogenicity., S A. Rosenberg and S Schwarz
Murine autoimmune hemolytic anemia induced via xenogeneic erythrocyte immunization. II. Antigenic specificity and clonal heterogeneity of the autoantibodies and their cellular correlates., D R. Milich and M E. Gershwin
Murine autoimmune hemolytic anemia induced via xenogeneic erythrocyte immunization. I. Qualitative characteristics and strain variation, susceptibility to induction., D R. Milich and M E. Gershwin
Murine b cell alloantigens lyb 2, lyb 4, and lyb 6 are products of distinct genes clustered on chromosome 4. Abstr., S Kessler, A Ahmed, and I Scher
Murine b cell differentiation lineages., R R. Hardy, K Hayakawa, D R. Parks, L A. Herzenberg, and L A. Herzenberg
Murine b cell leukemia (bcl1): organ distribution and kinetics of growth as determined by fluorescence analysis with an anti-idiotypic antibody., K A. Krolick, P C. Isakson, J W. Uhr, and E S. Vitetta
Murine b cell leukemia line with inducible surface immuno- globulin expression., C J. Paige, P W. Kincade, and P Ralph
Murine b-cell mitogenic properties of corn proteins., S Kabir, J J. Oppenheim, and D L. Rosenstreich
Murine b-cell subpopulations responsive to t-dependent and t-independent antigens., G K. Lewis, R Ranken, D E. Nitecki, and J W. Goodman
Murine b cell subpopulations responsive to t-dependent and t-independent antigens. Abstr., G K. Lewis, R Ranken, D E. Nitecki, and J W. Goodman
Murine b lymphocyte development., M J. Fultz, I Scher, F D. Finkelman, P Kincade, D J. Mond, and A S. Of
Murine b lymphocyte heterogeneity. Distribution of complement receptor-bearing and minor lymphocyte- -stimulating b lymphocytes among cells with different densities of total surface ig and igm., I Scher, A Ahmed, and S O. Sharrow
Murine c4-binding protein: a rapid purification method by affinity chromatography., T Kaidoh, sakai S. Natsuume, and M Takahashi
Murine catalase phenotypes., R E. Ganschow and R T. Schimke
Murine cell surface glycoproteins. Identification, purification, and characterization of a major glycosylated component of 110,000 daltons by use of a monoclonal antibody., E N. Hughes and J T. August
Murine cell surface glycoproteins. Purification of the polymorphic pgp-1 antigen and analysis of its expression on macrophages and other myeloid cells., E N. Hughes, A Colombatti, and J T. August
Murine cell surface immunoglobulin: two forms of delta-heavy chain., M F. Mescher and R R. Pollock
Murine cell surface immunoglobulin: two native igd structures., R R. Pollock and M F. Mescher
Murine cellular cytotoxicity to syngeneic and xenogeneic herpes simplex virus-infected cells., S Kohl, D B. Drath, and L S. Loo
Murine central nervous system infection by a viral temperature- -sensitive mutant. A subacute disease leading to demyelination., M C. Dal canto and S G. Rabinowitz
Murine cfu-s stem cells express qa-1 and qa-2 on their membranes. Abstr., M A. Lynes, L Flaherty, and S Tonkonogy
Murine colon adenocarcinoma. Immunobiology. Abstr., M H. Goldrosen, M H. Tan, and S H. Leveson
Murine colon adenocarcinoma. Syngeneic orthotopic transplantation and subsequent hepatic metastases., M H. Tan, E D. Holyoke, and M H. Goldrosen
Murine colonic mucosal metabolism and cytotoxicity of benzo[a]pyrene., L M. Anderson, E E. Deschner, M Angel, and S L. Herrmann
Murine complement factor b (bf): sexual dimorphism and h-2 linked polymorphism. Abstr., M H. Roos and P Demant
Murine c-type rna virus from spontaneous neoplasms, in vitro host range and oncogenic potential., R L. Peters, G J. Spahn, L S. Rabstein, and R J. Huebner
Murine cutaneous leishmaniasis: disease patterns in intact and nude mice of various genotypes and examination of some differences between normal and infected macrophages., E Handman, R Ceredig, and G F. Mitchell
Murine cytomegalovirus and fertility. Potential sexual transmission and the effect of this virus on fertilization in vitro., P A. Neighbour and L R. Fraser
Murine cytomegalovirus: detection of latent infection by nucleic acid hybridization technique., K Cheung, E Huang, and D J. Lang
Murine cytomegalovirus-induced immunosuppression., L Loh and J B. Hudson
Murine cytomegalovirus infection and cyclosporin a., J B. Kurtz and W P. Homan
Murine cytomegalovirus infects spermatogenic cells., F J. Dutko and M B. Oldstone
Murine cytomegalovirus is not associated with alopecia areata in C3H/HeJ mice [letter], K J. McElwee, D Boggess, B Burgett, R Bates, H G. Bedigan, J P. Sundberg, and L E. King
Murine cytotoxic t-cell response to alphavirus is associated mainly with h-2dk., A Mullbacher and R V. Blanden
Murine dinitrochlorobenzene (dncb) reactivity. Depression by melan- oma, lymphoma and tumor-associated serum factors. Abstr., J M. Jessup, E L. Felix, and M H. Cohen
Murine dna polymerases. I. Distinguishing characteristics of two activities separated by phosphocellulose chromatography., M J. Evans, S R. Harvey, M J. Plummer, and R T. Evans
Murine dna repair gene located on chromosome 4., P Lin and F H. Ruddle
Murine early differentiated megakaryocytes: identification and characterization of three morphological cell types. Abstr., M W. Long and N Williams
Murine embryonic antigen (SSEA-1) is expressed on human cells and structurally related human blood group antigen I is expressed on mouse embryos., B B. Knowles, J Rappaport, and D Solter
Murine embryonic b lymphocyte development in the placenta., F Melchers
Murine epidermal cell-derived thymocyte-activating factor resembles murine interleukin 1., T A. Luger, B M. Stadler, B M. Luger, B J. Mathieson, I Mage, J A. Schmidt, and J J. Oppenheim
Murine epidermal growth factor: heterogeneity on high resolution ion-exchange chromatography., A W. Burgess, C J. Lloyd, and E C. Nice
Murine erythroblastosis by a novel viral agent., N Imamura
Murine erythrocyte ankyrin cDNA: highly conserved regions of the regulatory domain., R A. White, C S. Birkenmeier, L L. Peters, J E. Barker, and S E. Lux
Murine erythrocyte antigen h-2.7(g): Expression depends on level of complement component c4., S Yokota, K W. Beisel, and C S. David
Murine erythrocytes contain high levels of lysophospholipase activity., B Roelofsen, G Sanderink, E Middelkoop, R Hamer, and J A. Kamp
Murine factor b. Electrophoretic polymorphism., P Rubinstein, steele P. Rosenfield, and N K. Day
Murine genotype influences the in vitro production of gamma (immune) interferon., J Virelizier
Murine globoid cell leukodystrophy: the twitcher mouse. An ultrastructural study of the kidney., H Takahashi, H Igisu, K Suzuki, and K Suzuki
Murine granulopoiesis after fractionated total lymphoid irradiation (tli) and allogeneic bone marrow transplantaton. Abstr., R H. Feiner, S Strober, and P L. Greenberg
Murine heavy chain disease., S L. Morrison
Murine hematopoietic stem cell characterization and its regulation in BM transplantation., Y Zhao, Y Lin, Y Zhan, G Yang, J Louie, D E. Harrison, and W F. Anderson
Murine Hertwig's anemia: premature death after normal bone marrow transplantation is radiation dose-dependent., J E. Barker
Murine histocompatibility-2 (h-2) alloantigens. Purification and some chemical properties of a second class of fragments (class ii) solubilized by papain from cell membranes of h-2b and h-2d mice., K Yamane and S G. Nathenson
Murine histocompatibility-2 (h-2) alloantigens. Purification and some chemical properties of soluble products from h-2b and h-2d genotypes released by papain digestion of membrane fractions., A Shimada and S G. Nathenson
Murine Hn1 on chromosome 11 is expressed in hemopoietic and brain tissues., W Tang, Y H. Lai, X D. Han, P M. Wong, L L. Peters, and D H. Chui
Murine hybridoma antibodies to antigens of kentucky blue grass (kbg) pollen. Abstr., F T. Kisil, A K. Ekramoddollah, P C. Bundesen, K Kelly, E S. Rector, S Chakrabarty, J M. Dzuba, and A H. Sehon
Murine hybridomas secreting natural monoclonal antibodies reacting with self antigens., G Dighiero, P Lymberi, J Mazie, S Rouyre, browne G. Butler, R G. Whalen, and S Avrameas
Murine ia and human dr antigens: homology of amino-terminal sequences., J P. Allison, L E. Walker, W A. Russell, M A. Pellegrino, S Ferrone, A. Reisfeld, J A. Frelinger, and J Silver
Murine ia antigens. Identification and mapping of ia.23 And further definition of the i-e subregion., C S. David and S E. Cullen
Murine ia antigens. Mapping studies on ia 3 and 15. Abstr., C S. David and S E. Cullen
Murine i-ak alpha-chain subspecies with glycosylation differences., E P. Cowan, B D. Schwartz, and S E. Cullen
Murine immunogenicity of n-substituted phosphatidylethanolamine derivatives in liposomes: response to the hapten phosphocholine., J L. Honegger, P C. Isakson, and S C. Kinsky
Murine interstitial nephritis. I. Analysis of disease susceptibility and its relationship to pleimorphic gene products defining both immune-response genes and a restrictive requirement for cytotoxic t cells at h-2k., E G. Neilson and S M. Phillips
Murine intracisternal type a particles. A biochemical characterization., staal F. Wong, M S. Reitz, C D. Trainor, and R C. Gallo
Murine in vivo carrier-specific igg memory to dnp-ficoll: variation among inbred strains., C F. Schott and B Merchant
Murine l5178y cells resulting in altered drug sensitivities from fractionated radiation exposure in vitro., A S. Bellamy and B T. Hill
Murine leukaemia virus expression in the akr following thymectomy., M Tuffrey, P Crewe, L Dawson, J Holliday, and R D. Barnes
Murine leukaemia virus group-specific antigen in tumour- -resistant tetraparental akr-cba/h-t6 chimaeras., R D. Barnes, M Tuffrey, J Holliday, J H. Hilgers, and T Souissi
Murine leukaemia virus rna transcription from chromatin of normal and infected balb/c spleen., M Janowski, mahieu L. Baugnet, and A Sassen
Murine leukemia and its viruses., M A. Rich
Murine leukemia and sarcoma viruses, further studies on the antigens of the viral envelope., E Gomard, J C. Leclerc, and J P. Levy
Murine leukemia. Depressed response to interferon induction correlated with a serum hyporeactive factor., D A. Stringellow
Murine leukemialike virus and the immunopathological disorders of new zealand black mice., R C. Mellors
Murine leukemia. Proposed role for gangliosides in immune suppression., R Krishnaraj, E E. Lengle, and R G. Kemp
Murine-Leukemia virus as a potential cause of autoimmune disease., Marilyn A. Stramondo
Murine leukemia virus as a potential cause of autoimmune diseases., G. Thomas Poirier
Murine leukemia virus assay techniques, a comparative study., G Grundner, E M. Fenyo, V Strouk, and E Klein
Murine leukemia virus-associated cell surface antigens in rats neonatally infected with gross murine leukemia virus., R S. Basch, D Grausz, N Harris, and N A. Mitchison
Murine leukemia virus. Detection of unintegrated double-stranded dna forms of the provirus., A M. Gianni, D Smotkin, and R A. Weinberg
Murine leukemia viruses, antigenic studies by quantitative comple- ment fixation., P Gerber, T E. O'connor, and S M. Birch
Murine leukemia virus group-specific antigen expression in akr mice., J Hilgers, A Decleve, J Galesloot, and H S. Kaplan
Murine leukemia virus, high-frequency activation in vitro by 5- -iododeoxyuridine and 5- bromodeoxyuridine., D Lowy, W Rowe, N Teich, and J Hartley
Murine leukemia virus proteins expressed on the surface of infected cells in culture., E Buetti and H Diggelmann
Murine luekemia virus sequences associated with alleles of the dilute (d) coat color locus. Abstr., N A. Jenkins and N G. Copeland
Murine lupus nephritis: effects of cyclophosphamide on circulating and tissue bound immunoreactants., T Cavallo, K Graves, and N A. Granholm
Murine lupus nephritis; effects of glucocorticoid on circulating and tissue-bound immunoreactants., T Cavallo, K Graves, and N A. Granholm
Murine lupus nephritis. Effects of glucocorticoid on glomerular permeability., T Cavallo, K Graves, and N A. Granholm
Murine lupus nephritis is accelerated by anti-glomerular basement membrane autoantibodies., U H. Rudofsky
Murine lupus nephritis: the effect of azathioprine on immunoreactants and glomerular permeability. Abstr., T Cavallo, K Graves, and N A. Granholm
Murine lymph node natural killer cells: regulatory mechanisms of activation or suppression., G Hisano and N Hanna
Murine lymphocyte alloantigens. II. The ly-7 locus., T A. Potter, G M. Morgan, and I F. Mckenzie
Murine lymphocyte alloantigens. I. The Ly-6 locus., T A. Potter, I F. McKenzie, G M. Morgan, and M Cherry
Murine lymphocyte alloantigens: the ly-4 locus., T A. Potter, I F. Mckenzie, and M C. Cherry
Murine lymphocyte proliferation induced by incompatible mls macrophage supernatant. Abstr., L Berumen and H Festenstein
Murine lymphoid procoagulant activity induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharide and immune complexes is a monocyte prothrombinase., B S. Schwartz, G A. Levy, D S. Fair, and T S. Edgington
Murine lymphoma-induced immunosuppression. Requirement for direct tumor cell contact., R S. Cimprich, S Specter, and H Friedman
Murine lymphoma l5178y cells resistant to purine antagonists: difference in cross-resistance to thioguanine-platinum(ii) and selenoguanine-platinum(ii)., F Kanzawa, M Maeda, T Sasaki, A Hoshi, and K Kuretani
Murine macrophage cytotoxicity induced by mastocytoma cells, cell-free mastocytoma exudates, and extracts., H F. Dullens and W D. Otter
Murine macrophage formyl peptide receptors: comparison of binding of two radiolabelled peptides by resident and inflammatory macrophages. Abstr., K M. Becker, W A. Marasco, P A. Ward, and R Nairn
Murine malaria: blood clearance and organ sequestration of plasmodium yoelii-infected erythrocytes., L P. Smith, K W. Hunter, E C. Oldfield, and G T. Strickland
Murine malaria: dissociation of natural killer (nk) cell activity and resistance to plasmodium chabaudi., E Skamene, M M. Stevenson, and S Lemieux
Murine malaria: genetic control of resistance to plasmodium chabaudi., M M. Stevenson, J J. Lyanga, and E Skamene
Murine malaria: modulation of the immune response by antibodies to igd. Abstr., K W. Hunter Jr., F D. Finkelman, and L P. Smith
Murine malaria, the role of humoral factors and macrophages in destruction of parasitized erythrocytes., W T. Criswell b sue, R D. Rossen, and V Knight
Murine malignant cells synthesize a 19,000-dalton protein that is physicochemically and antigenically related to the immunosupprressive retroviral protein, p15e., G J. Cianciolo, M E. Lostrom, M Tam, and R Snyderman
Murine mammary carcinomas induced by intravaginal applications of methylcholanthrene in minimal dosages., Y H. Yang and J S. Campbell
Murine mammary gland rna directed synthesis of casein in a heter- ologous cell-free protein synthesis system., P M. Terry, R Ganguly, E M. Ball, and M R. Banerjee
Murine mammary gland rna directed synthesis of casein in a heterologous cell-free protein synthesis system., P M. Terry, R Ganguly, E M. Ball, and M R. Banerjee
Murine mammary tumor cell clones with varying degrees of virus expression., W P. Parks and E M. Scolnick
Murine mammary tumor virus. Characterization of infection of nonmurine cells., A B. Vaidya, E Y. Lasfargues, G Heubel, and D H. Moore
Murine mammary tumor virus contains a protease that cleaves the viral gag precursor-polyprotein. Abstr., G C. Sen, N H. Sarkar, and H Haspel
Murine mammary tumor virus expression during mammary tumori- genesis in balb/c mice., R J. Pauley, D Medina, and S H. Socher
Murine mammary tumor virus expression during mammary tumorigenesis in balb/c mice. Abstr., R J. Pauley and S H. Socher
Murine mammary tumor virus expression during mammary tumor- igenesis in icrc mice., S V. Chiplunkar and K A. Karande
Murine mammary tumor virus infection of mouse mammary epithelial cells in vitro. Abstr., A Vaidya and E Y. Lasfargues
Murine mammary tumor virus (mumtv) infection of an epithelial cell line established from c57bl/6 mouse mammary glands., A B. Vaidya, E Y. Lasfargues, and W G. Coutinho
Murine mammary tumor virus related antigen in human male mammary carcinoma., R V. Lloyd, P P. Rosen, N H. Sarkar, D Jimenez, D W. Kinne, botet C. Menendez, and M K. Schwartz
Murine mammary tumour virus dna., S Geisse, C Scheidereit, H M. Westphal, N E. Hynes, B Groner, N M. Beato, and C R. Around
Murine minor-lymphocyte-stimulating locus defines b-cell subclass whose expression is dependent on genes on x chromosome., I Scher, A Ahmed, S Sharrow, and K W. Sell
Murine mod-1n mutants do not synthesize malic enzyme. Abstr., M J. Glynias and A G. Goodridge
Murine model for human secondary amyloidosis. Genetic variability of the acute-phase serum protein saa response to endotoxins and casein., K P. Mc adam and J D. Sipe
Murine model of transfer factor (tf). Abstr., M E. Williams and C A. Kauffman
Murine models for the study of m. Leprae infection. Abstr., A H. Fieldsteel and S Gartner
Murine models of tolerance induction in developing and mature b cells., E S. Metcalf, A F. Schrater, and N R. Klinman
Murine monoclonal antibodies against hla structures., M M. Trucco, G Garotta, J W. Stocker, and R Ceppellini
Murine monoclonal antibodies specific for virulent treponema pallidum (nichols)., S M. Robertson, J R. Kettman, J N. Miller, and M V. Norgard
Murine monoclonal antibody therapy in two patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia., R O. Dillman, D L. Shawler, R E. Sobol, H A. Collins, J C. Beauregard, S B. Wormsley, and I Royston
Murine monoclonal antibody to a single protein neutralizes the infectivity of human cytomegalovirus., L E. Rasmussen, R M. Nelson, D C. Kelsall, and T C. Merigan
Murine monoclonal anti-dna antibodies with an absolute specificity for dna have a large amount of idiotypic diversity., F Tron, L Jacob, and J Bach
Murine monoclonal anti-renal proximal tubular basement membrane autoantibodies (atbm). Abstr., R Dilwith, M Lynes, L Flaherty, and U H. Rudofsky
Murine monoclonal ige against bovine beta-lactoglobulin. Abstr., D Granato, D Schellenberg, and J J. Pahud
Murine mucopolysaccharidosis type VII. Characterization of a mouse with beta-glucuronidase deficiency., E H. Birkenmeier, M T. Davisson, W G. Beamer, R E. Ganschow, C A. Vogler, B Gwynn, K A. Lyford, L M. Maltais, and C J. Wawrzyniak
Murine mucopolysaccharidosis type VII: long term therapeutic effects of enzyme replacement and enzyme replacement followed by bone marrow transplantation., M S. Sands, C Vogler, A Torrey, B Levy, B Gwynn, J Grubb, W S. Sly, and E H. Birkenmeier
Murine mucopolysaccharidosis type VII: the impact of therapies on the clinical course and pathology in a murine model of lysosomal storage disease., C Vogler, M S. Sands, N Galvin, B Levy, C Thorpe, J Barker, and W S. Sly
Murine mucopolysaccharidosis VIL: impact of therapies on the phenotype, clinical course, and pathology in a model of a lysosomal storage disease., C Vogler, J Barker, M S. Sands, B Levy, N Galvin, and W S. Sly
Murine muscular dystrophy, some histochemical and biochemical observations., A K. Susheela, P Hudgson, and J N. Walton
Murine myeloid leukemia as a model system for aml in man. Abstr., H D. Preisler and S Bjornsson
Murine myeloid leukemia: colony formation in vitro., M Mori, H Preisler, M Oshimura, S Bjornsson, and A Sandberg
Murine myeloma cells in suspension culture., O S. Pettengill and G D. Sorenson
Murine myeloma deoxyribonucleic acid dependent ribonucleic acid polymerases. Enzyme isolation and characterization of interactions with native and denatured deoxyribonucleic acid., S H. Hall and E A. Smuckler
Murine myeloma immunoglobulin heavy-chain mrna. Isola- tion, partial purification, and characterization of gamma1, gamma2a, gamma2b, gamma3, nu, and alpha heavy-chain mrnas., C H. Faust, I Heim, and J Moore
Murine myeloma in tissue culture. II. In vivo tumor production with cultured cells., M L. Elliott, O S. Pettengill, and G D. Sorenson
Murine myeloma in tissue culture. I. Light and electron microscopy and autoradiography., O S. Pettengill, G D. Sorenson, and M L. Elliott
Murine myeloproliferative virus in cell culture., H D. Soule and W J. Arnold
Murine natural anti-tumor antibodies. 1. Rapid in vivo binding of natural antibody by tumor cells in syngeneic mice., L B. Wolosin and A H. Greenberg
Murine natural antitumor antibodies. Iii. Interferon treatment of a natural killer-resistant lymphoma: augmentation of natural antibody reactivity and susceptibility to in vivo natural resistance., V E. Miller, B Pohajdak, and A H. Greenberg
Murine natural anti-tumor antibodies. II. The contribution of natural antibodies to tumor surveillance., D A. Chow, L B. Wolosin, and A H. Greenberg
Murine natural cytotoxicity against virus-infected syngeneic, allogeneic, and xenogeneic target cells. Abstr., G E. Piontek, R Weltzin, and W A. Tompkins
Murine neuroblastoma clones with varying degrees of c-type virus expression., N A. Wivel and S S. Yang
Murine neuroblastoma cured in vivo by an antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity reaction., J E. Byfield, R Zerubavel, and E W. Fonkalsrud
Murine neurotropic retrovirus spongiform polioencephalomyelopathy: acceleration of disease by virus inoculum concentration., B R. Brooks, J R. Swarz, O Narayan, and R T. Johnson
Murine oncornavirus antigens on b16 melanoma cells. Abstr., G M. Stuhlmiller, G R. Roloson, and J J. Collins
Murine oocytes suppress expression of luteinizing hormone receptor messenger ribonucleic acid by granulosa cells., J J. Eppig, K Wigglesworth, F Pendola, and Y Hirao
Murine osteopetroses - a new model for studies of interactions between hemopoiesis and hemopoietic stroma. Abstr., jedrzejczak W. Wiktor, A Ahmed, C Szczylik, R R. Skelly, Z Pojda, and J A. Kruszewski
Murine ovarian cancer. A model for human disease. Abstr., R F. Ozols, K R. Grotzinger, and R C. Young
Murine ovarian teratoma., R L. Schueler and R Ediger
Murine ovarian teratomas and parthenotes as cytogenetic tools., E M. Eicher
Murine ovarian teratomas and parthenotes as cytogenetic tools., E M. Eicher
Murine parietal endoderm cells synthesise heparan sulphage and 170k and 145k sulphated glycoproteins as components of reichert's membrane., B L. Hogan, A Taylor, and A R. Cooper
Murine peyer's patch t cell clones. Characterization of antigen-specific helper t cells for immunoglobulin a responses., H Kiyono, J R. Mcghee, L M. Mosteller, J H. Eldridge, I J. Koopman, J F. Kearney, and S M. Michalek
Murine plasma cells secreting more than one class of immunoglobulin heavy chain. Iii. Immunoglobulin production by established cultures and cloned lines of samm 368., M E. Neiders, H C. Iii, A R. Iii, and R Asofsky
Murine plasma cells secreting more than one class of immunoglobulin heavy chain. II. Samm 368 - a plasmacytoma secreting igg2b-kappa and iga-kappa immunoglobulins which do not share idiotypic determinant, H C. Morse, I )ii, M E. Neiders, R Lieberman, A R. Lawton, I )i, and R Asofsky
Murine plasma cells secreting more than one class of immuno- globulin. IV. Secretion of completely assembled igg2b and iga molecules with segregated heavy chains and free light chains by spontaneous myeloma samm 368 in culture., P E. Mckeever, M E. Neiders, G B. Nero, and R Asofsky
Murine plasma cells secreting more than one class of immuno- globulin. Vii. Analysis of the igg2b and iga precursors within the cytoplasm of spontaneous myeloma samm 368 in culture shows segregation of heavy chains., P E. Mckeever, M E. Neiders, G B. Nero, and R Asofsky
Murine primitive neuroectodermal tumor: nucleolar isolation and rna polymerase inhibition., D E. Slagel and W Kauffman
Murine primordial oocyte destruction by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Abstr., D R. Mattison and M R. Nightingale
Murine pulmonary adenoma bioassay of potentially effective agents against slow-growing solid tumors., J C. Theiss, G D. Stoner, and M B. Shimkin
Murine radiation leukemia and the preleukemic state., F C. Ludwig, R M. Elashoff, and J S. Wellington
Murine renal handling of human bence jones proteins. Abstr., B M. Denker, K Solez, and N Tanigaki
Murine resistance to street rabies virus: genetic analysis by testing second-backcross progeny and verification of allelic resistance genes in sjl/j and cba/j mice., D L. Lodmell and B Chesebro
Murine responses to louse infestation by polyplax serrata (anoplura). Abstr., R E. Ratzlaff, R J. Lynn, and S K. Wikel
Murine responses to (tyr-glu-ala-gly)n. I. Ir gene control of t and b lymphocyte responses., C F. Merryman, P H. Maurer, C Lai, and A R. Zeiger
Murine reticulum cell neoplasms type b (hodgkin's like lesions) induced in balb/c mice with field isolates of murine leukemia virus., P Ebbesen, nielsen R. Rask, J W. Hartley, and W P. Rowe
Murine rous-sarcoma-specific immunity detected by leucocyte adherence inhibition. Inhibitory effect of normal serum., C J. Wikstrand, J O. Proctor, S C. Hartsell, and G Haughton
Murine sarcoma and leukemia viruses, assay using clonal lines of contact-inhibited mouse cells., J L. Jainchill, S A. Aaronson, and G J. Todaro
Murine sarcoma virus (msv)-induced tumors in mice. I. Distribution of msv-immune cytolytic t lymphocytes in vivo., F Plata and B Sordat
Murine sarcoma virus pseudotypes used as immunogens against viral and chemical oncogenesis., M A. Basombrio, A M. Mayer, and C D. Pasqualini
Murine sarcoma virus related nucleic acid sequences in a non-trans- forming virus derived from an interspecies pseudotype sarcoma virus., H Okabe, R V. Gilden, and M Hatanaka
Murine sarcoma virus, the question of defectiveness., R Parkman, J A. Levy, and R C. Ting
Murine sarcoma virus, titration patterns and interference by a murine leukemia virus., K D. Somers and W H. Kirsten
Murine sera cytotoxicity toward human b cells and their effect on human mixed lymphocyte reactions., M W. Verghese and F E. Ward
Murine serum glycoprotein gp70 behaves as an acute phase reactant., I Hara, S Izui, and F J. Dixon
Murine spleen cell suppressor activity induced by schistosoma mansoni cercarial membrane antigens. Abstr., F A. Lewis and E M. Wilson
Murine splenic t cell subpopulations defined by auto- immune sera. Abstr., D H. Halpert, A J. Strelkauskas, and C L. Reinisch
Murine stem cell proliferation and differentiation in vivo and in vitro., Peter Flax
Murine stromal and hemopoietic precursor cell recovery pattern after neutron irradiation. Abstr., L M. Wathen, T J. Macvittie, and M L. Patchen
Murine t-cell hybridomas that produce lymphokine with macrophage- -activating factor activity as a constitutive product., K L. Erickson, L Cicurel, E Gruys, and I J. Fidler
Murine t cell ia antigens. II. Further studies on an i-j subregion specificity., C E. Hayes and F H. Bach
Murine t cell ia antigens: specificity iat.46 Maps in i-j to i-e chromosomal segment of h-2 complex., C E. Hayes and J M. Maier
Murine t cell lines that help induction and gerenation of allospecific cytotoxic t cells from thymocytes., H Narimatsu and K Saito
Murine t-cell-mediated cytotoxicity against syngeneic and allogeneic cell lines induced by fetal calf serum., R M. Thorn
Murine t-cell preparations. Radiosensitivity of helper activity., D A. Lawrence, A Eastman, and W O. Weigle
Murine t cells from spleen and thymus that function as k cells. Abstr., E W. Lamon, B R. Williams, and T G. Pretlow
Murine t cell-specific ia antigens: monoclonal antibodies define an i-a-encoded t lymphocyte structure., C E. Hayes and D A. Hullett
Murine t cells that lyse antibody-sensitized target cells. II. Enrichment of k cells from normal thymus by isokinetic density centrifugation., E W. Lamon, B R. Williams, E W. Fuson, A S. Walia, and T G. Pretlow
Murine t cell suppression demonstrable in the absence of cytotoxicity and the effect of cyclosporin a on this system., P R. Hutchings, A Cooke, and H C. Gunn
Murine terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. Cellular distribution and response to cortisone., P C. Kung, A E. Silverstone, R P. Caffrey, and D Baltimore
Murine t factors. An association between alleles at t and at h-2., J R. Levinson and H O. Devitt
Murine thymic lymphomas as model tumors for t-cell studies. T-cell markers, immunoglobulin and fc-receptors on akr thymomas., P H. Krammer, R Citronbaum, S E. Read, and R Lang
Murine thyroiditis. Iii. Influence of syngeneic and allogeneic thyroid antigen on induction of the disease., A Vladutiu and N Rose
Murine thyroiditis. Importance of adjuvant and mouse strain for the induction of thyroid lesions., N R. Rose, F J. Twarog, and A J. Crowle
Murine tissue amyloid protein aa: nh2-terminal sequence identity with only one of two serum omyloid protein (apossa) gene products., J S. Hoffman, L H. Ericsson, N Eriksen, and E P. Benditt
Murine t lymphocyte clones with distinct immunological functions., A L. Glasebrook, M Sarmiento, M R. Loken, D P. Dialynas, O Quintans, L Eisenberg, C T. Lutz, and F W. Fitch
Murine t lymphocytes participate in the interferon response to lipopolysaccharide (lps) or poly i-c. Abstr., R M. Kamin and L B. Epstein
Murine t-lymphoma 'immunoglobulin' is identical to leukemia virus gp 70., S M. Baird and W C. Raschke
Murine trypanosomiasis: cellular proliferation and functional depletion in the blood, peritoneum, and spleen related to changes in bone marrow stem cells., C E. Clayton, M E. Selkirk, C A. Corsini, B M. Ogilvie, and B A. Askonas
Murine tumor necrosis-inducing factor: purification and effects on myelomonocytic leukemia cells., S Green, A Dobrjansky, and M A. Chiasson
Murine type c retroviruses and intracisternal a-particles in human tumors serially passaged in nude mice., T S. Tralka, C L. Yee, A B. Rabson, N A. Wivel, K J. Stromberg, A S. Rabson, and J C. Costa
Murine type c viral envelope glycoprotein gp69/71 and lupus-like glomerulonephritis of new zealand mice., M Imamura, R C. Mellors, M Strand, and J T. August
Murine type-c virus group-specific antigens. Interstrain immuno- chemical, biophysical and amino acid sequence differences., S Oroszlan, M R. Summers, C Foreman, and R V. Gilden
Murine tyrosine hydroxylase maps to the distal end of chromosome 7 within a region conserved in mouse and man., M H. Brilliant, M M. Niemann, and E M. Eicher
Murine "viable motheaten: mutation reveals a gene critical to the development of both B and T lymphocytes., C L. Sidman, J D. Marshall, and R D. Allen
Murine virus contaminants of leukemia viruses and transplantable tumors., M J. Collins and J C. Parker
Murine virus leukaemogenesis, relationship between susceptibility and immunodepression., W S. Ceglowski and H Friedman
Murine vkappa25 isotype sequence: monoclonal antibody 2s1.3 Specific for the group a streptococcal polysaccharide., H Herbst, J Y. Chang, R Aebersold, and D G. Braun
Murine xenotropic type c viruses. I. Distribution and further characterization of the virus in nzb mice., J A. Levy, P Kazan, O Varnier, and H Kleiman
Murine xenotropic type c viruses. Iii. Phenotypic mixing with avian leukosis and sarcoma viruses., J A. Levy
Murine xenotropic type c viruses. II. Phenotypic mixing with mouse and rat ecotropic type c viruses., J A. Levy
Murine xenotropic type c viruses. V. Biologic and structural differences among three cloned retroviruses isolated from kidney cells from one nzb mouse., O E. Varnier, A D. Hoffman, B A. Nexo, and J A. Levy
Murine yolk sac hematopoiesis studied with the diffusion chamber technique., M Symann, M A. Anckaert, A Cordier, J Rodhain, and G Sokal
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors., C Andre, J G. Guillet, J D. Backer, P Vanderheyden, J Hoebeke, D A. Strosberg, and O A. Of
Muscarinic binding sites in developing normal and mutant mouse cerebellum., J M. East and G R. Dutton
Muscarinic cholinergic activation of mouse spleen cells cytotoxic to tumor cells in vitro., M Lane
Muscarinic cholinergic receptors in murine lymphocytes. Demonstration by direct binding., M A. Gordon, J J. Cohen, and I B. Wilson
Muscarinic receptor-mediated cyclic gmp formation by cultured nerve cells-ionic dependence and effects of local anesthetics., E Richelson, F G. Prendergast, and S Divinetzromero
Muscarinic response to acetylcholine in neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells., J Traber, K Fischer, C Buchen, and B Hamprecht
Muscle choline kinase beta defect causes mitochondrial dysfunction and increased mitophagy., Satomi Mitsuhashi, Hideyuki Hatakeyama, Minako Karahashi, Tomoko Koumura, Ikuya Nonaka, Yukiko K Hayashi, Satoru Noguchi, Roger B Sher, Yasuhito Nakagawa, Giovanni Manfredi, Yu-ichi Goto, Gregory A Cox, and Ichizo Nishino
Muscle cultures in synthetic media., Hyun S. Shin
Muscle deficient, a new mutation in the house mouse., J E. Womack, A D. MacPike, and H Meier
Muscle deficient, a new mutation in the mouse., J E. Womack, A Macpike, and H Meier
Muscle development is disrupted in zebrafish embryos deficient for fibronectin., C J. Snow, M T. Peterson, A Khalil, and C A. Henry
Muscle fibre growth in five different muscles in both sexes of mice. II. Dystrophic mice., R W. Rowe and G Goldspink
Muscle fibre growth in five different muscles in both sexes of mice. I. Normal mice., R W. Rowe and G Goldspink
Muscle fibre resting potentials in normal and dystrophic mice. Abstr., A J. Mc comas and S J. Mossawy
Muscle glucose utilization in mice (i-strain) resistant to obesity. Abstr., plow J. Hoover, S R. Gross, and S E. Mayer
Muscle lesions in mice injected with isologous and homologous muscle extracts., G Tolnai
Muscle protein synthesis in med myopathy., M F. Sheff and S I. Zacks
Muscle regeneration. Enhancement by ethylene inhalation., P Pietsch and M B. Chenoweth
Muscle regeneration in normal and dystrophic mice., J L. Laird and B E. Walker
Muscle regeneration in the muscular dystrophies., J R. Nichols and S A. Shafiq
Muscle-specific Pparg deletion causes insulin resistance., A L. Hevener, W He, Y Barak, J Le, G Bandyopadhyay, P Olson, J Wilkes, R M. Evans, and J Olefsky
Muscle transplantation in the aetiological elucidation of murine muscular dystrophy., T Hironaka and Y Miyata
Muscle transplantation into mice with muscular dystrophy., J L. Rolston
Muscle transplanted into mice with muscular dystrophy. Abstr., J L. Laird
Muscular dysgenesis in the mouse (mdg/mdg). I. Ultrastructural stud of skeletal and cardiac muscle., B Q. Banker
Muscular dystrophy, a hereditary disorder in mice., H Meier
Muscular dystrophy as a confirmation of the correlation between daily urinary creatinine excretion and muscle mass., Steve Dubin
Muscular dystrophy in the mouse caused by an allele at the dy-locus., H Meier and J L. Southerd
Muscular dystrophy in the mouse caused by an allele at the dy-locus., H Meier and J L. Southard
Muscular dystrophy in the mouse: neuromuscular transmission and the concept of functional denervation., J B. Harris and R R. Ribchester
Muscular dystrophy, in vivo resting membrane potential and potassium distribution in strain 129 mice., C F. Hazlewood and J M. Ginski
Muscular dystrophy. Man and mouse. A review of current trends., W O. Read and W L. Jones
Muscular dystrophy: selected bibliography and abstracts., Eleanor Schuker
Musculature of the pet strain of mice., T C. Mayer, E Analysis, and D O. Leg
Musculoskeletal effects of the recombinant human IGF-I/IGF binding protein-3 complex in osteoporotic patients with proximal femoral fracture: a double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study., S Boonen, C Rosen, R Bouillon, A Sommer, M McKay, D Rosen, S Adams, P Broos, J Lenaerts, J Raus, D Vanderschueren, and P Geusens
Mus musculus x mus caroli hybrids: mouse mules., J D. West, W I. Frels, and V M. Chapman
Mus poschiavinus Y chromosome in the C57BL/6J murine genome causes sex reversal., E M. Eicher, L L. Washburn, J B. Whitney, and K E. Morrow
Mus poschiavinus y chromosome in the c57bl/6j murine genome causes sex reversal., E M. Eicher, L L. Washburn, J B. Iii, and K E. Morrow
Mustard haptens for chemoimmunotherapy of cancer. Abstr., J E. Wright, A H. Soloway, V Subramanyam, and J J. Gozzo
Mustard-sensitive and -resistant lines of lettre-ehrlich ascites tumor., E H. Chun, L Gonzales, F S. Lewis, J Jones, D R. Rutman, and E I. Nitrogen
Must glucose metabolism be stimulated for initiation of insulin release? abstr., S Holze and U Panten
Must initiators come first? tumorigenic and carcinogenic effects on skin in 3-methylcholanthrene and tpa in various sequences., O H. Iversen and U M. Iversen
Must we grow old?, D E. Harrison
Mutagen activation ability of fetal mice. Abstr., D A. Blake, F Martz, and martz A. Gery
Mutageneic activity in somatic and germ cells following chronic inhalation of sulfur mustard. Abstr., H Rozmiarek, R L. Capizzi, B Papirmeister, W H. Fuhrman, and W J. Smith
Mutagenesis as an unbiased approach to identify novel contraceptive targets., M A. Handel, C Lessard, L Reinholdt, J Schimenti, and J J. Eppig
Mutagenesis-generated mouse models of human infertility with abnormal sperm., C Lessard, H Lothrop, J C. Schimenti, and M A. Handel
Mutagenesis of certain activated carcinogens in vitro associated with genetically mediated increases in monooxygenase activity and cyto- chrome p1-450., J S. Felton and D W. Nebert
Mutagenesis of certain benzo[a]pyrene phenols in vitro following further metabolism by mouse liver., I S. Owens, G M. Koteen, and C Legraverend
Mutagenesis of l5178y/tk+/- murine lymphoma cells under continuous low dose rate x-ray. Abstr., J Mencl and E C. Gregg
Mutagenesis of mouse myeloma cells with 'melphalan'., J Preud'homme, J Buxbaum, and M D. Scharff
Mutagenesis of s49 mouse lymphoma cells. Abstr., P Coffino, U Friedrich, and R Steinberg
Mutagenesis studies in DBA/2J mice injected intratestis with isoproterenol sulfate and alloxan., Kathleen J. Henderson
Mutagenesis with methyl methanesulfonate in mouse., J Moutschen
Mutagenic action of caffeine in an ascites tumour strain of mice. Cytogenetic investigation., I Adler and J Schoneich
Mutagenic activation of 2,4-diaminoanisole and 2-aminofluorene in vitro by liver and kidney fractions from aromatic hydrocarbon responsive and nonresponsive mice., T Aune and E Dybing
Mutagenic activation of 2-acetylaminofluorene and n-hydroxy-2- -acetylaminofluorene by mouse liver and kidney microsomes. Abstr., H A. Schut and S S. Thorgeirsson
Mutagenic and carcinogenic properties of electrophilic antitumor dichlorodiammine- and 1,2-diaminocyclohexane platinum (ii) complexes. Abstr., W R. Leopold, R P. Batzinger, J A. Miller, E C. Miller, and R H. Earhart
Mutagenic effect of isopropyl methane sulphonate in mouse., J Moutschen
Mutagenic effect of radiation in mice subjected to gamma irradiation in the embryonic period. I. Frequency of reciprocal translocation in the spermatocytes of mice subjected to gamma irradiation at different times during embryogenesis., A M. Rafailov and M D. Pomerantseva
Mutagenic effect of radiation in mice subjected to gamma irradiation in the embryonic period. II. Frequency of dominant lethal mutations in males subjected to gamma irradiation in different stages of embryo- genesis., A M. Rafailov and M D. Pomerantseva
Mutagenic effect of radiation in mice subjected to gamma irradiation in the embryonic peroid. Iii. Frequency of coat-color mosaics among mice heterozygous for recessive mutations following irradiation in various stages of embryogenesis., M D. Pomerantseva and A M. Rafailov
Mutagenic effect of sodium nitrite on cultured mouse cells., F Kodama, M Umeda, and T Tsutsui
Mutagenic effect of the pesticide ddb and of chloridine in the bone marrow and germ cells of mice., V G. Matveeva, Y Y. Kerkis, and L P. Osipova
Mutagenic effect of thiotepa in laboratory mice. Communication iv. Influence of the genotype and sex on the frequencey of induced chromosome aberrations in bone marrow., N I. Surkova and A M. Malashenko
Mutagenic effect of various organ extracts of irradiated mice. (russ.), Y A. Kerkis, L N. Yasnova, and A V. Urzhenko
Mutagenic effect on l5178y mouse lymphoma cells by growth in ethylene oxide-sterilized polycarbonate flasks., K Krell, E D. Jacobson, and K Selby
Mutagenic effects of different kinds of radiation on germ cells of male mice. Communication vii. Frequency of emergence of reciprocal translocations in spermatogonia exposed to gamma irradiation at different dose rates., M D. Pomerantseva, L K. Ramaiya, and V N. Ivanov
Mutagenic effects of immunologic stress in tissue incompatible mice., Y Kerkis and S V. Skorova
Mutagenic effects of repeated small radiation doses to mouse spermatogonia. II. Translocation yield at various dose intervals., M F. Lyon, R J. Phillips, and P Glenister
Mutagenic effects of repeated small radiation doses to mouse spermatogonia. I. Specific-locus mutation rates., M F. Lyon, R J. Phillips, and H J. Bailey
Mutagenicity and cytotoxicity of malonaldehyde in mammalian cells., T M. Yau
Mutagenicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and perfluoro-n-decanoic acid in l5178y mouse-lymphoma cells., A M. Rogers, M E, and E A. Back
Mutagenicity of 43 structurally related heterocyclic compounds and its relationship to their carcinogenicity., H R. Glatt, H Schwind, F Zajdela, A Croisy, and F Oesch
Mutagenicity of 5-azacytidine and its analogs in v79 and c3h/10t1/2 cells. Abstr., J R. Landolph
Mutagenicity of dimethylnitrosamine and ethyl methanesulfonate as determined by the host-mediated cho/hgprt assay., A W. Hsie, R Machanoff, D B. Couch, and J M. Holland
Mutagenicity of dimethylnitrosamine to mammalian cells as determined by the use of mouse liver microsomes., M Umeda and M Saito
Mutagenicity of furylfuramide, a food preservative, tested by using alanine-requiring mouse l5178y cells in vitro and in vivo., N Nakamura, N Suzuki, and S Okada
Mutagenicity of heavy metals. Abstr., G Deknudt
Mutagenicity of hycanthone and several of its analogs in l5178y mouse lymphoma cells. Abstr., D Clive
Mutagenicity of isoniazid. Testing for somatic chromosome aberrations in mouse embryos., J Franz
Mutagenicity of oral hypoglycaemic agents., A Basler and G Rohrborn
Mutagenicity studies on chemical carcinogens. Abstr., D Clive
Mutagenicity studies with 5-thio-d-glucose. Cytogenetic investigation in mice, and the sex-linked recessive lethal gene test in drosophila., S K. Majumdar, B Buchanan, and S Feinstein
Mutagenicity study of fried sausages in salmonella, drosophila and mammalian cells in vitro and in vivo., E Gocke, K Eckhardt, M King, and D Wild
Mutagenicity testing and risk estimation with mammals., U H. Ehling
Mutagenicity tests in mice. I. The dominant lethal method and the control problem., G Rohrborn
Mutagenicity tests of diflubenzuron in the micronucleus test in mice, the l5178y mouse lymphoma forward mutation assay, and the ames salmonella reverse mutation test., J T. Macgregor, D H. Gould, A D. Mitchell, and G P. Sterling
Mutagenicity tests with aflatoxins in the mouse., A Leonard, G Deknudt, and G Linden
Mutagenicity tests with cadmium in the mouse., N Gilliavod and A Leonard
Mutagenicity tests with cyclohexylamine in the mouse., B Cattanach and C Pollard
Mutagenicity tests with griseofulvin., A Leonard, F Poncelet, G Grutman, E Carbonelle, and L Fabry
Mutagenic macrophages (mos) isolated from metastatic mammary tumors. Abstr., S E. Loveless, A E. Munson, and G H. Heppner
Mutagens detected by the h test in mice. Abstr., H I. Kohn
Mutagen treatment as a means for selecting immunogenic variants from otherwise poorly immunogenic malignant murine tumors., P Frost, R S. Kerbel, E Bauer, biondo R. Tartamella, and W Cefalu
Mutangenic effects of various types of radiations on the germ cells of male mice. Viii. Frequency of appearance of reciprocal translocations in spermatogonia of mice subjected to chronic gamma irradiation., M D. Pomerantseva, G A. Vilkina, and V N. Ivanov
Mutant gene-induced disorders of structure, function and thyroglobulin synthesis in congenital goitre (cog/cog) in mice., L R. Adkison, S Taylor, and W G. Beamer
Mutant Genes affecting development of anemia and erythrocyte production: mice in inbred and genetically defined strains of laboratory animals., S E. Bernstein
Mutant genes affecting development of the immune system: mouse., M C. Green
Mutant genes affecting development of the immune system: mouse., M C. Green
Mutant genes and linkages., M C. Green
Mutant human myocilin induces strain specific differences in ocular hypertension and optic nerve damage in mice., Colleen M McDowell, Tomi Luan, Zhang Zhang, Tasneem Putliwala, Robert J Wordinger, J Cameron Millar, Simon W M John, Iok-Hou Pang, and Abbot F Clark
Mutant immunoglobulin genes have repetitive dna elements inserted into their intervening sequences., R G. Hawley, M J. Shulman, H Murialdo, D M, B, and N Hozumi
Mutant laboratory mice with abnormalities in pigmentation: annotated tables., M Nakamura, D J. Tobin, Smith B. Richards, J P. Sundberg, and R Paus
Mutant 'meromelia{ mice. II. Pathogenesis of limb malformations. Abstr., H Nakamura, M Yasuda, and M Minezawa
Mutant 'meromelia{ mice. I. Variations in the phenotype. Abstr., M Yasuda, H Nakamura, and M Minezawa
Mutant mice and their use in research., M F. Lyon
Mutant mice (quaking and jimpy) with deficient myelination in the central nervous system., R L. Sidman, M M. Dickie, and S H. Appel
Mutant mice (quaking and jimpy) with deficient myelination in the central nervous system., R L. Sidman, M M. Dickie, and S H. Appel
Mutant monoclonal antibodies with alterations in biological functions., D E. Yelton and M D. Scharff
Mutant mouse models reveal the relative roles of E2F1 and E2F3 in vivo., J E. Cloud, C Rogers, T L. Reza, U Ziebold, J R. Stone, M H. Picard, A M. Caron, R T. Bronson, and J A. Lees
Mutant myocilin nonsecretion in vivo is not sufficient to cause glaucoma., D B. Gould, M Reedy, L A. Wilson, R S. Smith, R L. Johnson, and S W. John
Mutant p53 gain of function in two mouse models of Li-Fraumeni syndrome., K P. Olive, D A. Tuveson, Z C. Ruhe, B Yin, N A. Willis, R T. Bronson, D Crowley, and T Jacks
Mutant partially deficient in adenylosuccinate synthetase., B Ullman, S M. Clift, A Cohen, L J. Gudas, B B. Levinson, A. Martin, N R. Synthesis, and P S. Lymphoma
Mutants and the differentiation of the murine haematopoietic stem cell., M F. Festing
Mutants. I. Identification of a shared mutation n b6-h-2bm5 and b6-h-2bm16., K M. Yamaga, G M. Pfaffenbach, L R. Pease, D Mcgovern, T Nisizawa, R W. Melvold, H I. Kohn, N S. Nathenson, and C S. Related
Mutants. II. Identification of a shared mutation in b6-h-2bm6, b6.c-h-2bm7, And b6.c-h-2bm9., K M. Yamaga, G M. Pfaffenbach, L R. Pease, D Mcgovern, T Nisizawa, R W. Melvold, H I. Kohn, N S. Nathenson b, and M S. Related
Mutants of balb/c 3t3 fibroblasts defective in adhesiveness to substratum. Evidence for alteration in cell surface proteins., J M. Pouyssegur and I Pastan
Mutants of mouse fibroblasts altered in the synthesis of cell surface glycoproteins. Preliminary evidence for a defect in the acetylation of glucosamine 6-phosphate., J Pouyssegur and I Pastan
Mutants of nonproducer cell lines transformed by murine sarcoma viruses. I. Induction, isolation, particle production and tumorigenicity., M Hatanaka, R Klein, R Toni, J Walker, and R Gilden
Mutants of nonproducer cell lines transformed by murine sarcoma virus. Iii. Detection and characterization of rna specific for helper and sarcoma viruses., N Tsuchida, M Shih, R V. Gilden, and M Hatanaka
Mutants of nonproducer cell lines transformed by murine sarcoma virus. II. Relationship of tumorigenicity to presence of viral markers and rescuable sarcoma genome., M Hatanaka, R Klein, C Long, and R Gilden
Mutant, the 'quaking' mouse., N A. Baumann, C M. Jacque, S A. Al, T Acid, and L C. Deficient
Mutarotases x. Anomer specific glucose transport in ascites tumor cells., P H. Fishman and J M. Bailey
Mutational response of mouse spermatozoa to methyl methanesulphonate. Abstr., J Schiechtl and J H. Schroder
Mutation and recombination in the vicinity of a complex gene., L C. Dunn, D Bennett, and A B. Beasley
Mutation and transformation in chinese hamster v79 cells and c3h mouse fibroblast 10t1/2 cells by aflatoxin b1 and four other furocoumarins isolated from two nigerian medicinal plants. Abstr., A O. Uwaifo and C Heidelberger
Mutation as initiator of neoplasms and their secondary evolution., vaartaja R. Wakonig
Mutation at h-2k locus influences susceptibility to auto- immune thyroiditis., R Maron and I R. Cohen
Mutation detection in the biochemical specific locus system. Abstr., L R. Valcovic and H V. Malling
Mutation discovery in mice by whole exome sequencing., Heather Fairfield, Griffith J Gilbert, Mary Barter, Rebecca R Corrigan, Michelle Curtain, Yueming Ding, Mark D'Ascenzo, Daniel J Gerhardt, Chao He, Wenhui Huang, Todd Richmond, Lucy Rowe, Frank J Probst, David E Bergstrom, Stephen A Murray, Carol Bult, Joel Richardson, Benjamin T Kile, Ivo Gut, Jorg Hager, Snaevar Sigurdsson, Evan Mauceli, Federica Di Palma, Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Michael L Cunningham, Timothy C Cox, Monica J Justice, Mona S Spector, Scott W Lowe, Thomas Albert, Leah Rae Donahue, Jeffrey Jeddeloh, Jay Shendure, and Laura G Reinholdt
Mutation discovery in the mouse using genetically guided array capture and resequencing., M D'Ascenzo, C Meacham, J Kitzman, T J. Albert, A Czechanski, L R. Donahue, J Affourtit, J A. Jeddeloh, L Reinholdt, and al et
Mutation in a new h-2-associated histocompatibility gene closely linked to h-2d., T H. Hansen, S E. Cullen, R Melvold, H Kohn, A, and D H. Sachs
Mutation induced in germ cells of the foetal female mouse., T C. Carter
Mutation induction in neurospora crassa incubated in mice and rats., H Malling
Mutation in mouse hei10, an e3 ubiquitin ligase, disrupts meiotic crossing over., J O. Ward, L G. Reinholdt, W W. Motley, L M. Niswander, D C. Deacon, L B. Griffin, K K. Langlais, V L. Backus, K J. Schimenti, M J. O'Brien, J J. Eppig, and J C. Schimenti
Mutation in the ia subregion of the murine h-2 complex., I F. Mckenzie, M S. Sandrin, G M. Morgan, and R W. Melvold
Mutation of a U2 snRNA gene causes global disruption of alternative splicing and neurodegeneration., Yichang Jia, John C Mu, and Susan L. Ackerman
Mutation of a ubiquitously expressed mouse transmembrane protein (Tapt1) causes specific skeletal homeotic transformations., G R. Howell, M Shindo, S Murray, T Gridley, L A. Wilson, and J C. Schimenti
Mutation of Eif4g3, encoding a eukaryotic translation initiation factor, causes male infertility and meiotic arrest of mouse spermatocytes., F Sun, K Palmer, and M A. Handel
Mutation of Eif4g3, encoding a eukaryotic translation initiation factor, causes male infertility and meiotic arrest of mouse spermatocytes., Fengyun Sun, Kristina Palmer, and Mary Ann Handel
Mutation of the brachyury type in strain pt mice., A M. Malashenko
Mutation of the Cyba gene encoding p22phox causes vestibular and immune defects in mice., Y Nakano, Guess C. Longo, D E. Bergstrom, W M. Nauseef, S M. Jones, and B Banfi
Mutation of the hematopoietic cell phosphatase (Hcph) gene is associated with resistance to gamma-irradiation-induced apoptosis in Src homology protein tyrosine phosphatase (SHP)-1-deficient "motheaten" mutant mice., H C. Hsu, L D. Shultz, X Su, J Shi, P A. Yang, M J. Relyea, H G. Zhang, and J D. Mountz
Mutation rate and predicted phenotypic target sizes in ethylnitrosourea-treated mice., D Concepcion, K L. Seburn, G Wen, W N. Frankel, and B A. Hamilton
Mutation rates at a new set of specific loci in the mouse., M F. Lyon and T Morris
Mutations affecting immunoglobulin light chain secretion by myeloma cells. I. Functional analysis by cell fusion., T R. Mosmann, R Baumal, and A R. Williamson
Mutations at h-2k or h-2d alter immune response phenotype of autoimmune thyroiditis., R Maron, J Klein, and I R. Cohen
Mutations at the agouti locus in the mouse., M M. Dickie
Mutations at the h-2kb, h-2db, and i-ab genes influence hybrid resistance to p815. Abstr., L W. Kwak, O Kucuk, R W. Melvold, and R M. Williams
Mutations at the mouse ichthyosis locus are within the lamin B receptor gene: a single gene model for human Pelger-Huet anomaly., L D. Shultz, B L. Lyons, L M. Burzenski, B Gott, R Samuels, P A. Schweitzer, C Dreger, H Herrmann, V Kalscheuer, A L. Olins, D E. Olins, K Sperling, and K Hoffmann
Mutations at the murine motheaten locus are within the hematopoietic cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase (Hcph) gene., L D. Shultz, P A. Schweitzer, T V. Rajan, T Yi, J N. Ihle, R J. Matthews, M L. Thomas, and D R. Beier
Mutations in ALMS1 cause obesity, type 2 diabetes and neurosensory degeneration in Alstrom syndrome., G B. Collin, J D. Marshall, A Ikeda, W V. So, Eggitt I. Russell, P Maffei, S Beck, C F. Boerkoel, N Sicolo, M Martin, P M. Nishina, and J K. Naggert
Mutations in a NIMA-related kinase gene, Nek1, cause pleiotropic effects including a progressive polycystic kidney disease in mice., P Upadhya, E H. Birkenmeier, C S. Birkenmeier, and J E. Barker
Mutations in a novel CLN6-encoded transmembrane protein cause variant neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis in man and mouse., H Gao, R M. Boustany, J A. Espinola, K A. Antonellis, T Gillis, X Qin, S Liu, L R. Donahue, R T. Bronson, and al et
Mutations in a p-type ATPase gene cause axonal degeneration., Xianjun Zhu, Richard T Libby, Wilhelmine N de Vries, Richard S Smith, Dana L Wright, Roderick T Bronson, Kevin L Seburn, and Simon W M John
Mutations in BRAF and KRAS converge on activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in lung cancer mouse models., H Ji, Z Wang, S A. Perera, D Li, M C. Liang, S Zaghlul, K McNamara, L Chen, L R. Chirieac, R Padera, R T. Bronson, R K. Thomas, and al et
Mutations in Col4a1 cause perinatal cerebral hemorrhage and porencephaly., D B. Gould, F C. Phalan, G J. Breedveld, Mil S. van, R S. Smith, J C. Schimenti, U Aguglia, der Knaap van, P Heutink, and S W. John
Mutations in cultured mammalian cells in vitro and in vivo condition. Abstr., N Suzuki and S Okada
Mutations in cyclic amp-dependent protein kinase and corti- cotropin (acth)-sensitive adenylate cyclase affect adrenal steriodogenesis., P A. Rae, N S. Gutmann, J Tsao, and B P. Schimmer
Mutations induced by gamma-rays and fast neutrons in cultured mammalian cells. Differences in dose response and rbe with methotrexate- and 6-thioguanine-resistant systems., N Nakamura, S Suzuki, A Ito, and S Okada
Mutations in genes encoding melanosomal proteins cause pigmentary glaucoma in DBA/2J mice., M G. Anderson, R S. Smith, N L. Hawes, A Zabaleta, B Chang, J L. Wiggs, and S W. John
Mutations in Grxcr1 are the basis for inner ear dysfunction in the pirouette mouse., H Odeh, K L. Hunker, I A. Belyantseva, H Azaiez, L H. Gagnon, N Hagiwara, M J. Skynner, M H. Brilliant, K R. Johnson, H Najmabadi, T B. Friedman, and al et
Mutations in immunoglobulin producing cells. Abstr., B K. Birshtein, J L. Preud'homme, and M D. Scharff
Mutations in immunoglobulin-producing mouse myeloma cells., R Baumal, B K. Birshtein, P Coffino, and M D. Scharff
Mutations in Lama1 disrupt retinal vascular development and inner limiting membrane formation., Malia M. Edwards, Elmina Mammadova-Bach, Fabien Alpy, Annick Klein, Wanda L. Hicks, Michel Roux, Patricia Simon-Assmann, Richard S. Smith, Gertraud Orend, Jiang Wu, Neal S. Peachey, Jurgen K. Naggert, Olivier Lefebvre, and Patsy M. Nishina
Mutations in mice that influence natural killer (NK) cell activity., E A. Clark, L D. Shultz, and S B. Pollack
Mutations in mice that influence natural killer (nk) cell activity., E A. Clark, L D. Shultz, and S B. Pollack
Mutations in Serac1 or Synj2 cause proximal t haplotype-mediated male mouse sterility but not transmission ratio distortion., J C. Schimenti, J L. Reynolds, and A Planchart
Mutations in snail family genes enhance craniosynostosis of Twist1 haplo-insufficient mice: implications for Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome., K F. Oram and T Gridley
Mutations in sterol O-acyltransferase 1 (Soat1) result in hair interior defects in AKR/J mice., B Wu, C S. Potter, K A. Silva, Y Liang, L G. Reinholdt, L M. Alley, L B. Rowe, D C. Roopenian, A Awgulewitsch, and J P. Sundberg
Mutations in the gene encoding the lamin B receptor produce an altered nuclear morphology in granulocytes (Pelger-Huet anomaly)., K Hoffmann, C K. Dreger, A L. Olins, D E. Olins, L D. Shultz, B Lucke, H Karl, R Kaps, D Muller, A Vaya, J Aznar, R E. Ware, C r. Sotelo, T H. Lindner, H Herrmann, A Reis, and K Sperling
Mutations in the gene encoding the low-density lipoprotein receptor LRP4 cause abnormal limb development in the mouse., Chazottes D. Simon, S Tutois, M Kuehn, M Evans, F Bourgade, S Cook, M T. Davisson, and J L. Guenet
Mutations in the Human Orthologue of the Mouse underwhite Gene (uw) Underlie a New Form of Oculocutaneous Albinism, OCA4., J M. Newton, Barak O. Cohen, N Hagiwara, J M. Gardner, M T. Davisson, R A. King, and M H. Brilliant
Mutations in the murine erythroid alpha -spectrin gene alter spectrin mRNA and protein levels and spectrin incorporation into the red blood cell membrane skeleton., N J. Wandersee, C S. Birkenmeier, D M. Bodine, N Mohandas, and J E. Barker
Mutations in the novel protocadherin PCDH15 cause Usher syndrome type 1F., K N. Alagramam, H Yuan, M H. Kuehn, C L. Murcia, S Wayne, C R. Srisailpathy, R B. Lowry, R Knaus, Laer L. Van, F P. Bernier, S Schwartz, C Lee, C C. Morton, R F. Mullins, A Ramesh, Camp G. Van, G S. Hageman, R P. Woychik, R J. Smith, and G S. Hagemen
Mutations in the RNA granule component TDRD7 cause cataract and glaucoma., S A. Lachke, F S. Alkuraya, S C. Kneeland, T Ohn, P J. Anderson, S W. John, and al et
Mutations in the WRN gene in mice accelerate mortality in a p53-null background., D B. Lombard, C Beard, B Johnson, R A. Marciniak, J Dausman, R Bronson, J E. Buhlmann, R Lipman, R Curry, A Sharpe, R Jaenisch, and L Guarente
Mutations in transplantable tumors., G D. Snell
Mutations in zebrafish lrp2 result in adult-onset ocular pathogenesis that models myopia and other risk factors for glaucoma., K N. Veth, J R. Willer, R F. Collery, M P. Gray, G B. Willer, D S. Wagner, M C. Mullins, A J. Udvadia, R S. Smith, S W. John, R G. Gregg, and B A. Link
Mutations of histocompatibility genes in the irradiated mouse. Abstr., D W. Bailey and H I. Kohn
Mutations of the mouse ELMO domain containing 1 gene (Elmod1) link small GTPase signaling to actin cytoskeleton dynamics in hair cell stereocilia., Kenneth R Johnson, Chantal M Longo-Guess, and Leona H Gagnon
Mutations of the mouse Twist and sy (fibrillin 2) genes induced by chemical mutagenesis of ES cells., V L. Browning, S S. Chaudhry, A Planchart, M J. Dixon, and J C. Schimenti
Mutations of the opsin gene (Y102H and I307N) lead to light-induced degeneration of photoreceptors and constitutive activation of phototransduction in mice., E Budzynski, A K. Gross, S D. McAlear, M Edwards, J Won, W L. Hicks, T G. Wensel, J K. Naggert, and P M. Nishina
Mutator phenotype in a mutant s49 mouse t-lymphoma cells with abnormal sensitivity to thymidine., M A. Roguska and L J. Gudas
Muted, a new mutant affecting coat colour and otoliths of the mouse, and its position in linkage group xiv., M F. Lyon and R Meredith
Mutliple molecular forms of dopamine beta-hydroxylase in the c1300 mouse neuroblastoma tumor and in the serum of tumor-bearing mice., N H. Fraeyman, E J. Velde, F H. Smet, N, and R F. Schaepdryver
Mutual homology of mouse immunoglobulin gamma-chain gene sequences., kataoka Y. Yamawaki, K Sato, A Shimizu, T Kataoka, Y Mano, M Ono, M Kawakami, and T Honjo
Mutually tolerant host and donor type immunologically competent cells in mouse radiation chimeras., W E. Davis, M L. Tyan, and L J. Cole
Mutual recognition of parental and f1 lymphocytes. Iii. Parental determinants recognized by f1 host mice in resistance to graft-vs-host-associated immunosuppression map to h-2db., G M. Shearer and R P. Polisson
Mutual recognition of parental and f1 lymphocytes. Selective abrogation of cytotoxic potential of f1 lymphocytes by parental lymphocytes., G M. Shearer and R P. Polisson
Mutual tolerance of donor and host cells in lasting tolerance. Abstr., C Martinez, J M. Smith, and R A. Good
Mutual tolerance of donor and host lymphoreticular cells in lasting tolerance., C Martinez, J M. Smith, and R A. Good
Mx-dependent resistance to influenza viruses is induced by mouse interferons alpha and beta but not gamma., P Staeheli, M A. Horisberger, and O Haller
Myasthenia gravis. Passive transfer from man to mice with immunoglobulins. Abstr., K V. Toyka, D E. Griffin, A Pestronk, K H. Fischbeck, I Kao, and D B. Drachman
Myasthenia gravis. Passive transfer from man to mouse., K V. Toyka, D B. Drachman, A Pestronk, and I Kao
MYC expression promotes the proliferation of neural progenitor cells in culture and in vivo., D Fults, C Pedone, C Dai, and E C. Holland
myc maintains embryonic stem cell pluripotency and self-renewal., N V. Varlakhanova, R F. Cotterman, W N. deVries, J Morgan, L R. Donahue, S Murray, B B. Knowles, and P S. Knoepfler
Mycobacterial fraction., O Kuperman, D J. Yashphe, S Sharf, efraim S. Ben, D D. Weiss, and C S. By a
Mycobacterial ribonucleic acid. Comparison with mycobacterial cell wall fractions for regression of murine tumor growth., I Millman, A W. Scott, T Halbherr, A S. Youmans, and G P. Youmans
Mycobacterium bovis, bcg, modulation of murine antibody responses: influence of dose and degree of aggregation of live or dead organisms., C A. Brown and I N. Brown
Mycobacterium leprae infection in nude mice: bacteriological and histological responses to primary infection and large inocula., R D. Lancaster, G R. Hilson, A C. Mcdougall, and M J. Colston
Mycophenolic acid, and anti-cancer compound with unusual properties., S B. Carter, T J. Franklin, D F. Jones, B J. Leonard, S Mills, R W. Turner, and W B. Turner
Mycoplasma capping on lymphocytes., E J. Stanbridge and R L. Weiss
Mycoplasma hyorhinis gdl surface protein antigen p120 defined by monoclonal antibody., K S. Wise and R K. Watson
Mycoplasma in leukemic aand nonleukemic mice., J G. Tully and nielsen R. Rask
Mycoplasma-mediated activation of normal mouse lymphocytes: induction of cytotoxic lymphocytes and lymphocyte transformation by mycoplasma arthritidis are under ir gene control., B C. Cole, R A. Daynes, and J R. Ward
Mycoplasma mycoides var, capri isolated from a goat in Connecticut., A M. Jonas and T L. Barber
Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a polyclonal b-cell activator., G Biberfeld and E Gronowicz
Mycoplasma pulmonis arthritis in congenitally athymic (nude) mice. Clinical and biological features., H Tanaka
Mycoplasmas provide helper activity for friend spleen focus-forming virus in mice. Abstr., R A. Steeves and J Minowada
MyD88 deficiency results in tissue-specific changes in cytokine induction and inflammation in interleukin-18-independent mice infected with Borrelia burgdorferi., A K. Behera, E Hildebrand, R T. Bronson, G Perides, S Uematsu, S Akira, and L T. Hu
MyD88 intrinsically regulates CD4 T-cell responses., S Zhou, Jones E. Kurt, A M. Cerny, M Chan, R T. Bronson, and R W. Finberg
Myelinated nerve fibre counts in the nerves of normal and dystrophic mouse muscle., J Harris, C Wallace, and J Wing
Myelination and myelin degeneration in the central nervous system of dilute-lethal mice., D E. Kelton and H Rauch
Myelination and myelin degeneration in the central nervous system of dilute-lethal mice., D E. Kelton and H Rauch
Myelination in the cns of mld mutant mice: comparison between composition and structure., J Matthieu, F X. Omlin, winkelmann H. Ginalski, and B J. Cooper
Myelination of mouse axons by schwann cells transplanted from normal and abnormal human nerves., A J. Aguayo, J Kasarjian, E Skamene, P Kongshavn, and G M. Bray
Myelin basic protein and the stability of the multi-lamellar myelin structure., J Matthieu
Myelin basic protein deposition in the optic and sciatic nerves of dysmyelinating mutants quaking, jimpy, trembler, mld, and shiverer during development., C Jacque, A Delassalle, M Raoul, and N Baumann
Myelin basic proteins in myelin subfractions from normal and quaking mice., G E. Fagg and T V. Waehneldt
Myelin-deficient mutant mice: comparative culture studies of quaking, jimpy, and msd. Abstr., M K. Wolf and gagliardi S. Billings
Myelin deficit in the jimpy mouse may be due to cellular abnormalities in astroglia., R P. Skoff
Myelin degeneration in the central nervous system of dilute-lethal mice. Abstr., D E. Kelton
Myelin differences in the central and peripheral nervous system in the 'jimpy' mouse., N Herschkowitz, F Vassella, and A Bischoff
Myelin hypoplasia including peripheral neuropathy caused by three mutations of the mouse., H Meier and A D. MacPike
Myelin hypoplasia including peripheral neuropathy caused by three mutations of the mouse., H Meier and A M. Pike
Myelinization of the optic nerve and its dependence on visual func- tion - a quantitative investigation in mice., L Gyllensten and T Malmfors
Myelin labeled with mercuric chloride. Asymmetric localization of phosphatidylethanolamine plasmalogen., D A. Kirschner and A L. Ganser
Myelin of the peripheral nerve of the dystrophic mouse., R C. Wiggins and P Morell
Myelin subfractions isolated from mouse brain. Studies of normal mice during development, quaking mutants, and three brain regions., L D. Sheads, M J. Eby, J Sampugna, and L W. Douglass
Myelin synthesis in two demyelinating mutations in mice., M Hamburgh and M K. Bornstein
Myelogeneous leukemia., S S. Adler
Myelograms of long-term germfree radiation chimeras. Abstr., S M. Connell
Myeloid chloroleukemia virus in transplantable mice tumours., E Prigogina
Myeloid leukaemia in x-ray irradiated cba mice., I R. Major and R H. Mole
Myeloid leukemia cells., M Nakayasu, S Shimamura, T Takeuchi, S Sato, N T. Sugimura, and A I. Mouse
Myeloid leukemia in the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)., H Meier, R R. Fox, and D D. Crary
Myeloma cell immunoglobulin expression during in vivo growth in diffusion chambers. Evidence for repetitive cycles of differentiation., J W. Rohrer, K Vasa, and R G. Lynch
Myeloma globulins of plasma-cell neoplasms in inbred mice. I.immuno- Electrophoresis of serum, with rabbit antibodies prepared against microsome fractions of the neoplasms., M Potter and E L. Kuff
Myeloma-induced immunosuppression: a multistep mechanism., J A. Katzmann
Myeloma proteins and macroglobulins associated with plasma cell tumors in experimental animals., J L. Fahey, M Potter, and D Nathans
Myeloma proteins as tumor-specific antigens., H N. Eisen, N Sakato, and S J. Hall
Myeloma proteins, preparation and x-ray analysis., S Rudikoff, M Potter, D M. Segal, E A. Padlan, D D. Davies, and L O. Mouse
Myeloma proteins with antibody-like activity against spleen cells. Abstr., F Paraskevas, S Lee, and M Minden
Myeloma proteins with anti-hapten activity. Abstr., B J. Underdown, E S. Simms, and H N. Eisen
Myeloma proteins with anti-hapten antibody activity, lower-case epsilon-2,4-dinitrophenyl lysine binding by the protein produced by mouse plasmacytoma mopc-460., B M. Jaffe, H N. Eisen, E S. Simms, and M Potter
Myeloma protein synthesis in a cell-free system prepared from mouse plasma cell tumor, x-5563., K Moriwaki
Myeloma specific antibodies. Studies of their properties and relationship to tumor immunity. Abstr., M J. Frikke, S H. Bridges, and R G. Lynch
Myeloma-specific antibodies. Studies of their properties and their relationship to tumor immunity., M J. Frikke, S H. Bridges, and R G. Lynch
Myeloproliferative syndrome induced by mpsv in dba/2 mice: presence of a mixed-colonies promoting activity (mpa) in the spleen., kerdiles M. Le bousse, joffe F. Smadja, B Klein, C Jasmin, M Comisso, and W Ostertag
Myeloproliferative virus, a cloned murine sarcoma virus with spleen focus-forming properties in adult mice., W Ostertag, K Vehmeyer, B Fagg, I B. Pragnell, W Paetz, M C. Bousse, joffe F. Smadja, B Klein, C Jasmin, and H Eisen
Myobic mange in the mouse leading to skin ulceration and amyloidosis., M Galton
Myocardial changes after infection with coxsackie virus b3 in nude mice., I Hashimoto and T Komatsu
Myocardial couplings. Their structural variations in the mouse., M S. Forbes and N Sperelakis
Myocardial lesions in bsvs mice immunized with bovine adrenal gland. Abstr., O Werdelin and D H. Boehme
Myocardial lesions in strain 129 dystrophic mice., G Jasmin and E Bajusz
Myocardium of dystrophic mouse--ultrastructural study. Abstr., K Chacko
Myodystrophy, a new myopathy on chromosome 8 of the mouse., P W. Lane, T C. Beamer, and D D. Myers
Myodystrophy, a new myopathy on chromosome 8 of the mouse., P W. Lane, T C. Beamer, and D D. Myers
Myoepitheliomas in inbred laboratory mice., J P. Sundberg, C A. Hanson, D R. Roop, K S. Brown, and H G. Bedigian
Myoepithelioma with a leukemoid reaction in balb/c mice., F Grezes and J Salomon
Myoepithelium in mouse prostate., C Rowlatt and L M. Franks
Myofibrillar atpase and myosin atpase activity in myodystrophic mice. Abstr., R D. Robinson, Y S. Reddy, and B A. Mobley
Myofibrillar proteins of developing and dystrophic skeletal muscle., H A. John
Myopathie humaine et dystrophies musculaires animales., G Schapira, J C. Dreyfus, and F Schapira
Myopathies caused by three mutations in the mouse., H Meier and A D. MacPike
Myopathies caused by three mutations of the mouse., H Meier and A D. Macpike
Myosatellite cells, growth, and regeneration in murine dystrophic muscle: a quantitative study., M Ontell, K C. Feng, K Klueber, R F. Dunn, and F Taylor
Myosatellite cells in mature and senile skeletal muscle of the mouse. Abstr., M H. Snow
Myosin from mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy., H Oppenheimer, K Barany, and A T. Milhorat
Myosin isoenzymes in fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles of normal and dystrophic mice., R B. Fitzsimons and J F. Hoh
Myosins in murine muscular dystrophy., R B. Fitzsimons, J F. Hoh, and J G. Mcleod
Myotonia, a new inherited muscle disease in mice., A H. Heller, E M. Eicher, M Hallett, and R L. Sidman
Myotonic muscle in mouse. A light and electron microscopic study in serial sections., B R. Pachter, J Davidowitz, A Eberstein, and G M. Breinin
"myotropic" Influences on motoneurons of normal and dystrophic mice in parabiosis., P K. Law
Myristyl amino-terminal acylation of murine retrovirus proteins: an unusual post-translational protein modification., L E. Henderson, H C. Krutzsch, and S Oroszlan
N10-formyltetrahydrofolic acid, its occurrence in mouse leukemic cells and synthesis by liver extracts. Abstr., B T. Kaufman, L W. Law, and M Silverman
N2a neuroblastoma cells do not possess a coupled gaba-benzo- diazepine receptor-chloride channel complex. Abstr., B H. Rohde, R A. Harris, D Fenner, and D Reedy
N2, h2, and n2o antagonism of high pressure neurological syndrome in mice., R Brauer, S Goldman, R Beaver, and M Sheehan
N4-beta-d-ribofuranosyltrianzin-3-one-n1-oxide (icn 3520), a new uridine antagonist exhibiting antitumor activity. Abstr., T A. Khwaja, L Kigwana, G Szekeres, R A. Long, R W. Sidwell, and R K. Robins
N6-(delta2-isopentenyl)adenosine, an inhibitor of cellular transport of uridine and cytidine., M T. Hakala, H K. Slocum, and G J. Gryko
N6-(delta2-isopentenyl)adenosine (ipado, uptake, metabolism and site of action in sarcoma 180 cells (s-180). Abstr., H Slocum, A Divekar, and M Hakala
N6,o2'-dibutyryl adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate induces pigment pro- duction in melanoma cells., G S. Johnson and I Pastan
N6-substituted adenosines as inhibition of adenosine kinase. Abstr., A Divekar, M Hakala, G Chheda, and C Hong
N6-substituted adenosines. Comparison of their metabolism and anti- tumor activity. Abstr., Y M. Rustum
Na+ and k+ electrochemical potential gradients and the transport of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., J A. Jacquez and J A. Schafer
N-acetylacetylthioacetamide (084). A new nonspecific immunopotentiator. Abstr., J Lundy, E L. Iii, and M Ballow
N-acetyltransferase activity as a possible criterion in prognosing the anti-tumor effect of cyclophosphamide., L N. Bulovskaya, A I. Kolosov, and R G. Krupkin
Nachweis und anreicherung einer rifampicininsensitiven dna-abhangigen rna-polymerase aus ehrlich-ascites-tumorzell-mitochondrien., R Jackisch, A Jung, W Schlegel, and D Mayer
Nad+ as a source of nuclear atp in ehrlich ascites tumor (eat) cells. Abstr., F P. Mamaril and S Green
Nad-ase activity and glycolysis in ehrlich-lettre carcinoma and liver cell particulates., R W. Mckee, A Dickey, and M E. Parks
Nad-dependent enzymatic activity in a/j and c57bl/6j mice. Abstr., S Y. Long
Nad kinase activity in non-leukemic mice during treatment with n- -methyl-n-nitrosourea. Abstr., R M. Mhatre and V S. Waravdekar
Nad levels in 3t3 cells during exponential growth and density- -dependent inhibition of growth., E L. Jacobson, M K. Jacobson, and C Bernofsky
Nad(p)h utilization in the reduction of pyruvate to lactate in a glycogen-containing subline of ehrlich ascites tumour cells., M L. Eboli and T Galeotti
Nadp+-linked enzyme levels in the aging mouse. Abstr., J K. Stephan and C A. Lang
Nadp+-linked enzyme levels in young and old mouse tissues. Abstr., J K. Stephan, D W. Acree, and C A. Lang
Nad(p)+ redox compartmentation in ehrlich ascites tumour cells., T Galeotti, A Cittadini, and B Chance
Nafazatrom (bay g 6575): inhibition of tumor cell proliferation and metastasis. Abstr., K V. Honn
Naissance et signification du phenomene auto-immunitaire., G A. Voisin
Naive application of permutation testing leads to inflated type I error rates., G A. Churchill and R W. Doerge
Naja naja phospholipase a2 increases natural killer cell activity. Abstr., A C. Nieburgs and R R. Lindquist
Na+-k+-2c1--cotransport and camp-mediated volume regulation in ehrlich-cells. Abstr., P Geck and B Pfeiffer
Na+-k+-activated atpase and k+-activated p-nitrophenylphosphatase activities. A comparison of the regional localizations in the c57 mouse brain., V Stefanovic, A Ebel, J C. Hermetet, and P Mandel
Na+-k+-atpase activity in brain regions of c57 and dba mice., V Stefanovic, A Ebel, J Hermetet, and P Mandel
(na+ + K+)-atpase activity of mouse neuroblastoma cells., E J. Van zoelen, L G. Tertoolen, J Boonstra, P T. Saag, N S. Effect, and X A. And
Na+,k+-atpase enzyme units and tissue na+ and k+ concentration in lean and obese (ob/ob) mice. Abstr., M H. Lin, D R. Rosmos, T Akera, and G A. Leveille
Na+,k+-atpase enzyme units in skeletal muscle and liver of 14-day-old lean and obese (ob/ob) mice., M H. Lin, D R. Romsos, T Akera, and G A. Leveille
(na+,k+)atpase Levels in preadipocyte cell lines established from genetically-obese and non-obese mice., C Forest, G Ponzio, B Rossi, M Lazdunski, and G Ailhaud
(Na+ -K+) dependent ATPase in mouse submaxillary gland., N Avdalovi:c, Z Kai:c, I Damjanov, and D Solter
Naked axons in myodystrophic mice., H B. Rayburn and A C. Peterson
Na+-linked cotransport of glycine in vesicles of ehrlich cells., M P. Shapiro and E Heinz
Naloxone in pag and arcuate n. Blocks analgesia in mice defeated in social conflict. Abstr., K A. Miczek, S Saboori, and M L. Thompson
Naloxone prolongs the survival time of mice treated with neuroblastoma., I S. Zagon and P J. Mclaughlin
Nanostructure analysis using spatially modulated illumination microscopy., D Baddeley, C Batram, Y Weiland, C Cremer, and U J. Birk
Na+ pump activity and nuclear t3 receptors in tissues of genetically obese (ob/ob) mice., D L. Guernsey and W K. Morishige
Narrow axis: an inherited anomaly of the second cervical vertebra in the rabbit., D D. Crary and R R. Fox
Narrowing the critical regions for mouse t complex transmission ratio distortion factors by use of deletions [In Process Citation], M F. Lyon, J C. Schimenti, and E P. Evans
Nathan Kaliss Papers (1907-1999), The Jackson Laboratory
Natriuretic peptide receptor 1 expression influences blood pressures of mice in a dose-dependent manner., P M. Oliver, S W. John, K E. Purdy, R Kim, N Maeda, M F. Goy, and O Smithies
Natural and antibody-dependent killer cells in the thymus., M Zoller, G, and R A. Heyman
Natural and asparaginase induced death of l5178y leukemia cells in vivo., K G. Hofer, J D. Benedetto, and W L. Hughes
Natural and immune agglutinins and hemolysins for sheep red blood cells in certain strians of mice., Frederic Freilicher
'natural' And induced antibody formation against sheep red cells by lymphoid cells cultured in diffusion chambers. Abstr., P Urso and M Ponzio
Natural and recombinant excherichia coli-derived interferon-gamma differ in their reactivity with monoclonal antibody., J Le, B Y. Rubin, H C. Kelker, C Feit, A Nagler, and J Vilcek
Natural antibodies against the ehrlich ascites mouse tumour in sera of irradiated goats, identified by complement consumption., C Oravec and J Cambelova
Natural antibodies as contaminants of hybridoma products., H C. Gooi and T Feize
Natural antibodies directed against murine lymphosarcoma cells., M A. Pierotti and M I. Colnaghi
Natural antibodies directed against murine lymphosarcoma cells. Variability of level in individual mice., M A. Pierotti and M I. Colnaghi
Natural antibodies in normal human sera against the ehrlich mouse ascites tumour identified with the aid of complement components, utilizing classical reagents., C Oravec and J Cambelova
Natural antibody in mammary tumor virus-infected mice that reacts with intracytoplasmic a particles of mouse mammary tumors., S Zotter and M Muller
Natural antilymphoma antibodies in c3hf mice serum: lack of identity with autoimmune and anti murine leukemia virus antibodies., M Boiocchi, M A. Pierotti, S Menard, and M I. Colnaghi
Natural antitumor cytotoxicity of mouse lymph node cells; characterization and specificity studies., Z M. Hassan and R C. Rees
Natural antitumor resistance in immune-deficient mice., O Stutman
Natural anti-tumor serum reactivity in balb/c mice. I. Characterization and interference with tumor growth., S Menard, M I. Colnaghi, and G D. Porta
Natural anti-tumor serum reactivity in balb/c mice. II. Control by regulator t-cells., M I. Colnaghi, S Menard, and G D. Porta
Natural autoantibodies cytotoxic for thymus cells and for neuraminidase-treated leukemia cells in the sera of normal akr mice., M Schlesinger and J G. Bekesi
Natural causes of variations in the weight of sarcoma 180., J P. Austin and E M. Glaser
Natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity against candida albicans induced by cyclophosphamide: nature of the in vitro cytotoxic effector., M Baccarini, F Bistoni, P Puccetti, and E Garaci
Natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity against primary mammary tumors. Abstr., S Serrate and R B. Herberman
Natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity against sv40 3t3 cells. Abstr., M C. Kanar, D Platt, and A Winkelstein
Natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity in mice against non-lymphoid tumor cells and some normal cells., M E. Nunn, R B. Herberman, and H T. Holden
Natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity in mice treated with total lymphoid irradiation (tli)., L Weiss, E Kedar, M Weigensberg, and S Slavin
Natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity in vitro and inhibition of tumor growth in vivo by murine lymphoid cells cultured with t cell growth factor (tcgf)., E Kedar, B L. Ikejiri, E Gorelik, and R B. Herbermann
Natural cell-mediated cytotoxic reactivity with mouse leukemia cells. Abstr., D H. Lavrin, M Nunn, and R B. Herberman
Natural cell-mediated immunity to lymphoma cells. I. Characteristics of effector cells in a cytostasis assay in vitro., G Tufveson, I Riesenfeld, L Ronnblom, A Hedman, and G V. Alm
Natural cytotoxic autoantibody against thymocytes in nzb mice., T Shirai and R C. Mellors
Natural cytotoxic cells against solid tumors in mice. Abstr., O Stutman, C Paige, M Cuttito, A Cahan, and E F. Figarella
Natural cytotoxic cells against solid tumors in mice. Iii. A comparison of effector cell antigenic phenotype and target cell recognition structures with those of nk cells., E C. Lattime, G A. Pecoraro, and O Stutman
Natural cytotoxic cells against solid tumors in mice. II. Some characteristics of the effector cells., C J. Paige, E F. Figarella, M J. Cuttito, A Cahan, and O Stutman
Natural cytotoxic cells against solid tumors in mice. I. Strain and age distribution and target cell susceptibility., O Stutman, C J. Paige, and E F. Figarella
Natural cytotoxic cells in nzb mice: spontaneous in vivo and in vitro primed activity and structural characteristics., B P. Croker, R M. Zinkernagel, and F J. Dixon
Natural cytotoxicity against yac-1 and raji cells in convention- ally housed and isolated nu/nu mice. Abstr., W I. Cox, S Specter, L Bros, S Fernandez, and H A. Azar
Natural cytotoxicity by macrophages. Abstr., A Tagliabue, R B. Herberman, and J L. Mccoy
Natural cytotoxicity of haemopoietic cell populations against murine lymphoid tumours., R C. Burton, D Grail, and N L. Warner
Natural cytotoxicity of mouse lymphoid cells against murine cytomegalovirus (mcmv) infected cells. Abstr., G D. Lee and R Keller
Natural cytotoxicity of mouse monocytes and macrophages., A Tagliabue, A Mantovani, M Kilgallen, and J L. Mccoy
Natural cytotoxicity of mouse, rat, and human lymph- ocytes against heterologous target cells., M E. Nunn and R B. Herberman
Natural cytotoxicity of spleen cells from iron deficient mice. Abstr., R D. Ronnlund, S D. Rohrer, B S. Baliga, and R M. Suskind
Natural cytotoxicity: relationship to tumorigenicity of human cell lines in nude mice., E Kristensen
Natural cytotoxicity to human leukemia mediated by mouse non-t cells., O Haller, R Kiessling, A Orn, K Karre, and H Wigzell
Natural cytotoxic macrophages in the peritoneal cavity of mice., E Pels and W D. Otter
Natural cytotoxic (nc) cells against solid tumors in mice: inhibition of cytotoxicity by some simple sugars. Abstr., O Stutman, E Lattime, P Dien, M Cuttito, and R Wisun
Natural cytotoxic reactivity of mouse lymphoid cells against syngeneic and allogeneic tumors. I. Distribution of reactivity and specificity., R B. Herberman, M E. Nunn, and D H. Lavrin
Natural cytotoxic reactivity of mouse lymphoid cells against syngeneic and allogeneic tumors. II. Characterization of effector cells., R B. Herberman, M E. Nunn, H T. Holden, and D H. Lavrin
Natural cytoxicity of isolated rat liver cells., S A. Cohen, D Salazar, and J P. Nolan
Natural, genetically determined resistance toward influenza virus in hemopoietic mouse chimeras. Role of mononuclear phagocytes., O Haller, H Arnheiter, and J Lindenmann
Natural h-2-specific antibodies in sera of aged mice., P Ivanyi, P V. Mourik, M Breuning, A M. Kruisbeek, and C J. Krose
Natural haemagglutinins in mice. Their occurrence and properties., M S. Brooke
Natural hemagglutinins against chick erythrocytes in mouse sera ob- tained from several inbred strains established in japan. (jap., Eng. Summ.), J Hayakawa and K Kondo
Natural heteroagglutinins of the mouse. A comparative study of anti- -sheep and anti-human red blood cell agglutinin system., A Ramos and G Hoecker
Natural histroy of mouse syngeneic lymphoma. Morphologic and immunologic aspects., M Jurin and B Drewinko
Natural immunity in mice to structural polypeptides of endogenous type c rna viruses., J R. Stephenson, R L. Peters, S Hino, R M. Donahoe, I K. Long, S A. Aaronson, and G Kelloff
Natural immunity in mice to the envelope glycoprotein of endogenous ecotropic type c viruses. Neutralization of virus infectivity., J N. Ihle and B Lazar
Natural immunity in the oncornavirus-infected mouse., P B. Blair
Natural immunity to virus-infected cells in vivo. Abstr., C A. Biron and R M. Welsh
Natural interferon-producing cells in mice., Y Ito, H Aoki, Y Kimura, M Takano, and K Maeno
Natural killer activity against sv403t3 induced murine tumors. Abstr., M J. Coddington, A Winkelstein, and D Platt
Natural killer activity by spleen, lymph node, and thymus cells during the graft-versus-host reaction., C Roy, T Chayur, P A. Kongshavn, and W S. Lapp
Natural killer cell activation in lipopolysaccharide-responsive and -nonresponsive mice by viral and bacterial agents., J D. Gangemi, A Ghaffar, R L. Trauger, and M M. Sigel
Natural killer cell activity against cells bearing sendai virus glycoproteins. Abstr., T F. Haider and T D. Flanagan
Natural killer cell activity associated with reticulum cell neoplasms., K S. Chang and T Log
Natural killer cell activity in mouse aggregation chimeras., L Elbling, S Yamagata, M Micksche, and G Sauermann
Natural killer cell activity in reticulum cell sarcomas (rcs) of sjl/j mice., K L. Fitzgerald and N M. Ponzio
Natural killer cell activity of mice treated with muramyl dipeptide and its analogues. Abstr., S D. Sharma, J L. Krahenbuhl, V Tsai, and J S. Remington
Natural killer cell activity of tumor bearing mice treated with interferon. Abstr., K L. Fresa and D M. Murasko
Natural killer cell activity promoted by sjl/j mouse reticulum cell neoplasms. Abstr., K S. Chang and T Log
Natural killer cell depletion enhances virus synthesis in vivo. Abstr., J F. Bukowski and R M. Welsh
Natural killer cell heterogeneity: characteristics of murine intestinal cells. Abstr., J Bienenstock, A Tagliabue, A D. Befus, and D A. Clark
Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxic immune response. Abstr., M Kende, R Hill, and J R. Stephenson
Natural killer cell (nk) activity in murine and human tumors. Abstr., J M. Gerson, H T. Holden, G D. Bonnard, and R B. Herberman
Natural killer cell production and renewal in mouse bone marrow and spleen. Abstr., S C. Miller
Natural killer cell response to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus in beige mice., R M. Welsh and R W. Kiessling
Natural killer cells activated in a human mixed lymphocyte response culture identified by expression of leu-11 and class ii histocompatibility antigens., J H. Phillips, A M. Le, and L L. Lanier
Natural killer cells, bone and the bone marrow: studies in estrogen-treated mice and in congenitally osteopetrotic (mi/mi) mice., W E. Seaman, T D. Gindhart, J S. Greenspan, M A. Blackman, and N Talal
Natural killer cells. Characteristics and regulation of activity., R B. Herberman, J Y. Djeu, H D. Kay, J R. Ortaldo, C Riccardi, G D. Bonnard, H T. Holden, R Fagnani, A Santoni, and P Puccetti
Natural killer cells induced by acute and chronic toxoplasma infection., W E. Hauser Jr., S D. Sharma, and J S. Remington
Natural killer cells induced by acute and chronic toxoplasma infection. Abstr., W E. Hauser Jr., S D. Sharma, and J S. Remington
Natural killer cells in mice treated with 89strontium: normal target-binding cell numbers but inability to kill even after interferon administration., V Kumar, ezra J. Ben, M Bennett, and G Sonnenfeld
Natural killer cells in mouse lung: surface phenotype, target preference, and response to local influenza virus infection., streilein J. Stein, M Bennett, D Mann, and V Kumar
'natural' Killer cells in the mouse. I. Cytotoxic cells with specificity for mouse moloney leukemia cells. Specificity and distribution according to genotype., R Kiessling, E Klein, and H Wigzell
'natural' Killer cells in the mouse. II. Cytotoxic cells with specificity for mouse moloney leukemia cells. Characteristics of the killer cell., R Kiessling, E Klein, H Pross, and H Wigzell
Natural killer cells mediate lysis of embryonal carcinoma cells lacking mhc., P Stern, M Gidlund, A Orn, and H Wigzell
Natural killer-like activity induced in spleen by ip injection of bcg., Y Pioch, M Gerber, and B Serrou
Natural killer (nk) and natural cytotoxic (nc) cells in the lung. Abstr., streilein J. Stein, M Bennett, and V Kumar
Natural killer (nk) cell activity in reticulum-cell sarcomas (rcs) of sjl/j mice. Abstr., N M. Ponzio, K L. Fitzgerald, and C Myers
Natural killer (nk) cell activity in the c57bl/6 radiation leukemia model. Abstr., D R. Parkinson, R P. Brighman, and S D. Waksal
Natural killer (nk) cell defect., J C. Roder, matthes M. Lohmann, W Domzig, D H. Wigzell, and I M. The
Natural killer (nk) cell lysis of friend erythroleukemia cells (fld-3) does not require interferon (ifn) induction. Abstr., V Kumar, J A. Lust, A Gifaldi, M Bennett, and G Sonnenfeld
Natural killer (nk) cells as a responder to interleukin 2 (il 2). II. Il 2-induced interferon gamma production., K Handa, R Suzuki, H Matsui, Y Shimizu, and K Kumagai
Natural killer (nk) cells as a responder to interleukin 2 (il 2). I. Proliferative response and establishment of cloned cells., R Suzuki, K Handa, K Itoh, and K Kumagai
Natural killing and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity of tumor targets are mediated by the same effector cell., M S. Hamilton, R C. Burton, and H J. Winn
Natural killing and resistance to marrow grafts: correlations in four beige mutant mouse lines. Abstr., S Kaminsky and G Cudkowicz
Natural killing in estrogen-treated mice responds poorly to poly i.c Despite normal stimulation of circulating interferon., W E. Seaman, T C. Merigan, and N Talal
Natural killing (nk) of friend and rauscher leukemic cells via recognition of virus-related determinants. Abstr., C J. Papasian, G Cudkowicz, F Lilly, and S K. Ruscetti
Naturally-occurring autoantibodies to mouse thymocytes., M C. Raff
Naturally occurring avian agglutinins (noaa) for mouse lymphoma cells and erythrocytes (rbc) of various species. Abstr., W Kuhns and J Broome
Naturally occurring bone tumors in c57bl/icrf mice., L M. Franks, C Rowlatt, and F C. Chesterman
Naturally occurring cytotoxic anti-tumour antibodies in sera of congenitally athymic (nude) mice., W J. Martin and S E. Martin
Naturally occurring cytotoxic tumour reactive antibodies directed against type c viral envelope antigens., S E. Martin and W J. Martin
Naturally occurring double-stranded rna and immune responses. I. Effects on plaque-forming cells and antibody formation., P G. Cunnington and J D. Naysmith
Naturally occurring double-stranded rna and immune responses. Iii. Immunogenicity and antigenicity in animals., P G. Cunnington and J D. Naysmith
Naturally occurring haemagglutinins in the new zealand black mouse., J Baum
Naturally occurring humoral immunity to endogenous xenotropic and amphotropic type-c virus in the mouse., M Kende, F Veronese, D W. Hill, M Dinowitz, and G J. Kelloff
Naturally occurring humoral immunity to murine mammary tumor virus (mumtv) and mumtv gp52 in mice with low mammary tumor incidence., L O. Arthur and D L. Fine
Naturally occurring lethal parvovirus infection of juvenile and young-adult rats., G L. Coleman, R O. Jacoby, P N. Bhatt, A L. Smith, and A M. Jonas
Naturally occurring leukemia viruses in h-2 congenic c57bl mice. I. High lymphoma incidence following milk-borne transmission of virus., C J. Melief, A Vlug, R E. Goede, C D. Bruyne, and P D. Greeve
Naturally occurring leukemia viruses in h-2 congenic c57bl mice. II. Antibody response to viral envelope antigens., A Vlug, C J. Melief, C D. Bruyne, H Schoenmakers, and J L. Molenaar
Naturally occurring leukemia viruses in h-2 congenic c57bl mice. Iii. Characterization of c-type viruses isolated from lymphomas induced by milk transmission of b-ecotropic virus., M Zijlstra, R E. Goede, H J. Schoenmakers, A Schinkel, W Hesselink, J Portis, and C Melief
Naturally occurring lymphocyte reactivity to purified mammary tumor virus antigens., R W. Gillette and L T. Lowery
Naturally occurring mouse hepatitis virus infection in the nude mouse., J M. Ward, M J. Collins, and J C. Parker
Naturally occurring murine leukemia viruses in wild mice. Characterization of a new 'amphotropic' class., J W. Hartley and W P. Rowe
Naturally occurring sarcoma virus of the balb/ccr mouse., R L. Peters, L S. Rabstein, R V. Vleck, and R J. Huebner
Naturally occurring sendai virus disease of mice., J M. Ward
Naturally occurring soluble h-2 specificity in mouse tissues., G Haughton
Naturally occurring tumors and other lesions of the digestive tract in untreated c57bl mice., C Rowlatt, L M. Franks, M U. Sheriff, and F C. Chesterman
Naturally variant autosomal and sex-linked loci determine the severity of iron overload in beta 2-microglobulin-deficient mice., T J. Sproule, E C. Jazwinska, R S. Britton, B R. Bacon, R E. Fleming, W S. Sly, and D C. Roopenian
Natural mutation rates in the house mouse. Estimates for five specific loci and dominant mutations., G Schlager and M M. Dickie
Natural mutation rates in the house mouse, estimates for recessive visible mutations., G Schlager
Natural mutation rates in the house mouse: estimates for recessive visible mutations., G Schlager
Natural mutation rates in the house mouse, plan of study and pre- liminary estimates., E L. Green, G Schlager, and M M. Dickie
Natural mutation rates in the house mouse: plan of study and preliminary estimates., E L. Green, G Schlager, and M M. Dickie
Natural nk-cell targets in the mouse thymus: characteristics of the sensitive cell population., M Hansson, K Karre, R Kiessling, J Roder, and P Hayry
Natural occurrence of lymphocytes showing cytotoxic activity to balb/c radiation-induced leukemia rl(male)1 cells., F Sendo, T Aoki, E A. Boyse, and C K. Buafo
Natural occurrence of succinic semialdehyde in mouse brain., M Matsuda and M Hoshino
Natural occurrence of tumors in mouse strains with different xenotropic and ecotropic endogenous viruses., G J. Kelloff, R L. Peters, R M. Donahoe, and S A. Aaronson
Natural polyclonality of spontaneous akr leukemia and its consequences for so-called specific immunotherapy., L Olsson and P Ebbesen
Natural radioactivity in southwest france and its possible genetic consequences for mammals., A Leonard, M Delpoux, G Decat, and E D. Leonard
Natural regulatory cells in murine bone marrow: inhibition of in vitro proliferative and cytotoxic responses to alloantigens., K Dorshkind, G R. Klimpel, and C Rosse
Natural regulatory cells in murine bone marrow that inhibit alloreactive and cytotoxic responses. Abstr., K Dorshkind and C Rosse
Natural resistance against murine l1210 lymphoma subline in histocompatible f1 hybrids. Abstr., H Fuji and D Pressman
Natural resistance mechanisms may play a role in protection against chemical carcinogenesis., P Brodt and J Gordon
Natural resistance of animals to cancer., P A. Herbut, T T. Tsaltas, and W H. Kraemer
Natural resistance of irradiated 129-strain mice to bone marrow allografts: genetic control by the h-2k region., G Cudkowicz and J F. Warner
Natural resistance of lethally irradiated f1 hybrid mice to parental marrow grafts is a function of h-2/hh-restricted effectors., J P. Daley and I Nakamura
Natural resistance to gonococcal bacteremia in mice. Abstr., P R. Streeter, A C. Wunderlich, and L B. Corbeil
Natural resistance to salmonella infection, delayed hypersensitivity and ir genes in different strains of mice., J Plant and A A. Glynn
Natural resistance to salmonella typhimurium in different inbred mouse strains., C E. Hormaeche
Natural resistance to tumors is a heterogeneous immunological phenomenon. Evidence for non-NK cell mechanisms., D A. Chow, V E. Miller, G A. Carlson, B Pohajdak, and A H. Greenberg
Natural selection for extended longevity from food restriction., D E. Harrison and J R. Archer
Natural selection for extended longevity from food restriction [editorial], D E. Harrison and J R. Archer
Natural species-restricted attachment of human and murine t lymphocytes to various cells., U Galili, N Galili, F Vanky, and E Klein
Natural synchrony of newborn mouse epidermal cells in vitro., K Elgjo, H Hennings, D Michael, and S H. Yuspa
Natural t-cell regulation of spontaneous immunoglobulin secretion., S L. Andrew, A J. Strelkauskas, S E. Kurtz, K O'connell, and C L. Reinisch
Natural thymocytotoxic autoantibodies in autoimmune and normal mice., R A. Eisenberg, A N. Theofilopoulos, B S. Andrews, J. Peters, L Thor, and F J. Dixon
Natural thymocytotoxic autoantibody and reactive antigen in new zealand black and other mice., T Shirai and R C. Mellors
Natural tumor incidence in a population of mice as a reference index. Abstr., D J. Mewissen
Natural variation and genetic covariance in adult hippocampal neurogenesis., G Kempermann, E J. Chesler, L Lu, R W. Williams, and F H. Gage
Nature and complexity of the fmr antigenic system., A Bismuth, D Kremsdorf, P Debre, and J P. Levy
Nature and inheritance of the resistance of inbred mice to tumor induction by polyoma virus., M Jahkola
Nature and specificity of the immune response to collagen in type ii collagen-induced arthritis in mice., J M. Stuart, A S. Townes, and A H. Kang
Nature et dimension des molecules radioactives presentes dans le sang de la souris apres injection intraperitoneale de dna-3h., P Charles, J Remy, and L Ledoux
Naturel killer (nk) cell activity in sjl mice: refractiveness to augmentation by bacterial adjuvants. Abstr., M T. Gallagher, R J. For, A G. Nasrallah, and J J. Trentin
Nature of anti-hapten antibodies arising after immune suppression of a set of cross-reactive idiotypic specificities., D A. Harr, L L. Pawlak, and A Nisonoff
Nature of cellular deficiencies in age-related decline of the immune system., M L. Heidrick and T Makinodan
Nature of enhancing-facilitating antibodies., G A. Voisin
Nature of hapten-modified determinants involved in induction of t cell tolerance and suppressor t cells to dnfb contact sensitivity., S D. Miller, P J. Conlon, M Sy, J W. Moorhead, S Colon, H M. Grey, and H N. Claman
Nature of induced persistent vaginal cornification in mice. I. Effect of neonatal treatment with various doses of steroids., T Kimura, S L. Basu, and S Nandi
Nature of induced persistent vaginal cornification in mice. II. Effect of estradiol and testosterone on vaginal epithelium of mice of different ages., T Kimura, S Nandi, and K B. Deome
Nature of induced persistent vaginal cornification in mice. Iii. Effects of estradiol and testosterone on vaginal epithelium in vitro., T Kimura, S L. Basu, and S Nandi
Nature of induced persistent vaginal cornification in mice. IV. Changes in the vaginal epithelium of old mice treated neonatally with estradiol or testosterone., T Kimura and S Nandi
Nature of initial damage to ehrlich ascites cells caused by prymnesium parvum toxin., Z Dafni and E Giberman
Nature of lectin-induced alteration of potassium transfer in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., F Aull, M S. Nachbar, and J D. Oppenheim
Nature of lethality of t mutations in embryos., L R. Wudl, M I. Sherman, and N Hillman
Nature of lymphocyte-tumor interaction. A general method for cellular immunoabsorption., R D. Stulting and G Berke
Nature of macrophage modifications induced by the macrophage activating factor(s) (maf). Effect of enzymes and temperature., M Dy, A Dimitriu, M A. Gougerot, and J Hamburger
Nature of oestrogen specific binding sites in the nuclei of mouse uteri., G Shyamala harris
Nature of some components of epididymis and ductus deferens secretion in mouse., J Moutschen
Nature of steady-state and newly synthesized mitochondrial messenger ribonucleic acids in mouse liver and ehrlich ascites cells., K S. Bhat, G R. Kantharaj, and N G. Avadhani
Nature of surface coat glycopeptides derived from l 1210v and l 1210s1 mouse leukaemia cells. Abstr., W Rossowski
Nature of syngeneic proliferating cells in spleens of mice undergoing graft versus host (gvh) reactions. Abstr., T J. Romano, B R. Bloom, and G J. Thorbecke
Nature of t cell-macrophage interaction in helper cell induction in vitro. Iii. Responsiveness of t cells differentiating in irradiation or allophenic chimeras depends on the genotype of the host., P Erb, P Vogt, T Matsunaga, A Rosenthal, and M Feldmann
Nature of t-cell macrophage interaction in helper-cell induction in vitro. II. Two stages of t-helper-cell differen- tiation analyzed in irradiation and allophenic chimeras., P Erb, B Meier, T Matsunaga, and M Feldmann
Nature of t-cells resident in spleens of thymectomized, lethally irradiated, bone marrow-reconstituted mice., T Sado, H Kamisaku, and S Aizawa
Nature of the antigenic determinants of t locus antigens., C C. Cheng and D Bennett
Nature of the delayed graft-versus-host reactivity of fetal liver cell transplants in mice., B Lowenberg, H M. Zeeuw, K A. Dicke, and D W. Bekkum
Nature of the effector cells for mitogen-induced and antibody-depen- dent cellular cytotoxicity reactions. Abstr., D L. Nelson, B M. Bundy, and W Strober
Nature of the erythropoietin-independent response of cfu-s to steroids., J W. Byron
Nature of the heterogeneity of molecules that constitute a major cross-reactive idiotype. Abstr., T Kresina, S Rosen, and A Nisonoff
Nature of the heterozygote blood catalase in a hypocatalasemic mouse mutant., R N. Feinstein, J T. Braun, and J B. Howard
Nature of the hormonal influence in mouse mammary cancer., H A. Bern
Nature of the maf-producing cell in the allografted mouse., A Dimitriu and lauraine E. Pugade
Nature of the scrapie agent. Evidence against a viroid., R L. Ward, D D. Porter, and J G. Stevens
Nature of the stimulating cell in the syngeneic and the allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction in mice., H Von boehmer, K Shortman, and P Adams
Nature of the stimulus leading to lymphocyte-induced angio- genesis., R Auerbach and Y A. Sidky
Nature of the systemic effect of litter size on gestation period in mice., A Mc laren and D Michie
N-bromacetyl-beta-d-glucosamine tetra-o-acetate and n-brom- acetyl-beta-d-galactosamine tetra-o-acetate as chemotherapeutic agents with immunopotentiating effects in ehrlich ascites tumor-bearing mice., P Simon, W J. Burlingham, R Conklin, and T P. Fondy
N-butyl-n-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine-induced urinary bladder cancer in c57bl/6 x dba/2f1 mice as a useful model for study of chemopreven- tion of cancer with retinoids., P J. Becci, H J. Thompson, J M. Strum, C C. Brown, M B. Sporn, and R C. Moon
N-butyl-n-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine induced urinary bladder cancer in the mouse: effect of total carcinogen dose and dose schedule., P J. Becci, D L. Mccormick, S S. Ronan, and R C. Moon
Nearest-neighbor frequencies of mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid in mouse liver., O Antonoglou and J G. Georgatsos
Nearest neighbor frequencies of mitochondrial dna in spontaneous mouse hepatomas., O Antonoglou, A Symeonidis, and J Georgatsos
Nearest-neighbor interactions of the major rna tumor virus glycoprotein on murine cell surfaces., L J. Takemoto, C F. Fox, F C. Jensen, J H. Elder, and R A. Lerner
Nearest Neighbor Networks: clustering expression data based on gene neighborhoods., C Huttenhower, A I. Flamholz, J N. Landis, S Sahi, C L. Myers, K L. Olszewski, M A. Hibbs, N O. Siemers, O G. Troyanskaya, and H A. Coller
Necessary and sufficient conditions for recruitment of macrophages into the cell cycle., S R. Dienstman and V Defendi
Necessity of bile for and lack of inhibitory effect of retinoid on development of forestomach papillomas in nontreated mutant mice of the w/wv genotype., M Yokoyama, Y Kitamura, T Kohrogi, and T Miyoshi
Necessity of dietary linoleic acid for the development and maintenance of mouse mammary gland. Abstr., R A. Knazek, S C. Liu, and B K. Vonderhaar
Necessity of the spleen for balanced secondary sex ratios following maternal immunization with male antigen., M Lappe and J Schalk
Necropsy methods, Kathleen A. Silva and John P. Sundberg
Necropsy procedures with histopathologic evaluation of tissues are fundamentally the same regardless of species., J P. Sundberg
Necrosis and altered blood flow produced by microwave- -induced tumor hyperthermia in a murine glioma. Abstr., C H. Sutton
Necrosis liquefaction and absorption of c3h mammary tumors resulting from injection of extracts from tumor tissue. Abstr., F Friedman, L Burton, and A Rottino
Necrotic myofibers of the dystrophic mutant mouse. Abstr., M Ontell
Necrotizing effect of the lipoid a component of endotoxin on mouse sarcoma 180. Abstr., E Neter, E Mihich, and O Westphal
Necrotizing effects of staphylococcus aureus extract on mouse sarcoma 180., E Mihich and E Neter
Necrotizing nephrosis in mice following the administration of a car- cinogen suspended in glycerin., G R. Kruger
Negative allogeneic effect in vitro. I. Allogeneic t cells markedly suppress the secondary antibody-forming cell response., S L. Swain and R W. Dutton
Negative allogeneic effects in vitro. II. Mapping of histocompatibility differences leading to allosuppression., S L. Swain and R W. Dutton
Negative geotaxis in mice. Effect of balancing practice on incline behaviour in c57bl/6j male mice., D D. Thiessen and G Lindzey
Negatively selected h-2bml and h-2b t cells stimulated with vaccinia virus completely discriminate between mutant and wild-type h-2k alleles., P C. Doherty, J R. Bennink, and P J. Wettstein
Negative pi-mesons. Abstr., M M. Kligerman, H I. Amols, S Bush, D Perotti, D J. Yuhas, and P O. And
Negative regulation of the protective response of mice to transplantable myelomonocytic leukemia. Abstr., H B. Urnovitz and W H. Murphy
Negative selection of t cells causing lethal graft-versus-host disease across minor histocompatibility barriers. Role of the h-2 complex., R Korngold and J Sprent
Neisseria meingitidis infection in mice: influence of iron, variations in virulence among strains, and pathology., B E. Holbein, K W. Jericho, and G C. Likes
Nematospiroides dubius: stimulation of acquired immunity in inbred strains of mice., J M. Behnke and D Wakelin
Nematospiroides dubius. Susceptibility to infection and the development of resistance in hypothymic (nude) balb/c mice., S J. Prowse, G F. Mitchell, P L. Ey, and C R. Jenkin
Neoantigens on chemically transformed cloned c3h mouse embryo cells., M J. Embleton and C Heidelberger
Neocarzinostatin induced inhibition of adrenal tumor cell (y-1) growth in vitro apparently does not involve camp. Abstr., W R. Moyle and T S. Samy
Neonatal androgen administration and adult aggressiveness in female mice., F H. Bronson and C Desjardins
Neonatal androgen and mounting behaviour in female house mice., S D. Holman
Neonatal androgen injection changes open-field behavior of mice., J P. Hegmann and A Blakley
Neonatal androgen treatment and sexual behavior in males of three inbred strains of mice., J R. Vale, D Ray, and C A. Vale
Neonatal castration and intermale aggression in mice., P Peters, F Bronson, and J Whitsett
Neonatal changes of osteoclasts in osteopetrosis (op/op) mice defective in production of functional macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) protein and effects of M-CSF on osteoclast development and differentiation., S Umeda, K Takahashi, M Naito, L D. Shultz, and K Takagi
Neonatal development of the grey lethal mouse. I. Dentition. Abstr., M Hollinshead and L Schneider
Neonatal development of the grey lethal mouse. II. Skeleton. Abstr., M B. Hollinshead and L C. Schneider
Neonatal endocrine abnormalities in myelin deficient jimpy mice. Abstr., R P. Skoff, A Skoff, and I Katsnelson
Neonatal endocrine abnormalities in myelin deficient jimpy- -tabby mice., R P. Skoff, A M. Skoff, and I Katsnelson
Neonatal estrogen treatment and epithelial abnormalities in the cervicovaginal epithelium of adult mice., J Forsberg and T Kallad
Neonatal expression of a cross-reactive idiotype associated with anti-phenylarsonate antibodies in strain a mice., N B. Nutt, A N. Wiesel, and A Nisonoff
Neonatal Fc receptor for IgG regulates mucosal immune responses to luminal bacteria., M Yoshida, K Kobayashi, T T. Kuo, L Bry, J N. Glickman, S M. Claypool, A Kaser, T Nagaishi, D E. Higgins, E Mizoguchi, Y Wakatsuki, D C. Roopenian, A Mizoguchi, W I. Lencer, and R S. Blumberg
Neonatal FcR expression in bone marrow-derived cells functions to protect serum IgG from catabolism., S Akilesh, G J. Christianson, D C. Roopenian, and A S. Shaw
Neonatal folate deficiency, effect on audiogenic seizures in dba/2j mice., R A. Schreiber and J W. Zemp
Neonatal folate deficiency, effect on susceptibility to audiogenic seizures in dba/2j mice. Abstr., R Smith, R A. Schreiber, and J W. Zemp
Neonatal hormone treatment and sexual behavior in male mice., A B. Campbell and T E. Gill
Neonatal infection with mouse thymic virus. Differential effects on t cells mediating the graft-versus-host reaction., S S. Cross, H C. Morse, and R Asofsky
Neonatal infection with mouse thymic virus. Effects on cells regulating the antibody response to type iii pneumococcal polysaccharide., H C. Morse, I )ii, S S. Cross, and P J. Baker
Neonatal infection with the daniels strain of theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus., M Rodriguez, J L. Liebowitz, H C. Powell, and P W. Lampert
Neonatal intestinal lipidosis in mice, an inherited disorder of the intestinal lymphatic vessels., M E. Wallace and B M. Herbertson
Neonatal irradiation and postnatal activity in the mouse. Abstr., D J. Nash, L Sprackling, and A Napoleon
Neonatal irradiation and postnatal behavior in mice., D J. Nash, A Napoleon, and L E. Sprackling
Neonatally des-induced reproductive tract anomalies independent of immune capability in the female mouse. Abstr., S C. Ways, H A. Bern, and P B. Blair
Neonatally induced allograft tolerance may be mediated by serum-borne factors., I Hellstrom, K E. Hellstrom, and A C. Allison
Neonatally induced tolerance to hgg. Duration in b cells and absence of specific suppressor cells., D C. Benjamine
Neonatally induced tolerance to soluble protein antigens. I. Analysis of b-cell and t helper cell function in mice tolerant to bovine serum albumin or fowl gamma-globulin., R B. Acres and A J. Cunningham
Neonatally induced tolerance to soluble protein antigens. II. A role for the thymus in prolonging tolerance., R B. Acres and A J. Cunningham
Neonatally tolerant mice fail to react against virus-infected tolerated cells., R M. Zinkernagel, G N. Callahan, J W. Streilein, and J Klein
Neonatal mortality in the dog., M W. Fox
Neonatal organization of aggression in mice, correlation of critical period with uptake of hormone., J M. Whitsett, F H. Bronson, P J. Peters, and T H. Hamilton
Neonatal splenectomy. Absence of runting in mice., L Kubai and R Auerbach
Neonatal splenectomy and survival of mice., J K. Moody and N D. Reed
Neonatal splenectomy in mice., dolejskova V. Hauptfeldova, K Nouza, V Matousek, and M Hauptfeld
Neonatal stimulation, maternal behavior, and accelerated maturation in balb/c mice., M S. Cross and R C. Labarba
Neonatal susceptibility to mhv3 infection in mice. II. Role of natural effector marrow cells in transfer of resistance., M Tardieu, C Hery, and J M. Dupuy
Neonatal susceptibility to mhv3 infection in mice. I. Transfer of resistance., leblond E. Levy and J M. Dupuy
Neonatal thymectomy., C H. Um
Neonatal thymectomy and hemolysin responses in inbred mice., N R. Sinclair and E V. Elliott
Neonatal thymectomy and non-viral mammary tumours in mice., N A. Burstein and L W. Law
Neonatal thymectomy and the antibody response to sheep erythrocytes in mice., E Lemmel, M Cooper, and R Good
Neonatal thymectomy and tumor induction with methylcholanthrene in mice., H Balner and H Dersjant
Neonatal thymus grafts. II. Cellular events., M Dardenne and N Tubiana
Neonatal thymus grafts. I. Studies on the regulation of the level of circulating thymic factor (fts)., N Tubiana and M Dardenne
Neonatal tolerance causes permanent alterations in b cell responses to phosphorylcholine. Abstr., J Quintans and Z S. Quan
Neonatal tolerance induced by antibody against antigen-specific receptor., D S. Strayer, H Cosenza, W M. Lee, and H Kohler
Neonatal tolerance induction across h-2 mutational disparity: induction and specificity of tolerance., J W. Streilein and J Klein
Neonatal tolerance induction across regions of h-2 complex., J W. Streilein and J Klein
Neonatal tolerance of h-2 alloantigens. II. I region dependence of tolerance expressed to k and d antigens., J W. Streilein
Neonatal tolerance of h-2 alloantigens. I. I region modulation of tolerogenic potential of k and d antigens., J W. Streilein and J Klein
Neonatal tolerance to k and d region alloantigens of h-2 complex: i-j region requirements., J W. Streilein and J Klein
Neonatal tolerance: towards an immunogenetic definition of self., J W. Streilein
Neonatal transplantation tolerance results from two types of suppression acting during induction and at the effector phase., J W. Streilein, R S. Gruchalla, and P Strome
Neonatal treatment with low doses of anti-idiotypic antibody leads to the expression of a silent clone., J Hiernaux, C Bona, and P J. Baker
Neonatlly induced transplantation tolerance. In vitro evidence supporting a clonal inactivation mechanism., C G. Brooks
Neoplasia following oral administration of l-1210 tumor cells. Abstr., J L. Gargus and M L. Vernon
Neoplasmi e paraproteine da olio minerale nel topo balb/c., F Invernizzi, A Cantaboni, F Fantini, and R Cattaneo
Neoplasm induction by murine type-c viruses passaged directly from spontaneous non-lymphoreticular tumours., R L. Peters, G J. Spahn, L S. Rabstein, G J. Kelloff, and R J. Huebner
Neoplasms, differentiations and mutations., G B. Pierce
Neoplasms in rats and mice fed butylurea and sodium nitrite separately and in combination., A S. Krishna murthy, J R. Baker, E R. Smith, and E Zepp
Neoplasms in strains of splenectomized mice after a single 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene treatment., Y Akamatsu
Neoplasms in thymectomized mice following room infection with polyoma virus., L W. Law
Neoplasms of equidae., J P. Sundberg, T Burnstein, E H. Page, W W. Kirkham, and F R. Robinson
Neoplasms produced from c3h/10t1/2 cells attached to plastic plates, saturation density, anchorage dependence and serum requirement of in vitro lines correlated with growth aggressive- ness in vivo., M S. Paranjpe, S Del, and E E. Boone
Neoplastic and nonneoplastic lesions in aging (c57bl/6n x c3h/hen)f1 (b6c3f1)mice, J M. Ward, D G. Goodman, R A. Squire, K C. Chu, and M S. Linhart
Neoplastic and preneoplastic lesions induced in female c3h mice by diets containing diethylstilbestrol or 17beta-estradiol., B Highman, D L. Greenman, M J. Norvell, J Farmer, and T E. Shellenberger
Neoplastic behavior of chromosomally abnormal clones in new zeland black mice., J M. Friedman, P J. Fialkow, J Bryant, A L. Reddy, and A C. Salo
Neoplastic changes in cervix uteri following administration of estradiol-benzoate and 20-methylcholanthrene., J V. Klavins and N Kaufman
Neoplastic changes in pituitary intrarenal isografts in mice., ghera N. Haran
Neoplastic changes occurring in pituitary isografts in mice. Abstr., C W. Bardin and A G. Liebelt
Neoplastic conversion in vitro of newborn mouse thymic cells., L Tomatis and L Wang
Neoplastic differentiation, characteristics of cell lines derived from a murine teratocarcinoma., J Lehman, W Speers, D Swartzendruber, and G Pierce
Neoplastic differentiation. Interaction of the simian virus 40 and polyoma virus with murine teratocarcinoma cells in vitro., D E. Swartzendruber and J M. Lehman
Neoplastic mouse mammary lesions on in vitro migration of peritoneal exudate cells., W Wei, F R. Miller, B A. Blazer, D Medina, D G. Heppner, and N E. And
Neoplastic nature of liver 'blood cysts' induced by urethan in mice., N Trainin
Neoplastic potential of primordial germ cells in 11 day fetuses of the reciprocal crosses of strain 129/Sv and A/Hej., Kamlesh N. BajPai
Neoplastic response of various tissues to the administration of urethan., A Tannenbaum and C Maltoni
Neoplastic sequelae of allogeneic disease. Iii. Histological events following transplantation of allogeneic spleen cells., M Y. Armstrong, R S. Schwartz, and L Beldotti
Neoplastic tissues. Abstr., H A. Mintz, D H. Yawn, and A G. Liebelt
Neoplastic transformation and defective control of cell proliferation and differentiation., J J. Wille Jr., P B. Maercklein, and R E. Scott
Neoplastic transformation and dose fractionation: does repair of damage play a role?, M M. Elkind and A Han
Neoplastic transformation of epithelial cells in whole mammary gland in vitro., N T. Telang, M R. Banerjee, A P. Iyer, and A B. Kundu
Neoplastic transformation of mouse and hamster cells in vitro with and without polyoma virus., K K. Sanford and R E. Hoemann
Neoplastic transformation of rabbit cells by murine sarcoma viruses., J S. Rhim, H G. Bedigian, and R R. Fox
Neoplastic transformation of rabbit cells by murine sarcoma viruses., J S. Rhim, H G. Bedigian, and R R. Fox
Neoplastic transformations in c3h mouse embryonic tissue in vitro determined by intraocular growth. I. Cells from chemically defined medium with and without serum supplement., V J. Evans, G A. Parker, and T B. Dunn
Neovascularization induced by intraocular xenografts of normal, preneoplastic, and neoplastic mouse mammary tissues., M A. Gimbrone and P M. Gullino
Nephritis in nzb and (nzb x nzw)f1 hybrids. Abstr., J R. Manaligod, F Miyasato, V E. Pollak, and C L. Pirani
Nephroblastoma overexpressed (Nov) inactivation sensitizes osteoblasts to bone morphogenetic protein-2, but nov is dispensable for skeletal homeostasis., E Canalis, Ramoya A. Smerdel, D Durant, A N. Economides, W G. Beamer, and S Zanotti
Nephrotoxic properties of copper under experimental conditions in mice., F S. Vogel
Nephrotoxic serum nephritis in complement intact and deficient mice., E R. Unanue, M R. Mardiney, and F J. Dixon
Nephrotoxic serum nephritis in mice with a genetic deficiency in complement., L H. Lindberg and L T. Rosenberg
Nerve conduction velocity in mice: a new method and results. Abstr., T E. Reed
Nerve fiber hypertrophy in posterior tibial nerves of d@@@ in response to voluntary running activity during aging. Abstr., T Samorajski and C Rolsten
Nerve fiber hypertrophy in posterior tibial nerves of mice in response to voluntary running activity during aging., T Samorajski and C Rolsten
Nerve grafts in the trembler mouse. An electrophysiological and histological study., J D. Pollard and J G. Mcleod
Nerve growth factor, insulin and high potassium levels: their effect on TT2466 teratoma, C1300 neuroblastoma and spinal ganglia in vitro., Jeff Gumprecht
Nerve growth factor: its effect on TT2466 testicular teratoma C1300 neuroblastoma, and superior cervical ganglia in vitro., Karen Swanson
Nerve growth factor may stimulate either division or differentiation of cloned c1300 neuroblastoma cells in serum-free cultures., R P. Revoltella and R H. Butler
Nerve growth factor receptors on human melanoma cells in culture., R N. Fabricant, J E. Larco, and G J. Todaro
Nerve terminal degeneration is independent of muscle fiber genotype in SOD1 mice., D I. Carrasco, E K. Bichler, K L. Seburn, and M J. Pinter
Nerve terminals and cellular junctions in young and adult mouse sub- mandibular glands., T Yohro
Nervonic acid biosynthesis by erucyl-coa elongation in normal and quaking mouse brain microsomes. Elongation of other unsaturated fatty acyl-coas (mono and poly-unsaturated)., J Bourre, O Daudu, and N Baumann
'nervous', A new mutant mouse with cerebellar disease. Les mutants pathologiques chez l'animal (colloq. Internat. Cnrs no., R L. Sidman and M C. Green
Nervous system antigen-2 (ns-2), an antigenic cell surface component expressed on a murine glioblastoma., M Schachner and T B. Carnow
Nervous system antigen-3 (ns-3), an antigenic cell surface component expressed on neuroblastoma c1300., M Schachner and K A. Wortham
Nervous system antigen-5, an antigenic cell surface component of neuroectodermal origin., A Zimmermann and M Schachner
Nervous system function, behavioral influences of gene effects on nerve conduction velocity in mice., N G. Robb and J P. Hegmann
Nervous system function, maternal effects on conduction velocity in mice., J P. Hegmann and J E. White
Nest-building behavior in two cerebellar mutant mice: staggerer and weaver., K Bulloch, R N. Hamburger, and R Loy
Nesting habits and mate selection in two sub-species of deer mice (Peromyscus Maniculatus) in a semi-natural environment., Gerald A. Doyle
Net changes in intermuscular fat before and during rapid lipogenic activation in mice., R Kannan and N Baker
Net charge of histidine and its transport by l1210 cells. Abstr., W L. Yu
Net increase of lipid fatty acid in ehrlich ascites carcinoma during growth., N Baker, P Mermier, and L Wilson
Netrin 1-mediated chemoattraction regulates the migratory pathway of LHRH neurons., G A. Schwarting, D Raitcheva, E P. Bless, S L. Ackerman, and S Tobet
Net sulfatide synthesis, galactosylceramide sulfotransferase and arylsulfatase a activity in the developing cerebrum and cerebellum of normal mice and myelin-deficient jimpy mice., T Burkart, U N. Wiesmann, H P. Siegrist, and N N. Herschkowitz
Networking nomenclature [news], J White, L Maltais, and D Nebert
Neucleotide sequences at host-proviral junctions for mouse mammary tumour virus., J E. Majors and H E. Varmus
Neuere untersuchungen uber das virus der myeloischen leukamie der maus., A Graffi
Neuere untersuchungen uber das virus der myeloischen leukamie der maus., A Graffi
Neural abnormalities in the dystrophic mouse., W G. Bradley and M Jenkison
Neural and skin cell-specific expression pattern conferred by steel factor regulatory sequence in transgenic mice., H Yoshida, S Hayashi, L D. Shultz, K Yamamura, S Nishikawa, S Nishikawa, and T Kunisada
Neural antigens of morphologically differentiated neuroblastoma cells., R Akeson and H Herschman
Neural cell adhesion molecules in rodent brains isolated by monoclonal antibodies with cross-species reactivity., C Chuong, D A. Mcclain, P Streit, and G M. Edelman
Neural-epidermal interactions in the developing skin of the pupoid-fetus (pf/pf) mouse mutant embryo. Abstr., P J. Watson and D A. Ede
Neural logic molecular, counter-intuitive., I K. Egorov
Neural, sensory, and motor functions., J L. Fuller and E D. Wimer
Neural stem cells in MRL and CD-1 mice., Nathan Dorr
Neural transplants of septal nuclei from fetal mice to the hippocampal formation of adult rats. Abstr., J K. Daniloff, W C. Low, R P. Bodony, and J Wells
Neural tube defects and neuroepithelial cell death in Tulp3 knockout mice., A Ikeda, S Ikeda, T Gridley, P M. Nishina, and J K. Naggert
Neural tube defects in curly-tail mice. II. Effect of maternal administration of vitamin a., M J. Seller, S Embury, P E. Polani, and M Adinolfi
Neural tube defects in curly-tail mice. I. Incidence, expres- sion and similarity to the human condition., S Embury, M J. Seller, M Adinolfi, and P E. Polani
Neural tube development in mutant (curly tail) and normal mouse embryos: the timing of posterior neuropore closure in vivo and in vitro., A J. Copp, M J. Seller, and P E. Polani
Neuraminidase and cell viability, failure to detect cytotoxic effects with dye-exclusion techniques., J M. Yuhas, R E. Toya, and N H. Pazmino
Neuraminidase augmentation of in vitro generated cell mediated cytotoxicity. Abstr., R M. Ferguson, S M. Anderson, J R. Schmidke, and R L. Simmons
Neuraminidase deficiency in the mouse., M Potier, D L. Yan, and J E. Womack
Neuraminidase-induced delay of mouse skin graft rejection., M A. Madoff, J J. Kenna, and A V. Monaco
Neuraminidase induced loss in the transplantability of murine leukaemia l1210, induction of immunoprotection and the transfer of induced immunity to normal dba/2 mice by serum and peritoneal cells., K K. Sethi and H Brandis
Neuraminidase sensitive antigenic determinants of plasma cell tumor membrane glycoproteins., M Prat, S Landolfo, and P M. Comoglio
Neuraminidase sensitivity of thy-1 active glycoconjugates., T J. Wang, H C. Miller, and W J. Esselman
Neurite arborization and mosaic spacing in the mouse retina require DSCAM., P G. Fuerst, A Koizumi, R H. Masland, and R W. Burgess
Neurite extension and malignancy of neuroblastoma cells after treatment with prostaglandin e1 and papaverine., J S. Lazo and R W. Ruddon
Neurite formation and membrane changes of mouse neuroblastoma cells induced by valinomycin., T Koike
Neuroanatomical abnormalities in the hippocampal formation of the ataxic mouse. Abstr., A M. Burt and L H. Aulsebrook
Neuroanatomical characteristics of 25 inbred strains of mice., Mary-Anne Woodruff
Neuroanatomical differences in mice selectively bred for high and low brain weight., William R. Tobey
Neurobehavioral mutants identified in an ENU-mutagenesis project., M N. Cook, J P. Dunning, R G. Wiley, E J. Chesler, D K. Johnson, D R. Miller, and D Goldowitz
Neuroblastoma cell adenylate cyclase. Direct activation by adenosine and prostaglandins., J Penit, J Huot, and S Jard
Neuroblastoma cell culture, membrane changes during cyclic amp- -induced morphological differentiation., K Prasad and J Sheppard
Neuroblastoma cell fusion by a temperature-sensitive mutant of vesicular stomatitis virus., J V. Hughs, B J. Dille, R L. Thimmig, T C. Johnson, T G. Rabinowitz, and M C. Canto
Neuroblastoma cells in culture, 32p-phosphoprotein labeling and protein kinase activity., L Casola, G D. Matteo, and tocco G. Augusti
Neuroblastoma differentiation involves both the disappearance of old and the appearance of new poly(a)+ messenger rna sequences in poly- ribosomes., L D. Grouse, B K. Schrier, C H. Letendre, M Yameen, and P G. Nelson
Neuroblastoma. Drug-induced differentiation increases proportion of cytoplasmic rna that contains polyadenylic acid., S C. Bondy, K N. Prasad, and J L. Purdy
Neuroblastoma polyribosomal directed in vitro protein synthesis. Abstr., G Wiche, A Blume, and C Neurath
Neuroblastoma, synchronization of neurite outgrowth in cultures grown on collagen., C A. Miller and E M. Levine
Neuroblastoma. The e. Coli of neurobiology., S C. Haffke and N W. Seeds
Neuroblasts-glia interaction. The effect of co-cultivation upon ecto-atpase activity of neuroblastoma and glioma cells., V Stefanovic, treska J. Ciesielski, A Ebel, and P Mandel
Neurochemical and morphological consequences of axon terminal degeneration in cerebellar deep nuclei of mice with inherited purkinje cell degeneration., tarlov S. Roffler, P M. Beart, S O'gorman, and R L. Sidman
Neurochemical and morphological studies on the myelin of peripheral nervous system from shiverer mutant mice: absence of basic proteins common to central nervous system., K Mikoshiba, S Kohsaka, K Takamatsu, and Y Tsukada
Neurochemical correlates of alcohol preference in inbred strains of mice., A K. Ho, C S. Tsai, and B Kissin
Neurochemical correlates of individual differences in animal learning capacity., B E. Will
Neurochemical correlates of the waltzing-shaker syndrome in the varitint-waddler mouse., A R. Cools
Neurochemical differences between two strains of mice., J W. Maas
Neurochemical differences between two strains of mice., J W. Maas
Neurochemical studies in a mouse teratoma with neuro- epithelial differentiation. Presence of cyclic amp, serotonin and enzymes of the serotonergic, adrenergic and cholinergic systems., E K. Orenberg, S R. Vandenberg, J D. Barchas, and M M. Herman
Neuroembryology of 'reeler,' a neurological mutation in mice. Abstr., M Hamburgh
Neuroendocrine inhibition of glucose production and resistance to cancer in dwarf mice., J M. Alderman, K Flurkey, N L. Brooks, S B. Naik, R Bronson, S Klebanov, C E. Parker, D E. Harrison, and al Et
Neuroendocrine mechanisms and aging., C E. Finch
Neuroepithelial defects of the inner ear in a new allele of the mouse mutation Ames waltzer., K N. Alagramam, Reeves J. Zahorsky, C G. Wright, K S. Pawlowski, L C. Erway, L Stubbs, and R P. Woychik
Neurofibrillary tangles in senile dementia of the alzheimer type share an antigenic determinant with intermediate filaments of the vimentin class., S Yen, F Gaskin, and S M. Fu
Neurofilament protein in clonal lines of mouse neuro- blastoma., D Dahl and A Bignami
Neurogenesis in spinal cord of mouse: an autorad- iographic analysis., H O. Nornes and M Carry
Neurohistology of two mammalian mutations., F D. Anderson and P J. Harman
Neurohormonal modulation of natural resistance to a murine lymphoma., A H. Greenberg, D G. Dyck, L S. Sandler, B Pohajdat, K M. Dresel, and D Grant
Neurohormone synthesis by different clones of neuroblastoma. Abstr., T Amano, E Richelson, and M Nirenberg
Neurohypophyseal peptides and ethanol tolerance. Abstr., P L. Hoffman, R F. Ritzmann, R Walter, and B Tabakoff
Neurohypophysial hormones in the pars nervosa of the mouse with hereditary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus., D Naik and H Kobayashi
Neurologic adaptations and audiogenic responses in mice exposed to a chronic 2x gravity field., J P. Cooke and R W. Bancroft
Neurological defect. Manganese in phenocopy and prevention of a genetic abnormality of inner ear., L Erway, L S. Hurley, and A Fraser
Neurological illness after inoculation of tissue from tumour bearing animals., E J. Field, D H. Adams, and G Joyce
Neurological mutants of the mouse (meeting report)., R L. Sidman, S H. Appel, and J L. Fuller
Neuromuscular ataxia: a new spontaneous mutation in the mouse [In Process Citation], Bailey P. Ward, B Wood, K R. Johnson, R T. Bronson, L R. Donahue, and M T. Davisson
Neuromuscular degeneration (nmd): a mutation on mouse chromosome 19 that causes motor neuron degeneration., S A. Cook, K R. Johnson, R T. Bronson, and M T. Davisson
Neuromuscular disease models and analysis., R W. Burgess, G A. Cox, and K L. Seburn
Neuromuscular fatigue in dystrophic muscle., J T. Conrad and G H. Glaser
Neuromuscular function in fast and slow muscles of genetically dystrophic mice., M Curran and D J. Parry
Neuromuscular transmission in dystrophic mice., S Carbonetto
Neuro-muskulare wechselwirkungen ansatze zur biochemisch- -genetischen analyse., H Jockusch
Neuro-muskulare wechselwirkungen ansatze zur biochemisch- genetischen analyse., H Jockusch
Neuronal and non-neuronal properties of neuroblastoma cells., I S. Zagon and C Schengrund
Neuronal cell thy-1 glycoprotein: homology with immunoglobulin., A F. Williams and J Gagnon
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (nclf), a new disorder of the mouse linked to chromosome 9., R T. Bronson, L R. Donahue, K R. Johnson, A Tanner, P W. Lane, and J R. Faust
Neuronal changes in the aging mouse. Spinal cord and lower brain stem., salas J. Machado, M E. Scheibel, and A B. Scheibel
Neuronal clustering and fasciculation phenotype in Dscam- and Bax-deficient mouse retinas., Patrick W Keeley, Buranee J Sliff, Sammy C S Lee, Peter G Fuerst, Robert W Burgess, Stephen J Eglen, and Benjamin E Reese
Neuronal degeneration in aging and after experimental injury., K Nandy
Neuronal degeneration in the brain of the brindled mouse-- a light microscope study., K Yajima and K Suzuki
Neuronal degeneration in the brain of the brindled mouse. An ultrastructural study of the cerebral cortical neurons., K Yajima and K Suzuki
Neuronal lipofuscin formation in vitro and effects of drugs. Abstr., K Nandy
Neuronal loss and brain atrophy in mice lacking cathepsins B and L., U Felbor, B Kessler, W Mothes, H H. Goebel, H L. Ploegh, R T. Bronson, and B R. Olsen
Neuronal properties of hybrid neuroblastoma x sympathetic ganglion cells., L A. Greene, W Shain, A Chalazonitis, X Breakfield, O Minna, H G. Coon, and M Nirenberg
Neuronal spread of scrapie agent and targeting of lesions within the retino-tectal pathway., H Fraser
Neuronal tumor cells with excitable membranes grown in vitro., P Nelson, W Ruffner, and M Nirenberg
Neuronal voltage-gated ion channels are genetic modifiers of generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus., N A. Hawkins, M S. Martin, W N. Frankel, J A. Kearney, and A Escayg
Neuron specific protein (nsp) in neuroblastoma cells. Relation to differentiation., P J. Marangos, F K. Goodwin, A Parma, and E Trams
Neurons to stress in the balb/c and c57bl/6 mice., D Herve, J P. Tassin, C Barthelemy, G Blanc, S Lavielle, D J. Glowinski, and E I. Dopaminergic
Neuro-ontogenesis of the mouse., Barbara Bendel Hertz
Neuro-ontogeny of neuromuscular mutant mice., M W. Fox
Neuropathologic alterations in the ataxia (paralytic) mouse., C J. D'amato and S P. Hicks
Neuropathologic changes produced in suckling mice by adding lead to the maternal diet., W I. Rosenblum and M G. Johnson
Neuropathology of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in inbred strains of mice., C S. Raine, L B. Barnett, A Brown, T Behar, and D E. Mcfarlin
Neuropathology of murine mucopolysaccharidosis type VII., B Levy, N Galvin, C Vogler, E H. Birkenmeier, and W S. Sly
Neuropendocrine response patterns in dominant and subordinate mice., D L. Ely and J P. Henry
Neuropeptide content in pancreas and pituitary of obese and diabetes mutant mice: strain and sex differences., K Timmers, D L. Coleman, N R. Voyles, A M. Powell, A R:okaeus, and L Recant
Neuropeptide Y receptor genes mapped in human and mouse: receptors with high affinity for pancreatic polypeptide are not clustered with receptors specific for neuropeptide Y and peptide YY., C M. Lutz, J E. Richards, K L. Scott, S Sinha, Feng T. Yang, W N. Frankel, and D A. Thompson
Neuropeptide Y receptor genes on human chromosome 4q31-q32 map to conserved linkage groups on mouse chromosomes 3 and 8., C M. Lutz, W N. Frankel, J E. Richards, and D A. Thompson
Neuropharmacological agents modifying endotoxin-induced changes in mice., D J. Wright and M P. Weller
Neuropharmacological study on the induction of hypothalamic masculinization in female mice., M Nishizuka
Neurosecretion in ehrlich ascites carcinoma-bearing mice., Z Srebro, E Pierscinska, and K Rzehak
Neurosensitivity to ethanol in inbred mouse strains: genetic correlations., J C. Crabbe, J S. Janowsky, E R. Young, and H Rigter
Neurospecific s-100 protein content in brains of different mouse strains., T K. Malup and S M. Sviridov
Neurotoxicity of combinations of misonidazole and five antitumor drugs in mice. Abstr., P J. Conroy and D W. Siemann
Neurotransmitter synthesis by neuroblastoma clones., T Amano, E Richelson, and M Nirenberg
Neurotrophin expression by spinal motoneurons in adult and developing rats., C R. Buck, K L. Seburn, and T C. Cope
Neurovirulence of influenza virus in mice. II. Mechanism of virulence as studied in a neuroblastoma cell line., S Nakajima and A Sugiura
Neurovirulence of influenza virus in mice. I. Neurovirulence of recombinants between virulent and avirulent virus strains., A Sugiura and M Ueda
Neutral amino acid transport in an established mouse lymphocytic cell line., M C. Finkelstein and E A. Adelberg
Neutral amino acid transport pathways in uptake of l-thyroxine by ehrlich ascites cells., L K. Stitzer and J A. Jacquez
Neutral glycolipid antigens as developmental markers of mouse teratocarcinoma and early embryos: an immunologic and chemical analysis., K R. Willison, R A. Karol, A Suzuki, S K, N, and D M. Marcus
Neutral glycolipids and gangliosides of cancanavalin a-selected sv3t3 revertant cells and of normal and sv40-transformed balb/c 3t3 cells., G Mugnai, R Coppini, D Tombaccini, and S Ruggieri
Neutral glycosphingolipids of murine myeloma cells and helper, cytolytic, and suppressor t lymphocytes., B Kniep, T R. Hunig, F W. Fitch, J Heuer, C Kolsch, and P F. Muhlradt
Neutralization by antiserum of infectivity of trypanosoma rhodesiense for cobra venom factor treated and c5 deficient mice. Abstr., C Diggs, A Toussaint, and J Dillon
Neutralization kinetics of friend and rauscher leukemia viruses studied with the spleen focus assay method., R A. Steeves and A A. Axelrad
Neutralization of graffi leukaemia virus., J P. Levy, B Varet, E Oppenheim, and J C. Leclerc
Neutralization of murine mammary tumour virus by sera of women with breast cancer., J Charney and D H. Moore
Neutralization of the mouse mammary tumor virus by rabbit antisera against c3hf tissue., P B. Blair
Neutralization of the oncogenicity of moloney sarcoma virus and moloney leukemia virus by anti-gross serum., A Fefer, J L. Mccoy, and J P. Glynn
Neutral lipids from the skin of the rhino mutant mouse., M K. Logani, W A. Austin, D B. Nhari, and R E. Davies
Neutral proteases by murine macrophages., W J. Johnson, S V. Pizzo, M J. Imber, D D. Adams, and O F. Of
Neutral proteinase inhibitors and antimetastatic effect in mice., T Giraldi, G Sava, M Kopitar, J Brzin, and V Turk
Neutral proteinases induce rheumatoid factor production in mouse spleen cell cultures., T L. Vischer
Neutron carcinogenesis. Dose and dose-rate effects in balb/c mice., R L. Ullrich, M C. Jernigan, and J B. Storer
Neutron carcinogenesis. Dose and dose rate effects in balb/c mice. Abstr., R L. Ullrich and M C. Jernigan
Neutron rbe for cell kill and progression delay in two mouse tumor lines in vitro. Abstr., J S. Rasey and N J. Nelson
Neutrophil chemotaxis: technical problems with nitro- cellulose filters in boyden-type chambers., A F. Nind
Neutrophil kinetics after acute hemorrhage., M S. Gaylor, P A. Chervenick, and D R. Boggs
Neutrophil-mediated tumor cell cytotoxicity. Role of the peroxidase system., R A. Clark and S J. Klebanoff
Neutrophil mediated tumor cell cytotoxicity. Role of the peroxidase system. Abstr., R A. Clark and S J. Klebanoff
Neutrophil product with lymphocyte activating factor activity., P J. Harris
New 2,5-disubstituted benzimidazoles as potential mitotic blockers. Abstr., L L. Wotring, S Ram, D S. Wise, and L B. Townsend
New alloantigen genetically linked to the major histocompatibility locus of the mouse., D A. Davies and M Hess
New Alstrom syndrome phenotypes based on the evaluation of 182 cases., J D. Marshall, R T. Bronson, G B. Collin, A D. Nordstrom, P Maffei, R B. Paisey, C Carey, S Macdermott, Eggitt I. Russell, S E. Shea, J Davis, S Beck, G Shatirishvili, C M. Mihai, M Hoeltzenbein, G B. Pozzan, I Hopkinson, N Sicolo, J K. Naggert, and P M. Nishina
New and emerging therapeutic agents for the treatment of fibromyalgia: an update., J M. Recla
New androgen-stimulated proteins in the kidneys of female mice., N C. Mills and C W. Bardin
New antilymphoma l-asparaginase from fusarium species., S Igarasi, A Imada, K Nakahama, T Matsumoto, and K Ootsu
New antitumor imidazole derivative, 5-carbamoyl-1h-imidazol- -4-yl piperonylate, as an inhibitor of purine synthesis and its activation by adenine phosphoribosyltransferase., M Fukui, M Inaba, S Tsukagoshi, and Y Sakurai
New approaches to the representation and analysis of phenotype knowledge in human diseases and their animal models., Paul N Schofield, John P Sundberg, Robert Hoehndorf, and Georgios V Gkoutos
Newborn and adult face shapes related to mouse cleft lip predisposition., D G. Trasler and M Machado
New candidate genes identified for controlling mouse gonadal sex determination and the early stages of granulosa and Sertoli cell differentiation., G J. Bouma, Q J. Hudson, L L. Washburn, and E M. Eicher
New carbohydrate antigen found in large glycopeptides of teratocarcinoma cells., M Ozawa, S Yonezawa, T Miyauchi, T, and T Muramatsu
New cell line. Epithelial cell line and subline established from premalignant mouse mammary tissue., L W. Anderson, K G. Danielson, and H L. Hosick
New cell surface antigens in rat defined by tumors of the nervous system., K L. Fields, C Gosling, M Megson, and P L. Stern
New data on h-2 locus, their implications for interpretation of major histocompatibility loci in different species, including man., P Demant and P Ivanyi
New data on mechanism and control of secondary disease. II. Control of gvh by lymphocyte inhibitor(s) (chalone) and by donor tolerance induced by soluble h-2 antigen., G Mathe, giralt E. Garcia, N Kiger, I Florentin, pannenko O. Halle, and M Martyre
New evidence of unbalanced sex-chromosome constitutions in the mouse., A Mc laren
New experimental evidence of tumorigenic hormonal imbalances., A Lipschutz, V I. Panasevich, and A Alvarez
New experimental model of meningeal leukemia., R D. Peterson, J N. Varakis, and L B. Cheshire
New gene locus modifying susceptibility to certain b- -tropic murine leukemia viruses., A Decleve, O Niwa, J Kojola, and H S. Kaplan
New genetically homogeneous background for dystrophic mice and their normal counterparts., E S. Russell, W K. Silvers, R Loosli, H G. Wolfe, and J L. Southard
New genetically homogeneous background for dystrophic mice and their normal counterparts., E S. Russell, W K. Silvers, R Loosli, H G. Wolfe, and J L. Southard
New globoseries glycosphingolipids in human teratocarcinoma reactive with the monoclonal antibody directed to a developmentally regulated antigen, stage-specific embryonic antigen 3., R Kannagi, S B. Levery, F Ishigami, S Hakomori, L H. Shevinsky, B B. Knowles, and D Solter
New histochemical method for measuring intratumoral macrophages and macrophage recruitment into experimental metastases., P J. Bugelski, R L. Kirsh, and G Poste
New histocompatibility loci linked to the brown locus in the mouse. Abstr., D Bailey, L Mobraaten, and H Bunker
New hypothesis on antigenic competition based on cell interactions in the immune response., R S. Kerbel and D Eidinger
New indicator of histocompatibility differences in vitro., mensah A. Ekpaha and J C. Kennedy
New inhibitors of the pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylases. Abstr., J G. Niedzwicki, M H. Kouni, S H. Chu, and S Cha
New intragenic deletions in the Phex gene clarify X-linked hypophosphatemia-related abnormalities in mice., Depiereux B. Lorenz, V E. Guido, K R. Johnson, Q Y. Zheng, L H. Gagnon, J D. Bauschatz, M T. Davisson, L L. Washburn, L R. Donahue, T M. Strom, and E M. Eicher
New intra-i region recombinant in the mouse h-2 complex. Abstr., P Stuart, C Waltenbaugh, and R Melvold
New isoantigenic specificities associated with the histocompatibility- -2 (h-2) locus. Abstr., R Mark and B. Amos
New leptin receptor mutations in mice: Lepr(db-rtnd), Lepr(db-dmpg) and Lepr(db-rlpy)., J H. Kim, P N. Taylor, D Young, S Y. Karst, P M. Nishina, and J K. Naggert
Newly acquired peri-telomeric heterochromatin in a transgenic mouse lineage., D Simon and B B. Knowles
Newly isolated friend cell lines are blocked at the same stage of erythroid differentiation as established clones., J Conscience, S Deslex, and F Fischer
New lymphocyte antigen system (lna) controlled by the ir region of the mouse h-2 complex., C David, D C. Shreffler, and J A. Frelinger
New macromolecular lipids from l1210 leukemic cells. Abstr., D W. Yesair, E Lederer, and C J. Kensler
New marker reciprocal translocations t(7,14)2 iem and t(7,14,15)3 iem in the laboratory mouse mus muclulus., V S. Baranov
New member of the Snf1/AMPK kinase family, Melk, is expressed in the mouse egg and preimplantation embryo., B S. Heyer, J Warsowe, D Solter, B B. Knowles, and S L. Ackerman
New method for detecting cellular transforming genes., D G. Blair, C S. Cooper, M K. Oskarsson, L A. Eader, and G F. Woude
New method for studying mammalian melanocytes in vivo., R S. Snell, A F. Silver, and H B. Chase
New method for the isolation of drug-resistant clones of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., C A. Lomax and J F. Henderson
New method for the rapid quantitation of immunofluorescence., J Haskill and M Raymond
New methods for studying somatic forward and reverse mutation in mice. Abstr., A G. Searle
New mouse dw allele: genetic location and effects on lifespan and growth hormone levels., E M. Eicher and W G. Beamer
New mouse dw allele: genetic location and effects on lifespan and growth hormone levels., E M. Eicher and W G. Beamer
New mouse genetic models for human contraceptive development., C Lessard, J K. Pendola, S A. Hartford, J C. Schimenti, M A. Handel, and J J. Eppig
New mouse models for recessive retinitis pigmentosa caused by mutations in the Pde6a gene., K Sakamoto, M McCluskey, T G. Wensel, J K. Naggert, and P M. Nishina
New mouse model to study islet transplantation in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus., C E. Mathews, S H. Langley, and E H. Leiter
New mouse primary retinal degeneration (rd-3)., B Chang, J R. Heckenlively, N L. Hawes, and T H. Roderick
New murine polymorphisms detected by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR and mapped by use of recombinant inbred strains., Y C. Cheah, J H. Nadeau, S Pugh, and B Paigen
New muscle transplant method produces normal twitch tension in dystrophic muscle., P K. Law and J L. Yap
New mutant and congenic mouse stocks expressing the murine leukemia virus-associated thymocyte surface antigen gix., E Stockert, E A. Boyse, Y Obata, H Ikeda, N H. Sarkar, and H A. Hoffman
New mutant mouse with communicating hydrocephalus and secondary aqueductal stenosis., A Borit and R L. Sidman
New mutation causing sterility in the mouse., M A. Handel, P W. Lane, A C. Schroeder, and M T. Davisson
New observations on hair loss in the hairless mouse., S Mann and W E. Straile
New observations on mammalian male meiosis. I. Laboratory mouse (mus musculus) and rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta)., I Klasterska, A T. Natarajan, and C Ramel
New paths to human ES cells?, D Solter
New plasma autoantigen and its role in autoimmune disease of new zealand black mice., E Linder and T Edgington
New quantitative trait loci that contribute to cholesterol gallstone formation detected in an intercross of CAST/Ei and 129S1/SvImJ inbred mice., M A. Lyons, H Wittenburg, R Li, K A. Walsh, M R. Leonard, G A. Churchill, M C. Carey, and B Paigen
New regulators of melanin biosynthesis and the autodestruction of melanoma cells., J Pawelek, A Korner, A Bergstrom, and J Bologna
New ribonucleotide reductase inhibitors with antineoplastic activity., H L. Elford, G L. Wampler, and B V. Riet
New role for 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid. Activator of leukotriene biosynthesis in pt-18 mast/basophil cells., J Y. Vanderhoek, N S. Tare, J M. Bailey, G, and D H. Pluznik
New seizure frequency QTL and the complex genetics of epilepsy in EL mice., W N. Frankel, A Valenzuela, C M. Lutz, E W. Johnson, W F. Dietrich, and J M. Coffin
New species of hybridizable nuclear rna in breast cancer cells., R W. Turkington and D J. Self
New splotch alleles in the mouse., M M. Dickie
New splotch alleles in the mouse., M M. Dickie
New substances with cytotoxic and antitumor effects. IV. In vitro effect of some veratrum alkaloids and their derivatives on leukemia p388 cells., J Fuska, A Fuskova, A Vassova, and Z Voticky
New trends in the use of genetically controlled laboratory animals in biomedical research., E S. Russell
New trends in the use of genetically controlled laboratory animals in biomedical research., E S. Russell
New type of colony-forming cell located in the pleural cavity., D Metcalf
New visual markers of antibody for electron microscopy., U Hammerling, T Aoko, H A. Wood, L J. Old, E A. Boyse, and E D. Harven
New ways for determining the magnitude and nature of genetic risks from radiation. Abstr., L B. Russell and W Russell
New Zealand Ginger mouse: novel model that associates the tyrp1b pigmentation gene locus with regulation of lean body mass., C E. Duchesnes, J K. Naggert, M A. Tatnell, N Beckman, R N. Marnane, J A. Rodrigues, A Halim, B Pontre, A W. Stewart, G L. Wolff, R Elliott, and K G. Mountjoy
New zealand obese mice., O B. Crofford, J G. Characteristics, L Tolerance, and I S. Of
New zealand obese mice. Abstr., O B. Crofford, J G. Intolerance, N Resistance, and G C. Of
Nf1;Trp53 mutant mice develop glioblastoma with evidence of strain-specific effects [In Process Citation], K M. Reilly, D A. Loisel, R T. Bronson, M E. McLaughlin, and T Jacks
NF-kappaB signaling regulates functional expression of the MHC class I-related neonatal Fc receptor for IgG via intronic binding sequences., X Liu, L Ye, G J. Christianson, J Q. Yang, D C. Roopenian, and X Zhu
N-haloacetyl hexosoamines. Potential in vivo chemoimmuno- therapy. Abstr., P Simon and T P. Fondy
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide glycohydrolases from ehrlich ascites tumor cell nuclei, isolation, partial purification, and properties., S Green and A Dobrjansky
Nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide-related enzymes in tumour-cell nuclei. Abstr., S Green and F P. Mamaril
Nicotinamide and nicotinic acid uptake by ascites tumor cells. Abstr., L S. Dietrich
Nicotinamide ribosides. Abstr., W C. Ross and M Jarman
Nicotine and caffeine. Disruption of the long-term store of memory and proactive facilitation of learning in mice., J S. Stripling and H P. Alpern
Nicotine and pyrrolidine-induced release of 5-hydroxytryptamine and histamine from neoplastic mast cells., H Felsenfeld and L A. Corrado
Nicotine metabolism. Abstr., J Booth and E Boyland
Nicotinic acid and nicotinamide metabolism in ascites cells in vitro., I M. Friedland, L Fuller, and L S. Dietrich
NIDDM genes in mice: deleterious synergism by both parental genomes contributes to diabetogenic thresholds., E H. Leiter, P C. Reifsnyder, K Flurkey, H J. Partke, E Junger, and L Herberg
Niektore zagadnienia zwiazane z badaniami nad efektem matki na przykladzie zwierzat laboratoryjnych. (polish), dzieciolowska E. Wirth
Nigrostriatal effects of morphine in two mouse strains., E D. Bigler and E Eidelberg
Nijmegen waltzer--a new neurological mutant in the mouse., J H. Van abeelen and P H. Kroon
Nineteen paracentric chromosomal inversions in mice., T H. Roderick and N L. Hawes
NIT-1, a pancreatic beta-cell line established from a transgenic NOD/Lt mouse., K Hamaguchi, H R. Gaskins, and E H. Leiter
Nitric oxide regulates receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand and osteoprotegerin expression in bone marrow stromal cells., X Fan, E Roy, L Zhu, T C. Murphy, Bicknell C. Ackert, C M. Hart, C Rosen, M S. Nanes, and J Rubin
Nitrocellulose-affinitat neusynthetisierter dna aus ehrlich-ascites- tumor-kulturzellen., H Probst
Nitrogen balance in radiation chimeras., W H. Mc arthur, C C. Congdon, and A L. Kretchmar
Nitrogen (n) balance and fecal lipids of mice fed the carcinogens 2-acetylaminofluorene (aaf) or dinitrosopiperazine (dnp). Abstr., C R. Truex, P Hevia, S K. Clinton, and W J. Visek
-nitrosourea Against a transplantable akr leukemia., G Medoff, F Valeriote, R G. Lynch, D Schlessinger, and D G. Kobayashi
Nitrosourea-misonidazole combination chemotherapy: effect on kht sarcomas, marrow stem cells and gut., R T. Mulcahy, D W. Siemann, and R M. Sutherland
NK-2.1: an NK-associated antigen detected with NZB anti-BALB/c serum., S B Pollack and S L Emmons
Nk 2.1: An nk-associated antigen detected with nzb anti-balb/c serum. Abstr., S B. Pollack and S L. Emmons
Nk activity in murine chagas' disease. Abstr., P C. Quan, H B. Tanowitz, zisman B. Rager, M Wittner, and B R. Bloom
Nk cell-sensitive t-cell subpopulation in thymus. Inverse correlation to host nk activity,., M Hansson, R Kiessling, B Andersson, K Karre, and J Roder
Nk cells of conventional and athymic mice have similar physical characteristics. Abstr., C A. Savary and E Lotzova
Nk-patterned binding expressed by non-nk mouse leukocytes., G E. Piontek, A Gronberg, richter L. Ahrlund, R Kiessling, and H Hengartner
nm1054: a spontaneous, recessive, hypochromic, microcytic anemia mutation in the mouse., R S. Ohgami, D R. Campagna, B Antiochos, E B. Wood, J J. Sharp, J E. Barker, and M D. Fleming
nm2608A, a naturally arising mouse model for human autosomal recessive achromatopsia 2., Xin Wang
nm6599, a new mouse model for human CSNB2, Shiyi Pang
N-methylformycins. Reactivity with adenosine deaminase, in- corporation into intracellular nucleotides of human erythro- cytes and l1210 cells and cytotoxicity to l1210 cells., G W. Crabtree, R P. Agarwal, R E. Parks, A F. Lewis, L L. Wotring, and L B. Townsend
Nmf11 is a novel ENU-induced mutation in the mouse glycine receptor alpha 1 subunit., M Traka, K L. Seburn, and B Popko
N-myc can functionally replace c-myc in murine development, cellular growth, and differentiation [In Process Citation], B A. Malynn, de Alboran Moreno, R C. O'Hagan, R Bronson, L Davidson, R A. DePinho, and F W. Alt
N,n'-alkylene-bis(acrylamides), n-acrylamidomethyl)-3-halopropiona- mides and related compounds, a new series of anti-tumour agents., A S. Tomcufcik, S D. Willson, A W. Vogel, and A Sloboda
N,n-dimethylformanide (dmf) induces premature senescence of murine bone marrow cell cultures. Abstr., M C. Wiemann, H Haronian, B C. Creswick Jr., and P Calabresi
N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced nodule-like alveolar lesion and its prevention by a retinoid in balb/c mouse mammary glands in the whole organ in culture., M Chatterjee and M R. Banerjee
Nocardia brasiliensis: mycetoma induction and growth cycle., C Conde, E I. Melendro, M Fresan, and ortiz L. Ortiz
Nocardia infections in congenitally athymic (nude) mice and in other inbred mouse strains., P I. Folb, A Timme, and A Horowitz
Nocardia water-soluble mitogen and lipopolysaccharide. Comparative study of two adjuvants and b-cell mitogens in mice., I Lowy, C Bona, R Ciorbaru, and L Chedid
Nocturnin: a circadian target of Pparg-induced adipogenesis., M Kawai, C B. Green, M Horowitz, Bicknell C. Ackert, Czernik B. Lecka, and C J. Rosen
N-octylamine difference spectra of cytochromes p-450 and p-448 from rat and mouse liver, a species difference., W Levin, D Ryan, S West, and A Y. Lu
NOD congenic mice genetically protected from autoimmune diabetes remain resistant to transplantation tolerance induction., T Pearson, T G. Markees, L S. Wicker, D V. Serreze, L B. Peterson, J P. Mordes, A A. Rossini, and D L. Greiner
Node-like areas of intramembraneous particles in the unensheathed axons of dystrophic mice., G M. Bray, M J. Cullen, A J. Aguayo, and M Rasminsky
No detectable reiteration of genes coding for mouse mopc 41 immunoglobulin light-chain mrna., M Farace, M Aellen, P Briand, C H. Faust, P Vassalli, and B Mach
No development of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis in nude mice., G Wick, S Schwarz, and P U. Muller
NOD/LtSz-Rag1null mice: an immunodeficient and radioresistant model for engraftment of human hematolymphoid cells, HIV infection, and adoptive transfer of NOD mouse diabetogenic T cells., L D. Shultz, P A. Lang, S W. Christianson, B Gott, B Lyons, S Umeda, E Leiter, R Hesselton, E J. Wagar, J H. Leif, O Kollet, T Lapidot, and D L. Greiner
NOD/LtSz-Rag1nullPfpnull mice: a new model system with increased levels of human peripheral leukocyte and hematopoietic stem-cell engraftment., L D. Shultz, S Banuelos, B Lyons, R Samuels, L Burzenski, B Gott, P Lang, J Leif, M Appel, A Rossini, and D L. Greiner
NOD marrow stem cells adoptively transfer diabetes to resistant (NOD x NON)F1 mice., D V. Serreze, E H. Leiter, S M. Worthen, and L D. Shultz
NOD mice have a generalized defect in their response to transplantation tolerance induction., T G. Markees, D V. Serreze, N E. Phillips, C H. Sorli, E J. Gordon, L D. Shultz, R J. Noelle, B A. Woda, D L. Greiner, J P. Mordes, and A A. Rossini
NOD-scid IL2rgamma(null) mouse model of human skin transplantation and allograft rejection., W J. Racki, L Covassin, M Brehm, S Pino, R Ignotz, R Dunn, J Laning, S K. Graves, A A. Rossini, L D. Shultz, and D L. Greiner
Nodule bioassay of the mouse mammary tumor virus, modifications and quantitative considerations., S Nandi, S Haslam, C Helmich, and R I. Ritter
Nodule inducing virus (niv) in balb/c mouse. Abstr., L J. Young
Nodule like alveolar lesions (nlal) induced by dmba and hormonal influence on its binding to mammary dna in organ culture. Abstr., N T. Telang, A B. Kundu, L R. Crump, and M R. Banerjee
Nodules in the livers of c3h mice after long-term carbon tetrachloride adminstration. A light and electron microscopic study., D B. Confer and R J. Stenger
NOD x 129.H2(g7) backcross delineates 129S1/SvImJ-derived genomic regions modulating type 1 diabetes development in mice., E H. Leiter, P C. Reifsnyder, R Wallace, R Li, B King, and G C. Churchill
No evidence for foreign h-2 specificities on the el4 mouse lymphoma., L Flaherty and E Rinchik
No evidence of low intestinal absorption of minerals in x-linked hypophosphatemic (hyp) mice. Abstr., R A. Meyer Jr., M H. Meyer, and B Pollard
No interstrain differences in incidence of cleft palate in mouse embryos intra-amniotically injected with hydrocortisone., M Dostal and R Jelinek
Noise as an environmental problem in the animal house., J Pfaff
Noise-induced hearing loss, auditory evoked potentials, and protect- ion from audiogenic seizures in mice., J F. Willott, K R. Henry, and F George
No male-female difference in in vitro lifespan of skin fibroblasts from humans and mice., P Ebbesen
Nomenclature., J Staats
Nomenclature for h-2 and ia antigens defined by monoclonal antibodies., J Klein, D Gotze, G J. Hammerling, and H Lemke
Nonablative neonatal marrow transplantation attenuates functional and physical defects of beta-glucuronidase deficiency., B W. Soper, M D. Lessard, C A. Vogler, B Levy, W G. Beamer, W S. Sly, and J E. Barker
Nonadaptive behavior resulting from a series of defeats in fighting mice., J P. Scott and M V. Marston
Non-adaptive rejection of small tumour inocula as a model of immune surveillance., A H. Greenberg and M Greene
Nonantibody-mediated suppression of delayed hypersensitivity to hyman gamma-globulin in mice., C Clark, M M. Azar, and D F. Gleason
Nonantigenicity and immunologic tolerance, the role of the carrier in the induction of tolerance to the hapten., D T. Golan and Y Borel
Non-carcinogenicity of hexamethylenetetramine in mice and rats., G Della porta, M Colnaghi, and G Parmiani
Noncoding nucleotide sequence in the 3'-terminal region of a mouse immunoglobulin kappa chain messenger rna determined by analysis of complementary dna., O D. Bernard, J Jackson, S Cory, and J M. Adams
Noncompetitive cell-mediated inhibition of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (adcc). Abstr., S B. Pollack and M V. Herrick
Noncoordinate expression of murine mammary tumor virus gene products., Y A. Teramoto, D Medina, C Mcgrath, and J Schlom
Noncoordinate expression of sv40-induced transformation and tumorigenicity in mouse cell hybrids., N Howell and R Sager
Non-coordinate expression of sv40 transformation in cell hybrids. Abstr., N Howell and R Sager
Non-covalent association of igm subunits produced by reduction and alkylation., R M. Parkhouse
Non-cross-reacting resistance to virus induced mouse mammary tumours in virus infected c3h mice., J Vaage
Noncycling tumor cells, mitogenic response to antilymphocytic serum., J J. Decosse and S Gelfant
Noncytolytic extraction of murine tumor-specific transplantation antigens with the nonionic detergent octyl-beta-d-glucopyranoside., S J. Legrue, C M. Macek, and B D. Kahan
Noncytolytic extraction of tumor antigen using the nonionic detergent octylglucoside. Abstr., S Legrue, C Macek, and B D. Kahan
Non-cytotoxic anti-tumor proteins proliferated by actinomycete. Abstr., S Korman and M D. Tendler
Non-disjunction and maternal age in the mouse., R C. Goodlin
Nondisjunction and reduced fertility caused by the tobacco mouse metacentric chromosomes., B Cattanach and H Moseley
Nondisjunction in aging female mice., R H. Martin, F J. Dill, and J R. Miller
Non-disjunction of the fourth chromosome of Drosophila., C C. Little
Nondissociating cationic immune complexes can deposit in glomerular basement membrane., glaser T. Caulin, G R. Gallo, and M E. Lamm
none listed., Jean V. Davis
None listed., David Solley
Nonequivalence of surgical and natural denervation in dystrophic mouse muscles., P Law and H Atwood
Non-freezable water and spin-lattice relaxation time in muscle con- taining a growing tumor., B M. Fung
Nongenetic heterogeneity of mouse beta galactosidase., A J. Lusis, G A. Breen, and K Paigen
Nongenetic heterogeneity of mouse beta-galactosidase., A J. Lusis, G A. Breen, and K Paigen
Nongenetic host factors that affect the probability of rejection of h-x allografts in the mouse., H I. Kohn
Nongenetic variability in susceptibility to oncogenesis., R T. Prehn
Non-germ-line elements (NGE) are present in the T cell receptor beta-chain genes isolated from the mutant mouse, motheaten (me/me)., M Hagiya, D D. Davis, L D. Shultz, and H Sakano
Non h-2 antigens of mice. Abstr., D B. Amos
Non-h-2 antigens on fibroblasts and an embryocarcinoma cell line react with xenoantisera against h-2 antigens., S Kvist, L Ostberg, and P A. Peterson
Non-h-2 antigens serving as carrier determinants in a primary anti-thy-1 response in mice., M B. Zaleski and T J. Gorzynski
Non-h-2 directed immunoregulation of primary b-cell responses. Abstr., S K. Pierce and N R. Klinman
Non-h-2 foreign alloantigens on chemically induced sarcoma cells as detected by graft-versus-host reaction. Abstr., G Parmiani and G Invernizzi
Non-h-2 gene regulation of h-2 determined mlr suppressor factor expression. Abstr., S S. Rich, F M. Orson, and R R. Rich
Non h-2 genes on the 17th chromosome of the mouse. Skin grafting studies. Abstr., L Flaherty
Non-h-2-linked genetic control of murine cell-mediated lympholysis to autologous cells modifed with fluorescein isothiocyante (ftc-self)., P K. Arora and G M. Shearer
Non-h-2-linked genetic control of resistance to balb/c fibrosarcoma meth-a., Y Mizushima, F Sendo, N Takeichi, and H Kobayashi
Non-h-2 linked genetic control of the humoral response to an h-2 antigen. Abstr., T H. Hansen, S E. Cullen, and D H. Sachs
Non-h-2 restriction of expression of passively transferred delayed sensitivity., P A. Berche and R J. North
Non-heritable coat color variation, a multiple recurrence in the house mouse., G D. Snell, P W. Lane, and P Harnish
Non-heritable coat color variation; a multiple recurrence in the house mouse., G D. Snell, P W. Lane, and P Harnish
Non-homogenous distribution of plutonium in mouse testes. Abstr., J J. Russell, A Lindenbaum, and D Grahn
Non-hormonal burst in the level of camp caused by a 'temperature shock' to mouse thymocytes., Y Zick, R Cesla, and S Shaltiel
Non-identical peptide chains in mouse encephalitis virus., R R. Rueckert and P H. Duesberg
Nonimmune and immune surveillance. I. Growth of tumors and normal fetal tissues grafted into newborn mice., S N. Zinzar, moldavsky G. Svet, and N V. Karmanova
Nonimmune and immune surveillance. II. Effect of recipient's age, tumor immunogenicity, and neonatal thymectomy on tumor growth inhibition., S N. Zinzar, moldavsky G. Svet, and N V. Karmanova
Nonimmunogeneic sarcomas induced by 3-methylcholanthrene treatment of murine fibroblasts in diffusion chambers., G Carbone and G Parmiani
Nonimmunogenic radiation-induced lymphoma: immunity induction by a somatic cell hybrid., E Yefenof, M Goldapfel, and R Ber
Non-immunological cell death of intravenously injected murine tumour cells., C J. Bishop and K J. Donald
Non-immunosuppressive therapeutic action of cyclophosphamide in nzb/w mice. Abstr., D Chia, L Levy, W H. Carnes, and E V. Barnett
Noninbred mutant mouse stocks differ in teratologic responsiveness to retinoic acid., H Kalter
Noninfectious akr mouse embryo cell lines in which each cell has the capacity to be activated to produce infectious murine leukemia virus., W P. Rowe, J W. Hartley, and M R. Lander
Non-infectious virus induces cytotoxic t lymphocytes and binds to target cells to permit their lysis., J C. Palmer, L J. Lewandowski, and D Waters
Noninvasiveness of human tumors in the athymic (nude) mouse. Abstr., D P. Devore, D P. Houchens, A A. Ovejera, and T B. Hutson
Non-leukaemic akr mice are not tolerant to cells of leukaemia induced by gross virus., J F. Dore, E Ajuria, and G Mathe
Non leukaemic akr mice are not tolerant to cells of leukaemia induced by gross virus. Abstr., G Mathe, J Dore, and E Ajuria
Nonleukemic nature of splenic stroma in friend leukemia. Abstr., S B. Levy, C Rubinstein, and M Tavassoli
Nonlinear current-voltage relationships in cultured macrophages., E K. Gallin and D R. Livengood
Nonmalignancy of hybrids derived from two mouse malignant cells. II. Analysis of malignancy of lm (tk-) cl 1d parental cells., J Jami and E Ritz
Non-malignant late effects of radiation and leukemia induction. Abstr., W G. Schug and F C. Ludwig
Non-mendelian inheritance of the t12 allele in vitro. Abstr., J Mcgrath and N Hillman
Non-metastasising variants selected from metastasising melanoma cells., T Tao and M M. Burger
Nonmetric analysis of genetic relationships among inbred strains of mice., R Guttman and L Guttman
Non-mhc linked genetic control of murine cell-mediated lympholysis to trinitrophenyl-modified syngeneic cells [tnp-self]. Abstr., P K. Arora and G M. Shearer
Non-monotonic dose-response to chemotherapy of murine b-16 melanoma (mm). Abstr., L Norton, R Simon, L Tansman, and J F. Holland
Non-mutagenicity of phosphonoacetic acid (disodium salt) in in vitro tests and in rodents. Abstr., B A. Becker, B A. Bopp, D J. Brusick, and S B. Lehrer
Non-mutagenicity of the hair dye, henna, in the ames test., J Stamberg, R Werczberger, and Y Koltin
Non-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies can prevent lethal alphavirus encephalitis., A L. Schmaljohn, E D. Johnson, J M. Dalrymple, and G A. Cole
Non-nitro radiosensitizers: in vitro and in vivo sensitization with amine n-oxides. Abstr., D M. Brown, N Y. Yu, W W. Lee, and J M. Brown
Nonobese diabetic mice and the genetics of diabetes susceptibility., E H. Leiter
Non-obese diabetic-recombination activating gene-1 (NOD-Rag1 null) interleukin (IL)-2 receptor common gamma chain (IL2r gamma null) null mice: a radioresistant model for human lymphohaematopoietic engraftment., T Pearson, L D. Shultz, D Miller, M King, J Laning, W Fodor, A Cuthbert, L Burzenski, B Gott, B Lyons, O Foreman, A A. Rossini, and D L. Greiner
Nonpairing of the x and y chromosomes in the spermatocytes of bdf1 mice., M Rapp, E Therman, and C Denniston
Non-pancreatic proteases of the chymotrypsin family. II. Two pro- teases from a mouse mast cell tumor., W H. Vensel, J Komender, and E A. Barnard
Nonproducer malignant tumor cells with rescuable sarcoma virus genome isolated from a recurrent moloney sarcoma., E Weiland, M Mussgay, and F Weiland
Nonprogressive sperm motility is characteristic of most complete t haplotypes in the mouse., clarke P. Olds
Nonproliferation in dermal condensations of mouse vibrissae and pelage hairs., N K. Wessells and K D. Roessner
Non-protein sulfhydryl content and cell-cycle dynamics of ehrlich ascites tumor., J W. Harris and H M. Patt
Non-protein sulfhydryl content during growth of normal and x-irrad- iated ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Abstr., J W. Harris and H M. Patt
Non-protein sulfhydryl content of ehrlich ascites tumor cells exposed to hyperbaric oxygen or x-irradiation., J W. Harris
Non-protein sulphydryl and glutathione content of ehrlich ascites tumour cells after treatment with the radioprotectors aet, cysteamine and glutathione., H G. Modig and L Revesz
Non-random association of chromosomes during mitotic metaphase in tissue cells of the mouse., D Bennett
Nonrandom chromosome changes involving the ig gene-carrying chromosomes 12 and 6 in pristane-induced mouse plasmacytomas., S Ohno, M Babonits, F Wiener, J Spira, and M Potter
Non-random distribution of surface immunoglobulin on murine b lymphocytes., A K. Abbas, K A. Ault, M J. Karnovsky, and E R. Unanue
Nonrandom distribution of vibriolytic foci in the spleen of mice lacking 'background' antibody., J Cerny, R M. Alack, and H Friedman
Non-random duplication of chromosome 15 in murine t-cell leukemias: further studies on translocation heterozygotes., F Wiener, J Spira, M Babonits, ghera N. Haran, and G Klein
Nonrandom inclusion of h-2k and h-2d antigens in friend virus particles from mice of various strains., J E. Bubbers, S Chen, and F Lilly
Non-random segregation during mammalian oogenesis., M Kaufman
Nonrandom x-chromosome inactivation--an artifact of cell selection., B B. Mukherjee and R G. Milet
Non-random x-chromosome inactivation in the mouse: difference of reaction to imprinting., D S. Falconer, J H. Isaacson, and I K. Gauld
Non-reciprocal density-dependent mitotic inhibition in mixed cultures of embryonic chick and mouse fibroblasts., D L. Njeuma
Non-recurrence rate of spontaneous mouse tumors treated with surgery and combination chemotherapy. Abstr., D S. Martin
Non-repetitive dna transcription in mouse cells grown in tissue culture., L J. Grady and W P. Campbell
Non-repetitive dna transcripts in nuclei and polysomes of polyoma- -transformed and non-transformed mouse cells., L J. Grady and W P. Campbell
Non-responder mice by linear random copolymers of l-amino acids., B Benacerraf, J A. Kapp, P Debre, C W. Pierce, D F. Croix, and I O. Genetic
Nonresponsiveness to the male antigen h-y in h-2 i-a-mutant b6.c-h-2bm12 Is not caused by defective antigen presentation., L P. De waal, J D. Hoop, M J. Stukart, H Gleichmann, O W. Melvold, and C J. Melief
Non-semiconservative incorporation of labelled 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine in lymphoma cells treated with low doses of methyl methanesulphonate., S R. Ayad, M Fox, and B W. Fox
Non-sequential expression of multiple immunoglobulin classes by isolated b-cell clones., P J. Gearhart
Nonsequential expression of multiple immunoglobulin classes by isola- ted phosphorylcholine specific clones. Abstr., P J. Gearhart, N H. Sigal, and N R. Klinman
Nonspecific acid esterase activity. A criterion for differentiation of t and b lymphocytes in mouse lymph nodes., J Mueller, G B. Re, H Buerki, H Keller, M W. Hess, and H Cottier
Nonspecific activation of murine lymphocytes. Iii. Cells responding mitogenically to 2-mercaptoethanol are typical unstimulated lymphocytes., M G. Goodman, J M. Fidler, and W O. Weigle
Nonspecific activation of murine lymphocytes. II. Parameters of the interaction between splenic lymphocytes and radiolabeled 2-mercaptoethanol in vitro., M G. Goodman and W O. Weigle
Nonspecific activation of murine lymphocytes. I. Proliferation and polyclonal activation induced by 2-mercaptoethanol and alpha-thioglycenol., M G. Goodman and W O. Weigle
Nonspecific activation of murine lymphocytes. IV. Proliferation of a distinct, late maturing lymphocyte subpopulation induced by 2-mercaptoethanol., M G. Goodman, J M. Fidler, and W O. Weigle
Nonspecific activation of murine lymphocytes. Vii. Functional correlates of molecular structure of thiol compounds., M G. Goodman and W O. Weigle
Nonspecific activation of murine lymphocytes. Viii. Effects of d-penicillamine., M G. Goodman and W O. Weigle
Nonspecific activation of murine lymphocytes. VI. Mediation of synergistic interaction between t and b lymphocytes by a cell-associated, reciprocally acting lymphocyte proliferation helper., M G. Goodman and W O. Weigle
Nonspecific activation of murine lymphocytes. V. Role of cellular collaboration between t and b lymphocytes in the proliferative and polyclonal responses to 2-mercapto- ethanol., M G. Goodman and W O. Weigle
Nonspecific activation of the alternative complement pathway by leukemic cells of akr mice. Abstr., H Okada and N Okada
Nonspecific and specific immunosuppression in tumour-bearing mice by soluble immune complexes., R M. Gorczynski, D G. Kilburn, R A. Knight, C Norbury, and J B. Smith
Nonspecific cytotoxicity in graft-versus-host reactions., J N. Singh, E Sabbadini, and A H. Sehon
Nonspecific cytotoxicity of spleen cells and the specific cytotoxic action of thymus-derived lymphocytes in vitro., C Grant and P Alexander
Non-specific cytotoxicity of spleen cells in mice bearing transplanted chemically induced fibrosarcomas., A Mantovani, R Evans, and P Alexander
Non-specific cytotoxicity of spleen cells in mice bearing transplanted chemically induced fibrosarcomas., A Mantovani, R Evans, and P Alexander
Nonspecific cytotoxic responses in mice during infection with trypanosoma cruzi: characterization of the effector cells. Abstr., F M. Hatcher, M C. Cerrone, and R E. Kuhn
Non-specific decrease of cell-mediated immunity in female mice during syngeneic and allogeneic pregnancy., cendrzak A. Skowron, W Ptak, M Bubak, and Z Czarnik
Nonspecific delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity suppression produced by skin grafting., J F. Burdick and L S. Leipziger
Non specific effector-induced enzyme modulation in isolated plasma membranes., A Zachowski, samour D. Migliore, A Paraf, and P Jolles
Non-specific effects of suppressor cells in tumor-bearing (tb) mice. Abstr., J M. Jessup, B D. Kahan, and N R. Pellis
Nonspecific enhancement of mouse antihapten ige antibody response: involvement of a t-cell subpopulation and its product for the potentiation., S Kojima, T Kamijo, and Z Ovary
Non-specific enhancement of the plaque-forming cell response in the presence of primed spleen cells and specific immunogen. Abstr., A S. Rubin and A H. Coons
Nonspecific enhancing factors in culture supernatant fluids of normal thymocytes activated by complexes of synthetic homopolyribonucleo- tides. Abstr., P H. Bick and A G. Johnson
Non-specific esterase and cholinesterase in mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy. Abstr., M C. Templeton, R L. Hunter, and B W. Wilson
Nonspecific esterases of mus musculus., J Peters
Non-specific factor replaces t cells in an igg response to soluble antigens., J R. North, J T. Kemshead, and B A. Askonas
Non-specific factors affecting the fate of skin allografts under conditions of a weak host's response., M Polackova and V Viklicky
Non-specific factors can induce s-igd on the intermediate, "pre-progenitor" b cells that give adoptive primary responses., K Shortman, A Wilson, J Baker, and J Layton
Nonspecific factors in b cell responses., P Marrack, S D. Graham Jr., E Kushnir, H J. Leibson, E Roehm, and J W. Kappler
"nonspecific" Immunoenhancing t cells in tumor-bearing mice include anti-idiotypic subsets., N Behforouz, D D. Eardley, and J Cerny
Nonspecific immunoprevention of l1210 leukemia by cord factor (6-6' dimycolate of trehalose) administered in a metabolizable oil., C Leclerc, A Lamensans, L Chedid, J Drapier, J Petit, J Wietzerbin, and E Lederer
Non-specific immunosuppressive effects of mouse spleen extracts in vitro., K N. Ward and A J. Munro